Series Code: GPC
Program Code: GPC000010A
00:29 As you notice,
00:31 the title of our study this evening 00:33 is Fire, Lions and Deliverance. 00:38 It's actually part two 00:39 that we began in our last study. 00:42 And so before we begin our study, 00:44 we want to ask for the Lord's blessing 00:46 as we open the pages of His Holy Book. 00:48 So please bow your heads with me as we pray. 00:52 Our Father and our God, 00:53 we come boldly to the throne of grace 00:55 because we come in the name of Jesus. 00:58 First of all, we want to thank You 00:59 for having been with us 01:01 throughout the first nine studies together. 01:05 And now as we are about to end this series, 01:07 we ask for the presence of Your Holy Spirit 01:10 through the ministry of the angels 01:12 in a very special way. 01:14 We ask Lord that You'll open our minds and our hearts 01:17 to receive the seed of truth, 01:19 that You will give us the boldness 01:21 to speak the truth as it is in Jesus. 01:24 We thank you Father for all of those 01:26 who are watching the live streaming, 01:27 for those who will watch this on YouTube, 01:30 bless them and open their minds and hearts as well. 01:33 And I thank you Father 01:35 for hearing and answering our prayer, 01:36 for I ask in the precious name of Jesus. 01:38 Amen. 01:40 Well, let's begin by reviewing the prophetic chain 01:44 that we have been pursuing during the last nine sessions. 01:48 You have this on your handout 01:50 and I want to take this opportunity of mentioning 01:52 to those who will be watching this 01:55 on the live streaming as well as on YouTube, 01:58 that there is a syllabus available 02:01 where these lectures are in printed form 02:03 so that you can visualize what we're discussing here. 02:07 Those who have attended have received a handout 02:09 with the full lecture. 02:11 So I would encourage 02:12 those who are watching the live stream 02:14 and also those who will be watching on YouTube, 02:17 those who get the DVDs 02:19 that you will also get the syllabus 02:22 that goes along with the class. 02:24 Now, let's review the prophetic chain. 02:26 We have first of all Babylon 605 to 539 BC. 02:32 Then we have Medo-Persia 539 BC to 331 BC. 02:38 Then we have the kingdom of Greece 02:41 331 BC to 168 BC. 02:45 Then we have the Roman Empire which is a united empire 02:49 from 168 BC to 476 AD. 02:55 And then the Roman Empire is divided 02:57 and the divisions take place primarily 03:01 between the year 476 and the year 538. 03:05 And then after the Roman Empire is divided, 03:08 you have a little horn 03:10 which represents the Roman Catholic papacy 03:13 and this little horn rules for 1260 years. 03:18 And the 1260 years come to an end in the year 1798 03:24 where the papacy was put under restraint 03:27 and the papacy received the wound 03:29 with the sword of civil power. 03:32 And then around the same time 03:34 that this little horn received its deadly wound, 03:38 we find that another beast rises from the earth. 03:42 And this beast from the earth as we've studied 03:44 represents the United States of America. 03:48 A beast that has two horns like a lamb 03:51 but ends up speaking like a dragon. 03:54 Now where are we in the prophetic chain? 03:57 Right now we are in the period of respite 04:02 where there is no persecution. 04:04 Right now we are living 04:06 in the closing stages of the papacy being restrained 04:11 and having the wound of the sword. 04:13 I firmly believe that as we see 04:15 what's happening in the United States, in Rome, 04:19 what is happening in the United Nations, etcetera 04:22 that we are in the last portion 04:25 of this period of respite, this period of peace. 04:28 The next event on the drama according to what we've studied 04:32 will be when this beast from the earth 04:35 that has two horns like a lamb 04:37 and of course that represents a civil and religious liberty 04:40 which is based on the foundation 04:42 of the separation of church and state. 04:45 What is gonna happen is that this beast from the earth 04:48 is going to end up contradicting its profession 04:52 and it is going to speak like a dragon. 04:56 In other words, it's going to, 04:58 professedly say that it believes 05:00 in religious liberty and civil liberty 05:02 in the separation of church and state, 05:04 but in the actual practice it will deny 05:08 what it claims to believe and to practice. 05:13 So we are now in the time 05:16 immediately before the deadly wound is healed 05:20 and the papacy is released from its captivity. 05:24 And then we notice the three events 05:27 that we studied in our first part last night. 05:31 And that is after all cases are decided in the judgment, 05:35 then the close of human probation will take place. 05:40 There will be no more opportunity to change sides, 05:43 and then after this there will be a time of trouble 05:46 such as never has been seen in the history of the world. 05:50 God will have withdrawn His spirit from the earth 05:53 and the heart of man can be very cruel 05:55 when it is devoid of the Spirit of God. 05:58 And then finally 05:59 the time of trouble will come to an end, 06:01 the time of trouble for God's people 06:03 will come to an end 06:04 when Jesus comes on the clouds of heaven 06:07 with all of His holy angels to deliver His remnant 06:10 from the death decree 06:12 that has been proclaimed against them. 06:15 That is the prophetic chain that we find in scripture. 06:19 This is not an invention of mine. 06:21 We have carefully studied all of these events. 06:25 Now, let's review a few details 06:28 about the beast with lamb like horns 06:31 that speaks like a dragon. 06:34 We have clearly identified this power 06:36 as the United States of America. 06:40 We noted that the two horns represent 06:42 civil and religious liberty which is based on the idea 06:46 of church and state being separate from one another. 06:52 The church would be religious liberty 06:54 and the state would be civil liberty. 06:57 Now, these principles 06:59 of the separation of church and state 07:01 are clearly enunciated 07:02 in the First Amendment 07:04 to the Constitution of the United States. 07:06 These principles of civil and religious liberty, 07:09 separation of church and state 07:11 are found in the First Amendment. 07:13 In other words, the two horns like a lamb 07:15 are in one of the founding documents. 07:19 of the United States. 07:21 Now, remember that we studied that this beast from the earth 07:26 is going to do everything in its power 07:29 to restore the throne to the beast 07:32 that received the deadly wound to the beast 07:35 that was sent into captivity. 07:38 Let me just review the main points. 07:41 We notice that this beast from the earth 07:43 will speak like a dragon 07:45 and we've noticed that the dragon represents 07:47 Satan working through what power? 07:50 Satan working through Rome. 07:52 We also noticed that this beast from the earth 07:55 will exercise all of the power of the first beast. 08:00 We noticed that it will do everything 08:02 in the presence of the first beast. 08:05 Basically in the presence of means 08:07 on behalf of the first beast. 08:09 It will command everyone to worship the first beast. 08:13 It will make an image of the first beast 08:17 and it will enforce the mark of the first beast. 08:20 So you notice that the second beast, 08:22 this beast from the earth representing the United States 08:25 is actually going to be instrumental 08:27 in returning freedom to the papacy 08:31 from its captivity 08:32 and restoring the sword of civil power to the papacy 08:36 and we are seeing signs that, 08:38 that is happening in our very day. 08:42 We are reminded of the first two clauses 08:44 of the First Amendment to the Constitution. 08:48 The first two clauses of the First Amendment 08:50 have to do with religious liberty. 08:53 The last clause of the First Amendment 08:56 has to do with civil liberty. 08:59 Let's notice... 09:01 First of all the first two clauses 09:03 of the First Amendment to the Constitution. 09:06 This is how it reads. 09:08 Congress shall make no law. 09:11 Congress draws up the laws, doesn't it? 09:13 "Congress shall make no law respecting what? 09:17 An establishment of religion, 09:21 or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." 09:25 In other words, 09:27 the First Amendment to the Constitution 09:30 prohibits Congress from writing a law 09:33 that establishes any religious observance, 09:36 and it forbids Congress from drawing up any law 09:40 that forbids people 09:41 from practicing freely the religion. 09:45 One is called the establishment clause, 09:47 the other is called the free exercise clause. 09:50 So, basically what this means 09:52 is that Congress could never write a law 09:54 that enforces Sunday observance 09:56 or forbids the observance of the Sabbath 09:59 because that would be establishing Sunday 10:01 and it would be forbidding 10:02 the free exercise of keeping the Sabbath. 10:05 And yet, the prophecy tells us that the United States 10:09 even though it's gonna conserve 10:10 the two first clauses of the First Amendment 10:14 is going to contradict them in actual practice. 10:18 Now, not only do we have in the First Amendment 10:22 a guarantee of religious liberty 10:25 by forbidding Congress to establish religion 10:28 or to forbid the free exercise of religion 10:31 but the First Amendment also guarantees 10:33 what the other horn represents. 10:35 It guarantees full civil liberty. 10:38 Notice clause number three of the First Amendment, 10:42 it continue saying, 10:43 I'm gonna read the First Amendment 10:45 in its entirety now. 10:46 "Congress shall make no law 10:47 respecting an establishment of religion, 10:50 or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, 10:52 or now comes the civil rights, 10:55 or abridging the freedom of speech..." 10:57 Is that a civil right? 10:59 It most certainly is "or of the press." 11:03 Is a free press a civil right? 11:05 It certainly is. 11:07 "Or the right of the people peaceably to assemble." 11:10 Is that a civil right? 11:11 Yes. 11:13 "And to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." 11:16 Basically that means that 11:18 if somebody does you an injustice, 11:19 you have a right to appeal to the government 11:21 for the government to do you justice 11:23 and to set things right. 11:25 Is that a civil right? 11:26 It most certainly is a civil right. 11:28 So the First Amendment to the Constitution 11:31 guarantees religious liberty and it guarantees what? 11:34 Civil liberty. 11:36 So let me ask you. 11:37 Is there a separation between church and state 11:40 in the First Amendment? 11:41 Yes, because Congress is forbidden 11:43 from making religious laws, 11:46 whether establishing religion 11:48 or practicing the free exercise of religion. 11:50 Are you with me or not? 11:52 Now, in our last study... 11:54 Oh, by the way let me mention this 11:55 before we talk a little bit about our last study. 11:59 If congress should write a law enforcing Sunday observance 12:03 and prohibiting the observance of the Sabbath, 12:07 let me ask you, 12:08 would that affect your civil rights? 12:11 Would that affect your freedom of speech? 12:14 What would the government do if you speak out against that? 12:17 You would be persecuted. 12:19 Would that affect your right to publicize 12:21 by television and by radio and by newspapers etcetera, 12:25 your views contrary to the views of the law? 12:28 Absolutely. 12:29 Would that affect your freedom of assembly 12:32 on the Holy Sabbath? 12:33 You would be forced to attend church on Sunday. 12:36 Would it also have anything to do 12:38 with the government saying, 12:39 we are not going to redress your grievances 12:42 because you are persecuted for not keeping Sunday. 12:45 Let me ask you. 12:46 When the first two clauses of the First Amendment 12:49 are violated, is the third clause also violated? 12:52 It is. 12:54 When the government gets involved in religion, 12:56 ultimately people lose also their civil rights 13:01 which is the third clause of the First Amendment. 13:03 I hope you're understanding the importance of this. 13:06 Now, let's look at the common denominators 13:09 of what we studied last time. 13:12 We noticed that in all the perspectives 13:14 that we have of the close of probation, 13:17 the tribulation 13:19 and the second coming of Christ, 13:21 the deliverance of God's people, 13:23 we have six common denominators. 13:24 First of all, we have a faithful remnant. 13:29 Secondly, we have enemies of the remnant. 13:33 Number three, the remnant goes through 13:35 a severe time of trouble 13:37 because of the persecution of their enemies. 13:40 During this time of trouble, 13:42 the faith of the remnant is what? 13:44 Severely tested. 13:46 Does God immediately answer the pleas 13:49 of His people for deliverance? 13:51 No, there is a delay in God intervening to deliver. 13:55 But ultimately, finally after the delay, God what? 13:59 God intervenes and He delivers His people. 14:03 And we noticed several examples of that last night. 14:06 But now, we want to take a look at a few other stories 14:11 that illustrate this same sequence of events 14:16 and we want to take a look at Daniel 3, 14:20 and we're not gonna study everything in Daniel 3, 14:22 we don't have the time to do that, 14:24 but what I want you to see as we study Daniel 3 14:27 is what happens 14:29 when the civil power establishes religion. 14:32 So this story is gonna illustrate 14:34 what happens when the first clause 14:36 of the First Amendment is violated. 14:39 Immediately the result is persecution. 14:42 When the civil power gets involved 14:44 in enforcing religious observances, 14:46 the result is automatically ultimately persecution. 14:51 Daniel 3, in other words is a vivid illustration 14:54 of what happens when the civil power 14:56 violates the establishment clause 14:59 of the First Amendment to the Constitution. 15:01 Now Daniel 3 is really a small scale model 15:06 of what is gonna happen at the end of time. 15:08 It's a local literal model 15:11 of something that is gonna happen 15:13 globally and spiritually at the end of time. 15:17 Let me ask you, didn't Nebuchadnezzar 15:19 for a while live as a beast? 15:22 Yes, for seven years he lived as a beast. 15:24 Let me ask you, did he raise an image? 15:27 He raised an image. 15:28 Was that image in honor of himself and of his kingdom? 15:31 Of course it was. 15:33 Did he command everyone to worship the image? 15:36 He most certainly did. 15:38 Did he gave a death decree against all of those 15:41 who would not worship the image? 15:43 Does that sound familiar? 15:46 Have you ever read Revelation 13? 15:48 You must have been 'cause you've been coming 15:50 to our studies here. 15:51 In Revelation 13, do you have a beast? 15:53 Yes. 15:54 Does the beast raise up an image? 15:56 It does. 15:57 Does it command everyone 15:58 to worship the image of the beast? 16:00 Absolutely. 16:01 Does it say that 16:03 whoever does not worship of the beast will be killed? 16:04 Absolutely. 16:05 But in Daniel 3, 16:07 you're dealing with a literal small geographical area, 16:10 you're dealing with literal Babylon, 16:11 you're dealing with a literal Jews. 16:13 At the end of time, 16:15 you're dealing with spiritual Babylon, 16:18 which is global 16:19 and God's people are not just three individuals, 16:21 it's all of God's remnant people 16:24 on a global basis, on a worldwide basis. 16:26 Are you understanding the principle? 16:28 Now, let's take a look at this story of Daniel 2. 16:33 Go with me to Daniel 3:15, 16:36 you all know that Nebuchadnezzar raised an image, 16:38 he commanded everyone 16:39 to worship the image on pain of death. 16:42 And there were three young men, that is the remnant that said, 16:46 we will not worship the image 16:49 that has been raised by the beast so to speak. 16:52 And so the king gets very furious 16:55 and notice what he says in Daniel 3:15. 16:59 The keyword that we're gonna see is deliver. 17:01 Don't forget deliver. 17:02 Remember Daniel 12:1 at that time 17:04 when God's people are being persecuted 17:06 by the king of the north, 17:07 Michael stands up to protect them, 17:09 it says, and God's people will be what? 17:12 Delivered, everyone who is found written in the book. 17:14 Now, remember that word 17:16 because Daniel 3 and Daniel 6 illustrate Daniel 12:1. 17:21 Daniel 12:1 is the global fulfillment 17:24 of Daniel 3 and Daniel 6. 17:26 Now, notice verse 15, the king says, 17:29 "But if you do not worship, you shall be cast immediately 17:34 into the midst of a burning fiery furnace." 17:38 And now notice the question that he asks. 17:40 "And who is the god who will what? 17:43 Who will deliver you from my hands?" 17:47 Is the word deliver a key word? 17:50 The beast raises its image 17:51 and he gives the decree to worship, 17:53 he says, and if you don't worship 17:54 what god is gonna deliver you from my hands. 17:59 Now, it's interesting to notice 18:00 the answer of the young Hebrew worthies. 18:04 We find it in verses 16-18, 18:07 "Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego 18:09 answered and said to the king, 18:11 "O Nebuchadnezzar, 18:12 we have no need to answer you in this matter. 18:15 If that is the case, 18:17 our God whom we serve is able to..." 18:22 There is the key word again, 18:23 used only in three chapters in Daniel, 18:25 Daniel 3, Daniel 6 and Daniel 12:1. 18:29 They must be connected, so notice, it says, 18:33 "If that is the case, our God whom we serve 18:36 is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, 18:39 and He will," what? 18:41 There is the word again. 18:42 "He will deliver us from your hand, O king." 18:45 But they are not presumptions. 18:47 They love the Lord so much 18:49 that they're willing to give up their lives. 18:51 So they say, "But if not, let it be known to you O king, 18:55 that we do not serve your gods, 18:57 nor will we worship the gold image 19:00 which you have set up." 19:04 Is the remnant in jeopardy? 19:06 They're very much in jeopardy. 19:08 Are they facing a death decree? 19:10 Most certainly so, 19:11 because the civil power has established 19:14 a religious observance. 19:17 Are these individuals doomed 19:19 to lose the greatest civil right which is life? 19:22 Absolutely. 19:24 Now, I want you to notice Daniel 3:25, 19:28 someone comes into the furnace to deliver these young men. 19:34 Notice, Daniel 3:25, 19:38 King Nebuchadnezzar looks into the furnace 19:41 and suddenly he sees not three but four. 19:43 It says there, "Look!" 19:45 he answered, "I see four men loose, 19:48 walking in the midst of the fire, 19:50 and they are not hurt, 19:52 and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God..." 19:55 You'll notice that some modern version say 19:57 the Son of the gods 19:59 like he though that this was one of many gods. 20:02 No. 20:03 The fact is the Spirit of Prophecy tells us 20:04 that Daniel had described to Nebuchadnezzar 20:08 what the Son of God look like. 20:14 a Son of one of the gods, it was the Son of God. 20:20 But now, I want you to notice something very interesting. 20:22 Who delivers in Daniel 12:1? 20:25 It is Michael who delivers. And what is Michael? 20:29 He is the archangel who delivers. 20:32 Now, even though it says here that the one 20:35 who is in the furnace is the Son of God, 20:38 I want you to notice verse 28. 20:41 "Nebuchadnezzar spoke, saying..." 20:43 This is after they come out of the furnace. 20:45 "Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach, 20:48 and Abed-Nego, who sent His..." 20:52 Now what a minute, what was the Son of God? 20:55 The angel. Which Angel? 20:59 Michael, the archangel. Are you with me or not? 21:03 It's the same Jesus that delivered in the furnace 21:05 that will deliver according to Daniel 12:1 at the end of time. 21:09 So it says, "He sent his angel..." 21:12 Notice the word. 21:13 "Delivered His servants who trusted in Him, notice, 21:16 trusted in Him, and they have frustrated the king's word, 21:20 and yielded their bodies, that they should not serve 21:22 nor worship any god except their own God!" 21:27 So now Nebuchadnezzar makes an illegitimate decree. 21:31 Nebuchadnezzar is gonna say, now, 21:32 everybody is gonna have to worship... 21:34 Everybody is gonna have to respect 21:35 the God of these three young men, 21:37 and if they don't, they're gonna be chopped in pieces 21:39 and their houses are gonna be totally torn down. 21:41 Was that a legitimate decree? 21:43 No, the civil power cannot forbid you 21:46 from worshipping the true God, 21:48 nor can it force you to worship false gods. 21:50 It cannot be involved in religion. 21:54 Now, notice what the king says in Daniel 3:28, 21:57 and we'll read verse 29 as well. 22:00 "Nebuchadnezzar spoke, saying, 22:01 "Blessed be the God of Shadrach, 22:03 Meshach, and Abed-Nego..." 22:05 Now notice this. 22:06 "Who sent His Angel and..." 22:07 What's the keyword again? 22:09 "And delivered His servants who trusted in Him." 22:11 Notice the idea is that they trusted implicitly in Him. 22:15 "And they have frustrated the king's word, 22:17 and yielded their bodies, that they should not serve 22:19 nor worship any god except their own God!" 22:22 Now, notice he gives a decree. 22:24 ''Therefore I make a decree that any people, 22:28 nation, or language which speaks anything amiss 22:31 against the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego 22:34 shall be cut in pieces, 22:36 and their houses shall be made an ash heap, 22:39 because there is no other God who can deliver like this." 22:44 What do you think is the keyword in this whole passage? 22:47 Deliver. Deliver. 22:50 God is a God who delivers His remnant from certain death. 22:54 His remnant whose faith is severely tested. 22:58 Now, notice Hebrews 11:33-34, 23:01 what was the secret of these three young men? 23:04 Why were they so firm and so constant? 23:07 Notice, you notice that we already read that 23:09 they trusted their God, 23:10 that means they had faith in God. 23:13 Notice Hebrews 11:33-34 picks up on this. 23:15 It gives a long list of the heroes of faith 23:18 and then we find these words. 23:20 "And what more shall I say? 23:22 For the time would fail me to tell of Gideon 23:26 and Barak and Samson and Jephthah, 23:29 also of David and Samuel and the prophets..." 23:32 Now, notice what they did. 23:34 "Who through faith..." 23:36 That means trust by the way. 23:37 "Who through faith subdued kingdoms, 23:40 worked righteousness, 23:41 obtained promises, stopped the, what? 23:44 "By faith they stopped the mouths of lions, 23:48 and by faith they did what else, 23:50 they quenched the violence of fire." 23:53 So what did these three young men have 23:55 when they went through this trial over the beast 23:57 his image and the command to worship 23:59 and the death decree? 24:00 They trusted their God, 24:02 they had faith in their God according to this 24:05 and they tamed the fire 24:07 and they shut the lions' mouths. 24:10 Now, do we have all of the common denominators 24:12 in this story? 24:13 Is there a faithful remnant? 24:15 Yes, the three young men. 24:17 Are their enemies of the remnant? 24:20 Absolutely, the king and his advisors. 24:23 Does the remnant go through a severe time of trouble? 24:26 Yes, they do. Did they face a death decree? 24:29 Was it a real anguish and trial for them? 24:32 It most certainly was. 24:34 Now, did God delay in delivering them? 24:38 Could God had delivered them 24:40 without them being thrown into the furnace? 24:43 Did God delay in delivering them? 24:45 Oh, you know why? 24:47 Because when they were... 24:48 If they had not been thrown into the furnace, 24:51 the whole Babylonian kingdom would not have seen 24:53 how great God was in delivering them. 24:57 So God is gonna allow His people 24:59 to go through the time of trouble at the end of time, 25:01 so that His glory will shine 25:03 when He finally delivers His people from certain death. 25:06 Let me ask you. 25:08 Were they delivered after the period of delay? 25:12 They were most certainly delivered. 25:14 Now, let's go to another story in the Book of Daniel 25:17 that illustrates the second clause of the First Amendment. 25:21 The case of when the free exercise of religion 25:26 is forbidden. 25:28 You see in Daniel 6, we have a similar story to Daniel 3 25:32 but it's not the king establishing religion, 25:36 it's the king forbidding the free exercise of religion 25:39 which is the second clause of the First Amendment 25:42 to the constitution. 25:43 Let's notice first of all, what the controversy is about. 25:48 Daniel 6:5, you remember there is the text 25:52 in the Book of Revelation says 25:53 that the dragon was enraged with the woman 25:55 and went to make war 25:56 with the remnant of her seed who what? 25:58 Who keep the commandments of God. 26:01 The final conflict is between obedience to God's commandments 26:06 and disobedience to God's commandments, 26:08 and worshipping God or worshipping the beast. 26:10 So is the conflict at the end time 26:13 the law and worship? 26:15 Absolutely. 26:16 Now, notice what we find in Daniel 6:5, 26:19 "Then these men, the advisors of the king said, 26:22 "We shall not find any charge against this Daniel 26:27 unless we find it against him concerning, " what? 26:31 "Concerning the law of his God." 26:33 This guy keeps God's law 26:36 and we've got to come after him because of that. 26:39 Now, notice verses 7-9, here is where the king makes a law. 26:44 By the way he is accepting the counsel of his advisors. 26:48 See in this stories 26:50 the advisors are the dangerous ones 26:53 because they're deceiving the civil power 26:55 into doing this, 26:57 and the kings of the earth today would do well 26:59 to listen to what I'm saying right now, 27:01 because the religious system of the papacy 27:04 appears to want the best for the kings of the world, 27:07 but let me tell you, folks, 27:08 the papacy want simply to take over the throne 27:12 of the power of the world again. 27:14 They do not have any love 27:16 for the civil powers of the world, 27:17 no matter how much the civil powers of the world 27:20 think that the papacy does. 27:22 So, it says, "All the governors of the kingdom, 27:24 the administrators and satraps, 27:26 the counselors and advisors have consulted together 27:29 to establish a royal statute and to make a firm decree, 27:33 they are speaking to the king, 27:34 that whoever petitions any god or man for thirty days, 27:37 except you, O king, shall be cast into the den of lions. 27:41 Therefore King Darius signed the written decree.' 27:45 ' Says, boy, these guys really do love me. 27:47 Nobody can ask any petition of man or a God for thirty days. 27:52 Let me ask you. 27:54 Is the king establishing a religious observance? 27:57 No, he isn't. 27:59 He is forbidding the right of people 28:02 to petition their god. 28:03 He's forbidding the free exercise of religion. 28:06 Are you with me or not? 28:08 He is not establishing to say, you have to pray this way. 28:10 No, he is saying you can't pray 28:12 for a period of 30 days to any god. 28:14 It's the second clause of the First Amendment. 28:17 It's forbidding the free exercise of religion. 28:21 Now, what did Daniel do 28:24 when the decree was given forbidding him 28:27 to pray to his God? 28:30 Notice what it says in Daniel 6:10, 28:33 "Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, 28:37 he went home. 28:38 And in his upper room, 28:40 with the window open toward Jerusalem, 28:44 he knelt down on his knees three times that day, 28:48 and prayed and gave thanks before his God, 28:51 as was his custom since early days." 28:54 Would have been very easy for Daniel to say 28:56 now, you know, there's no reason 28:57 to ruffle these guy's feathers. 28:59 There is no reason to really aggravate them, you know, 29:02 I'll just shut the windows, no way. 29:06 He was not politically correct. 29:08 He says this is an illegitimate decree, 29:11 by the way Daniel obeyed all of the civil laws 29:14 of the Medes and Persians 29:15 except when the Medes and Persians 29:17 proclaimed the law that violated 29:19 their conscience or his conscience. 29:22 Are you with me or not? 29:23 So we should obey all of the civil laws 29:26 except when the civil law 29:28 conflicts with our religious convictions 29:31 and so it says that Daniel prayed, 29:34 and of course his enemies were watching. 29:36 Notice Daniel 6:14-23, 29:40 oh these men go and tell the king, 29:42 oh, king we found Daniel praying to... 29:43 you know practicing his religion 29:46 and you said that nobody could freely practice their religion, 29:50 so you know, you have to enforce the law, verse 14. 29:55 "And the king, when he heard these words, 29:57 was greatly displeased with himself..." 29:59 Did he realized that he had been deceived. 30:01 Oh, yeah, but it was too late. 30:03 "And set his heart on Daniel to." 30:05 What? Ah, there is the key word. 30:07 "To deliver him, 30:09 and he labored till the going down of the sun to deliver him. 30:14 So the king gave the command, and they brought Daniel 30:16 and cast him into the den of lions. 30:18 But the king spoke saying to Daniel, "Your God, 30:21 whom you serve continually he will..." 30:25 Wow, I think deliverance is a central theme here. 30:28 So, he says your God whom you serve continually 30:31 he will deliver you, 30:33 then the king arose very early in the morning 30:35 and went in haste to the den of lions. 30:37 And when he came to the den, 30:39 he cried out with a lamenting voice to Daniel. 30:41 The king spoke, saying to Daniel, 30:43 "Daniel, servant of the living God, 30:45 has your God, whom you serve continually..." 30:48 See there you have the element of faith, 30:50 trust in God. 30:51 The God whom you serve continually, 30:54 has he been able to what? 30:55 There it is again, to deliver you from the lions. 30:59 Then Daniel said to the King, 31:01 "O king live for ever. My God sent His," what? 31:07 So who is at the deliverance? 31:09 Michael, the archangel, in the fiery furnace, 31:12 the angel, with Jacob, remember the story of Jacob, 31:16 the angel, who is God by the way. 31:19 So it's the angel who delivers and so he says, 31:24 once again verse 20, "And when came to the den, 31:27 he cried out with a lamenting voice to Daniel. 31:29 The king spoke, saying to Daniel, 31:31 "Daniel, servant of the living God, has your God, 31:33 whom you serve continually, 31:35 been able to deliver you from the lions. 31:37 Then Daniel said to the king, "O king live forever. 31:40 My god sent His angel and shut the lions' mouths, 31:43 so that they have not hurt me, 31:45 because I was found innocent before Him, and also, O king, 31:50 I have done no wrong before you." 31:53 I have been, trust worthy before God 31:56 and before the civil power. 31:57 Verse 23, "Now the king was exceedingly glad for him, 32:01 and commanded that they should take Daniel up out of the den. 32:06 So Daniel was taken up out of the den 32:08 and no injury whatever was found on him..." 32:11 Now notice what is the reason... 32:13 Because he, what? 32:15 "Because he believed in his God." 32:17 He trusted, he had faith in this trial. 32:20 I want you to remember this. We'll come back to it. 32:22 And now King Darius gives a decree 32:25 which is illegitimate again, but these are pagan kings. 32:28 See they are doing the best 32:29 according to the knowledge that they have. 32:31 Notice, verse 25, "Then King Darius wrote: 32:35 To all peoples, nations, and languages 32:37 that dwell in all the earth: peace be multiplied to you. 32:40 I make a decree 32:43 that in every dominion of my kingdom 32:44 men must tremble and fear 32:47 before the God of Daniel for He is the living God, 32:50 and steadfast forever, 32:52 His kingdom is the one which shall not be destroyed, 32:56 and His dominion shall endure to the end." 32:59 And now notice this, he what? There it is again. 33:02 "He delivers and rescues, and He works signs and wonders 33:07 in heaven and on earth, who has..." 33:11 I think deliverance is the central thought, right? 33:14 So it says, "Who has delivered Daniel from," what? 33:18 "From the power of the lions." 33:19 So, let me ask you, 33:20 is there is a faithful remnant in this story? 33:23 Who is it? 33:24 Daniel. Does he have enemies? 33:28 Oh, the advisors of the king primarily. 33:30 Does Daniel go through a time of trouble? 33:33 You don't think being thrown into a lions' den 33:35 is a time of trouble? 33:37 Hungry lions because the Bible says 33:41 that once the plan, the plot was thrown into the lions' den 33:44 and before they got to the bottom of the den, 33:46 the lions were having the banquet of the century. 33:50 So they were very hungry. 33:52 It was a trial of Daniel's faith 33:54 to stand for God 33:56 and to know that he would be thrown into the lions' den. 33:58 Let me ask you. 34:00 Did God delay in delivering Daniel? 34:02 He delayed all night, folks. 34:04 But did God ultimately intervene and deliver 34:08 Daniel from his enemies? 34:09 Absolutely. 34:11 Now, let's take a look at the Book of Esther, 34:13 very interesting book. 34:15 The crisis once again has to do with law and worship. 34:20 That is the conflict at the end of time. 34:22 Folks, it is not ISIS, 34:26 that is a distraction, 34:28 everybody is looking over it ISO, 34:31 you know, and the terrorist. 34:32 I'm not saying that terrorism is okay, 34:34 or blowing yourself up is okay, 34:37 that's a barbarous act, but what I'm saying is that 34:40 prophecy is not being fulfilled over there. 34:43 Prophecy is being fulfilled in Rome 34:45 and in the United States and people can see it 34:48 because they're looking there instead of looking here. 34:52 What is the issue in the days of Esther? 34:55 Esther 3:1-3 it involves worship. 35:00 "After these things king Ahasuerus promoted Haman, 35:03 the son of Hammedatha the Agagite, 35:07 and advanced him and set his seat 35:09 above all the princes who were with him. 35:12 And all the king's servants who were within the king's gate 35:16 bowed and paid homage to Haman." 35:21 Now why did they pay homage to Haman? 35:24 Why did they bow before him? 35:26 For so the king had commanded concerning him. 35:30 Is this a civil power giving a command 35:33 to bow before human being? 35:35 Absolutely. Was Mordecai a faithful Jew? 35:38 He most certainly was. 35:40 So notice what it continue saying." 35:42 But Mordecai would not," what? 35:44 "Bow or pay homage. 35:46 Then the king's servants who were within the king's gate 35:49 said to Mordecai, 35:51 "Why do you transgress the king's command?" 35:53 So let me ask you. 35:55 Is Mordecai violating civil law? 36:00 Yes. 36:01 Does the civil law say bow before this human being? 36:03 Yes. 36:05 Does Mordecai disobey the civil law? 36:07 Yes, because it conflicts with what? 36:09 It conflicts with the convictions of his conscience. 36:13 And when the civil power make laws 36:15 that conflict with your conscience, 36:17 you have a right to disobey the civil law, 36:19 but otherwise you must obey civil law, 36:22 only when it interferes with your religious convictions 36:25 are you entitled to disobey. 36:28 Now, when Haman discovers 36:29 that Mordecai does not bow before him, 36:32 he is filled with rage and he says, 36:35 I'm not only gonna get rid of Mordecai, 36:36 I'm gonna get rid of the whole people, all of the Jews. 36:40 Notice what we find in Esther 3:8-9. 36:46 "Then Haman said to King Ahasuerus, 36:49 "There is a certain people scattered and dispersed 36:54 among the people in all the provinces of your kingdom..." 36:58 Now notice what the issue is, there what? 37:02 Oh, talking about the Jewish nation. 37:05 "There laws are different from all other people's..." 37:10 And because their laws are different, 37:11 what law would it be referring to, 37:15 bowing and rendering homage, right? 37:18 Worship, and so it says here, 37:21 "Their laws are different than all other people's 37:24 and they do not keep the king's laws, 37:27 therefore it is not fitting 37:29 for the king to let them remain. 37:31 If it pleases the king, 37:33 let a decree be written that they be, " what? 37:36 "That they be destroyed." 37:39 Are you catching the picture? 37:42 Now, is there a faithful remnant in this story? 37:45 Who is the faithful remnant? 37:47 Mordecai and the Jews? 37:50 Do they have enemies? 37:51 Haman and his wife. 37:53 We don't have time to talk about his wife, 37:55 but his wife was the real mover behind the scenes. 38:00 Does Mordecai and do the people go through 38:04 a severe time of trouble and crisis? 38:07 Let's read about it in Esther 4:3, 38:10 "And in every province where the king's command 38:13 and decree arrived, there was great," what? 38:16 "Mourning among the Jews, 38:18 with fasting, weeping, and wailing, 38:22 and many lay in sackcloth and ashes." 38:25 Can you hear the anguish and the agony of the people 38:29 as they are going through this time of trouble 38:31 when the death decree has been proclaimed against them. 38:34 Is the faith of God's people 38:36 severely tested during this trail? 38:38 Absolutely. 38:39 Did God delay to intervene to deliver them? 38:43 All you have to do is read the story of Esther. 38:45 God could have delivered them instantly, 38:48 but there is a whole series of events that takes place 38:51 while the death decree has been given. 38:54 There is all kinds of events 38:55 that God takes to finally deliver His people. 38:59 He does not deliver them instantly, but let me ask you, 39:02 does He finally intervene and deliver His people 39:06 from certain death. 39:08 Let me read you this statement from Ellen White, 39:11 she stated in volume 5 of her Testimonies page 450, 39:16 "The decree which is to go forth 39:19 against the people of God 39:21 at the end time will be very similar to that issued 39:26 by Ahasuerus against the Jews in the time of Esther." 39:30 Do we need to study the Book of Esther then? 39:32 Oh, absolutely. 39:34 "The Persian edict sprang from the malice of Haman 39:38 toward Mordecai. 39:40 Not that Mordecai had done him harm, 39:43 but he had refused to show him reverence 39:45 which belongs only to God." 39:47 Was this an issue of worship? It most certainly was. 39:50 "The king's decision against the Jews 39:52 was secured under false pretences 39:56 through misrepresentation of that peculiar people." 39:58 Are God's people gonna be 40:00 misrepresented at the end of time? 40:02 You just read the Bible 40:03 and read what the Spirit of Prophecy 40:04 has to say about the end time. 40:06 She continues writing, "Satan instigated 40:09 the scheme in order to rid the earth 40:12 of those who preserved the knowledge of the true God. 40:16 But his plots were defeated by a counterpower 40:21 that reigns among the children of men. 40:24 Angels that excel in strength were commissioned 40:27 to protect the people of God, 40:29 and the plots of their adversaries 40:31 returned upon their own heads." 40:33 And then she makes the application. 40:35 "The Protestant world today see in the little company 40:39 keeping the Sabbath a Mordecai in the gate. 40:44 His character and conduct, 40:46 expressing reverence for the law of God, 40:48 are a constant rebuke 40:50 to those who have cast off the fear of the Lord 40:53 and are trampling upon His Sabbath, 40:55 the unwelcome intruder must by some means 41:00 be put out of the way." 41:04 Are you catching the picture? So let me ask you. 41:07 Are all of the elements that we've been speaking about 41:09 found in this story? 41:11 Absolutely. 41:12 You know the most beautiful part 41:13 of all these stories is a final deliverance. 41:16 God has the last word. 41:19 He delivers those who have faith in Him, 41:22 those who trust in Him. 41:25 But the greatest example in the Bible of these elements 41:29 that we spoken about is the experience of Jesus. 41:33 The experience of Jesus 41:34 has all of these common denominators 41:36 that we've described. 41:38 The faithful remnant in this case 41:41 would be Jesus Christ. 41:43 At the end of His life did Jesus Christ 41:45 have very many enemies that wanted to do Him in? 41:48 Oh, we can just mention Satan, we can mention Judas, 41:53 we can mention Caiaphas, the religious leaders, 41:56 the Sadducees, the Herodians 41:58 who instigated the populist to try and get rid of Jesus. 42:04 Did Jesus go through a severe time 42:06 of trouble and anguish 42:08 because of the persecution of His enemies? 42:11 Absolutely. 42:12 Notice Matthew 26:37, 42:15 Jesus when He is in Gethsemane He says, 42:18 "My soul is exceedingly," what? 42:21 Sorrowful, even to death." 42:24 And you remembered that in the Garden of Gethsemane 42:26 three times He raised up a prayer to His Father, 42:28 said Father if this cup of your wrath can pass from me 42:32 'cause I have to drink this cup of your wrath, 42:34 because I'm bearing the sins of the world. 42:36 If this cup of your wrath can pass away, let it be so. 42:41 Nevertheless not My will be done 42:43 but yours and the Bible says that He sweated 42:46 great drops of blood because of the anguish 42:49 and the time of trouble that He was going through. 42:52 And then Jesus when He was on the cross, 42:54 He cried out, my God, 42:56 my God, why have you forsaken Me. 42:58 This is the time of trouble of Jesus. 43:02 By the way this time of trouble is described vividly 43:04 in Hebrews 5:7, 43:07 here it says the following... 43:09 "Who, in the days of His flesh, 43:12 when He had offered up prayers and supplications..." 43:16 This is what's happening in Gethsemane. 43:18 "He had offered up prayers and supplications, with" what? 43:21 "With vehement cries and tears to Him 43:24 who was able to save Him 43:26 from death, and was heard because of His godly fear. 43:31 Ellen White describes the anguish of Jesus 43:35 and how Jesus was able to gain the victory 43:37 in this terrible time of trouble. 43:40 She writes in Desire of Ages, page 756, 43:43 "Amid the awful darkness, apparently forsaken of God, 43:48 Christ had drained the last dregs 43:50 in the cup of human woe. 43:53 In those dreadful hours He had relied upon," what? 43:58 "Upon the evidence of His Father's acceptance 44:01 heretofore given to Him." 44:02 In other words, He had a past experience 44:05 that strengthened Him in this trial. 44:07 "He was acquainted with the character of His Father, 44:11 He understood His justice, His mercy, and His great love. 44:15 By faith He rested in Him 44:18 whom it had ever been His joy to obey. 44:22 And as in submission He committed Himself to God, 44:25 the sense of the loss of His Father's favor 44:28 was withdrawn. 44:29 By faith, Christ was," what? "Was the victor." 44:34 Jesus did not depend on His feelings 44:36 and His emotions in His time of trouble. 44:39 He felt separated from His Father, 44:41 He felt the burden of sin. 44:43 He thought that the burden of sin of was so heavy 44:46 that He would never see His Father's face again 44:50 and yet He trusted in the promises of His Father. 44:53 This is what the Bible calls the faith of Jesus. 44:58 Let me ask you. 44:59 Was there a delay in the Father intervening to deliver Jesus? 45:04 Did Jesus die, yes or no? Of course, He died. 45:07 Did His Father deliver Him from death? 45:09 No, there was a delay. 45:12 Did the Father deliver Him from death ultimately? 45:15 Yes, but there was a delay. 45:18 I want you to notice what we find in Hebrews 5:8, 45:21 why did God allow Jesus to go through this severe trial. 45:24 It says in Hebrews 5:8, the very next verse 45:26 after what we've just read. 45:28 "Though He was," what? A Son, He learned," what? 45:33 "Obedience by the things which He suffered." 45:37 So what happens when we go through this trial? 45:40 We learn to obey, to trust God, to have faith in God, 45:45 to have implicit trust in God 45:49 so that nothing in the world can shake our trust in Him. 45:54 Let me ask you, even though there was a delay 45:56 and it look like God didn't answer to Jesus 45:58 because He cried out, my God, my God, 45:59 why have You forsaken me and then He died. 46:02 So there is a delay, how long did the delay last? 46:06 It lasted from Friday afternoon at about 3 o'clock 46:11 till very early on the first day of the week. 46:15 So after the delay 46:16 is Jesus gonna be delivered by His Father? 46:18 Absolutely. 46:20 Notice this statement from Ellen White, 46:22 it's found in Youth Instructor May 2, 1901. 46:27 It says there, "He who died for the sins of the world 46:32 was to remain in the tomb for the allotted time. 46:36 He was in that stony prison house 46:39 a prisoner of divine justice. 46:42 Wow, he was in the tomb a prisoner of divine justice, 46:46 and he was responsible to the Judge of the universe." 46:50 Who was the judge of the universe? 46:52 God the Father. 46:54 "He was bearing the sins of the world, 46:56 and his Father only could release him. 47:00 What would be a synonym of release? 47:02 Deliver, that's right. 47:04 Only His Father could deliver Him. 47:05 And I know some people are thinking 47:07 about John 10:17-18 where Jesus says, 47:09 I have power to lay down My life 47:11 and I have power to take up My life again. 47:13 Trouble is people don't read the complete two verses. 47:17 Let's notice John 10:17 and 18. 47:22 "Therefore My Father loves me, Jesus says, 47:25 because I lay down my life that I may take it again." 47:28 So, He lays down His life and He takes it again. 47:31 "No one takes it from Me, but lay it down of myself." 47:36 And then He says I have power that's a bad translation, 47:39 it's the word, it's not the word dunamis 47:40 where we get the word dynamite from, 47:42 it's the word Exocesia 47:43 which really should be translated authority. 47:46 He is saying I have authority to lay it down, 47:49 and I have authority to take it up again. 47:52 Why did Jesus have authority to lay down His life 47:54 and take it up again? 47:56 Was it because of Him or was it because 47:57 He got permission from His Father? 48:00 Let's read the last part of verse 18, 48:02 "This command I have received from My Father." 48:06 So what happened at the first day of the week, 48:08 Jesus was a prisoner of divine justice, 48:10 the Father sends down two angels, 48:12 one of them rolls away the stone 48:14 and sits on the stone 48:16 and the other angel stands before the tomb and says, 48:19 "O thou Son of God, thy Father calls thee." 48:22 And then Jesus comes forth from the tomb 48:24 by a life that is within Himself. 48:28 But His Father was the one that authorized Jesus 48:31 to take up His own life again. 48:33 He says I receive this command from My Father. 48:36 So was Jesus delivered by His Father? 48:39 He most certainly was delivered. 48:41 That's the beautiful thing. 48:42 Now, do you know that we are gonna repeat 48:44 the story of Jesus. 48:48 Listen to this magnificent statement, 48:50 Review and Herald, April 14, 1896. 48:55 This actually gives you goosebumps, it gives me. 48:59 "The forces of the powers of darkness 49:01 will unite with human agents who have given themselves 49:06 unto the control of Satan, 49:08 and the same scenes, listen the same scenes 49:13 that were exhibited at the trial, 49:15 rejection and crucifixion of Christ will be revived." 49:21 Are we gonna go through a similar trial? 49:23 Yes. 49:24 And notice what it's gonna be like. 49:26 "Through yielding to satanic influences 49:29 men will be merged into fiends, that means demons, 49:33 and those who were created in the image of God, 49:36 who were formed to honor and glorify their Creator, 49:39 will become the habitation of dragons, 49:42 and Satan will see in an apostate race 49:45 his masterpiece of evil--men who reflect his own image. 49:51 That's what God's people are gonna go through. 49:55 That's why I can assure you 49:57 that Jesus is not gonna simply pick up and leave. 50:00 The spirit will be withdrawn from the finally impenitent, 50:03 but the spirit will not be withdrawn from God's people 50:07 because nobody would survive. 50:10 So let me ask you, Is there gonna be 50:12 a generation at the end of time 50:13 that we can call the faithful generation? 50:17 Absolutely. 50:18 Revelation 13:10 says, 50:20 "Here are those who keep the commandments of God 50:24 and have," the what? "The faith of Jesus." 50:28 And in Revelation 13 and last one was 14:12, 50:31 Revelation 13:10 says, 50:33 "Here is the patience of the saints" 50:36 and then it speaks about those 50:37 who keep the commandments of God 50:39 and here is the perseverance or the patience of the saints. 50:45 Now the big question is, 50:47 why will God allow his people 50:50 to go through this severe time of trouble. 50:53 Why not just spare them 50:55 and take them out of the world before the tribulation, 50:59 like most Christians believe. 51:01 I believe the best explanation is found in the story of Job. 51:06 You remember the story of Job? 51:08 There is this counsel in heaven, 51:10 all the representatives of the universe 51:11 came to present themselves before the Lord. 51:14 And, of course, 51:15 Satan came representing planet earth 51:17 because before Jesus died on the Cross, 51:20 Satan was the prince of this world. 51:22 Jesus said, "But he's gonna be cast out, when I die." 51:25 And so, you know, God says proudly to Satan, 51:29 you know, "Where do you come from?" 51:31 Well, I come from the earth, 51:32 you know, from patrolling my territory and God says, 51:34 "Have you seen my servant Job? 51:35 He lives in your territory but he's my servant." 51:39 And the devil says, "Of course, he's your servant, 51:42 you've surrounded him, you protect him, 51:44 you prospered him. 51:45 You don't allow me to touch him 51:47 but if you allow me to touch him, 51:48 you would see that he serves you 51:49 for the loaves and the fishes. 51:52 He serves you be out of self interest. 51:54 He doesn't serve you because he loves you. 51:56 So if you let me try him, 51:58 he would blaspheme you to your face." 52:00 Now what would have happened if God had said, 52:02 "I don't believe him, he's a liar." 52:04 If he'd said that before the heavenly council, 52:06 heavenly council would say, "Well, who knows?" 52:10 So God says to Satan, "Go for it. 52:14 Do whatever you want, take whatever you want from him." 52:16 So, you know the story. 52:17 The devil goes out and he takes everything from Job, 52:19 all of his material possessions are gone. 52:22 And after the trial he says, 52:24 "God gave and God has taken away." 52:26 He was half right. 52:27 "Blessed be the name of the Lord." 52:30 He did not sin against God, 52:31 he did not blaspheme against God. 52:34 So, is the devil looking pretty bad 52:36 before the heavenly council? 52:37 Before all the representatives of the world. 52:38 Oh, he's looking bad, God is looking good. 52:40 See, Job serves God, even when God doesn't, 52:42 you know, when God is withdrawing His protection. 52:44 So a second meeting takes place in heaven and God says, 52:48 "Have you seen my servant Job. 52:49 You know, how in spite of the fact 52:51 you turned me against him, 52:52 he still conserves his integrity." 52:54 "Oh," the devil says, 52:55 "of course, you didn't let me touch him. 52:57 If you let me touch him, 52:59 you would see that he serves you 53:00 for the loaves and the fishes. 53:02 Out of self-interest." 53:03 And God could have said, "No, you've seen. 53:05 He's a liar." 53:07 The heavenly council might have thought, 53:09 "Well, you know, maybe, he's got a point." 53:11 So God says, "Go afflict him. 53:13 I don't want you to kill him because if you kill him, 53:15 the trial's over, 53:17 but do whatever you want to him only don't kill him." 53:19 So the devil goes out and he afflicts Job 53:21 with a terrible boils, terrible boils 53:24 from the top of his head to the plant of his foot. 53:26 He had to scratch him self with a potsherd, 53:30 then his wife forsakes and his wife says, 53:32 "Curse God and die." 53:33 That's what the devil have said, 53:35 she becomes an instrument of the devil 53:37 and then his three friends come to console Job 53:39 and they become his accusers, 53:42 everything has turned against Job, 53:44 he's going through the severe, terrible time of trouble. 53:47 He's lost all of his possessions. 53:49 He's lost his support of his wife. 53:50 He's lost the support of his friends. 53:52 He's lost his health. He's... 53:53 The nations spit in his face. 53:55 You can read this in the book, 53:57 all of those who previously loved him, now hate him. 54:01 There's no one and if you read beginning with chapter 3, 54:04 all the way through chapter 38, you'll find that Job feels 54:08 that like, even God has forsaken him. 54:11 All throughout those chapters, from Chapter 3 to Chapter 38, 54:14 Job was saying," Where are you? 54:16 I know that if I could come to your throne, 54:18 to your throne of justice. 54:20 You would do justice, you would hear my case 54:22 and you would vote in my favor. 54:25 What is happening to me? I was faithful. 54:27 I used my goods to help the poor, 54:29 I was a family man, 54:30 I had family worship with my kids. 54:33 What is happening? 54:35 Why have you, my best friend, forsaken me." 54:37 And God's answer is silence, is there a delay in this story. 54:43 The delay is from chapter 3 to chapter 38. 54:47 And then finally God has heard enough. 54:50 And so in chapter 38, He says to Job, "Now you be quiet, 54:53 I'm gonna talk." 54:55 And then God begins to describe His greatness in creation, 54:59 in chapters 39 and 40. 55:01 And I have to go quickly because our time is almost up. 55:04 In chapter 41, God shows Job. 55:07 A creature called Leviathan, 55:10 which is described in Isaiah chapter 27:1 55:15 "As the serpent and the dragon." 55:19 In other words, Leviathan was the one 55:21 that was causing all of Job's problems 55:23 and Job now says, 55:25 "Ah, now I know where all this suffering came from. 55:28 It's not because of you." 55:30 And so Job says, "I repent in dust and ashes 55:33 for requiring that you should answer 55:36 and explain the reason for my suffering." 55:39 And the Bible says that God gave Job 55:42 twice as much as what he had before. 55:46 Let me ask you, who looked good in this whole story? 55:49 God looked good. 55:50 It is God who is being accused, does Job vindicate God? 55:55 He most certainly does. 55:56 The heavenly universe says, 55:57 Job serves God because he loves God 56:00 and he trusts God, no matter how many evils may come. 56:04 God is right and Satan is wrong. 56:07 God will allow His people to go through 56:09 the time of trouble to make a great statement 56:12 to the universe and that is, 56:13 God has a people who say, "Thou He slay me, 56:16 yet will I trust in Him." 56:18 People like the three young men, who said, 56:21 "Even if you throw us in the furnace 56:23 and we're burned alive. 56:25 We are still servants of the true God." 56:27 The Universe will see 56:29 that it is possible to be loyal to God 56:31 because you love God without any self-interest. 56:34 There's a second reason. 56:36 And that is that the character of Job 56:38 was refined in the trial. 56:41 In Job 23:10, Job said, "When He..." 56:46 God "has tried me, I shall come forth as..." what? 56:50 "as gold." 56:52 Isaiah 48:10 says, "Behold,..." 56:54 God is speaking, "I have refined you, but not as silver, 56:57 I have tested you in the..." what? 56:59 "in the furnace of affliction." 57:02 Ellen White picks up on this. 57:04 She says, "The affliction is great, 57:06 " Those who are going through the time of trouble. 57:08 "The flames of the furnace seem about to consume them..." 57:12 She is referring to Daniel 3. 57:14 "But the refiner will bring them forth 57:16 as gold tried in the fire. 57:19 God's love for His children 57:21 during the period of their severest trial 57:22 is as strong and tender as in the days 57:24 of their sunniest prosperity, 57:27 but it is need for them to be placed in the furnace of fire, 57:31 their earthliness must be consumed, 57:33 that the image of Christ may be perfectly reflected." 57:38 And so, folks, in these times of relative peace, 57:42 is when we need to learn to trust God 57:44 because the big trials are coming. 57:47 And if we are not strong in our faith with God now, 57:51 we will never be firm in the time of trouble. 57:55 That is soon to come. |
Revised 2016-11-14