Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn. 00:00:01.36\00:00:03.10 How are we born again as children of God? 00:00:03.10\00:00:06.67 What was the cost of grace? 00:00:06.67\00:00:09.27 Please join us today as we see what the Bible 00:00:09.27\00:00:13.11 has to say in answer to these questions. 00:00:13.11\00:00:15.44 Hello. Welcome to "The Grace pipeline." 00:00:36.46\00:00:39.50 This is a series that follows a Bible study 00:00:39.50\00:00:42.40 that I was privileged to share 00:00:42.40\00:00:44.11 by writing a book also titled "The Grace pipeline." 00:00:44.11\00:00:47.88 Today we will look at what the Bible says 00:00:47.88\00:00:50.95 is the process of being born again as a child of God 00:00:50.95\00:00:55.12 and we'll also consider the extreme cost of grace. 00:00:55.12\00:00:59.89 If you were following in the series companion book 00:00:59.89\00:01:02.79 we are beginning on page 26 of chapter 2. 00:01:02.79\00:01:06.46 Now during our last program 00:01:06.46\00:01:08.63 we defined grace as the unearned, 00:01:08.63\00:01:12.10 undeserved gifts bestowed by a God of infinite love 00:01:12.10\00:01:16.87 which provide his divine assistance 00:01:16.87\00:01:19.57 and supernatural power unto salvation. 00:01:19.57\00:01:22.71 And do you remember 00:01:22.71\00:01:24.11 what we identified or who we identified 00:01:24.11\00:01:26.08 as the three most important gifts? 00:01:26.08\00:01:28.52 Jesus Christ is God's greatest gift of grace 00:01:28.52\00:01:32.79 and we considered also the Bible 00:01:32.79\00:01:35.16 and the Holy Spirit as gifts of grace. 00:01:35.16\00:01:38.23 We also talked about Paul and Silas as they ministered 00:01:38.23\00:01:40.93 to the Philippine jailers household, 00:01:40.93\00:01:43.00 and Peter to the household of Cornelius telling them 00:01:43.00\00:01:46.40 to believe in Christ and they would be saved. 00:01:46.40\00:01:50.07 How does believing bring salvation? 00:01:50.07\00:01:54.21 Christ said he came to earth to seek and to save the lost. 00:01:54.21\00:01:58.98 And according to 1 John 3:8, 00:01:58.98\00:02:01.48 His mission was to destroy the works of the Devil 00:02:01.48\00:02:05.55 by redeeming mankind and giving us 00:02:05.55\00:02:08.79 victory over Satan's influence. 00:02:08.79\00:02:11.53 He accomplishes this through His grace 00:02:11.53\00:02:14.73 which He tells us in 2 Corinthians 12:9, 00:02:14.73\00:02:17.80 He says, "My grace is sufficient for you," 00:02:17.80\00:02:21.10 sufficient for the task of transforming the human heart. 00:02:21.10\00:02:24.71 And in fact, Christ promises 00:02:24.71\00:02:27.34 to perfect His power in our weakness. 00:02:27.34\00:02:30.91 When Paul and Silas and Peter ministered 00:02:30.91\00:02:34.98 the message to believe they were essentially saying, 00:02:34.98\00:02:38.45 "Have faith and place your confidence 00:02:38.45\00:02:40.89 in Christ and His ability. 00:02:40.89\00:02:43.16 Commit your life to Him, trusting Him and relying on Him 00:02:43.16\00:02:47.50 for salvation and deliverance from sin." 00:02:47.50\00:02:51.53 Here is what Jesus said in John 5:24. 00:02:51.53\00:02:55.87 "Most assuredly, I say to you, 00:02:55.87\00:02:58.81 he who hears My word and believes in Him 00:02:58.81\00:03:02.41 who has sent Me has everlasting life, 00:03:02.41\00:03:05.58 and shall not come into judgment, 00:03:05.58\00:03:08.65 but has passed from death into life." 00:03:08.65\00:03:14.29 There you have it, on the authority 00:03:14.29\00:03:16.06 of the word of Christ Himself. 00:03:16.06\00:03:18.26 Believing brings salvation. 00:03:18.26\00:03:21.53 But believing in Jesus as Savior is to be living in Jesus 00:03:21.53\00:03:28.64 and the power of His grace. 00:03:28.64\00:03:30.91 The heavenly promise is that His presence in your life 00:03:30.91\00:03:35.11 will mold your character into conformity of His likeness. 00:03:35.11\00:03:40.15 But it takes faith and confidence 00:03:40.15\00:03:43.15 that God is willing and able to perform this work in you. 00:03:43.15\00:03:47.42 Jesus asks a question 00:03:47.42\00:03:49.22 and made an incredible response in Mathew 9:28 and 29. 00:03:49.22\00:03:55.66 He said, "Do you believe that I am able to do this? 00:03:55.66\00:03:59.90 According to your faith let it be to you." 00:03:59.90\00:04:05.14 This was in response to the cries 00:04:05.14\00:04:07.64 of two believing blind men. 00:04:07.64\00:04:10.25 And these words spoken by Jesus restored their sight 00:04:10.25\00:04:13.95 by grace through the power of faith. 00:04:13.95\00:04:16.58 The Bible accounts that we previously reviewed 00:04:16.58\00:04:19.79 of the woman at the well and her fellow citizens, 00:04:19.79\00:04:22.86 the jailor and his family, and Cornelius household 00:04:22.86\00:04:26.86 proved the same faith principle applies to Spiritual blindness. 00:04:26.86\00:04:32.17 So how did all of those people 00:04:32.17\00:04:35.14 obtain faith to overcome Spiritual blindness? 00:04:35.14\00:04:38.87 Paul tells us in Romans 10:17 that faith comes by hearing 00:04:38.87\00:04:43.81 and hearing by the word of God. 00:04:43.81\00:04:46.45 As the gift of his word was implanted in their hearts 00:04:46.45\00:04:51.02 it brought faith and power 00:04:51.02\00:04:53.09 which was able to save their souls. 00:04:53.09\00:04:55.66 The moment their conversion came 00:04:55.66\00:04:57.89 when they believed in and received Jesus as savior. 00:04:57.89\00:05:02.53 Through faith their hearts were changed and converted, 00:05:02.53\00:05:07.07 turned away from the power of sin to the power of God. 00:05:07.07\00:05:11.81 Listen to Christ's commission to Paul, 00:05:11.81\00:05:14.58 his messenger of grace, whom he sent out to lost 00:05:14.58\00:05:17.78 and suffering souls so that they might be converted. 00:05:17.78\00:05:20.98 This is one of my favorite scriptures 00:05:20.98\00:05:23.05 found in Acts 26:17 and 18. 00:05:23.05\00:05:26.86 And he says to Paul, "I now send you to open their eyes, 00:05:26.86\00:05:31.66 in order to turn them from darkness to light, 00:05:31.66\00:05:34.93 and from the power of Satan to God, 00:05:34.93\00:05:37.30 that they may receive forgiveness of sins 00:05:37.30\00:05:40.50 and an inheritance among those 00:05:40.50\00:05:43.94 who are sanctified by faith in Me." 00:05:43.94\00:05:50.15 The word "converted" triggers memories of the two weeks 00:05:50.15\00:05:54.28 my precious mother spent in the intensive care unit. 00:05:54.28\00:05:57.52 It was as the result of a complete cardiac 00:05:57.52\00:06:00.62 and respiratory arrest from which she was revived. 00:06:00.62\00:06:03.69 And the hospital staff allowed me to stay with her 00:06:03.69\00:06:06.49 around the clock except for the occasions 00:06:06.49\00:06:09.26 that her heart went dangerously out of rhythm. 00:06:09.26\00:06:12.37 And the code blue team would send me scurrying from her room. 00:06:12.37\00:06:17.07 After applying the cardiac paddles 00:06:17.07\00:06:19.54 in to deliver an electric shock to her heart, 00:06:19.54\00:06:22.51 the doctor would come to the waiting area and tell me, 00:06:22.51\00:06:25.71 "Well, we've successfully converted her." 00:06:25.71\00:06:28.58 In other words, they had restored 00:06:28.58\00:06:30.89 a normal heart rhythm and she should live. 00:06:30.89\00:06:34.39 With the entrance of sin in the Garden of Eden, 00:06:34.39\00:06:38.39 the heart of humanity got out of rhythm. 00:06:38.39\00:06:41.36 We were out of rhythm with heaven 00:06:41.36\00:06:43.26 and sin severed mans spiritual life from God 00:06:43.26\00:06:47.10 resulting in spiritual death. 00:06:47.10\00:06:50.47 The great physician of love 00:06:50.47\00:06:52.57 reaches down from heaven to restore life to us. 00:06:52.57\00:06:56.01 He places His loving hands, like spiritual cardiac paddles, 00:06:56.01\00:07:01.15 on our heart and delivers the power stream 00:07:01.15\00:07:04.25 that causes it to beat 00:07:04.25\00:07:06.35 in a recreated rhythm as one with His. 00:07:06.35\00:07:10.69 of the Old Testament, 00:07:10.69\00:07:15.86 pictures this more like a heart transplant. 00:07:15.86\00:07:19.30 God promise us to put a new heart 00:07:19.30\00:07:21.64 and a new spirit within His people 00:07:21.64\00:07:23.91 and 'cause His people to be what he calls them to be. 00:07:23.91\00:07:28.78 Now in the New Testament in Hebrews 8:8-13. 00:07:28.78\00:07:32.71 He proclaims the new covenant, 00:07:32.71\00:07:35.12 heart conversion process, happens as a result of Him 00:07:35.12\00:07:39.75 putting His laws in our minds and writing them on our hearts. 00:07:39.75\00:07:44.36 We must be regenerated, reborn spiritually 00:07:44.36\00:07:48.83 to restore our relationship with God as our father. 00:07:48.83\00:07:52.40 And the good news is this happens 00:07:52.40\00:07:55.34 as a function of His grace. 00:07:55.34\00:07:58.14 Now in the natural realm, let me ask, 00:07:58.14\00:08:01.01 what role does any child perform in his conception? None. 00:08:01.01\00:08:05.98 The donor, seed or sperm brings life 00:08:05.98\00:08:09.08 and the child is conceived receiving the gift of life. 00:08:09.08\00:08:13.62 The same principle applies in the spiritual realm. 00:08:13.62\00:08:16.96 Luke 8:11, portrays the written word 00:08:16.96\00:08:21.06 as the seed of God with a small lowercase 's'. 00:08:21.06\00:08:26.13 And in Galatians 3:16, Paul identifies Christ 00:08:26.13\00:08:30.14 as the living word of God, as the covenant seed of Abraham 00:08:30.14\00:08:34.48 and he uses an uppercase 'S' for seed. 00:08:34.48\00:08:38.31 You see, we are born again spiritually 00:08:38.31\00:08:41.15 as we receive the seed of His written word. 00:08:41.15\00:08:45.42 And Jesus, the covenant seed, 00:08:45.42\00:08:47.76 enters our hearts through faith 00:08:47.76\00:08:49.82 to infuse us with new spiritual DNA. 00:08:49.82\00:08:54.46 Now I use that as an acronym for Divine Nature Acquired. 00:08:54.46\00:08:59.80 And what happens is working in concert 00:08:59.80\00:09:03.51 the Holy Spirit indwells us 00:09:03.51\00:09:05.87 and we are born of the spirit and of God. 00:09:05.87\00:09:09.51 Like a child of natural birth our only part 00:09:09.51\00:09:12.98 in the spiritual birth is to receive the gift of life. 00:09:12.98\00:09:17.25 God communicates new life to us 00:09:17.25\00:09:20.49 through the agencies of His grace through His son, 00:09:20.49\00:09:24.56 the Holy Spirit, and the word 00:09:24.56\00:09:26.06 and we are born from above and given a new beginning. 00:09:26.06\00:09:30.23 You know, God believes and gives all who believe in Christ 00:09:30.23\00:09:34.50 and receive Him as Savior the right to become His children 00:09:34.50\00:09:39.24 and share communion with Him. 00:09:39.24\00:09:42.98 This rebirth or regeneration 00:09:42.98\00:09:45.65 causes us to have a family resemblance 00:09:45.65\00:09:48.75 to the father of our spirits, our father of grace. 00:09:48.75\00:09:52.59 Let's review the scriptural evidence 00:09:52.59\00:09:55.22 of our new birth process. 00:09:55.22\00:09:57.53 And we are going to began with James 1:18. 00:09:57.53\00:10:03.10 Let me find that right here. 00:10:03.10\00:10:04.97 And in James 1:18, the Bible says 00:10:04.97\00:10:07.07 we were born again by God's will and His word. 00:10:07.07\00:10:09.70 Listen, "And it was of His own free will 00:10:09.70\00:10:13.44 that He gave us birth as sons by His word of Truth." 00:10:13.44\00:10:18.18 And 1 Peter 1:23 says we were born at the word. 00:10:18.18\00:10:22.02 "Having been born again, not of corruptible seed 00:10:22.02\00:10:25.99 but incorruptible, through the word of God." 00:10:25.99\00:10:29.62 Ephesians 2:4-5 says, "God, who is rich in mercy, 00:10:29.62\00:10:35.00 because of His great love with which He loved us, 00:10:35.00\00:10:38.17 even when we were dead in trespasses, 00:10:38.17\00:10:40.57 made us alive together with Christ 00:10:40.57\00:10:43.67 by grace you have been saved. 00:10:43.67\00:10:46.88 Ephesians 2:10 says, we are recreated in Christ. 00:10:46.88\00:10:50.71 I am reading this from the amplified and it says, 00:10:50.71\00:10:53.05 "For we are God's (own) handiwork (His workmanship), 00:10:53.05\00:10:57.59 recreated in Christ Jesus, (born anew) 00:10:57.59\00:11:01.96 that we may do those good works 00:11:01.96\00:11:03.86 which God predestined (planned beforehand) for us." 00:11:03.86\00:11:08.06 And then we must consider John 3:6, 00:11:08.06\00:11:11.20 where Jesus says we were born of the Spirit. 00:11:11.20\00:11:13.70 He says, "That which is born of the flesh is flesh, 00:11:13.70\00:11:17.01 and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit." 00:11:17.01\00:11:20.54 And finally Titus 3:4-6 says we were regenerated 00:11:20.54\00:11:25.05 and renewed by the Holy Spirit. 00:11:25.05\00:11:27.72 And he writes, "When the kindness 00:11:27.72\00:11:30.42 and the love of God our Savior toward man appeared, 00:11:30.42\00:11:33.79 not by works of righteousness which we have done, 00:11:33.79\00:11:37.09 but according to His mercy He saved us, 00:11:37.09\00:11:40.76 through the washing of regeneration 00:11:40.76\00:11:43.40 and renewing of the Holy Spirit, 00:11:43.40\00:11:46.30 whom He poured out on us abundantly 00:11:46.30\00:11:49.24 through Jesus Christ our Savior." 00:11:49.24\00:11:52.94 What great promises. 00:11:52.94\00:11:54.78 That's why Paul could say in 2 Corinthians 5:17, 00:11:54.78\00:11:57.91 "Therefore if any one is in Christ, 00:11:57.91\00:12:00.75 he is a new creation. 00:12:00.75\00:12:02.35 Old things have passed away 00:12:02.35\00:12:04.09 and behold all things have become new." 00:12:04.09\00:12:07.96 Through the gift of Christ's overflowing life 00:12:07.96\00:12:11.63 and the transforming power of the Holy Spirit and the word, 00:12:11.63\00:12:15.43 God recreates us in His image. 00:12:15.43\00:12:19.43 And now we have the hope 00:12:19.43\00:12:21.67 of attaining the character of Christ 00:12:21.67\00:12:24.41 as we grow in grace and mature in our Christian experience. 00:12:24.41\00:12:29.78 Paul pointed out in Colossians 1:27, 00:12:29.78\00:12:33.48 he said that it is Christ in you, the hope of glory. 00:12:33.48\00:12:38.65 Our personal experience of allowing Christ to dwell 00:12:38.65\00:12:42.12 within our hearts by faith is our only hope of salvation. 00:12:42.12\00:12:45.96 And as born again children of God, 00:12:45.96\00:12:48.16 we have a vital spiritual connection with our Lord. 00:12:48.16\00:12:51.90 Through faith we abide in Him 00:12:51.90\00:12:54.90 and He abides or continually dwells in us. 00:12:54.90\00:12:58.94 The promise to all who will believe in Him 00:12:58.94\00:13:01.94 is that the power of His Holy Spirit 00:13:01.94\00:13:03.71 will be poured out from on high. 00:13:03.71\00:13:06.05 And our frail human understanding 00:13:06.05\00:13:08.38 will be strengthened to know the love of God 00:13:08.38\00:13:12.02 that we may be filled with all of His fullness. 00:13:12.02\00:13:15.99 Let me read to you from Ephesians 3:14-19. 00:13:15.99\00:13:21.66 Paul writes to the Ephesians and he says, 00:13:21.66\00:13:24.37 "For this reason I bow my knees 00:13:24.37\00:13:27.10 to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ." 00:13:27.10\00:13:30.11 Why? "That He would grant you, 00:13:30.11\00:13:32.21 according to the riches of His glory, 00:13:32.21\00:13:34.78 to be strengthened with might 00:13:34.78\00:13:37.58 through His Spirit in the inner man, 00:13:37.58\00:13:40.68 that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith" 00:13:40.68\00:13:43.99 So we see there, 00:13:43.99\00:13:45.39 it's through the Holy Spirit living in us 00:13:45.39\00:13:47.49 that Christ dwells in us by faith. 00:13:47.49\00:13:50.23 "That you, being rooted and grounded in love, 00:13:50.23\00:13:52.93 may be able to comprehend with all the saints 00:13:52.93\00:13:56.16 what is the width and length and depth and height, 00:13:56.16\00:13:59.53 to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge, 00:13:59.53\00:14:02.60 that you may be filled with all the fullness of God." 00:14:02.60\00:14:07.44 You know, Paul exclaimed, it's the grace of God 00:14:07.44\00:14:12.11 that brings salvation has appeared to all men 00:14:12.11\00:14:16.15 when Jesus came. 00:14:16.15\00:14:17.55 Hallelujah. 00:14:17.55\00:14:18.95 God's grace pipeline is provided for every man, 00:14:18.95\00:14:22.16 woman, and child on earth. 00:14:22.16\00:14:23.89 It encompasses the world in an embraces of his love. 00:14:23.89\00:14:28.16 tells us that God desires 00:14:28.16\00:14:31.97 that all would repent and none would perish. 00:14:31.97\00:14:35.37 His grace is for all. 00:14:35.37\00:14:37.51 Scripture is clear and confronting, 00:14:37.51\00:14:39.77 salvation belongs to God. 00:14:39.77\00:14:42.68 Both the Old and New Testaments 00:14:42.68\00:14:44.41 actually use that exact wording. 00:14:44.41\00:14:47.15 Don't believe for one minute that you are too bad 00:14:47.15\00:14:49.78 to qualify for God's saving grace, 00:14:49.78\00:14:51.99 denying His ability to save and exalting your opinion 00:14:51.99\00:14:56.09 above His recorded truth. 00:14:56.09\00:14:58.53 In a supreme display of His love 00:14:58.53\00:15:00.86 God sent His Son to die 00:15:00.86\00:15:02.96 for ungodly sinners like you and like me. 00:15:02.96\00:15:06.53 And don't suffer the prideful notion 00:15:06.53\00:15:08.50 that you can do anything to save yourselves 00:15:08.50\00:15:11.11 because then you would unwittingly 00:15:11.11\00:15:12.84 be setting yourself up as your own deity 00:15:12.84\00:15:15.11 and thereby practicing a form of idolatry. 00:15:15.11\00:15:18.61 Don't reject the idea either of your great need 00:15:18.61\00:15:22.98 for the Savior by considering yourself as inherently good. 00:15:22.98\00:15:27.12 For the Bible says that all have sinned 00:15:27.12\00:15:29.19 and fallen short of the glory of God. 00:15:29.19\00:15:31.53 We are all candidates for God's grace. 00:15:31.53\00:15:35.93 James tells us in 4:6 that God resists the proud, 00:15:35.93\00:15:41.77 but he gives grace to the humble. 00:15:41.77\00:15:44.14 To receive grace requires an act of humility 00:15:44.14\00:15:48.38 which explains the human tendency 00:15:48.38\00:15:51.08 of our hearts to reject it. 00:15:51.08\00:15:53.48 We must humbly accept but for the grace of God 00:15:53.48\00:15:57.79 we would be doomed to destruction. 00:15:57.79\00:16:00.49 Further we must believe that He loves the undeserving 00:16:00.49\00:16:05.26 and He is able to save us. 00:16:05.26\00:16:08.43 Romans 6:23 speaks to God's grace saying, 00:16:08.43\00:16:12.87 "For the wages of sin is death, 00:16:12.87\00:16:15.67 but the gift of God is eternal life 00:16:15.67\00:16:21.21 in Christ Jesus our Lord." 00:16:21.21\00:16:23.85 The Bible paints a portrait of an all loving, 00:16:23.85\00:16:27.55 all powerful, all Holy God. 00:16:27.55\00:16:30.72 And the perfect moral purity of God separates Him 00:16:30.72\00:16:35.29 from any possibility of wrong doing or injustice. 00:16:35.29\00:16:39.86 Now in striking contrast the Scripture portraits 00:16:39.86\00:16:43.26 the picture of fallen humanity as selfish, weak, 00:16:43.26\00:16:47.54 morally corrupt and hopelessly lost 00:16:47.54\00:16:50.74 unless we repent of our rebellion against God. 00:16:50.74\00:16:54.84 Man was created to be the image bearer of a Holy God. 00:16:54.84\00:16:58.95 And our creator set forth His righteous criteria, 00:16:58.95\00:17:02.28 His laws of love by which He would govern the world 00:17:02.28\00:17:06.32 to provide a protective barrier against sin. 00:17:06.32\00:17:09.99 But through an act of rebellion and opposition to God's plan, 00:17:09.99\00:17:13.96 Adam and Eve introduced 00:17:13.96\00:17:15.33 the consequences of sin into this world. 00:17:15.33\00:17:18.03 Sin ravaged the perfection of God's creation 00:17:18.03\00:17:21.44 and infected the entire human race 00:17:21.44\00:17:24.41 with through an inherited nature 00:17:24.41\00:17:26.94 that is inclined to surrender to sin's sway 00:17:26.94\00:17:31.41 rather than to the power of God. 00:17:31.41\00:17:33.72 Yeah, we are born with freewill, 00:17:33.72\00:17:35.68 the personal choice between right and wrong. 00:17:35.68\00:17:37.92 And scripture makes it very clear in Ezekiel 18:20. 00:17:37.92\00:17:44.43 It says we are individually responsible for own sins. 00:17:44.43\00:17:49.10 The sin experience of mankind is the disgrace of humanity. 00:17:49.10\00:17:54.14 That's what caused our decline 00:17:54.14\00:17:56.04 into a state of moral degradation 00:17:56.04\00:17:58.31 and separated us from our Holy God. 00:17:58.31\00:18:01.44 Suffering, torment, death 00:18:01.44\00:18:04.21 and these types of things are the toxic waste of sin. 00:18:04.21\00:18:08.85 As the consequence of His holiness 00:18:08.85\00:18:11.75 evil is an abomination to the Lord. 00:18:11.75\00:18:14.49 And His judgment is that those who practice sin deserve death. 00:18:14.49\00:18:19.63 The Bible describes- describes God's holy reaction 00:18:19.63\00:18:23.47 against the squalor of sin as His wrath. 00:18:23.47\00:18:27.30 Our God of love proclaims himself 00:18:27.30\00:18:30.51 to be merciful, gracious, slow to anger, 00:18:30.51\00:18:33.54 and abundant in loving kindness and truth. 00:18:33.54\00:18:36.28 Still we must understand that His love towards us 00:18:36.28\00:18:40.02 is not just a shower of sentimental feelings. 00:18:40.02\00:18:43.69 His love provides grace that is the offsetting power 00:18:43.69\00:18:47.89 to subdue the influence of the devil 00:18:47.89\00:18:50.83 and change our sin-sick state of mind. 00:18:50.83\00:18:55.30 Thank God for the assurance of Romans 5:20 which says, 00:18:55.30\00:19:01.57 "Where sin abounded grace abounded much more." 00:19:01.57\00:19:05.87 As we tap into God's grace pipeline by faith, 00:19:05.87\00:19:09.44 He will flood us with His grace 00:19:09.44\00:19:11.85 and wash away the Spiritual drought 00:19:11.85\00:19:14.42 that's caused by our sins. 00:19:14.42\00:19:16.55 His benevolent gifts are free to us, 00:19:16.55\00:19:19.02 but we must be careful not to propose 00:19:19.02\00:19:22.26 an idea of cheap grace 00:19:22.26\00:19:24.69 for the cost to God was incalculable. 00:19:24.69\00:19:28.43 If anyone appreciated the benefits of grace 00:19:28.43\00:19:30.83 it was the Apostle Paul, a Pharisee of Pharisees, 00:19:30.83\00:19:34.57 who at one time thought his pedigree 00:19:34.57\00:19:37.97 and his zealous religious practices 00:19:37.97\00:19:40.48 earned him favor with God. 00:19:40.48\00:19:42.51 But lacking the life and love of God within, 00:19:42.51\00:19:45.55 he failed to recognize that he was spiritually destitute 00:19:45.55\00:19:49.72 until the moment of his dramatic Damascus road conversion 00:19:49.72\00:19:54.26 when he encountered the master of grace. 00:19:54.26\00:19:58.23 Grace awakened in Paul, 00:19:58.23\00:20:00.70 an emotion that could not be expressed. 00:20:00.70\00:20:03.40 Nor could his gratitude for grace be suppressed. 00:20:03.40\00:20:07.50 He was writing a letter to the church at Corinth 00:20:07.50\00:20:10.14 offering instructions on sacrificial giving. 00:20:10.14\00:20:13.81 When suddenly in the midst 00:20:13.81\00:20:15.44 to providing the reasons for sacrificial giving 00:20:15.44\00:20:18.31 and the motives Paul's heart surged 00:20:18.31\00:20:21.28 with gratitude for God's grace. 00:20:21.28\00:20:23.52 And he penned the strong language 00:20:23.52\00:20:26.19 in Acts excuse me 2 Corinthians 9:15. 00:20:26.19\00:20:29.79 He said, "Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift." 00:20:29.79\00:20:35.03 Paul knew the supreme demonstration 00:20:35.03\00:20:37.77 of God's saving love was the glorious gift 00:20:37.77\00:20:41.07 of His only begotten Son. 00:20:41.07\00:20:43.20 He could find no other words adequate to define such charity. 00:20:43.20\00:20:49.21 The 85 Psalm says that "Mercy and Truth have met together, 00:20:49.21\00:20:54.18 righteousness and peace have kissed." 00:20:54.18\00:20:57.09 When is this talking about? 00:20:57.09\00:20:59.12 The gateway to salvation is the crucifixion of Christ. 00:20:59.12\00:21:03.02 Sinful men deserve destruction. 00:21:03.02\00:21:05.69 But in spite of our hostility and rebellion 00:21:05.69\00:21:08.76 God paid the unspeakable price to redeem us. 00:21:08.76\00:21:12.93 His holiness demanded justice but His love demanded grace. 00:21:12.93\00:21:18.77 Justice and Grace collided at Calvary's cross 00:21:18.77\00:21:23.58 evidencing both the holiness and the love of God. 00:21:23.58\00:21:27.72 The Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, 00:21:27.72\00:21:29.92 and being Himself God possessed the very nature of the Father. 00:21:29.92\00:21:34.46 He was worshiped and adored by heavenly beings 00:21:34.46\00:21:38.13 but yet He choose to humble Himself 00:21:38.13\00:21:40.70 and leave that glory and majesty in heaven 00:21:40.70\00:21:43.47 to come to earth and rescue His created beings. 00:21:43.47\00:21:47.34 He condescended to acquire the nature of man 00:21:47.34\00:21:51.01 through His incardination. 00:21:51.01\00:21:52.94 God's beloved became humanity's rejected. 00:21:52.94\00:21:56.88 The perfect sinless one became the willing sacrifice for sin 00:21:56.88\00:22:02.32 bearing the penalty of our sins. 00:22:02.32\00:22:04.89 Heaven's innocent became the condemned 00:22:04.89\00:22:08.76 and the author of life served as our substitute for death. 00:22:08.76\00:22:13.33 It is written in 1 Peter 1:18-19. 00:22:13.33\00:22:17.93 "You were not redeemed with corruptible things, 00:22:17.93\00:22:20.80 like silver or gold, from your aimless conduct 00:22:20.80\00:22:23.97 received by tradition from your fathers, 00:22:23.97\00:22:26.81 but with the precious blood of Jesus, 00:22:26.81\00:22:30.01 as of a lamb without blemish and without spot." 00:22:30.01\00:22:35.58 Stand at the foot of Calvary's cruel cross 00:22:35.58\00:22:38.92 and you will begin to comprehend the cost of God's grace. 00:22:38.92\00:22:42.59 See His Son hanging naked, lacerated by the whip, 00:22:42.59\00:22:46.93 pierced by the rough iron nails through his hands and feet, 00:22:46.93\00:22:50.33 and bruised by the fist of his tormentors 00:22:50.33\00:22:53.77 with men's spittle dried to his wounded and blooded head 00:22:53.77\00:22:57.37 that was topped then with a crown of thrones. 00:22:57.37\00:23:00.78 If we see the suffocating savior gasping for air 00:23:00.78\00:23:05.38 and grimacing in pain and witness the inward grief 00:23:05.38\00:23:09.05 that engulfed Him as God made Him 00:23:09.05\00:23:11.82 who knew no sin to be sin for us, 00:23:11.82\00:23:15.02 that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. 00:23:15.02\00:23:18.69 Now in contrast to the mocking crowd, 00:23:18.69\00:23:22.36 hear the heart of mercy of Jesus crying out, 00:23:22.36\00:23:26.30 "Father forgive them for they know not what they do." 00:23:26.30\00:23:30.44 To contemplate the scene of our Savior's death is to understand 00:23:30.44\00:23:34.98 why Paul did not propagate a cheap grace. 00:23:34.98\00:23:38.95 He describes it in Galatians 5:11 00:23:38.95\00:23:42.15 as the offence of the cross Jesus gave Himself willingly. 00:23:42.15\00:23:47.49 In Hebrews 12:2 says, 00:23:47.49\00:23:49.76 "For the joy that was set before Him, 00:23:49.76\00:23:52.53 He endured the cross despising the shame." 00:23:52.53\00:23:55.80 Let me ask, what was his joy? 00:23:55.80\00:23:58.20 He knew that through His death 00:23:58.20\00:24:00.44 God was reconciling the world to Himself 00:24:00.44\00:24:04.27 and not counting our sins against us. 00:24:04.27\00:24:07.54 Through Christ's sacrifice He would destroy 00:24:07.54\00:24:10.75 the power of the Devil and deliver us 00:24:10.75\00:24:13.78 from this present evil age according to God's perfect will. 00:24:13.78\00:24:20.89 Titus 2:14 tells us that it was God's joy to redeem us 00:24:20.89\00:24:27.60 from every lawless deed and purify for Himself 00:24:27.60\00:24:31.90 His own spiritual people, 00:24:31.90\00:24:33.87 people that were zealous for good works 00:24:33.87\00:24:37.21 because of the effects of grace 00:24:37.21\00:24:40.01 and because of this His glorious grace will strengthen us 00:24:40.01\00:24:44.95 with the power to conduct ourselves 00:24:44.95\00:24:47.45 in a manner worthy of the Lord's great hearted gift of love. 00:24:47.45\00:24:52.92 God's indescribable gift Jesus Christ, 00:24:52.92\00:24:56.59 was a demonstration of His perfect love towards sinners, 00:24:56.59\00:25:00.10 a love that would drive the fear of His wrath from our hearts. 00:25:00.10\00:25:04.97 A true understanding of God's grace conquers our fears 00:25:04.97\00:25:09.30 and it stirs a longing within us to walk in His path 00:25:09.30\00:25:14.98 and holds our hope for our future. 00:25:14.98\00:25:19.78 Only by grace can our fallen human nature be subdued 00:25:19.78\00:25:25.05 and the unholy heart of humanity be restored 00:25:25.05\00:25:28.56 to the image of our creator. 00:25:28.56\00:25:30.79 The fullness of grace stored in our Lord Jesus 00:25:30.79\00:25:35.63 streams down from Him into us providing the divine assistance 00:25:35.63\00:25:40.27 and the supernatural salvation 00:25:40.27\00:25:43.67 as we walk in daily fellowship with Him. 00:25:43.67\00:25:47.24 It is written in 1 John 5:11-13, 00:25:47.24\00:25:53.82 "This is the testimony. 00:25:53.82\00:25:56.02 God given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. 00:25:56.02\00:26:01.62 He who has the Son has life, 00:26:01.62\00:26:05.39 he who does not have the Son of God 00:26:05.39\00:26:10.53 does not have life. 00:26:10.53\00:26:12.27 These things I have written to you 00:26:12.27\00:26:13.90 who believe in the name of the Son of God, 00:26:13.90\00:26:16.67 that you may know that you have eternal life, 00:26:16.67\00:26:21.24 and that you may continue to believe 00:26:21.24\00:26:24.38 in the name of the Son of God." 00:26:24.38\00:26:27.65 Give thanks to God for His indescribable gift Jesus Christ, 00:26:27.65\00:26:32.79 the revelation of His great love for you. 00:26:32.79\00:26:35.96 Rejoice, you were worth nothing less than the price 00:26:35.96\00:26:39.96 He paid to redeem you with His own precious blood. 00:26:39.96\00:26:44.10 Christ paid ransom for your release from sins bondage 00:26:44.10\00:26:49.10 to set you free from its horrors. 00:26:49.10\00:26:52.64 My advice is- for you, for me 00:26:52.64\00:26:55.91 that we need to rivet our eyes on our redeemer 00:26:55.91\00:27:00.18 and if we are in Christ we can rest 00:27:00.18\00:27:03.52 in the assurance of salvation by grace. 00:27:03.52\00:27:06.45 That's what we just read in 1 John 5:11-13. 00:27:06.45\00:27:10.39 And I just want to read it one more time. 00:27:10.39\00:27:12.96 "This is the testimony. 00:27:12.96\00:27:14.56 That God given us eternal life and the life is in His Son. 00:27:14.56\00:27:19.30 He who has the Son-" Do you have the Son of God? 00:27:19.30\00:27:24.04 If you've accepted Christ as your Savior 00:27:24.04\00:27:27.18 and you are living in Him then it says, 00:27:27.18\00:27:31.55 that He has written these things 00:27:31.55\00:27:34.08 that you may know that you have eternal life. 00:27:34.08\00:27:39.05 I don't know what your circumstances are? 00:27:39.05\00:27:42.09 But there is someone in heaven who does. 00:27:42.09\00:27:44.66 And I know He loves you. 00:27:44.66\00:27:46.26 And if you will cry out to him He is eager 00:27:46.26\00:27:49.76 and ready to come to your rescue. 00:27:49.76\00:27:54.10 God loves you and He wants you 00:27:54.10\00:27:57.04 to be born again and saved by grace. 00:27:57.04\00:28:00.54