God's Prophetic Chain

En Route to a New World Order

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: GPC

Program Code: GPC000008A

00:22 You noticed that the title of our subject
00:24 for this evening is
00:26 En Route to A New World Order.
00:29 Before we get into our study,
00:30 we do want to ask for the Lord's presence.
00:33 Never should we open God's word without prayer.
00:37 And so I invite you reverently to bow your heads
00:40 as we ask God to be with us.
00:43 Father in heaven,
00:45 we ask that as we open Your word this evening
00:47 and as we look at some events in history and in prophecy
00:51 that Your Holy Spirit will be with us
00:53 to open people's minds and hearts to the truth.
00:58 Many things that we've studied undoubtedly are difficult
01:01 for people who have belong to the systems
01:04 that we've spoken about.
01:06 I just ask Lord that
01:07 You will give each one the willingness
01:09 to open the heart
01:11 and receive the truth as it is in Jesus.
01:14 We thank You Father
01:15 for the promise of Your presence.
01:17 We know that You will be with us
01:19 because we claim the promise in the name of Jesus, amen.
01:25 We must ask as we begin our study today
01:28 what are the objectives
01:31 of the Roman Catholic Church today.
01:35 Now, we studied last time
01:37 that the sign of the Roman Catholic Churches authority is
01:42 the change in the law of God,
01:44 the first day of the week, Sunday.
01:47 If that's the case,
01:49 then we would expect the papacy
01:52 to seek and ensure the enforcement
01:57 of the sign of its authority.
01:59 In other words, the enforcement of Sunday as the day of rest.
02:03 In fact for the last 120 years, and I say 120 years
02:08 because it sends a very famous encyclical called
02:12 Rerum Novarum by Pope Leo XIII in 1891.
02:17 The papacy's social theory has consistently used
02:22 four specific expressions.
02:26 One of those expression is the common good.
02:30 Basically that means that
02:31 individually is an individuality
02:34 or individualism is something to be dreaded.
02:39 Secondly, another common word
02:42 that is used is the word solidarity.
02:45 And basically what that means is that
02:47 we are in this all together
02:50 and we must unite in one ecumenical body
02:54 and avoid at all cost sectarianism.
02:59 And then there is a word subsidiarity.
03:02 Subsidiarity simply means that
03:04 our personal interests are subsidiary
03:08 to the common good of the whole.
03:12 And finally another expression
03:14 which appears very frequently
03:17 in Roman Catholic social theory
03:19 literature is the universal destination of goods.
03:25 And basically what that means is that
03:26 private property is not necessarily personal,
03:31 but rather belongs to all humanity
03:33 and should be redistributed according to need.
03:38 Now, I would like to read a statement
03:40 that was made by a recent pope,
03:42 Pope Benedict XVI.
03:44 That's the pope before the one
03:47 that is in now before Francis I.
03:50 Because this is where he expresses
03:53 these are specific terms
03:56 that we've looked at as we begun our study today.
03:59 This is found in Benedict's encyclical Caritas in Veritate
04:05 which means charity and truth or love and truth.
04:09 Paragraph 67, this is how it reads.
04:12 "To manage the global economy,
04:15 to revive economies hit by the crisis,
04:20 to avoid any deterioration of the present crisis
04:23 and the greater imbalances that would result,
04:26 to bring about integral and timely disarmament,
04:31 food security and peace,
04:34 to guarantee the protection of the environment
04:37 and to regulate migration: for all this,
04:42 there is urgent need of a true world political authority,
04:49 as my predecessor Blessed John XXIII
04:51 indicated some years ago.
04:54 Such an authority would need to be regulated by law,
04:58 to observe consistently the principles of subsidiarity
05:03 and solidarity,
05:06 to seek to establish the common good..."
05:09 Do you see the terms here?
05:10 "To seek to establish the common good
05:12 and to make a commitment to securing
05:15 authentic integral human development
05:19 inspired by the values of charity in truth.
05:23 Furthermore, such an authority would need to be
05:26 universally recognized
05:29 and to be vested with the effective power
05:33 to ensure security for all, regard for justice,
05:38 and respect for rights.
05:41 Obviously it would have to have the authority
05:44 to ensure compliance
05:46 with its decisions from all parties,
05:49 and also with the coordinated measures
05:52 adopted in various international forums."
05:57 This is an unbelievable statement
06:00 about the aspirations of the Roman Catholic papacy.
06:04 Now the question is,
06:05 who would be responsible for the implementation
06:09 of this global socialist ideal.
06:13 Current events clearly indicate
06:16 that it will be implemented and enforced
06:19 by the political leaders of the world
06:22 at the behest of the Roman Catholic papacy.
06:27 What Benedict XVI was saying is that
06:30 the international community must accept and enforce
06:35 the social moral theory of the papacy.
06:39 I'm gonna read you a couple of statements
06:41 that are not in your material
06:45 but they are very significant
06:48 when it comes to who will be behind this world authority.
06:53 Pius IX, who was pope from 1846 to 1878
06:58 wrote the following.
07:00 "That the principal which Leo XIII,
07:03 so clearly established must be laid down at the outset here.
07:08 Namely, that there resides in us,"
07:11 that is in the papacy,
07:13 "the right and duty," listen carefully now,
07:15 "to pronounce with supreme authority
07:19 upon social and economic matters."
07:22 So he's saying the papacy has supreme authority
07:26 to speak on social and economic matters.
07:30 Even more recently Vatican Council II
07:32 which was celebrated from 1963 to 1965
07:36 stated this in one of the decisions
07:41 that was made at the council.
07:44 "Moreover, since in virtue of her mission and nature she"
07:49 that is a Roman Catholic Church
07:50 "is bound to no particular form of culture,
07:54 nor to any political, economic or social system,
07:58 the Church by her very universality
08:02 can be a very close bond
08:05 between diverse human communities and nations,"
08:10 now listen carefully,
08:11 "provided these trust her
08:14 and truly acknowledge her right to true freedom
08:19 in fulfilling her mission.
08:22 Now, if you look at the history of the papacy,
08:24 you would wonder whether the nations of the world
08:27 could really trust the papacy.
08:29 But what this is saying is that
08:32 the papacy can make a great contribution to the world
08:35 in social and economic matters
08:38 as long as the nations of the world
08:40 are willing to trust the papacy.
08:43 It is the papacy's objective, folks,
08:46 to reestablish the union of church and state
08:50 that existed during the 1260 years
08:53 of papal supremacy.
08:55 The ultimate papal objective is to get
08:59 the civil powers of the world
09:01 to enforce the sign of the papacy's authority
09:05 which we have already noticed is the observance of Sunday
09:09 as the day of rest.
09:11 It is no coincidence
09:13 that the international community is promoting
09:17 the identical causes that the Roman Catholic Church
09:21 is proposing these days.
09:24 Pope Francis I has found three causes
09:29 that resonate with the political world's of the...
09:33 political leaders of the entire world.
09:36 Number one, the need to eradicate poverty
09:41 and to solve the problem of massive migration.
09:46 Number two, the need to save the family,
09:50 however you define the word family.
09:53 And finally,
09:55 the need to solve the severe problem
09:57 of climate change.
09:59 And Francis has linked all three of these causes of his
10:04 with the need for a Sunday rest.
10:08 I have not included all of the statements
10:10 in here from Pope Francis I
10:13 but what he says is the environment needs
10:17 one day a week to rest.
10:19 And I'll bet you can't guess
10:21 which day he says the environment should rest,
10:23 Sunday.
10:25 He also said that the capitalist overlords
10:31 need to give the overworked poor a day of rest.
10:36 I'll bet you can't guess which day that is, Sunday.
10:41 He has also stated that the family needs one day
10:44 to attend church
10:46 and to connect with its spiritual roots.
10:50 I bet you can't bet which...
10:52 guess which day that is,
10:54 Sunday.
10:56 There are danger signals very close to home, folks.
11:01 Let me just share
11:02 some of those dangerous signals with you in our very country.
11:07 As you know, last year towards the end of September,
11:10 Pope Francis I visited the United States of America.
11:16 His first visit was to the White House
11:19 where he sat down with President Obama
11:21 for about 45 minutes
11:24 and the problems that they addressed
11:26 were the very problems
11:28 that are the talking points of this pope.
11:31 Poverty, immigration,
11:34 and the problem of climate change.
11:37 Then the pope addressed a joint session of the Congress
11:40 of the United States of America.
11:43 And once again the talking points were family,
11:47 poverty and climate change.
11:52 Next the pope gave a speech
11:55 to inaugurate the 70th anniversary
11:58 of the United Nations.
12:00 And he addressed before the United Nations
12:02 even in a stronger language these same issues.
12:07 When Francis finished his presentation,
12:10 he received a standing ovation
12:13 from the leaders of 193 nations of the world.
12:17 And this standing ovation lasted for several minutes.
12:22 Then Pope Francis moved on to Philadelphia
12:25 to celebrate the family.
12:27 I was personally there with a crew
12:29 from Secrets Unsealed.
12:31 There were millions of persons there
12:34 from every religion and from every nation on earth.
12:40 In fact, the pope celebrated in an outdoor mass
12:43 on September 27 of last year.
12:46 He also gave a speech before Constitution Hall.
12:49 This is the most amazing thing of all,
12:52 because in Constitution Hall in Philadelphia
12:54 is where the three founding documents
12:56 of the United States were ratified,
12:58 the Declaration of independence,
13:00 the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
13:03 And there stood the pope in the very place
13:05 where these were ratified,
13:06 an individual who does not believe
13:08 in any of what we find
13:10 in the Declaration of Independence,
13:13 and the Bill of Rights, and the Constitution,
13:15 and he is speaking to a multitudinous crowd.
13:21 Now, I want you to notice also
13:25 that the United States and the Vatican
13:27 have become closer and closer with the passing of time.
13:31 Probably many of you are aware of the fact
13:34 that Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul II
13:39 cooperated in a secret alliance
13:42 to overthrow what used to be the Soviet Union.
13:47 It was an incredible alliance.
13:48 In fact, it's described in the book His Holiness.
13:52 And it's a fascinating book, it's pretty large,
13:54 it's about...
13:57 I would say is 500 to 600 pages
13:59 by Woodward and Bernstein
14:01 the Watergate guys remember from the Washington Post.
14:04 Actually this book describes
14:06 how the United States and the Vatican colluded
14:11 through military strength
14:12 and through the intelligence of the papacy
14:15 to overthrow the former Soviet Union.
14:18 We also know that recently the pope maneuvered
14:24 so that the United States could establish
14:26 diplomatic relations with Vatican.
14:29 And President Obama requested that Pope Francis
14:32 help him in the process of closing the prison
14:36 there at Guantanamo.
14:38 There has been a very close relationship
14:40 in the last two or three decades
14:43 between the United States and the Roman Catholic papacy.
14:47 Now, I would like to present one example
14:50 as to how the papacy gets its foot in the door
14:54 to influence the political powers of the world.
14:57 We are going to use the example of climate change.
15:02 You see the political leaders of the world
15:05 and the papacy have the same basic theme
15:09 concerning climate change.
15:11 And I believe that the papacy is really behind
15:14 all of this talk about the need
15:17 for a solution to climate change.
15:20 Let's go through the different steps
15:22 that the papacy has taken.
15:24 In April 2015,
15:28 the pope gave us a speech
15:30 before the Pontifical Academy of Sciences
15:33 and the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences.
15:37 The report was published
15:38 and the name of it was Climate Change
15:41 and the Common Good.
15:44 I read this entire document.
15:46 It presents a doom's day scenario
15:49 of what will happen to this planet
15:52 if the issue of climate change is not resolved.
15:56 Then on May 24, 2015
16:00 the pope published his encyclical Ladat Laudato Si
16:06 which basically this encyclical
16:08 addresses the problem of climate change.
16:11 I have also read this entire encyclical.
16:14 It presents also a doom's day scenario
16:17 if this problem is not addressed.
16:19 Political leaders all over the world
16:22 have lauded this encyclical.
16:24 They said this is the type of thing
16:26 that we need the world to know
16:29 so that the world can address this severe problem.
16:33 Then we move on to September 22, 2015
16:36 that's when the pope met with President Obama
16:39 and one of the main topics
16:41 that they dealt with in their conversation
16:44 in the White House for about 45 minutes
16:46 was the issue of climate change.
16:49 And then the pope spoke to a joint session of Congress,
16:53 this was September 24, 2015.
16:57 Once again the pope addressed
16:59 before a joint session of Congress,
17:01 the issue of climate change,
17:04 and then the pope saved the best for last.
17:08 On September 28, 2015,
17:11 the pope as I mentioned before gave the keynote address
17:14 at the 70th session of the United Nations
17:18 General Assembly in New York.
17:20 The speech contained the usual papal talking points.
17:24 And by the way you can Google this,
17:26 you can find the speech that he gave
17:28 and you can read the entire speech.
17:30 Basically it dealt with the issue of poverty,
17:33 immigration, family,
17:36 and above everything else, climate change.
17:40 At the end of his speech,
17:42 and by the way you can Google his speech
17:44 also to see that I'm telling you the truth,
17:46 at the end of his speech when he addressed these issues,
17:49 he received a thunderous standing ovation
17:53 by the 193 nations represented there
17:56 that lasted for several minutes.
18:00 At the UN they approved
18:02 what is known as the 2030 agenda,
18:05 which has 17 goals and 169 targets.
18:09 Basically, the idea is that by the year 2030,
18:14 they expect to eradicate poverty
18:18 and to solve the problem of climate change,
18:21 and they expect every nation on earth to cooperate
18:26 with these 17 global goals
18:29 and 169 targets.
18:33 By the way if you read this 2030 agenda,
18:36 and I've read the entire agenda also
18:39 because I'm not talking about
18:40 something I read in the newspaper,
18:42 I'm talking about reading the documents themselves.
18:45 Basically if this transpires or goes
18:51 it is going to lead to
18:54 an elimination of national autonomy,
18:57 a centralized global socialist system
19:00 under the control of papacy,
19:02 a world economy, a wipeout of individualism,
19:06 an elimination of sectarianism.
19:09 It will determine the curriculum
19:11 to be used in the education of children.
19:14 It will promote gender equality
19:16 not in the good sense of the term
19:19 but in the sense that we all know about.
19:21 It will propose a redistribution
19:24 of the wealth of the world
19:26 and it will impose severe global penalties upon nations
19:31 that refuse to address these problems.
19:35 Is that scary?
19:37 Notice what Ban ki - Moon had to say.
19:40 He is the general secretary of the United Nations.
19:44 He stated, "The new agenda is a promise by leaders
19:49 to all people everywhere.
19:51 It is a universal,
19:54 integrated and transformative vision
19:58 for a better world.
20:00 Institutions will have to be come fit
20:03 for a grand new purpose...
20:05 We must engage all actors" notice that this is universal,
20:08 "we must engage all actors
20:10 as we did in shaping the Agenda.
20:13 We must include parliaments, and local governments,
20:17 and work with cities and rural areas.
20:20 We must rally businesses and entrepreneurs.
20:23 We must involve civil society
20:25 in defining and implementing policies
20:28 and give the space to hold us to account.
20:32 We must listen to scientists and academia.
20:35 We will need to embrace a data revolution.
20:39 Most important, we must set to work now."
20:45 That doesn't end the climate change discussion.
20:49 In Paris, November 30 to December 12
20:54 of last year 2015,
20:57 174 nations,
21:00 actually 196 nations met to approve
21:04 what is known as the Paris Agreement.
21:08 This Paris Agreement was that
21:11 nations should sign on to the 2030 agenda,
21:15 174 nations signed the Paris Agreement
21:20 including secretary of state John Kerry
21:26 with his granddaughter on his lap,
21:29 which means that the United States is also
21:31 committed to this global agenda,
21:34 this 2030 agenda.
21:38 Francis as we know is the first Jesuit pope.
21:43 Now, it's very interesting to notice
21:45 how the Jesuits operate.
21:47 You know, people in the world today,
21:48 they're not afraid of the Jesuits anymore,
21:50 because they don't know what the Jesuits are all about.
21:53 Let me read you the statement
21:54 from Ellen White about how the Jesuits work.
21:57 They don't work openly, overtly,
21:59 they work in an underhanded way
22:02 where it looks like they're doing good
22:04 when really their objective is to gain world dominion.
22:08 Notice this statement from Great Controversy,
22:10 page 234 and 235.
22:13 "At this time"
22:14 she's speaking about
22:15 at the time of the Protestant Reformation.
22:17 "At this time the order of the Jesuits was created,
22:21 the most cruel, unscrupulous,
22:24 and powerful of all the champions of popery...
22:28 There was no crime too great for them to commit,
22:31 no deception too base for them to practice,
22:36 no disguise too difficult for them to assume.
22:40 Vowed to perpetual poverty and humility,
22:43 " notice that they give the air of poverty and humility,
22:48 so it says, "Vowed to perpetual poverty and humility,
22:51 it was their studied aim to secure wealth and power,
22:55 to be devoted to what,
22:57 to the overflow of Protestantism
23:00 and the reestablishment of the papal supremacy.
23:05 When appearing as members of their order,
23:07 they wore a garb of sanctity,
23:10 visiting prisons and hospitals..."
23:12 Have you heard of Francis doing that anytime recently?
23:15 Absolutely.
23:16 "Visiting prisons and hospitals,
23:18 ministering to the sick and the poor,
23:21 professing to have renounced the world,
23:24 and bearing the sacred name of Jesus,
23:28 who went about doing good.
23:30 Under various disguises the Jesuits worked,
23:34 now notice what they do,
23:35 worked their way into what,
23:40 into the political system, into offices of state,
23:43 climbing up to be what?
23:46 The counselors of kings, and shaping what?
23:50 The policy of nations...'
23:53 ' Is that what we're seeing?
23:54 Absolutely.
23:56 "The Jesuits rapidly spread themselves over Europe
23:59 and wherever they went,
24:01 there followed a revival of popery."
24:06 Are we seeing that in the United States?
24:09 Yes, we are.
24:10 It's because there is a Jesuit pope.
24:13 And by the way have you notice that
24:15 Pope Francis doesn't address abortion,
24:18 he doesn't address gay marriage
24:20 except to say who am I to judge.
24:22 Have you notice what he addresses,
24:24 poverty, family, climate change.
24:29 You say why does he address those?
24:31 Because those are the very themes
24:33 that the political leaders of the world want to address.
24:37 If he addressed abortion
24:38 and if he spoke out against gay marriage
24:41 and if he spoke against euthanasia,
24:44 the political leaders of the world
24:45 would shut him out.
24:47 But he says I must use themes
24:49 where I can get my foot in the door.
24:52 That is the way in which the Jesuits operate.
24:56 There are many non-Adventists
24:57 that have given warning about the papacy.
25:02 A revivalist who wrote a couple of centuries ago
25:05 by the name of Philip J. Spener
25:09 had these words to say,
25:11 "I am convinced that Roman Babylon,
25:14 that's the papacy,
25:16 will again regain all of its previous power
25:20 before the last judgment overtakes it.
25:23 I fear that most of the nations,
25:26 intimidated by its power and terrified by its brutality,
25:31 will allow the yoke shaken off some two hundred years ago
25:35 to be lain on them again."
25:39 Are we seeing that today?
25:41 Except that the leaders don't see the yoke right now,
25:45 but they will see it later?
25:47 Evangelical researcher Dave Hunt,
25:50 with whom I disagree profusely on most of his futurist ideas
25:55 had something very true to say about the papacy.
25:57 Notice in his book, Global Peace, page 116,
26:01 "Why do the world leaders
26:02 want to get into bed with the Vatican?"
26:06 Notice the idea of fornication or adultery
26:08 between the papacy and the king.
26:10 Notice this,
26:12 "The heads of state in today's world
26:15 all recognize that the Pope wields a power
26:19 which in many ways is even greater than their own.
26:23 It is not only Catholicism's 900 million subjects
26:27 and enormous wealth
26:28 that causes the world's most powerful governments
26:32 to cultivate friendly relations
26:33 with the Roman Catholic Church,
26:35 it is because Vatican City's citizens
26:38 are found in great numbers in nearly every country.
26:43 They constitute an international network
26:47 that reaches into the inside circles
26:51 of the world's power centers."
26:55 What is Dave Hunt saying?
26:56 People recognize the leaders of the nations
26:59 of the world recognize
27:01 that the papacy wields a power
27:02 that is even greater than theirs.
27:04 And the papacy is involved
27:06 in the inner circle of the decisions
27:08 that are made by the nations of the world.
27:11 John W. Robins a reformed scholar
27:14 wrote a book called Ecclesiastical Megalomania,
27:17 page 187.
27:18 If you really want to read a good book,
27:19 this is a fantastic book.
27:21 He stated this.
27:23 "What the Roman Catholic Church-State
27:26 accomplished on a small scale during the Middle Ages
27:30 is what it desires to achieve on a global scale
27:34 in the coming millennium."
27:35 He wrote this at the end of the 20th century.
27:39 He also quoted, Ayn Rand
27:42 who was a novelist and philosopher
27:44 back in the 60s, very well known.
27:46 This is how he quotes what Ayn Rand said,
27:49 it almost sound's like an Adventist,
27:51 "The Catholic Church has never given up the hope
27:54 to re-establish..."
27:57 If she has to re-establish it she must had at some time,
27:59 right?
28:01 "To re-establish the medieval union of church and state,
28:05 with a global state and a global theocracy
28:09 as its ultimate goal.
28:11 The Roman Church-State is a hybrid,
28:13 a monster of ecclesiastical and political power.
28:17 Its political thought is totalitarian."
28:21 In other words, that admits no rivals.
28:23 "And whenever it has had the opportunity
28:25 to apply its principles,
28:26 the result has been bloody repression.
28:30 If during the last 30 years,
28:32 it has softened its assertions of full,
28:35 supreme, and irresponsible power,
28:37 and has murdered fewer people than before,
28:40 such changes in behavior are not due to a change
28:43 in its ideas,
28:44 but to a change in its circumstances..."
28:47 What is the change in the circumstances?
28:49 It is in captivity, it has a wound,
28:53 he continuous quoting,
28:56 "The Roman Church-State
28:57 in the 20th century and believe,
28:59 he doesn't believe in Revelation 13
29:01 the way we do but notice the language he uses."
29:04 The Roman Church-State in the twentieth century,
29:06 however, is an institution recovering
29:09 from a mortal wound.
29:12 If and when," I would eliminate the if part,
29:15 but she said,
29:17 "If and when it regains,
29:20 so I must have lost it right,
29:22 it regains its full power and authority,
29:26 it will impose a regime
29:29 more sinister than any the planet has yet seen.
29:35 If Adventists don't cry out, the stones will cry out.
29:40 The non-Adventists can see it.
29:42 Now, we've studied the great prophetic chain.
29:46 Let's review it,
29:48 Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece,
29:53 the Roman Empire, the divided Roman Empire.
29:57 Papal Rome ruled for 1260 years.
30:01 Papal Rome did received a deadly wound in 1798.
30:05 At the same time the beast from the earth rose,
30:08 representing the United States of America.
30:12 And we are here,
30:14 we are daring the period of respect from persecution.
30:17 In other words, the papacy is still bound
30:21 and the papacy is still wounded.
30:23 It is not totally recovered its power yet.
30:26 There has been an era of cessation of persecution
30:31 for over 200 years.
30:35 What is the next event in the drama?
30:37 We can see it transpiring as I speak.
30:40 It will be when the beast from the earth
30:43 works to restore the power to the beast
30:48 that receive the deadly wound and was sent into captivity.
30:52 Do you remember that the beast from the earth
30:54 everything it does is to please the first beast?
30:57 It commands everyone to worship the first beast,
31:00 it exercises the authority of the first beast,
31:02 it does everything on behalf of the first beast,
31:04 it makes an image of the first beast
31:06 and enforces the mark of the first beast.
31:08 In other words the United States
31:10 believe it or not,
31:11 and we can see it by what happened
31:13 in September of last year
31:14 and what's happening as we speak today.
31:16 The United States of America is gonna
31:19 become an ally of the papacy
31:20 and is gonna help restore the power that the papacy lost.
31:25 Now, let me read you a very interesting statement.
31:28 This is from Malachi Martin,
31:32 a Roman Catholic Jesuit who wrote the famous book
31:35 the Keys of this Blood.
31:37 And I want you to notice,
31:39 he's commenting on the deadly wound
31:40 and the reason why
31:42 the papacy is not able to carry forward its agenda today.
31:45 He doesn't realize that
31:46 he's commenting on Revelation Chapter 13,
31:48 but we do.
31:49 Notice the statement,
31:51 "For fifteen hundred years and more,
31:54 Papal Rome had kept as strong a hand as possible
32:00 in each local community around the wide world.
32:05 By and large, and admitting some exceptions,
32:08 " that had been the Roman view.
32:11 What had been the Roman view?
32:13 "Keeping a strong as strong a hand as possible
32:16 in each local community around the wide world."
32:19 That is the Roman view
32:20 so he said that had been the Roman view until,
32:23 listen carefully two hundred years of what,
32:29 would that be like the imprisonment of the papacy?
32:32 Yes, two hundred years of inactivity had been what?
32:37 Why is she inactive?
32:38 Had been imposed upon the papacy
32:42 by the major secular powers of the world.
32:45 Why is the papacy inactive
32:46 according to Malachi Martin the Jesuit?
32:49 Because it had been imposed on her
32:51 by the major secular powers of the world,
32:54 because they don't allow her to use them anymore.
32:57 Three main points in this quotation.
33:00 Number one,
33:01 the papacy kept as strong a hand as possible
33:03 in each local community around the wide world
33:06 for 1500 years.
33:08 Number two,
33:09 during the last two hundred years
33:11 the papacy has been unable
33:13 to exert its power around the world
33:16 because it has been inactive.
33:18 Number three,
33:19 the reason the papacy has been inactive for 200 years
33:22 is because the great secular powers of the world
33:26 have imposed it upon her.
33:29 It's obvious that Martin does not realize
33:32 that he is describing the deadly wound
33:34 and the captivity of the papacy
33:37 that is described in Revelation 13:10.
33:40 What happened 200 years before 1986
33:43 he wrote this in 1986.
33:45 So if he says for 200 years, the papacy has been inactive
33:48 because the secular powers of the world
33:50 do not allow it to use them,
33:53 we would have to go 200 years back to see
33:55 what was the event that let it into captivity.
33:59 What is that happened about two hundred years before 1986?
34:04 You go back to 1786
34:07 and you are in the midst of the French Revolution.
34:12 When the papacy received its deadly wound
34:15 and Pope Pius VI was dethroned from his seat
34:20 and he was taken captive to France
34:24 where he died in exile.
34:26 And by the way France established a republic.
34:29 They said this is going to be
34:31 a representative style of government.
34:33 This is not gonna be run by the papacy anymore.
34:37 But listen, the French Revolution
34:39 did more than just give a deadly wound to the papacy.
34:42 The French also provided an example
34:46 for many other nations in Europe
34:48 to follow her example.
34:49 In other words one by one the nations of Europe
34:52 forsook the papacy after France forsook the papacy.
34:57 Let me read you a statement from Cardinal Manning
35:01 in his book that he wrote in 1862,
35:04 The Temporal Power of the Vicar of Jesus Christ.
35:08 This is page is 140 and 141.
35:10 He's writing in 1862
35:11 and he's lamenting the fact
35:13 that the nations of the Europe have forsaken the papacy.
35:16 They no longer support the papacy.
35:18 Notice what the statement says,
35:20 "See this Catholic Church, this Church of God,
35:25 feeble and weak..."
35:28 What does feeble and weak mean?
35:30 Wounded, right?
35:32 "Feeble and weak rejected
35:34 even by the very nations called Catholic.
35:38 There is Catholic France, and Catholic Germany,
35:42 and Catholic Italy
35:45 giving up this exploded figment of temporal power
35:48 of the Vicar of Jesus Christ."
35:49 In other words, they've given up the idea
35:51 that the Vicar of Christ should have any temporal power
35:53 or should have any civil power.
35:56 "And so, because the church seems" what?
35:59 "Seems weak
36:00 and the Vicar of the Son of God is renewing
36:02 the Passion of his Master upon earth,
36:05 therefore we are scandalized,
36:07 therefore we turn our faces from him."
36:13 So notice he's saying not only France but what?
36:16 Germany, Italy, another nations in Europe
36:20 turned their backs on the papacy.
36:21 They said, "We're not going to allow you to use us anymore."
36:24 That rendered the papacy inactive,
36:27 put the papacy in captivity
36:30 and kept the deadly wound in place.
36:33 But prophecy tells us that the papacy's wound will heal,
36:38 and she will be released from captivity.
36:41 Once again she will be able to use
36:43 the civil powers of the world to accomplish her purposes.
36:49 You'll find a description of this in Revelation 17.
36:54 There you see a harlot woman.
36:57 What does a harlot woman represent?
37:00 A woman represents a church.
37:02 A harlot woman would represent a what?
37:05 An apostate church.
37:07 This apostate church is called Babylon.
37:10 This apostate church sits on many waters.
37:13 What are the many waters?
37:15 Multitudes, nations, tongues and peoples.
37:19 This harlot has adulterous relationships
37:22 with the kings of the earth.
37:24 In other words she's involved once again
37:25 with a civil powers of the world.
37:28 She is clothed in purple and scarlet,
37:30 have you seen the predominant colors in Roman Catholicism.
37:34 Purple and scarlet and decked with gold and precious stones.
37:39 The kings of the earth gladly give her...
37:43 she gives to the kings of the earth
37:45 her fermented wine
37:47 which represents false doctrine.
37:49 She gives decrees
37:50 that people are supposed to drink that wine.
37:53 She has daughters that do her bidding
37:56 which would be the same as the beast from the earth,
37:59 and most significantly
38:01 she sheds the blood of the saints
38:04 and the martyrs of Jesus.
38:06 That is the picture
38:07 of what is gonna take place in the future
38:09 when the papacy recovers its worldwide dominion.
38:14 I want you to notice now
38:15 in this statement by Ellen White,
38:17 the similarity between what she says
38:20 and what we read from Malachi Martin.
38:23 Only Ellen White is not predicting
38:25 what happened
38:26 but she is predicting what will happen.
38:29 Notice this statement in Great Controversy, page 564,
38:33 she understood this idea of captivity
38:35 and wound very clearly.
38:37 She started, "Let the restraints..."
38:42 What is a restraint?
38:44 Is the papacy restrained now?
38:46 Yes and we're gonna see them in a minute
38:48 what the restraints are.
38:50 "Let the restraints now imposed by'' what?
38:55 So why is the papacy restrained
38:57 or why is the papacy in captivity?
39:00 She's saying it's because of the what?
39:03 They are imposed by the secular governments.
39:07 But she says, let those be what?
39:09 Removed which she would be let off of her captivity
39:13 if the restraints are removed.
39:16 Yes, she says,
39:18 "Let the restraints now imposed by secular governments
39:20 be removed and Rome be'' what?
39:24 ''Reinstated."
39:26 So she must have been there before.
39:28 "Rome be reinstated in her former power and" what?
39:34 "And there would speedily be a revival of her tyranny
39:39 and persecution."
39:42 Are you understanding that statement?
39:44 Is it very similar to Malachi Martin?
39:45 Very, very similar.
39:47 He says, inactivity has been imposed on the papacy
39:51 by the major secular powers of the world 200 years ago,
39:54 French Revolution,
39:56 and then all the nations in Europe followed suite.
39:58 Ellen White says, let those restraints
40:01 imposed by the old civil governments be removed
40:04 and the papacy will once recover her power
40:07 and do what she did in the past.
40:10 Are you understanding this?
40:11 We've discussed this before
40:13 but we never read these specific statements.
40:16 Now, without intending to be disrespectful
40:19 to any sincere individual
40:20 within the Roman Catholic Church,
40:23 I would like to say that the papacy is like
40:25 a parasite or a leach.
40:28 The dictionary defines
40:31 a parasite in the following way.
40:35 An animal or plant that lives in
40:38 or on another animal or plant
40:42 and gets food or protection from it.
40:45 A person or thing that takes something from someone
40:49 or something else
40:51 and does not do anything to earn it or to deserve it.
40:56 Is that a good description of the papacy?
40:58 Yes, here is the definition of a leach.
41:03 A person who clinks to another for personal gain
41:07 especially without giving anything in return
41:11 and usually with the implication
41:14 or effect of exhausting the others' resources.
41:20 That is a good description of the papacy.
41:23 You see when the papacy cannot attach itself
41:27 to the civil powers of the world,
41:30 it is weak, it is wounded,
41:33 but when the papacy is able to attach itself
41:36 to the political leaders of the world,
41:37 it get's its strength again from those powers
41:41 and it is now free but it is not free
41:44 and powerful in itself,
41:46 it is through the power of that entity
41:51 to which the papacy attached itself.
41:54 Are you following me or not?
41:56 Ironically,
41:58 it will be the beast with lamb like horns,
42:02 the United States of America who will be foremost
42:05 in helping the first beast recover its power,
42:08 but we are told that every nation in the world
42:10 will follow the example of the United States.
42:13 Isn't that interesting that many nations in the world
42:16 follow the example of the United States
42:18 in establishing governments
42:19 without a pope and without a king.
42:23 And later on in its history,
42:24 the nations of the world
42:26 will follow the example of the United States
42:27 in joining church and state
42:29 and allowing the papacy to recover its power.
42:32 Notice this statement from volume six of the Testimonies
42:35 page 18,
42:36 "As America, the land of religious liberty,
42:40 shall unite with the papacy in forcing the conscience
42:44 and compelling men to honor the false Sabbath,
42:47 that's the sign of the beast
42:49 which we've already studied Sunday,
42:51 the sign of its authority, she says,
42:53 the people of every country on the globe
42:57 will be led to follow her example.
43:01 Let me ask you.
43:02 How far along are we in the prophetic chain?
43:06 We are almost at the end of the prophetic chain.
43:10 The prophetic chain
43:12 that we're gonna study in the next two lectures
43:14 is that there will be
43:16 a final denunciation of this power
43:19 calling God's people to come out of this system
43:21 before God's wrath falls upon this system,
43:25 then God's people will go through a time of trouble
43:27 such as never is been seen
43:29 and they will be delivered by Jesus Christ,
43:33 according to Daniel 12:1.
43:35 We will speak about the time of trouble
43:37 and that glorious deliverance
43:39 in our last two studies together.
43:42 On Independence Day of 1899,
43:46 Ellen White wrote the following about the United States,
43:50 I wonder what she would write today.
43:54 "The greatest and most favored nation
43:56 upon the earth is the United States.
43:59 A gracious Providence has shielded this country,
44:03 and poured upon her the choicest
44:05 of Heaven's blessings.
44:07 Here the persecuted
44:08 and oppressed have found refuge.
44:10 Here the Christian faith in its purity has been taught.
44:14 This people have been the recipients of great light
44:17 and unrivaled mercies.
44:19 But these gifts have been repaid
44:21 by ingratitude and forgetfulness of God.
44:25 The Infinite One keeps a reckoning with the nations,
44:29 and their guilt is proportioned to the light rejected.
44:33 A fearful record now stands
44:36 in the register of heaven against our land,
44:38 but the crime
44:40 which shall fill up the measure of her iniquity
44:43 is that of making void the law of God.
44:46 In other words, by imposing a day of worship
44:50 which is a counterfeit established by the beast.
44:53 Taking the seal out of the law of God
44:57 and placing the seal of a man in its place.
45:01 So the question is,
45:03 who is going to warn the world not to worship the beast
45:06 and not to receive the mark of the authority of the beast.
45:11 Certainly not the Protestants,
45:13 they have already capitulated to the papacy.
45:17 Self proclaimed Bible believing Protestants
45:22 are looking to the Middle East
45:24 for the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.
45:26 They're expecting a blasphemous individual to rise
45:31 and sit in a rebuilt Jewish temple
45:34 for three and half literal years
45:36 after the rapture of the church.
45:39 And Protestants are on the same page
45:41 as the papacy with regards to the day of worship.
45:44 By keeping Sunday they are without wanting to admit it,
45:48 accepting the authority
45:50 and the sign of the power of the Roman Catholic Church.
45:55 Protestants used to have that right.
45:58 Let me read you the statement from Scottish church historian
46:01 and Presbyterian pastor, James A. Wylie,
46:04 he described what the antichrist is like,
46:08 and of course he believe that the antichrist was the papacy.
46:11 He said, "It is clear that antichrist,
46:13 as depicted by our Lord and by his apostle John,
46:17 is to wear a mask,
46:21 and to profess one thing and act another.
46:25 He is to enter where, not a rebuilt Jewish temple,
46:29 he is to enter the church as Judas entered the garden
46:33 professedly to kiss his Master, but in reality to betray him.
46:39 He is to come with words of peace in his mouth,
46:42 but war in his heart.
46:45 He is to be a counterfeit Christ,
46:48 Christ's likeness stamped on base metal.
46:51 He is to be an imitation of Christ a close,
46:56 clever, and astute imitation,
46:59 which will deceive the world for ages,
47:02 those only excepted who, taught by the Holy Spirit,
47:06 shall be able to see through the disguise
47:09 and detect the enemy under the mask of a friend.
47:15 "It's public knowledge
47:17 that Pope Francis has made an overt effort
47:21 to unite all Christians.
47:24 Protestants have gravitated towards the papacy.
47:28 As it's well know, great Protestants leader,
47:32 television evangelists such as Billy Graham,
47:35 Tony Palmer, Kenneth Copland,
47:38 James Robertson, Joel Osteen, Rick Warren,
47:41 representatives from the reformed church
47:43 even the Waldensians,
47:45 they've expressed great admiration for the papacy
47:48 and many of them have made trips to the Vatican,
47:52 to visit the pope at his invitation.
47:56 I don't know if you're aware but in July 16 of this year,
48:00 you're gonna have a gathering,
48:01 they say of about a million Christians
48:04 from every denomination in Washington DC,
48:06 it's called Reset, 2016.
48:11 And I've heard that the pope is going to address
48:16 this union of Christians and they say,
48:19 our only agenda will be Jesus.
48:22 The pope by Skype is going to address
48:24 this group of a million Christians
48:27 and encourage them all to unite
48:31 irrespective of all of their theological differences.
48:34 In fact the pope already, I got it today,
48:37 the pope gave a message on YouTube
48:40 to all of the Protestant young people,
48:43 encouraging them to attend this convention
48:47 that is gonna take place at the mall in Washington DC.
48:52 You see, folks,
48:53 Protestants have lost all fear of the papacy.
48:56 Why have they lost fear of the papacy,
48:59 and why are they rending the papacy homage?
49:02 It's because they have caste away
49:04 the biblical method of interpreting prophecy.
49:07 Do you think that if they follow the chain of prophecy,
49:10 and they saw that the little horn
49:12 or the beast or the harlot
49:14 was the Roman Catholic system
49:15 that they would want anything to do with this system.
49:18 Absolutely not,
49:20 but because they've thrown away
49:22 the biblical method of the chain of prophecy,
49:25 they look to the Middle East,
49:26 and meanwhile the powers that are gonna play
49:30 a role in end time prophecy grow in Rome
49:34 and in the United States and they can't see it
49:36 because they are looking in the wrong place.
49:41 Why do we exist as Seventh-day Adventist?
49:45 Ellen White explained it eloquently
49:47 in volume nine of the Testimonies,
49:49 page 19,
49:51 "In a special sense Seventh-day Adventists
49:54 have been set in the world as watchmen,
49:56 " that's a defensive position to defend the truth.
50:00 "And light bearers,"
50:01 that in other words is to proclaim the truth.
50:03 "To them, that is to Seventh-day Adventist
50:05 has been entrusted the last warning
50:07 for a perishing world.
50:09 On them is shining wonderful light from the word of God.
50:13 They have been given a work of the most solemn import,
50:17 the proclamation of the first second,
50:19 and third angel's messages."
50:20 And then she says this,
50:22 "Our role and our function is to proclaim
50:25 the Three Angels' Messages.
50:26 She states, "There is no other work
50:29 of so great importance.
50:31 They are to allow nothing else to absorb their attention."
50:37 Why do we exist as a church?
50:39 To proclaim the Three Angels' Message.
50:40 And by the way that includes denouncing the beast,
50:44 his image and his mark.
50:47 Because if we don't preach that
50:49 which is one of the three angle's messages
50:51 and we don't say,
50:52 worship the creator and keep his Holy Sabbath,
50:56 God is gonna hold us accountable
50:58 for the loss of many, many people in this world.
51:00 We exist to proclaim
51:03 the Three Angels' Message to the world.
51:06 Now, we need to bring this to a close.
51:11 It was on Thursday evening of Passion Week
51:15 and Jesus was about to agonize in the Garden of Gethsemane
51:19 and on the cross.
51:21 In preparation for His ordeal,
51:23 Jesus raised a magnificent prayer to His Father.
51:29 He didn't even ask for strength for Himself.
51:32 His concern was with His disciples remaining firm
51:38 in the midst of opposition.
51:40 Right in the middle of His prayer,
51:42 He pronounced the words that we find in John 17:14.
51:47 "I have given them your word,"
51:50 here He is speaking to his father,
51:52 "and the world has what?
51:54 Hated them
51:55 because they are not of the world
51:58 just as I am not of the world.'
52:00 Why was the world gonna hate the followers of Jesus?
52:03 Because He gave them His word and they were not of the world.
52:09 Here is the central reason
52:11 why God's faithful people have been hated
52:15 by both religious and secular in the course of world history.
52:19 It is because they have God's word
52:21 and they are not of the world.
52:24 In fact, earlier in John 15:19, Jesus had already said this,
52:30 speaking about His disciples or to His disciples.
52:33 "If you were of the world, the world would" what?
52:37 "Love its own.
52:39 Yet because you are not of the world
52:42 but I choose you out of the world,
52:44 therefore the world" what?
52:46 Hates you."
52:47 So, if you are of the word, the world will love you.
52:51 If you are not of the world, the world will what?
52:54 The world will hate you.
52:57 Now, why do I bring this to view?
53:00 I want to tell you an interesting story,
53:02 in the decade of the 1950's
53:05 Protestants in the United States
53:07 were extremely suspicious of the Roman Catholic Papacy
53:12 and strongly dislike the papacy.
53:14 This was in the 50s.
53:16 It was in this context
53:17 when the papacy was extremely disliked in the United States
53:21 and feared in the United States.
53:23 That a man by the name of Fulton Sheen,
53:25 an archbishop of the Roman Catholic Church
53:29 decided to begin a television and radio ministry
53:34 in favor of the Roman Catholic Church.
53:36 He was a pioneer in this area.
53:38 One day he came on the air by radio
53:42 and he spoke the following words,
53:46 and I must ask you,
53:47 do you think that he would say the same thing today.
53:51 I doubt it.
53:52 Notice what he said,
53:54 "If I were not a Catholic,
53:58 and were looking for the true Church
54:00 in the world today,
54:01 I would look for the one Church
54:03 which did not get along well with the world."
54:08 See the Catholic Church didn't get along with Protestants
54:11 so he says I would look for the Church
54:12 that the world doesn't like.
54:14 He continues writing, or saying.
54:17 In other words I would like for the Church
54:19 which the world hated.
54:22 My reason for doing this would be
54:24 that if Christ is in any one
54:27 of the Churches of the world today,
54:29 he must still be hated as he was
54:32 when he was on earth in the flesh.
54:35 If you would find Christ today, then find the Church
54:39 that does not get along with the world.
54:42 Look for the Church that is hated by the world
54:45 as Christ was hated by the world.
54:48 Do you think Fulton Sheen would give the same speech today,
54:52 I'd rather doubt it very much
54:54 because the Roman Catholic Church today is what?
54:57 It is loved by the world,
55:00 so he would have to change his tune.
55:05 Now, the good news is, folks, that at the very end of time,
55:09 the kings of the earth that did the bidding of the papacy
55:13 are gonna turn against her.
55:16 Revelation 17:16, says,
55:20 "These will hate the harlot,
55:23 make her desolate and naked,
55:25 eat her flesh and burn her with fire."
55:30 In other words,
55:32 what has happened before
55:33 many times in history will happen again.
55:35 You remember the days of Esther,
55:37 Haman prepared this plot to destroyer the Jews
55:39 and he deceived the king.
55:41 What happened with Haman?
55:43 When the king discovered that he had been deceived,
55:46 was he pretty angry?
55:47 What did he do?
55:48 He finished off those who prepared the plot,
55:52 the religious advisor.
55:53 Let me ask you,
55:54 who died when the three young men
55:56 were thrown into the fiery furnace?
55:59 Those that threw them in.
56:02 Let me ask you in Daniel Chapter 6,
56:05 did the advisors of the king deceive him into thinking
56:09 that Daniel was a menace,
56:11 did they prepared a plot to get rid of Daniel?
56:14 They most certainly did.
56:16 What happened when the king discovered
56:18 that he had been deceived?
56:20 He turned against those who prepared the plot.
56:23 So the kings of the earth today,
56:25 they might think that it's a wonderful thing
56:27 to cooperate with the papacy.
56:30 But in the long run,
56:32 one day they will wake up but it will be too late.
56:35 And they will turn against this system
56:37 they committed fornication with.
56:39 The kings of the earth today
56:41 need to listen to the experience of Pilate.
56:43 You know, when Pilate was deliberating whether to give,
56:47 whether to turn Jesus over to the Jews.
56:49 He received a message from his wife
56:51 and his wife said,
56:52 don't have anything to do with this just man.
56:55 Now, Pilate had to make a decision.
56:57 Would he do
56:58 what the apostate Jewish church told him to do
57:02 and kill Jesus
57:03 or would he listen to the voice of his wife
57:07 and say, I'm not gonna given in to the pressure
57:09 of the apostate church, I'm gonna do what is right.
57:13 Sadly, Pontius Pilate chose
57:17 to listen to the voice of the apostate church.
57:20 And according to history
57:22 Pontius Pilate eventually committed suicide.
57:26 The apostate church that prepared the plot
57:29 to destroy Christ
57:30 later on the Romans came and destroyed them.
57:35 History will be repeated once again.
57:38 So my appeal is not only to the people of the world
57:41 but the kings of the world.
57:42 Open your eyes, do not give into the system,
57:46 do not propose religious legislation
57:49 because the end result will be terrible
57:52 and your awakening will come when it is too late.


Revised 2016-11-07