3ABN Homecoming

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: HC

Program Code: HC200018S

00:07 It's time to ignite the flames of revival
00:10 with 3ABN's first Interactive Homecoming Camp Meeting.
00:14 It's time to rise and shine...
00:17 we are the light of the world.
00:21 Turn up the light,
00:23 let it shine bright like never before.
00:28 In a world that's dark
00:30 the only hope we have is Jesus Christ.
00:35 So turn up the light,
00:38 let it shine bright...
00:40 turn up, turn up the light!
00:45 Good morning and happy Sabbath. Welcome to 3ABN
00:49 Fall Camp Meeting the divine worship hour.
00:52 We've just been blessed with an incredible SS message.
00:55 I know you enjoyed being on there. And then the question
00:57 and answers afterward: that was something a little different
01:00 that we normally don't do.
01:01 But we are so glad that you have joined us.
01:03 We're thankful for your participation.
01:05 What a beautiful Sabbath day we have here in So. Illinois!
01:08 We're coming to you from the Worship Center here at 3ABN.
01:11 And we are so blessed. Why? Well, because God
01:14 is on the throne but also because you are part of our
01:17 3ABN family. I think of Psalm 118:24
01:23 that says: "This is the day which the Lord has made.
01:26 Let us... " What? Rejoice! "rejoice and be glad in it. "
01:29 But what an incredible Camp Meeting we've had already!
01:31 It's hard to believe it's Sabbath already.
01:33 I know. I love Camp Meeting. I love the opportunity
01:35 we have to connect with you at home and to
01:37 open up the Word of God Pastor John and to study.
01:40 Now you've been our featured speaker this whole time.
01:43 The theme Turn Up The Light based off of Isaiah 60!
01:47 Isaiah 60... yes. The reason that theme was
01:50 interesting to me is because it's always become
01:52 such a clarion call: turn up the light.
01:56 I survived the blackout of New York City.
01:58 I was there in 1977.
02:01 I was there in 1965 when that... I was a little boy.
02:04 We won't go back any more... we won't go any further years back.
02:07 And I survived both of those but we were so excited when
02:10 the lights came back on.
02:11 And we're living in a very dark time.
02:13 And we as a people have been committed to communicating
02:16 the light of God's Word. But in the dark times
02:18 in which we're living now... Need I say more about
02:21 the world's challenges?
02:22 It is time for the church of God to turn up the light.
02:25 And Isaiah says if we do that
02:27 the kings, the leaders of the earth will come to the
02:30 brightness... the GENTILES will come to the brightness
02:33 of our rising. So there are many people
02:35 in this age now that are chal- lenged by COVID, unemployment,
02:39 all the other issues that need to know that there is
02:42 some light amid all the darkness that's taking place around us.
02:45 Amen! Absolutely! Powerful messages!
02:48 I know we heard from Pastor John Wednesday night
02:50 as well as last night.
02:53 We have two more messages coming from Pastor John
02:56 this afternoon as well.
02:58 But divine worship hour is our very own Danny Shelton
03:01 and we're going to introduce him in a little bit.
03:03 I'm looking forward to what the Lord is going to do
03:06 in and through him.
03:07 This entire weekend we've been focusing on
03:10 Turn Up The Light... really focused on the Three Angels'
03:12 Messages. Pastor, John, of course, you did the overview
03:15 opening night. Yes. Then the first angel's message
03:17 last night. That's right. And then this afternoon
03:20 Second and Third Angels' Message. And this booklet...
03:22 I just wanted to mention this booklet... The Three
03:24 Angels' Messages in Summary
03:26 which you could say the sermons were focused or based on
03:30 the 3 Angels' Messages off of this book as well.
03:32 Yes. As a matter of fact the first one was the foundation
03:35 as you pointed out. And the second one was talking about
03:38 the times in which we live: the first angel's message.
03:41 Um-hmm. This is the generation to bring these messages out.
03:45 This is the time to just let the world know
03:47 because we believe, and the Bible makes it clear, that
03:49 these messages are to be proclaimed before the coming
03:53 of Jesus. And if we're convinced of that
03:56 and convicted and commissioned by that
03:58 what better time to proclaim to the world
04:00 a message that says to humanity
04:03 that "For God so loved the world. " Amen!
04:06 You know, these messages are not easy messages
04:08 as you can tell. The first angel's message: the judgment
04:11 hour coming. And then the next one coming, the next two,
04:14 about Babylon and then the mark of the beast.
04:17 These are not easy messages.
04:18 But when you think about who Jesus is
04:20 it's imperative that we wrap these difficult messages
04:23 into two ways: an appeal to all human hearts
04:26 the love of Christ must come through, but the urgency
04:30 has to be there. As I said if a flood was coming...
04:32 if a hurricane was coming and you lived in the Gulf Coast,
04:35 would you want to be warned? Oh yes! Oh, absolutely!
04:38 If your bank was about to close,
04:41 you'd wanna know. You would want to know!
04:42 And if you were sitting in the airport and this was the last
04:45 flight for the evening and you're going home
04:46 would you want to hear the announcement?
04:48 I'm thinking like out West, Pastor. All these fires coming.
04:51 When the fire is coming you want to KNOW that the fire
04:53 is coming to your neighborhood. And there IS a fire coming
04:56 to this earth. Ah, far greater. As someone once said
05:00 years ago when Mt. St. Helens blew up
05:02 there was a gentlemen continually warned, and he said:
05:04 "Well this is my home. "
05:05 He was the first casualty.
05:07 Well, it is not God's desire... He is not willing that any
05:10 should perish. Amen to that!
05:11 So these are the messages of God's love.
05:12 Urgent... but filled with Christ's love.
05:15 Wrapped in the everlasting gospel. Everlasting gospel.
05:17 That is the best part about the three angels' messages
05:20 is that Christ, the Lord Jesus, is central in each one
05:24 of those messages. So this booklet... we know this is
05:26 the Sabbath hours so we would encourage you after Sabbath
05:30 you can go online and you can get this booklet to share
05:34 in your community as an evangelistic tool
05:37 or evangelistic outreach. Right now the books have been
05:40 paid for as far as the printing so all you would pay for
05:43 is the shipping. Wow! That's incredible!
05:45 And we're all about evangelism; 3ABN is all about evangelism.
05:48 And we know that you are all about evangelism too.
05:50 So like Jill said we know this is the Sabbath
05:52 so we don't want to be doing a lot of "commercial stuff"
05:55 on the Sabbath Day. But yeah, contact us after
05:57 or during regular business hours. We'll be happy
05:59 to tell you the details. So let's transition into
06:02 song service, Pastor. Church service; we need song service.
06:05 What's the opening song?
06:06 He Lives! You know that's a fact so I want the audience
06:10 to sing with us. The words may appear on the screen
06:12 but even if they don't we've chosen hymns...
06:14 Tim and I are going to sing together with you and
06:16 wherever you are whether home, small gathering, or in a church
06:20 somewhere. Join us wherever you are around the world.
06:23 We're going to start with He Lives!
09:16 Now let's tell the whole world:
10:48 Wow! Amen! AMEN! Praise the Lord!
10:51 Boy, I'm looking forward to Jesus coming again
10:53 and He is coming really soon.
10:55 Thank you for singing along with us!
10:57 We could literally - almost - hear everyone singing
11:00 at home. That's right! And you all sounded way better
11:02 than Greg and I, but Pastor John and Tim sounded very good.
11:05 Oh my! Absolutely incredible.
11:06 I was thinking here we are standing and I bet some of you
11:09 at home actually stood up and sang the opening song
11:12 for the divine worship hour along with us.
11:14 You know, Jesus Christ is coming again so very soon
11:17 and we just want to say thank you again
11:19 for standing with the ministry of 3ABN for almost 36 years.
11:24 We hear from a number of you on a monthly basis.
11:27 You've been supporting from the very beginning,
11:29 many of you just recently. But thank you for your vision
11:32 for evangelism. Yes! You're mak- ing a difference in the world.
11:35 Sweetheart, we should have an opening prayer. Absolutely.
11:38 Please, thank you. Holy Father, we come before You
11:41 in the name of Jesus. We thank you for the gift
11:43 of Sabbath. Amen! Thank you for these 24 hours
11:47 You have set apart and made holy.
11:49 Thank you for your presence here, and we just ask
11:52 right now for the anointing of Your Holy Spirit
11:56 on your manservant Danny Shelton as he breaks the bread of life
12:00 to us today. We ask that we would have
12:03 an open heart, ears to hear,
12:05 and a heart to receive the message from Your Word.
12:09 Thank you that You are our God and our Savior.
12:13 In Jesus' name, Amen. Amen.
12:18 I'd like to invite Dr. Yvonne Shelton to come out
12:20 and share with us for just a moment.
12:22 I'm going to switch places, let the two ladies
12:23 stand together here. OK. Dr. Yvonne: air hug to you.
12:28 Air hug... air hug.
12:30 You know, this COVID has been quite the...
12:32 Oh, I don't know what we want to describe it,
12:34 but what a thing we've dealt with in the world because
12:36 we're such social beings. You know, hugs and - yes!
12:41 handshakes and Camp Meeting being virtual.
12:44 We're used to a full house here though we know we've got
12:46 a full house worldwide that are watching, but...
12:48 it's an amazing time that we live in.
12:50 It really is. We're not used to not being able to touch.
12:54 We're very "touchy/feely. " You know, it's like
12:56 "Oh, I'm so glad to see you! "
12:58 And we can't really do that now and the whole world is changed.
13:02 As of January everything just changed.
13:06 And so I'm really thankful that we're part of a ministry
13:10 that can adjust to all of that - Amen to that -
13:12 and can continue getting the gospel out to the world.
13:15 What a blessing it is to be part of 3ABN! Amen!
13:18 Amen... that's right.
13:20 You know, I think when God called Danny
13:23 36 years ago it will be in November
13:25 to build a television station that would reach the world
13:27 with the undiluted three angels' messages,
13:31 one that would counteract the counterfeit
13:33 I've just seen Danny's faithfulness to that vision
13:36 for so many years and to see the way the ministry
13:39 has grown! Yes. To watch from one network
13:42 which we call the "parent network"
13:44 to all the other networks! We broadcast in Spanish 24/7.
13:49 In French 24/7.
13:52 In Russian 24/7.
13:55 And then there's the Kids Network and Dare to Dream
13:58 focused specifically on the inner-city urban audience.
14:02 Praise Him! 24/7 music.
14:05 Proclaim: preaching and teaching. Australia.
14:08 What an incredible gift - yes - that's been growing from
14:12 that one network from that one vision
14:14 to nine networks and five radio networks.
14:20 It's amazing to me to see the way God has grown this
14:23 ministry, and that has happened because of you at home.
14:26 You are part of the ministry of 3ABN
14:30 and because of your prayers, because you partner with us
14:33 on projects, on what's happening here in the ministry,
14:37 people come to know Jesus and make a decision to follow Him.
14:41 It's amazing to me the stories that we get:
14:45 people whose lives are changed through the ministry.
14:48 You know, and also with COVID I think 3ABN... we know that
14:51 3ABN is here for such a time as this, Dr. Yvonne. Yes!
14:53 You know we talk about that all of us administratively
14:55 off camera that 3ABN is here for such a time as this.
14:59 And I think the power of the Internet is incredible.
15:01 You know, 3ABN... When 3ABN started, the Internet really
15:05 wasn't there. That's right... that's right.
15:07 And now here we can bring 3ABN to you on your cellphone.
15:10 People... this is the power of the Internet...
15:11 People can search online, right? You've all heard of Google
15:14 and other search engines and you can just type in
15:17 second coming or other things like that... the Sabbath
15:19 and 3ABN often times comes up as one of the top search results.
15:23 What a blessing! That's powerful because
15:24 we have people now... we receive e-mails
15:27 and messages throughout every week of people that have
15:30 just stumbled across... You know it's not stumbling...
15:33 it's a divine appointment - that's right; that's right -
15:35 across 3ABN. And we hear those stories
15:37 on a daily basis and it's encouraging. Um-hmm.
15:40 It's amazing to me how many people come to know the Lord
15:44 through 3ABN and will walk into a church
15:47 ready for baptism.
15:49 It's amazing, isn't it? It is!
15:50 You hear stories all the time about people coming in
15:53 from different places. They watch 3ABN
15:56 and they say: "Wow! I want to get baptized!
15:59 Where's the closest SDA church? I want to get baptized. "
16:02 So what a blessing it is that we're doing this.
16:06 And we cannot do it without you.
16:08 We're just here up here
16:10 you know, we're talking and we're praying and all that
16:14 but without you - the rest of our 3ABN family -
16:18 we can't get the gospel to the world.
16:20 So we are dependent upon our partners to get
16:23 the gospel to the world.
16:25 I have to just share this really quick story
16:26 'cause this is an e-mail that just came in.
16:29 And this is thanks to the Internet.
16:31 So a lady wrote this to us and she said she was
16:33 sitting in the hair salon having her hair done. Right?
16:36 So she's sitting there and the hairdresser's working on her
16:38 hair, and in walks a lady that neither one had seen before.
16:42 And she walks into the hair salon and she's all excited.
16:45 As soon as she walks in the door do you know what she's talking
16:47 about? The Sabbath... the seventh-day Sabbath!
16:50 In the hair salon? In the hair salon. Love it... love it!
16:53 So the lady sitting in the chair... she's a SDA.
16:55 She's the one that actually wrote us this e-mail.
16:58 So she's telling us this story. This lady walks in
17:00 saying: "Oh, I just found out this incredible information.
17:03 The 7th day is the Sabbath! "
17:05 So the hairdresser's sitting there like: "OK... I've never
17:09 heard this before. " The lady in the chair, long story short,
17:12 connects with the lady who just came in.
17:14 The lady who found out about the Sabbath
17:16 she did a YouTube search for the Sabbath and found guess what?
17:20 3ABN. I love it! Love it! 3ABN! And this lady
17:24 is all excited about the Sabbath.
17:25 The hairdresser never heard of the Sabbath.
17:27 Now she's interested in studying the Sabbath as well.
17:30 Praise God! So thanks to 3ABN an Internet search
17:34 this lady found out about the Sabbath.
17:35 Now the hairdresser too. I mean these are stories that we hear
17:38 on a daily basis. This one just came in here just
17:40 before Camp Meeting. Wow! A letter just crossed my desk
17:43 a few weeks ago. A woman wrote in and she said
17:45 "Dear Jill, I want to find Jesus.
17:49 Help me find Jesus. "
17:51 There's people all over the world... people lost and alone.
17:55 People looking for Jesus; people searching for truth
17:58 in the Word of God; people looking for answers.
18:02 And because you partner with us
18:04 we have that tremendous opportunity to share the gospel
18:08 to share Jesus with a lost and dying world.
18:12 We are excited this morning because 3ABN
18:15 has an exciting initiative. We are going
18:19 into a closed Communist country. Oh, yeah... it's fantastic!
18:23 That's the country of Cuba. Praise the Lord!
18:26 We have the opportunity and privilege
18:29 to be able to be the first Christian channel in Cuba.
18:35 On the "package. " The Lord has opened up the doors of
18:39 opportunity. There's a little package which is a USB drive.
18:43 This is how Cubans would purchase their movies,
18:47 their television... their secu- lar television. That's right!
18:50 But 3ABN will be on this package.
18:55 3ABN Latino will be on the package.
18:57 So you can join hands with us today
19:00 in helping 3ABN go to the country of Cuba.
19:05 Yeah, oh... we are so excited about this Dr. Yvonne.
19:08 You know, I went to Cuba in 2001.
19:11 I had just arrived at 3ABN and we went there and recorded
19:14 a series there and it impressed my heart.
19:17 You know, the love for God that the people had in their hearts
19:21 but were finding out, right? You know, 'cause the message
19:23 is being preached; the Word of God is being opened.
19:25 Well now 3ABN, what? Now almost 20 years later
19:27 is now going to be there - 3ABN Latino - in the country
19:31 of Cuba. And God has opened these doors
19:33 and you know what? We have to go through
19:35 because if we don't go through somebody else will.
19:37 So we know that God has opened these doors for 3ABN.
19:40 You know, for 3ABN to broadcast 24/7
19:43 all these networks that you've talked about, it's not free.
19:46 You may say: "What? We get it into our home! "
19:48 Well you know what? It costs money, a tremendous amount
19:51 of money. But God for 36 years
19:54 has never failed this ministry. Amen!
19:57 And He's using you as the vessel to bless the ministry of 3ABN.
20:01 So today we have something really special 'cause we're
20:03 going to be asking... we're doing our offering appeal
20:06 right now, and for any size donation that you give
20:08 to the ministry of 3ABN there's a special gift
20:11 that we want to give to you. And Dr. Yvonne, we want to talk
20:14 to you about that because this is an exciting project
20:16 that we want to share with the viewers.
20:18 Oh yes. Dr. Yvonne has written a brand new book.
20:22 I just have to say that; we'll let her talk about it.
20:24 But called Glimpses of His Glory focused on the names of God.
20:28 I had the privilege to do a sneak-peek
20:30 and read it before it went to press. It's an amazing book!
20:34 Tell us about it. Oh... praise the Lord!
20:35 Well first of all, let me just go back to Cuba for a second
20:38 because when you start talking about it I get a chill.
20:41 The opportunity to go into this country
20:44 where yes, they're spiritual, but we have truth to share with
20:48 them and we're the first Chris- tian network to get in there!
20:52 Ooh! This is an AMAZING opportunity.
20:56 So I'm just... I'm thrilled about that
20:59 and I just know that that is a door that God has opened
21:02 and we MUST walk through. As Mr. Danny so often
21:05 says: "That's a two hander. " Right?
21:06 That's a two hander... that's right - that's a two hander
21:09 for sure... for sure.
21:10 Well the book that I've written...
21:13 It's called Glimpses of His Glory
21:15 and it's a revelation of the character of God
21:18 through His different names and titles.
21:20 So we know like Genesis 1:1
21:25 it says: "In the beginning God created
21:27 the heavens and the earth. " But in the Hebrew it's
21:31 "In the beginning Elohim created the heavens and the earth. "
21:35 And Elohim means God
21:38 but it's an interesting word
21:41 because it's both plural and singular.
21:45 Wow! So it's plural
21:47 in that it reflects plurality
21:50 but yet it's singular in that it reflects the oneness
21:55 of that plurality. So within Elohim
21:59 it's a covenant that God has made
22:04 within the godhead.
22:06 We see the godhead in the name of God
22:09 which cannot be broken. So all of the
22:13 chapters have the name of God
22:17 how to pronounce it because some of the names are really
22:20 hard to pronounce - we need that...
22:22 I think it is too - how to pronounce it;
22:25 Scripture... a foundational text;
22:27 and the context for the name. And then
22:33 a story, a testimony, that demonstrates how God
22:37 has manifested that aspect of His character
22:40 in the person's life.
22:42 And so it's so... Over the years
22:45 I have interviewed so many amazing people
22:48 here at 3ABN whose testimonies have "blown me away. "
22:53 They've just been so powerful showing how God has
22:55 intervened in their lives.
22:57 So I contacted some of them and they have given me permission
23:01 to share their testimony, and that's what I have in the book.
23:05 So I can't... I'm so excited about the book
23:08 because I feel as though... Oh, and there's a prayer
23:11 at the end as well that you can pray aloud.
23:14 And I feel as though this is a way
23:17 to really turn up the heat of your prayer life.
23:20 Sometimes your worship time gets a little mundane,
23:24 a little routine. You can turn up the fire
23:28 with this because you're getting a glimpse of who God is.
23:31 And He just reveals Himself through these names and titles
23:35 so beautifully. It's just... I'm just
23:38 It's almost as though for me, and this is not some
23:41 fake piety or anything, I know the Lord
23:44 wants this book to be out because it shows who He is
23:49 and it demonstrates who He is.
23:51 How loving a God He is... It's all about love. Amen!
23:54 He's so loving. It's an encouraging book.
23:56 I had the privilege and opportunity to read it
23:59 and it brought me closer to Jesus. Praise Jesus!
24:02 When I read the book I fell more in love with Jesus
24:05 and thought "I want to know You more. "
24:07 And it led me into a deeper study of His Word.
24:10 It is an amazing book.
24:12 So for any size donation here this morning
24:15 we will send you a copy of... It's just hot off the press.
24:19 Yeah! Just coming out: Dr. Yvonne Shelton's book
24:23 Glimpses of His Glory.
24:24 So we're going to try something new today.
24:26 You can go online... That's not new.
24:29 That's regular. Go to 3ABN.tv
24:32 click on the donate page and you can scroll down and choose
24:35 anything that you would like to donate for.
24:38 You could donate for Cuba. Um-hmm. We're going to Cuba!
24:42 What a tremendous opportunity and privilege!
24:45 So if you say: "Yes! I want to support the work
24:48 of 3ABN Latino going into Cuba"
24:51 just click on the Cuba button there.
24:53 BUT if you would like to text your pledge this morning -
24:59 this is new - we're going to put the number up
25:01 at the bottom of the screen right now. Text us at:
25:10 That number again is:
25:15 And just say: "Yes! I want to pledge $100. "
25:19 Or $1,000 or $10,000 or maybe one dollar.
25:23 Whatever it is: "I want to pledge to support
25:26 the work of 3ABN and yes, I want Dr. Yvonne Shelton's
25:30 wonderful book on Glimpses of His Glory. "
25:33 Or you can always do it the old fashioned way.
25:35 Checks work well, too... and you can send us a check
25:38 and just put in the memo Yvonne's book
25:41 and whatever you want your donation specifically to go for.
25:44 So when you pledge this morning via text like Jill said
25:47 to the 618-228-3975 number
25:49 don't put your credit card information, OK?
25:52 Just say: "Yes I pledge" like Jill said.
25:54 And then what we will do: we will actually contact you
25:57 next week. So just hold tight... We'll contact you next week.
26:00 But we just want to say thank you for standing with
26:03 the ministry of 3ABN all of these years.
26:06 And you know what's neat is that you see the funds
26:08 that people donate... they're multiplied. Yes!
26:11 God multiplies them and those funds turn into souls
26:13 for the kingdom of Jesus Christ.
26:16 Dr. Yvonne, do you mind to pray for the offering now...
26:18 as it is being taken now? Thank you.
26:20 Father God, we just praise Your name!
26:22 We just thank you so very much for the privilege of
26:25 being able to cooperate with You
26:27 in sharing the gospel with the world.
26:29 And so we ask You to bless this offering.
26:32 We ask You to multiply it, Lord.
26:34 We ask You to continue to be with this ministry
26:37 and be with all of our 3ABN family:
26:40 the viewers and the listeners
26:41 who are a part of our family, Lord.
26:43 Continue to bless, guide, lead, and direct us.
26:46 And we praise You and thank You and look forward
26:49 to Your coming. In Jesus' name, Amen. Amen!
26:52 Dr. Yvonne: stay out here for just a minute. Mr. Danny
26:54 I'd like to ask you to come on right now.
26:56 This is the speaker of the hour.
26:57 I'd like to just have you up here as a couple.
26:58 I think that's really a special thing and just...
27:01 Mr. Danny, I just want to say thank you.
27:02 I know that God has given you this message
27:04 for today. I want to say thank you for your leadership.
27:06 You know, it's a blessing for Jill and myself to be
27:09 a part of the ministry of 3ABN.
27:11 You think about the 36 years.
27:13 Whoever would have thought that we would have a Camp Mtg.
27:15 without people in the live audience, right?
27:17 But yet God has 3ABN here for such a time as this.
27:20 Thank you for your vision.
27:22 Thank you for your vision for evangelism.
27:24 When you see him talk about evangelism
27:26 when we're in these meetings his eyes sparkle
27:29 like you've never seen before.
27:30 And it's just encouraging to young people
27:33 to see someone that has vision. Never lost that.
27:35 And to see you both as a team working together
27:38 for the cause of God: what an inspiration
27:41 for young people such as ourselves.
27:43 Thank you for your vision for the ministry of 3ABN
27:46 and your heart for other people & for the cause of Jesus Christ.
27:50 Thank you, though, for bringing us the message today Mr. Danny.
27:52 All right! Praise the Lord! Amen!
27:53 Thank you, and the book is great. I've been reading it.
27:56 God had really anointed you. Amen! It's a great book.
28:00 Thank you. I also want to say
28:02 I'm so thankful to be a part of a ministry
28:05 that literally is reaching around the world.
28:09 And I especially want to thank of course Yvonne
28:12 but also Greg and Jill Morikone
28:14 for how they have stepped up to the plate
28:17 in the last few years and how God has blessed them
28:20 abundantly. And they're people who are Christians.
28:23 They love Jesus more than anything.
28:25 They're dedicated to this ministry.
28:28 They have a kind heart for people: for employees,
28:31 for workers, those we work with.
28:33 And honestly I could talk quite a while
28:36 but I'm just uplifting the Jesus in them
28:39 because that's what we should do. Not bragging on people.
28:42 And also with my wife Yvonne. What a tremendous blessing
28:46 that she is. Now today I'm going to be a little bit...
28:49 I'm going to say like a "duck out of water"
28:52 because I don't usually like to use notes.
28:55 If I do, there's maybe two or three little things
28:58 that remind me of what I should talk about.
29:00 But today because of the subject matter
29:03 and because of the time I'm going to be reading a lot
29:07 and using a lot... using a lot of scriptures
29:09 because I think it's a very important topic that we have
29:13 today. So I want to kind of stay on track
29:15 and not get sidetracked like I sometimes do.
29:18 I seem to be good at getting sidetracked from time to time.
29:21 But the title of the message today
29:24 is Are We God's Remnant Church?
29:27 Now before we can answer that question
29:29 we should see what the Bible has to say concerning
29:32 God's last-day remnant church.
29:34 If you'll turn with me now: Revelation 12:17. And it says:
29:49 Now, what is a remnant?
29:52 My mother used to work at a dress factory
29:54 and much to the chagrin of my brothers and me
29:57 she would bring home remnant material that her boss gave her
30:01 and she would make shirts for us boys.
30:03 She would use the remnant material
30:06 from these dresses. Believe you me, my brothers
30:09 and I, we weren't very happy about wearing shirts
30:11 that were made from the same cloth as women's dresses.
30:15 But hey, we were poor so when we'd complain about it
30:18 guess what? My mother'd say:
30:20 "Hey, beggars can't be choosers. "
30:23 So what is a remnant? A remnant, I know this from experience,
30:27 is a mirror-like image of the original.
30:30 So the remnant church would be a mirror-like image
30:34 of the true church of God. All right?
30:38 Now, I'm not going to go into the details of the prophecies
30:41 of Daniel and Revelation that one might expect
30:43 when covering this topic of the remnant church.
30:46 And I won't be going into details as to why SDA's believe
30:50 this scripture applies to us as a church.
30:53 Now why not?
30:54 The intent of this sermon - this message -
30:57 is to be a wake-up all TO the church.
30:59 So the rest of you listening: that's OK if you want to
31:02 listen in, but today I really think it's time
31:05 that we talk to the church of God.
31:08 And we want to take a good look at ourselves
31:10 and see if we truly meet the requirements
31:13 of a remnant church. It's a church we claim to be:
31:16 the remnant church. I'm not here to judge you
31:19 and to judge who's going to heaven and who isn't.
31:21 That's God's job... not mine.
31:24 But I am here to say that those who see themselves
31:26 as the "very elect" better make good and certain
31:29 that you meet the qualifications as part of the remnant church.
31:33 Just being a member of the church - now listen to this -
31:36 just being a member of the church who teaches
31:39 they are the remnant church does not make you part of
31:42 the remnant group. Now you got that, right?
31:45 Just because we think we are doesn't mean we are.
31:48 As I'm sure you know politics has woven itself
31:51 into almost everything including the church.
31:54 I'll assure you that today's sermon
31:56 is based on the Bible and not what's politically correct.
32:01 I'm going to say that again. I'm going to say
32:03 what's based on the Bible today
32:04 and not what is politically correct in the world around us.
32:08 But I'm going to tell you in advance that before this sermon
32:11 is over I'm going to guess now that a number of you
32:14 are going to be upset by what I'm going to say
32:17 and you're going to accuse me of jumping into politics.
32:20 Well how do I know that? I've heard it before.
32:22 But I also want to remind you that if your politics
32:25 get in the way of the Bible then what should you do?
32:29 I think you should get rid of the politics, right?
32:31 No matter what side of the aisle you're on.
32:33 So today you're not going to hear me... I'm not rooting for
32:36 Democrats or against them; I'm not rooting
32:38 for Republicans or against them.
32:40 I'm rooting for God. I'm rooting for what we know
32:43 is truth. And God has given us truth as a church -
32:47 a remnant church - to take into all the world.
32:51 I believe God has put this message on my heart
32:53 today to share with you. Some will accept it
32:56 and some won't. That's not for me to worry about.
32:58 The decision will be left in your court...
33:01 you and the Holy Spirit work it out.
33:03 When I'm through please don't write to me that
33:05 you were offended, because if you do
33:07 you'll be telling on yourself. Why?
33:09 Because the Bible says:
33:16 Now do I need to repeat that scripture for you again?
33:19 "Great peace have they which love Thy law
33:21 and nothing shall offend them. "
33:24 So I'm not a politician; today I'm a "Bibliotician. "
33:28 Now don't ask me to break that word down
33:30 'cause I have to tell you I probably just made it up.
33:32 But it sounded OK... all right?
33:34 I'm not a politician; I'm a Bibliotician.
33:37 What we're doing today is I'm going to stick with the Bible.
33:39 Even though I'm talking to the choir
33:41 I want to remind us that according to Revelation 12:17
33:45 God's last-day church, His last-day people,
33:48 are those who have come out of Babylon
33:51 and will be those people who hold the standards high
33:55 in spite of Satan's attacks to destroy
33:57 God's Ten Commandment law.
33:59 These people will be willing to give their lives unto death
34:02 if necessary to keep, protect, reflect,
34:06 and proclaim God's law to a lost and dying world.
34:10 Like those down through the ages
34:12 who have come out of great tribulation
34:14 God's last-day remnant people
34:16 will reflect the character of God.
34:18 Now... Revelation 12:11:
34:28 We SDA's see the remnant church as a visible, historical,
34:33 organized body characterized by the obedience
34:36 to the commandments of God and the possession of a unique
34:39 end-time gospel proclamation.
34:42 Now you know what that proclamation is.
34:44 It's called the three angels' messages.
34:47 So we understand that a remnant church
34:49 or people alive in the closing moments of earth's history
34:52 is a mirror-like image of the original true church.
34:56 Right? Now, though all the world wonders after the beast
35:00 of Revelation guess what? The remnant people of God will not.
35:04 They'll stand firm to the pillars of the Christian faith.
35:07 The remnant church will be in unity
35:10 as was the original church of God.
35:12 They will be one in faith, hope, and doctrine.
35:16 Now let's consider this:
35:18 if the above is true, would it be a fair statement
35:21 to say that it would be impossible
35:23 for the remnant church to be divided?
35:26 I think the common sense answer would be: the remnant
35:29 church what? CANNOT BE divided before Jesus comes
35:34 or it's not the remnant church.
35:36 That probably has some of you confused there.
35:38 Maybe me, too... but that's the way I see it.
35:41 Because I believe a remnant of the remnant
35:43 will be the bride that Jesus comes to take with Him.
35:46 The Christian church at this point
35:49 has already been divided by false teachings that are
35:52 proclaimed as truth by pastors and teachers
35:55 and false prophets. Many shepherds are not willing
35:57 to speak truth because they're trying to please
36:00 all the itching ears in the pews.
36:03 II Timothy 4:3... let's read it.
36:06 If you've got your Bibles, go with me.
36:18 Matthew 24:24 says:
36:32 I'm going to read that part again. You do it with me:
36:42 Well that's an interesting question about who the elect is.
36:46 But I think many of you - many of US -
36:49 believe that we're considered the elect. Those who are
36:52 part of the remnant church. Those who have given their lives
36:55 to Jesus. Those who literally are willing
36:58 we believe to give our lives for the cause of God.
37:01 Well, when we read these scriptures
37:03 many of us if you're like me... Now I'm going to be honest
37:07 for just a moment: probably never once do we apply
37:10 these to ourselves when we talk about "able to deceive
37:15 the very elect" we probably are, you're thinking about me
37:18 and I'm thinking about you, right?
37:21 Why not? Because many of us see ourselves
37:24 differently from the rest of the Christian world
37:26 because we believe - or at least we say we do -
37:29 in the sanctity of God's Ten Commandment law.
37:33 Now many of us seem to believe that keeping all 10 commandments
37:36 of God automatically earns us a spot in heaven
37:40 or makes us part of the remnant church here on earth.
37:43 Now I want to tell you something:
37:44 believing this is a lie.
37:47 It's a lie from the devil.
37:49 Just because you may choose to believe it does not make it true
37:52 any more than if I believe that leaving my goat in my garage
37:56 at the house long enough would turn him into a Dodge truck.
38:00 That's a lie, too. Right? It's a nice thought
38:03 but it's not gonna happen.
38:17 So we're not saved by keeping the Ten Commandments.
38:21 But if we love God, will we keep His Ten Commandments?
38:25 Jesus said it. He said it in John 14:15.
38:33 The remnant will stand out from the crowd.
38:35 They'll be separated from the rest of the world.
38:38 Let's go to I Peter 2:9.
38:40 Get your Bibles. I hope you have your Bibles,
38:42 your sword, with you.
38:58 Now, my question for you would be:
39:01 if a jury made up of your peers, your friends, and your neighbors
39:05 were to weigh all the evidence gathered about you
39:07 would they have enough evidence to convict you
39:10 of being a Christian? Wow! That's pretty tough.
39:13 Would they? What about this:
39:15 would they have enough evidence against you as a SDA Christian
39:19 to convict you of living up, to identifying
39:22 the characteristics of the remnant church?
39:25 Or... sadly... would they have to set you free?
39:28 Now I'm talking to myself too.
39:30 Now this may be a shock for many of you
39:33 but from what I gather from Scripture
39:35 most of us - I'm going to say this slowly - most of us
39:39 would not now qualify as God's remnant church.
39:43 Now that's not to be offensive.
39:45 I'm just saying the people that Jesus is coming back for
39:49 is a purified bride, a purified church...
39:52 those that have come out of great tribulation.
39:55 So let's turn to I Corinthians chapter 13
39:58 and read what God expects of His church.
40:02 To me if we're going to be part of the remnant church
40:05 and that's our desire, let's go to the Word of God
40:08 and say: "Well what are some of these qualifications? "
40:11 I love this:
41:58 I'm reading these scriptures because they're describing
42:01 the identifying characteristics or marks
42:04 of God's last-day remnant church.
42:06 It's all about love and patience's towards God
42:10 and towards one another.
42:12 You see I believe doctrinally that the SDA church
42:15 is the closest to any church that I've seen on this earth
42:19 as far as embracing the identifying marks
42:21 of the remnant church. But remember the Jewish nation
42:24 was God's chosen people. But their allegiance
42:27 to their surrounding culture... Now I'm using the word culture.
42:30 It may come up a little later in this sermon so think about that.
42:35 Their allegiance to their surrounding culture
42:37 became more important than their allegiance to God's law.
42:41 They committed spiritual adultery constantly seeking
42:44 after other gods.
42:47 Now this can happen to you and me also.
42:49 I want to say that like Paul
42:52 I am the chief of sinners.
42:54 I'm not standing up here today telling you that...
42:57 pointing my finger at you. Three of them are pointing back
43:00 at me, OK? Nothing I say to you
43:02 does not apply to me.
43:03 I made many mistakes in my past.
43:05 And guess what? I'll make many more should I live
43:08 a little longer. Hey... but so will you, right?
43:11 When we come to Jesus and confess our sins
43:14 our past is forgiven.
43:15 Praise the Lord! Today I want to talk about
43:18 the future and what God expects of His last-day remnant people.
43:24 Well, let's get down to the message at hand.
43:27 Some of you thought it was over? Not yet.
43:29 We've got a little ways to go here.
43:30 Let me ask you: is teaching... This is very important now:
43:34 Is teaching the sanctity of God's 10 Commandment law
43:37 a spiritual teaching from the Bible or a jab
43:40 at one or both political platforms?
43:43 Now, do I have to repeat that again?
43:46 Let me do it again, all right?
43:48 Is teaching the sanctity of God's 10 Commandment law
43:52 a spiritual teaching - think about it - from the Bible
43:56 or a jab at one or both political platforms?
43:59 Now remember: I say people keep accusing us
44:01 of jumping into politics. That's not our intention today.
44:05 We're going to stick with the Bible.
44:06 Now this is not a trick question:
44:08 I and other Christians including some Seventh-day Adventists
44:11 are being accused by people of just what I said -
44:14 jumping into politics - because what we are preaching
44:17 from the Word of God clashes with their politics.
44:21 Did you know that it is now politically incorrect
44:24 to speak out against the breaking of the 6th and 7th
44:27 commandments? "Thou shalt not kill" which includes abortion
44:31 and the adultery commandment which includes homosexual
44:34 relationships and same-sex marriage?
44:37 I understand that same-sex marriage is legal in the USA.
44:41 Same-sex marriage was law of the land that was promoted
44:45 and championed by then president Barack Obama
44:47 all the way to the Supreme Court where it became law of the land
44:50 in 2015.
44:52 But it is in direct violation of God's law
44:56 and we as a Christian church should not endorse it.
44:59 Same goes with abortion.
45:01 Can you imagine what a temporary victory the devil chalked up
45:04 when he was able to get the United States Congress
45:07 and the Supreme Court of America to legalize the killing
45:10 of millions of the most innocent, vulnerable, helpless
45:14 human beings of God's creation?
45:17 The legalized breaking of the 6th and 7th commandments
45:20 is abhorrent to God.
45:22 There's a reason that of all the laws
45:25 the Creator could write with His own fingers
45:27 in the tables of stone
45:29 that these two commandments were included.
45:31 Now here's the quick version as I don't think I should
45:34 have to do a Bible study while preaching to the choir
45:37 to prove that God knew what He was doing
45:39 by adding the 6th and 7th commandments
45:42 to the other eight, right? You agree with me?
45:44 All right... let's move forward.
45:46 The devil hates the fact that God is the one and only
45:50 Creator. Satan is only an imitator.
45:52 God allowed man the privilege of procreation.
45:55 Satan cannot procreate.
45:57 So it makes sense that he is especially jealous
46:00 of God AND man and that he has unleashed
46:04 an all-out attack to destroy the natural order
46:07 of procreation flowing forth from the life-giving Creator.
46:12 Genesis tells us that God created Adam and Eve
46:15 in the Garden of Eden. He performed the first ever
46:18 wedding ceremony sanctifying matrimony as a holy union
46:23 between one man and one woman.
46:26 Then God later told them to "go and multiply. "
46:29 As you know, two males together or two females
46:33 cannot procreate life.
46:35 Life on this planet would cease in a few generations
46:38 if everyone had subscribed to the LGBTQ lifestyle.
46:44 I mean, think about it.
46:46 Two men? That's not going to work.
46:48 Two women? That's not going to work.
46:51 Satan loves to see the precious babies
46:56 lives taken from them before they ever have a chance
47:00 to breathe their first breath outside their mother's womb.
47:05 Isn't that sad? When you think about it
47:07 what Satan has done to God's creation,
47:11 to the institution of marriage, one man and one woman,
47:15 saying: No, just as long as you love somebody
47:17 that's all that counts. " Think about these babies
47:21 that are coming 'cause we're talking about both the 6th
47:24 and 7th commandments... You think about these babies
47:26 that never have a chance to breathe that fresh air
47:30 outside the mother's womb. What a tragedy!
47:34 I could talk a lot more on the subject
47:35 but I will move on.
47:38 I understand that people who don't profess Christianity
47:41 I can see them to be blown by every wind of doctrine
47:44 but shocking truth is that it is fast becoming
47:48 politically incorrect for preachers to preach on the
47:51 6th and 7th commandments in OUR Christian churches today
47:55 and even including some of our own Adventist churches.
47:58 I think it most interesting that Christians especially
48:01 SDAs never before were offended
48:04 when their pastor spoke out against homosexual relationships
48:07 as the breaking of the 7th commandment.
48:09 Or when their pastor spoke out against abortion
48:12 calling it murder and the breaking of the 6th commandment.
48:16 We as SDAs teach that God's law is eternal.
48:19 It was not nailed to the cross as many churches teach.
48:23 Agreed? We seem especially to teach the breaking of the 4th
48:27 commandment which is commonly called the Sabbath commandment.
48:31 So my question to you is this:
48:33 has God's Ten Commandment law been done away with
48:37 in the last 10 or 15 years and somebody just didn't tell me
48:41 about it? Right?
48:43 Why do I ask that?
48:45 Because 15 or 20 years ago when nearly any pastor
48:48 preached against abortion or homosexual relationships
48:51 no one... I'm going to say it again:
48:54 no one in the church got angry or upset
48:56 or called them homophobic.
48:58 Nor did they become angry because the pastor spoke
49:01 on the sanctity of life.
49:03 Fifty years ago - many of us can remember the 50's & the 60's,
49:07 I'm talking about 1950's and 1960's -
49:10 neither political party ran a platform supporting
49:13 same-sex marriage and abortion.
49:16 Rowe vs. Wade passed in 1973.
49:19 Most Christians polled were against this law
49:21 allowing abortion in the United States of America.
49:25 Now in 2020 when a pastor or a layman
49:28 speaks out against same-sex marriage and abortion
49:32 as sin or violation against the Ten Commandments
49:35 they're accused by many of being homophobic
49:37 and ridiculed for teaching the same Ten Commandments
49:41 that they taught only a few years earlier.
49:43 If God's law never changes, then why the division in the
49:47 church over the breaking of God's Ten Commandment law?
49:50 Now, we as SDA's used to remind people
49:54 that God's eternal law is Ten Commandments.
49:58 Not nine commandments. We tell folk
50:00 the Ten Commandments are not a smorgasbord
50:02 where we can pick and choose which ones we want to keep.
50:06 Let me ask you: why have SDAs historically
50:10 made such a big deal of the 4th or the Sabbath
50:14 commandment? You think about that for a second.
50:18 How often have we been accused
50:21 of... I'm going to put quotes in this...
50:24 "harping" on the 4th commandment?
50:26 Is the Sabbath commandment any more important
50:28 than any of the other nine?
50:30 The answer is no it is not.
50:33 In fact, a number of years ago I wrote a little book
50:36 and it's entitled The Forgotten Commandment.
50:39 Now there's the answer.
50:41 The reason we spend so much time on the 4th commandment
50:44 is because it seems much of the Christian world
50:47 is either confused or ignorant of its importance.
50:51 So we feel it's our duty
50:53 to - right? shine theological light on those in darkness.
50:57 Today we - believe it or not -
51:00 there's a swell among many in our college...
51:03 I'm talking about our SDA colleges teachers & students...
51:09 to support... to support the politically acceptable
51:13 breaking of the 6th and 7th commandments
51:15 in the name of free choice.
51:17 They say that a woman has the right to take her
51:20 baby's life any time between conception
51:23 through late term.
51:24 They also claim the Bible doesn't limit marriage
51:27 to one man and one woman.
51:29 According to many in our church now
51:32 LGBTQ... I think that's the names they go by... marriages
51:36 are acceptable before God as long as the two people
51:39 getting married love each other.
51:41 Folks, I'm telling you the truth.
51:43 Now how do I know?
51:45 I've had conversations with these Adventists myself.
51:48 We live in a different world now
51:50 where Satan has thousands of ways to distract and deceive
51:54 our young folk as well as the older folk.
51:57 I have to stop and say here: it's not my job to judge others
52:01 but it is my job to enlighten people with Bible truth
52:04 found in Jesus. Any statement I make here
52:08 today, I'm being careful with this,
52:10 any statement I make here today
52:12 is not because I hate or dislike people
52:16 in the LGBTQ community. I don't.
52:18 I've had friends. I know lots of people.
52:21 We as Christians are to love everybody.
52:24 BUT sin is sin
52:27 and we've been preaching as SDA Christians
52:29 for so many years that we're to keep all of God's commandments
52:33 as they weren't done away with.
52:35 We always say: "Either they're all done away with or not. "
52:39 And as Adventists we realize and we know
52:41 and we teach the world about that forgotten commandment...
52:44 that the commandments have not been done away with.
52:47 So if they're important, why is it
52:50 that we've not been preaching on some of these?
52:52 And I'm gettin' ready to tell you.
52:54 That's not the case with the 7th.
52:57 I'm going to say that's not the case at all.
53:00 The 7th commandment also teaches against adultery
53:03 between a man and a woman.
53:04 According to the Bible one sin is no greater than the other.
53:09 Let's let the Bible define for us - you want to? what sin is.
53:12 Because I have my opinion of sin; you have your
53:15 opinion of sin. But I think it's amazing
53:17 so many people have their own definitions.
53:20 Well, let's see what the Bible has to say.
53:22 We can read about it in I John 3:4.
53:36 I'm going to read it one more time. All right?
53:39 You read it with me. If you have your Bibles,
53:41 I John 3:4:
53:51 So whether a person is a murderer,
53:54 an adulterer, a practicing homosexual,
53:56 or a thief or a gossiper
53:59 it's all rebellion against God's Ten Commandment law.
54:03 But because of the political climate
54:05 most pastors shy away from the gay and abortion sermons.
54:09 The political influence in the church is so strong
54:12 when it comes to the gay community
54:14 pastors shy away from calling this lifestyle sin. Why?
54:18 Because they are concerned about the negative repercussions
54:22 or feedback they will get from some of the church members
54:25 not to mention people in the community.
54:29 Now I told you that this sermon is not a political sermon
54:32 and that's true. It's a Biblical sermon.
54:36 Still I can almost assure you
54:38 poor Jill Morikone will be getting all sorts of e-mails
54:41 from people all bent out of shape because they're gonna be
54:44 saying: "Danny Shelton is on 3ABN
54:47 right now talking politics. "
54:49 That's how good a job that Satan has done
54:52 in deceiving a tremendous amount of the people
54:55 in the church. They can't seem to separate
54:58 their politics from the Bible.
55:00 Any time your Bible gets in the way of your politics
55:04 regardless of which side of the aisle you're on
55:06 it's time to get rid of your politics... NOT the Bible.
55:10 Now a question:
55:12 when was the last time you heard your pastor preach a sermon
55:15 against homosexuality or abortion?
55:17 Now I'm guessing most of you will have to test your memory
55:21 on that one and say: "Well, if we truly believe
55:23 in the Ten Commandments, then why are so many pastors
55:26 and Christian educational leaders silent
55:29 when it comes to the openly breaking of these commandments?
55:33 I can answer that.
55:35 Because many SDA pastors and leaders
55:38 have fallen into the same trap as the world.
55:41 It's not politically correct...
55:44 it's not politically correct to speak against
55:47 homosexuality and murdering of babies by the millions
55:50 right here in America.
55:52 Would you believe me if I told you
55:54 that many of our oldest and dearest colleges
55:57 and university allow gay and lesbian student clubs
56:01 to meet on the college campuses?
56:03 AND then to add insult to injury as the old saying goes
56:07 they will not allow ministries such as the Coming Out ministry
56:11 that reach out to gay and lesbians with the good news
56:15 that God can give you victory over the sin
56:18 of the gay lifestyle.
56:20 Pastors will speak out about sin of adultery
56:23 or stealing or breaking the Sabbath
56:26 and victory that we find in Jesus to help us overcome
56:29 those sins yet many of these pastors
56:31 and educational leaders don't want to even class
56:35 homosexuality as a sin.
56:37 Why? Because it is politically incorrect.
56:42 If students attending our academies and universities
56:44 aren't told that homosexuality is a sin
56:47 how will they know? The blood will be on the hands
56:50 of those pastors and educational leaders
56:52 who refuse to call sin by its right name.
56:55 You see, folks, God's law hasn't changed.
56:59 It's many among us who have let their loyalty
57:03 to the political party... they've let their loyalty
57:06 to the political party move them away
57:08 from supporting God's Ten Commandment law.
57:11 Would any of you ever dream that members
57:14 of your own church could stand up against you
57:16 because you believe and continue to uphold
57:19 Ten Commandment law of God?
57:21 Well, it's happening today
57:22 because we are still divided as a church.
57:26 Now... I'm glad I'm not ending this here
57:28 because if I ended this talk here, this sermon now,
57:31 it's just all bad news. But I'm going to give you some
57:33 good news in a minute so hang in there.
57:35 Again, I'm not scolding anybody.
57:38 I'm not judging anybody.
57:39 I'm just telling you simply God has given us 10 commandments
57:43 to live by, and when these laws are being forgotten
57:47 we are responsible to stand up and tell the world about it.
57:52 That's what the Lord told us to do!
57:54 Because the Ten Commandment law is a transcript
57:57 of God's own character
57:58 and that's who He is: He's a God of love.
58:02 But He gives us these as ten promises.
58:05 That's what they are. People say: "Oh, I don't like
58:07 to follow those old laws. "
58:08 "Well, I don't like people tellin' me what to do. "
58:10 No! God who created life knows what it takes to sustain life.
58:15 So therefore what does He do?
58:17 He shows us a mirror image of who He is... His
58:22 character... and says: "This... if you do these,
58:25 if you'll follow these instructions,
58:27 I promise you you won't be temp- ted to go into that lifestyle. "
58:31 "I promise you you won't want to steal. "
58:33 "I promise you you won't want to kill. "
58:36 That's the kind of God that we serve.
58:38 I believe that we are the remnant church.
58:40 Doctrinally there's no doubt about it.
58:42 But we as a people are divided.
58:45 We're going to talk about that a little bit more.
58:46 But... I have good news so don't go away.
58:48 Don't get upset. Don't bother poor Jill.
58:51 We're comin' back around now, OK?
58:53 All right. Now, let me ask you:
58:55 Have you ever gone on social media only to be shocked
58:59 about what you read?
59:00 By social media, we're talking about Facebook, Twitter,
59:03 all those type of things.
59:04 Placed there by church members these public forums
59:07 can be read by non-Christian readers.
59:10 Church member against church member over race,
59:14 religion, culture, gossiping,
59:16 and accusing others of terrible things.
59:18 And yes, sometimes threatening one another!
59:21 Whoo! Boy, this is deep.
59:25 There's what's actually called and I've seen it...
59:29 you've probably been on it...
59:30 chat rooms where people mostly just gossip and argue
59:33 about any number of things that they're not happy about.
59:37 Many church members use Facebook and Twitter
59:39 and YouTube and other communication vehicles
59:42 to take their grievances to the public
59:45 and sadly it's therefor the world to see and hear.
59:49 Hmm... this is something.
59:51 I Corinthians told us that love, patience, and kindness
59:56 are some of the characteristics of the true Christians.
59:59 God's remnant church will reflect His character
01:00:03 of love to the world.
01:00:04 Yes, this will be the outstanding characteristic
01:00:07 of God's remnant church just before the second coming.
01:00:12 Let's read some more of the identifying marks
01:00:15 of God's remnant church.
01:00:17 II Peter... I hope you've got your Bibles now...
01:00:20 II Peter 1:5. I told you this is a Biblical
01:00:23 talk today. This is not a political talk.
01:00:26 It's a Biblical talk.
01:00:29 I Peter 1:5 says:
01:01:16 Isn't that a great promise? Isn't that a beautiful text?
01:01:19 Let me ask you: is this what the world sees in the majority
01:01:22 of the church members today?
01:01:24 Again, I believe that our church doctrines are sound.
01:01:28 That's why I'm a member of the Seventh-day Adventist church.
01:01:31 If they were not sound, I wouldn't be a part of it.
01:01:34 BUT do we as a people really reflect and represent
01:01:37 the true character of God on this earth?
01:01:41 At present... I can't speak for everybody
01:01:44 but for myself as well...
01:01:45 I don't think that we do.
01:01:47 I don't think when the world hears the name SDA
01:01:50 that they all of a sudden say: "Oh wow! These are the people
01:01:54 that are going to be the last day people.
01:01:56 These are the remnant people on planet earth. "
01:01:58 Because they see us as who we are.
01:02:01 And so it's my prayer that each and every one of us
01:02:04 before this day is over and this sermon is over
01:02:07 that we will seek the Lord and ask Him to come into our hearts
01:02:10 and into our life. We should be sighing and crying
01:02:13 for the outpouring of the Latter Rain to cultivate
01:02:16 and weed out the tares from among God's church
01:02:19 that we can rightly represent His character of love
01:02:22 to a lost and dying world.
01:02:25 I love Joel 2:28.
01:02:46 Wow! The good news is that a Latter Rain is coming.
01:02:51 Isn't that great news?
01:02:52 The Holy Spirit is coming. It's going to be poured out
01:02:55 in great measure, but will we as individuals
01:02:59 and as church members be ready for it?
01:03:03 It's my hope and prayer that we will be.
01:03:06 If you were the devil, where would you work the hardest?
01:03:09 It's a no brainer.
01:03:11 The devil is about like a roaring lion
01:03:14 seeking those whom he may devour... and who is that?
01:03:18 We read it earlier. Let's read it again.
01:03:20 Revelation 12:17.
01:03:22 Get your Bibles out. Open them up.
01:03:24 Get your iPad... whatever that I'm using here, all right?
01:03:40 So we shouldn't be surprised to see every kind of evil
01:03:42 being brought into the church.
01:03:44 BUT we should stand up against it and call sin by
01:03:47 its right name. It is our RESPONSIBILITY
01:03:51 to protect this end-time message
01:03:54 that God has entrusted with us.
01:03:56 It's our responsibility to train our children up
01:03:58 in the way they should go without compromising
01:04:02 our foundational beliefs.
01:04:04 They're being attacked from every side... every side.
01:04:09 As a church I'm concerned that we're either asleep
01:04:12 or falling asleep.
01:04:14 We must repent of our sins and ask God to renew a new heart
01:04:17 and a new mind in each of us.
01:04:19 I asked you a question in the beginning of this sermon:
01:04:22 Can the remnant church be divided?
01:04:27 And the answer is no.
01:04:29 But we as a people and a church are not there yet.
01:04:33 As I mentioned earlier I believe there's a remnant
01:04:36 of a remnant. It should be each and every one of our prayer
01:04:40 that we can be a part of that group that rightly represents
01:04:44 the character of God.
01:04:46 Yes, right now we're divided
01:04:49 by the same issues that much of the world is divided by:
01:04:52 race, culture, politics, doctrinal differences.
01:04:58 I'll give you an example.
01:05:01 I received a real wake-up call on this one.
01:05:04 Some time ago 3ABN had Dr. Ben Carson
01:05:07 as one of our Camp Meeting speakers this past year.
01:05:10 He simply gave his testimony of how God brought him
01:05:14 from a poor, inner-city kid to becoming a world renown
01:05:18 brain surgeon. Now he credits his mother -
01:05:20 his praying mother - for this.
01:05:22 Now Dr. Carson did not speak of his appointment
01:05:25 as HUD Secretary appointed by President Trump.
01:05:28 He did not talk about politics. He talked about
01:05:31 Jesus Christ and His power to save.
01:05:34 Dr. Carson told our viewers that his loyalty is to God first
01:05:39 not a political party. I thought that's incredible
01:05:41 for his position to say: "You know what? I'm here.
01:05:44 I'm workin' with the government.
01:05:45 God has placed me here like a modern-day Daniel
01:05:48 or Joseph, but my allegiance is not to the government.
01:05:52 My allegiance is to God. "
01:05:55 So it's amazing. He's a member of the president's cabinet
01:05:58 of the United States of America.
01:06:00 So doesn't that kind of remind you of a modern-day Joseph?
01:06:02 A modern-day Daniel? Placed in a high position
01:06:05 of influence to have an impact on the world.
01:06:08 Shortly after Dr. Carson's sermon, which
01:06:10 was telecast live around the world,
01:06:12 Yvonne and I received nearly 3,000 comments
01:06:15 from people on Facebook who were so furious that 3ABN
01:06:19 had him speak that they wrote very unChristian things
01:06:22 for the non-Christian world to see and hear.
01:06:24 I won't tell you everything they said, but I will tell you
01:06:27 I was accused of being a racist, homophobic,
01:06:29 white supremacist, and they even called Yvonne racial names -
01:06:33 figure that one out - for supporting me. Why?
01:06:36 Because 3ABN allowed Dr. Carson who is HUD Secretary
01:06:40 for the Republican adminis- tration which is for the USA...
01:06:44 They happen to be who's in office...
01:06:47 to speak at our 3ABN Camp Meeting.
01:06:49 Most if not all of the complaints
01:06:51 came from those on the opposite side of the political aisle.
01:06:55 Now the devil has done a job dividing the church of God
01:06:58 on this earth. I had no idea
01:07:01 how bad the political and racial divide really is
01:07:04 within the Christian church. I'm not talking about
01:07:06 just the Adventist church. The Christian church in general.
01:07:10 We still should love one another.
01:07:11 Even if we don't agree with each other's politics
01:07:15 this kind of hate for one another is very telling
01:07:18 among church members. Why?
01:07:20 It's evidence that there are those among us who place their
01:07:23 political and cultural convictions
01:07:25 over their religious convictions and over the principles of
01:07:29 the Bible. Now, some church members claim to be on the
01:07:32 political left while others claim to be on
01:07:35 the political right. Now I'm not trying to tell you
01:07:38 which side of the aisle that you should be on.
01:07:41 But whatever side of the aisle you're on
01:07:44 you should NEVER compromise sound doctrine
01:07:46 to make it fit your political views.
01:07:49 You won't find truth in any political party
01:07:52 as their allegiance is to man rather than to God.
01:07:56 I'm sure we all lean one way or the other
01:07:58 when it comes to politics. Right?
01:08:00 I mean if you're honest you're leaning... you're like us
01:08:03 if you're here in the USA or wherever around the world
01:08:07 we're getting close to an election
01:08:08 we lean one way or the other.
01:08:10 You usually can tell by which channel. You watch CNN;
01:08:12 you watch FOX; you watch MSNBC.
01:08:15 What do you watch? But we all tend to lean
01:08:19 and I lean to the right side of politics
01:08:22 though I'm not a registered Republican
01:08:24 for some of the reasons already stated.
01:08:26 I don't support abortion and I don't support same-sex
01:08:30 marriage. Now in the past I've voted both.
01:08:34 Now it's been a long time. I didn't even vote in the last
01:08:36 probably few elections. Please don't get upset with me
01:08:39 about that. Some of you will get upset at me and say:
01:08:41 "Well you SHOULD vote. " But for whatever reasons
01:08:44 we chose not to. And so I have voted in the past
01:08:48 both Democrat and Republican
01:08:50 depending on who was running for office.
01:08:52 Again, please don't write me ugly letters
01:08:54 for what I just said about my leaning to the right
01:08:57 or it will just show that you are upset because you're
01:08:59 leaning to the left. All right? That should balance us out.
01:09:02 Well, we as Christians cannot give our loyalty
01:09:06 to any organized groups that come in conflict...
01:09:08 conflict with the Ten Commandment law of God.
01:09:12 And that includes political parties as we were just
01:09:15 talking about or organizations such as the KKK.
01:09:19 Now very few people will be upset I said that.
01:09:21 But I'm saying it. We can't be part of the remnant church
01:09:25 and believe that we're going to be here, those willing to give
01:09:28 their lives unto death if necessary,
01:09:30 and be part of the KKK organization.
01:09:32 We can't be part of ANTIFA.
01:09:35 We can't be part of the Arian Nations.
01:09:37 And guess what? We can't be a part of the Black Lives Matter
01:09:42 organization. Now all of a sudden some feathers raised up.
01:09:46 And it shouldn't. I'm not talking politics.
01:09:48 I'm talking Bible here.
01:09:51 We can't be a part of the Black Panthers.
01:09:53 And I named all these... the skinheads, whomever else.
01:09:56 These groups do not reflect attributes
01:09:59 and characteristics of God's remnant church.
01:10:03 When you lay the Bible down to join organizations whose mission
01:10:06 statement is contrary to the Word of God
01:10:09 you lose your moral and spiritual compass.
01:10:13 Now, these organizations whose agendas don't match
01:10:16 their slogans, they disguise themselves as
01:10:19 social justice organizations
01:10:21 but their real purpose is a deep change in American values
01:10:25 and structure. Take the Black Lives Matter organization
01:10:28 for example. Now as a slogan
01:10:30 we all agree that black lives definitely matter.
01:10:32 Right? As Christians we MUST!
01:10:36 That's a part of our Christian walk with the Lord
01:10:38 is we love everybody. God loves us; He died that
01:10:41 none should perish but all should have everlasting life.
01:10:44 We all agree about that.
01:10:46 However, further investigation into the platform
01:10:49 of the organization of Black Lives Matter
01:10:52 reveals positions that are anti Bible.
01:10:56 Now on its website BLM we'll call it
01:10:59 proclaims... Now I'm going to quote from what they say.
01:11:01 Now, most of you are OK when we're talking about
01:11:04 the change of the Sabbath: the Catholic church.
01:11:06 You don't mind me using what they say
01:11:08 'cause we're not talking about them.
01:11:10 So let's don't talk about the Black Lives Matter organization.
01:11:13 Let's say what they say about themselves.
01:11:15 And then let's you and me line it up with our beliefs
01:11:19 as SDA Christians and see how they jell, OK?
01:11:23 Or if they don't jell.
01:11:25 So on the website, quote:
01:11:42 So they're against the Biblical marriage: one man and one woman.
01:11:46 They want to disrupt it. That's what they say.
01:11:48 Then they also say, quote:
01:12:57 So when you march with Black Lives Matter organization,
01:13:00 we're not talking about the Black Lives Matter movement,
01:13:03 please keep that separate
01:13:05 and it'll keep a lot of your wasted time sending e-mails.
01:13:08 We are not talking about the movement.
01:13:11 We think the movement is great
01:13:12 for equal rights. Everybody should have it.
01:13:15 We are now centering in on organizations.
01:13:18 Why am I picking this one?
01:13:19 Because this one has tremendous influence
01:13:22 that many other organizations don't have right now.
01:13:25 And it's influencing our church more than any
01:13:28 other organization I've ever seen.
01:13:30 So the Black Lives Matter organization
01:13:33 when you march with them you're supporting their fight
01:13:37 by what they just said to end Biblical marriage
01:13:40 and the family AND you're standing with them
01:13:44 in their fight to free themselves from the tight grip
01:13:48 of heteronormative thinking.
01:13:51 You're supporting their platform that there are more than
01:13:55 two sexual genders that God created.
01:13:58 It's he/she/they and I think they say something like
01:14:01 109 others. It changes all the time... I don't know.
01:14:04 You are joining their fight to promote leadership
01:14:08 in all areas of queer and trans people.
01:14:11 Now I'm not callin' names.
01:14:13 A few years ago that was a bad name
01:14:14 but now they wear it. They say: "Oh, no! We're queer. "
01:14:17 So... I'll go with whatever they say here.
01:14:20 So whatever name they like.
01:14:22 This would include positions... They're going to put you in
01:14:25 all areas, it says. "Center them" would include
01:14:28 positions in our schools, in our churches.
01:14:31 Now... please understand
01:14:33 again: I don't hate any of these people.
01:14:35 I don't hate any of the organizations.
01:14:38 I stand up against what they're preaching, what they're teaching
01:14:42 because it's influencing our people in our schools
01:14:45 of our young people and in our churches.
01:14:47 They have a right to peaceful protest
01:14:50 and they have a right to their opinion...
01:14:52 but so do you and I as Christians. In fact,
01:14:56 we have a mandate from God to go and tell the world
01:14:59 about His saving power.
01:15:00 We have a mandate from God to stand up against that which
01:15:04 is not true and that which is false
01:15:06 and that which can lead us away from the character of God.
01:15:10 Now I want to ask you: was the information that I just
01:15:14 gave you from the Black Lives Matter organization
01:15:18 website a political jump into politics?
01:15:21 Or was it a Biblical move?
01:15:24 Think about it. The answer is that it's a Biblical move.
01:15:28 We do the same when we quote the Catholic church
01:15:31 when they're attempting to change the Sabbath.
01:15:33 As SDAs we've done it for well over 100 years.
01:15:36 We don't see ourselves of jumping into politics
01:15:40 or name calling. We always say that "God has people
01:15:43 in all churches" and we are not talking about
01:15:45 people; we're talking about an organization.
01:15:47 This is exactly the same situation here.
01:15:50 We believe it is our duty as SDA Christians
01:15:54 to help people not to be deceived by telling them
01:15:57 the truth. So just to be clear
01:16:00 black lives matter, right? Black Lives Matter
01:16:05 the organization I don't agree with.
01:16:07 But the black lives movement - I'm sorry -
01:16:12 I do agree with. We believe in fairness, right?
01:16:15 The movement of black people for fairness and equality.
01:16:18 I'm with that 100%. Absolutely I am.
01:16:22 But it's one thing to stand with our brothers and sisters
01:16:25 for fairness and equality and totally a different thing
01:16:28 to stand with the Black Lives Matter organization
01:16:32 who by their own website says
01:16:34 their focus is on destroying the Western family unit
01:16:37 and to promote gay and transgender people
01:16:39 and to undo the fact that every- one is born male or female.
01:16:43 They are anti-Bible. Their own description
01:16:46 of themselves says so.
01:16:49 We as Christians cannot allow anyone to
01:16:52 muzzle us from telling the truth.
01:16:54 We never have before, right?
01:16:58 Why would we do it now?
01:17:00 Because it's so politically "incorrect. " That's why your
01:17:03 pastors and your ministers and your university professors...
01:17:06 You think all these folk who have all these degrees
01:17:09 don't know the difference? They're not smart enough
01:17:11 to read the Ten Commandments and say:
01:17:14 "Duh! This is wrong. "
01:17:15 Of course they know that! Of course they know it.
01:17:18 But they're so worried because these people
01:17:21 will turn on you. The devil has given so much power
01:17:24 to these organizations that not just them
01:17:28 many other organizations too
01:17:30 that people are afraid of what might happen
01:17:32 so we stand back from telling the truth.
01:17:35 My concern is this: we have thousands of SDA members -
01:17:40 black and white - marching with BLM organization.
01:17:43 We have conference presidents, university pastors,
01:17:46 and students... all in the name of social justice.
01:17:49 As Christians we cannot be a part of any organization
01:17:52 whose mission is to destroy the family, the church,
01:17:55 the Biblical marriage, and the law of God.
01:17:57 Now I realize that I have the right to support...
01:18:01 You know, they have right to support who they want
01:18:03 and so do I but we cannot be silent.
01:18:07 So I'm asking our leaders and our members of our church
01:18:11 those... we should not be so easily deceived.
01:18:14 I'm yet to hear our pastors and hear church leaders
01:18:19 denounce this organization that has so much influence
01:18:22 on the government as well as people all across...
01:18:25 and within our own churches.
01:18:27 So what I'm asking today is -
01:18:30 I know we're running short on time -
01:18:31 I could go on. Again, I'm not here
01:18:34 I'm not talking politics; I'm just talking about
01:18:37 organization. So don't forget: I mentioned KKK.
01:18:40 I mentioned Arian Nations.
01:18:42 Skinheads. I mentioned ANTIFA.
01:18:44 All the white things. All of these: I denounce all of that
01:18:47 but I also denounce this. I just hope that some of you
01:18:51 all watching this that have been so caught up
01:18:54 in the culture of it all
01:18:55 that you really compare your notes with the Bible
01:18:59 and say: "Who do I serve right here? "
01:19:02 Are any of these? Is there a conflict in what I believe?
01:19:06 I'm out here on this one day; I'm in church on Sabbath
01:19:09 proclaiming... keeping the commandments of God.
01:19:11 And then on the next day, the rest of the week,
01:19:15 anything goes. Well I support all of these things.
01:19:19 Folks, today we have to make a choice.
01:19:21 And it's my hope and prayer today... I'm sorry that we're
01:19:24 out of time. Some of you I'm sure wasn't soon enough.
01:19:27 But I'm going to ask my wife Yvonne to come out here
01:19:30 in just a moment but I want to do this:
01:19:33 I want you to think about your life in the last several months.
01:19:36 I want you to think about your life.
01:19:38 Are the things of earth growing strangely dim
01:19:41 in the light of Christ's glory and grace?
01:19:43 Are... The things that you once loved are you now beginning
01:19:47 to hate? You see, I'm asking God for...
01:19:51 for a new heart and a new mind.
01:19:53 I want to put on the mind of Christ.
01:19:56 Without the mind of Christ all of this preaching,
01:19:58 and all the stuff that we're doing is in vain.
01:20:01 So Lord, create within me a new heart.
01:20:04 It's my hope and prayer that you right now
01:20:05 would pray with us. Dear Lord, I just pray
01:20:09 for each and every person viewing today.
01:20:11 I pray that they heard what they needed to hear
01:20:14 not the jumbled up words that I've said.
01:20:16 And I pray that You'll work on our hearts and minds.
01:20:19 Father, help us to get rid of self,
01:20:21 to get rid of things on this earth.
01:20:24 that we can truly represent and reflect
01:20:27 Your character to a lost and dying world. Lord,
01:20:31 we want to be part of that remnant church.
01:20:33 We want to be that remnant of the remnant.
01:20:36 We want to be ready when You come in the clouds of glory.
01:20:38 And we want our lives to so shine before men
01:20:42 right now that others will see Jesus in us.
01:20:45 It's my hope and prayer today that people won't be offended.
01:20:48 They'll take the facts.
01:20:50 They'll take this; they'll replay it, re-look at it
01:20:52 and see where do we line up.
01:20:54 The organizations that we belong to, that we support:
01:20:59 do they line up with the Word of God?
01:21:00 If not, help us to turn loose of things of the world.
01:21:05 Turn your eyes upon Jesus; look full in His wonderful face
01:21:08 and the things of earth will grow strangely dim
01:21:11 in the light of His glory and His grace.
01:21:15 Yvonne:
01:21:28 On the outside
01:21:31 I think I'm all right.
01:21:36 There's a smile on my face...
01:21:39 everything's OK.
01:21:43 But on the inside
01:21:47 there's a different story.
01:21:52 I stumble down this road
01:21:55 and I've got so far to go.
01:21:59 I'm a broken girl
01:22:03 on my knees again
01:22:07 longing for a touch from You.
01:22:12 I need Your hand
01:22:16 to restore me
01:22:21 I need Your mercy!
01:22:25 Take me
01:22:28 to the place I used to be.
01:22:33 Use all the pain and the hurt
01:22:38 to do a greater
01:22:41 work
01:22:47 and Lord
01:22:48 restore me.
01:22:56 I wore my mask
01:22:59 running away from my past
01:23:03 hiding all my scars
01:23:07 thinking I'd gone too far.
01:23:10 But You knew my pain
01:23:14 and Lord You loved me just the same.
01:23:18 You promised I'd be free
01:23:22 if I fall on my knees and cry:
01:23:27 "Restore me!
01:23:31 I need Your mercy. "
01:23:34 Oh, take me
01:23:38 to the place I used to be.
01:23:42 Use all the pain and the hurt
01:23:48 to do a greater
01:23:50 work
01:23:56 and restore me...
01:24:01 restore unto me
01:24:04 the joy of my salvation
01:24:07 so I'll sing again the song You wrote for me.
01:24:13 Yes! Give me a clean heart;
01:24:19 I want a brand new start
01:24:22 like the moment
01:24:24 when I first believed.
01:24:30 Oh Lord
01:24:34 restore me.
01:24:38 I need Your mercy.
01:24:41 Oh take me
01:24:44 to the place I used to be.
01:24:49 Use all the pain and the hurt
01:24:54 to do a greater
01:24:57 work
01:25:03 And Lord
01:25:08 restore me...
01:25:21 restore
01:25:25 me.
01:25:31 Amen! Thank you, Tim. Thank you, Yvonne.
01:25:35 Yvonne, we just have a minute left.
01:25:37 I'm really hopin' and praying that what I've said today
01:25:40 comes across with love. I know I get excited
01:25:43 and I get, you know, talkin' loud. But
01:25:45 my heart is for people that are out of the ark of safety,
01:25:50 people that have been deceived. Yes.
01:25:51 "The very elect" as you say which is me and you
01:25:54 and the folks out here that we all at least will be open -
01:25:57 yes - to havin' the Holy Spirit work in us and through us
01:26:02 maybe like never before. Yes, for sure.
01:26:05 It's so easy now... You know, the devil has
01:26:07 so many distractions for us. But I'm so thankful
01:26:11 that you spoke the truth and you spoke the Bible.
01:26:14 It's not Danny's opinion.
01:26:16 This is Bible truth, and so it's important that we
01:26:20 understand that we are living in the last days
01:26:23 and that Satan is going to try to deceive us.
01:26:25 And he's going to use culture to divide, to deceive.
01:26:29 And so we have to hold on. Study the Word of God.
01:26:33 Pray and ask for the Lord to root us and ground us
01:26:36 in His Word. And so I'm thankful for the words that you spoke
01:26:40 today, honey. All right. Now I want everybody to know
01:26:42 each and every one of you that I love you.
01:26:44 That we pray for you and we ask for your prayers
01:26:47 and your support because we're all human beings.
01:26:51 Everything that I talked about today: I'm not above
01:26:54 any of that. I've been guilty of all of those things
01:26:56 as far as sin goes. No, I haven't done certain sins -
01:26:59 this sin or that - but we're all sinners.
01:27:02 You've done it, too.
01:27:03 We're all guilty of sin. Yes.
01:27:05 So it's my hope and prayer today that we ask Jesus
01:27:07 to come into our heart, ask Him to forgive us from our sins
01:27:10 because He will cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Amen!


Revised 2021-03-17