God's Prophetic Chain

Lets us Bow Down and Worship

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: GPC

Program Code: GPC000006A

00:30 Number six in the series is titled,
00:32 Let us Bow Down and Worship.
00:36 And I just like to mention that
00:38 it is absolutely indispensable
00:40 that you not only be here tonight
00:41 but that you'll be here
00:43 for the next presentation tomorrow night.
00:45 Because I'm gonna present two sides of the same coin.
00:49 This evening we're gonna talk about worship to God.
00:54 And tomorrow evening
00:56 we're gonna talk about the counterfeit
00:57 which is worship to the beast.
01:00 And so I hope that everyone is planning
01:02 on coming back to our next lecture
01:05 because these are twin lectures that go together.
01:08 Now, as we examine the Book of Revelation,
01:11 we discover something that is absolutely clear.
01:15 And that is that
01:17 the final controversy will involve two objects of worship.
01:22 And each of those objects
01:24 has its particular sign of authority,
01:27 but before we get into this more deeply,
01:30 we do want to ask for Lord's presence in our study.
01:33 And so I invite you to bow your heads with me as we pray.
01:36 Father in heaven, we come before Your throne,
01:39 we thank You so much for not keeping your secrets
01:44 about what will happen in the future.
01:46 Thank You for revealing these things to your prophets,
01:49 so that we can read the prophets
01:51 and we can understand what will happen in the future.
01:55 I ask Lord that you will give us
01:57 the assurance that You will be with us
01:59 even till the end of the age.
02:01 Help us not to fear for we know how things will end.
02:06 So be with us as we study this very important subject
02:09 and we thank You for hearing our prayer
02:11 for we ask it in the precious name of Jesus.
02:13 Amen.
02:15 As I was mentioning the final controversy
02:19 according to the Book of Revelation is between
02:21 two objects of worship
02:23 and their respective signs of authority.
02:27 It is between the true creator God and His seal
02:31 and the beast and his mark.
02:34 In other words, that is the conflict
02:36 or the controversy that will transpire
02:40 at the very end of time.
02:42 And so because
02:44 the final conflict has to do with worship,
02:48 we need to discuss in our subject today
02:51 issues concerning worship, how the Bible sees worship.
02:57 And so I want to begin by asking this question.
03:02 How is God, the true God
03:06 distinguished from every false pretender?
03:10 Let's go to 1 Chronicles 16:26,
03:14 1 Chronicles 16:26,
03:18 where we have the explanation
03:20 of what distinguishes the true God
03:22 from every false pretender.
03:24 It says there in 1 Chronicle 16:26,
03:28 "For all the gods of the peoples are idols,
03:32 " now comes the contrast,
03:34 "but the Lord made the heavens."
03:39 So what distinguishes God,
03:41 the true God from all false gods
03:44 or false pretenders?
03:46 It is the fact that God is the creator of the heavens
03:50 and the earth.
03:52 Now, because God is the creator of the heavens and the earth
03:56 and we are His creatures, we owe Him our worship.
04:00 We worship Him because He is the creator.
04:04 Let's notice this point in Psalm 95:1-6.
04:10 This passage when I was pastor of...
04:12 Senior Pastor of Fresno Central,
04:14 every Sabbath we would read this passage
04:17 to introduce our worship service.
04:20 It says there in Psalm 95:1,
04:22 "Oh come, let us sing to the Lord!
04:26 Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation.
04:30 Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving,
04:33 let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms."
04:36 And now comes the reason
04:38 why we're supposed to shout with joy.
04:39 "For the Lord is what, the great God,
04:45 and the great King above all God's."
04:49 Now, why is God the great God above all gods?
04:53 Notice Verse 4,
04:55 "In His hand are the deep places of the earth,
04:59 the heights of the hills are His also.
05:02 The sea is His, for He made it,
05:05 and His hands formed the dry land.
05:09 Oh come, let us worship and bow down,
05:12 let us kneel before the Lord our Maker."
05:16 So why do we worship God?
05:19 Because God is the creator.
05:21 You notice here three expressions,
05:23 three synonymous expressions, let us worship,
05:26 let us bow down,
05:28 let us kneel before the Lord, our maker.
05:32 So we worship God as the true God
05:35 because He is the creator,
05:36 and what distinguishes the true God
05:38 from all false gods is the fact that God is the creator.
05:43 Notice another verse that teaches the same idea
05:45 that we are to worship God because He is the creator.
05:49 Nehemiah 9:6,
05:55 here the author of the Book of Nehemiah,
05:59 it's believed it might be Nehemiah,
06:01 it's not absolutely certain
06:02 but it's an inspired book of the Bible,
06:04 it says, "You alone are the Lord."
06:08 Now why is God alone the Lord?
06:11 Well, let's continue reading.
06:13 "You have" what?
06:14 "Made heaven, the heaven of heavens,
06:19 with all their host, the earth and everything on it,
06:24 the seas and all that is in them,
06:27 and You preserve them all.
06:29 The host of heaven," what?
06:32 "Worships You."
06:34 Why does the host of heaven worship the Lord?
06:37 Because God is what?
06:39 God is the creator.
06:41 So the first two points
06:43 that I want us to have very clear
06:44 in our minds is number one,
06:46 what distinguishes the true God
06:48 from all false pretenders is the fact
06:50 that God is the creator
06:52 and because second point, because God is the creator,
06:56 we owe God as His creatures what?
06:59 We owe God worship.
07:01 Is that point clear?
07:03 Now, in order to understand why we should worship God
07:09 because He is the creator.
07:10 Of course, it would help us
07:12 to go back to the story of creation.
07:15 How can you talk about the need to worship God
07:17 who is the creator and not go back to Genesis
07:20 to discuss the creation story?
07:22 So, if we want to understand why we worship God,
07:27 we need to go back to the story of creation.
07:30 So let's go back to Genesis 1:31
07:35 and we'll read through 2:1.
07:40 Now, this is the conclusion of God's work of creation
07:44 the first six days of creation week.
07:47 It says there in Genesis 1:31,
07:50 then God saw everything that He had made,
07:55 don't forget that.
07:57 Everything that, how much did man make?
08:00 Nothing, this is very important.
08:03 "Then God saw everything that He had made,
08:06 and indeed it was very good.
08:09 So the evening
08:10 and the morning were the sixth day."
08:12 So when did God finished His work of creation?
08:17 The sixth day.
08:19 Notice what it continue saying in 2:1,
08:21 which really belongs with Chapter 1,
08:24 even though it begins at Chapter 2.
08:25 It says, "Thus the heavens and the earth,
08:29 and all the host of them, were" what?
08:33 "Were finished."
08:35 So when did God finish His work,
08:37 after how many days did God finished His work?
08:40 It says that God finished His work
08:42 at the end of the sixth day and God did all of the work.
08:48 But now we have a slight little problem.
08:51 Let's go to Genesis 2:2-3,
08:55 Genesis 2:2-3,
08:58 it says there and we're gonna unpack these two verses,
09:02 because there is several points
09:03 that we want to emphasize here.
09:05 It says, "And on the seventh day,"
09:08 which day?
09:10 "The seventh day God ended His work..."
09:13 Now wait a minute.
09:15 Didn't we just read that
09:17 He finished His work the sixth day,
09:20 you know, thus the word ended
09:21 here is the identical word finished
09:23 in Genesis 2:1, it's the identical word.
09:28 So, you know, you'll say now wait a minute.
09:31 So the question is how could God have finished
09:34 the sixth day and also finish the seventh day.
09:38 Let's finish reading the verses.
09:41 And on the seventh day God ended
09:43 or finished the same word,
09:44 finished His work which He had done,
09:47 and He rested, the word Shabbat,
09:51 actually a better translation would be he ceased.
09:55 The seventh day he created no more, he ceased.
09:57 "So he rested on the seventh day
10:01 from all His work which He had done.
10:03 Then God blessed the seventh day and"
10:10 what? "And sanctified it,
10:12 because in it He rested or ceased from all His work
10:17 which God had created and made.
10:20 So the first question that we want to ask is this.
10:24 How could God finish his work the sixth day
10:26 and then finish his work the seventh day?
10:29 It says so clearly here.
10:31 Did Moses see that there might be a contradiction here
10:34 when He was writing this?
10:35 There is no contradiction.
10:37 I give the following illustration.
10:40 I want you to imagine a master artist.
10:43 A master artist is painting this beautiful scene of nature.
10:49 He gets the canvas and he puts it on the frame
10:53 and the first day he add some colors to the canvas
10:58 and after the first day he looks and he says,
11:00 oh, it's good.
11:02 So the second day he comes
11:04 and he adds a few colors and objects to the canvas.
11:09 And at the end of the second day
11:10 he steps back and he says, it's good.
11:13 So the third day he comes
11:15 and he adds a few objects there and trees,
11:19 maybe flowers and so on.
11:20 And after he finishes the third day,
11:22 he says, ah, it's good.
11:24 And so he does the same the fourth day
11:27 and the fifth day and the sixth day.
11:29 And on the sixth day he puts the final touches
11:33 to this beautiful scenery of nature on the canvas.
11:38 Has he finished his work of art?
11:41 Yes and no.
11:44 You say, now, wait a minute, yes and no.
11:46 Yes, he finished it,
11:48 He's not gonna add any more colors to the canvas
11:51 but is there something missing?
11:54 What is missing?
11:56 His signature identifying
11:59 who painted the canvas.
12:03 Are you with me?
12:05 God finished painting the canvas of nature,
12:09 a living canvas in six days.
12:12 But on the seventh day
12:13 God signed His work of creation to identify who made it.
12:18 Are you with me?
12:19 So the Sabbath is definitely part of creation week.
12:23 Now, three times in this passage
12:25 that says that the Sabbath is which day of the week.
12:28 Three times it says that
12:30 the Sabbath is the seventh day of the week.
12:34 And what three things did God do at creation week?
12:39 He rested and then He what?
12:43 He blessed the Sabbath and then He what?
12:47 He sanctified the Sabbath or He made it holy.
12:51 Now, I want you to remember these things
12:52 because we're gonna come
12:54 to another passage in a few moments.
12:55 Are you clear so far?
12:58 Now, let's examine some facts
13:02 about the days of creation.
13:05 The days of creation were literal
13:08 24 hour days like we know them today.
13:14 How do you know that, you'll say.
13:16 There are several reasons.
13:19 Reason number one is that each day had an evening
13:22 and a morning.
13:23 It would be absolutely absurd to say
13:26 that the day had an evening and a morning
13:28 if the day lasted for thousands or millions of years.
13:33 Secondly, there is an immediacy in the language
13:38 that is used for creation.
13:40 We're told in the Book of Psalms
13:42 that God spoke and it was done,
13:46 that is saying that God spoke and it was done.
13:50 It doesn't say He spoke
13:51 and million of years later it was done.
13:53 He spoke and it was done according to Psalm 33.
13:57 Furthermore there is an interesting expression
13:59 that is used in the creation story several times,
14:02 and it is that when God made something
14:04 it says and it was so.
14:08 It would be absurd to say
14:10 it was so after one billion years.
14:14 No, God spoke and it would so
14:17 according to the creation story.
14:19 Furthermore, the Sabbath in the fourth commandment
14:23 in the Book of Exodus
14:25 proves that the days of creation were literal days,
14:28 and you say why is that?
14:29 Because God says
14:31 and we're gonna come back to this in a few moments.
14:33 God said you work six and you rest the seventh
14:38 because I worked six and rested the seventh.
14:42 It would be absolutely ridiculous for God to say
14:45 you work six and rest the seventh
14:48 because I worked six and rested the seventh
14:51 if the days that God worked
14:53 and rested were millions of years.
14:56 Are you with me or not?
14:57 God is saying I worked six literal ones,
15:00 I rested the seventh literal one,
15:01 now you follow my example.
15:03 You work six literal days
15:05 and you rest on the seventh literal day
15:08 Are you following me or not?
15:09 Now, were there any Jews
15:14 at the beginning at creation week?
15:17 No, the word Jew comes from Judah,
15:19 son of Jacob after sin.
15:21 So let me ask you.
15:23 Was the Sabbath made for the Jews?
15:26 Absolutely not.
15:28 The Sabbath was instituted by God
15:31 for the whole human race
15:33 because the whole human race descends from Adam and Eve.
15:36 Now, the Sabbath in its original function
15:41 has nothing to do with redemption.
15:43 You know, you'll find evangelicals today,
15:45 they'll say well, you know,
15:47 the Sabbath was in the Old Testament
15:50 a sign of the coming Messiah,
15:51 the rest that we were gonna have in Jesus,
15:53 so the important thing is the spiritual rest,
15:56 it's not keeping the day.
15:59 The problem with that idea is that
16:01 when God created the Sabbath,
16:02 there was no need for redemption
16:04 because there was no sin.
16:06 You see the Sabbath was not a shadow of redemption
16:09 in its first function,
16:12 later it became a symbol of redemption,
16:14 but in its original function,
16:16 the Sabbath was to point to God as the creator before sin.
16:20 So this argument that, you know,
16:22 the Sabbath came in after sin
16:25 to illustrate the rest that was gonna be given to us
16:28 in Christ simply does not square
16:30 with a Genesis story
16:31 because the Genesis story says that
16:33 the Sabbath was made by God
16:35 at the very beginning of history before sin,
16:39 before there was any need of a redeemer.
16:42 Is that clear?
16:43 Now, let's take a look at the weekly cycle.
16:48 Henry Morris who was a staunch creationist.
16:53 He passed away a few years ago,
16:58 said something very interesting
17:00 about the weekly cycle of seven days.
17:03 Do you know why we have a weekly cycle of seven days?
17:07 Let me ask you what is the year?
17:09 The year is the amount of time that it takes our planet
17:13 to make one complete revolution around the sun,
17:16 365 and a quarter days.
17:19 What is the biblical month?
17:21 It's the time between one new moon and another.
17:25 What is the day?
17:27 It's the amount of time that it takes the earth
17:31 to make one complete turn on its axis
17:33 which about what?
17:35 24 hours.
17:36 So the year, the month and the day
17:38 have an astronomical explanation,
17:41 but why does the week have seven days?
17:44 It has no astronomical explanation.
17:46 It has no reason in nature to have seven days.
17:51 So why does the week have seven days?
17:53 It must be that the week has seven days
17:56 because God in Genesis it says
17:59 established a week of seven days
18:01 and has nothing to do with astronomy
18:03 with the movements of heavenly bodies.
18:05 And Henry Morris recognized this when he wrote,
18:08 "The Lord himself had worked six days,
18:13 then rested on the seventh, setting thereby a" what?
18:19 "A permanent pattern for the benefit of the" Jews,
18:24 no that's not what He says, He says,
18:26 "A permanent pattern for the benefit of" whom?
18:30 "Of mankind."
18:32 Did this individual who is not a Seventh-day Adventist
18:34 recognized that the weekly cycle
18:36 was established at creation,
18:38 and that it was to be a permanent pattern
18:40 throughout all of human history,
18:42 that's what he's saying.
18:44 Ellen White was even more explicit.
18:46 She agrees with Henry Morris
18:48 but she is more explicit and more descriptive.
18:50 Notice in Patriarchs and Prophets, page 111,
18:53 this is a magnificent statement,
18:56 she wrote, "Like the Sabbath,
18:59 the week originated at creation,
19:03 and it has been" what?
19:05 "Preserved and brought down to us through Bible history.
19:10 God Himself measured off..."
19:15 He say you can see Him,
19:16 He measures off in 24 hour segments,
19:19 seven 24 hour segments,
19:20 you can just see God using His measuring stick.
19:24 So she says God Himself measured off the first week
19:27 as a" what?
19:28 "As a sample for successive weeks to the close of time."
19:33 Is that exactly what Henry Morris wrote?
19:35 Absolutely, then she writes, "Like every other,
19:39 it consisted of seven literal days.
19:44 Six days were employed in the work of creation,
19:47 and upon the seventh, God rested..."
19:50 And now I want you to catch this, don't miss it.
19:52 We're gonna come back to this in a few moments.
19:55 "God rested and" what?
19:58 He then,
20:01 now listen carefully,
20:04 "God rested, and He then did" what?
20:08 "And then He blessed this day
20:11 and set it apart as a day of rest for man."
20:15 When did God set the Sabbath apart as a day of rest for man?
20:18 When the Sabbath began or when the Sabbath ended?
20:22 When the Sabbath ended after God rested.
20:25 Are you following me or not?
20:26 Now, we're gonna take a look at that
20:28 because that's a very, very important point.
20:31 Now, some people say, Pastor Bohr,
20:32 how do you know that
20:34 the Sabbath today is the same Sabbath of the days of Christ?
20:38 Or how do you know that the Sabbath
20:40 that is the same Sabbath of creation.
20:43 And I've had non-Adventists ask me this question
20:46 on several occasions,
20:47 and I usually ask them a question, I say, okay,
20:50 let me ask you which day of the week do you keep?
20:53 They say, "Well, we keep Sunday."
20:54 And I say, "Why do you keep Sunday?"
20:56 Say, "Well, because that's the day
20:57 that Jesus resurrected."
20:59 So, I say, "You're telling me
21:00 that you go to church on Sunday today
21:02 because that's a very day that Jesus resurrected."
21:04 "Yes, that's what we're saying."
21:06 And so I tell him, "Now, wait a minute,
21:08 if Sunday today is the same Sunday of the resurrection,
21:12 the Sabbath is the same Sabbath as well.
21:16 You can't say that Sunday is the same Sunday
21:18 but the Sabbath is not the same Sabbath.
21:20 So you're telling me
21:22 that the weekly cycle has not changed
21:23 at least to the days of Christ.
21:25 But they say, "Oh, but how do you know
21:27 that the weekly cycle goes all the way back to creation
21:30 and I tell them because Jesus was the creator
21:33 and He would not have kept the wrong day.
21:37 He kept the day that He established.
21:39 You know, it's amazing how people seek for excuses
21:43 to not keep God's Holy Sabbath.
21:46 And you know what Henry Morris does?
21:48 He just spoils it all
21:50 because shortly after he makes the statement
21:53 that God established the week as a permanent pattern,
21:56 he says but there is no way that we can know
21:59 that the weekly cycle
22:00 as we have it today is a same weekly cycle of creation
22:03 and so Christians need only keep one day in seven.
22:09 And in that way,
22:10 he disposes of the seventh day Sabbath
22:13 because He says we don't know
22:15 that the weekly cycle today is the same weekly cycle.
22:17 Well, if God created the weekly cycle,
22:19 do you think God would preserve the weekly cycle,
22:22 especially if the Sabbath was established
22:24 as the sign of creation, I believe so.
22:27 You know, it's interesting how some European countries
22:30 have switched the calendar around.
22:33 They begin the week on the calendar on Monday.
22:37 They make Monday the first day
22:39 and if you make Monday the first day,
22:41 what is the seventh day?
22:42 Sunday.
22:44 What they're trying to do is
22:45 they're trying to say see the seventh day is what?
22:48 Sunday.
22:50 But there is a big problem with that.
22:51 The Bible says that Jesus resurrected
22:53 the first day not on the seventh day.
22:55 So that argument can be clearly disposed off
22:58 by going to the Bible,
22:59 but the desire is to change the calendar
23:02 to make people think that the seventh day is Sunday
23:06 because they see it on the calendar
23:07 when clearly the weekly cycle begins on Sunday,
23:12 the first day of the week and it ends on Sabbath.
23:15 Are we clear so far?
23:16 You're saying,
23:17 "What does this have to do with the prophetic chain?"
23:19 Well, just wait.
23:20 See, all of this is background
23:22 especially to what we're gonna study tomorrow
23:24 in our next subject,
23:26 but we need to first understand
23:27 worship to the true God and the sign of the true God.
23:32 Now, another interesting point that we find is that
23:36 according to Psalm 24:1-2,
23:40 God owns everything.
23:44 Notice there Psalm 24:1-2,
23:49 "The earth is" whose,
23:52 "is the Lord's, and all its fullness, "
23:55 that means everything in it.
23:57 "the world and those who dwell therein."
24:00 Let me ask you, why is the world
24:02 and everything in the world the property of God?
24:05 Here comes the explanation,
24:06 for that means because He has what?
24:10 Founded it upon the seas,
24:12 and established it upon the waters.
24:15 So why does everything that God created
24:18 at the beginning belong to Him,
24:19 because He made it, because He created it, right.
24:23 Let me ask you.
24:25 To whom does the light belong?
24:27 To God.
24:29 To whom does the firmament belong?
24:31 To whom does the vegetation belong?
24:34 To whom do the sun, moon and stars belong?
24:37 To whom do the birds belong?
24:40 To whom do the fish belong?
24:43 To whom do the land animals belong?
24:46 To whom do man and woman belong?
24:50 To whom does the Sabbath belong?
24:52 To the Jews.
24:55 Now how much sense does that make?
24:57 Everything God made at creation week,
25:00 they say, oh, yeah,
25:01 its God's, its God's, its God's
25:02 but when you come to the seventh day
25:04 which God made, they say for the Jews.
25:07 In order for the Sabbath to be the Sabbath of the Jews,
25:10 the Jews would have to make it,
25:12 but God made the Sabbath
25:14 and therefore the Sabbath belongs to Him
25:16 just as much as everything else
25:19 that was made during creation week.
25:21 And that's the reason
25:22 why the Sabbath in the Bible
25:25 is referred to as the Sabbath of the Lord, your God.
25:30 It is never called the Sabbath of the Jews.
25:32 Furthermore in Isaiah 58,
25:34 God says take away your foot from my holy day,
25:39 is what God is saying.
25:41 So who owns the Sabbath?
25:43 The Sabbath is owned by God.
25:46 Why is it owned by God?
25:47 Because He made it, He made it just like
25:49 He made everything else during creation week.
25:51 It is not something that belongs to the Jews.
25:55 In fact, everything that God made during creation week,
26:00 He made for whom?
26:03 For us.
26:05 Was this world made for us?
26:07 Yes, absolutely.
26:09 So everything was made for us
26:11 but the Sabbath was made for the Jews.
26:15 How much sense...
26:17 Come on, let's use our reasoning powers.
26:19 You know, God says come let us reason together.
26:23 He wants things to make sense.
26:25 So how much sense does it make to say oh, yeah,
26:28 everything in this world is belongs to God
26:31 but the Sabbath belongs to the Jews.
26:34 It's absolutely absurd.
26:36 It doesn't make any sense.
26:38 The Sabbath is God's because God made it.
26:40 And we find it in Mark 2:27,
26:43 Jesus Himself said the Sabbath was made for the Jews.
26:48 No, that's not what it says, that's not what it says.
26:51 He says, the Sabbath was made for what?
26:54 For man, for Anthropos,
26:57 so Jesus is saying at the very beginning
27:00 the Sabbath when it was made, it was made for whom?
27:03 For man, it was not made for the Jews.
27:07 Now, let's go to another passage
27:11 which deals with creation.
27:14 The fourth commandment of the God's holy law,
27:16 spoken by His own voice and written by His own finger.
27:21 Exodus 20:8-11.
27:27 Remember, we're gonna make comments
27:31 a little bit later on everything here.
27:33 'Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
27:37 Six days you shall labor and do all your work,
27:41 but the seventh day is the Sabbath
27:44 of the Lord your God.
27:47 In it you shall do no work: you nor your son,
27:52 nor your daughter, nor your male servant,
27:54 nor your female servant, nor your cattle,
27:57 nor your stranger who is within your gates."
27:59 Why would God say
28:00 they were supposed to labor six days
28:02 and we're supposed to rest on the seventh day.
28:05 Why would He say that?
28:06 Because He did it first.
28:10 When did He do it?
28:12 At creation.
28:13 The fourth commandment sends us back where?
28:15 To creation.
28:17 Notice what verse 11 says,
28:18 'For, " that means because
28:22 "in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth,
28:26 the sea, and all that is in them,
28:28 " and now notice this.
28:30 "And rested the seventh day."
28:33 Is that in the story of Genesis also
28:35 that God rested the seventh day?
28:38 Yes, and then what did He do?
28:41 Blessed the Sabbath day.
28:43 Is that in the story of creation in Genesis?
28:46 And hallowed it or made it holy.
28:50 Is that in the Genesis story?
28:51 Are we dealing with the same Sabbath here
28:54 in the fourth commandment as the creation Sabbath?
28:56 Absolutely.
28:58 And God is commanding human beings to what?
29:04 To keep it.
29:06 So we know that the fourth commandment is connected
29:09 with the creation story.
29:12 The Sabbath of the fourth commandment
29:13 is the same Sabbath of Genesis.
29:17 Now, were the days of creation literal?
29:20 Of course they were, because God says,
29:23 you work six and rest the seventh
29:25 like I worked six and rested the seventh.
29:28 It would be ridiculous for God to say
29:30 they were supposed to follow his example
29:32 in working six and resting the seventh
29:34 if the days of creation were millions of years long.
29:37 Is that making sense?
29:39 See, God tells us the reason, use our reasoning powers,
29:42 don't just listen to what people say,
29:44 don't just read the newspapers,
29:46 don't just go with the flow,
29:47 you know, go to the Bible and study it for yourself.
29:51 And if you find it in scripture, obey it,
29:53 because it's always best to obey God.
29:57 In other words, we are to keep the Sabbath
29:59 following God's what?
30:01 God's example, He says keep the Sabbath...
30:04 work six and rest the seventh following my example
30:08 which I established when?
30:09 Which I established at creation.
30:12 Now, did you notice the word remember
30:14 at the beginning of fourth commandment?
30:16 Remember, interesting.
30:20 Did the Sabbath exist
30:22 before the law was given on Mount Sinai?
30:25 Absolutely, because Israel is asked to what?
30:29 To remember the Sabbath day.
30:32 When you're asked to remember something,
30:34 it's dealing with a past event.
30:38 You know, we have this expression
30:39 remember the Alamo.
30:42 Now, was the Alamo historical event?
30:46 Yeah, so when it says remember the Alamo,
30:48 it means that you're remembering an event
30:50 that took place when?
30:51 In the past.
30:53 So if the fourth commandment begins by saying
30:54 remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy,
30:57 did the Sabbath exist before?
30:59 It did and we know where it existed before
31:02 because the same words seventh day rested,
31:06 blessed, sanctified,
31:08 are using the fourth commandment as at what?
31:12 As at creation.
31:14 Now, I find it very interesting that Christians would agree,
31:19 if you ask them should we worship God?
31:21 Oh, yeah, yeah, we should worship God.
31:24 Why should we worship God?
31:25 Oh, because He is our creator.
31:27 But when you say, you know,
31:30 should we be reminded of that?
31:32 No, that's not important.
31:35 Let me ask you,
31:36 is it important to be reminded that God is the creator?
31:39 Yes.
31:40 And what sign did God give to remind us
31:44 that He is the creator?
31:45 The seventh day Sabbath.
31:47 Let me add a little side light here.
31:50 The creator according to the Bible was Jesus Christ.
31:54 You can read that in John 1:1-3.
31:58 In the beginning was the word and the word was with God
32:01 and the word was God.
32:02 He was in the beginning with God,
32:03 all things were made through Him.
32:06 Jesus was the creator.
32:07 It's interesting that Jesus worked six days
32:10 and it says that He finished the sixth day
32:13 and then He rested the seventh day.
32:15 Do you know that happened in redemption as well?
32:18 On the sixth day Jesus said on the cross,
32:20 "It is finished."
32:21 And on the seventh day
32:23 He rested from His works of redemption
32:25 in the tomb on the Sabbath.
32:28 So you can't separate the redeemer from the creator
32:30 and say, the creator sign is the Sabbath
32:33 but the redeemer sign is Sunday,
32:36 because the creator is also what?
32:38 The creator is also the redeemer.
32:43 Now, here we come to a very important point.
32:47 Protestant theologians will tell you,
32:51 listen there is no record in the Book of Genesis
32:55 that Adam and Eve were commanded to keep the Sabbath.
33:01 There is not any evidence in Genesis
33:03 where God told Adam and Eve, keep the seventh day Sabbath.
33:06 And so they argue
33:08 that the Sabbath was not a creation institution
33:12 because there is no direct command in the creation story
33:14 where God told Adam and Eve
33:16 that they had to keep the Sabbath.
33:19 So the question is why didn't God...
33:23 Why don't we find in the pages of Genesis,
33:26 God commanding Adam and Eve
33:28 to keep the seventh day Sabbath?
33:30 The reason is that
33:34 the Sabbath had to be created
33:38 before God could command Adam and Eve to keep it.
33:42 Let's read two texts from the Old Testament.
33:45 Let's go to Genesis 2:3.
33:51 You know there is this concept
33:54 that you know God told Adam and Eve
33:57 to keep that for Sabbath.
33:59 When the Sabbath was beginning, God told Adam and Eve,
34:01 okay, now, this day you're gonna keep.
34:05 In other words, the idea that God blessed
34:07 and sanctified the Sabbath when the day was beginning.
34:10 The Bible doesn't teach that.
34:11 Notice Genesis 2:3,
34:14 "Then God blessed the seventh day
34:17 and sanctified it..."
34:18 Why did God blessed the Sabbath and sanctify it?
34:22 "Because in it He" what?
34:24 "Rested."
34:25 So let me ask you,
34:27 did God rest first and then blessed
34:28 and sanctified the day,
34:30 that's what the text says.
34:31 It says, "Then God blessed the seventh day
34:33 and sanctified it,
34:35 because in it He rested from His work
34:39 which God had created and made."
34:41 So God rests and then He what?
34:45 And then He blesses and He sanctifies the Sabbath.
34:48 So when is the Sabbath blessed and sanctified?
34:50 When that first Sabbath was beginning
34:52 or when the first Sabbath came to an end.
34:54 When the first Sabbath came to an end.
34:57 Let's notice another text,
34:58 and you say what difference doest it make,
35:00 you'll see in a minute.
35:01 Exodus 20:11.
35:06 This is the conclusion of the fourth commandment
35:08 we just read it,
35:09 but now I want to underline a very important point.
35:12 "For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth,
35:16 the sea, and all that is in them,
35:19 and rested the seventh day..."
35:21 Do you know that in many versions
35:22 there is a period there?
35:25 In Hebrews it's called the Athnak.
35:29 And there is an Athnak in Hebrew where...
35:34 When there is a period,
35:36 it means that this event finished
35:39 and now the reason is going to be given.
35:42 Notice what it says after the period.
35:45 So it says, "For in six days the Lord made
35:49 the heavens and the earth,
35:50 the sea, and all that is in them,
35:52 and rested the seventh day.
35:55 Therefore...
35:59 What did God do?
36:00 The Lord blessed the Sabbath day
36:03 and hallowed it.
36:05 Why did God bless and hallow the seventh day?
36:08 Why did He make it Holy, because what?
36:10 Because He had rested on that day.
36:13 So does God rest and bless
36:16 and sanctify the Sabbath all at the same time?
36:18 No, God rest up on it,
36:22 His rest makes the day holy
36:24 and a blessed day and when the day ends,
36:26 God says this day is now blessed,
36:30 this day is now what?
36:31 This day is now holy.
36:35 Now you say, why is this important.
36:38 There is a very important reason.
36:41 You see God made the Sabbath by resting on it.
36:44 Did He?
36:46 Did God make the Sabbath by resting on it?
36:48 He most certainly did.
36:50 And then after He had made it, what did He do?
36:53 He gave it to man.
36:55 Let me ask you,
36:57 could God give the Sabbath to man before He made it?
37:02 Are you following me or not?
37:04 Could God give all the things of the first six days
37:07 of creation week to man without making them first?
37:10 No, so God makes the Sabbath by His rest.
37:13 The Sabbath becomes blessed and holy by His rest
37:16 and then when He's made the Sabbath,
37:19 then God says to Adam and Eve, now,
37:23 the Sabbath is what?
37:25 Is for you.
37:27 So the Sabbath becomes holy when it ends
37:30 and it's holy because God rested on the day.
37:32 Now we can understand
37:34 why God didn't command Adam and Eve
37:35 to rest on that first Sabbath
37:36 because God could not tell them to keep the Sabbath holy
37:40 if it wasn't holy until it ended.
37:43 You're not following me.
37:45 Are you following me?
37:46 When did the Sabbath become holy?
37:48 When it ended.
37:50 So how could God tell them
37:52 when that Sabbath was beginning,
37:53 keep the Sabbath holy if it wasn't holy yet.
37:58 Further, even further Adam and Eve
38:01 were supposed to follow God's example
38:05 in observing Sabbath.
38:06 But how could Adam and Eve
38:08 follow God's example of Sabbath keeping
38:10 unless God showed them how to do it.
38:15 Let me read you three statements
38:17 from the writings of Ellen White,
38:18 the little lady understood this,
38:21 notice, she never got it wrong.
38:24 She clearly says each time in her writings
38:27 that God rested and after He rested,
38:31 when He had rested the last second,
38:33 then God said this day is now blessed
38:37 and this day is holy,
38:38 and then when He had created the day,
38:41 He gives it to Adam and Eve.
38:43 Now notice this statement
38:45 the first one is Patriarchs and Prophets, page 47.
38:48 After resting upon the seventh day,
38:51 what was that?
38:55 Do you understand what the word after means?
38:58 "After resting upon the seventh day,
39:01 God sanctified it."
39:04 When was the Sabbath sanctified?
39:06 After He rested.
39:08 "After resting upon the seventh day,
39:10 God sanctified it,
39:12 or set it apart, as a day of rest for man."
39:14 When did the Sabbath become a day of rest for man?
39:17 When the first Sabbath what?
39:19 Ended, I hope you got this point,
39:21 very important.
39:23 So after resting upon the seventh day,
39:25 God sanctified it or set it apart
39:27 as a day of rest for man.
39:28 Now listen to this.
39:29 "Following the example of the Creator..."
39:33 How could God tell Adam and Eve to keep the Sabbath
39:35 if He didn't show them how to do it first?
39:39 That's why it's called the Sabbath of the Lord
39:41 because God rested first.
39:45 Continue saying,
39:46 "Following the example of the creator,
39:48 man was to rest upon this sacred day,
39:51 that as he should look upon the heavens and the earth,
39:54 he might reflect upon God's great work of creation
39:57 and that as he should behold
39:58 the evidences of God's wisdom and goodness,
40:01 his heart might be filled with love and reverence
40:04 for his Maker."
40:06 Do you know what God did on that first Sabbath?
40:09 In the Book of Job kind of gives us a little inkling,
40:11 Job 38:4-7,
40:13 describes creation and then it says,
40:15 that all of the heavenly universe
40:17 shouted and sang for joy.
40:21 It describes creation
40:23 and then it says they all sang.
40:25 So I can imagine what God did on that seventh day?
40:27 By the way Adam and Eve were there,
40:29 they were observing what God was doing.
40:31 They were observing God's Sabbath observance.
40:33 What was God doing?
40:34 Oh, He was taking them on a scenic tour of the Garden.
40:39 See, how do you like those flower?
40:41 Oh, those flowers are so beautiful,
40:43 they smell so nice.
40:45 What about these fruits?
40:46 Here, have a taste of this apple,
40:48 Lord, this is delicious.
40:49 In other words, God delighted on the seventh day
40:52 in His work of creation.
40:54 The Bible teaches that
40:55 and then when the day ends
40:57 and Adam and Eve has seen God
40:58 delight in His work of creation,
41:00 God says to have Adam and Eve,
41:01 now you've seen how I've done it,
41:03 now, next Sabbath you do it that way.
41:07 Are you understanding this?
41:09 God first have to give the example.
41:10 Here's another statement, Desire of Ages, 281,
41:13 "Because He had rested upon the Sabbath,
41:17 "God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it."
41:20 Why did God bless and sanctified the Sabbath?
41:21 Because He had rested.
41:24 And when did He give it to Adam?
41:26 When the day began or when it ended.
41:28 It says, He gave it to Adam
41:30 as a day of rest after He rested.
41:32 He gave it to Adam as a day of rest.
41:34 It was a what?
41:35 A memorial of the work of creation and thus a what?
41:39 A sign, it's a memorial and a sign of God's power
41:44 and His love.
41:47 Now, let me go,
41:49 let me just mention one more thing
41:51 so this is absolutely clear.
41:55 Do you know the fourth commandment
41:56 applies to Adam and Eve
41:58 beginning with a second week of history?
42:03 You say, now, why would that be?
42:05 Because the fourth commandment says,
42:07 work six and rest the seventh like I worked six
42:11 and rested the seventh
42:12 but Adam and Eve had not worked six.
42:19 Are you following me?
42:20 And so God work six,
42:23 He rest the seventh
42:24 and then He says to Adam and Eve,
42:25 by the way, you know,
42:27 I did all of this in six days,
42:28 you saw me rest on the seventh says,
42:30 now, tomorrow your sixth day start
42:34 and you're gonna work six days
42:35 and the next seventh day
42:37 you're gonna keep the Sabbath the way you saw me keep it.
42:42 Is this making sense?
42:43 So, God established Sabbath as the creation institution.
42:47 God did not command Adam and Eve
42:49 to keep that first Sabbath
42:50 because the Sabbath wasn't holy yet,
42:52 God had to give the example, God had to rest first.
42:54 The Sabbath is first of all God's Sabbath
42:57 and then after He makes it, what does He do?
43:00 He gives it to man.
43:02 Incidentally, the Bible tells us,
43:06 that at the second coming of Jesus,
43:08 this earth will be returned
43:10 to the condition it was in before creation.
43:13 Jeremiah, the Prophet Jeremiah saw this,
43:16 it's in fact, chapter 4:23,
43:18 he says, "I beheld the earth
43:19 and it was without form and void
43:22 and darkness was over the earth."
43:24 Is that the condition of the earth
43:25 before creation week?
43:27 Absolutely, so the world is gonna return
43:29 to a great degree to the condition it was in
43:31 before creation week.
43:34 So is God going to perform another work of creation?
43:36 Is He gonna create a new heavens and new earth?
43:39 How many days do you think
43:41 God is gonna use to create a new heavens and new earth?
43:44 You know, I used to think that God would instantaneously say,
43:48 He would instantaneously say,
43:49 let there be everything that there was before.
43:53 But that's not what the Bible teaches.
43:55 Go with me to Isaiah 66:22-23,
44:01 three ideas that I want us to notice in this verse,
44:04 three ideas in these two verses.
44:07 "For as the new heavens
44:10 and the new earth which I will make
44:13 shall remain before Me..."
44:14 So is God going to do a new work of creation,
44:16 new heavens and new earth?
44:18 Yes, He's gonna create again, that's a first point.
44:21 "So shall your descendants and your name remain.
44:25 And it shall come to pass
44:26 that from one new moon to another..."
44:27 Don't get all hung up over that,
44:29 the new moon marks the beginning of the month.
44:31 The Spanish version says from month to month,
44:33 de mes a mes.
44:34 So the new moon simply means that from month to month
44:36 and the Bible says
44:37 that we will go from month to month
44:39 to eat from the tree of life
44:40 'cause the tree of life produces its fruit every month,
44:42 Revelation 22:2,
44:44 but not only every month,
44:46 it says and it shall come to pass that
44:49 from one New moon to another,
44:51 and from one Sunday to another...
44:54 Uh, thank you very much,
44:55 you're still awake out there, and from what?
44:59 One Sabbath to another,
45:02 all flesh, not all the Jews,
45:05 if you have flesh you'll be there,
45:06 if you're saved,
45:08 all flesh shall come to what?
45:10 To worship before me, says the Lord.
45:13 What are the three day ideas
45:15 that are connected in these verses?
45:16 Number on, creation.
45:19 Number two, worship.
45:21 And number three,
45:22 the sign of worship which is the Sabbath.
45:26 Is that found in Genesis
45:27 and in the fourth commandment as well?
45:29 It's found in Genesis and in Exodus.
45:32 The same will happen at the end.
45:34 How much sense does it make to say,
45:35 well, at creation it was the Sabbath, you know,
45:39 all throughout the Old Testament
45:40 it was the Sabbath.
45:41 Jesus went into the synagogue on the Sabbath.
45:44 The apostles in the Book of Acts kept the Sabbath.
45:47 In the new heavens and new earth,
45:48 it's gonna be Sabbath,
45:50 but meanwhile Sunday.
45:54 Come on,
45:56 let's use our heads.
45:59 You know, God doesn't want us to go
46:01 simply by emotion about what others say.
46:04 Christians follow what they're said,
46:06 even ministers follow
46:07 what they've been taught in the seminary.
46:11 Go to the Bible for yourself, think,
46:14 pray and ask God for light,
46:16 and when God has given you the light,
46:18 obey the light,
46:20 no matter what it might cost you.
46:24 The Sabbath is not only a memorial creation,
46:27 the Sabbath is also a sign between God and His people.
46:32 It is the seal of God between Him and His people.
46:36 Let's read Exodus 31:16-17,
46:39 Exodus 31:16-17,
46:44 "Therefore the children of Israel
46:47 shall keep the Sabbath..."
46:49 Let's stop there for a moment.
46:50 See, people say see,
46:52 it's only the children of Israel
46:54 that shall keep the Sabbath.
46:56 We'll come back to that in a minute.
46:58 "Therefore the children of Israel
46:59 shall keep the Sabbath,
47:01 to observe the Sabbath throughout their generations
47:04 as a perpetual covenant.
47:06 But now notice the reason
47:08 why God says that Israel should keep the Sabbath,
47:11 it says, it is a what?
47:14 A sign between Me
47:16 and the children of Israel forever,
47:19 and now comes the reason.
47:20 "For that is because in six days
47:24 the Lord made the heavens and the earth,
47:26 and on the seventh day He rested and was refreshed."
47:30 Let me ask you, is the reason for Israel keeping the Sabbath,
47:33 the reason at creation before the entrance of sin?
47:37 Absolutely, because this harks back to what?
47:41 It harks back to creation as the reason.
47:44 Now, let's deal with the issue
47:45 where it says here
47:47 that therefore the children of Israel
47:50 shall keep the Sabbath.
47:52 Let me ask you this.
47:55 Did God give all of the Ten Commandments
47:56 to Israel at Mount Sinai?
48:01 So, thou shall have no other gods
48:03 before Me is only for Israel.
48:10 You should not make any graven image or worship it,
48:12 that was only for Israel,
48:13 God gave the Ten Commandments to Israel.
48:16 Don't take the name of the Lord God in vain,
48:18 that's only for Israel,
48:19 God gave the Ten Commandments to Israel.
48:22 Honor your father and your mother,
48:23 that was for Israel,
48:25 God give the Ten Commandments to Israel.
48:27 You shall not kill, that was for Israel,
48:29 God gave the Ten Commandments to Israel.
48:32 You shall not commit adultery only for Israel,
48:34 God gave the Ten commandments to Israel.
48:37 You shall not steal.
48:39 Praise the Lord, we can steal all we want,
48:43 because the commandment was given to Israel at Mount Sinai.
48:46 Don't bear false witness against your neighbor,
48:48 that's for Israel,
48:49 the Ten Commandments were given to Israel.
48:51 Don't covet, only for Israel,
48:53 God gave the Ten Commandments for Israel.
48:54 So, what they do is they say, oh no,
48:58 the Ten Commandments were for everybody
49:00 except the Sabbath.
49:03 God gave all of the Ten Commandments to Israel,
49:06 but nowhere does it say
49:07 that the Ten Commandments
49:09 were given exclusively for Israel.
49:12 God gave the Ten Commandments to Israel
49:14 because those were His people at that day and age.
49:19 But it doesn't mean that
49:21 the Ten Commandments did not apply to everyone after that
49:24 because the Ten Commandments are God's moral law
49:27 for the entirety of humanity.
49:30 Are you understanding my point?
49:32 Nowhere does it say exclusively.
49:35 And by the way the reason why
49:39 Israel is to be keep the Sabbath is because
49:40 they are to be reminded that it is a sign
49:42 that God is the creator.
49:44 So only Israel needs to remember the creator.
49:47 We're not to remember the creator,
49:49 we're not to keep the Sabbath or remember the creator.
49:51 Only Israel needs to be reminded
49:53 that God was the creator.
49:55 Come on, be real.
49:57 don't, doesn't everybody,
49:58 don't Christians have to be reminded
50:00 that God is the creator.
50:01 Yes and what is the sign that God gave
50:04 or the memorial that God gave
50:05 to remind us every week that God was the creator.
50:08 It is the seventh day Sabbath.
50:11 Furthermore, Galatians 3:28-29
50:15 says that if we are Christ,
50:17 we are Abraham's seed.
50:19 So if we are Abraham's seed, we are Israel.
50:22 And if we are Israel, we must keep the Sabbath.
50:25 Are you understanding me or not?
50:27 Besides that Isaiah 56:4-7
50:31 says that the Sabbath
50:32 even in the Old Testament was for the gentiles.
50:35 Not only for the Jews.
50:37 My house will be called the House of Prayer
50:40 for all the Jews.
50:41 That's not what it says, for all people.
50:44 And it's speaking in the context
50:46 about the gentiles.
50:47 Furthermore, Jesus said
50:49 the Sabbath was made for whom?
50:52 The Sabbath was made for men.
50:54 So let's not say that simply because it says that
50:57 the Sabbath is a sign between God and Israel,
51:01 that it's not a sign between God
51:03 and the rest of the people after Israel,
51:06 because it was not made only for Israel.
51:10 Don't add the word only or the word exclusively there
51:14 to Exodus Chapter 31.
51:18 Now there's another passage
51:19 that speaks of the Sabbath as the sign.
51:21 Notice, Ezekiel 20:12 and 20.
51:26 "Moreover I also gave them my Sabbaths,
51:31 to be what?
51:33 A sign between them and Me,
51:35 that they might know that I am the Lord who what?
51:39 Who sanctifies them."
51:41 And then verse 20 says, "Hallow My Sabbaths,
51:44 " that means keep them holy,
51:46 and they will be once again what?
51:48 "A sign between Me and you,
51:50 that you may know that I am the Lord your God."
51:56 Some people say, "How do you know that
51:58 these are not the ceremonial Sabbaths?"
52:00 Very simple, there's no evidence in the Bible
52:03 that the ceremonial Sabbaths were ever a sign
52:05 between God and His people.
52:08 Secondly, the word sign is the identical word
52:11 that is used in Exodus 31
52:13 where we just noticed that the Sabbath,
52:15 the seventh day Sabbath is the sign.
52:18 And furthermore, it says here in Ezekiel Chapter 20,
52:22 that the Sabbath is a sign that God sanctifies His people.
52:26 Let me ask you.
52:28 Do the feast have anything to do
52:30 with God sanctifying His people?
52:31 No, it's the fourth commandment that says
52:34 that God sanctified which, the seventh day of the week.
52:38 So this is dealing with the seventh day Sabbath.
52:41 Are we clear on this point?
52:42 Now, the Bible tells us that at the very end of time
52:47 and I believe that we're in that end of time.
52:49 God will raise up a people
52:51 to proclaim three messages from the Book or Revelation.
52:54 They're known as the Three Angels' Message.
52:57 They're actually one message with three parts.
53:01 And I want you to notice the first angel's message.
53:05 We are told in Revelations 14:6 and 7
53:09 in language very similar to Genesis,
53:12 and very similar to Exodus Chapter 20,
53:15 the following.
53:16 "Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven,
53:20 having the everlasting gospel to preach
53:22 to those who dwell on the earth
53:23 to every nation, tribe, tongue and people
53:26 saying with a loud voice,"
53:28 notice what this angel is proclaiming,
53:30 ''Fear God and give glory to Him,
53:33 for the hour of His judgment has come,'
53:35 and now notice this,
53:36 and what,
53:38 ''and worship Him,'' who what?
53:41 "Who made heaven and earth, and the springs of water.''
53:44 What does the first angel command?
53:47 By the way, did you notice that it doesn't say
53:48 that this message goes to the Jews?
53:51 The command to worship it says it goes to every nation,
53:55 to those who dwell on the earth,
53:56 to every nation, tribe, tongue and people.
53:59 Is this a universal message for everyone?
54:01 The call to worship God because He is the creator.
54:05 By the way, would that involve the Sabbath as well?
54:08 Would the first angels' message bring attention of the people
54:12 of worshipping God
54:13 because He's the creator
54:15 and the sign of the creator is the Sabbath?
54:17 We notice that in scripture.
54:19 You can't separate the Sabbath
54:21 from the idea of worshipping God
54:23 because He's the creator,
54:25 because the Sabbath is the sign of the creator.
54:28 You can't get rid of the sign and say that you worship God.
54:32 You know it's like Christians, they say,
54:34 "Oh yeah, I believe that I worship God
54:36 and I should worship God because He's the creator.
54:38 But don't remind me of it."
54:41 God gave us a weekly reminder.
54:44 Because God wants us to remember
54:46 that He is the creator
54:47 and they were supposed to worship the creator.
54:49 Absolutely.
54:50 He gave us a weekly sign.
54:52 By the way,
54:54 God will have that same sign at the end of time.
54:56 Notice Revelation 7:1-3.
54:59 Revelation 7:1-3,
55:01 ''After these things I saw four angels
55:03 standing at the four corners of the earth,
55:05 holding the four winds of the earth,
55:07 that the wind should not blow on the earth,
55:09 or on the sea or on any tree."
55:11 In other words, God is holding back
55:12 the winds of strife in this world.
55:15 "Then I saw another angel ascending from the east,
55:17 having what?
55:18 The seal of the living God."
55:20 If you go to Romans 4:11
55:21 seal and sign are used interchangeably.
55:25 Those two words basically mean the same thing.
55:27 So it says, ''Having the seal of the living God.
55:31 And he cried with a loud voice to the four angels
55:33 to whom it was granted to harm the earth and the sea,
55:35 saying, 'Do not harm the earth, the sea, or the trees
55:39 till we have sealed the servants of our God
55:41 on their foreheads.'
55:42 '' Does God have a seal or a sign
55:46 between Him and His people?
55:47 Yes.
55:49 What is that sign according to what we've studied?
55:52 The Book of Ezekiel and Exodus 31 says that,
55:55 that sign is what?
55:57 The seventh day Sabbath.
55:58 So let's review
56:00 the three essential points of what we've studied,
56:03 and this will set the stage for the other side of the coin
56:06 in our next lecture.
56:08 Number one, we worship the true God
56:12 because He is what?
56:14 Because He is the creator
56:16 and the sign that He is the creator is
56:20 the seventh day Sabbath.
56:22 But now listen up.
56:23 In the Book of Revelation,
56:26 we have a power that is called the beast.
56:29 We've studied about the beast, haven't we?
56:32 And this beast is going to claim to be God on earth
56:37 because he is going to demand what?
56:40 Worship.
56:42 Does the beast also have a mark or a sign,
56:45 that he's going to put on the forehead
56:47 and on the right hand?
56:48 Yes.
56:50 Is that sign a mark of the beast's authority?
56:53 Like the seal or the sign of God,
56:55 is the sign of God's authority?
56:58 Yes.
56:59 In fact, listen carefully to what I'm going to say.
57:02 The first angel's message says,
57:04 ''Worship the creator.''
57:07 And even though it doesn't mention the Sabbath,
57:09 we know that the Sabbath is the sign of the creator.
57:12 The third angel's message says, "Don't worship the beast."
57:18 It is the other side of the coin.
57:20 The first angel says,
57:21 worship the true God, the creator,
57:23 keep his sign.
57:24 The third angel's message says,
57:26 woe to you if you worship the beast
57:29 and you receive his sign,
57:30 because you're going to be lost.
57:32 Now if the sign of God is the Sabbath,
57:38 what would be the opposite sign of the beast?
57:42 It must be another day, because it is the opposite,
57:47 are you with me or not?
57:49 And so in our next study,
57:50 we're going to study about the beast
57:53 demanding worship
57:54 and we're going to talk about his sign.
57:57 The great dividing issue in the world
58:01 at the end of time.


Revised 2016-11-07