God's Prophetic Chain

But He Spoke Like a Dragon

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: GPC

Program Code: GPC000004A

00:30 Before we get started,
00:31 we want to have a word of prayer,
00:33 then we'll have a review of what we've studied so far
00:35 to give us some context,
00:37 and then we will get into new material.
00:39 So, let's just bow our heads for a word of prayer.
00:41 Father in heaven,
00:42 we come before your throne
00:44 realizing that our wisdom is not sufficient
00:47 to understand the great themes from your word,
00:50 especially prophecy.
00:51 And so we claim the promise of your presence
00:54 to help us understand.
00:56 And not only to understand but to be able to share
00:59 what we're studying here.
01:01 So we ask for the presence of your Holy Spirit
01:03 through the ministry of the angels.
01:05 We ask Lord that you will instruct us
01:08 and you will empower us
01:10 to understand these things and proclaim
01:12 into the world.
01:13 And we thank you for hearing our prayer
01:15 for we ask it in the precious name of Jesus, amen.
01:20 Well, let's do a little review of what we've studied so far.
01:24 We're studying God's great prophetic chain.
01:29 Where does a chain begin?
01:31 It begins with Babylon,
01:33 very well, 605 to 539 B.C.
01:36 What is the second kingdom?
01:39 Medo-Persia and that kingdom ruled
01:42 from 539 to 331 B.C.
01:45 Then we have a third king, what is the third kingdom.
01:49 Greece, it's the leopard, Greece.
01:51 Greece ruled from 331 B.C. to 168 B.C.
01:56 And then we have a fourth beast,
01:58 this fourth beast represents which empire?
02:01 It represents the Roman Empire.
02:03 And what happened to the Roman Empire
02:05 after a long period in which it was united?
02:09 It was what?
02:10 It was divided.
02:12 It was divided into 10 kingdoms.
02:14 The nations of Europe today
02:16 are the fruit of the division of the Roman Empire.
02:20 And that's interesting that we noticed in the news
02:23 that our Great Britain has decided
02:25 to get out of the European Union.
02:28 The prophecy of Daniel Chapter 2 says
02:30 that they will not cleave together
02:32 which is very, very interesting
02:33 even though they tried to get together,
02:35 the fact that they're so different in language
02:38 and they're so different in culture
02:39 makes it very, very difficult.
02:41 Different than the US,
02:43 the US has one language and basically one culture.
02:46 So it makes it much easier to have
02:47 50 say states in one nation.
02:50 Europe is a different story with different economies
02:53 and a different culture and different languages,
02:55 it makes it impossible for Europe to come together.
03:00 And so, we have the division of the Roman Empire
03:03 and then among the 10 divisions rises what?
03:07 A little horn.
03:09 How long does that little horn rule?
03:13 1260 years exactly.
03:18 When do the 1260 years begin?
03:21 In the year 538 A.D.
03:24 that is after Christ.
03:26 And when do the 1200 years end?
03:30 They end in the year 1798
03:34 and what happened in 1798?
03:35 Two things happen
03:37 to the little horn or the beast,
03:38 because we noticed that the little horn
03:40 and the beast represent the same power.
03:42 What happened to the little horn or the beast?
03:45 Number 1,
03:46 the system was wounded by what?
03:49 By the sword.
03:50 What does the sword represent?
03:52 It represents the civil power, that's right.
03:55 And the second thing that happen
03:57 to this beast system or the little horn
04:00 is that it was sent into what?
04:02 It was sent into captivity,
04:04 which means that it could no longer use
04:07 the civil powers of the world to accomplish its purposes.
04:11 Do you remember that?
04:12 And so, in 1798,
04:14 since 1798, the papacy has been wounded.
04:18 The papacy has been in captivity
04:21 because it has not been able to climb on the backs
04:25 of the civil rulers of the world
04:27 to impose her beliefs and to impose her practices.
04:31 So for the last two hundred years plus,
04:33 the papacy has been in inactivity.
04:36 It has been a wounded system
04:38 because the civil powers do not allow
04:40 the papacy to use them to accomplish her purposes.
04:45 Now, the question is,
04:47 does the prophetic chain continue after 1798?
04:52 Do we have anything in the Bible
04:54 about what's gonna happen after 1798.
04:58 Yes, the Bible does have information on that.
05:01 Let's go to Revelation 13:11, Revelation 13:11.
05:07 It says that,
05:09 "Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth,
05:14 and he had two horns like a lamb
05:17 and he spoke like a what, he spoke like a dragon."
05:21 Now, I need to explain something,
05:23 I don't have the time in this presentation
05:26 to prove what I'm gonna say but I will,
05:30 I have a syllabus that Secrets Unsealed carries
05:34 which deals with the structural matters
05:36 of the Book of Revelation,
05:37 but when the Book of Revelation
05:39 introduces a new series
05:41 in the first verse of the series,
05:44 it contains the beginning and ending point of the series.
05:48 In other words,
05:49 when chronologically the series begins
05:51 and when chronologically the series ends.
05:53 So when it says here that this beast
05:57 from the earth has two horns like a lamb
06:00 but speaks like a dragon,
06:01 it doesn't mean that from the time it began,
06:04 it spoke like a dragon.
06:06 It simply means that at the beginning,
06:08 it had two horns like a lamb and after a period of time,
06:11 it started speaking like a dragon.
06:13 That's a very important point that we need to keep in mind.
06:16 Now, obviously this beast has a positive side
06:19 and a negative side.
06:21 The positive side of this beast is the two horns like a lamb.
06:27 The negative side of this beast is that this beast
06:30 speaks like what?
06:32 Speaks like a dragon.
06:33 You know, you can actually read Revelation 13: 11
06:36 in two different ways.
06:38 You can read it and that this beast
06:42 that rose from the earth had two horns like a lamb
06:46 and spoke like a dragon.
06:48 In other words,
06:49 while it still has the two horns,
06:50 the little lamb.
06:52 He speaks as a dragon
06:53 or it can be translated that it had two horns like lamb,
06:57 but it spoke like a dragon.
06:59 I think that the best translation is that
07:03 this beast had two horns like a lamb,
07:04 the positive side,
07:06 but in spite of having the two horns like a lamb,
07:09 it actually didn't speak like a lamb, it what?
07:12 It spoke like a dragon.
07:15 In other words, it professes one thing
07:18 but in practice it is something different.
07:21 Are you with me so far?
07:23 Now, the big question is,
07:25 what nation could be represented
07:29 by this beast that rises from the earth?
07:31 This beast that has two horns like a lamb
07:34 but speaks like a dragon.
07:36 What nation could be represented?
07:37 Well, we're gonna look at ten characteristics
07:41 that identify this beast that rises from the earth.
07:45 Number 1,
07:47 this is a beast
07:49 and what do beasts represent in Bible prophecy?
07:53 In every case beast represent nations or empires.
07:59 Is the lion a nation?
08:01 Is the bear a nation?
08:02 Is the leopard a nation?
08:04 Is the dragon beast a nation?
08:06 Is the ram a nation?
08:08 Is the he goat a nation?
08:09 Absolutely.
08:11 So in this case,
08:12 this beast must represent another what,
08:16 another nation that rises now.
08:19 It's not a person, it's a nation.
08:22 Now, I want you to notice, what was stated by the,
08:25 Bible commentator Adam Clarke, you know,
08:28 he's from about a 150 years ago,
08:30 but he said something very, very true
08:34 about Revelation 13:11
08:37 and I read now,
08:38 "As a beast has already been shown
08:42 to be a symbol of a kingdom or empire,
08:47 the rising up of the second beast
08:50 must consequently represent
08:53 the rising up of another empire,
08:56 is he right?
08:57 So he says,
08:58 the other beast were empires or kingdoms
09:00 so the rising of this beast must mean
09:03 that this is another nation or another what,
09:06 or another empire.
09:07 That's characteristic number one.
09:09 It has to be a nation.
09:11 Number two,
09:13 the historical flow method that we are using
09:16 tells us when this nation was going to rise.
09:21 Let's review what we started with,
09:23 because it's important for us to understand that
09:26 the chain has several links.
09:28 Are you following me or not?
09:29 When you connect all other links,
09:31 you see the trajectory from the times of Babylon
09:33 to the very end of time without any gaps.
09:37 It's quite simple.
09:38 You know exactly where you are in the flow.
09:40 You know exactly where you are
09:42 in the sequence of the world history,
09:44 don't you?
09:45 When you can see all of the links
09:47 one after the other,
09:48 you know, how history is flowing
09:50 and how history is going to flow.
09:53 So where does this beast out rise?
09:56 When does it rise?
09:58 Well, we have the lion which is Babylon,
10:00 we have the bear, the Medes and Persians.
10:03 We have the leopard beast which is Greece.
10:05 We have the dragon beast which is Rome.
10:08 We have the 10 horns on the dragon beast
10:10 which is divided Rome,
10:12 then we have the little horn
10:14 which is the same as the Sea beast.
10:15 Remember we prove that in three different ways.
10:18 The little horn is the same as the sea beast,
10:20 and that sea beast
10:22 or little horn rules for how long?
10:24 For 1260 years,
10:27 from 538 to 1798.
10:30 But what happens in 1798?
10:33 This little horn or beast is sent into what,
10:37 into captivity and is wounded with a sword.
10:41 In other words, its period of dominion ends
10:43 in 1798 with a deadly wound and it is sent into captivity.
10:49 And then immediately after that
10:52 first beast receives a deadly wound
10:54 and is set into captivity,
10:56 you have the beast from the earth that rises.
11:00 So here is my question.
11:02 When would we expect this nation
11:05 or this empire to arise in the prophetic flow?
11:09 It would have to be after the year
11:11 or around the year what?
11:13 1798.
11:14 We have to look for a nation that rises
11:17 around the year 1798.
11:19 There's another reason why we know that this is true.
11:23 Characteristic number three, notice Revelation 13:10 and 11,
11:27 Revelation 13:10 and 11.
11:29 This is closely related to point number two.
11:32 It says speaking about that first beast
11:35 that rose from the sea representing the papacy,
11:37 the same as the little horn,
11:38 he who leads into captivity shall go into captivity.
11:44 He who kills with a sword must be killed with a sword.
11:49 Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.
11:52 So notice verse 9 and verse 10
11:57 speaks about the deadly wound
12:00 and the captivity of the beast
12:02 at the end of his period of dominion.
12:04 The very next verse,
12:05 verse 11 speaks of the beast that rises from the earth.
12:10 So do you notice when he is going to arise?
12:12 It's after the first beast is sent into captivity,
12:16 after the first beast receives its deadly wound.
12:18 Notice what it says, in verse 11, Then...
12:22 What does then indicate?
12:24 This happens and what?
12:26 And then this follows.
12:28 Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth,
12:31 and he had two horns like a lamb
12:34 but he spoke like a dragon.
12:35 So around what date would you expect
12:37 this nation to arise?
12:39 It would have to be around the year what?
12:41 1798,
12:43 because we have a chain of events here.
12:45 Are you following me or not?
12:46 I mean, it's not complicated, this is not rocket science.
12:49 You don't have to have the wisdom of King Solomon.
12:52 In order to understand that you're dealing with Babylon,
12:54 Medo-Persia, Greece, the Roman Empire,
12:56 the divided Roman Empire
12:58 and then the papacy ruling 1260 years sent into captivity,
13:02 received a deadly wound,
13:04 and then at that point
13:06 this other nation rises from the earth,
13:09 and it has two horns like a lamb
13:11 and it speaks like a dragon.
13:12 Are you following me so far?
13:14 Let's notice characteristic number four.
13:17 The earth must represent a sparsely populated area.
13:22 You say why is that?
13:24 Because we already noticed that in Bible prophecy,
13:27 waters represent what?
13:30 Multitudes, nations, tongues and peoples.
13:33 So this beast does not rise where there are multitudes,
13:37 nations, tongues and peoples,
13:39 it rises from the earth.
13:40 In other words,
13:42 it is a very sparsely populated area.
13:45 Further more,
13:47 you'll notice that there are no winds involved
13:49 when this beast rises.
13:52 No winds, there are no waters,
13:55 there are no savage beasts that this beast has to concur.
13:59 He simply rises from the earth,
14:02 so he does not rise in the midst of warring
14:04 with previous nations, you know,
14:06 there is knocked out winds
14:08 and strife when this nation rises,
14:10 simply this nation rises from the earth.
14:14 I want to read a statement
14:15 that was written by Daniel J Burstyn,
14:18 who was the librarian of Congress for many years.
14:22 In 1975, he gave a series of lectures
14:25 called the Reith Lectures in London,
14:27 and this is what he stated
14:29 about the nature of the place where the United States arose.
14:33 The vacancy of North America, no that means empty right,
14:36 not very many people.
14:38 "The vacancy of North America was to prove to be
14:43 its peculiar promise to the world.
14:46 Emptiness was America's special fertility."
14:51 Not so in the old world,
14:53 the old world was very, very populated,
14:56 but what this librarian of Congress is saying
14:59 that this place was empty when it comes to people,
15:04 and that's the reason
15:05 why this beast rises from the earth
15:07 and does not rise from the waters.
15:10 Let's go to characteristic number five.
15:12 Did you notice that it tells us here,
15:15 that this beast rises from the earth.
15:19 Now, that word rises is very interesting,
15:21 it could be translated, sprouted from the earth.
15:25 In other words, in 1798,
15:27 it had not reached its full size,
15:29 it was just sprouting in 1798.
15:33 You say, well, how do you know that?
15:35 Well, the same word for rising is used in Matthew 13:7,
15:41 it's speaking to the Parable of the Sower,
15:43 and I want you to notice what Jesus had to say.
15:47 And some of the seed fell among thorns
15:52 and the thorns what,
15:54 sprang up and choked them, see.
15:57 So in 1798,
15:59 this nation had not reached the apex of its power,
16:02 the climax of its power,
16:03 it was just sprouting or rising from the earth
16:07 at that specific date.
16:09 Later on it was gonna grow into a huge empire.
16:14 Now, notice once again,
16:16 what this historian had to say
16:19 about the rise of the United States.
16:22 This is G.A Townsend in his book
16:24 The New World Compared with the Old.
16:28 He states the history of the United States
16:31 was separated by a beneficent Providence
16:34 from the wild and cruel history of the rest of the continent.
16:38 You know, the Spaniards,
16:39 they were very cruel in colonizing
16:41 Latin America for example.
16:43 So this historian is saying,
16:45 the history of the United States was different
16:47 than the rest of the continent,
16:49 and then he uses this terminology
16:51 which is very interesting,
16:53 and like a what,
16:56 a silent seed we what,
17:00 we grew into an empire.
17:03 And this is a secular historian.
17:05 He doesn't have the foggiest idea
17:07 that he is making a comment on Revelation 13:11.
17:11 So in 1798,
17:13 this nation had not reached the fullness of its power,
17:16 this nation was just what, it was just sprouting.
17:21 Now, another important characteristic,
17:23 this would be characteristic number six.
17:26 I already mention that the first four beasts rose
17:29 from the sea.
17:31 Now, the first two beasts of Daniel 7 are powers
17:35 that ruled in Asia.
17:39 You know that Babylon,
17:41 and you know that Medo-Persia are Asian powers.
17:44 The next two beasts
17:46 which is the leopard and the dragon beast
17:49 are European powers.
17:53 Isn't that right, Greece and Rome?
17:55 Do you notice that really
17:57 we are moving from east to west?
18:00 Prophecy moves from east to west
18:02 because Christianity move from east to west.
18:06 So when Christianity moves,
18:08 prophecy moves along with a Christians
18:10 if you follow me.
18:12 And so, it's interesting to notice then
18:14 that this nation could not rise in Asia
18:19 and could not rise in Europe,
18:21 because if this nation had risen in Europe or Asia,
18:25 it would say that it rose from the sea,
18:27 from the waters
18:29 because those other beasts rose from the waters.
18:31 But because it doesn't say that it rises from the waters,
18:34 it must mean,
18:35 it doesn't rise in Asia or in Europe.
18:37 Are you with me or not?
18:38 Because the Asian and European powers
18:40 were the ones that rose from the sea.
18:42 So if this one rose in one of those two continents,
18:45 it would say that this beast rose from what?
18:48 From the sea or from the waters.
18:50 Now, another interesting characteristic,
18:53 this is characteristic number seven.
18:55 This territory provided refuge for God's people
18:59 that were persecuted during the 1260 years.
19:02 We don't have a lot of time
19:04 to get into all of these details,
19:06 but I'm just gonna briefly tell you the story.
19:08 Revelation 12 has many of the same elements
19:11 as Revelation 13.
19:14 There it speaks about a dragon
19:16 that persecutes the women
19:18 which represents the saints or God's people,
19:21 persecutes the saints,
19:22 it says in one verse,
19:25 time times and the dividing of time,
19:27 that connects with Daniel 7.
19:29 And a little later on it says,
19:31 the women fled to the wilderness
19:33 for 1260 days.
19:35 So by going to Revelation 12, you know,
19:38 that the time, times dividing of time
19:40 and the 1260 days are the same time period,
19:43 because in the chapter
19:45 the persecution of God's faithful people
19:47 represented by a pure woman is spoken of as taking place
19:51 during 1260 years,
19:52 but if you read verse 16, it says there that
19:56 when the woman was being persecuted,
19:59 the earth helped the woman
20:02 and swallowed up the waters of persecution.
20:07 So they're speaking about the territory that provided refuge
20:10 for God's persecuted people.
20:12 Let me ask you,
20:13 when persecution was hot in Europe,
20:16 where did people flee
20:19 to find freedom of worship
20:22 and to live in harmony
20:23 with the dictates of their conscience.
20:25 This is simply history.
20:26 They fled from Europe and they came where,
20:29 to the earth,
20:30 to the United States of America.
20:32 So when it says that this beast rises from the earth,
20:34 it means that the nation is arising in the territory.
20:38 Where as in Revelation 12, when it says,
20:41 that the earth helped the woman,
20:43 the United States did not exist yet,
20:45 but territory existed because the colonial period,
20:48 the United States didn't exist.
20:49 They were colonies of England.
20:51 Are you with me or not?
20:52 And so in Revelation 12, it says,
20:54 the earth came to the rescue,
20:56 the territory of the Untied States,
20:57 and then later on the beast rises from the earth.
21:01 That's when the nation of the United States rises
21:03 in this territory.
21:05 Are you with me or not?
21:06 So the territory of the United States
21:09 provided refuge for God's persecuted people.
21:13 Now, let's go to characteristic number eight.
21:16 Later in the history of this nation,
21:18 according to Revelation 13,
21:22 it would become a world wide super power.
21:26 It would be a super power economically,
21:29 because it says in Revelation 13,
21:31 that it would forbid to buy and sell on a global level.
21:36 It must have a dominion of the economy
21:39 in order to do this.
21:40 It would be a super power militarily,
21:43 because it will be able to enforce
21:46 the mark of the beast on pain of death
21:49 world wide whoever does not received the mark of the beast.
21:54 And it must also be a world power politically,
21:57 because it will lead all nations of the world
22:01 to worship the first beast.
22:03 So even though it begins like a little,
22:07 little plant from a seed,
22:09 later on it takes on huge gigantic proportions.
22:15 It becomes a world super power economically,
22:19 militarily and politically.
22:22 Incidentally, I have a little description here
22:25 of the population of the United States.
22:29 From the year 1701,
22:31 this is towards the later end of the colonial period.
22:35 In all of the Untied States there were 260,000 population.
22:40 In 1776,
22:42 when the declaration of Independence was ratified,
22:46 it had to grown to 2.8 million.
22:48 In 1800, it had grown to 5,236,000.
22:54 Just a hundred years later, in 1900,
22:57 it had grown from 5,000,000 to 76,212,000.
23:03 In 1950, just 50 years later,
23:06 the United States had grown to a 151,325,000
23:11 and the last census figure, in 2016,
23:15 the United States had a population of over
23:17 340,000, 000 populations.
23:22 Has the United States become a gigantic world super power?
23:26 It most certainly has.
23:28 Even though it began like a little seed
23:30 sprouting up from the earth, it became a world super power.
23:35 Now, let's notice characteristic number nine,
23:38 where as the beast of Daniel 7 ruled in succession,
23:44 the previous beast disappears, right,
23:46 like the bear finishes off the lion, correct,
23:49 and the leopard finishes off the bear,
23:52 and the dragon finishes off the leopard.
23:54 So the kingdom that is conquered
23:57 doesn't rule anymore.
23:59 But this beast from the earth is different,
24:01 because this beast
24:03 from the earth is actually coexistent
24:06 with the beast that received the deadly wound.
24:09 And we're gonna find
24:10 that it is actually going to help
24:13 the first beast recover its freedom
24:16 and recover from its deadly wound.
24:19 Are you following me or not?
24:21 So the second beast is a lot younger than the first beast,
24:25 and in a certain sense
24:27 they're going to exist together,
24:29 and the second beast is gonna help the first beast
24:32 recover its freedom from captivity
24:35 and recover from its deadly wound.
24:38 And then characteristic number 10.
24:41 While the land beast has two lamb like horns,
24:45 it will end up speaking like a dragon.
24:48 So we need to ask the question,
24:50 who is the dragon
24:52 and what are the lamb like horns?
24:55 See characteristic number 10,
24:56 we need to identify the dragon
24:58 and we need to identify also the two horns like a lamb.
25:04 Now, let's talk first of all about the dragon.
25:07 Let's read Revelation 13:11 once again,
25:10 "Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth,
25:15 and he had two horns like a lamb
25:18 and spoke like a dragon."
25:21 Now, let's deal first of all with the fact that this beast
25:25 speaks like a dragon.
25:26 Let me ask you what does the dragon represent?
25:31 Well, I give you half credit for that.
25:34 I heard the answer Satan,
25:36 and it certainly represent Satan,
25:38 but there is a very important point
25:40 that I don't like you to miss.
25:43 And that is that the dragon represents
25:46 Satan working through Rome.
25:51 Satan works through Rome.
25:53 You say, how is that?
25:55 Well, let's talk first of all about the Roman Empire.
25:59 In Revelation 12,
26:01 we find the dragon standing next to the woman
26:03 to devour the child as soon as the child was born.
26:07 So who stood next to the woman to try and kill the child?
26:11 Was it the devil with pitchfork in hand,
26:13 and horns coming out of his head and a tail,
26:15 obviously the devil doesn't look like that,
26:17 but that's the way people usually portray him
26:19 and think of him.
26:20 Did the devil stand personally their next to Mary
26:22 to try and kill Jesus?
26:24 No.
26:25 How did the devil seek to slay Christ?
26:28 He influenced the Roman ruler Herod,
26:33 his earthly instrument so to speak to try
26:38 and finish off Jesus Christ when he was born.
26:40 So the dragon in this
26:41 first instance represents Satan,
26:43 but it represents Satan working through what,
26:47 working through the Roman Empire.
26:49 Now, what about during the 1260 years?
26:53 Here's where things get very interesting.
26:56 If you read Daniel 7,
26:57 it says the little horn persecuted
26:59 the saints of the Most High.
27:01 And the little horn represents what power?
27:03 Rome.
27:05 Which Rome?
27:06 Papal Rome, very good.
27:08 The little horn
27:09 or the beast represents papal Rome,
27:10 but when you go to Revelation 12,
27:12 it says that the dragon persecuted the woman
27:16 when she fled to the wilderness.
27:18 Now, wait a minute,
27:20 is it the little horn or is it that the dragon
27:22 that's persecuting the woman and the saints.
27:25 If the dragon in Revelation 12 is Satan,
27:28 but Daniel 7 tells us
27:31 that Satan works through the little horn
27:33 or through the beast.
27:34 Are you with me?
27:36 In other words, he is working through Rome,
27:38 because the little horn and the beast represents what?
27:41 Represents Rome.
27:42 So did Rome try to slay the man child?
27:45 Yes.
27:47 Did Rome try to annihilate God's Church?
27:49 Yes.
27:51 Papal Rome, Satan working through papal Rome.
27:53 So let me ask you when it says
27:54 that this beast has two horns
27:56 like a lamb, but speaks like a dragon,
27:58 it must mean that this beast not only speaks like Satan,
28:03 but it will speak like Rome.
28:08 You didn't get that?
28:09 Did you get that?
28:11 Because in Revelation 12, 13
28:14 the dragon represents Satan working through Rome.
28:19 It was Satan working through Rome
28:21 that try to slay the man child.
28:23 It was Satan working through Rome
28:25 who tried to destroy the church
28:27 during the 1260 years.
28:29 And it will be Satan working through Rome
28:31 with the help of the United States,
28:33 we're gonna notice
28:34 that will lead to the final persecution of God's people.
28:37 So when it says that it speaks like a dragon,
28:39 it is speaking like the devil who is speaking through Rome.
28:44 Are you understanding this point?
28:46 Crucially important.
28:47 Now, the interesting thing is that
28:51 this second beast becomes an ally of the first beast.
28:56 You know, all of the other beasts,
28:59 you know, they finished off the beast
29:00 before them, you know.
29:02 The bear fought with the lion,
29:04 finished him off.
29:05 You know, he had even three ribs in his mouth.
29:08 And then, you know,
29:09 the leopard comes
29:10 and the leopard finishes off the bear.
29:12 And then this dragon beast comes
29:14 and he finishes off the leopard.
29:16 In other words, the first four kingdoms,
29:18 they're fighting against the previous kingdom
29:21 but with this beast, it's different.
29:23 With this beast that rises from the earth,
29:25 it seems like its destiny is to help
29:29 the first beast recover its power.
29:32 Let me go to Revelation 13,
29:34 and you'll see this very, very clearly.
29:36 By the way we know that this is true
29:38 because this nation is gonna speak like a dragon.
29:41 It's gonna speak like what,
29:43 like Rome, that's right.
29:44 So that's one of the characteristics,
29:45 this nation is gonna speak like Rome.
29:47 But there are other reasons why we know this.
29:50 Notice Revelation 13:12,
29:56 it's speaking about this beast from the earth
29:59 and it says there,
30:01 "And he exercises all of the authority of" whom,
30:06 of the first beast.
30:07 So who is behind this beast ruling?
30:10 It's the first beast.
30:11 This beast from the earth exercises
30:13 all of the authority of the first beast,
30:17 and it says in his presence.
30:19 You know, most modern versions
30:21 translate that expression
30:22 in his presence is on his behalf.
30:26 There is a perfectly proper translation.
30:28 In other words,
30:30 what it's saying is that this beast from the earth
30:32 exercises all the authority of the first beast
30:35 on its behalf and now notice what it continue saying,
30:38 "and causes the earth and those who dwell in it
30:41 to worship what, to worship the first beast."
30:45 Is everything that this beast is doing
30:47 with reference to the first beast
30:48 to restore its power?
30:50 Absolutely.
30:51 Notice Revelation 13:14,
30:53 this beast will actually
30:55 make an image of the first beast,
30:56 and it's not a literal image,
30:58 it's symbolic.
31:01 It says in Revelation 13:14,
31:03 "And he that is the land beast
31:05 deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs
31:09 which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast,
31:12 telling those who dwell on the earth
31:14 to make an image to the beast
31:16 who was wounded by the sword and lived."
31:18 So what does this beast from the earth do?
31:20 He makes an image of what?
31:22 Of the first beast.
31:24 Not only that, notice Revelation 13:16,
31:29 speaking about the second beast
31:30 it says "He causes all,
31:31 both small and great, rich and poor,
31:34 free and slave,
31:35 to receive a mark on their right hand
31:38 or on their foreheads."
31:40 Whose mark is this?
31:41 It's the mark of the beast.
31:43 Did you catch everything here?
31:46 What is the destiny of the second beast?
31:49 Everything he does is with reference to what?
31:52 To restore freedom and to restore the sword
31:56 to the first beast.
31:57 Let me review.
31:59 First of all, he speaks like a dragon, Rome.
32:01 Secondly,
32:03 exercises all the authority of the first beast.
32:06 Everything he does is on behalf of the first beast.
32:09 He makes everybody worship the first beast.
32:12 He makes an image of the first beast,
32:14 and he imposes the mark of the first beast.
32:17 The destiny of this nation that is spoken of here
32:20 is to restore the sword
32:23 and to give freedom to the system
32:26 that was sent into captivity
32:28 and that was wounded with the sword
32:30 in the year 1798.
32:32 Is this clear to you?
32:33 This is biblical.
32:35 We're studying the Bible here.
32:37 You know, we're not speculating like
32:39 so many Christians today, you know.
32:40 I was here in a non-Adventist pastor
32:43 who was saying, you know, that this,
32:45 the antichrist is gonna rise in the Middle East
32:47 and he is gonna sit in the literal Jewish Temple,
32:50 and he is gonna build this great big statue,
32:52 and this big statue,
32:53 this image is actually gonna be able to talk.
32:57 You know, everybody is gonna worship this statue
32:59 and this antichrist is gonna put a great big tattoo
33:02 on the forehead or on the right hand,
33:04 literalizing everything.
33:06 But we are dealing here with what?
33:08 We're dealing with symbols.
33:10 You have to allow the Bible to interpret the symbols.
33:12 We're not dealing with a literal tattoo.
33:15 Whoever has your mind has you.
33:18 In other words,
33:20 so the forehead means your mind.
33:22 The image is not a literal image,
33:25 it simply means that in this country
33:27 an image of what the papacy was in the past
33:30 is gonna be in the future
33:31 helped by this nation.
33:32 And what characterize the papacy in the past?
33:35 It joined what?
33:36 Church and state.
33:38 So an image of the papacy is that
33:41 the United States is going to join what?
33:44 Church and state.
33:46 That's an image of what the papacy was.
33:48 So it's not a literal image, it is a symbolic image.
33:54 So we discussed what the dragon represents
33:56 and what this beast from the earth is going to do.
33:59 Now, we need to talk about
34:00 the two horns like a lamb.
34:06 Let's go in our Bibles to Daniel 8: 3.
34:10 See the Bible explains itself, folks.
34:14 We don't have to go to Bible commentaries
34:16 to understand the Bible.
34:18 Bible commentaries are helpful,
34:19 I don't have anything against Bible commentaries,
34:22 but Bible commentaries are comments of human beings.
34:25 Uninspired human beings on the Bible.
34:28 It's better for us to go directly to the Bible
34:30 and study it for ourselves
34:32 and reach conclusions based on our study.
34:34 So these two horns like a lamb,
34:38 we need to understand
34:39 what those two horns like a lamb represent.
34:41 The question is what do they represent?
34:43 Revelation 13 doesn't tell you,
34:46 and so what do you do?
34:48 You say, well, did the Holy Spirit
34:49 place in some other place of the Bible
34:53 a verse that will help us understand
34:55 what the two horns like a lamb represents,
34:57 because the Holy Spirit superintended
35:00 the composition of the Bible.
35:01 The Holy Spirit put everything in the Bible
35:03 that we need to understand every verse of the Bible.
35:06 So if Revelation 13:11 does not tell us
35:09 what the two horns like a lamb are,
35:11 then we go to other verses of the Bible
35:13 that perhaps are parallel and help us understand.
35:15 Are you following the principle?
35:17 Now, the closest parallel
35:19 to Revelation 13:11 is found in Daniel 8:3.
35:25 It says, "Then I lifted my eyes and saw,
35:29 and there, standing
35:31 beside the river, was a what?
35:34 Ram, how many beasts here,
35:36 in this verse, one, right, just a ram, one ram,"
35:39 was a Ram which had two what?
35:42 Horns.
35:43 Also here we have a beast with two horns
35:45 which had two horns and the two horns were high,
35:50 but one was higher than the other,
35:54 and the higher one came up last.
35:57 So you have one beast and this beast has two horns.
36:01 Do you have in Revelation 13:11,
36:03 do you have one beast that has two horns?
36:05 Yes, so do you think maybe
36:07 Daniel 8:3 might help us understand Revelation 13:11?
36:11 Obviously, yes.
36:13 Now, what does this mean, this ram,
36:17 who is one beast that has two horns?
36:21 Well, we don't have to guess
36:23 because Daniel 8:20 tells us
36:26 what this beast,
36:28 this ram with two horns represents.
36:30 It says, "The ram which you saw,
36:33 having the two horns they are the kings"
36:36 or the kingdoms we might say,
36:39 remember that kings and kingdoms
36:40 is interchangeable,
36:41 we've already studied this.
36:43 So they are the kingdoms of what?
36:46 Media and Persia.
36:47 So we have one nation
36:49 and this one nation is composed of two kingdoms.
36:54 One nation, two what?
36:56 Two kingdoms.
36:57 So the question is might
36:59 the beast of Revelation 13:11
37:00 be one nation
37:02 that is composed of two kingdoms.
37:05 Yes, but now,
37:08 I want you to notice something very interesting.
37:10 The horns on the head
37:13 of this beast of Revelation 13:11
37:15 are two horns like a lamb.
37:19 In Revelation invariably
37:21 the lamb is a symbol of Jesus Christ.
37:23 It's used 29 times,
37:25 the word Lamb in the Book of Revelation.
37:27 Every time it's a reference to Christ.
37:30 So these two horns like a lamb
37:32 must be the two kingdoms
37:34 that Jesus the Lamb recognized.
37:37 Are you following me or not?
37:39 So the question is,
37:40 what are the two kingdoms that Jesus,
37:42 the Lamb of God recognize?
37:44 Did Jesus recognize
37:45 the legitimate existence of two kingdoms in one nation?
37:50 Yes, He did.
37:52 You say where is that in the Bible?
37:54 Let's go to Matthew 22:19, 21,
37:59 Matthew 22:19, 21.
38:03 This is why,
38:04 when they ask Jesus
38:06 whether it was proper to pay taxes to Caesar.
38:09 It says there, Jesus says to them,
38:11 "Show me the tax money."
38:14 So they brought Him a denarius.
38:16 And he said to them,
38:18 "Whose image and inscription is this?"
38:19 In other words,
38:21 whose face and whose name is on this coin.
38:23 They said to Him, "Caesar's."
38:26 And he said to them,
38:27 "Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar's,
38:33 and to God the things that are God's."
38:37 How many kingdoms did Jesus, the Lamb of God recognized?
38:40 He recognized two kingdoms.
38:42 The kingdom of God and the kingdom of Caesar,
38:45 or the civil power and the religious power.
38:47 Now, let me ask you
38:49 what is Christ kingdom spiritually speaking on earth?
38:52 It is the church.
38:55 You say where do we find that in the Bible?
38:57 Jesus said to Peter,
38:59 you are Peter and up on this rock
39:02 I will build my church.
39:04 He wasn't saying Peter was a rock.
39:06 He was saying, you are Peter, petros,
39:09 little pebble, you are pebble,
39:11 but upon this rock,
39:13 I will build my church and then he says,
39:15 and I will give you the keys to the kingdom.
39:18 So what is the church?
39:20 The church is the kingdom, right?
39:22 The church is Christ's spiritual kingdom on earth.
39:27 But is there also another kingdom
39:28 which is the civil power.
39:30 Yes, Jesus said therefore give the Caesar
39:33 what is Caesar's and to God that which is God's.
39:35 Now, let me give you an example,
39:37 so that you can understand
39:38 the separation of these two powers.
39:42 Do we have an obligation with God financially?
39:48 What is the financial obligation
39:50 we have towards God?
39:51 It's called the tithe, right?
39:54 Do we have an obligation when it comes to Caesar?
39:56 Yes.
39:57 What is it?
39:59 We don't like it, but it's taxes, right?
40:01 So do we have a financial obligation to God
40:03 and to His church?
40:05 Yes.
40:06 Do we have a financial obligation to Caesar
40:08 or to the state?
40:09 Yes, see.
40:10 So we are recognizing that there is a church
40:12 and there is a state, there is two kingdoms.
40:14 Now, we have a financial obligation
40:16 to one and to the other.
40:18 Now let me ask you,
40:19 would it be proper for the state
40:22 to say to the church,
40:23 hey, we're 18 trillion dollars in debt,
40:26 would you give us some of your money.
40:29 Would that be proper?
40:30 No, on the other hand,
40:32 would it be proper for the church to say,
40:34 you know, we are having really a lot of trouble
40:37 balancing our budget.
40:38 Would you please give us some of Caesar's money
40:41 to help the church, that would be improper.
40:44 Because Jesus said,
40:45 we're supposed to render to Caesar
40:47 what is Caesar's and to God that which is God's.
40:50 So in the Roman Empire
40:51 where there two kingdoms, yes or no?
40:53 Yes.
40:54 In the Roman Empire,
40:55 there was the kingdom of Caesar
40:58 and there was a kingdom of God which was the church.
41:01 Incidentally, you remember that that Pilate
41:05 when Jesus was in His chambers,
41:07 Pilate said don't you know that
41:09 I could release you if I wanted to.
41:12 Jesus said, you could never release me
41:14 unless the power was given you from above.
41:17 So was Jesus recognizing
41:19 that Pilate had a legitimate existence of the ruler
41:21 and that God had given him the ability to rule there?
41:24 Absolutely.
41:25 And Pilate understood it better than the Jews.
41:28 Because you know,
41:30 when the Jews wanted to condemn Jesus,
41:33 Pilate said, hey, you know,
41:34 he hasn't violated any laws of Rome.
41:36 Judge Him according to your law.
41:38 So Pilate recognized two laws.
41:40 The law of God and his law.
41:42 He says he hasn't violated any of my laws.
41:44 You say He violated the church laws, well,
41:46 that's your problem, not mine.
41:49 So did Jesus recognized the existence,
41:52 the legitimate existence of two kingdoms?
41:54 Absolutely.
41:55 Do you know what the Jews wanted?
41:57 The Jews wanted Jesus
41:58 to take over the secular kingdom.
42:00 They wanted Jesus to take over the secular kingdom
42:03 to enforce the religious laws of the Jewish nation.
42:08 And Jesus said no, Caesar will rule as Caesar,
42:13 and the church will function as a church.
42:15 Never do you find Jesus using the Roman government
42:18 to further His objectives.
42:21 Never do you find the early church,
42:23 you read the Book of Acts.
42:25 You never find in the Book of Acts
42:27 that the apostles are appealing to Rome,
42:30 for Rome to help them in the preaching of the gospel
42:33 or punishing people that don't agree with their message.
42:36 But if you read the Book of Acts,
42:37 you'll find time and time again
42:40 that the Jews are appealing to the Roman magistrates
42:42 to punish the Christians.
42:44 They were doing the same thing
42:46 that the apostate church did with Jesus Christ.
42:49 They were appealing to the power of the state
42:52 to persecute the apostles like they did with Jesus.
42:55 Are you following me or not?
42:56 So, in other words,
42:58 church and state are the two kingdoms
42:59 and they are not to be together,
43:01 they are to be what?
43:03 Separate, function separately.
43:06 One nation, two kingdoms,
43:08 the church and the state.
43:10 Notice John 18:36,
43:16 here Jesus is in Pilate's private chambers
43:19 and Pilate has asked Jesus,
43:22 you know, "Are You really a king?"
43:24 And notice what Jesus answered.
43:26 "My kingdom is not of this world."
43:30 So how many kingdoms
43:32 did Jesus recognized then there?
43:33 Two,
43:35 His and the kingdom of the world.
43:37 He says "If My kingdom were of this world,
43:41 My servants would what, would fight,
43:43 they would use the sword,
43:46 so that I should not be delivered to the Jews,
43:48 but now My kingdom is not what?
43:52 My kingdom is not from here."
43:56 Did the Jews constantly want Jesus
43:58 to take over the reigns of the civil government
44:00 to impose the Jewish religion?
44:02 Absolutely.
44:03 Did Jesus accept?
44:05 He refused.
44:06 In fact from the time
44:07 that the devil attempted on the Mount of Temptation,
44:09 you remember the devil offered Him
44:10 all of the kings of the world,
44:12 kingdoms of the world, Jesus said no.
44:15 He rejected them
44:17 but you know what's interesting.
44:19 In the fourth and fifth century,
44:21 the devil offered those same kingdoms
44:23 to the pope and the pope accepted them.
44:25 That's why he is the antichrist,
44:27 because he accepted
44:29 the rulership of the kingdoms of this world,
44:31 where as Jesus rejected
44:33 the rulership over the kingdoms of this world.
44:36 You remember for example,
44:39 when Jesus wanted to go
44:40 through the Samaritan villages on His way,
44:42 His last trip to Jerusalem.
44:44 And He asked for permission to go through these villages
44:47 and the Samaritan said no,
44:49 we don't want You to go through our villages.
44:51 And Jesus had two disciples, the Sons of Thunder,
44:54 James and John,
44:55 and they were indignant, and they said,
44:58 they said the Jesus, you know
44:59 Jesus, how dare they say that,
45:01 do You want us to call fire from heaven to burn them up.
45:06 You want us to use first
45:07 because they don't agree with your kingdom,
45:10 they don't accept you as the Messiah.
45:12 Jesus said, you don't know what spirit you are of.
45:15 You remember also when Jesus fed the 5,000,
45:18 they wanted to take Him
45:19 and they wanted to make Him king,
45:21 remember.
45:22 The Jews constantly wanted to make Him king.
45:24 You even remember
45:25 when Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane,
45:27 and they came to arrest Him
45:29 that Peter took out his sword,
45:31 interesting that he took out his sword
45:34 and he took a swipe at the high priest servant
45:37 and cut off his ear.
45:40 I don't think he was aiming at his ear.
45:42 He was aiming to cut off his head but he missed,
45:44 he was a fisherman and not a soldier.
45:47 But anyway he cut off his ear.
45:49 And what did Jesus say?
45:50 Well done Peter,
45:52 thank you for defending my kingdom Peter,
45:54 and he said to the other disciples,
45:55 you cowards, why don't you chip in too,
45:58 take your swords out.
45:59 Is that what Jesus said?
46:01 No.
46:02 Jesus said something very similar to
46:04 what we find in Revelation 13: 9, 10.
46:06 Jesus says put away that sword
46:08 because whoever kills with a sword
46:10 will be killed with a sword.
46:14 Is that sound like Revelation 13:9 and 10?
46:17 And Peter was supposedly the first pope,
46:21 and Jesus said no,
46:23 you cannot use the sword to defend my kingdom.
46:28 So why did Jesus come then?
46:30 He recognized the legitimate existence of two kingdoms,
46:33 the civil power to preserve the civil order
46:36 and the church to preach the gospel to the world.
46:39 By the way each of them has their own sword, right?
46:42 What is the sword of the church?
46:45 The Bible.
46:46 And how does the church use that sword?
46:49 I'm using it tonight.
46:51 How does a church use the sword?
46:53 By preaching, that's right.
46:56 Does the state have a sword?
46:57 Yes.
46:59 How does the state use a sword?
47:01 To punish everyone who violates civil law, right?
47:05 But is it legitimate for the civil power
47:07 to punish religious offences?
47:09 No, because that's the realm of the church,
47:11 that belongs to God.
47:13 So they have to be what?
47:15 Separate, not together,
47:17 so what I'm saying is that this beast
47:21 that has two horns like a lamb,
47:22 it means that it's gonna be one nation
47:24 because it's one beast,
47:25 but it's gonna recognize the legitimate existence
47:27 in that nation of two kingdoms,
47:29 the church and the what?
47:31 The church and the state.
47:34 Now, the question is, why did Jesus come?
47:37 Let's go to Luke 17:20, 21,
47:39 Luke 17:20, 21, it says,
47:45 "Now when He was asked by the Pharisees
47:48 when the kingdom of God would come,
47:51 He answered them and said,
47:53 "The kingdom of God does not come with observation..."
47:56 What that means is
47:57 it's an external display of power,
47:59 okay.
48:00 The word observation means
48:02 with an external display of power.
48:04 Jesus is saying the kingdom does not come by an external,
48:07 its display of power,
48:09 "nor will they say, 'See here!' or 'See there!
48:14 For indeed,
48:15 the kingdom of God is what, within you.
48:19 Let me ask you.
48:21 What is the best way to transform society
48:24 and to have a righteous and pious society?
48:28 It's by passing laws in congress.
48:32 Is that the way that you change society?
48:35 No.
48:36 You do it by implanting the principles
48:38 of Christ's kingdom of the church
48:40 in the human heart.
48:42 And then when people change, society changes.
48:47 When the law is written in the heart,
48:48 Caesar's laws don't have any jurisdiction over people
48:52 because they're obedient to Caesar's laws.
48:54 Are you with me?
48:56 But the problem is these days, you know,
48:58 people think that the way to eliminate terrorism is by,
49:02 you know, by bombing the terrorists and, you know,
49:06 the way to do away with crime in society
49:10 is to build more prisons, and you know,
49:13 the way to get rid of these shootings
49:15 is to confiscate guns, you know,
49:17 but all of this external measures
49:20 that really don't transform society at all.
49:24 And Protestantism has dropped the ball.
49:27 Because Protestantism today,
49:28 they preach so long that we're not under law
49:30 but we're under grace, then Christian say,
49:32 we can watch the movies what the world watches,
49:34 and we can entertain ourselves like the world,
49:36 we can eat the word,
49:38 and we can dance like the world,
49:39 we can everything like the world,
49:40 and we can have our cake and we can eat it to.
49:43 Protestantism has lost its power
49:45 to transform lives
49:46 because people are concerned about,
49:48 evangelists are concerned about the bottom line,
49:51 you know, gift to my ministry,
49:53 psychological self help and other things.
49:56 When really it is Christ Jesus living in the human heart,
50:00 with a law written in the human heart
50:02 that would transform society.
50:05 Now, let me end by reading a statement
50:07 from the book the Desire of Ages,
50:09 this classic book,
50:10 the Desire of Ages 509 and 510.
50:14 And she's commented on these verses
50:17 that we read from Luke 17:20 and 21.
50:20 "The kingdom of God comes not with outward show.
50:24 The gospel of the grace of God,
50:28 with its spirit of self-abnegation,
50:30 can never be in harmony with the spirit of the world.
50:33 The two principles are antagonistic."
50:37 And then she quotes the Bible,
50:38 "The natural man receiveth
50:40 not the things of the Spirit of God:
50:41 for they are foolishness unto him:
50:43 neither can he know them,
50:45 because they are spiritually discerned."
50:48 And then she comments this,
50:50 "But today in the religious world
50:53 there are multitudes who, as they believe,
50:58 are working for the establishment
51:00 of the kingdom of Christ
51:01 as an earthly and temporal dominion."
51:05 By the way the pope is doing that.
51:08 How many of you have heard Francis I
51:10 ever referred to the second coming of Christ
51:12 as a great hope of the earth.
51:13 Never,
51:15 because the papacy's view is that the papacy
51:19 will take over the dominion of the world
51:22 by influencing and dominating
51:26 the political powers of the world
51:27 to bring heaven on earth.
51:30 That is the view of the Roman Catholic Church.
51:32 It's not that super natural second coming of Christ
51:34 in power and glory
51:36 to destroy all kingdoms
51:37 and set up a kingdom that it shall never be destroyed.
51:39 That does not appear in the theology of the papacy.
51:42 And John Paul II,
51:45 virtually nothing on the second coming of Jesus Christ,
51:49 because that's the objective of the papacy
51:51 is to establish a kingdom on this earth
51:53 under its iron fist rule.
51:57 She continues writing,
51:58 "They desire to make our Lord
52:00 the ruler of the kingdoms of this world,
52:02 the ruler in its courts and camps,
52:05 its legislative halls,
52:07 its palaces and market places.
52:10 They expect Him to rule through legal enactments,
52:13 in other words, through laws,
52:14 enforced by human authority.
52:17 Since Christ is not now here in person,
52:20 they themselves will undertake to act in His stead,
52:24 to execute the laws of His kingdom.
52:26 The establishment of such a kingdom
52:29 is what the Jews desired in the days of Christ.
52:32 They would have receive Jesus,
52:34 had He been willing to establish
52:36 a temporal dominion,
52:38 to enforce what they regarded as the laws of God,
52:41 and to make them the expositors of His will
52:44 and his agents of His authority.
52:46 But He said,
52:48 "My kingdom is not of this world.
52:50 He would not accept the earthly throne."
52:53 Isn't this a magnificent statement?
52:55 She continues writing,
52:56 "The government under
52:58 which Jesus lived was corrupt and oppressive,
53:00 on every hand were crying abuses,
53:03 extortion, intolerance, and grinding cruelty.
53:07 Yet the Savior attempted no civil reforms."
53:10 Do you find Jesus ever speaking
53:11 or making civil reforms in Rome?
53:14 None.
53:15 "He attacked no national abuses,
53:18 nor condemned the national enemies.
53:21 He did not interfere with the authority
53:23 or administration of those in power.
53:26 He who was our example kept aloof
53:29 from earthly governments."
53:31 Now, what was the reason why he kept aloof
53:33 from earthly governments?
53:35 She explains,
53:36 "Not because He was indifferent to the woes of men,
53:40 but because the remedy
53:42 did not lie in merely human and external measures.
53:47 To be efficient,
53:48 the cure must reach men individually,
53:52 and must regenerate the heart."
53:55 Isn't that a powerful statement?
53:58 And Protestantism has lost its perspective
54:01 that really Christ needs to be in man,
54:05 the hope of glory.
54:06 Christ needs to live in the human heart
54:08 and then you'll have exemplary citizens.
54:12 Now, we're almost at the end of our study
54:16 and I want to kind of introduce
54:20 what we're gonna study in our next lecture
54:22 which will be tomorrow afternoon.
54:26 We've studied from this prophecy
54:29 that this beast arises from the earth is a nation
54:34 that was composed is going to be
54:37 composed of two kingdoms,
54:38 is that clear?
54:39 The kingdom of the church and the kingdom of the state.
54:42 Now, what we need to do in our next lecture is to discover
54:46 if the founders of the United States
54:49 in their writings recognized
54:53 the legitimate existence of two kingdoms in one nation.
54:56 And so in our next study together,
54:58 we are going to go into history.
55:01 I'm going to go to the founding fathers
55:03 of the United States,
55:05 George Washington, Thomas Jefferson,
55:08 Benjamin Franklin,
55:09 John Adams,
55:11 James Madison,
55:13 the constitutional fathers of the United States.
55:16 And we're going to examine in their writings,
55:19 if they taught repeatedly
55:23 that the Untied States was gonna have
55:26 in one nation two kingdoms,
55:28 the church and the State,
55:30 each functioning within its own sphere
55:34 neither one interfering with the other
55:36 and thus guaranteeing full civil
55:39 and religious liberty.
55:40 If we can find that
55:42 the founders of the United States
55:43 wrote repeatedly and we're gonna find that,
55:46 that the United States was gonna be different
55:48 than what it had been during the 1260 years
55:51 that this was gonna be one nation
55:53 that would recognize
55:54 the legitimate existence of the church and of the state
55:57 and they're supposed to be separate, not together,
56:00 and that they guaranteed
56:01 full civil and religious liberty,
56:04 then we can see in history
56:06 the fulfillment of the characteristics of this beast.
56:10 Are you following me or not?
56:12 So in our next lecture, we're gonna look at history
56:13 to see if history squares
56:15 with what we've studied from the Bible this evening.
56:18 And I believe that you're going to be amazed
56:21 as we examine the writings
56:23 of the founding fathers of the United States,
56:26 they were writing in a specific context.
56:28 They knew what had happened to Jesus
56:30 when the apostate Jewish Church
56:32 used the Roman State to finish off Christ
56:35 because they write about it in their works.
56:39 They also knew what happened to the apostles
56:43 in the Book of Acts.
56:45 When the Jews appealed to the Roman State
56:47 to persecute the apostles who were preaching the gospel.
56:50 They also know the history of the United States
56:53 in the colonial period.
56:54 Do you know in the colonial period
56:56 there was a union of church and state
56:58 and people who didn't go to church on Sunday
57:00 were punished?
57:01 The state would punish them.
57:03 You had to be a member
57:04 of the established church of the colony
57:06 in order to occupy political office,
57:10 and the tithes were paid to the government,
57:12 the government paid the ministers,
57:14 but only the ministers of the established church
57:16 in the colonial period.
57:18 People were persecuted
57:19 when they did not agree with the established church.
57:21 They brought their bad habits from Europe.
57:23 We're gonna study about that.
57:25 See, they came looking for freedom
57:27 and when they got here,
57:28 they took it away from everybody else
57:29 because it's hard to get over bad habits.
57:32 And finally they knew the history
57:35 of the Roman Catholic papacy during the 1260 years.
57:37 They consistently write about
57:39 the inquisition and the persecutions
57:41 when the church used the state
57:43 to impose its beliefs and its practices,
57:45 and they said, in this country
57:47 that we're establishing is going to be different.
57:49 There is gonna be the church and the state
57:52 and they will both be able to function freely
57:54 without one interfering with the other.
57:57 So don't miss the next exciting episode.


Revised 2016-10-17