God's Prophetic Chain

The Sword and the Captivity

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: GPC

Program Code: GPC000003A

00:30 You can see on the screen
00:31 that the title of our study today is
00:34 the Sword and the Captivity.
00:37 We're going to do a little review
00:38 of what we studied in the first two sessions,
00:40 and then we will enter new material.
00:43 But before we do,
00:44 we want to ask for the Lord's presence.
00:47 Never should we open God's word without prayer.
00:50 And so I invite you to bow your heads reverently with me
00:52 as we pray.
00:53 Father in heaven,
00:55 we thank You for the privilege of being here.
00:57 We especially thank You for Your word
01:00 which is a sure guide in a world that is so confused.
01:03 We ask Father that You will speak to us
01:06 through this word.
01:07 Give us understanding
01:09 and a willingness to live in harmony
01:11 with what You revealed to us.
01:13 Remove from our hearts any obstacle,
01:16 anything that might keep us from hearing Your voice,
01:19 for we want to do Your will,
01:21 and we ask this in the precious name of Jesus,
01:24 amen.
01:27 The title of this presentation is the Sword and the Captivity.
01:32 And what we want to do first is a review of
01:35 what we have studied so far.
01:37 We're studying the chain of prophetic prophecy.
01:42 We began with which kingdom
01:43 those of you who have been here?
01:45 We begin with Babylon, 605-539 BC.
01:49 Then we continue with the second kingdom.
01:51 What is that second kingdom?
01:53 Medo-Persia, 539-331 BC.
01:57 Then we have a third kingdom which is what?
02:00 Greece.
02:01 And Greece ruled from 331 BC to 168 BC.
02:06 And then we have a fourth beast
02:08 which is dreadful and terrible
02:09 and this fourth beast represents which kingdom?
02:12 It represents the Roman Empire.
02:15 But then this beast after it rules
02:18 for a significant amount of time
02:20 sprouts ten horns,
02:22 that means that the Roman Empire
02:23 was going to be what?
02:25 Was going to be divided and it was divided.
02:28 The nations of Europe today are the fruit
02:31 of the division of the Roman Empire.
02:33 They each have their language, their culture,
02:36 and it's been very difficult to try
02:37 and get them together,
02:39 no matter how much the European Union
02:42 has tried to stay together
02:44 because these nations are totally different
02:46 from one another.
02:48 And then after the Roman Empire is divided
02:51 into these ten kingdoms
02:52 which are the nations of Western Europe,
02:54 then in the midst of the ten rises what?
02:58 A little horn
03:00 and that little horn rules
03:02 from 538-1798 AD,
03:08 1260 years.
03:11 We're going to see in our study today.
03:13 So is the sequence clear?
03:16 We've gone from Babylon from 605 BC
03:19 all the way down to 1798 in the prophetic chain
03:23 without any interruptions,
03:25 no parenthesis,
03:27 one kingdom rising as soon as the previous kingdom falls.
03:31 In other words,
03:33 there is a sequence of connected links
03:35 in the prophetic chain.
03:37 Now in our last study together
03:40 we talked about the little horn
03:42 and we gave seven characteristics
03:44 of the little horn.
03:46 I want to review the first six characteristics
03:49 and then we will study characteristic number seven
03:52 which we left pending
03:55 for this particular lecture today.
03:57 And so I want to review
03:59 the six points that we studied in our lecture last time.
04:04 Number one, the little horn rises
04:08 according to prophecy
04:10 after the ten horns are in place.
04:13 Let me ask you,
04:15 when is the ten horns are in place,
04:17 in what year?
04:18 The year 476 AD, the ten kingdoms are there.
04:22 So we should expect the little horn to rise
04:25 after the year 476.
04:29 Secondly, the little horn rises in the midst of the ten.
04:33 Now the ten represent
04:34 the nations of Western Europe,
04:36 so this little horn must rise where?
04:38 Geographically in Western Europe,
04:40 but more specifically the little horn rises
04:42 from the head of the dragon beast
04:44 which represents Rome.
04:45 So the little horn must also be what?
04:48 It must also be Roman more specifically.
04:52 Characteristic number three,
04:54 this horn would uproot three kingdoms,
04:57 three of the ten kingdoms into which the empire was divided
05:02 would be uprooted by this little horn.
05:05 And then we noticed that this little horn
05:06 would speak blasphemies against the Most High
05:09 and we identify blasphemy
05:11 as a human power that claims that it can forgive sins
05:14 and claims to be God's representative on earth.
05:17 Then we noticed that the little horn also
05:20 would persecute the saints of the Most High.
05:22 In other words, the little horn would persecute
05:24 those who remained faithful to God.
05:27 And then we noticed also that the little horn would think
05:31 that it could change God's holy law
05:34 in some way or some manner.
05:36 Now let me ask you.
05:38 Does the Roman Catholic papacy fulfill
05:40 each and every one of these characteristics?
05:43 It does.
05:45 Does the Roman Catholic papacy rise after 476?
05:48 Yes.
05:50 Did it rise in Western Europe, more specifically in Rome?
05:53 Absolutely.
05:54 Did it uproot three of those ten kingdoms?
05:56 Yes, the Heruli, the Vandals and the Ostrogoths.
06:01 Does it speak blasphemies against the Most High?
06:03 Does the papacy claim to have the power to forgive sins?
06:06 Do they claim that
06:08 the pope is the representative of Christ on earth?
06:10 Absolutely.
06:12 Let me ask you.
06:13 Did the papacy in its history persecute the faithful of God
06:16 through the inquisition and many other methods?
06:19 Absolutely.
06:20 Does the papacy claim to have changed God's holy law?
06:23 Yes, the papacy openly says,
06:25 we changed the day of worship
06:28 from Sabbath to Sunday
06:30 without any biblical authorization.
06:33 They say, Jesus gave the Roman Catholic Church
06:36 the power to change the law if it saw necessary to do so.
06:42 And so the little horn represents the papacy.
06:46 Now before we deal
06:47 with characteristic number seven
06:49 which is the time period that the little horn rules.
06:53 I need to underline something that is very, very important.
06:57 And that is that the little horn
07:00 of Daniel 7 is the same as the beast
07:03 of Revelation 13:1-10.
07:06 So little horn and beast are interchangeable.
07:09 And you say, how do you know that?
07:11 For three reasons.
07:13 First of all the little horn and the beast
07:16 are in the same link of the prophetic chain.
07:20 They are in the same location of the prophetic chain.
07:23 Number two, the little horn
07:26 and the beast performed the same activities.
07:29 And number three,
07:31 the little horn and the beast ruled
07:33 for the same time period.
07:35 So we have three reasons
07:36 why we know that the little horn
07:38 and the beast represent the same power.
07:41 They are in the exact same location
07:43 in the prophetic chain.
07:45 Secondly they perform the same actions
07:47 and in the third place
07:49 they rule for the same time period.
07:51 And you're saying, "Well, where does prophecy tell us that?"
07:55 Well, now we need to look at what the Bible says about this.
08:00 Let's notice Revelation 13:1 and 2.
08:04 This is the first reason why
08:06 the little horn is the same thing as the beast.
08:09 And immediately in Revelation 13:1 and 2
08:12 you're going to see a connection with the prophecy
08:14 of Daniel 7 that we studied.
08:16 Notice what it says there in Revelation 13:1 and 2.
08:21 "Then I stood on the sand of the sea, writes John.
08:24 And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea,
08:27 having seven heads and ten horns,
08:29 and on his horns ten crowns,
08:31 and on his heads a blasphemous name."
08:34 Now listen to verse 2.
08:36 "Now the beast that I saw was like a what?
08:39 Like a leopard, and his feet were like the feet of a bear,
08:45 and his mouth was like the mouth of a lion.
08:50 The dragon gave the beast his power, his throne,
08:56 and great authority."
08:57 How many beasts are mentioned in this verse 2?
09:00 Four.
09:01 Is there a lion? Yes.
09:03 Is there a bear? Absolutely.
09:05 Is there a leopard? Sure.
09:06 Is there a dragon beast?
09:08 And by the way, the dragon beast has ten horns
09:10 according to Revelation 12.
09:13 So what I want you to see here is that
09:15 we have the same sequence in Revelation 13
09:17 that we have in Daniel 7.
09:19 The only difference is that in Revelation 13
09:23 the beasts are in reverse order.
09:26 In other words they're not in the same order as in Daniel.
09:29 In Daniel you have lion, bear, leopard, dragon,
09:34 ten horns and little horn.
09:37 In Revelation 13 you have in reverse order,
09:41 you have the ten horn dragon and then you have the leopard,
09:46 and then you have the bear, and then you have the lion.
09:49 Now the question is,
09:50 why does Daniel present the beasts lion,
09:53 bear, leopard, dragon, ten horns and little horn,
09:57 and in Revelation 13
09:59 John presents this as being in the opposite direction.
10:04 The reason is very simple.
10:06 Daniel is living in the period of the lion
10:09 and is looking forwards,
10:11 whereas John is living in the period of the dragon
10:14 and he is looking what?
10:16 He is looking backwards.
10:18 So we know that the prophetic chain is true
10:21 because you have the same sequence,
10:23 but in Revelation it's in reverse order
10:25 because John is living
10:26 in the period of the fourth beast
10:28 and the first three beasts have already passed away.
10:30 Are you with me or not?
10:32 So let me ask you.
10:33 Is the little horn and is the beast
10:35 in the same location of the prophetic chain?
10:38 Let me review it.
10:39 Lion, bear, leopard, dragon,
10:43 ten horns, little horn.
10:45 Revelation 13, lion, bear, leopard,
10:49 dragon, ten horns, beast.
10:52 So the little horn
10:53 and the beast are in the same location
10:55 of the prophetic chain.
10:57 The second reason that I mentioned is that
11:00 the little horn and the beast performed the same actions.
11:03 Notice Revelation 13 and we'll read verse 7
11:07 and then we'll read verse 5.
11:09 Revelation 13:7 says, "It was granted to him,
11:13 this is the beast, the same as the little horn,
11:15 to make war with the saints, and to overcome them."
11:19 Let me ask you,
11:21 did the little horn make war with the saints
11:23 and overcome them in Daniel 7?
11:25 Absolutely, but there is more.
11:27 it says, "And authority was given him over every tribe,
11:30 tongue, and nation."
11:31 And now in verse 5,
11:33 "And he was given, that is the beast,
11:35 was given a mouth..."
11:36 Did the little horn have a big mouth?
11:39 You can read it in Daniel 7.
11:40 Says, "He was given a mouth
11:43 speaking great things and blasphemies."
11:45 Did the little horn speak great things and blasphemies?
11:48 So let me ask you.
11:49 Do the little horn and the beast
11:51 performed the same actions.
11:54 Yes, so they must represent the same power.
11:57 Now number three is that
11:59 the beast and the little horn ruled for the same time period.
12:04 Notice Revelation 13:5
12:06 we'll complete reading the verse now.
12:08 It says, "And he, that is the beast,
12:10 was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies,
12:15 and he was given authority to continue how long,
12:19 to continue for forty-two months."
12:21 And I know you're thinking, you're saying, pastor,
12:23 that's not the same time period,
12:25 because in Daniel 7 it says
12:27 the little horn ruled for time, times
12:30 and the dividing of time
12:31 whereas in Revelation 13
12:32 it says the beast ruled for 42 months.
12:34 How can time, times and the dividing of time
12:37 be the same as 42 months?
12:39 This brings us to characteristic number seven
12:43 that we left pending in our last lecture.
12:46 Now what I want us to notice first of all is that
12:49 the word time in the Book of Daniel
12:53 refers to year.
12:57 Time is a year.
12:58 You say, well, how do you know that?
13:00 Very simple.
13:02 You remember in Daniel 4
13:04 that Nebuchadnezzar was out of it for a while.
13:08 How much time was going to pass for Nebuchadnezzar
13:13 before he regained his senses?
13:16 The angel said seven times will pass over you.
13:19 What did that mean,
13:21 seven times you're gonna pass over Nebuchadnezzar.
13:23 It means that he was going to be out of it for how long?
13:26 Seven years,
13:27 so there were time or times refers to what?
13:31 Years, that's the first point
13:32 that we want to notice.
13:34 And by the way time, times
13:36 and divided of time would be how many years?
13:38 Be three and half.
13:40 Time, one year,
13:41 times without a qualifier is the dual
13:44 in Hebrew that's two,
13:47 and half a time would be half a year,
13:48 so we're dealing with three and half years.
13:50 And there is no Bible scholar that disagrees
13:53 that these are three and half years,
13:54 the time, times
13:56 and the dividing of times are three and half years.
13:58 Doesn't matter
13:59 what denomination they belong to.
14:01 Now, the big question is,
14:03 are these literal years or are these symbolic years?
14:07 That's the big question.
14:08 Well, there are several evidences
14:10 that we're dealing with symbolic years.
14:13 The first reason why this is...
14:16 these years are symbolic is
14:18 because every thing in Daniel 7 is symbolic.
14:22 Let me ask you, is the lion symbolic?
14:25 Are the wings on the lion symbolic?
14:27 Is the bear symbolic?
14:29 Are the three ribs in the mouth of the bear symbolic?
14:33 Is the leopard symbolic?
14:34 Are the wings of the leopard symbolic?
14:37 Are the four heads of the leopard symbolic?
14:40 Is the dragon beast symbolic?
14:42 Last I knew there is no dragon beast
14:44 that exists in the real world.
14:45 Are the ten horns on the head of the fourth beast symbolic?
14:48 Yes.
14:50 Everything in this chapter is symbolic,
14:52 but the time is literal.
14:54 Now how much sense does that make?
14:56 Now, you'll notice also
14:58 that the expression has a symbolic flavor to it.
15:03 If I was going to...
15:05 If I was going to leave Fresno
15:06 and return in three and half years,
15:08 would I say to you, folks, don't worry,
15:11 I'll be back in time, times and the dividing of time.
15:15 If I said that, you would say, Pastor Bohr,
15:17 that's not the way that we describe time.
15:20 When the Bible wants to describe
15:22 three and half literal years, it does so like in James 5:17,
15:26 where it says that Elijah closed the heaven
15:29 so would not rain for three years and six months,
15:33 that's the normal way of expressing it,
15:35 and the Bible expresses it that way in James 5:17.
15:40 So the flavor of the expression is unusual.
15:45 Another important point is,
15:46 and by the way I don't have time to go all,
15:48 through all of this,
15:50 it would take me actually three hours to go
15:51 through a document that I wrote
15:54 for one of our summits a few years ago,
15:57 where I present 20 biblical reasons
16:00 for the year day principle.
16:02 In other words,
16:03 20 reasons why the years
16:06 of Daniel 7 are symbolic years.
16:10 And in a moment we're gonna talk about
16:12 what is known as the year day principle,
16:14 so there's not only one reason
16:15 why we can understand that this time period is symbolic.
16:18 There are 20 reasons in the Bible
16:21 why we can believe that time, times
16:23 and the dividing of time is symbolic language.
16:27 You see the Bible uses
16:28 what is known as the year day principle.
16:31 In other words, a day is equivalent to a year.
16:34 You say now where do you find such a thing in the Bible.
16:37 As I mentioned I gave 20 reasons,
16:39 but I'm only going to mention a couple of verses
16:41 that the Bible has about this.
16:44 Do you remember when the spies
16:46 were sent out to spy out the land?
16:49 And ten of them brought back a bad report
16:53 and two of them brought back a good report.
16:55 So what did God tell Israel
16:57 because the spies were in the land for 40 days
17:03 and because you're rebellious,
17:04 you're going to be in the wilderness how long?
17:07 You're going to be in the wilderness 40 years.
17:09 He says for each day what?
17:12 One year,
17:13 there you have the day representing what?
17:16 A year.
17:17 By the way that is in Numbers 14:34.
17:21 Also in Ezekiel 4:6
17:24 we find the same principle expressed.
17:27 I want to read that verse.
17:28 I wish we had time to expound upon the historical context
17:31 but we don't.
17:32 Ezekiel 4:6, and when...
17:34 He is speaking to Ezekiel.
17:36 "And when you have accomplished them,
17:39 lie again on your right side,
17:41 and you shall bear the iniquity
17:43 of the house of Judah forty days.
17:46 I have appointed you each day for what?
17:49 Each day for a year."
17:53 So what we need to understand
17:54 that is in the Bible one day is equal to what?
17:59 To a year.
18:00 Now, here's the big question.
18:01 Can we know how many days there are in a year
18:05 because we're dealing with three and half years,
18:07 so we need to find out
18:08 how many days are three and half years.
18:11 Are you with me?
18:12 And then apply them symbolically.
18:15 Can we know biblically how many days the year had?
18:18 And the answer is no.
18:21 We don't have any place in the Bible
18:23 that tells us that the year has 360 days.
18:28 So you'll say, Pastor Bohr, how can we find out,
18:31 how much, how many years is,
18:34 how many days is three and half years
18:36 if the Bible doesn't tell us how many days are in a year.
18:40 Well, the good news is that the Bible does tell us that
18:43 there are 12 months in the year.
18:46 You can find that in the Book of Esther 8:12.
18:50 And the Bible also tells us that each month has 30 days.
18:57 So if each month has 30 days,
18:59 what do you do to find out how many days the year has.
19:02 All you have to do is multiply 12 months
19:04 which the Bible says
19:06 there are 12 months to a year by how much?
19:08 By 30 days and the result is what?
19:11 Three hundred and sixty.
19:13 So by knowing the number of days in the month,
19:15 we can find out how many days there are in a what?
19:20 In a year.
19:21 Are you with me so far?
19:23 Now, but you're saying Pastor Bohr,
19:25 you haven't proved that the biblical month has 30 days.
19:28 And you're right.
19:30 And that's the point that we're going to go to now.
19:32 We're going to prove biblically
19:34 that the biblical month has 30 days.
19:36 If the biblical month has 30 days
19:38 all you have to is multiply 30 times
19:41 12 months of the year and the result is 360.
19:45 And because you have time, that's one year 360 days,
19:49 times that's two 720 days,
19:52 and half a time 180 days that would be how long,
19:56 time, times and the dividing of time.
19:58 It would be 1260 days,
20:02 but in prophecy days are equal to years.
20:05 Are you following me or not?
20:06 This is a very short lesson on math.
20:08 And some people find it very complicated
20:10 to be able to figure it out
20:12 but it's not really complicated.
20:14 Now, what is the first reason
20:16 we can know that the biblical month has 30 days.
20:20 Well, the fact is that this period of the little horn
20:23 is expressed in three different ways.
20:27 It is expressed as time, times and the dividing of time.
20:33 That's in Daniel 7, and also in Revelation 12.
20:38 It is expressed as 42 months in Revelation 11
20:43 which we're not gonna get into also
20:45 in Revelation 13:5 that we ready.
20:48 And it is also described
20:50 in Revelation 12 as 1260 days.
20:56 Now this is interesting.
20:58 Now let me ask you this.
21:00 If you multiply 42 months,
21:03 and how much days does the month have?
21:05 Thirty days, okay,
21:06 if you multiply 42 months time 30 days,
21:09 what is the total?
21:11 1260.
21:13 If you multiply three and half years
21:15 times 360 days per year,
21:18 what is the total?
21:20 1260 days.
21:23 And if you still didn't get it,
21:25 in Revelation 12 it says that the dragon went after the woman
21:29 and persecuted the woman for 1260 days.
21:34 So how many days does a biblical month have?
21:37 The biblical month has to have 30 days
21:39 because 30 days times 42 months is 1260.
21:46 So how long was the little horn going to rule?
21:49 It was going to rule from its inception till the time
21:52 when it ceased to rule 1260 what?
21:57 1260 days but days are equaled to years.
22:03 The papacy was to rule from 538 to 1798.
22:07 And we'll talk a little bit what,
22:09 about what happened in 1798 in a few moments.
22:12 There is a second reason why we know
22:14 that the biblical month has 30 days.
22:17 And this is early in the Bible,
22:19 this is in the Book of Genesis from the very beginning.
22:21 Go with me to Genesis 7:11 and 12,
22:25 Genesis 7:11 and 12.
22:28 I want you to notice this carefully.
22:30 "In the six hundredth year of Noah's life,
22:34 in the second month..."
22:39 What day?
22:41 "The seventeenth day of the month,
22:45 on that day all the fountains of the great deep
22:47 were broken up,
22:48 and the windows of the heaven were opened."
22:50 So when did the flood come?
22:51 The flood came in the six hundredth year
22:53 of Noah's life,
22:54 the second month and the seventeenth day,
22:56 remember that date, okay.
22:59 Now let's go to Genesis 8:3-5,
23:02 Genesis 8:3-5,
23:04 see this is all I find in the Bible,
23:05 we're not just guessing,
23:07 we're not conjecturing, you know,
23:08 we're letting the Bible explain itself.
23:10 The Holy Spirit put in the Bible
23:11 everything we need to understand the Bible.
23:14 You know, the Holy Spirit
23:15 didn't make pastors and theologians necessary,
23:17 absolutely indispensable.
23:20 I'm not saying that theologians and pastors are unnecessary.
23:24 What I'm saying is that if we didn't have them,
23:26 we could still determine
23:27 what is God's will from the word.
23:29 Now notice what it says in Genesis 8:3-5,
23:34 and the waters receded continually,
23:36 that's from the time that the flood began.
23:38 "And the waters receded continually from the earth.
23:41 At the end of the hundred and fifty days
23:44 the waters decreased.
23:46 Then the ark rested in the seventh month,
23:50 the seventeenth day of the month,
23:52 on the mountains of Ararat.
23:54 Did you notice
23:55 there is something interesting in these two verses,
23:57 these two passages?
23:58 When did the flood come?
24:00 Month number two,
24:01 day seventeen, six hundredth year.
24:05 When did the waters recede, after how many days?
24:09 Hundred and fifty days.
24:10 What date was the date
24:12 that is given for the receding of the waters?
24:14 The seventh month, the seventeenth day,
24:19 the six hundredth year of Noah's life.
24:20 How many months between the second month
24:22 and the seventh month.
24:24 Five and how many days is that?
24:27 One hundred and fifty.
24:29 So you divide one hundred fifty by five
24:31 and lo and behold what do you get, 30.
24:34 Each month as what?
24:35 Thirty days.
24:36 Are you with me?
24:38 Now I'm not here to give you a math lesson.
24:39 But all of these things are important
24:41 to understand this prophecy.
24:43 Now we need to talk about the ending point
24:46 of the dominion of the papacy.
24:49 Something must have happened in the year 1798
24:53 that took away power from the papacy,
24:57 that ended the papacy's period of dominion.
25:01 Let's review the three stages of the fourth beast.
25:06 First of all we have the dragon ruling by itself.
25:08 Do you remember that?
25:10 The dragon beast represents the Roman Empire.
25:12 For most of its career,
25:14 the Roman Empire was one empire,
25:15 it was united.
25:17 Then when you reach the year 476
25:19 the Roman Empire has been divided into what?
25:23 Into ten kingdoms, those are the ten horns.
25:26 And then the little horn rises in 538
25:29 as we noticed the last horn,
25:31 the last rebellious horn,
25:33 the Ostrogoths was uprooted
25:35 and now the papacy has sovereign power
25:37 because it had no opposition from any of these kingdoms.
25:41 And so in 538 the papacy begins its rule
25:45 so we have to go to what date
25:47 to find the ending point of the 1260 years.
25:51 All you have to do is go from 538,
25:53 1260 years forward and that takes you to what year?
25:58 It takes you to the year 1798.
26:04 And you say, Pastor Bohr,
26:05 did anything significant happened in 1798?
26:11 Listen carefully to what I'm gonna say.
26:13 The papacy began its rule
26:16 when the last of the rebellious kingdoms was uprooted,
26:20 that was in 538 the Ostrogoths.
26:24 And we know it was in the month of February of 538.
26:28 So you would expect 1260 years later
26:33 that the papacy's power would be taken away
26:36 in what month?
26:38 In February of 1798
26:41 and so it was in February of 1798.
26:45 General Berthier,
26:47 the general of Napoleon Bonaparte's armies
26:49 entered the city of Rome,
26:52 more specifically in Vatican City,
26:53 he went into the Sistine Chapel
26:56 where the pope was celebrating
26:57 the anniversary of his coronation.
27:00 He went up to where the pope was seated on his throne.
27:02 He removed him from his throne.
27:05 He took off his triple crown.
27:07 He removed his staff.
27:09 He took his papal rings off of his fingers
27:12 and he said to him,
27:14 "Your rule and dominion has come to an end."
27:18 And the pope was taken prisoner
27:20 where he died in France in the year 1799.
27:26 Did something significant happen
27:28 with the papacy in the year 1798,
27:31 in February of 1798?
27:34 Most certainly yes.
27:36 But now we need to look a little more closely
27:39 at the description of the taking away
27:42 of the power of the papacy.
27:43 Let's go to Revelation 13:10,
27:47 Revelation 13:10.
27:51 This is at the end of the time, times
27:55 and dividing of time.
27:56 At the end of the 1260 years of the 42 months.
27:59 Two things happened to the beast
28:02 or the little horn, to the papacy.
28:04 It says there in Revelation 13:10,
28:06 "He who leads into captivity
28:10 shall go into captivity,
28:14 and he who kills with the sword must be what?
28:18 Must be killed with the sword."
28:19 Let me ask you, did the pope lead people into captivity.
28:22 Yes.
28:23 What was the punishment?
28:25 The papacy was going to go into captivity.
28:28 Did the papacy killed with the sword?
28:30 It killed with the sword,
28:31 so would the sword give the papacy its deadly wound?
28:35 Absolutely.
28:37 In other words the correct understanding
28:38 of the taking away of the power of the papacy
28:41 depends on your understanding
28:43 of the sword and of the captivity.
28:45 If you understand
28:47 how the papacy was wounded by the sword,
28:49 and how it went into captivity,
28:50 you're gonna be able to understand this prophecy.
28:54 So let's talk first of all about the sword.
28:57 What is the sword that wounded the papacy in 1798?
29:02 Well, some people say it was the Bible
29:06 because there's a verse in the Bible that says
29:08 that the sword is the word of God.
29:10 Let's read that verse Ephesians 6:17,
29:14 Ephesians 6:17 tells us that
29:18 the sword of the spirit is the word of God.
29:20 It says there, the Apostle Paul is writing,
29:22 "And take the helmet of salvation,
29:25 and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God."
29:27 So some people go to Revelation 13
29:29 and they say, see, the Apostle Paul says
29:32 that the sword of the Spirit is the word of God,
29:34 so what wounded the papacy was the word of God.
29:39 But there's a huge problem
29:41 when you come to interpret it that way.
29:43 Let me ask you,
29:44 did the papacy used the Bible to kill people?
29:47 Did the papacy used the Bible to kill people?
29:50 No, it didn't use the Bible to kill people.
29:52 And so, the prophecy says
29:54 that the beast killed with the sword
29:57 and the same sword that it killed with
29:59 was going to give it the deadly wound.
30:01 The papacy did not kill with the Bible.
30:04 So it cannot represent the Bible.
30:08 Furthermore some have said, well, you know,
30:11 the Protestant Reformation brought out the Bible,
30:14 Sola scriptura.
30:15 And that gave the papacy its deadly wound.
30:17 The problem is Protestantism began in 1517,
30:21 the deadly wound wasn't given until 1798.
30:24 Furthermore we're told that the papacy is taken captive.
30:29 The papacy was not captive in 1517
30:32 with the Protestant Reformation,
30:34 it was taken captive in 1798.
30:36 So there's several reasons
30:38 why this sword that wounded the beast
30:41 that the beast used to kill cannot represent the Bible.
30:46 So you say, well, Pastor Bohr,
30:48 what does the sword represent?
30:50 I need to explain that in the Bible
30:54 symbols are flexible.
30:56 They do not always mean the same thing.
30:59 You have to take into account the context.
31:02 Let me ask you
31:03 what does the lion represent in the Bible?
31:06 Can the lion represent Jesus?
31:09 He is the lion of the tribe of Judah?
31:11 Can the lion represent the devil?
31:13 He goes about as the roaring lion
31:15 seeking whom he may devour.
31:16 Can the lion represent the kingdom of Babylon?
31:20 Yes, we noticed that in Daniel 7.
31:21 Can the lion represent Judah, the son of Jacob?
31:24 Yes, Genesis 49 says he is like a lion.
31:27 So every time you find the lion in the Bible,
31:30 it doesn't mean the same thing.
31:32 It can be flexible.
31:33 Are you with me?
31:35 Let me give you another example.
31:36 What does leaven represent in the Bible?
31:38 Immediately I hear the answer, oh, leaven represents sin.
31:41 Yes, it does represent sin, but not always.
31:44 Jesus gave a Parable of the Leaven.
31:46 He says you put the leaven in the dough
31:48 and when you put the leaven in the dough,
31:50 the dough grows.
31:51 He was teaching that
31:53 when the Holy Spirit is placed in the church,
31:55 the church grows.
31:56 So leaven can represent the Holy Spirit.
31:59 It can also represent sin
32:00 depending on the context in which the symbol appears.
32:04 Are you with me or not?
32:06 Let me give you one further example.
32:07 Genesis 6 speaks about the sons of God
32:11 that had sexual relation with the daughters of men.
32:14 Now, if you read most commentaries today
32:17 they're gonna say that the sons of God were angels.
32:20 They came down from heaven
32:21 and they had sexual relations with human women.
32:23 Those were the daughters with men.
32:25 And they say the result were the giant,
32:29 a hybrid part angel and part human.
32:32 That's what got us believe today.
32:34 They don't take into a proper context.
32:36 You know why they interpret it that way
32:38 because in the Book of Job
32:40 it says the sons of God came to present themselves
32:42 before the Lord and the devil came among them.
32:45 They say the sons of God there are clearly angels
32:47 that come to present themselves before the Lord,
32:49 so if sons of God in Job is angels,
32:52 sons of God in Genesis must also be angels.
32:56 The problem is they don't take it
32:57 in proper context.
32:59 You see in Genesis 4
33:01 you have the genealogy of Cain.
33:03 Three wicked women are mentioned
33:04 in the genealogy of Cain.
33:06 Those are the daughters of men.
33:07 Then in Genesis 5,
33:08 you have the descendants of Seth,
33:11 that's the righteous lineage.
33:13 Those are the sons of God.
33:15 And then in Genesis 6:1 and 2
33:17 you have the sons of God going into the daughters of men.
33:19 In other words,
33:21 the righteous intermingled with the unrighteous
33:24 according to the context.
33:26 So sons of God doesn't always mean angels,
33:29 it means so in Job
33:30 but it doesn't mean so in Genesis.
33:32 And by the way the Bible says that
33:33 we are all sons of God
33:35 and none of us look like angels.
33:38 So sons of God can also represent the righteous today
33:41 according to the Bible,
33:43 so the sword can represent the Bible
33:46 but not in Revelation 13
33:48 because in Revelation 13 that definition does not fit.
33:51 Are you with me or not?
33:52 So the big question is, what does the sword represent?
33:57 There is a second passage in the Bible
33:59 that tells us what the second sword is.
34:02 Romans 13:1-4,
34:05 Romans 13:1-4.
34:09 It says there speaking about the civil power,
34:12 "Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities.
34:17 For there is no authority except from God,
34:20 and the authorities that exist are appointed by God."
34:23 Who are the authorities
34:24 that are being spoken of in this verse?
34:27 The civil power, the government, right.
34:29 Verse 2, "Therefore whoever resists the authority,
34:32 that is the government, resists the ordinance of God,
34:36 and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves.
34:39 For rulers, see, that's defined,
34:43 for rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil.
34:47 Do you want to be unafraid of the authority?"
34:49 In other words, do you want to not fear the government?
34:52 "Do what is good,
34:53 and you will have praise from the same.
34:55 For he, that is the civil power
34:57 is God's minister to you for good.
35:00 But if you do evil, be afraid,
35:02 for he does not bear, what, ah, there it is,
35:05 for he does not bear the sword in vain,
35:08 for he is God's minister,
35:10 an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil."
35:13 Let me ask you,
35:14 does the civil power also have a sword.
35:17 To whom does the sword of the spirit belong?
35:20 To whom does the word of God belong?
35:21 Who is supposed to use it?
35:23 The church.
35:24 And how does the church use it.
35:25 By preaching.
35:27 I'm using the sword right now.
35:28 That's how the church uses the sword,
35:31 is by preaching the word of God.
35:32 Let me ask you.
35:33 Does the word of God belong,
35:35 does that sword belong to the civil power?
35:37 No.
35:39 How does a civil power use the sword?
35:42 Well, if somebody disobeys the civil laws,
35:45 the legitimate civil laws can they be imposed a fine?
35:49 Absolutely.
35:50 Can they be given community service?
35:52 Absolutely.
35:53 Can their goods be confiscated.
35:56 Yes.
35:57 Can they be imprisoned?
35:59 And in some states can they be executed?
36:01 Absolutely.
36:03 That's how the civil power uses the sword.
36:05 When you disobey the civil power,
36:08 the civil power uses the sword to punish you.
36:11 Now are you following me now?
36:13 Now let me ask you this.
36:15 What sword did the papacy used
36:18 during the 1260 years
36:20 to destroy and to kill God's people?
36:23 All you have to do is read history, folks.
36:26 The papacy is not only a church, it is a state.
36:30 And it had dominion over all of the civil powers,
36:33 all of the states in Europe.
36:35 Whenever the pope asked a nation in Europe
36:39 to persecute those who disagreed with the church,
36:43 the civil power went along.
36:45 In other words,
36:46 the sword of the state was used by the papacy to what?
36:51 To persecute.
36:52 Let me ask you.
36:53 Did the civil power of France rise against the papacy
36:56 and say, you're not going to use us anymore.
36:59 Absolutely.
37:00 So in 1798 France,
37:02 which by the way is the first power
37:04 that gave the papacy the sword.
37:06 Clovis, king of the Franks.
37:08 France is called the eldest daughter of the papacy.
37:11 First gave the papacy the sword
37:13 and that same nation is 1798 said,
37:16 you're not going to use the sword anymore,
37:18 took the sword away
37:20 and gave the deadly wound to the papacy.
37:22 Now we need to understand
37:24 something very important, folks.
37:25 And that is that the word papacy
37:27 does not refer to the Roman Catholic Church
37:30 as a church.
37:33 The word papacy defines
37:35 the Roman Catholic Church as a church and a state.
37:39 The ability of the papacy to use the states of the world
37:44 to accomplish her purposes, that's papacy.
37:46 So just the church aspect
37:48 of Roman Catholicism is not the papacy.
37:52 It's when the papacy can use the civil powers of the world
37:55 that you have papacy.
37:56 Are you with me or not?
37:58 Let me ask you.
38:00 In 1798 when the papacy received the deadly wound,
38:03 where the doors of all
38:04 the Roman Catholic Church is closed?
38:08 Did people still attend church?
38:10 Were the babies still baptized?
38:12 Did people still go to the confessional?
38:15 Did people still participate of the host
38:17 in the communion service?
38:18 Sure.
38:19 The churches did not shut down.
38:21 The deadly wound does not mean that the Roman Catholic Church
38:23 as a church was going to ceased to function.
38:26 What it means is that the state portion,
38:28 the ability to use the state was taken away.
38:32 And the state gave the papacy
38:34 the deadly wound with the sword of civil power.
38:36 Raise your hand
38:38 if you're understanding what I'm saying
38:39 what the word papacy means.
38:40 Now let me read you
38:42 some statements from historians.
38:43 Historians understood this.
38:46 Here's one.
38:47 The papacy was extinct.
38:49 This is talking about what happened in 1798.
38:51 The papacy was extinct.
38:53 Was the church extinct?
38:55 No, this historian knows that the church still existed.
38:58 But it's the papacy he says that was extinct.
39:02 Not a vestige of its existence remained,
39:06 and among all the Roman Catholic powers
39:09 not a finger was stirred in its defense.
39:11 If this had happened during the Middle Ages
39:13 and the papacy was attacked,
39:15 all of the nations would have ganged up
39:17 on the power that attacked the papacy.
39:19 But now this historian is saying,
39:21 not any nation lifted a finger to defend the papacy.
39:26 This historian continues writing.
39:28 The Eternal City had no longer prince or pontiff,
39:31 its bishop was a dying captive in foreign lands,
39:34 and the decree was already announced that
39:36 no successor would be allowed in its place.
39:40 Another historian says,
39:41 no wonder that half of Europe
39:43 thought Napoleon's veto would be obeyed.
39:46 Napoleon's veto was that there would be
39:47 no more popes like elected.
39:50 So no wonder that half of Europe thought
39:52 Napoleon's veto would be obeyed,
39:54 and that with the Pope the Papacy was dead.
39:58 Not the church, the papacy was dead.
40:00 Interesting that historian would describe
40:02 the papacy as being what?
40:04 Dead because it received the dead wound.
40:07 Another historian says,
40:09 multitudes imagined that the papacy
40:12 was at the point of what?
40:14 Of death and asked,
40:16 would Pius VI be the last pontiff,
40:19 and if the close of the eighteenth century
40:21 would be signalized by the fall of the papal dynasty.
40:25 One further quotation, actually two.
40:28 Here's another historian.
40:30 The papacy had suffered its deepest humiliation
40:34 and appeared to be what?
40:37 Annihilated.
40:38 The Revolution, that's the French Revolution.
40:40 By the way the deadly wound was the culmination
40:43 of the French Revolution.
40:44 The Revolution also dealt it the wound,
40:48 interesting the wound
40:50 which it seemed did not want to heal
40:53 until far into what?
40:56 The twentieth century.
40:58 One further quotation.
41:00 The object of the French directory was the destruction
41:04 of the pontifical government,
41:07 not the church by the way but the pontifical government,
41:10 as the irreconcilable enemy of the republic.
41:14 The aged pope was, that's Pius VI was summoned
41:18 to surrender the temporal government...
41:20 See, he could no longer be a temporal ruler.
41:22 No longer would he have a state.
41:25 So it says, he was summoned
41:26 to surrender the temporal government,
41:29 on his refusal, he was dragged from the altar,
41:32 his rings were torn from his fingers, and finally,
41:35 after declaring the temporal power abolished,
41:38 the victors carried the pope prisoner into Tuscany,
41:43 where he never returned.
41:46 So do you understand
41:47 what the deadly wound with the sword is?
41:49 But now we need to talk about the captivity.
41:53 What does it mean when it says
41:55 that the papacy led into captivity
41:57 and the papacy would be taken into captivity?
42:00 You know usually
42:02 even in Seventh-day Adventist circles
42:03 you'll find that they'll say, well, you know,
42:05 the captivity was fulfilled
42:08 when Pope Pius VI was taken prisoner
42:11 where he died in France.
42:12 But there's something broader than this
42:15 because the deadly wound is not something
42:17 that is given to an individual pope.
42:19 The deadly wound is given to the beast
42:23 and the beast ruled for 1260 years.
42:25 In another words, the captivity
42:27 and the wound is given to the entire system.
42:32 Taking Pope Pius VI prisoner only culminated
42:37 what had already existed for 1260 years.
42:40 In other words, we are to understand
42:43 that the deadly wound
42:45 and the captivity is not the deadly wound
42:47 and the captivity of a singular pope,
42:50 but of the entire system of the papacy.
42:54 Are you with me or not?
42:55 Now, how do we understand the captivity?
42:59 Listen, it's very simple.
43:01 As long as the papacy is able to use
43:05 the civil powers of the world, the papacy is free.
43:09 When the civil powers of the world
43:11 withdraw their support, the papacy is in captivity.
43:16 Are you following me or not?
43:19 Now you say, how do you know that from the Bible.
43:21 Well, it's very simple.
43:23 The Book of Revelation explains itself.
43:25 The closest parallel to this idea of captivity
43:28 and being released from captivity is found
43:30 in Revelation 20.
43:32 Let me ask you.
43:33 Is the devil today very active in the world
43:36 fulfilling his purposes and his will?
43:39 If you say no,
43:40 you must have been in a coma the last several years.
43:44 Now, let me ask you,
43:46 where does the power of the devil reside?
43:48 It resides in being able to use the rulers of the world
43:52 to accomplish his purposes.
43:54 Let me give you an example.
43:56 The dragon stood next to the woman
43:58 to devour her child as soon as the child was born.
44:01 Did the devil personally stand next to Mary
44:02 when Jesus was going to be born?
44:04 Of course not.
44:05 How did he seek to accomplish his purpose of slaying Christ.
44:10 Through a political ruler.
44:12 Is the same true with the death of Christ?
44:13 Did the devil use Pontius Pilate to doom
44:16 and condemn Christ.
44:18 Did he use pharaoh to try and destroy Moses?
44:22 Yes.
44:23 See the devil accomplishes his purpose
44:25 by using the civil powers of the world.
44:28 So when he uses the civil powers of the world,
44:31 he is free and he is well.
44:37 But what would happen, let me ask you,
44:39 is the time coming
44:40 when the devil is going to get a deadly wound
44:41 and the devil is going to be sent into captivity?
44:43 Yes.
44:45 Where is that described? In Revelation 20.
44:49 What's going to happen
44:50 when Jesus comes with all of the support base of Satan?
44:54 What's going to happen with all of the kings
44:55 that he used to accomplish his purposes?
44:58 They are all going to die at the second coming of Christ.
45:03 So what's going to happen to the devil?
45:06 The Bible says that an angel descends from heaven
45:09 and what does he have?
45:10 He has a chain in his hand
45:12 and he is going to send the devil into what?
45:15 Into prison it says there.
45:18 In other words, he is going to be imprisoned.
45:20 Why is the devil imprisoned?
45:23 Because he doesn't have any rulers
45:25 through whom he can accomplish his purposes.
45:27 So when he is able to use the kings, he is free.
45:30 When he is not able to use the kings, he is captive.
45:33 Are you with me or not?
45:35 But when Jesus returns after the millennium
45:38 which is known as the third coming.
45:40 The Bible says that Satan is going to be what?
45:43 Released from his prison.
45:45 Why?
45:46 Because all of the kings that he used are going to what?
45:49 They're going to resurrect the Bible says.
45:52 Will he have his power back?
45:54 Will his wound be healed? Yes.
45:57 Are you following me?
45:58 So let me ask you.
45:59 What does the captivity of the papacy mean?
46:01 Folks, it simply means that the civil powers of the world
46:04 withdrew their support
46:06 and the papacy could not use them anymore.
46:09 So the papacy,
46:10 if they can't use the civil power,
46:12 if the papacy can't use the kings of the world,
46:14 the papacy is what?
46:15 Wounded.
46:17 It's imprisoned.
46:18 So let me ask you,
46:20 what would the healing of the deadly wound
46:21 and the releasing from the captivity be?
46:24 It must be that the sword of civil power
46:27 will be restored to the papacy
46:30 and the civil powers will once again
46:32 support the papacy.
46:34 Are you following me or not?
46:35 The healing of the deadly wound simply means
46:39 that the civil powers of the world will once again
46:42 give the papacy the support
46:44 that they took away a little over 200 years ago.
46:48 Is this making sense?
46:49 So how important is it to understand the sword
46:52 and to understand the captivity.
46:54 You cannot understand this prophecy,
46:56 you cannot understand the deadly wound of the papacy
46:59 unless you understand what the wound is
47:02 and what the sword is and the captivity.
47:07 Now let me read you some statements
47:08 from a cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church.
47:11 He was a convert from the Anglican Church.
47:13 This is in the mid 1800s.
47:17 Cardinal Edward Henry Manning,
47:19 he wrote a very interesting book,
47:21 The Temporal Power of the Vicar of Jesus Christ.
47:25 And I want to read several statements here
47:27 where he actually is saying what I'm saying,
47:31 but he doesn't realize that he is commenting
47:33 on Revelation 13.
47:34 Obviously if he had really stopped to reflect about this,
47:38 he might not have written what I'm going to read now.
47:40 But anyway he has several statements,
47:42 let me read them.
47:43 Now the abandoned men of Rome...
47:46 And let me explain what that means.
47:48 You remember that Constantine
47:50 moved the seat of the empire to Constantinople
47:53 and he left the throne vacant in the Western Roman Empire.
47:57 You remember also
47:58 that the last Roman emperor was deposed in the year 476.
48:01 After that there was no emperor in the Western Roman Empire.
48:05 So that's what it means the abandonment of Rome.
48:07 There was no longer any civil ruler in Rome,
48:09 so now who takes over the throne of civil rulership?
48:12 The pope does.
48:14 Listen to what it says.
48:15 Now the abandonment of Rome was the what?
48:18 So if he needed to be liberated he must have been
48:21 when there was an emperor he must have been what?
48:24 He must have been captive or bound.
48:26 Are you with me or not?
48:27 So now the abandonment of Rome was the liberation
48:30 of the pontiffs, that is of the popes.
48:32 Whatsoever claims to be obedience
48:34 the emperors may have made,
48:36 and whatsoever compliance the Pontiff may have yielded,
48:39 the whole previous relation, anomalous,
48:41 and annulled again and again
48:42 by the vices and outrages of the emperors,
48:45 was finally dissolved by a higher power.
48:48 Listen carefully now.
48:49 The providence of God that's, I would question that.
48:52 The providence of God permitted a succession of irruptions.
48:55 Here he speaks about the barbarian invasions.
48:58 Gothic, Lombard, and Hungarian to do what?
49:02 To desolate Italy,
49:04 and to efface from it every remnant of the empire.
49:09 And when this happen what occurred?
49:12 The pontiffs found themselves what?
49:14 Alone.
49:15 The soul that means the only fountains of order,
49:19 peace, law and safety.
49:21 And from the hour of this providential...
49:24 Here's the word again, this providential what?
49:26 Liberation when the emperor is gone from the time
49:31 or from the hour of this providential liberation,
49:34 when, by a divine intervention...
49:36 Listen to this now, what?
49:38 Oh, so he was chained before
49:40 when he couldn't use the civil ruler,
49:41 when he couldn't rule in civil matters.
49:43 It says the chains fell off
49:45 from the hands of the successor of Peter,
49:48 as once before his own,
49:50 no sovereign has ever reigned in Rome
49:53 except the Vicar of Jesus Christ.
49:56 Are you catching the picture?
49:58 Notice this next quotation from the same book.
50:01 "The papacy waited until such a time
50:04 as God should break its" what?
50:07 There's captivity again, "break its bonds asunder,
50:11 and should..."
50:12 What's the next word, "liberate it..."
50:14 What it need to be liberated from?
50:17 "Liberate it from subjection to civil powers."
50:19 Is the papacy today subject to civil powers?
50:23 Is it able to use the civil powers
50:24 like it did in the past?
50:26 Not yet, but we're getting there.
50:28 So it says, "The papacy waited until such a time
50:31 as God should break its bonds asunder
50:32 and should liberate it
50:34 from subjection to civil powers,
50:35 and" what?
50:37 "And enthrone it
50:38 in the possession of a temporal sovereignty of its own."
50:42 Here's another one.
50:43 "I say then, that it was God's own act which liberated..."
50:48 Notice against the word.
50:50 "Liberated His Vicar upon earth
50:53 from subjection to temporal power."
50:56 So when the papacy is not subjected to temporal power,
51:00 the papacy is what?
51:02 Free,
51:03 but when it is subject to the temporal power,
51:06 like if there's a Caesar
51:08 or if there's an emperor on the throne,
51:11 then the papacy is what?
51:13 It is captive or restrained.
51:15 So it says, "I say then, that it is God's own act
51:18 which liberated His Vicar upon earth
51:20 from subjection to temporal power.'
51:22 ' And now notice the time period
51:23 that it says this happened.
51:25 "And that for 1200 years
51:27 the Bishops of Rome have reigned
51:29 as temporal princes.
51:30 Does that sound pretty close to 1260?
51:34 Here's a Roman Catholic cardinal that is admitting
51:36 that it was at least 1200 years that this happened.
51:39 Notice the next statement.
51:41 "The conversion of the empire to Christianity,
51:44 and then its removal..."
51:45 That when Constantine took the seat of the empire to east.
51:49 "Its banishment into the far East, freed..."
51:53 So if he'd freed what happened before?
51:57 He was bound or he was captive.
51:58 "Freed the Vicar of Jesus Christ from" what?
52:02 There it is "from temporal subjection, and then,
52:05 by the action of the same Providence,
52:07 he was clothed with the prerogatives of a true
52:10 and proper local sovereignty over that sate and territory
52:15 and people so committed to his charge.
52:17 From that hour,
52:19 which I might say was fifteen hundred years ago,
52:21 or to speak within limit,
52:24 I will say was twelve hundred..."
52:26 There it is again...
52:28 "The Supreme Pontiff has been a true and proper sovereign
52:33 exercising the prerogatives or royalty
52:36 committed to him by the will of God
52:38 over the people to whom he is father
52:41 in all things both what?
52:43 Spiritual and temporal."
52:45 Church and state.
52:49 Aren't these really telling statements?
52:52 He doesn't realize that he is describing
52:56 the freeing of the papacy
52:58 when there was no longer an emperor,
53:00 and the binding of the papacy in 1798
53:04 when the civil power said
53:05 you can't use us anymore, amazing.
53:10 Now there's something
53:11 that is not mentioned in Daniel 7
53:14 that is mentioned in Revelation 13,
53:17 and that is in Daniel 7
53:20 this fourth beast has only three periods of dominion,
53:25 three explicit periods of dominions.
53:28 You have the fourth beast by itself,
53:30 the Roman Empire,
53:31 then you have the ten horns that sprout from his head,
53:34 that's the divided Roman Empire.
53:36 Then you have papal Rome ruling for 1260 years,
53:40 but the prophecy seems to end there in Daniel 7.
53:44 It does hint
53:46 that the little horn will be around when Jesus comes
53:48 because it says there that it will be destroyed
53:50 when Jesus comes, so it's understood that
53:53 the little horn is going to be around
53:55 the time of the second coming
53:56 but of another stage of the little horn
53:58 is not explicit in Daniel 7
54:00 but it is explicit in Revelation 13.
54:03 Let me ask you.
54:05 Do you think the time is coming
54:06 when the papacy is going to recover its freedom
54:08 and is going to be healed from its deadly wound?
54:12 Have you been observing
54:14 what is happening in the world today?
54:16 Have you been observing
54:17 what is happening in the United States today
54:20 in its links and its connections
54:22 with the papacy?
54:23 Let me just read from the Book of Revelation
54:26 what we are told about the last stage of this horn.
54:32 It's the fourth stage of this fourth beast.
54:34 First the united Roman Empire,
54:36 after the united Roman Empire,
54:38 then you have the divided Roman Empire,
54:40 then you have the papacy ruling 1260 years,
54:43 a period during which it is wounded
54:46 and in captivity
54:48 and then its deadly wound is what?
54:50 Is healed and it will do in the future
54:52 what it did in the past.
54:53 You say is that in the Bible?
54:55 Yes.
54:56 Go with me to Revelation 13:3
54:58 speaking about the beast it says,
55:00 "And I saw one of his heads as if it had been what?
55:06 Mortally wounded..."
55:09 Now comes the rest of the story.
55:11 "And his deadly wound was healed."
55:16 Is the beast going to recover his power?
55:19 What would the healing of the wound be?
55:22 Well, must be that it can use the civil power again.
55:26 What does it mean that
55:28 it's going to be free from captivity?
55:31 Yeah, 'cause it's going to be able to use
55:33 the civil powers once again.
55:35 See, it's very simple.
55:36 So it says, "And his deadly wound was healed."
55:39 And all of Fresno,
55:42 Fresno too.
55:44 It says, "And all the world what?
55:47 Marveled and followed the beast."
55:49 Is the whole world gonna follow the beast accord to this?
55:52 Yes.
55:54 How many Protestants believe this?
55:58 Protestants have forsaken
56:00 this method of interpreting Bible prophecy.
56:03 Therefore the great leaders of Protestantism
56:05 such as Joel Osteen, Rick Warren,
56:08 Kenneth Copeland etcetera
56:11 have made trips to Rome
56:13 and have spoken gloriously about
56:14 the Roman Catholic system.
56:16 If they understood this prophecy,
56:18 if they understood that the papacy
56:20 is the little horn or the beast,
56:21 would they be doing that?
56:23 No.
56:24 They've thrown away the method,
56:26 the chain method
56:27 where you can follow the sequence of powers
56:30 one link after another,
56:32 and therefore they cannot see the dangers of this system
56:35 that ruled in the past,
56:37 and therefore they will be caught in the snare,
56:40 and they will wake up
56:42 only when it is too late to escape from the snare.
56:47 Who is going to tell them this?
56:48 Listen the Seventh-day Adventist Church
56:50 is the only church in the world that uses this method today.
56:53 The Protestant Reformers used if.
56:56 If Martin Luther and John Calvin
56:58 resurrected today,
56:59 they would die of a heart attack
57:01 because they would not recognize the churches
57:04 that came as result of them
57:07 because Luther and Calvin they believed
57:09 that papacy was the antichrist.
57:12 But today, apart from Adventists
57:15 hardly anybody believes that.
57:18 Now what is next link in the chain?
57:22 Who will restore the power of the sword
57:25 and deliver the papacy from its imprisonment?
57:29 Folks, this is the most
57:30 unbelievable part of this prophecy.
57:33 It is going to be the most unlikely power in the world
57:38 that will restore the sword to the papacy
57:40 and the whole world will follow the example of this nation.
57:44 And you say, what nation in its right mind would do this,
57:47 restore freedom to the papacy
57:49 and restore the sword to the papacy.
57:51 The most unlikely of all nations
57:54 and I like to say this,
57:56 that nation is the elephant in the room.
58:01 Everybody can see it,
58:03 but at the same time they can't see it.
58:05 So don't miss the next exciting episode.


Revised 2016-11-07