God's Prophetic Chain

And the Whole World Wondered

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: GPC

Program Code: GPC000007A

00:30 Before we get into our study,
00:31 we want to ask for God's presence,
00:34 and so I invite you to bow your heads
00:35 reverently with me as we pray.
00:38 Our Father and our God, what a wonderful God You are,
00:43 the creator of the heavens and the earth,
00:45 our personal creator.
00:48 We thank You for the privilege of existing
00:51 and enjoying all of the blessings
00:53 that You pour out upon us.
00:55 We especially thank You for Your word,
00:58 a very necessary help
01:01 in these trying times that we are living in.
01:04 Father, we ask that Zas we open that word
01:06 that Your Spirit will be with us
01:08 to guide our thoughts and to open our hearts.
01:10 And we thank You
01:12 for hearing and answering our prayer,
01:13 for we ask it in the precious name of Jesus,
01:16 amen.
01:18 The first thing we want to do
01:19 is review what we studied in our last presentation.
01:24 And I'm going to do that in four specific points.
01:28 Point number one, there is only one true God,
01:34 and He has distinguished from all false pretenders
01:37 by the fact that He is the creator.
01:40 That distinguishes a true God from all false pretenders.
01:45 Secondly,
01:47 God created this world in six literal 24 hour days
01:54 just as we know them today.
01:57 And then He rested the literal seventh day
02:00 of 24 hours.
02:02 Point number three,
02:04 because the God is the creator,
02:07 God is entitled to the worship of His creatures.
02:11 In other words, we must worship God
02:14 because He is the creator.
02:17 And finally, we studied in our last lecture
02:20 that God has a sign, a seal or a memorial
02:26 that He is the creator
02:28 and He expects us to keep that memorial
02:31 and that memorial is the seventh day Sabbath.
02:36 So, in capsule form that is what we studied
02:41 in our last lecture here together.
02:44 Now, the Bible mentions several titles and functions
02:49 that belong to the Creator God alone
02:53 and no one else.
02:55 I'm gonna mention
02:56 several of those prerogatives and powers
02:58 that belong only to God
03:00 and you'll see in a few moments where we are going with this.
03:04 First of all, the Bible tells us very clearly
03:07 that the representative of God on earth
03:11 is the Holy Spirit.
03:13 When Jesus left, He said,
03:15 "I will send you another counselor
03:16 to be with you."
03:18 And he was talking about the Holy Spirit.
03:20 The Holy Spirit is
03:22 Christ's representative on earth.
03:25 Secondly,
03:27 the Bible tells us that God alone has the right
03:30 to be addressed as our spiritual Father.
03:34 Only He can be called Father in a spiritual sense.
03:38 You can see that in Matthew 23:9.
03:42 Also the Bible tells us
03:44 that we can only bow in reverence to God.
03:50 And we're gonna see a little bit later
03:51 a couple of examples in the Bible
03:54 where a human being
03:56 and actually a human being in both occasions
03:59 bowed before an angel and before another human being
04:04 and they were rebuked for doing that,
04:07 so only can we bow before the true God.
04:12 The Bible also tells us that God alone can forgive sins.
04:18 God alone can forgive sins.
04:20 Mark 2:7 is one of the texts
04:24 that we could mention as an example.
04:26 Another fact about God,
04:28 the power and prerogatives of God
04:30 is that only God is infallible in His proclamations.
04:34 There is no shadow of variation or turning in God
04:39 according to James 1:17.
04:44 The Bible also tells us that God alone has the right
04:47 to set up kings and remove kings.
04:51 You can find that in Daniel 2:21.
04:55 The Bible also teaches us that God alone can judge
05:00 and all and God can be judged by none.
05:04 So God is the judge and He can be judged by no one.
05:08 And finally, the Bible teaches
05:11 that it was the prerogative of God
05:13 to establish the seventh day Sabbath
05:16 as the memorial and sign that He is the creator.
05:21 Those are some of the powers and the prerogatives
05:25 that belong only to God.
05:28 Now in our study last time
05:31 we read the first angle's message
05:34 of Revelation 14.
05:37 God delivers
05:38 three successive messages to the world
05:42 right before the Second Coming of Christ.
05:44 The first angel's message, I want to read that now,
05:47 it's found in Revelation 14:6, 7.
05:50 "It calls us to worship the creator.
05:54 It calls every nation, kindred, tongue and people
05:57 to worship the creator."
05:58 Notice what we find in Revelation 14:6, 7.
06:02 "Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven,
06:05 having the everlasting gospel
06:06 to preach to those who dwell on the earth
06:08 to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people
06:12 saying with a loud voice,
06:14 "Fear God and give glory to Him,
06:16 for the hour of His judgment has come..."
06:19 And now notice.
06:21 "And worship Him who made heaven and earth,
06:25 the sea and the springs of water."
06:28 So God's last message
06:30 to all of the nations of the world
06:32 is to worship the creator.
06:34 And yesterday, we noticed
06:35 that the creator has a memorial or a sign.
06:37 What is that sign?
06:39 It is the seventh day Sabbath,
06:41 the observance of the seventh day Sabbath.
06:44 Now, there's a third message also
06:47 that God delivers to the world at the end of time
06:50 right before the second coming.
06:52 And that third message is like
06:55 the other side of the coin to the first.
06:57 Let's read the third angel's message,
06:59 it's found in Revelation 14:9-11.
07:04 "Then the third angel followed them,
07:05 that is followed the first two angels
07:08 saying with a loud voice,
07:10 "If anyone worships the beast and his image,
07:14 and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand,
07:19 he himself shall also drink of the wine
07:22 of the wrath of God,
07:23 which is poured out full strength
07:25 into the cup of His indignation.
07:27 He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone
07:30 in the presence of the holy angels
07:31 and in the presence of the Lamb.
07:33 And the smoke of their torment ascends for ever and ever..."
07:37 And now, the same thing that is mentioned
07:39 at the beginning of this passage
07:41 is repeated at the end,
07:42 it says,
07:43 "And they have no rest day or night,
07:46 who worship the beast and whoever receives,"
07:49 what, "the mark of his name."
07:52 Now let's summarize
07:54 what we find in the third angel's message.
07:56 First of all, it must be that the beast
07:59 which is the same as a little horn,
08:01 right, we've studied this.
08:02 The little horn or the beast
08:04 must claim to occupy God's place on earth.
08:07 You say, well,
08:09 why would that be that you say
08:11 that the beast or the little horn claims
08:13 to occupy God's place on earth,
08:15 because he commands the world to what,
08:20 to worship him.
08:22 So if he commands the world to worship him,
08:24 it must be that he claims to be what?
08:27 He claims to be God
08:28 or he claims to occupy the position of God.
08:34 The third angel's message thus tells us,
08:37 "Don't worship the beast."
08:38 The first angel says, "Worship the creator."
08:40 The third angel's message says, "Don't worship the beast."
08:45 It also tells us,
08:46 "Don't receive the sign of the beast."
08:49 Are you following me or not?
08:51 And the third angel's message tells us
08:53 that this is a matter of life and death,
08:55 because if you worship the beast
08:58 who must claim to be God because he's receiving worship.
09:02 And you receive his sign or his mark,
09:05 the Bible says that you will be eternally lost.
09:09 This is a matter of life and death.
09:12 It is a matter of salvation
09:14 according to the Book of Revelation.
09:17 Now, we need to ask the question.
09:18 Who is the beast and what is his mark?
09:22 You know, if you don't want to worship the beast
09:24 then receive his mark.
09:25 Well, you better know what the beast is
09:26 and you better know what the mark is
09:28 or else you're gonna end up worshipping the beast
09:30 and receiving the mark.
09:32 Now, we don't have to talk
09:33 a lot about the beast or the little horn
09:35 because we've already identified this power.
09:38 We've looked at history, we've looked at the Bible,
09:41 and we've seen that the beast represents what?
09:44 The Roman Catholic papacy,
09:46 not individuals in the Roman Catholic Church
09:48 but the system, the organization,
09:50 the papacy is what is represented
09:52 by the little horn or by the beast.
09:55 We have not discovered this by guesswork
09:59 or by conjectures.
10:01 We have looked at history.
10:03 We have looked at God's great prophetic chain,
10:05 and we have seen the sequence of events,
10:07 and the papacy fits right there in the chain of events
10:11 in the place in which prophecy tells us that this place is.
10:17 Now, somebody might object and say,
10:19 "Well, Pastor Bohr,
10:21 the papacy does not claim to occupy God's place on earth,
10:25 does it?
10:27 And if it doesn't claim to occupy God's place on earth,
10:30 the papacy doesn't demand
10:32 or require people to worship it.
10:35 Therefore the third angel's message
10:37 cannot apply to the papacy,
10:39 because the papacy today
10:40 doesn't claim to be God on earth,
10:42 neither does it require people to worship it."
10:45 That's the way the argument goes.
10:48 However, is this argument true to fact?
10:53 There is unmistakable evidence, folks,
10:57 and we're gonna notice that evidence
11:00 that the papacy claims
11:01 to occupy the place of God on earth.
11:05 The papacy claims the titles that belong only to God.
11:09 The papacy claims to possess the rights
11:13 that belong only to God.
11:15 And the papacy claims
11:16 to exercise the power and the functions
11:19 that the Bible ascribes to God alone.
11:22 So if the papacy claims to occupy the place of God,
11:26 claims to have the right to the titles of God,
11:29 claims to possess the rights of God,
11:32 and the powers and the prerogatives of God,
11:34 then it must also demand worship
11:38 because it's claiming to occupy God's place on earth.
11:43 So the question is, what does the papacy claim?
11:48 If the papacy claims to be God on earth,
11:51 then it is asking people to worship,
11:54 and we're gonna notice that
11:55 it has a sign of its authority or its power.
12:00 Let's examine the biblical evidence
12:02 concerning the papacy at this time.
12:07 You'll notice that I have several subtitles
12:09 in the material that you received in our lecture today.
12:13 The subtitle in The Temple of God
12:16 is very important.
12:17 In 2 Thessalonians 2:3, 4
12:21 the Apostle Paul describes the man of sin
12:25 that was going to arise in the temple of God
12:30 claiming to be God.
12:32 Let's read those verses, 2 Thessalonians 2:3, 4.
12:37 "Let no one deceive you by any means, for that Day..."
12:41 Talking about the day of the second coming.
12:43 "That Day will not come unless
12:45 the falling away comes first..."
12:48 The falling away in Greek is the apostasy.
12:51 Jesus is not going to come until the apostasy takes place.
12:55 There's going to be an apostasy in the church in other words.
12:58 And now notice,
13:00 "And the man of sin is revealed,
13:03 the son of perdition,
13:05 "who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called what,
13:10 God or that is worshipped,
13:12 so that he sits as God in the temple of God,
13:17 showing himself that he is God."
13:24 Does the man of sin claim to be God
13:27 as he sits in the temple of God?
13:29 Absolutely.
13:31 Now, evangelical Christians today say,
13:34 "Well, when it speaks about the temple of God here,
13:37 it's speaking about
13:39 the rebuilding of a third Jewish temple
13:42 in the Middle East."
13:44 There are several problems with this perspective
13:47 that is presented by the evangelical world
13:49 and by the protestant world in general.
13:51 And that is that whenever the Apostle Paul
13:53 uses the word temple, "Naos" in Greek.
13:57 It always refers to the Christian church
14:01 or to the temple of our body.
14:03 For example 1 Corinthians 3:16, 17,
14:06 I'll just give you the references,
14:08 1 Corinthians 6:19, 20.
14:10 2 Corinthians 6:16 and Ephesians 2:21
14:14 which we gonna notice in a moment.
14:15 Every time that Paul uses the word temple, Naos,
14:20 it refers to the Christian church,
14:22 never to a literal rebuilt Jewish temple.
14:27 Furthermore, the Bible tells us very clearly
14:29 that the Jewish temple after the death of Christ,
14:34 after the stoning of Stephen
14:36 no longer was the temple of God.
14:40 In fact, when Jesus entered in his triumphal entry
14:43 which is described in Matthew 21 into Jerusalem.
14:46 We're told there that he entered the temple of God,
14:51 notice that when he entered it's called the Temple of God.
14:53 Then Jesus threw out the money changers and he said,
14:56 "This is my house,"
14:59 so he entered what is called the Temple of God.
15:01 He said, ''It is my house."
15:03 But then after giving his woes
15:06 upon the scribes and the Pharisees,
15:08 the religious leaders, in Matthew 23:38,
15:12 Jesus left the temple and He said,
15:14 "Your house is left on to you desolate."
15:18 So in other words,
15:19 when Jesus left the temple the last time,
15:22 it was no longer God's house, it was what?
15:25 It was their house.
15:27 Now, I want to show you one example
15:29 in the writings of Paul of what the temple of God is.
15:33 It is not a rebuilt Jewish temple
15:35 where a literal nasty person
15:36 is going to sit for three and a half literal years
15:39 and persecute the Jews.
15:41 That is alien to the teachings of the Apostle Paul.
15:44 Notice Ephesians 2:19-22, so you can see that
15:49 the temple that Paul speaks about is a spiritual temple.
15:52 It is the church, the spiritual worldwide church.
15:56 Notice what it says there in Ephesians 2:19,
16:00 "Now, therefore, he says to the Ephesians,
16:02 you are no longer strangers and foreigners,
16:05 but fellow citizens with the saints
16:07 and members of the household of God."
16:10 And now notice,
16:12 "Having been built upon the foundation
16:15 of the apostles and the prophets..."
16:17 What are the foundations of this building?
16:20 People.
16:21 "The apostles and the prophets,
16:23 Jesus Christ Himself being the chief," what?
16:27 Are we talking about a literal cornerstone?
16:30 No, the cornerstone is a person.
16:32 Jesus is the chief cornerstone.
16:35 Now, the believers are the stones
16:36 that are built up on the foundation
16:37 because it says, "In whom the whole building,
16:41 being fitted together, grows into a what?
16:44 A holy temple in the Lord."
16:46 So let me ask you, is the church the temple?
16:49 Yes, what are the foundations of this temple?
16:52 The apostles and prophets.
16:53 Who is the chief cornerstone of this temple?
16:56 Jesus Christ.
16:57 Who is the Shekinah
16:59 that enters the temple in the Old Testament?
17:01 It was the visible glory of God,
17:03 but notice who is the presence in this temple.
17:07 He says, in whom verse 22.
17:10 "You are also built together for a dwelling place of God
17:14 in the..." what?
17:16 "In the Spirit."
17:17 So where is the Shekinah today?
17:19 It is not a visible glorious light,
17:21 it is the Holy Spirit.
17:24 So for the Apostle Paul that temple of God is what?
17:28 The church spiritually speaking.
17:31 So where would we expect this man of sin to sit,
17:35 if he sits in the temple of God?
17:38 He must rise within the Christian church.
17:42 Are you with me or not?
17:43 We're not to seek for him over in the Middle East,
17:46 some leader of ISIS over there,
17:49 some Syrian Jew as some people believe.
17:52 No, no, no,
17:54 we are to look for the antagonist,
17:55 the man of sin within the bosom of the Christian church
17:59 because the Apostle Paul defines that
18:01 as the temple of God.
18:04 Now, we have another subtitle in place of Christ.
18:09 You know the succession of Roman Catholic popes
18:12 has claimed two titles.
18:15 One is Vicarius Filii dei.
18:17 It means Vicar of the Son of God.
18:20 Another title that they have claimed
18:22 is Vicarius Christi.
18:24 That means Vicar of Christ.
18:26 Now what does the word vicar mean?
18:28 The word vicar means one who occupies the place of.
18:34 A vicar takes the place of someone else.
18:37 Now let me ask you when Jesus went to heaven,
18:40 who did He leave on earth as His vicar.
18:43 Who did He leave on earth to take His place?
18:46 It was the Holy Spirit, but the papacy believes
18:50 that Jesus Christ on earth is found in whom?
18:54 In the Roman bishop or in the pope.
18:57 Incidentally the word antichrist is very interesting.
19:02 We usually think of that word antichrist
19:04 as meaning against Christ.
19:07 But the Greek word Anti christos actually can mean
19:12 not only someone who is against Christ,
19:15 it can mean someone who claims to occupy the place of Christ.
19:21 You see the proposition anti can mean also in place of.
19:27 So the antichrist is not someone who is an atheist
19:30 and defies the God of heaven.
19:32 The antichrist is someone
19:35 who claims to occupy the place of Christ.
19:38 That's what antichrist means.
19:42 Now, for example in classical Greek
19:45 you have the word Anti-Basileus.
19:48 Basileus is king.
19:50 So the word Anti-Basileus means,
19:53 one who occupies the place of the king.
19:55 It's not someone who's against the king.
19:57 It's someone who takes the place of the king,
20:00 the vicar of the king if you please.
20:03 You find in the New Testament the word Antipas
20:06 the word Pas is father.
20:08 Antipas means he who rules in place of his father.
20:13 So once again, anti means in place of.
20:17 You have the word antitype.
20:19 Have you ever heard the word antitype?
20:20 The lamb is the type and Jesus is the antitype.
20:25 What does that mean?
20:26 It means that when Jesus dies, he takes the place of the type.
20:30 You don't have to sacrifice lambs anymore
20:33 because Jesus takes the place of the sacrifices.
20:35 He is not against the sacrifices.
20:37 He takes the place of the sacrifices,
20:39 he fulfils them.
20:41 So we find that the word antichrist
20:44 does not necessarily mean someone who is against Christ
20:48 but it means someone who claims to occupy
20:52 the place of Christ or the place of God.
20:57 Let me read you some statements from Roman Catholic sources.
21:01 Pope Leo the XIII
21:04 in an encyclical letter dated June 20,1894
21:08 spoke, wrote these words.
21:10 "We hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty."
21:17 Once again, Leo the XIII
21:18 stated on January 10, 1890 the following.
21:23 "But the supreme teacher in the Church
21:25 is the Roman Pontiff.
21:26 Union of minds, therefore, requires,
21:29 together with a perfect accord in the one faith,
21:32 complete submission and obedience of the will
21:35 to the Church and to the Roman Pontiff,
21:38 as to God Himself."
21:41 Absolute obedience to the Roman Pontiff
21:44 as to whom?
21:45 As to God Himself.
21:48 The famous Roman Catholic encyclopedia
21:50 Prompta Bibliotheca
21:51 edited by Lucius Ferraris has these words,
21:55 "The Pope is of so great authority and power
22:00 that he can matter of modify, explain,
22:02 or interpret even divine laws.
22:05 The Pope can modify divine law,
22:07 since his power is not of man but of God,
22:11 and he acts as vice-regent,
22:13 vice-regent means vice ruler of God upon earth
22:18 with most ample power of binding
22:20 and loosing his sheep.
22:21 Whatever the Lord God himself, and the Redeemer,
22:24 is said to do, his vicar does,
22:27 provide of that he does nothing contrary to the faith."
22:30 And by the way this encyclopedia is not
22:32 some offshoot encyclopedia.
22:35 This encyclopedia
22:36 according to the Roman Catholic encyclopedia volume 6,
22:39 page 48 is referred
22:41 to as a veritable encyclopedia of religious knowledge
22:46 and a precious mind of information.
22:49 And it bears the imprimatur
22:51 or the authorization of the Roman Catholic Church.
22:56 Not only does the pope claim to be
22:59 to occupy the place of Christ
23:01 which is the meaning of antichrist,
23:03 but the papacy also allows people
23:07 to refer to its leader as Holy Father.
23:12 In Matthew 23:9, Jesus said,
23:14 "We are to call no man on earth our" what?
23:18 "Our Father," spiritually speaking,
23:19 doesn't mean that I can't call my dad father.
23:22 It's speaking in spiritual terms,
23:24 you can look at the context.
23:25 Jesus says, "Don't call any man your spiritual father."
23:28 The pope not only allows people to call him father,
23:30 he allows people to call him Holy Father,
23:34 a title that belongs only to God.
23:38 The Bible tells us that we are to only bow before God.
23:41 We are to bow before no man.
23:43 When you remember when Cornelius
23:48 came to where Peter was.
23:49 The Bible says that Cornelius bowed before Peter
23:52 and what did Peter say,
23:53 "Yes, kiss my ring, kiss my toe."
23:55 No, that's not what he said,
23:58 Peter said, "You stand up
24:01 for I am a man like you are man."
24:04 In Revelation 19:10 and 22: 8, 9,
24:08 John bowed before an angel and the angel said,
24:11 "Stand up, you can only bow before" whom?
24:15 "Before God." Let me ask you.
24:17 Does the pope allow and encourage
24:20 people to bow before him?
24:22 He most certainly does.
24:24 In fact, in a document called Dictatus Papae
24:29 which is 27 statements
24:31 that were written by Pope Gregory VII
24:34 in the year 1075.
24:37 In Article 9 the pope says this,
24:41 "That of the pope alone
24:44 all princess shall kiss his feet."
24:47 Interesting,
24:49 furthermore the papacy claims to have the power to what?
24:53 To forgive sins.
24:55 While the Bible teaches that only God can forgive sin,
24:58 the papacy says, "We can forgive sin."
25:01 Our Roman Catholic Church is filled with confessionals
25:04 where people confess their sins
25:06 and receive supposedly absolution from the priest,
25:10 absolutely.
25:12 Now, St. Alphonsus Liguori, one of the 33 doctors
25:16 in the history of the Roman Catholic Church
25:18 who was canonized as a saint by Pope Gregory the XIV in 1839
25:24 and was proclaimed a doctor of the church
25:27 by Pope Pius the IX.
25:29 One of the great theologians
25:31 in the history of the Roman Catholic Church
25:33 wrote a very interesting book
25:35 where he described
25:37 what he believed was the power of the priest.
25:41 And I want you to notice what he states in his book
25:44 Dignity and Duties of the Priest or Selve, page 34,
25:48 "When he ascended into heaven,
25:51 Jesus Christ left his priests
25:52 after him to hold on earth his place."
25:58 What does he saying?
26:00 Once again, "When he ascended into heaven,
26:02 Jesus Christ left his priests
26:04 after him to hold on earth his place
26:07 of mediator between God and men."
26:09 The Bible says, "We have one mediator
26:11 between God and men,
26:12 Jesus Christ."
26:13 Continues saying, "Particularly on the altar...
26:16 The Priest holds what?
26:18 The place of the Savior himself,
26:22 when by saying, 'Ego te absolvo,'
26:24 this means I forgive you.
26:26 He absolves or he forgives from sin."
26:30 My Bible tells me that only God can forgive sin.
26:33 So the papacy claims to forgive sin.
26:35 Are they claiming to occupy God's place on earth?
26:37 Absolutely.
26:40 Probably most of you know that
26:41 from December 8, 2015 through November 20, 2016,
26:46 Pope Francis has proclaimed what is called
26:48 The Year of Mercy.
26:50 He's even gone so far as to say that
26:52 if a woman who has aborted the baby
26:54 truly repents of the sin of abortion
26:57 that she can go to her priest
26:58 and the priest can give her absolution,
27:01 the priest can forgive her sin.
27:03 And interestingly enough
27:05 the whole matter of indulgences for sin
27:07 is what led to the Protestant Reformation.
27:10 And there are some Protestant churches
27:12 that are planning with the Roman Catholic Church
27:15 to celebrate the 500th year
27:18 of the posting of the 95 thesis in October of next year,
27:21 Protestants and Catholics together.
27:23 Amazing.
27:25 The papacy also claims
27:28 when it speaks on faith and morals to be infallible.
27:32 In fact, at Vatican Council I in the year 1870,
27:36 the dogma of papal infallibility was proclaimed.
27:39 I want to read a description of this,
27:43 of this very blasphemous dogma of the Roman Catholic Church.
27:48 Here's the description.
27:50 This is from the Dogmatic Constitution
27:52 on the Catholic Faith.
27:53 "We teach and define
27:54 that it is a dogma divinely revealed:
27:57 that the Roman Pontiff, when he speaks ex cathedra,
28:00 that is from the throne, from the people throne,
28:02 that is, when in discharge of the office
28:05 of pastor and doctor of all Christians,
28:07 by virtue of his supreme Apostolic authority,
28:10 he defines a doctrine regarding faith or morals
28:13 to be held by the universal Church,
28:16 by the divine assistance
28:17 promised to him in blessed Peter,
28:20 is possessed of that infallibility
28:23 with which the divine Redeemer willed that his Church
28:27 should be endowed for defining doctrine
28:30 regarding faith or morals, and that therefore
28:33 such definitions of the Roman Pontiff
28:35 are irreformable of themselves,
28:39 and not from the consent of the Church.
28:41 But if any one which may God overt
28:44 presume to contradict this our definition:
28:47 let him be anathema."
28:49 Anathema mean let him be cursed.
28:53 So does the papacy claim infallibility
28:56 when it speaks on faith and morals?
28:58 But my Bible tells me that only one is infallible.
29:03 Notice what Pope Nicholas the I had to say.
29:06 He ruled from 858 A.D. to 867 A.D.
29:13 He stated this, "It is evident
29:15 that the popes can neither be bound nor unbound
29:18 by any earthly power,
29:20 nor even by that of the apostle Peter,
29:22 if he should return upon the earth,
29:25 since Constantine the Great
29:27 has recognized that the pontiffs..."
29:29 Listen now carefully.
29:31 "Held the place of God upon earth,
29:34 divinity not being able to be judged by any living man."
29:39 They're claiming divinity.
29:41 Then he stated, "We are, then, infallible
29:45 and whatever may be our acts,
29:47 we are not accountable for them but to ourselves."
29:53 Isn't that interesting? That's blasphemous, folks.
29:57 Does the papacy claim
29:59 the rights and prerogatives of God,
30:02 must that then claim worship?
30:03 Absolutely.
30:05 Now notice this statement about what happens
30:07 when the pope speaks on faith and morals.
30:12 This is the Roman Catholic theologian Fritz Leist,
30:16 he said, "The infallibility of the pope
30:18 is the infallibility of Jesus Christ Himself...
30:22 whenever the pope thinks, it is God Himself,
30:26 who is thinking in him."
30:31 See they're incriminating themselves
30:34 by what they're writing.
30:36 Now the Bible tells us that
30:38 only God can set up kings and remove kings.
30:42 But the papacy claims to have that divine right
30:45 of setting up kings and removing kings.
30:48 At the Council of Trent,
30:50 notice the decision that was made.
30:52 "All temporal power is his..." That is the Popes.
30:55 "The dominion, jurisdiction,
30:57 and government of the whole Earth
30:59 is his by divine right.
31:02 All rulers of the Earth are his subjects
31:04 and must submit to him."
31:08 Gregory the VII in Dictatus Papae, Article 12,
31:12 which we already mentioned what this document is stated,
31:16 "That it may be permitted to him,
31:18 that is the pope, to depose emperors."
31:21 Now you can read this rather long statement
31:24 because we don't have the time to read this long statement
31:26 from Pope Boniface the VIII in 1302.
31:31 It's a papal bull called Unam sanctam
31:35 where he says, "That the civil power
31:37 has to be subject to the religious power.
31:41 And that the religious power because it's higher
31:44 in the sight of God has a right
31:46 to set up kings and to remove kings."
31:50 But my Bible tells me that only God has the right
31:53 to set up kings and to remove kings.
31:57 The papacy also claims that the pope
32:00 is the supreme judge of the earth.
32:03 Notice once again, Dictatus Papae,
32:05 Gregory the VII 1075 in Article 18,
32:09 he says, "That his, that is the pope's sentence
32:13 is not to be reviewed by anyone,
32:16 while he alone can review the decisions of all others."
32:21 In Article 19 of this same document,
32:24 Pope Gregory the VII said,
32:26 "That he, that is the pope, can be judged by no one."
32:32 And St. Alphonsus Liguori,
32:34 this renowned theologian of the Roman Catholic Church
32:37 expressed it this way.
32:40 "So that if it were possible that the angels might err
32:45 in the faith, or might think contrary to the faith,
32:49 they could be judged and excommunicated by the Pope.
32:53 For he is of so great dignity and power
32:56 that he forms the one and the same tribunal
33:00 with Christ."
33:02 Can you imagine the pope doing that
33:05 judging and excommunicating the angels?
33:08 Come on, be real but that's what the papacy claims.
33:12 Most of the world is oblivious to this.
33:15 Most Roman Catholics don't have the foggiest idea
33:18 that this is Roman Catholic theology
33:20 and many, when, when I share this,
33:22 they're surprised, does the church
33:24 really believe that?
33:25 Is that what they've said?
33:27 That's exactly what they say, and there's much more
33:29 that I have not included in this lecture
33:31 because we don't have the time to cover it.
33:34 But there's another
33:35 blasphemous claim of the papacy.
33:38 And that is that the priest
33:42 when he performs the right of the mass
33:44 or the sacrifice of the mass,
33:46 he becomes the creator of his creator.
33:50 Notice the way that Liguori expressed it in his book,
33:53 pages 33, 34.
33:55 This is the epitome of blasphemy.
33:58 "Thus the priest may, in a certain manner,
34:01 be called the creator of his Creator,
34:04 since by saying the words of consecration,
34:06 he creates, as it were, Jesus in the sacrament,
34:10 by giving him a sacramental existence,
34:13 and produces him as a victim
34:15 to be offered to the eternal Father.
34:17 As in creating the world
34:20 it was sufficient for God to have said:
34:22 'Let it be made, and it was created.
34:25 He spoke, and they were made'
34:27 so it is sufficient for the priest to say,
34:30 'Hoc est corpusmeum,' that is this is my body,
34:33 and behold the bread is no longer bread,
34:35 but the body of Christ.
34:37 'The power of the priest,' says St. Bernardino of Sienna,
34:41 'is the power of the divine person,
34:44 for the transubstantiation of the bread
34:47 requires as much power as the creation of the world."
34:54 What do you think?
34:56 That's blasphemy.
34:59 That man can create the Creator.
35:01 Be real.
35:03 That's the epitome of blasphemy.
35:05 So let me ask you so far what we've looked at.
35:07 Could we say that the papacy,
35:09 the beast claims worship because he claims to be God?
35:13 Absolutely.
35:15 Now some people say, well, but Pastor Bohr,
35:17 the papacy has changed.
35:19 It's toned it down.
35:21 Of course, if the pope today said,
35:24 I'm God on earth and he said all these things openly,
35:28 nobody on earth would pay any attention to him.
35:31 The papacy has toned it down, but listen carefully.
35:33 The papacy has changed externally.
35:36 But at her core,
35:38 the papacy is the same system that it was in the past
35:41 because she cannot change her DNA.
35:45 If she changed her DNA,
35:47 she would cease to be the Roman Catholic Church.
35:50 Ellen White wrote a very interesting statement
35:53 that I want to read.
35:55 It's found in Great Controversy, page 571
35:57 on how the papacy adapts
36:00 to the circumstances in which it finds itself.
36:04 This is how it states,
36:06 "The Roman Church now presents a fair front..."
36:11 And the motto of the Roman Catholic Church is
36:13 Semper Idem.
36:15 That means always the same.
36:17 "So the Roman Church
36:19 now presents a fair front to the world,
36:21 covering with apologies
36:22 her record of horrible cruelties.
36:24 She has clothed herself in Christlike garments,
36:28 but she is but she is unchanged.
36:30 Every principle of the papacy that existed in past ages
36:34 exists today.
36:36 The doctrines devised
36:37 in the darkest ages are still held.
36:40 Let none deceive themselves.
36:42 The papacy that Protestants
36:44 are now so ready to honor is the same
36:47 that ruled the world in the days of the Reformation,
36:50 when men of God stood up, at the peril of their lives,
36:53 to expose her iniquity.
36:56 She possesses the same pride and arrogant assumption
36:59 that lorded it over kings and princes,
37:02 and claimed the prerogatives of God.
37:05 Her spirit is no less cruel and despotic
37:08 now than when she crushed out human liberty
37:11 and slew the saints of the Most High."
37:14 The papacy is just what prophecy declare
37:16 that she would be,
37:18 the apostasy of the latter times.
37:20 It is part of her policy to assume the character
37:24 which will best accomplish her purpose."
37:27 Do we see that happening with Pope Francis the I?
37:31 If you haven't noticed that
37:33 you, you've been at some other planet
37:35 or you've been sleeping.
37:37 Then she gives the best definition of the papacy
37:39 that I've ever found.
37:41 She says, "But beneath the variable appearance
37:44 of the chameleon she conceals
37:47 the invariable venom of the serpent."
37:52 Now, the most arrogant claim of the Roman Catholic papacy
37:58 which proves that the papacy claims to be God
38:01 and demands to be worshipped or obeyed
38:04 is the change of the day of worship
38:07 from Sabbath to Sunday the change in God's holy law.
38:12 You remember that the Bible tells us
38:13 that the little horn thought that it could change the law.
38:18 And the little horn is the same as the what?
38:20 The same as the beast.
38:21 So the little horn or the beast thought that it could change
38:25 God's holy law.
38:28 They say that this power was conferred upon her
38:31 by God himself
38:32 that if the church wanted to change the day,
38:34 the church could change the day.
38:37 Let me give you just a few remarks about
38:41 one example of this in Roman Catholic theology.
38:45 On May 31, 1998,
38:48 Pope John Paul the II published a document titled
38:51 Apostolic Letter Dies Domini of John Paul the II
38:55 to the Clergy the episcopate
38:57 and the faithful on keeping Sunday holy.
39:01 There's a document
39:02 that he wrote to the laity and to the clergy
39:05 and he begins by quoting the Book of Genesis.
39:09 This is what he states, speaking about the Sabbath,
39:13 "In the first place, therefore, the day of rest is so
39:16 because it is the day 'blessed' by God
39:19 and 'made holy' by him,
39:21 set apart from the other days to be,
39:24 among all of them, 'the Lord's Day'."
39:27 Who could argue with that?
39:28 He is talking about the Sabbath in Genesis.
39:30 Did God bless the Sabbath in Genesis?
39:33 Yes. Did He make it holy?
39:34 Yes. Was it the Lord's Day?
39:36 Absolutely.
39:37 But that's where things change in this apostolic letter
39:42 because then what the pope does in the rest of his letter
39:45 is he takes everything
39:46 that the Bible applies to the Sabbath,
39:48 he applies it to Sunday.
39:51 There are many places where he openly contradicts the Bible,
39:55 and I'm going to share several of those with you.
39:57 How is it that the papacy can claim
39:59 to have the authority of God
40:01 when the papacy openly contradicts
40:03 what the Bible teaches?
40:05 I want you to notice first of all
40:07 that the pope calls the Sabbath the Jewish Sabbath
40:12 several times in his apostolic letter.
40:15 There is not one reference in the Bible
40:17 it calls a Sabbath a Jewish Sabbath.
40:19 It is always called the Sabbath of the Lord your God
40:24 or it is called the holy day of the Lord
40:28 and God calls it, "My holy day."
40:31 It is always God's holy day,
40:34 it is not the holy day of the Jews.
40:37 The pope also places a conflict
40:39 between the old covenant and the new covenant.
40:42 I read one statement that he gives in this letter,
40:45 "In the light of this mystery,
40:47 he's speaking about the resurrection of Christ,
40:49 the meaning of the Old Testament precept
40:51 concerning the Lord's Day is recovered,
40:54 perfected and fully revealed
40:56 in the glory which shines on the face of the Risen Christ."
41:01 and then he says, "We move from the 'Sabbath'
41:04 that is from the seventh day to the first day
41:07 after the Sabbath',
41:08 from the seventh day to the first day:
41:11 the dies Domini becomes the dies Christi!"
41:16 Do you know what he's saying in this statement?
41:18 Basically what he's saying is that in the old covenant
41:21 the day of rest was the Sabbath,
41:22 but in the new covenant because Christ resurrected
41:25 the day of rest should be Sunday.
41:29 Let me ask you, has he borrowed this argument from Protestants?
41:33 Isn't it Protestants that create a dichotomy
41:36 between the old covenant and the new covenant?
41:38 The problem with this argument is
41:41 that the Sabbath was not part of the old covenant
41:43 because the Sabbath was made in Garden of Eden
41:48 before there was any sin,
41:50 before there was any old covenant.
41:51 It's part of God's original plan.
41:53 So to say that the Sabbath was, you know, for the Jews,
41:56 it's for the old covenant,
41:57 but now in the new covenant we have a new day of worship
42:00 simply isn't biblical
42:02 because God created the Sabbath
42:04 before there was an old covenant.
42:05 Furthermore the Bible tells us that
42:07 when everything is restored,
42:09 God's people will go and worship
42:11 before the Lord from Sabbath to Sabbath.
42:15 Incidentally, I find it quite interesting
42:17 that the papacy would say that
42:19 the Sabbath belongs to the old covenant.
42:21 And yet the Roman Catholic papacy
42:23 continues so many of the Old Testament customs.
42:26 They light candles, they sprinkle holy water,
42:29 they sacrifice at altars,
42:30 they rope themselves with priestly garments,
42:33 they burn incense, they put miters on their heads.
42:37 In other words they continue
42:39 basically the Old Testament cultist.
42:41 But they say, "Well, the day of worship
42:43 is not the same day of worship
42:45 that existed in the Old Testament,
42:46 the day of worship now is a different day of worship."
42:51 John Paul in this letter also states that
42:55 Sunday is supposed to be kept every week
42:58 as a memorial of the resurrection.
43:00 Now, there's a real problem here.
43:03 Let me ask you, how many times a year
43:05 does the papacy celebrate Palm Sunday?
43:09 Once.
43:10 How many days of the year
43:12 does the papacy celebrate Holy Wednesday?
43:18 How many days out of the year
43:20 do they celebrate Holy Thursday,
43:22 Jueves Santo?
43:24 Once a year.
43:26 How many days a year do they celebrate Holy Friday?
43:31 Once a year.
43:32 So if all of the days of the Passion
43:34 are celebrated once a year,
43:36 why is the resurrection of Jesus celebrated every week?
43:41 It makes no sense.
43:43 There is no place in the Bible that says,
43:45 you're supposed to celebrate the resurrection every week,
43:48 but there is a commandment that says,
43:50 you should celebrate God as creator
43:52 one day a week and that week and that day is what?
43:56 That day is the Holy Sabbath.
43:59 One of the real serious things that the pope says
44:01 in this apostolic letter is that he says that
44:05 God has placed his seal on Sunday.
44:08 He quotes Saint Augustine,
44:10 one of the great doctors of the Roman Catholic Church
44:13 and I read now.
44:14 "Saint Augustine notes in turn:
44:17 'Therefore the Lord has placed his seal on this day,
44:22 which is the third day after the Passion."
44:24 So he's saying, God's seal is found where?
44:28 On Sunday.
44:31 Which day contains the seal of God?
44:34 The day which is the seal
44:36 or sign of God we've studied is what?
44:38 The Holy Sabbath.
44:40 The only commandment in the Ten Commandments
44:42 that has the three elements necessary for a seal
44:45 is the fourth commandment.
44:47 You have the name of the giver of the law.
44:50 His name is the Lord thy God.
44:52 We have his office or his function, what is He?
44:56 He is the creator.
44:58 And number three,
44:59 the territory over which He rules.
45:01 Heaven, earth, the sea, and everything that is in them.
45:07 Ellen White has well explained
45:09 that when the papacy changed the day of worship,
45:12 they removed the seal from the law of God
45:16 and the pope placed his own seal in there.
45:19 Let me read this statement,
45:20 it's found in Great Controversy, page 452.
45:24 "The seal of God's law is found in the fourth commandment.
45:29 This only, of all the ten,
45:31 brings to view both the name and the title of the Lawgiver.
45:35 It declares Him to be
45:37 the Creator of the heavens and the earth,
45:39 and thus shows His claim to reverence and worship
45:42 above all others.
45:43 Aside from this precept,
45:45 there is nothing in the Decalogue
45:47 to show by whose authority the law is given.
45:51 When the Sabbath was changed by the papal power,
45:54 the seal was taken from the law."
45:57 The seal that identifies who was the lawgiver
46:00 and it also identifies who is a creator
46:02 because God made the Sabbath as his signature on creation.
46:06 This is very serious, folks.
46:08 It's you're swapping the position of God.
46:13 In paragraph 55 of this apostolic letter,
46:17 Pope John Paul the II makes this blasphemous claim.
46:22 "Blessed be he who has raised the great day of Sunday
46:27 above all other days.
46:29 The heavens and the earth, angels and of men
46:33 give themselves over to joy."
46:35 Now who is that, that elevated Sunday
46:37 above every other day?
46:39 The Papacy.
46:41 So what is he saying?
46:42 What is he saying, "Blessed be the papacy
46:46 who raised Sunday above all other days."
46:49 Because the papacy claims to have changed the day.
46:53 The pope also says that when everything is finished
46:56 and we're in a new heavens and a new earth,
46:59 we will live on an eternal Sunday.
47:03 Notice this statement that we find in paragraph 84,
47:07 "From Sunday to Sunday,
47:10 enlightened by Christ, she goes forward towards
47:13 the unending Sunday of the heavenly Jerusalem,
47:17 which "has no need of sun or moon to shine upon it,
47:20 for the glory of God
47:21 is its light and its lamp is the Lamb."
47:24 So what he is saying is when we get to the kingdom,
47:26 there will be an unending what?
47:29 Unending Sunday.
47:31 But what does the Bible teach?
47:33 The Bible teaches very clearly
47:35 that there will be months in the new earth
47:37 because we will go from month to month
47:40 to worship before the Lord
47:42 and to eat from the tree of life.
47:44 There will also be days, weeks in the earth to come,
47:48 and it's not an endless Sunday that will exist
47:51 but God's people will go
47:53 every Sabbath to worship before the Lord.
47:56 So he openly contradicts the Bible
47:59 by speaking of an endless Sunday
48:01 when the Bible says that there will be a weekly cycle
48:04 and God's people will worship the creator
48:06 on the holy Sabbath.
48:09 But you know what he does in this letter
48:11 from a very long time until recent times,
48:15 Roman Catholic writers would actually make fun
48:20 of Protestant writers by saying,
48:21 "You know, you Pope folks say that you go by the Bible,
48:25 you say that you get everything from the Bible
48:28 but the Bible says and doesn't say anywhere
48:31 you're supposed to keep Sunday.
48:32 It was a Roman Catholic Church that changed the day
48:34 from Sabbath to Sunday.
48:36 So when you keep Sunday,
48:37 you're accepting the authority of the Roman Catholic Church."
48:39 That's the way they argued
48:41 that the Sunday was not in the Bible.
48:43 But in this apostolic letter,
48:45 Pope John Paul the II
48:47 knows that he wants to win over Protestants
48:49 and he will not be able to win them over
48:51 by saying that by keeping Sunday
48:53 they're following the tradition of the Roman Catholic Church.
48:56 So he quotes the very same arguments
48:59 that Protestants have always used
49:01 in favor of Sunday
49:02 to give it a semblance of being in scripture.
49:06 Let me just mention the several things
49:07 that he says in paragraph 20 and 21.
49:10 Six times he says
49:12 Jesus resurrected on the first day of the week.
49:15 Then he says on the first day of the week,
49:17 He walked and talked with two of His followers
49:19 on the road to Emmaus.
49:21 On the first day of the week,
49:22 He appeared to the 11 apostles in the evening.
49:25 A week later on a Sunday,
49:27 Jesus appeared to the apostles once again.
49:30 On the day of Pentecost which was the last Sunday,
49:32 the Holy Spirit was poured out.
49:34 The first proclamation of the gospel
49:35 took place on Sunday.
49:37 The first baptisms on the day
49:38 of Pentecost took place on Sunday.
49:40 Christians were taking their offerings to church
49:42 on the firs day of the week.
49:44 You know that argument 1 Corinthians 16.
49:46 The Apostle Paul met with the Church of Troas
49:49 on the first day of the week.
49:50 And Revelation calls the first day of the week
49:52 the Lord's day.
49:54 He is using the very arguments that Protestant used
49:56 in favor of Sunday because he knows that
49:59 he will not be able to win over Protestants
50:01 by saying that the day was changed
50:03 by the tradition of the Roman Catholic Church
50:05 because he knows that Protestants
50:06 do not go by tradition.
50:08 Are you understanding what he's doing?
50:11 Now this gets even more serious
50:14 because neither Benedict, Pope Benedict
50:19 nor John Paul nor Francis the I
50:23 even believe that the days of creation were literal.
50:27 In fact Pope Francis and John Paul both believe
50:31 that this world came into existence
50:35 by a long and cruel process of evolution.
50:38 And Francis the I refers to creation
50:41 as a symbolic story.
50:45 Let me read you what John Paul had to say
50:47 about the creation story.
50:50 This is in a speech that he gave
50:52 to the Papal Academy of the Sciences.
50:55 "Today almost half a century
50:56 after the publication of the in cyclical,
50:58 this is an cyclical book called by Pope Pius XII,
51:01 Humane Generis, 1950.
51:04 He says since the publication of that encyclical,
51:07 new knowledge has led to the recognition
51:10 of the theory of evolution as more than a hypothesis.
51:14 It is indeed remarkable that this theory
51:16 has been progressively accepted by researchers,
51:20 following a series of discoveries
51:21 in various fields of knowledge.
51:24 The convergence, neither sought nor fabricated,
51:26 of the results of work there was conducted independently
51:30 is in itself a significant argument
51:34 in favor of the theory.
51:35 He says scientists have...
51:37 in different fields have done a study of this
51:41 and they've independently come to the conclusion
51:43 that evolution is not a hypothesis,
51:46 evolution actually took place.
51:48 So he's saying that this world did not come into existence
51:51 in seven literal days.
51:53 Notice what Pope Francis the I had to say.
51:56 He in typical Jesuit fashion, he's trying to reconcile
52:00 the creation story with science.
52:03 He said this, "The Big Bang,
52:05 which today we hold to be the origin of the world,
52:07 does not contradict the intervention
52:09 of the divine creator but, rather, requires it.
52:13 Evolution in nature is not inconsistent
52:15 with the notion of creation
52:16 because evolution requires
52:18 the creation of beings that evolve.
52:20 When we read about Creation in Genesis,
52:23 we run the risk of imagining God as a magician
52:27 with a magic wand able to do everything.
52:30 But that is not so.
52:33 He created human beings
52:35 and let them develop according to the internal laws
52:38 that he gave to each one of them
52:39 so they would reach their fulfillment.
52:41 In others words, He placed within man
52:43 the capacity to evolve.
52:46 So neither one of these popes believe
52:49 in the story of creation.
52:52 Now what does the Catholic Church say
52:55 about its authority?
52:58 Notice several statements that I'm gonna read now
53:01 about how the Roman Catholic Church
53:03 sees its authority.
53:05 "It was the Catholic Church
53:08 which by the authority of Jesus Christ
53:10 has transferred this rest to Sunday
53:15 in remembrance of the resurrection
53:17 of our Lord.
53:18 Thus the observance of Sunday," listen to this,
53:21 by Protestants is an homage they pay
53:26 in spite of themselves," to what?
53:29 "To the authority of the Church."
53:32 So when Protestants keep Sunday,
53:33 whose authority are they accepting?
53:35 The authority of the papacy
53:37 because the papacy changed the day.
53:39 Now notice this statement.
53:41 "A word about Sunday.
53:44 God said: 'Remember the Sabbath day!'
53:46 Remember to thou keep holy the Sabbath day.
53:49 The Sabbath was Saturday not Sunday,
53:52 why then do we keep Sunday holy instead of Saturday?
53:55 The Church altered the observance of the Sabbath
53:58 to the observance of Sunday."
54:00 Now he indicts Protestants.
54:02 "Protestants who say that
54:03 they go by the Bible and the Bible only
54:05 and that they do not believe anything
54:08 that is not in the Bible,
54:09 must be rather puzzled by the keeping of Sunday
54:12 when God distinctly said, 'Keep holy the Sabbath day.'
54:17 The word Sunday does not come anywhere in the Bible so,
54:20 without knowing it,
54:22 they are obeying the authority of the Catholic Church."
54:25 So by keeping Sunday,
54:27 Protestants are obeying the authority of whom?
54:29 Of the Catholic Church.
54:31 Notice this statement.
54:33 "But since Saturday, not Sunday,
54:35 is specified in the Bible,
54:37 isn't it curious that non-Catholics
54:39 who profess to take their religion
54:40 directly from the Bible
54:41 and not from the church
54:43 observe Sunday instead of Saturday?
54:45 Yes, of course, it is inconsistent,
54:48 but this change was made about fifteen centuries
54:51 before Protestantism was born,
54:53 and by that time the custom was universally observed.
54:57 They, Protestants, have continued the custom,
54:59 even though it rests upon the what?
55:02 The authority of the Catholic Church
55:04 and not upon an explicit text in the Bible.
55:08 That observance by Protestants of Sunday
55:12 remains as a reminder of the Mother Church."
55:16 The Sabbath is a reminder of what?
55:18 Of creator God,
55:20 "but Sunday is a reminder of what?
55:22 Of the Mother Church
55:24 from which the non-Catholic sect broke away,
55:27 like a boy running away from home
55:29 but still carrying in his pocket
55:31 a picture of his mother or a lack of her hair."
55:37 One final statement.
55:39 "It was the Holy Catholic Church
55:41 that changed the day
55:43 of rest from Saturday to Sunday,
55:45 the first day of the week.
55:46 And it not only compelled all to keep Sunday,
55:48 but urged all persons to labor on the seventh day
55:50 under pain of anathema.
55:53 Protestants who profess great reverence for the Bible,
55:56 and yet by their solemn act of keeping Sunday,
55:59 they acknowledge the power of the Catholic Church.
56:02 The Bible says, 'Remember the Sabbath day
56:04 to keep it holy.'
56:05 But the Catholic Church says,
56:07 "No: Keep the first day of the week..."
56:09 ' And now, notice this.
56:10 "And lo, the entire civilized world
56:13 bows down in reverent obedience
56:16 to the command of the holy Catholic Church."
56:20 Are you catching the picture?
56:22 Listen, folks,
56:25 the trial at the end of time
56:26 is not so much a trial over days.
56:30 The day is simply the way in which God reveals
56:35 which authority you accept.
56:38 If you keep the Sabbath you are saying,
56:41 I follow and obey the authority of God,
56:44 because God established the Sabbath.
56:48 But when you keep Sunday as the day of rest,
56:51 you're saying, I accept the authority of the power
56:54 that changed the day of worship.
56:56 I accept the power of the papacy
56:58 because they were the ones that changed the day.
57:01 So the matter at the end of time
57:03 is not only a matter of days,
57:05 it's a matter of which authority you accept.
57:09 And the Bible tells us
57:12 that the whole world
57:14 with the exception of a small remnant
57:16 who keep the commandments of God
57:18 will wander after the beast
57:21 and obey the sign of its authority.
57:25 Did you understand what we studied this evening?
57:28 This was a difficult lecture
57:29 because there's so many quotations,
57:31 and there's so much material,
57:33 but I believe you've seen the picture,
57:34 the papacy does claim to occupy God's place on earth.
57:38 It does claim the need to receive worship
57:41 and it does have a sign of its authority
57:45 and God also claims authority
57:48 because He is the Creator and God has a sign.
57:51 So at the end of time, two days,
57:54 two signs of authority.


Revised 2016-11-07