Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn. 00:00:01.36\00:00:02.76 Have you ever wondered 00:00:02.76\00:00:04.17 why it is impossible to please God without faith? 00:00:04.17\00:00:06.80 How can we better define faith anyway? 00:00:06.80\00:00:09.60 Join us now on "The Grace Pipeline," 00:00:09.60\00:00:11.64 as we see what the Bible has to say about this. 00:00:11.64\00:00:14.68 Welcome to "The Grace Pipeline." 00:00:32.43\00:00:34.56 In our journey through scripture thus far, 00:00:34.56\00:00:36.77 we have spent considerable time 00:00:36.77\00:00:38.53 examining God's three greatest gifts of grace 00:00:38.53\00:00:41.77 and their effects on our life. 00:00:41.77\00:00:43.57 We have identified Jesus Christ 00:00:43.57\00:00:45.77 as God's greatest gift to humanity 00:00:45.77\00:00:48.38 along with the Holy Spirit and the Holy Scriptures. 00:00:48.38\00:00:52.08 And their effect on our life is salvation, 00:00:52.08\00:00:55.55 both justification and sanctification 00:00:55.55\00:00:58.82 as well as the empowerment to live the abundant life 00:00:58.82\00:01:03.06 that God wants to give us 00:01:03.06\00:01:04.93 as He recreates His image within us. 00:01:04.93\00:01:08.60 We know that every good and perfect gift 00:01:08.60\00:01:11.17 comes to us from our Heavenly Father 00:01:11.17\00:01:13.37 through His grace pipeline. It is the love of God 00:01:13.37\00:01:16.91 that is the compelling force behind the grace of God. 00:01:16.91\00:01:20.68 Today, we will learn 00:01:20.68\00:01:22.28 how to tap into His grace pipeline by faith. 00:01:22.28\00:01:26.48 Of course, first, we must define faith 00:01:26.48\00:01:29.18 and recognize it is faith itself 00:01:29.18\00:01:32.12 that defines a genuine Christian experience. 00:01:32.12\00:01:35.46 If you were following along in the series companion book 00:01:35.46\00:01:38.73 also titled "The Grace Pipeline," 00:01:38.73\00:01:40.86 we are beginning on Chapter 9 today. 00:01:40.86\00:01:43.53 Now let me share a personal story with you. 00:01:43.53\00:01:47.57 Long ago and far away, 00:01:47.57\00:01:49.47 I took a loved one's picture using for the first time 00:01:49.47\00:01:52.67 a Polaroid camera with self developing film. 00:01:52.67\00:01:56.64 The technology absolutely amazed me. 00:01:56.64\00:01:59.78 As I considered it, I recognized 00:01:59.78\00:02:02.32 an interesting parallel between the development process 00:02:02.32\00:02:06.19 of Polaroid film and the sanctification of our souls. 00:02:06.19\00:02:10.99 With the camera, I had simply focused 00:02:10.99\00:02:13.73 on my loved one and pressed a button. 00:02:13.73\00:02:16.33 The subject of my focus was instantly reproduced 00:02:16.33\00:02:20.20 on a single snapshot film 00:02:20.20\00:02:22.87 that had been previously treated with chemicals. 00:02:22.87\00:02:26.07 Now passing through the camera, 00:02:26.07\00:02:27.84 it was exposed to a polarizing light 00:02:27.84\00:02:30.65 which began the development process. 00:02:30.65\00:02:33.18 And when it first emerged, 00:02:33.18\00:02:34.95 I had to accept by faith 00:02:34.95\00:02:37.42 that the image had actually been captured 00:02:37.42\00:02:40.29 because all I had in my hand was a dark negative. 00:02:40.29\00:02:45.43 But as the polarizing light 00:02:45.43\00:02:47.60 continued to pass through the transparent film, 00:02:47.60\00:02:51.17 an image developed right before my eyes 00:02:51.17\00:02:54.87 and it bore a striking resemblance 00:02:54.87\00:02:57.47 to the subject of my focus. 00:02:57.47\00:02:59.77 Now let's make the spiritual application. 00:02:59.77\00:03:02.84 We need to consider our eyes as the camera of our soul 00:03:02.84\00:03:07.32 and our hearts as the film. 00:03:07.32\00:03:09.55 The word of God is the special chemical treatment 00:03:09.55\00:03:13.09 and the Holy Spirit is the polarizing light. 00:03:13.09\00:03:16.62 When our hearts have been treated 00:03:16.62\00:03:18.66 by the gospel of God's grace, 00:03:18.66\00:03:20.83 if we make Christ the subject of our focus 00:03:20.83\00:03:24.40 and take appropriate action, we're born again. 00:03:24.40\00:03:28.30 Instantly, His image is captured within our heart by faith 00:03:28.30\00:03:33.04 and the polarizing light of the Holy Spirit 00:03:33.04\00:03:35.98 penetrates the heart 00:03:35.98\00:03:37.68 and begins the process of sanctification by grace. 00:03:37.68\00:03:42.48 If we're unfamiliar with this development process, 00:03:42.48\00:03:46.35 we can experience initial disappointment. 00:03:46.35\00:03:49.46 The underdeveloped image 00:03:49.46\00:03:51.36 of our new spiritual nature appears to be 00:03:51.36\00:03:54.23 shrouded in the shadowy darkness of our old sin nature. 00:03:54.23\00:03:58.30 But if by the patience of faith 00:03:58.30\00:04:01.44 we remain focused on Christ and His word, 00:04:01.44\00:04:04.94 the Holy Spirit lights up our heart 00:04:04.94\00:04:07.58 and continues the development of the divine nature within us. 00:04:07.58\00:04:12.05 The result is an amazing family lightness 00:04:12.05\00:04:15.58 to the image of Christ. 00:04:15.58\00:04:17.45 Look at what Paul says in 2 Corinthians 5:17. 00:04:17.45\00:04:22.46 "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, 00:04:22.46\00:04:25.96 he is a new creation, old things have passed away, 00:04:25.96\00:04:30.67 behold, all things have become new." 00:04:30.67\00:04:35.97 The problem sinners have who are bound up 00:04:35.97\00:04:38.74 by the chains of sin is that someone is always 00:04:38.74\00:04:42.11 trying to reform their old nature. 00:04:42.11\00:04:45.28 The old nature can't be reformed. 00:04:45.28\00:04:47.82 Our only hope is to be born again with a new nature 00:04:47.82\00:04:51.85 that is united with Christ. 00:04:51.85\00:04:54.12 This brings not reformation 00:04:54.12\00:04:56.39 but regeneration and transformation 00:04:56.39\00:04:59.76 as the indwelling Holy Spirit creates divine life within us. 00:04:59.76\00:05:04.80 To save it, when we are a new creation, 00:05:04.80\00:05:08.50 all things have passed away, 00:05:08.50\00:05:10.71 that's a statement of faith 00:05:10.71\00:05:12.41 and it must be received by faith. 00:05:12.41\00:05:15.34 God knows the end 00:05:15.34\00:05:16.75 from the beginning and He declares it. 00:05:16.75\00:05:18.91 In Romans 4:17, it explained that "God gives life to the dead 00:05:18.91\00:05:24.69 and calls things that are not as though they already existed." 00:05:24.69\00:05:29.36 Currently, we must consider the contradiction 00:05:29.36\00:05:33.43 between the two polarized natures within us 00:05:33.43\00:05:36.87 pointed out by Paul in Galatians 5:16, 17. 00:05:36.87\00:05:42.50 He says, "I say then, walk in the Spirit, 00:05:42.50\00:05:46.41 and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. 00:05:46.41\00:05:50.75 For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, 00:05:50.75\00:05:53.78 and the Spirit against the flesh, 00:05:53.78\00:05:56.12 and these are contrary to one another, 00:05:56.12\00:05:59.62 so that you do not do the things that you wish." 00:05:59.62\00:06:04.43 The desires of our human nature are opposite 00:06:04.43\00:06:08.43 of the desires of our new spiritual nature. 00:06:08.43\00:06:11.50 And it cross purposes the one is diametrically 00:06:11.50\00:06:15.84 opposed to the other 00:06:15.84\00:06:17.31 and there is this ongoing struggle of strong desires 00:06:17.31\00:06:22.11 that are contrary to one another. 00:06:22.11\00:06:24.81 Nevertheless, if we make it our habit 00:06:24.81\00:06:27.48 to respond to the Holy Spirit 00:06:27.48\00:06:29.72 and so the word of God into our hearts, 00:06:29.72\00:06:33.39 the Godless human nature within us 00:06:33.39\00:06:36.76 will eventually be overpowered by Christ's righteousness. 00:06:36.76\00:06:41.16 This happens when we walk in the spirit 00:06:41.16\00:06:44.17 as Paul points out in Galatians 5:24, 25. 00:06:44.17\00:06:49.84 He says, "Those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh 00:06:49.84\00:06:54.84 with its passions and desires. 00:06:54.84\00:06:57.28 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit." 00:06:57.28\00:07:04.99 Paul's expression of crucifying the flesh 00:07:04.99\00:07:07.79 is another way of saying snuffing out 00:07:07.79\00:07:10.46 selfishness in the old carnal nature. 00:07:10.46\00:07:13.23 Or in other words, dying to our natural unholy interest. 00:07:13.23\00:07:19.27 This takes a day-by-day surrender of our heart 00:07:19.27\00:07:23.47 and will to our Lord. 00:07:23.47\00:07:25.37 When Paul uses the expression, 00:07:25.37\00:07:27.51 "Live in the Spirit and walk in the Spirit," 00:07:27.51\00:07:31.11 he is referring to the sanctifying work 00:07:31.11\00:07:33.58 of the Holy Spirit in our lives as believers in Christ. 00:07:33.58\00:07:38.49 Paul was God's ambassador of grace called by Christ 00:07:38.49\00:07:43.02 to preach the gospel of grace. 00:07:43.02\00:07:45.76 He wrote a lot about dying to self 00:07:45.76\00:07:48.60 by crucifying the old nature. 00:07:48.60\00:07:50.87 Let's look at Galatians 2:20. 00:07:50.87\00:07:53.80 He says, "I have been crucified with Christ. 00:07:53.80\00:07:58.11 It is no longer I who live, 00:07:58.11\00:08:00.41 but Christ lives in me, 00:08:00.41\00:08:03.28 and the life which I now live in the flesh 00:08:03.28\00:08:06.25 I live by faith in the Son of God, 00:08:06.25\00:08:09.25 who loved me and gave Himself for me." 00:08:09.25\00:08:12.89 As Paul picked up his cross 00:08:12.89\00:08:15.29 in a determined effort to die to self 00:08:15.29\00:08:18.16 daily sanctifying grace anchored 00:08:18.16\00:08:21.66 his union to the Savior. 00:08:21.66\00:08:23.67 Have faith, God will do the same for you 00:08:23.67\00:08:27.40 as you live and walk in the Spirit. 00:08:27.40\00:08:30.57 The life that you live in the flesh 00:08:30.57\00:08:34.11 will be lived by faith in Christ who lives in you. 00:08:34.11\00:08:38.18 Your flesh nature will be crucified 00:08:38.18\00:08:41.35 if you simply cooperate, cooperate with the Holy Spirit. 00:08:41.35\00:08:46.92 You know, Paul speaks of this cooperative effort 00:08:46.92\00:08:49.42 in Romans 8:13 where he says, 00:08:49.42\00:08:51.93 "If by the Spirit you put to death 00:08:51.93\00:08:55.26 the deeds of the body, you will live." 00:08:55.26\00:08:58.20 Notice there that it is the work of the Holy Spirit and of you. 00:08:58.20\00:09:03.97 It is only by the Spirit's power 00:09:03.97\00:09:06.68 that you can put to death your misdeeds 00:09:06.68\00:09:09.58 and crucify your old sin nature. 00:09:09.58\00:09:12.55 You will, of course, recall that death by crucifixion lingered. 00:09:12.55\00:09:17.99 It was not immediate. 00:09:17.99\00:09:19.85 Therefore, you must choose to pickup your cross daily 00:09:19.85\00:09:24.13 or the old nature will go unconquered 00:09:24.13\00:09:26.53 only to rear its ugly head and crawl down off its cross. 00:09:26.53\00:09:31.23 Paul warns us in Galatians 6:7, 8. 00:09:31.23\00:09:36.20 "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked, 00:09:36.20\00:09:40.18 for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap." 00:09:40.18\00:09:44.91 And he says if we sow to the flesh 00:09:44.91\00:09:47.62 will reap of the flesh, corruption. 00:09:47.62\00:09:51.09 But if we sow to the Spirit, we will reap everlasting life. 00:09:51.09\00:09:57.33 God promises to provide us with everything 00:09:57.33\00:10:01.43 that we need for godliness 00:10:01.43\00:10:03.47 but He leaves the choice to us to determine 00:10:03.47\00:10:06.70 if we will partake of His provision. 00:10:06.70\00:10:11.61 The spiritual conflict within our born again hearts 00:10:11.61\00:10:16.11 can be subdued by God's promised power of sanctifying grace. 00:10:16.11\00:10:21.52 We need to lay hold of His deliverance 00:10:21.52\00:10:24.85 by putting our faith into action. 00:10:24.85\00:10:28.19 Paul's summary of faith in action 00:10:28.19\00:10:30.39 was to put on and put off. 00:10:30.39\00:10:34.10 Let's read his message on this combined 00:10:34.10\00:10:36.73 from Romans 13, 14, Ephesians 4:22-24, 00:10:36.73\00:10:43.10 and Colossians 3:14. 00:10:43.10\00:10:45.37 Paul says, "Put on the Lord Jesus Christ, 00:10:45.37\00:10:49.44 and make no provision for the flesh, 00:10:49.44\00:10:52.31 to fulfill its lusts. 00:10:52.31\00:10:54.48 Put off, concerning your former conduct, 00:10:54.48\00:10:57.22 the old man. 00:10:57.22\00:10:58.92 Be renewed in the spirit of your mind. 00:10:58.92\00:11:02.02 Put on the new man 00:11:02.02\00:11:03.89 which was created according to God, 00:11:03.89\00:11:06.73 in true righteousness and holiness. 00:11:06.73\00:11:09.80 Christ is all and in all. Put on love, 00:11:09.80\00:11:14.47 which is the bond of perfection." 00:11:14.47\00:11:17.77 Now let's unpack those verses. 00:11:17.77\00:11:21.41 By faith we must persevere 00:11:21.41\00:11:24.78 in the process of sanctification 00:11:24.78\00:11:27.38 knowing that it is a progressive work 00:11:27.38\00:11:30.29 that God accomplishes in us. But we must make an effort 00:11:30.29\00:11:35.46 to put on the characteristics of Lord, 00:11:35.46\00:11:39.56 our Lord Jesus Christ. 00:11:39.56\00:11:41.56 This is a spirit empowered effort that transforms us 00:11:41.56\00:11:46.10 one step at a time. In our day-to-day experience, 00:11:46.10\00:11:50.61 this would include prayer and Bible study 00:11:50.61\00:11:54.68 to renew our mind so that we may grow in grace 00:11:54.68\00:11:58.85 and in the knowledge of our Lord, 00:11:58.85\00:12:01.18 daily we must put on Christ. 00:12:01.18\00:12:04.15 And the only way to put off our former conduct 00:12:04.15\00:12:08.59 is to make no provision for unholy fleshly desires. 00:12:08.59\00:12:13.13 What do I mean? 00:12:13.13\00:12:14.56 Any alcoholic that is in recovery knows 00:12:14.56\00:12:16.93 that he can't stock his shelves with alcohol 00:12:16.93\00:12:20.57 or spend time at the bars with old drinking buddies. 00:12:20.57\00:12:23.87 Now maybe alcohol is not your temptation, 00:12:23.87\00:12:27.08 maybe its gossip and backbiting 00:12:27.08\00:12:29.51 especially when you're on the phone with your best friend. 00:12:29.51\00:12:32.65 Make a mutual pact with your friend not to gossip. 00:12:32.65\00:12:36.48 And if that doesn't work, 00:12:36.48\00:12:37.89 quit talking on the phone with the one 00:12:37.89\00:12:40.49 whose attitude snares you. 00:12:40.49\00:12:43.29 Make no provision for the flesh. 00:12:43.29\00:12:48.36 We must make a daily effort 00:12:48.36\00:12:52.17 to live a life of obedience and purity 00:12:52.17\00:12:55.27 so that we don't fall back into our former way of life. 00:12:55.27\00:12:59.37 We put on love by asking God to fill us with His love 00:12:59.37\00:13:05.95 by the power of the Holy Spirit. 00:13:05.95\00:13:08.45 And we must recognize by faith 00:13:08.45\00:13:12.02 that we can be strong in the Lord 00:13:12.02\00:13:14.69 as Ephesians 6:10-12 tells us, 00:13:14.69\00:13:18.79 "Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. 00:13:18.79\00:13:22.73 Put on the whole armor of God, 00:13:22.73\00:13:25.17 that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 00:13:25.17\00:13:29.87 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, 00:13:29.87\00:13:32.51 but against principalities, against powers, 00:13:32.51\00:13:36.04 against the rulers of the darkness of this age, 00:13:36.04\00:13:39.61 against spiritual hosts of wickedness 00:13:39.61\00:13:43.35 in the heavenly places." 00:13:43.35\00:13:45.85 Let me share a promise 00:13:45.85\00:13:47.26 with you that you need to hold on 00:13:47.26\00:13:49.02 to found in Deuteronomy 33:27, it's one of my favorites. 00:13:49.02\00:13:54.13 And it says, "The eternal God is your refuge, 00:13:54.13\00:13:57.40 and underneath are the everlasting arms. 00:13:57.40\00:14:00.04 He will thrust out the enemy from before you, 00:14:00.04\00:14:03.34 and he will say, destroy." 00:14:03.34\00:14:06.31 We're not the first generation to wage war 00:14:06.31\00:14:09.74 in this spiritual battle. 00:14:09.74\00:14:11.45 Every descendent of Adam has been through it. 00:14:11.45\00:14:15.92 Those who recognize that the battle belongs to the Lord 00:14:15.92\00:14:19.65 have stood fast in active faith 00:14:19.65\00:14:22.56 and have seen the enemy vanquished by God's power. 00:14:22.56\00:14:27.66 Spiritual victory is ours by grace. 00:14:27.66\00:14:31.20 Oh, thanks be to God who gives us 00:14:31.20\00:14:34.04 the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 00:14:34.04\00:14:37.91 Now let's turn our attention to defining faith. 00:14:37.91\00:14:42.71 It's important that we develop our understanding 00:14:42.71\00:14:45.61 because faith is the faucet. It is the instrument 00:14:45.61\00:14:49.45 by which we tap into God's grace pipeline. 00:14:49.45\00:14:52.85 Our faith regulates the release of blessings 00:14:52.85\00:14:56.19 from His great reservoir of grace. 00:14:56.19\00:14:59.66 Through Christ, we have access by faith 00:14:59.66\00:15:03.10 into the marvelous grace of God 00:15:03.10\00:15:05.60 as Paul affirms in Romans 5:1, 2. 00:15:05.60\00:15:10.67 "Therefore, having been justified by faith, 00:15:10.67\00:15:14.28 we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 00:15:14.28\00:15:18.45 through whom also we have access by faith 00:15:18.45\00:15:23.89 into this grace in which we stand." 00:15:23.89\00:15:28.32 Faith is another systematic and practical truth 00:15:28.32\00:15:31.79 that is often under defined and therefore under appreciated. 00:15:31.79\00:15:36.00 And because of this lack of understanding, 00:15:36.00\00:15:38.53 well-meaning Bible scholars frequently misapply this truth. 00:15:38.53\00:15:42.74 Faith is critical to our Christian walk 00:15:42.74\00:15:45.81 and worthy of our study. 00:15:45.81\00:15:47.51 So let's examine the depth of its meaning. 00:15:47.51\00:15:51.95 How is the word faith defined in Bible dictionaries? 00:15:51.95\00:15:55.72 It's another one of those elastic words 00:15:55.72\00:15:58.79 and it stretches over a special scope of meaning. 00:15:58.79\00:16:02.46 Faith means to be firmly persuaded, 00:16:02.46\00:16:04.99 to be convicted, and convinced of God's truth. 00:16:04.99\00:16:09.63 To walk in reliance on God's promises 00:16:09.63\00:16:12.20 and His works of salvation and to continue in assurance 00:16:12.20\00:16:16.67 of our beliefs obeying the word of God. 00:16:16.67\00:16:20.08 Now from my study on the topic, 00:16:20.08\00:16:22.18 here's the definition that I have to write. 00:16:22.18\00:16:25.61 "Faith is placing our total trust in God 00:16:25.61\00:16:29.02 and what is known to God but unseen by us, 00:16:29.02\00:16:33.69 believing in to be living in God 00:16:33.69\00:16:37.39 and His word with absolute assurance, 00:16:37.39\00:16:40.63 no doubt and eager expectation 00:16:40.63\00:16:44.00 that His unseen promises are ours 00:16:44.00\00:16:46.17 and will come to us relying on His love and His power 00:16:46.17\00:16:50.37 to keep us in the meantime 00:16:50.37\00:16:52.24 as we walk in obedience to His will." 00:16:52.24\00:16:56.14 Okay. Now can you repeat that to me, please? 00:16:56.14\00:16:59.51 I do admit that was a little bit long winded 00:16:59.51\00:17:02.18 but faith is difficult to reduce to a short definition. 00:17:02.18\00:17:06.65 Greek scholar and expositor Marvin Vincent 00:17:06.65\00:17:09.99 who lived in the 1800s did a little better 00:17:09.99\00:17:13.03 in providing a succinct definition. 00:17:13.03\00:17:15.96 He says, "Faith apprehends as a real fact 00:17:15.96\00:17:20.17 what is not revealed to the senses. 00:17:20.17\00:17:22.47 It rests on the fact, acts upon it, 00:17:22.47\00:17:25.47 and is upheld by it 00:17:25.47\00:17:27.01 in the face of all that seems to contradict it. 00:17:27.01\00:17:31.91 Faith is a real seam." 00:17:31.91\00:17:35.32 Well, I like this poetic description 00:17:35.32\00:17:38.39 but it still leaves me 00:17:38.39\00:17:40.12 with an incomplete understanding. 00:17:40.12\00:17:43.26 The importance of faith is evidenced 00:17:43.26\00:17:46.29 by the emphasis the New Testament 00:17:46.29\00:17:48.06 writers placed on this topic using the word nearly 250 times. 00:17:48.06\00:17:54.77 Only the writer of Hebrews 00:17:54.77\00:17:56.87 attempts to reduce the concept of faith to a definition. 00:17:56.87\00:18:02.44 And in the translation of Hebrews 11:1, 00:18:02.44\00:18:06.05 various Bible scholars have looked at this definition 00:18:06.05\00:18:09.58 and they have selected a variety of words. 00:18:09.58\00:18:12.69 So for ease of reading, 00:18:12.69\00:18:14.82 I've combined a number of these scholars' 00:18:14.82\00:18:16.93 word choices for you and let's look at what they say. 00:18:16.93\00:18:21.20 "Now faith is the substance and assurance, being sure of. 00:18:21.20\00:18:27.17 It is the foundation and trust 00:18:27.17\00:18:29.30 and title deed of things hoped for, things expected, 00:18:29.30\00:18:35.24 the evidence and conviction, being convinced of, 00:18:35.24\00:18:39.08 and proof of the reality of things not seen, 00:18:39.08\00:18:43.92 the things we do not see 00:18:43.92\00:18:46.05 and cannot see with our eyes." 00:18:46.05\00:18:50.49 Wow. 00:18:50.49\00:18:51.89 If faith is how we access the gifts of God 00:18:51.89\00:18:55.23 and it's the instrument we use to tap into God's grace, 00:18:55.23\00:18:58.93 we need to understand it. 00:18:58.93\00:19:01.60 Righteousness, justification, 00:19:01.60\00:19:03.91 and sanctification are available to all 00:19:03.91\00:19:07.24 who will reach out and seize them by faith. 00:19:07.24\00:19:09.88 Then as we are joined to and abide in Christ, 00:19:09.88\00:19:13.75 we gain God's approval 00:19:13.75\00:19:15.75 and He fulfils all of His promises 00:19:15.75\00:19:18.39 which are waiting to be released to us 00:19:18.39\00:19:21.22 when we tap into His grace pipeline by faith. 00:19:21.22\00:19:24.73 Now I want to make a distinction here 00:19:24.73\00:19:27.03 and I pray that I can articulate this in such a way 00:19:27.03\00:19:30.47 that it can be understood. 00:19:30.47\00:19:32.90 The reward of faith is God's approval. 00:19:32.90\00:19:36.40 His gifts of grace are not a reward for faith. 00:19:36.40\00:19:40.94 They are released by faith. 00:19:40.94\00:19:43.88 Faith is the assurance, the act of confidently 00:19:43.88\00:19:49.25 believing within our hearts 00:19:49.25\00:19:51.52 and the act of purposely reaching out 00:19:51.52\00:19:54.96 to lay hold of God's promises 00:19:54.96\00:19:57.63 which we rightfully possess in Christ. 00:19:57.63\00:20:01.40 Some Bible teachers imply 00:20:01.40\00:20:03.53 that if we can only work up on a faith 00:20:03.53\00:20:07.14 that God must reward us with His promises. 00:20:07.14\00:20:11.27 What these are doing is placing their trust in faith 00:20:11.27\00:20:15.98 making faith the object of their faith. 00:20:15.98\00:20:19.38 That's misleading and dangerous. 00:20:19.38\00:20:21.98 We must make God the object of our faith 00:20:21.98\00:20:25.49 understanding that He is ready, willing, 00:20:25.49\00:20:27.69 and able to release His promises 00:20:27.69\00:20:30.76 when we act by faith. 00:20:30.76\00:20:32.73 If we look at the earth as a universal theater 00:20:32.73\00:20:36.83 and our lives as being lived out on stage, 00:20:36.83\00:20:39.97 God's promises are waiting in the wings 00:20:39.97\00:20:43.77 ready to be ushered in by our faith. 00:20:43.77\00:20:47.11 Now Hebrews 11:6 demonstrates how important this faith is. 00:20:47.11\00:20:53.08 So let's read this together. 00:20:53.08\00:20:55.55 In Hebrews 11:6 it says, 00:20:55.55\00:20:57.95 "But without faith it is impossible to please God, 00:20:57.95\00:21:03.89 for he who comes to God must believe that He is, 00:21:03.89\00:21:08.20 and that He is a rewarder of those 00:21:08.20\00:21:10.63 who diligently seek Him." 00:21:10.63\00:21:13.97 Faith is the essential ingredient for spiritual life 00:21:13.97\00:21:19.44 and we are obliged to respond in faith 00:21:19.44\00:21:23.78 if we are to please God at all. 00:21:23.78\00:21:26.45 It is the necessary action to meet His requirements. 00:21:26.45\00:21:30.99 Faith honors God and God honors faith. 00:21:30.99\00:21:34.72 He is in the habit of rewarding 00:21:34.72\00:21:37.33 by His acceptance and His approval 00:21:37.33\00:21:40.26 anyone who pursues Him earnestly by faith, 00:21:40.26\00:21:43.77 even those who do not possess the full truth. 00:21:43.77\00:21:47.77 You know, we are only accountable 00:21:47.77\00:21:50.67 for what we know or for what we could have known 00:21:50.67\00:21:53.71 had we made a reasonable effort. 00:21:53.71\00:21:56.18 An apathetic attitude toward the study of 00:21:56.18\00:21:58.85 and the resources available to us 00:21:58.85\00:22:01.48 will not excuse us from being held accountable 00:22:01.48\00:22:04.25 for the knowledge we easily could've gained and understood. 00:22:04.25\00:22:08.96 Anyone who suppresses the truth 00:22:08.96\00:22:11.19 in unrighteousness is without excuse. 00:22:11.19\00:22:15.23 So our search to know God 00:22:15.23\00:22:18.13 and to know His truths requires diligence. 00:22:18.13\00:22:22.40 We must ask and keep on asking, 00:22:22.40\00:22:25.57 seek and keep on seeking, knock and keep on knocking. 00:22:25.57\00:22:29.64 And as we continue to seek Him with all of our hearts, 00:22:29.64\00:22:33.68 we gain intimate knowledge of Him. 00:22:33.68\00:22:36.38 And He reveals His plan for our lives 00:22:36.38\00:22:39.59 which, let me tell you, 00:22:39.59\00:22:41.02 is a whole lot better than the one that we're living. 00:22:41.02\00:22:44.33 Why is it impossible to please God without faith? 00:22:44.33\00:22:48.26 If we do not accept His testimony and act upon it, 00:22:48.26\00:22:52.70 we're regarding Him as a liar. 00:22:52.70\00:22:55.24 Here's proof found in 1 John 5:10-12. 00:22:55.24\00:22:59.67 John writes, "He who believes in the Son of God 00:22:59.67\00:23:02.54 has the witness in himself. 00:23:02.54\00:23:04.68 He who does not believe God has made Him a liar, 00:23:04.68\00:23:09.58 because he has not believe the testimony 00:23:09.58\00:23:12.25 that God has given of His Son. 00:23:12.25\00:23:15.42 And this is the testimony that God has given us eternal life, 00:23:15.42\00:23:20.73 and this life is in His Son. 00:23:20.73\00:23:23.40 He who has the Son has life. 00:23:23.40\00:23:26.67 He who does not have the Son of God does not have life." 00:23:26.67\00:23:32.61 Do you realize that anyone 00:23:32.61\00:23:34.44 who hears the truth and rejects Jesus Christ 00:23:34.44\00:23:38.31 rejects God's testimony about his son 00:23:38.31\00:23:40.98 as if His words were untrue? 00:23:40.98\00:23:44.09 According to the Apostle John that person is doomed 00:23:44.09\00:23:48.56 to a judgment of condemnation 00:23:48.56\00:23:51.06 for God's wrath abides on the unbeliever 00:23:51.06\00:23:54.93 and he will die in his sins. 00:23:54.93\00:23:58.40 But even belief in God by itself is not sufficient for salvation. 00:23:58.40\00:24:04.07 In James 2:19, the Apostle says, 00:24:04.07\00:24:07.58 "You believe that there is one God, you do well. 00:24:07.58\00:24:11.25 Even the demons believe and tremble." 00:24:11.25\00:24:14.68 The devil and his fallen angels know of God's existence 00:24:14.68\00:24:19.42 and they shudder at the thought of their judgment to come. 00:24:19.42\00:24:23.26 James continues in verse 20 where he says, 00:24:23.26\00:24:27.03 "Faith without works is dead." 00:24:27.03\00:24:30.57 Mere mental assent, 00:24:30.57\00:24:32.67 just simply believing in our mind is not a saving faith. 00:24:32.67\00:24:38.07 A saving faith includes trust and obedience. 00:24:38.07\00:24:43.18 So how do we develop faith? 00:24:43.18\00:24:45.71 Paul tells us in Romans 10:17 00:24:45.71\00:24:49.38 "Faith comes by hearing, 00:24:49.38\00:24:52.12 and hearing by the word of God." 00:24:52.12\00:24:57.09 Hearing is the way that the seed of God's word 00:24:57.09\00:25:00.90 is broadcast into the soil of our hearts 00:25:00.90\00:25:04.30 and the Holy Spirit is the one who teaches us 00:25:04.30\00:25:07.87 and gives us understanding. 00:25:07.87\00:25:09.87 Divine faith is achieved by grace 00:25:09.87\00:25:13.88 and by definition it is belief put into action. 00:25:13.88\00:25:18.65 The Lord of love requires us to have active faith 00:25:18.65\00:25:23.59 that draws us into a right relationship with Him. 00:25:23.59\00:25:28.99 You know, if we were to take the thought 00:25:28.99\00:25:31.69 from 1 John 5:10-12, if we were to take 00:25:31.69\00:25:35.83 that just a little bit further about anyone 00:25:35.83\00:25:39.67 who disregards God's testimony is regarding Him as a liar. 00:25:39.67\00:25:46.31 Think about this for a minute. 00:25:46.31\00:25:48.01 If we refuse to believe His inspired scriptures 00:25:48.01\00:25:53.58 regarding His promises 00:25:53.58\00:25:55.92 and our needful compliance to them 00:25:55.92\00:25:58.79 and to His revealed will, 00:25:58.79\00:26:01.56 then we are in essence calling God a liar. 00:26:01.56\00:26:05.19 You know, some of His promises 00:26:05.19\00:26:07.13 sound just far too marvelous to accept 00:26:07.13\00:26:11.00 regarding who we become 00:26:11.00\00:26:13.54 now that we're new creations in Christ. 00:26:13.54\00:26:16.07 But remember God knows the end 00:26:16.07\00:26:19.31 from the beginning and He declares it. 00:26:19.31\00:26:22.28 So we have to accept by faith. 00:26:22.28\00:26:25.18 We are heirs of God. We are co-heirs with Christ. 00:26:25.18\00:26:31.65 And the Bible tells us that when we are in Christ, 00:26:31.65\00:26:35.46 all of God's promises are ours. 00:26:35.46\00:26:38.53 Christ won the inheritance for us. 00:26:38.53\00:26:42.36 Now we're gonna make this application of truth 00:26:42.36\00:26:46.17 more practical in our next program. 00:26:46.17\00:26:49.37 We have barely scratched the surface of this topic. 00:26:49.37\00:26:53.71 But I hope that you will join us on the next program 00:26:53.71\00:26:57.48 where we're going to take a stroll 00:26:57.48\00:27:00.05 down faith's hall of fame 00:27:00.05\00:27:02.68 as we continue to develop our understanding 00:27:02.68\00:27:05.99 of this crucial ingredient of Christian living. 00:27:05.99\00:27:10.26 You know, when we see, 00:27:10.26\00:27:12.56 sometimes it is the life of people 00:27:12.56\00:27:15.86 who better define faith than mere words. 00:27:15.86\00:27:20.30 Our language is so limited 00:27:20.30\00:27:23.07 and faith is such a huge concept 00:27:23.07\00:27:26.37 that it's faith in action that helps us to understand 00:27:26.37\00:27:31.95 what the real meaning of the word is. 00:27:31.95\00:27:35.78 So please join us next time 00:27:35.78\00:27:38.02 and we'll look at some of these people from the Bible 00:27:38.02\00:27:41.12 whose characters whose life have shown 00:27:41.12\00:27:46.53 to the world for generations 00:27:46.53\00:27:49.76 that faith in action is a saving faith. 00:27:49.76\00:27:54.50 Until then, grow in grace 00:27:54.50\00:27:56.44 and the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 00:27:56.44\00:27:59.71