God's Prophetic Chain

Michael Shall Stand Up

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: GPC

Program Code: GPC000009A

00:29 Lecture number nine is titled Michael Shall Stand Up
00:35 which is a phrase that comes
00:40 which we will study Lord willing this evening.
00:43 But before we get into our study,
00:44 we want to ask for the Lord's special blessing.
00:47 And so I invite you to bow your heads with me
00:49 as we pray.
00:51 Father in heaven, as we study about the events
00:54 that will transpire after the close of probation
00:58 and before the second coming of Christ.
01:00 We ask for the presence of Your Holy Spirit.
01:04 Lord, we know that trying times are ahead,
01:07 but at the same time we're certain
01:09 that God's people will be delivered.
01:12 Everyone who is written in the book.
01:14 So I ask that You will encourage us
01:16 with what we study this evening.
01:18 And that you will also be with us
01:20 as we conclude this series
01:22 with Your glorious deliverance tomorrow.
01:25 We thank You Father
01:26 for the promise of Your presence,
01:28 and we ask this in the precious name of Jesus.
01:31 Amen.
01:34 The Seventh-day Adventist Church
01:37 holds some unique beliefs that as far as I know
01:41 are not held by any other Christian denomination.
01:47 One of those beliefs
01:48 that the Seventh-day Adventist Church holds
01:50 which is unique is the doctrine
01:53 of the pre-advent investigative judgment
01:57 in which Jesus examines the case of every single person
02:02 who has claimed the name of Jesus Christ,
02:06 beginning with Adam and ending with a last person
02:10 when the investigative judgment closes.
02:14 Now this judgment actually is composed of three stages
02:18 like the judgments on earth.
02:21 First of all,
02:22 you have an investigation of the evidence.
02:26 Isn't that true that in earthly judgments
02:29 we have an investigation of the evidence first.
02:32 Absolutely.
02:34 The second stage of the judgment is the verdict
02:38 that is proclaimed based on the evidence.
02:43 And of course,
02:44 the verdict can be guilty or not guilty.
02:48 And then in the third place
02:50 we have the execution of the verdict.
02:53 In other words, the implementation
02:55 of the verdict that was given at the conclusion
02:59 of the investigation.
03:02 Now, there is one link in the prophetic chain
03:05 that we have not taken a look at yet,
03:09 and the reason why is because this particular link
03:13 in the chain is an event
03:15 that takes place not on earth but in heaven.
03:19 Now, let's review first of all the prophetic chain
03:22 and you'll see that all of the events
03:24 that we have described transpire on earth.
03:28 You have Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, the Roman Empire,
03:34 the divisions of the Roman Empire,
03:36 the little horn for 1260 years, the deadly wound,
03:41 the beast that rises from the earth
03:43 representing the United States.
03:45 The inactivity of the papacy for over 200 years
03:50 and then the healing of the wound.
03:52 All of these are events that transpire on earth.
03:55 But the one link that we have not studied
03:58 that transpires in heaven
04:00 is found in Daniel 7:9 and 10
04:06 and then we will read also verses 13 and 14,
04:10 verse 18 and verses 21 and 22.
04:14 Now, you say why are you jumping over other verses?
04:17 Simply because of the time,
04:20 we don't have the time to study everything in between.
04:23 And what I want you to understand
04:25 is that these three stages of the judgment
04:28 in these verses.
04:30 Now, let's read Daniel 7:9 and 10.
04:33 And by the way,
04:34 the historical context of this is immediately
04:38 after the little horn rules for 1260 years.
04:41 In other words, this event is taking place
04:43 after the 1260 year dominion of the little horn.
04:48 Now, if we had time, I would show you
04:51 that this judgment actually begins in 1844.
04:56 But for that we would have to study Daniel 8:14
05:00 on to 2300 days
05:03 and the sanctuary will be cleansed.
05:05 But we don't have time to study that
05:07 so what I want you to remember now
05:09 is that this judgment takes place
05:11 after the little horn has ruled for 1260 years.
05:16 Now, notice Daniel 7:9,
05:20 "I watched till thrones were put in place,
05:24 and the Ancient of Days was seated."
05:26 Who is the Ancient of Days?
05:29 It is God the Father. Where does God the Father live?
05:32 In heaven.
05:34 We pray our Father which are in heaven.
05:36 So where is this taking place?
05:38 In heaven.
05:40 "I watched till thrones were put in place,
05:41 and the Ancient of Days was seated."
05:45 So that's interesting he was seated,
05:47 he must not have been seated
05:49 on that particular throne before
05:51 because He sits down.
05:53 Now comes a description of the Ancient of Days.
05:56 "His garment was white as snow
05:58 and the hair of His head was like pure wool.
06:01 His throne was a fiery flame, its wheels a burning fire,
06:05 a fiery stream, issued and came forth from before Him.
06:09 A thousand thousands ministered to Him,
06:12 ten thousand times ten thousand stood before Him."
06:16 Who are those?
06:18 The angels. Where do the angels live?
06:21 In heaven where the Ancient of Days is.
06:23 This is taking place in heaven.
06:25 And then notice the last part of verse 10.
06:28 "The court was seated,
06:30 and the books were opened."
06:35 So are you understanding this?
06:37 If you read the previous verses,
06:39 verse 8 you'll find
06:40 that it's after the little horn has ruled for 1260 years.
06:44 That's when this judgment takes place.
06:46 And so it says the court is seated
06:49 and the books are opened.
06:50 Why are the books opened?
06:52 Because it's gonna be an investigation of the cases
06:57 of all of those who have professed the name
06:58 of Jesus Christ.
07:00 Let me ask you, did those who belonged
07:02 to the little horn system claim to believe in Jesus Christ?
07:06 Yes, because it is a counterfeit,
07:09 apostate religious Christian system.
07:13 Are you with me or not?
07:14 So definitely the little horn is a Christian system
07:17 that professes to serve Christ.
07:20 Now, I want you to notice that the judgment sits,
07:25 the Ancient of Days sits,
07:27 the books are opened to be examined
07:29 and now verse 13 and verse 14
07:32 says something very interesting.
07:34 The Father has moved but now another person
07:37 is gonna move to where the father moved.
07:39 By the way the place is the most holy place.
07:42 Verse 13 says,
07:44 "I was watching in the night visions,
07:47 and behold, One like the Son of Man,
07:50 coming with the clouds of heaven!"
07:51 What are the clouds of heaven?
07:53 The angels, very well. Where does he come to?
07:57 Does he come to earth,
07:58 is this the second coming of Jesus?
08:00 No, it says He came to the Ancient of Days.
08:04 Where would that be? In heaven, very well.
08:07 "And they brought Him near before Him."
08:09 Who is they brought him?
08:12 The clouds, the angels, that's right.
08:15 So it says,
08:16 "And they brought Him near before Him."
08:19 Then and now why does he go there?
08:21 Why does the Son go to where the Father is?
08:25 Notice verse 14, then to Him, to whom?
08:31 To the Son of Man, and who is the Son of Man?
08:33 Jesus, to him was given.
08:36 So somebody else, who is giving this to Him?
08:40 God, the Father.
08:41 So it says, To him was given dominion and glory and what?
08:47 A kingdom.
08:48 So why does Jesus go
08:50 into the presence of the Father in heaven?
08:52 He goes to receive what?
08:54 The kingdom, His Father is going to give Him what?
08:59 The kingdom.
09:00 In other words, the judgment has something to do
09:04 with giving Jesus the kingdom.
09:06 And then notice what it continue saying
09:08 verse 14 again,
09:09 "Then to him was given dominion and glory
09:13 and a kingdom that all peoples, nations,
09:16 and languages should serve Him.
09:19 His dominion is an everlasting dominion,
09:21 which shall not pass away, and His what?
09:24 His kingdom the one which shall not be destroyed."
09:29 But now comes a very interesting detail.
09:32 The kingdom is given to Jesus
09:35 but then Jesus gives it to the saints of the Most High.
09:38 Notice what we find in verse 18,
09:42 it says there in verse 18,
09:45 "But the saints of the Most High
09:48 shall receive what?
09:50 Shall receive the kingdom, and shall what?
09:52 Possess the kingdom forever, even forever and ever."
09:57 And then notice verse 21, and this is a repetition
10:02 of what we already noticed in verses 13 and 14.
10:05 It says, I was watching, and the same horn
10:09 was making war against the saints,
10:11 and prevailing against them,
10:15 until the Ancient of Days what?
10:19 Came and a judgment was made, how?
10:24 In favor of whom? The saints of the Most High.
10:29 Where is this judgment taking place
10:30 where the judgment is given in favor of the saints?
10:32 In heaven.
10:34 But now notice what it says
10:35 and the time came for the saints
10:38 to possess the kingdom.
10:40 Are you understanding what this is saying?
10:43 There are three stages here in these verses.
10:47 Number one: The judgment sits, the heavenly books are opened
10:53 and all those who have professed the name of Jesus
10:56 pass and review in the heavenly judgment.
10:59 Then you have the examination comes to an end
11:04 and the kingdom is given to whom?
11:07 The kingdom is given to Jesus. Did you catch that or not?
11:11 The kingdom is given to Jesus
11:13 and then finally the subjects of the kingdom receive what?
11:20 Receive the kingdom.
11:21 Now Ellen White understood this.
11:24 We need to understand what the kingdom is.
11:26 You know, usually we understand the kingdom
11:28 as being a geographical location.
11:31 We say, well, this world will be Christ kingdom,
11:35 but really the kingdom is composed
11:38 of those who are saved.
11:41 The subjects of the kingdom are the kingdom.
11:46 And let me ask you, how is it that Jesus determines
11:49 who is a subject of His kingdom.
11:52 It's done during what?
11:54 During the investigative judgment.
11:57 When the last case is decided,
11:59 is the kingdom of Jesus made up.
12:02 Yes, because he's revealed who to the last person
12:06 is a subject of His kingdom or belongs to His kingdom.
12:11 Notice how Ellen White understood this very clearly
12:14 in the book Early Writings, page 280.
12:18 She's talking about the moment when probation closes,
12:20 the last case is examined.
12:23 Every case had been decided for life or death.
12:28 While Jesus had been ministering in the sanctuary,
12:32 the judgment that's the...
12:33 I added the word investigating because that's the context.
12:36 The investigative judgment had been going on for whom?
12:41 For the wicked. No, no, no.
12:43 You say, why does a judgment before the second coming
12:46 only examine the cases of the righteous.
12:48 It's very simple because when Jesus comes,
12:51 He's gonna take the righteous to heaven,
12:53 so He has to reveal before who has a right to take.
12:57 Are you with me?
12:58 Does He have to do that with wicked,
13:00 because the wicked aren't gonna be taken.
13:02 They can be examined during the millennium
13:04 and after the millennium
13:05 because they're not gonna be taken to heaven
13:07 when Jesus comes.
13:08 But the righteous have to be examined before
13:10 because Jesus has to reveal before the universe
13:13 who He has a right to take to heaven
13:15 when He comes back.
13:17 So notice what she continue saying,
13:18 "Every case had been decided for life or death.
13:21 While Jesus had been ministering in the sanctuary,
13:24 the judgment had been going on for the righteous dead,
13:27 and then for the righteous living."
13:29 And now notice what Ellen White writes.
13:32 Christ had received His what?
13:36 His kingdom.
13:37 Now you say what does that mean,
13:39 Christ had received His kingdom.
13:40 Well, she's gonna explain.
13:42 "Having made the atonement for His people
13:44 and blotted out their sins."
13:46 Now listen to the explanation.
13:48 "The subjects of the kingdom were made up."
13:52 So what does that mean that Jesus receives the kingdom?
13:55 It means that the subjects of His kingdom
13:58 have been made up.
13:59 It's been revealed who is truly a subject of Jesus Christ.
14:04 How many of you are understanding what I'm saying.
14:05 Raise your hand
14:07 if you understand what I'm saying.
14:08 Praise the Lord, at least half of you understood.
14:12 She continues writing,
14:14 "The marriage of the Lamb was consummated.
14:16 And the kingdom,
14:18 and the greatness of the kingdom
14:19 under the whole heaven, was given to whom?
14:23 Was given to Jesus,"
14:25 she's just commenting on Daniel 7
14:27 and the heirs of salvation, and Jesus was to reign as what?
14:33 As King of kings and Lord of lords."
14:37 So are you understanding why the Father sat
14:41 and why the books were opened.
14:42 Whose cases are gonna be examined?
14:45 All those who professed the name of Jesus Christ
14:47 beginning with those who died,
14:49 it continue with the dead and it ends with the living.
14:52 Whenever a case has been finally decided,
14:55 the kingdom of Jesus is made up.
14:58 And now, three events take place
15:00 once the kingdom is made up.
15:04 Three successive events transpire.
15:07 Number one: The close of human probation.
15:12 When every case has been examined
15:14 for life or for death of those who profess the name of Jesus
15:17 probation closes.
15:18 There is no more opportunity
15:21 for the unrighteous to become righteous
15:23 or for the righteous to become unrighteous.
15:25 Every case is decided for eternity.
15:29 And then after probation closes you have what?
15:34 You have the time of trouble
15:35 such as never has been seen in the history of the world.
15:39 Will God's people be on earth during the time of trouble?
15:43 All of those who were found worthy to be saved,
15:45 will they be on earth?
15:47 They will definitely be on earth,
15:48 and we're gonna show that.
15:50 And then after the tribulation,
15:53 after the great tribulation or the time of trouble,
15:55 Jesus will come from heaven and He will deliver His people.
16:00 So, three successive events after the close of...
16:03 after every case has been decided.
16:05 The close of probation, the time of trouble
16:08 and the second coming of Jesus Christ
16:11 to rescue His people.
16:13 And I might say that the idea that probation closes
16:17 before the second coming of Jesus
16:20 is another one of those unique beliefs
16:23 of the Seventh-day Adventist church.
16:25 You see what most Christian churches believe,
16:27 at least conservative churches is that Jesus is gonna come
16:31 seven years before His glorious coming,
16:33 He's gonna come
16:35 and He's gonna rapture away the church.
16:38 And He is gonna take the righteous to heaven
16:40 for a thousand year...
16:42 for seven years, and then after the seven years,
16:45 Jesus is gonna come back with the saints that He took
16:50 and He's going to destroy those individuals
16:53 who were contrary or against His kingdom
16:56 and He's gonna set up His millennial kingdom
17:00 here on earth.
17:02 You see there is no other church
17:04 that I know of that believes
17:05 that probation will close before Jesus comes,
17:09 and there are very few churches
17:11 that believe that the people of God
17:14 will go through the tribulation after the close of probation
17:18 before the second coming of Jesus Christ.
17:22 Now, in our study today,
17:23 we are going to look at several snapshots
17:27 of the close of probation, the time of trouble,
17:31 and the final deliverance of God's people.
17:35 Where we want to go first
17:37 is to the story in the Book of Genesis,
17:39 because this establishes the pattern
17:42 to understand these three points of time.
17:45 The closing of probation, the time of trouble
17:50 and the glorious deliverance.
17:53 Now, we all know that before the flood,
17:56 God called Noah to preach a message of judgment.
18:02 Noah preached for how many years?
18:04 He preached for 120 years.
18:09 Was His message accompanied
18:10 by the power of the Holy Spirit?
18:12 Yes.
18:14 Because in Genesis 6:3 God says,
18:16 "My Spirit shall not always strive with men,
18:20 but it is going to strive with men 120 years."
18:24 So the message of Noah was accompanying
18:26 by the power of the Holy Spirit.
18:29 So Noah preached 120 years. Let me ask you.
18:34 During this period, could people choose to be saved
18:38 and could people choose to be lost?
18:40 Absolutely.
18:41 So was it a message of separation
18:43 or a message of judgment
18:44 depending on how the people responded to Noah's message.
18:48 Absolutely, it was a message of judgment.
18:52 People decided either for the truth
18:55 or against the truth.
18:58 And then Noah stood at the door of the ark,
19:00 his family was in the ark and for the last time
19:05 I can imagine him standing at the door,
19:07 all of the animals were in that huge transatlantic ship
19:11 and Noah makes one last appeal,
19:13 he says folks those inside are gonna be saved,
19:17 those outside are gonna be destroyed by the flood.
19:21 Please take refuge in the ark.
19:24 And the pleas of Noah were met with ridicule.
19:31 And so I want you to notice
19:34 that three very important events then transpired.
19:40 Point number one is in Genesis 7:16.
19:43 See that Genesis gives us the pattern
19:46 for the rest of the Bible.
19:47 Genesis 7:16, speaking about the animals
19:52 it says, "So those that entered,
19:57 male and female of all flesh,
20:00 went in as God had commanded him,"
20:03 and now comes the key phrase,
20:05 "and the Lord shut him in."
20:10 Who shut the door?
20:13 Let me ask you when the door was shut,
20:14 were all cases decided for life or death.
20:18 Could those inside change
20:20 to be wicked like those outside?
20:21 No.
20:22 Could the one outside choose to get inside?
20:24 No.
20:25 All cases were decided when the door was shut,
20:29 the saved were saved and the lost were lost.
20:34 But now we have a second point.
20:36 Did it begin to rain immediately
20:39 when the door closed?
20:41 No, how many days went by
20:43 between when the door was closed
20:44 and when it started to rain.
20:46 Seven full days,
20:48 actually it started raining on the eighth day
20:50 because seven full days passed.
20:54 Now, let me ask you.
20:55 Do you think that the faith of Noah and his family
20:58 was tried during those seven days?
21:02 Absolutely, undoubtedly one day passes, no rain,
21:05 two days, three days, four days, five days, six days,
21:09 seven days, no rain, clear sky.
21:13 Let me ask you.
21:15 How do you suppose the enemies of Noah
21:17 and his family acted outside the ark
21:19 for each day that passed?
21:21 Each day they became more and more violent,
21:23 the enemies of Noah and his family.
21:26 So during these seven days the faith of Noah
21:29 and his family is severely tested,
21:31 and those outside the ark,
21:34 the enemies become more and more violent each day.
21:39 But then after the seven days passed,
21:43 on the eighth day, early on the eighth day
21:47 what happens with the wicked?
21:50 The wicked are destroyed and God's people are delivered.
21:57 Are you with me or not?
21:58 So what are the three points of time?
22:00 The closing of the door, the testing of the faith,
22:05 the day of victory for the wicked,
22:07 but finally the wicked are destroyed
22:11 and the righteous are saved.
22:15 Now, I would like us to go to the application
22:19 that Jesus gave of this story.
22:22 Let's go to Matthew 24:37-39,
22:26 Matthew 24:37-39.
22:31 You see Jesus drew a parallel
22:33 between what happen in the days of Noah
22:35 and what is gonna happen at the end of time.
22:38 Here Jesus explains, "But as the days of Noah were,
22:44 so also will the coming of the Son of Man be."
22:47 Do you see that he's comparing two events,
22:49 as it was in the days of Noah back then,
22:52 it's gonna be like that
22:54 at the coming of the Son of Man.
22:56 "For as in the days before the flood,
22:59 they were eating and drinking,
23:01 marrying and giving in marriage,"
23:03 and now comes a very important time alert
23:06 "until the day that Noah what?
23:10 Entered the ark."
23:11 So the first point of time,
23:13 the first until marks the moment
23:14 when Noah what?
23:16 Entered the ark.
23:17 But now, I want you to notice something very interesting,
23:20 so it says until the day that Noah entered the ark
23:23 and did not know until the flood came
23:29 and took them all away.
23:31 Let me ask you, what didn't wicked know
23:34 between when the door closed and when it started to rain.
23:39 They did not know that when the door closed
23:42 they were lost.
23:46 So Jesus says as it was back then,
23:49 Noah enter the ark, seven days pass
23:53 where the wicked don't know that they're lost
23:57 but then destruction comes
23:59 and they realize that they're what?
24:02 That they are lost and Jesus ends by saying,
24:04 so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.
24:07 Is it just possible that the door
24:09 of probation for the world is gonna close
24:11 before the second coming of Jesus Christ
24:14 to destroy the wicked?
24:15 Absolutely, Jesus is saying it here.
24:20 Now let me give you another comparison
24:21 so that we can understand this even better.
24:24 Jesus explained that He was gonna come
24:26 as a thief in the night.
24:29 You've read those verses, right?
24:31 A thief in the night.
24:33 Now, how many stages does the coming of the thief have?
24:39 Really when you look at it carefully, it has two.
24:42 Let's suppose
24:44 that it's one of those cold days
24:46 in Fresno in December, you know, when lots of fog,
24:51 that penetrating cold, and you know you get home,
24:55 you've worked real hard all day and you sit in your easy chair,
24:59 you know, to watch the news and then you have a good supper
25:03 and you say, I think I'll go to bed early tonight,
25:05 so you go to bed and, you know,
25:08 you turn down the thermostat and you're under the cover
25:10 that's nice and warm,
25:12 and when you're under the cover you say,
25:14 oh, no I forgot to lock the door.
25:19 Ah, it's so nice and warm under these covers,
25:21 I hate to get up, I turn the thermostat down.
25:25 I lived in this house for 25 years
25:28 and the thief has never come.
25:31 He not gonna come tonight and so you go to sleep.
25:37 Lo and behold, at midnight the thief comes,
25:43 finds the door unlocked and goes into the house
25:48 and steals whatever he can find.
25:50 Are those inside the house aware that the thief has come?
25:54 No, because they're what?
25:56 They're not watching, they are sleeping.
25:58 Let me ask you,
26:00 when do they discover that the thief has come?
26:03 In the morning but then it's too late.
26:07 The same will happen at the end of time.
26:11 Probation will close, Jesus will come like a thief.
26:15 Coming like a thief is not the second coming.
26:18 Coming like a thief
26:19 is the closing of the door of probation.
26:22 What's gonna happen
26:23 with the majority of the people in the world,
26:25 even Christians, they're gonna be what?
26:27 They're gonna be sleeping because they were not watching.
26:31 When will they discover that they're lost,
26:34 it's only when Jesus comes in the clouds of heaven
26:37 and they realize that they're lost.
26:39 But probation close for them
26:41 before the second coming of Jesus.
26:44 Are you understanding what I'm saying?
26:46 And so we have these three points of time,
26:51 the closing of the door, the time of trouble,
26:54 and then the destruction of the wicked
26:57 and the salvation of the righteous.
27:01 So we have several common denominators
27:03 in the stories that we are going to study.
27:07 Let's review the common denominators in the story
27:10 that we just looked at, the story of Noah.
27:13 Was there a faithful remnant in the days of Noah?
27:17 Who was the remnant?
27:19 Noah, right? Did Noah have enemies?
27:25 Yes, the enemies who made fun of his preaching.
27:30 Let me ask you, did Noah and his family
27:32 have a severe time of anguish in the ark?
27:38 Was their faith severely tested during the time of trouble?
27:42 Absolutely.
27:45 Did God delivered them immediately
27:47 or was there a delay?
27:49 There was a delay,
27:50 but were they finally delivered by God?
27:53 Yes, so notice the common denominators
27:56 because we'll find these in all of the stories
27:58 that we're gonna study
28:00 that illustrate these points of time,
28:02 a faithful remnant, enemies of the remnant,
28:05 a time of trouble and anguish for the remnant,
28:07 the faith of the remnant tested,
28:10 the remnant not immediately delivered,
28:12 there is a delay and finally
28:14 the remnant is delivered by God after the delay.
28:19 Now, we need to go to that verse
28:22 which we have on the screen Michel shall stand up.
28:26 Go with me to Daniel 12:1.
28:30 I need to give you a little bit of the previous context.
28:34 The previous context speaks of a power
28:36 that is called the king of the north.
28:39 And the king of the north is coming
28:41 to destroy God's people,
28:44 to destroy God's faithful people.
28:46 That's the context.
28:48 Now this power is called the king of the north
28:49 in Daniel 11, but it's a same power
28:52 that is called the little horn in Daniel 7 and 8.
28:55 It's the same power
28:57 that is called the beast in Revelation 13.
28:59 It's same power that is called the man of sin
29:02 in 2 Thessalonians 2.
29:04 It's the same power that is called
29:06 the abomination of desolation in Matthew 24.
29:09 It's the same power that is called
29:10 the harlot in Revelation 17
29:12 and the same power that is called
29:14 the antichrist in 1 John 2.
29:16 It's just different names with different emphasis.
29:20 But the king of the north is the same as the little horn.
29:24 As the same as the beast, the papacy,
29:26 the power that we have been speaking about
29:28 here in the seminar.
29:31 So Daniel 11:44 and 45 speaks
29:35 about the little horn or the beast
29:36 called the king of the north
29:38 that is coming to destroy God's people.
29:42 And when he is at the point
29:44 of destroying God's faithful people,
29:47 something happens.
29:49 I want you to notice Daniel 12:1
29:53 and there are four points that we're gonna notice here.
29:56 Daniel 12:1, and the key word, folks,
30:01 is the word delivered.
30:03 I want you to remember that word, delivered,
30:05 that's a key word.
30:07 The word delivered is used
30:08 in only three chapters in Daniel.
30:11 It's used in Daniel 12:1,
30:15 it is used in Daniel 3, where the three...
30:20 where Daniel, where the three young man
30:22 actually are thrown into the fiery furnace,
30:25 and it is used in Daniel 6
30:28 where Daniel's thrown into the lions' den.
30:30 Those are the only three chapters in Daniel
30:33 where the word delivered is used.
30:35 Remember that
30:36 because we're gonna come back to it a little bit later on.
30:40 Now, let's read Daniel 12:1,
30:44 "At that time, that is when the king of the north,
30:46 the little horn, the beast, the man of sin,
30:48 the abomination and desolation, the harlot,
30:51 whatever you want to call it
30:52 comes to try and destroy God's people.
30:55 It says at that time, Michael shall what?
31:00 Shall stand up? The question is who is Michael.
31:05 Michael is a name for Jesus.
31:09 The name Michael means who is like God.
31:13 So Michael is symbolic of Christ.
31:17 So why would Michael have to stand up,
31:20 what is he gonna do?
31:22 It says, "Michael shall stand up,
31:24 the great prince
31:25 who stands watch over the sons of your people."
31:30 So why does Michael stand up?
31:32 He's gonna stand watch over his who?
31:35 Over his people.
31:37 At this point does he know who his people are?
31:40 He must because he's gonna protect them.
31:42 Now, the question is,
31:44 what does it mean for Michael to stand up.
31:48 Let's not read the rest of the verse
31:50 but let's go to the subtitle that says standing up
31:53 so that we can understand
31:54 what the Bible means when it says
31:56 that Michael shall stand up.
31:57 What point of time is that?
32:00 Daniel 11:2 and 3
32:02 and I'm reading from the King James Version
32:04 'cause the same Hebrew word
32:06 is translated the same in both instances.
32:09 Daniel 11:2 and 3 explains what the word stand up means,
32:14 It says, "Now I will show you the truth.
32:17 Behold, there shall stand up yet three kings in Persia."
32:22 What does that mean,
32:23 three kings will yet stand up in Persia?
32:26 It means that three kings are yet to what?
32:29 Are yet to rule in Persia. They're going to rise to what?
32:34 To rule in Persia.
32:36 And so it continue saying, "I will show you the truth.
32:38 Behold, there shall yet stand up three kings in Persia,
32:42 and the fourth shall be far richer than they all,
32:44 and by his strength through his riches
32:46 he shall stir up all against the realm of Grecia."
32:49 And now notice,
32:50 "And a mighty king shall stand up..."
32:53 What does that mean a mighty king shall stand up?
32:55 It means that he's gonna begin to what?
32:58 He's gonna begin to rule.
32:59 We don't have to guess
33:00 because it continues saying here in Daniel 11:3,
33:04 "A mighty king shall stand up, that shall" what?
33:08 "That shall rule."
33:09 To stand means to begin to what?
33:12 To rule over your kingdom.
33:14 Now, notice also Daniel 8:22, Daniel 8:22,
33:20 speaking about the four heads
33:24 or the four horns actually that are the same
33:26 as the four heads on the leopard.
33:28 Notice what it says, "Now that being broken,"
33:32 this is the notable horn,
33:34 "whereas four stood up for it, four kingdoms shall what?
33:39 Shall stand up out of the nation,
33:42 but not in his own power."
33:44 So what does stand up mean in the Book of Daniel?
33:48 It means to begin to what?
33:52 To begin to rule over the kingdom.
33:56 So let me ask you, when it says that Michael shall stand up,
33:59 it means that Jesus is going to begin to what?
34:03 To rule. Why is He gonna begin to rule?
34:06 Because probation is closed and His kingdom is what?
34:10 Made up. Are you following me or not?
34:14 Now, let's continue, let's go back to Daniel 12:1,
34:17 "At that time Michael shall stand up,
34:20 the prince who stands
34:22 watch over the sons of your people..."
34:23 And now notice the second point,
34:25 "And there shall be a" what?
34:28 "A time of trouble," that's the great tribulation.
34:30 "There shall be a time of trouble
34:32 such as never was since there was a nation,
34:35 even to that time."
34:38 So is this the great tribulation?
34:40 Is this the time of trouble,
34:42 are God's people on earth during this period?
34:44 Yes, because Michael is standing up
34:46 to rule over them and to protect them.
34:49 So there is a time of trouble
34:50 and then notice what it continues saying,
34:53 and at that time, that is in the time of trouble,
34:57 your people shall be what?
34:59 Shall be delivered, everyone who is found what?
35:04 Written in the book.
35:05 Let me ask you, when were they written in the book
35:07 or when were they conformed in the book?
35:10 In the investigative judgment. Are you with me or not?
35:14 Now, let me read you the statement
35:16 from Ellen White again,
35:18 it's in the middle of this page.
35:21 "Every case had been decided for life or death.
35:26 While Jesus had been ministering in the sanctuary,
35:29 the judgment had been going on for the righteous dead,
35:31 and then for the righteous living."
35:33 See while the judgment is going on,
35:34 cases are still being decided, probation hasn't close,
35:37 but then she says Christ had received his what?
35:41 His kingdom having made the atonements for his people
35:44 and blotted out their sins.
35:46 The subjects of the kingdom were made up.
35:49 So when the cases are examined in the judgment,
35:52 it's decided whose name is retained in the book.
35:57 Let me read you the statement from Ellen White
36:01 regarding the conclusion of the judgment.
36:04 She states this, "Christ says to the overcomer,
36:07 "I will not blot out his name out of the book of life.
36:12 The names of all those
36:14 who have once given themselves to God
36:17 are written in the book of life
36:19 and their characters are now passing in review before him,"
36:23 that's the judgment.
36:25 "Angels of God are weighing moral worth.
36:28 They are watching the development of character
36:31 in those now living,
36:32 to see if their names can be," what?
36:35 "Retained in the book of life."
36:38 Is that what happens in the investigative judgment?
36:42 Is it shown whose name is going to be retained
36:44 in the Book of life?
36:45 Now, when Jesus stands up,
36:48 are all of the names that have been retained in the book.
36:51 Of course, so that's why Daniel 12:1 says
36:56 that those will be delivered from the time of trouble
36:59 whose names are written in the book.
37:01 When were their names retained in the book?
37:04 During the what?
37:05 During the judgment. Is this clear in your mind?
37:09 So, four points in Daniel 12:1.
37:12 Point number one, standing up means
37:15 that Jesus begins to reign over His kingdom
37:17 because His kingdom is complete,
37:19 He's finished the judgment.
37:20 Secondly, now God's people will go for a severe time of trouble
37:24 such as never has been seen in the history of the world.
37:28 And then it says
37:29 that God's people at the end of the time of trouble
37:31 will be delivered
37:33 but only those who in the judgment
37:35 were written where?
37:37 Were written in the book.
37:40 Do you see all of the elements here
37:43 that we mentioned,
37:44 all of the common denominators here.
37:46 Is there a faithful remnant here?
37:48 Yes, the people.
37:50 Are there enemies of the remnant?
37:53 Yeah, the king of the north and his cohorts.
37:55 Are God's people gonna go through
37:57 a severe time of trouble?
37:59 Absolutely.
38:00 Is their faith going to be severely tested?
38:03 Yes.
38:04 Will they be delivered immediately
38:06 or will there be a delay?
38:08 They have to go through the time of trouble,
38:10 there will be a delay.
38:11 But will God's people finally be delivered?
38:14 Yes.
38:15 So we find all of the common denominators in Daniel 12:1.
38:21 Now, you say, where does the expression
38:25 time of Jacob's trouble come from?
38:29 Well, we have to go to the Book of Genesis
38:34 to understand what the time of Jacob's trouble
38:37 is because that's the specific name
38:39 that is given to it.
38:41 Now, the story is found in Genesis 32,
38:45 and I'm gonna tell you the story very quickly.
38:47 Jacob was returning home after a 20 year exile
38:51 because he had stolen the birthright from his brother
38:54 and he had deceived his father.
38:56 When he is nearing home,
38:58 he hears that his brother who is the enemy
39:01 is coming with 400 armed men to destroy him and his family.
39:08 The story tells us that Jacob and his family
39:10 were totally defenseless.
39:12 In other words, they could not stand
39:14 against Esau and the 400 armed men.
39:18 And so Jacob feared for his life
39:21 and for the life of his family.
39:25 And so the Bible tells us that he feared
39:27 that God would not protected him
39:29 because of the sin that he had committed 20 years earlier.
39:33 And so the Bible tells us
39:35 that Jacob went to the brook of Jabbok
39:38 and he poured out his heart in prayer to God
39:41 in tremendous anguish.
39:44 I want to read just a few verses
39:46 where this anguish is described in Genesis 32.
39:50 "I am not worthy of the least of all the mercies
39:55 and of all the truth
39:57 which You have shown Your servant,
39:59 for I have crossed over this Jordan with my staff
40:02 and now I have become two companies."
40:04 And then he uses the keyword, remember Daniel 12:1,
40:08 God's people will be what?
40:10 Delivered, notice, he says, "Deliver me, I pray, from whom?
40:16 From the hand of my brother, from the hand of Esau,
40:19 for I fear him, lest he come and attack me
40:22 and the mother with the children."
40:24 So Jacob is crying out in anguish,
40:27 deliver me, deliver our family from the enemy,
40:31 from Esau and the 400 men that he is coming with.
40:36 The Bible tells us that while he is struggling
40:39 there in prayer with God, a mysterious person comes
40:43 and he begins wrestling with that mysterious person.
40:48 The mysterious person Jacob soon discovered
40:51 was not common human being.
40:54 It was the angel of the covenant.
40:56 And so as the sun was rising,
40:59 Jacob hangs on for dear life to this individual,
41:05 to this mysterious person and this person says,
41:08 let me go because it's dawning.
41:11 And Jacob hangs on to him, he says,
41:13 I will not let you go until you bless me.
41:16 In other words, until you give me the assurance
41:18 that I've been forgiven
41:20 and that you're gonna protect me
41:21 along with my family.
41:23 And once again, this being says,
41:25 let me go for the day is dawning
41:28 and Jacob says, I will not let you go until you bless me.
41:32 The Bible says that that mysterious person
41:36 then ask Jacob what his name was.
41:39 And he said Jacob which means supplanter,
41:42 and this mysterious being says
41:44 your name will no longer be called Jacob,
41:47 your name will be called Israel,
41:50 because you have struggled with God and with men
41:52 and you have prevailed.
41:55 In other words you have gained the victory
41:58 and the Bible says
41:59 that this mysterious being changed his name there
42:04 from Jacob to Israel which means prince of God.
42:08 Let's read about the struggle of Jacob in Genesis 32:24-29.
42:15 "Then Jacob was left alone,
42:17 and a Man wrestled with him until the breaking of day.
42:21 Now when He saw that He did not prevail against him..."
42:24 That is the angle did not prevail against him.
42:28 "He touched the socket of his hip,
42:30 and the socket of Jacob's hip
42:32 was out of joint as he wrestled with him.
42:35 And he said, 'Let Me go, for the day breaks.
42:38 But he said: 'I will not let You go
42:41 unless You bless me.
42:42 So he said to him, 'What is your name?'
42:45 He said, 'Jacob.'
42:47 And He said: 'Your name shall no longer be called Jacob,
42:49 but Israel, for you have struggled with God
42:52 and with men, and have prevailed.
42:55 Then Jacob asked, 'Tell me your name, I pray.'
42:59 And he said: 'Why is it that you ask about My name.'
43:02 and He blessed him there.'"
43:04 Now, the question is who was that mysterious being?
43:09 The Book of Hosea 12:4 tell us who that being was.
43:15 Do you remember Daniel 12:1,
43:19 Michael the ark angel, right?
43:23 Now notice was it an angel that Jacob was struggling with?
43:27 Yes, he was struggling with the angel of the covenant
43:30 which is non other than whom, Jesus Christ Himself.
43:33 By the way Jesus is not a created angel,
43:36 He is the angel of the covenant.
43:37 He is the Son of God. He is the messenger of God.
43:41 Now, notice what it says in Hosea 12:4,
43:43 remembering this event.
43:45 Yes, he struggled with the what?
43:49 Oh, he was struggling with the angel,
43:52 not un angel, with the angel.
43:54 And what?
43:56 And prevailed, he wept, sought favor from him.
43:59 This angel was nonetheless than God.
44:03 You say how do you know that?
44:04 Because of the name that Jacob gave that place.
44:08 Notice Genesis 32:30,
44:11 "So Jacob called the name of the place Peniel:
44:16 'For I have seen God face to face,
44:20 and my life is preserved."
44:22 Peniel means face of God and Jacob says,
44:25 I have seen God face to face and my life has been preserved.
44:30 So whom was Jacob struggling with?
44:32 He was struggling with Jesus Christ,
44:35 the angel of the covenant in the Old Testament.
44:39 Now let me ask you,
44:40 do we find all of the common denominators in this story.
44:44 We most certainly do. Do we have a faithful remnant?
44:47 Jacob.
44:49 Do we have enemies of the remnant?
44:51 Absolutely. Is a time of trouble for Jacob?
44:54 Absolutely. Is his faith severely tested?
44:58 Does he cry out in anguish for assurance?
45:01 Absolutely. Did God answer him immediately?
45:04 No.
45:06 But finally after all night struggle,
45:08 was he delivered?
45:09 He most certainly was.
45:11 This describes the final time of trouble of God's people.
45:14 Read in Great Controversy,
45:16 Ellen White's description of the struggle of Jacob
45:19 representing the struggle of God's people
45:22 at the end of time.
45:24 Now, the specific expression the time of Jacob's trouble
45:27 is found in Jeremiah 30
45:31 and we're only gonna briefly deal with this.
45:34 There is a faithful remnant here in Jeremiah 30.
45:39 The faithful remnant is, are the faithful ones in Israel
45:44 when Babylon came against them
45:47 in the person of Nebuchadnezzar.
45:49 The enemy is Nebuchadnezzar.
45:52 The time of trouble is the anguish of the faithful
45:55 when they were being taken captive to Babylon.
45:58 God delayed for 70 years to release them from bondage
46:03 and the faith of Israel was severely tested
46:07 but did God finally deliver His people
46:09 from bondage in Babylon.
46:11 Yes, when Cyrus came
46:13 and gave the decree of their liberation.
46:15 I'm gonna read the passage now.
46:18 This is Jeremiah 30 and we will begin at verse 5.
46:23 "For thus says the Lord:
46:25 'We have heard a voice of trembling, of fear,
46:30 and not of peace.
46:32 Ask now, and see,
46:34 whether a man is ever in labor with child?"
46:37 His anguish is so intense
46:39 that it's like a woman in labor pains.
46:43 So why do I see every man with his hands on his loins
46:48 like a woman in labor and all faces turned pale?
46:52 Alas!
46:54 For that day is great, so that none is like it,
46:57 and it is the time of what?
47:00 Of Jacob's trouble but he shall be what?
47:04 Saved out of it. Was Israel saved out of it?
47:07 It most certainly was.
47:09 And then we find the punishment that falls upon Babylon.
47:13 It says in verse 8,
47:15 "For it shall come to pass in that day,
47:17 says the Lord of hosts,
47:18 that I will break his yoke from your neck,
47:21 and I will burst your bonds,
47:22 foreigners shall no more, no longer enslave them.
47:26 But they shall serve the Lord their God and David their king
47:29 whom I will raise up for them."
47:32 By the way this could not be literal David
47:34 because David had been dead for a very long time.
47:36 When it says David,
47:38 it's talking about who would rule over them.
47:40 None other than Jesus Christ.
47:42 So we find all of the same common elements
47:45 in this time of Jacob's trouble
47:47 as it is called here in Jeremiah 30.
47:51 Now, let's go to Matthew 24, we have two more stories
47:54 that we need to go through here very quickly,
47:56 Matthew 24,
47:58 let's read verses 24, actually 21 and 22,
48:03 and let me give you a little bit of context.
48:05 If you look at the previous verses,
48:07 you're gonna find that the abomination of desolation
48:11 is set up and God's people have to flee
48:14 because they're being persecuted.
48:16 That is the context.
48:18 Now, notice what we find in verse 21,
48:21 "For then there will be, what?
48:24 Great tribulation, such as has not been
48:29 since the beginning of the world until this time,
48:32 no, ever shall be."
48:33 That sounds pretty much like Daniel 12:1, doesn't it?
48:36 And then it says,
48:37 "And unless those days were what,
48:40 shortened no flesh would be saved,
48:43 but for the elect's sake," remember the world elect,
48:46 "the elect's sake those days will be shortened.
48:50 Is God gonna have a remnant? What is the remnant called?
48:54 The elect.
48:56 Are they gonna be persecuted or they gonna have to flee?
48:58 Are the enemies gonna come after them?
49:01 Absolutely according to the context.
49:03 Is their faith gonna be severely tested?
49:06 Will they be immediately delivered?
49:09 Now the days will be shortened
49:11 but they will go through the tribulation.
49:13 Let me ask you,
49:15 will God's people finally be delivered from the tribulation.
49:18 Notice verses 29:31, it says, "Immediately
49:24 after the tribulation of those days..."
49:26 So God's people are gonna go through the tribulation,
49:28 "After the tribulation of those days
49:30 the sun will be darkened,
49:32 the moon will not give its light,
49:34 the stars will fall from heaven
49:36 and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.
49:38 Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven
49:41 and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn,
49:43 and they will see the Son of Man
49:45 coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
49:49 And he will send his angels
49:50 with a great sound of a trumpet,
49:52 and they will gather together His," what?
49:56 Will the elect go through the time of trouble?
49:58 Will they suffer this anguish?
50:00 Will they be persecuted? Will their faith be tested?
50:02 Absolutely, so it says
50:04 he will gather together His elect from the four winds,
50:08 from one end of heaven to the other.
50:09 Are God's people gonna be delivered
50:11 when Jesus comes to take them home?
50:14 Absolutely.
50:15 So once again in the final tribulation,
50:17 we have the same elements
50:19 that we found in the other stories.
50:21 Now, we have one more story that we need to take a look at.
50:24 It's called the parable of the unjust judge.
50:29 Very badly named.
50:31 It's really the parable of the persistent widow.
50:36 That's a better way of calling this parable.
50:39 By the way, I want you to notice
50:42 that the word elect is used in the parable,
50:46 the same word that we noticed in Matthew 24.
50:51 Furthermore, I want you to notice that this parable
50:53 applies directly to the time of the end,
50:55 right before the second coming.
50:57 You say how do we know that.
50:58 Because right before the parable,
51:00 Jesus has been talking about the days of Noah
51:03 and the days of Lot
51:04 and comparing it with His coming.
51:05 And the parable ends with the words
51:08 when the Son of Man comes
51:10 will he find faith in the earth?
51:12 So the parable is between two second coming references,
51:15 which means it applies especially two events
51:19 surrounding the second coming.
51:22 Now, there are several protagonists in the story
51:25 or actors in the story.
51:27 There is a judge, there is a widow,
51:30 the widow is crying out for justice
51:32 over her adversary.
51:34 So there is an adversary as well.
51:36 There is a delay in justice being meted out for the widow,
51:40 but finally justice is meted out.
51:43 Are you seeing all of the elements
51:45 in this story?
51:46 Now, let's read the parable.
51:48 "Then He spoke a parable to them,
51:50 that men always ought to pray and not lose heart.
51:55 Other words be perseverant in prayer saying:
51:59 "There was in a certain city a judge..."
52:01 Now what I want you to understand
52:02 is that the judge represents God.
52:06 "Who did not fear God nor regard man."
52:08 You say well, how can a judge that doesn't fear God
52:12 or regard man be considered a parallel to God.
52:16 Well, it's by way of contrast.
52:17 We're gonna see that in the parable Jesus is saying
52:19 if an unjust judge is gonna do justice to a widow
52:23 to get her of his back,
52:25 how much more will God do justice for His people
52:27 because He loves them.
52:29 So it's by way of contrast
52:32 that the unjust judge is compared to God.
52:34 We'll see that in a moment.
52:36 So it says there was a certain...
52:37 in a certain city a judge who did not fear God
52:40 no regard man.
52:41 Now there was a widow,
52:43 this widow was totally destitute of human support.
52:47 She had nowhere to lie her head.
52:50 The adversary had wiped her out.
52:52 Most of those who have studied this parable say
52:54 that what happen was that her husband had creditors,
52:57 he owed huge sums of money to the creditors
53:00 and when the credit...
53:02 when he died the creditors came
53:04 and took everything away from the widow
53:06 to settle the accounts.
53:07 In other words, she did not have anything.
53:11 And so it continue saying,
53:12 Now there was a widow in that city,
53:15 and she came, actually she kept coming to him saying,
53:19 'Get justice for me from my' what,
53:21 see they're the one that took everything from her,
53:23 from my adversary.
53:26 Is there a delay?
53:28 And he would not for a what, for a while,
53:32 but afterward he said within himself,
53:33 though I do not fear God nor regard man,
53:36 yet because this widow troubles me
53:37 I will avenge her.
53:39 Now notice the judge said, didn't just come once,
53:41 it says less by her what, continual coming,
53:44 she weary me.
53:46 So she kept on coming and coming and coming
53:48 and coming to say,
53:50 do me justice over my adversary.
53:52 She didn't give up.
53:54 And now Jesus explains what the parable means.
53:57 Beginning at verse 6, "Then the Lord said,
54:00 'Hear what the unjust judge said and shall God..."
54:06 Who does a judge represent?
54:08 God, it says, "And shall God not avenge his own" what?
54:15 "Elect." What does the widow represent?
54:17 The elect.
54:19 By the way are God's people gonna lose everything?
54:22 You know, a woman symbolically represents a church.
54:26 A harlot woman represents a falling church.
54:29 A pure woman represents pure church.
54:31 What would a widow represent?
54:33 A woman destitute of every human support.
54:35 It would represent God's elect in the time of trouble
54:38 having nothing to lean on.
54:40 And so notice, "And shall God, the judge,
54:43 not avenge his own elect the widow,
54:47 who do what, who cry out day and night..."
54:52 Does God answer immediately?
54:55 No, who cry out day and night to Him,
55:00 do they continually come and come and come
55:02 like Jacob did.
55:04 Absolutely, though He bears long with them.
55:07 In other words the God doesn't answer their prayer immediately
55:12 and then it says, I tell you that He will what?
55:16 That he will avenge them speedily.
55:19 And then He ends by asking the question Nevertheless,
55:22 when the Son of Man comes,
55:25 will he really find faith on the earth?
55:28 Will he find a group of people that have this kind of faith?
55:32 So let's review what we looked at,
55:34 is there a faithful remnant in this parable?
55:37 Who is the faithful remnant? The widow.
55:40 Is she totally destitute of human support,
55:42 has she lost everything?
55:44 Is that true of God's people during the tribulation?
55:46 Yes.
55:48 Is there an enemy of the widow who wiped her out?
55:51 Yes, by the way who does that represent?
55:54 The devil.
55:55 You know that word adversary that she used in the parable.
55:58 It's not a very usual word in the New Testament.
56:00 It's the Greek word antidikos,
56:03 it is used in 1 Peter 5:8 where it says,
56:06 you adversary is the devil,
56:08 goes about like a roaring lion seeking who he may devour.
56:11 So the New Testament identifies the adversary
56:14 who wiped out the widow or the church
56:16 of her earthly support as the devil.
56:20 Does the widow go through a severe time of trouble?
56:23 Oh, she's crying out in anguish.
56:25 She has nothing to lean on.
56:27 Is the faith of the widow severely tested?
56:30 Yes.
56:31 Will the faith of God's people be severely tested
56:33 when they're in this word without anything to lean on?
56:36 Absolutely.
56:38 Did God answer the widow's pleas immediately?
56:40 No, there was a delay.
56:42 You know, sometimes we want God to answer yes or no,
56:45 but God also can answer wait,
56:49 we wouldn't like to hear that answer, see, wait.
56:52 And we're gonna find in our study tomorrow,
56:54 the reason why God says wait
56:58 to those who are going through the time of trouble.
57:01 But let me ask you after the delay,
57:03 was the widow delivered and did she received justice?
57:08 She most certainly did.
57:09 So are you seeing all of these stories
57:12 a common denominator?
57:14 The beautiful thing, folks,
57:15 in all of this is that even though
57:17 the faith of God's people will be severely tested.
57:21 God's people will cry out in anguish
57:23 in the midst of the time of trouble.
57:25 God's people will lose every human support.
57:28 God will delay in the trying times of head,
57:31 to answer the pleas of his people.
57:34 The good news is
57:36 that at the end of every single one of these stories
57:38 as well as the ones that we're gonna study tomorrow,
57:41 God intervenes to deliver His people
57:45 from their enemies and to give them the reward.
57:48 That is the wonderful news
57:50 that in the midst of the time of trouble,
57:52 God will deliver His people,
57:54 everyone who is found, written in the book.


Revised 2016-11-07