God's Prophetic Chain

Who is the Little Horn

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: GPC

Program Code: GPC000002A

00:30 We want to review
00:32 what we studied in our last session,
00:34 and then we'll get into some new material.
00:36 Let us pray.
00:37 Father in heaven as we open your word,
00:39 we ask for the guidance of your Holy Spirit.
00:42 We ask for understanding,
00:44 we ask for the willingness to open our hearts and minds
00:47 to receive what you have for us.
00:50 Give us your wisdom,
00:51 we pray in the precious name of Jesus, amen.
00:55 Let's just review
00:57 what we studied in our first session.
00:58 We're studying the great prophetic chain.
01:00 Now where does the chain begin, with which kingdom?
01:04 It begins with Babylon, very well.
01:06 Then it continuous with which kingdom?
01:09 Medo-Persia, then the third kingdom is what?
01:11 Greece.
01:12 The fourth kingdom is the Roman Empire.
01:15 But then what happens, the Roman Empire is what?
01:18 Is divided into 10 kingdoms,
01:21 because that fourth beast sprouts 10 horns.
01:24 And then in the midst of the 10 horns rises what?
01:28 A little horn, and it becomes big.
01:31 It's little at first, but then it grows
01:33 and it becomes larger than its fellows.
01:36 So in our study today,
01:38 we are going to attempt to define
01:41 what is meant by the little horn.
01:43 We already know that the lion is Babylon,
01:46 the bear is Medo-Persia, the leopard is Greece,
01:49 the dragon beast is Rome,
01:50 the 10 horns represent the 10 divisions of Rome,
01:54 but the question is
01:55 "What is represented by the little horn?"
01:59 I'm gonna share with you, as we begin
02:01 seven characteristics of the little horn,
02:05 and I'm going to list them first of all,
02:07 and then we are going to look at each of them more carefully.
02:11 So let's just go through
02:13 the seven characteristics first of all,
02:15 and then we'll amplify each one of them.
02:18 Number one,
02:20 the little horn rises after the 10 horns are there,
02:26 so we know when the little horn is going to arise.
02:29 It has to arise after the 10 horns are complete,
02:33 after the Roman Empire is divided in other words.
02:38 Characteristic number two,
02:40 we know that the little horn must be a power
02:44 that rises in Western Europe, more specifically in Rome.
02:49 You say why in Rome,
02:50 because the fourth beast represents Rome,
02:53 and the little horn
02:54 rises from the head of the fourth beast.
02:56 So the little horn in some sense
02:59 must be Roman, it rises in Western Europe,
03:03 more specifically in Rome.
03:05 The third characteristic is that the little horn
03:09 uproots three of the ten horns.
03:12 So we must look to a historical occurrence,
03:15 where the little horn uprooted
03:17 three of the divisions of the Roman Empire.
03:21 The last four characteristics are found in Daniel 7:25.
03:26 We find there in that verse the following words.
03:30 "He shall speak pompous words against the Most High,"
03:35 that's characteristic number four.
03:37 The pompous words are defined in Revelation 13,
03:40 which we will study tomorrow Lord willing,
03:44 is defined as blasphemies.
03:46 The great words or the pompous words
03:48 are blasphemies.
03:49 So the fourth characteristic
03:51 is that the little horn speaks blasphemies.
03:54 The fifth characteristic is expressed
03:57 in verse 25 once again,
03:59 "He shall speak pompous words against the Most High,
04:02 shall persecute the saints of the Most High,"
04:05 that's characteristic number five.
04:07 It would be a power that would persecute
04:10 God's faithful people.
04:11 And then we have characteristic number six,
04:14 it says about the little horn,
04:16 "And he shall intend to change times and law."
04:20 In other words, this would be a power
04:22 that would think that it could have the capacity
04:24 and the power to change God's very law.
04:29 And the final characteristic is that this little horn
04:31 was going to rule for a certain period of time.
04:35 It says at the end of verse 25,
04:38 "Then the saints shall be given into his hand
04:41 for a time and times and half a time."
04:46 And so we have these
04:47 seven characteristics of the little horn
04:50 and now we want to take a look
04:52 at which power fulfils these seven characteristics.
04:57 However, before we do,
04:59 I want to emphasize something very important once again
05:02 and that is that when we identify the little horn,
05:07 we are not talking about the individuals
05:11 represented by the little horn.
05:13 The little horn represents
05:14 an apostate religious organization.
05:17 In other words,
05:18 it represents an apostate system of religion.
05:21 It doesn't mean that everybody
05:23 who belongs to that religion is apostate.
05:27 What it means is that the system itself
05:30 is an apostate system
05:31 and its condition is irreversible.
05:34 In other words, it's not going to change
05:36 according to Bible prophecy.
05:38 But in that system are many sincere people
05:41 who love the Lord Jesus well with all their hearts.
05:44 They serve Jesus to the best of their ability
05:47 according to the knowledge that they have.
05:49 I want to make that very, very clear.
05:51 So you say,
05:53 what is represented by the little horn,
05:55 which apostate religious organization
05:57 is represented by this little horn.
06:00 I'm going to tell you, which power it is,
06:02 and then we are going to look at the evidence.
06:06 There is no doubt whatsoever
06:07 as we look at the characteristics
06:09 of the little horn, that there is only one power,
06:13 one system in the world
06:15 that fits with every single characteristic
06:18 and that is the Roman Catholic papacy.
06:22 The little horn represents
06:23 the Roman Catholic papacy as a system.
06:27 It does not represent individuals within the system.
06:30 It represents the organization,
06:32 the apostate organization of the Roman Catholic papacy.
06:37 So let's look at the seven characteristics
06:40 to see if they square or they fit
06:43 with the Roman Catholic papacy.
06:45 The first characteristic is that the little horn
06:49 would rise after the 10 horns or the 10 divisions
06:54 of the Roman Empire were complete.
06:58 Yesterday I briefly mentioned about the barbarian tribes
07:02 that came from the northern sector of the empire.
07:05 And they started carving up what had been the Roman Empire.
07:10 Some of these are kingdoms, I'll give you the names
07:13 and you'll immediately be able to identify
07:16 the nations in Europe
07:17 that descend from these kingdoms.
07:20 There was the Anglo-Saxons. Where would they from?
07:24 They would be from England.
07:25 You have the Alemanni, you know,
07:28 in Spanish German is Alemannis,
07:31 so the Alemanni are the Germans.
07:34 You have the Lombards.
07:35 Where would the Lombards be from?
07:37 They would be from Italy.
07:39 You know you have the famous football coach
07:42 Vince Lombardi, which is an Italian name.
07:46 You also have the Franks.
07:48 Which nation came from the Franks?
07:50 France of course.
07:52 And then you have the Visigoths,
07:54 which arose in Spain.
07:56 Those are only five of the ten.
07:57 In other words, the nations of Europe
08:00 were the result of the divisions
08:02 of the Roman Empire.
08:04 Now in the fourth century,
08:06 Constantine the emperor in Rome
08:09 decided that he would move the seat of the empire
08:14 to Constantinople in the east.
08:16 And so the throne of Caesar in the west was left vacant
08:20 because in the year 476 the last western Roman emperor
08:25 was deposed from his throne,
08:27 his name was Romulus Augustulus.
08:29 And so basically, Constantine moving the empire,
08:33 the seat of the empire to the east
08:36 and the last Roman emperor being deposed in the west,
08:39 allowed now for the bishop of Rome,
08:42 whom we know to be the pope
08:44 to occupy the throne
08:46 that had been left vacant by Romulus Augustulus.
08:51 In other words, the throne of Caesar
08:53 became the throne of the pope of Rome
08:57 in the year 476,
08:59 when the last Roman emperor
09:01 was deposed from his throne in the west.
09:04 Are you with me or not.
09:05 And the result of the divisions of the Roman empire
09:08 are the nations of Europe today,
09:11 each nation with their own language,
09:14 each nation with their own culture,
09:16 very different than when the Roman empire
09:19 was one empire and was united.
09:21 The empire was fragmented and the nations of Europe
09:25 are the result of the fragmentation
09:27 of the empire.
09:29 So characteristic number one
09:30 fits the Roman Catholic papacy very well.
09:33 Rome was the united empire,
09:36 then it was divided into 10 kingdoms
09:40 and then the emperor moved to Constantinople,
09:44 the last emperor was deposed,
09:46 and this allowed the Roman Catholic pope
09:48 to come and occupy the throne
09:51 that had been occupied by Caesar.
09:53 The little horn definitely arose
09:56 after the 10 horns were complete and in place.
10:01 In terms of geography,
10:03 this is the second characteristic,
10:05 where would the little horn arise?
10:09 Obviously it rises in Western Europe
10:11 because the 10 horns represent the nations of Western Europe.
10:15 But more specifically, it would be a Roman power,
10:19 because the little horn
10:20 rises from the head of the fourth beast
10:22 and the fourth beast is Rome.
10:25 The question is "Is the papacy a Roman power?"
10:28 Let's look at the characteristics.
10:30 First of all what is the name of the church?
10:34 The Roman Catholic Church.
10:36 What is its geographical location?
10:39 Its geographical location is Vatican City in Rome.
10:44 What is its official language?
10:47 Latin, the official language of the Roman Empire.
10:50 What kind of number system does the papacy use?
10:54 It uses Roman numerals.
10:56 What is the architecture in the Vatican like?
10:59 It is Roman architecture.
11:02 Furthermore the papacy inherited
11:05 and transformed the organizational system
11:10 of the Roman Empire into an ecclesiastical empire.
11:14 Let me read you a statement here
11:16 from a Jesuit scholar
11:17 by the name of Malachi Martin in his book
11:21 "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Church."
11:24 How the papacy transformed the organization
11:28 that it inherited from the Roman Empire.
11:31 This is how it reads, "Within three centuries,
11:34 the Roman Church had transformed
11:37 the administrative organization of the Roma Empire
11:41 into an ecclesiastical system of bishoprics, envoys,
11:46 representatives, courts of justice,
11:48 and a criminal system of intricate laws
11:51 all under the direct control of the pope.
11:54 His Roman Palace, the Lateran, became the new Senate.
11:58 The new senators were whom?
12:00 The cardinals.
12:02 The bishops who lived in Rome and the priests and deacons
12:05 helped the pope to administer this new imperium."
12:10 In other words, this new empire.
12:12 So did the papacy inherit the empire from ancient Rome?
12:16 It most certainly did. It is a Roman power.
12:20 Furthermore,
12:22 many of the beliefs and practices
12:24 of the Roman Catholic Church
12:26 were inherited from the pagan Roman Empire.
12:29 Among those pagan practices for example
12:31 was the day of the sun.
12:35 In other words, Sunday as a day of worship
12:38 came into the church from the ancient Roman Empire.
12:43 In fact the first Sunday Law
12:44 was proposed by Constantine in the year 321.
12:47 He was a pagan at that time.
12:49 Of course, later on in the year 336
12:52 in the Council of Laodicea,
12:54 this particular Sunday Law became a religious Sunday Law,
13:00 because at first there was a secular Sunday Law,
13:02 and then it became a religious Sunday Law.
13:06 Perhaps you didn't know that the name Supreme Pontiff,
13:09 Sumo Pontífice
13:11 as the pope is called in Spanish
13:14 is a direct importation from the name
13:17 that was given to the Roman Emperor.
13:19 The Roman Emperor was called Pontifex Maximus,
13:22 the Supreme Pontiff and this is exactly the name
13:26 that is given to the pope today.
13:29 He inherited the very name of the Caesar's in other words.
13:33 Now I want you to notice
13:35 a couple of statements from historians,
13:37 where the historians clearly tell us
13:39 that the Roman Catholic papacy rose from Rome,
13:43 takes the place of Rome, geographically speaking.
13:47 I'm gonna pass up the first statement
13:49 that we find, you can read that at your leisure.
13:52 I'm going to read the next two,
13:54 the one that comes from W.F. Barry,
13:56 and the one that is from Adolf Harnack.
13:59 Notice what is said by W.F. Barry.
14:03 "If we extend our view
14:04 over the ruins of the Western Empire,
14:07 such is the spectacle that meets us on every side,
14:11 the Pax Romana has ceased, the Roman peace has ceased,
14:16 it is universal confusion.
14:19 But wherever a bishop holds his court,
14:22 religion protects all that is left of the ancient order."
14:26 And now notice this,
14:27 "A new Rome ascends slowly above the horizon.
14:32 It is the heir of the religion which it has overthrown,
14:36 which is paganism, it assumes
14:39 the outward splendors of the Caesars.
14:42 The emperor is no more...
14:44 But the e Pontifex Maximus abides,
14:48 he is now the Vicar of Christ,
14:50 offering the old civilization to the tribes of the north.
14:54 He converts them to his creed,
14:56 and they serve him as their Father and Judge supreme.
14:59 This is the Papal Monarchy,
15:02 which in its power and its decline
15:05 overshadows the history of Europe for how long,
15:09 for a thousand years."
15:10 Actually it was more than a thousand years.
15:13 So is the papacy a Roman power according to this historian?
15:17 Absolutely.
15:19 Notice what Adolph Harnack wrote in his book,
15:22 "What is Christianity, " pages 269 and 270.
15:26 "The Roman Church in this way
15:28 privily pushed itself into the place
15:31 of the Roman World-Empire,
15:33 of which it is the actual continuation,
15:37 the empire has not perished,
15:39 but has only undergone a what, a transformation.
15:44 It is a political creation,
15:46 and as imposing as a World-Empire,
15:50 because it is what,
15:52 the continuation of the Roman Empire.
15:55 The pope, who calls himself 'King' and 'Pontifex Maximus,
16:00 is Caesar's successor."
16:03 So let me ask you,
16:05 is the little horn a Roman power?
16:07 It most certainly is.
16:09 It comes from the head of the fourth beast
16:11 which is Rome.
16:12 Once the 10 kingdoms are there,
16:15 the little horn comes up, this Roman horn.
16:19 Now the third characteristic that we noticed
16:21 is that this little horn
16:24 would uproot three of those 10 horns,
16:27 or three of those 10 kingdoms.
16:30 Now the 10 kingdoms were complete by the year 476.
16:33 In other words,
16:35 by the year 476 when the last western emperor
16:38 was deposed,
16:39 the empire had been divided into 10 kingdoms,
16:42 but there was a problem
16:44 that the papacy had after the year 476
16:48 and that is that there were three of the 10 kingdoms
16:51 that did not agree with the theology
16:54 of the Roman Catholic Church,
16:56 particularly they believed
16:58 that Jesus Christ was a created being.
17:01 They did not believe that Jesus was eternal God.
17:05 These three kingdoms were the Heruli, the Vandals,
17:09 and the Ostrogoths.
17:11 And so the papacy was desirous of uprooting
17:15 these three rebellious kingdoms,
17:17 three of the 10 rebellious kingdoms.
17:20 And so what happened is that the pope encouraged
17:24 Theodoric of the Ostrogoths to go against Odoacer,
17:29 the king of the Heruli,
17:30 because the Heruli were one of the kingdoms
17:32 that were rebellious to the papacy.
17:34 And thus it was, that in the year 493,
17:38 Odoacer of the Heruli was killed
17:42 by Theodoric of the Ostrogoths.
17:45 And Theodoric was sent by the papacy
17:47 to uproot the Heruli
17:50 and they were uprooted in the year 493
17:52 and there was no kingdom in Europe today
17:55 that descends from the Heruli.
17:58 Then you have a second kingdom which was rebellious,
18:00 the Vandals.
18:01 And in the year 534
18:04 the papacy influenced the Emperor Justinian
18:07 who was now the emperor in the east,
18:08 but he had a lot to say about the west,
18:10 the pope encouraged the emperor
18:13 to send armies to fight against the Vandals.
18:16 And in the year 534,
18:18 the Vandals were uprooted from history.
18:21 There is no nation in Europe that descends from the Vandals.
18:25 There was one rebellious kingdom
18:27 that was left, the Ostrogoths.
18:29 And in the year 533, the Army General Belisarius
18:36 was sent to do war against the Ostrogoths.
18:40 To make a long story short,
18:43 in the year 538 the Ostrogoths suffered
18:46 a devastating defeat, they were expelled from Rome,
18:50 even though they existed until the year 550,
18:54 they no longer had any power,
18:56 and they disappeared from history
18:58 after the year 538.
19:01 And so exactly the way history points it out,
19:04 the papacy influenced the emperor
19:07 to go against these three rebellious kingdoms,
19:10 the Heruli were uprooted in the year 493,
19:13 the Vandals were uprooted in the year 534,
19:17 and the Ostrogoths were uprooted in the year 538.
19:23 I want you to notice the statement that was made
19:26 by the Emperor Justinian about the pope.
19:32 It says, therefore he's writing a letter actually to Pope John.
19:36 "Therefore, we have exerted ourselves,
19:39 that is the emperors,
19:41 to unite all the priests of the East
19:44 and subject them to Your Holiness...
19:48 because you are the head of all the Churches,
19:51 for We shall exert Ourselves in every way
19:54 as has already been stated,
19:56 to increase the honor and authority of your See."
19:59 What significant about this statement?
20:02 What significant is that the emperor is saying,
20:04 you are the head of all the churches
20:07 and the state is going to put forth all of his effort
20:11 to make sure that everybody obeys you
20:14 as the head of all of the churches.
20:16 Since when is the state suppose to guarantee
20:20 the unity of the church and the obedience of people
20:24 members to the church.
20:27 It's interesting to notice characteristic number four.
20:30 Are you clear with the first three characteristics now?
20:33 Is the papacy a Roman power? Yes.
20:36 Did it rise to power
20:37 after the divisions of the Roman Empire?
20:39 Yes.
20:40 Did it uproot three of the 10 kingdoms?
20:43 It most certainly did.
20:44 Now the fourth characteristic is that the little horn
20:47 would speak blasphemies against the Most High.
20:52 Now we must allow the Bible to interpret what blasphemy is.
20:56 You know most people today when you say blasphemy,
20:58 they think of somebody who raises their hand
21:00 in defiance against God, maybe some atheist
21:03 who claims that God doesn't exist.
21:05 It maybe even uses bad language to curse God.
21:08 That's the idea that people have about blasphemy today.
21:11 But we should allow the Bible to define blasphemy,
21:14 not the dictionary in the 21st century.
21:17 How does the Bible define blasphemy?
21:21 Well, it defines it in two ways.
21:24 The first way is blasphemy means
21:28 "When a mere man claims to have the power to forgive sins."
21:34 Let's notice Mark 2:7,
21:37 Mark 2:7 Jesus had just said to a paralytic,
21:42 your sins are forgiven,
21:44 and of course the Jewish leaders
21:45 were furious with him,
21:47 because they consider that he was a mere man.
21:48 And so they said,
21:50 this man is speaking blasphemies,
21:52 who can forgive sins except God.
21:55 Notice what we find in Mark 2:7.
21:58 "Why does this man speak blasphemies like this?
22:01 Who can forgive sins but God alone?"
22:06 But let me ask you, does the Roman Catholic Church
22:08 claim to have the power to forgive sins.
22:11 You go to Roman Catholic cathedrals and churches
22:14 and you find confessionals everywhere.
22:17 Priests receive confession from the subject of the church.
22:22 And they actually say that they have power
22:24 to forgive the sins of the penitents.
22:27 Let me read you a statement from Saint Alphonsus Liguori,
22:30 one of the 33 doctors of the Roman Catholic Church.
22:33 This is in his famous book,
22:35 "Dignity and Duties of the Priest,
22:37 or, Selva" page 28.
22:39 "Were the Redeemer to descend into a church,
22:42 and sit in a confessional
22:43 to administer the sacrament of penance,
22:46 and a priest to sit in another confessional,
22:50 Jesus would say over each penitent,
22:52 "Ego te absolvo," which means I forgive you,
22:55 the priest would likewise say over each of his penitents,
22:59 "Ego te absolvo,"
23:00 and the penitents of each would be equally absolved."
23:05 Now are you understanding what that statement is saying.
23:07 It's saying that the priest has the same power
23:10 as Jesus Christ to forgive sins.
23:13 Notice what the Baltimore Catechism has to say,
23:16 these are Roman Catholic publications.
23:18 "The priest does not have to ask God
23:21 to forgive your sins.
23:23 The priest himself
23:24 has the power to do so in Christ's name.
23:28 Your sins are forgiven by the priest,
23:31 the same as if you knelt before Jesus Christ
23:35 and told them to Christ Himself."
23:39 You are aware of the fact
23:41 that Pope Francis I has proclaimed,
23:43 "This year, the year of mercy,
23:46 actually it's from December 8, 2015 through November 20, 2016.
23:51 And he's even said that women who I have aborted babies,
23:55 if they're truly sorry for what they've done,
23:57 and they confess their sin to the priest,
24:00 the priest can forgive their sin.
24:03 The papacy certainly claims
24:05 to have the power to forgive sin,
24:06 that's one of the characteristics
24:08 of the little horn,
24:09 it speaks blasphemies against the Most High.
24:12 But there is a second characteristic
24:14 of blasphemy.
24:15 Blasphemy is also when a mere human being
24:19 claims to occupy the place of God on earth.
24:24 Notice John 10:30-33,
24:27 John 10:30-33.
24:31 Here Jesus makes a revolutionary statement,
24:34 "I and my Father are one."
24:36 Wow, that really made the religious leaders angry.
24:39 It says in verse 31,
24:41 "Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him.
24:44 Jesus answered them,
24:45 "Many good works have I shown you from my Father,
24:48 for which of those works do you stone me?
24:51 The Jews answered him, saying,
24:52 "For a good work we do not stone you,
24:54 but for blasphemy, and because You, being a Man,
24:58 make Yourself what, make Yourself God."
25:01 So when a mere man makes himself God,
25:04 or proclaims himself the representative
25:07 of God on earth, that is blasphemy.
25:11 Incidentally the popes called themselves Vicarius Christi.
25:16 That means the word vicar means,
25:18 one who takes the place of.
25:20 So Vicarius Christi means
25:22 one who takes the place of Christ.
25:25 Last I know Jesus said that the Holy Spirit
25:27 was going to take his place.
25:29 Another name that the popes have claimed
25:31 is Vicarius Filii Dei,
25:33 which means the vicar of the Son of God.
25:35 Basically it means
25:37 he who takes the place of the Son of God,
25:39 or the substitute for the Son of God.
25:42 That is blasphemy, folks.
25:44 Let me read you some statements from church history.
25:48 In a narration offered to the pope,
25:51 in the fourth session
25:53 of the Fifth Lateran Church Council,
25:55 Christopher Marcellous stated the following about the Pope.
25:59 And he is speaking to the Pope,
26:00 "For thou art the shepherd, thou art the physician,
26:04 thou art the director, thou art the husbandman,
26:08 finally thou art another God on earth."
26:14 This is a Roman Catholic
26:16 who was speaking about the pope.
26:17 Now there's an interesting encyclopedia,
26:19 it's called Prompta Bibliotheca,
26:21 it was published in the middle of the 1800s,
26:23 I have all eight volumes, they're very, very old.
26:28 If you look up the article, papa, which is pope,
26:32 you're gonna find something very interesting
26:34 that is written in this Roman Catholic encyclopedia,
26:37 which has the church imprimatur,
26:39 which means it's an authorized publication
26:42 of the Roman Catholic Church.
26:43 Let me read you this statement,
26:44 and you tell me if this is blasphemy.
26:47 "Moreover the superiority
26:49 and the power of the Roman Pontiff
26:52 by no means pertains only to the heavenly things,
26:55 to the earthly things,
26:57 and to the things under the earth,
26:59 but are even over the angels, than whom he is greater.
27:04 So that if it were possible
27:05 that the angels might err in the faith,
27:08 or might think contrary to the faith,
27:11 they could be judged
27:12 and excommunicated by the pope...
27:15 For he is of so great dignity and power
27:18 that he forms one
27:19 and the same tribunal with Christ.
27:22 So that whatever the pope does,
27:24 seems to proceed from the mouth of God,
27:27 as according to most doctors, etcetera.
27:29 The pope is as it were God on earth,
27:33 sole sovereign of the faithful of Christ,
27:36 chief king of kings, having plenitude of power,
27:39 to whom has been entrusted by the omnipotent God direction
27:43 not only of the earthly, that's the state by the way,
27:47 but also of the heavenly kingdom,
27:49 that's the church.
27:50 The pope is of so great authority and power
27:53 that he can modify, explain, or interpret even divine laws.
27:59 The pope can modify divine law,
28:01 since his power is not of man but of God,
28:05 and he acts as viceregent of God upon the earth
28:08 with the most ample power of binding and loosing his sheep.
28:12 Whatever the Lord God himself, and the Redeemer,
28:15 is said to do, that his vicar does,
28:18 provided that he does nothing contrary to what,
28:22 contrary to the faith."
28:24 That's blasphemy, folks.
28:26 That's a claim of being the representative
28:29 of God on earth,
28:30 and in some cases even God on earth.
28:32 So does the papacy fulfill the fourth characteristic,
28:36 does it claim to occupy the place of God on earth
28:39 and in some statements, even claim to be God on earth.
28:42 It most certainly does.
28:43 That characteristic fits just like the first three.
28:47 Now what about the next characteristic,
28:49 "Did the papacy persecute the saints of the Most High?"
28:53 This is where you'll find a lot of added material
28:55 to what we have in the syllabus.
28:57 Let me read you first of all,
28:59 what was said by Thomas Aquinas,
29:01 one of the greatest theologians,
29:02 if not the greatest theologian in the history
29:05 of the Roman Catholic Church.
29:07 He wrote this,
29:08 "But on the part of the church is mercy
29:12 in view of the conversion of them that err,
29:15 and therefore she does not condemn at once,
29:18 but after the first and second admonition,"
29:20 as the apostle teaches.
29:22 After that, however,
29:24 after the person is worn the first and second time,
29:26 if the man is still found pertinacious,
29:30 that is obstinate, the church,
29:32 having no hope of his conversion,
29:34 provides for the safety of others,
29:37 cutting him off from the church
29:39 by the sentence of excommunication,
29:41 and further she leaves him to the secular tribunal
29:45 to be exterminated from the world by death."
29:49 Incidentally the other great pillar
29:51 of the Roman Catholic theology,
29:53 Saint Augustine is the one that originated the idea
29:56 that the church should use the state
29:59 to destroy those that don't agree
30:01 with the teachings and practices of the church.
30:03 And I could have read you statements
30:05 also from Saint Augustine.
30:08 The papacy was guilty of persecuting the Hussites.
30:11 Have you ever heard of the story of John Huss,
30:13 how he was burned at the stake.
30:14 Well, his followers were persecuted mercilessly.
30:18 Pope Martin V
30:21 who ruled from 1417 to 1431.
30:25 In 1429 he wrote a letter to the King of Poland,
30:30 and he told him, "You need to exterminate the Hussites."
30:33 And now I'm reading from what this pope wrote.
30:36 Know, he's writing to this king.
30:38 "Know that the interests of the Holy See,
30:41 and those of your crown,
30:43 make it a duty to exterminate the Hussites.
30:47 Remember that these impious persons dare proclaim,
30:51 notice what they proclaim,
30:52 they proclaim principles of equality,
30:55 they maintain that all Christians are brethren,
30:57 like that's a big crime, right,
30:59 and that God has not given to privileged men
31:02 the right of ruling the nations,
31:04 they hold that Christ came on earth to abolish slavery,
31:08 they call the people to liberty,
31:10 that is to the annihilation of kings and priests.
31:15 While there is still time then,
31:17 turn your forces against Bohemia.
31:19 That's where the Hussites were.
31:20 Burn, massacre, make deserts everywhere,
31:24 for nothing could be more agreeable to God
31:27 or more useful to the cause of kings,
31:29 than the extermination of the Hussites."
31:32 That is a Roman Catholic pope writing to the King of Poland.
31:38 What about the persecution against the Waldensians,
31:40 also known as Waldenses.
31:43 In the 15th century, in 1487 Pope Innocent VIII,
31:48 by the way he was not real innocent,
31:51 proclaimed a bull that is a personal letter
31:53 against the Waldensians or against the Waldenses.
31:58 In the bull, the pope referred to the Waldensians as
32:02 "that malicious and abominable sect of malignants,"
32:06 and stated that "if they refuse to abjure,
32:09 that is to recant, they should be crushed
32:13 like venomous snakes."
32:16 Who could forget the so called Piedmont Massacre.
32:19 By the way I've been there in this very place
32:22 of what I'm going to tell you now.
32:24 1655, actually January 25, 1655.
32:28 The Duke of Savoy gave an edict
32:30 against the Waldensians, he said,
32:32 "They must either convert or leave the valleys
32:36 and have their properties confiscated.
32:40 And if they didn't, they would be subject
32:42 to the death decree."
32:44 I want to read you now a statement
32:46 from a very valuable book,
32:47 which we have here at Secrets Unsealed,
32:49 we carry Heresy, Columbus and the Inquisition,
32:53 written by Salim Japas, an old friend.
32:55 He died a few years ago, but a very committed Christian.
32:59 He wrote this,
33:00 "On April seventeenth, 15,000 soldiers
33:04 invaded the valleys of the Piedmont.
33:06 Thousands of Waldenses were murdered,
33:09 tortured and enslaved.
33:12 Hundreds who were able to escape
33:14 to the most rugged areas of the mountains
33:16 were caught and thrown off the jagged cliff
33:19 of Mount Catelluzo near Torre Pellice."
33:22 I've been there, I've been at that very ledge
33:25 where they threw off dozens of Waldensians,
33:28 because they did not agree with the teachings
33:30 and the practices of the church.
33:32 What could we say about the Saint Bartholomew massacre,
33:36 which took place August 24, 1572,
33:41 orchestrated by Pope Gregory XIII.
33:45 At the tolling of a bail, the Huguenots in France
33:49 were murdered without mercy, 70,000 men,
33:54 women and children perished.
33:57 The Huguenots were the professionals of the day,
34:00 they were what the French would say
34:02 "la creme de la creme" of France.
34:05 At the news of the massacre,
34:08 Pope Gregory XIII attended
34:11 with his cardinals
34:12 and other ecclesiastical dignitaries,
34:15 a long procession to the church of Saint Louis
34:19 where the Cardinal of Lorraine chanted a Te Deum,
34:22 that means an anthem of praise to God.
34:25 Incidentally, a metal was struck
34:27 to commemorate the massacre.
34:29 On one side of the metal
34:30 is the face of Pope Gregory XIII
34:33 and on the other side is the image
34:36 of the destroying angel.
34:39 If you want to know, how the inquisition functioned,
34:42 you need to read this book.
34:43 It's unbelievable how this mechanism
34:46 persecuted people mercilessly,
34:48 tortured people simply because they did not agree
34:52 with the practices and the theology of the church.
34:56 The inquisition was established in the 12th century,
34:59 and during the pontificate of Innocent XIV,
35:03 which he ruled from 1241 to 1253,
35:06 the inquisition was refined.
35:09 And I'm gonna talk now about a papal bull
35:12 called Ad extirpanda,
35:14 it was proposed in the year 1252
35:18 by Pope Innocent XIV.
35:20 And these are some of the provisions
35:22 that you find in that
35:24 particular personal letter of the pope.
35:26 Number one, torture must be applied to heretics,
35:30 so has to secure confessions.
35:32 Number two, those found guilty must be burned at the stake.
35:38 Number three, this is the pope is saying this by the way.
35:41 Number three, a police force
35:43 must be established to serve the needs of the inquisition.
35:47 Number four, a proclamation of a crusade
35:51 against all heretics in Italy,
35:54 and those who participated in this crusade
35:57 were given the same privileges and indulgences,
35:59 as those who went on crusades to the holy land.
36:03 Finally the errs of heretics
36:06 were to have their goods confiscated,
36:09 as well as the goods that belong
36:12 to the heretic himself.
36:14 It's interesting to read what Peter De Rosa,
36:16 a Roman Catholic wrote in his book
36:19 "Vicars of Christ"
36:20 pages 175 and 176.
36:23 Listen to this.
36:24 "Of eighty popes in a line
36:27 from the thirteenth century on,
36:29 not one of them disapproved of the theology
36:33 and apparatus of the Inquisition.
36:35 On the contrary, one after another
36:39 added his own cruel touches
36:41 to the workings of this deadly machine."
36:45 Let me read you this statement
36:47 from a 14th century inquisitor, Bernard Gui.
36:50 This is what he wrote,
36:52 "The objective of the Inquisition
36:54 is to destroy heresy,
36:56 it is not possible to destroy heresy
36:58 unless you eradicate the heretics,
37:01 and it is impossible to eradicate
37:03 the heretics unless you also eradicate
37:06 those who hide them,
37:08 sympathize with them and protect them."
37:11 So you not only persecute the heretic,
37:13 you also torture the heretic to find out
37:16 who sympathizes with the heretic
37:19 is what he's saying.
37:20 Now Jean Antoine Llorente, a Spaniard,
37:23 who was actually the secretary
37:25 of the Inquisition in Madrid
37:28 had some interesting things to say about the Inquisition.
37:31 He kind of had a conversion experience.
37:33 Let me read you these two statements.
37:35 "I was the secretary of the Inquisition
37:38 in the court of Madrid
37:39 in the years 1789, 1790 and 1791.
37:45 I knew the establishment well enough to refute it.
37:50 It was vicious in its origin, constitution
37:54 and laws in spite of the apologies
37:57 which have been written in its favor."
38:00 He also wrote,
38:01 "The horrid conduct of this Holy Office,
38:04 which is the name of the Inquisition,
38:05 weakened the power
38:07 and diminished the population of Spain
38:09 by arresting the progress of the arts,
38:12 sciences, industry and commerce,
38:15 and by compelling multitudes of families
38:17 to abandon the kingdom,
38:19 by instigating the expulsion of the Jews and Moors,
38:22 and by immolating on its flaming shambles
38:26 more than three hundred thousand victims."
38:32 This is written by Roman Catholic,
38:34 who was an inquisitor,
38:35 he was a secretary of the inquisitor in Spain.
38:38 He wrote several volumes, documenting
38:40 what the Roman Catholic Church did in the Inquisition.
38:44 I wish I had time
38:45 to go through the next material in the syllabus.
38:48 You know for many years,
38:49 I had desire to visit one specific spot in Peru.
38:54 And a few years ago,
38:55 I was invited to speak
38:57 at the Seventh-day Adventist University in Lima,
38:59 near Lima.
39:01 And I wanted to visit the Palace of the Inquisition,
39:04 because I'd heard that
39:06 there was an interesting exhibition there.
39:08 And so one afternoon they took me
39:10 to visit this Palace of the Inquisition
39:13 in the city of Lima.
39:15 Incidentally the Inquisition function
39:17 in three Latin American countries,
39:19 it functioned in Colombia,
39:20 it functioned in Mexico,
39:22 and of course it in functioned in Peru.
39:25 As we entered the Palace of the inquisition,
39:28 as you look on the right hand side,
39:29 you find this large mural,
39:31 or this large depiction of what is called an auto-da-fe.
39:35 In other words, they're actually doing
39:37 an examination of the heretic, they're in the plaza,
39:40 they are must, and if they just found guilty,
39:42 they're gonna burn him there at the stake.
39:45 It's interesting how this young man
39:47 who was our tour guy simply described that,
39:50 whoever didn't agree with the teachings
39:51 and practices of the church,
39:53 you know they were tied to the stake
39:56 and then they were burned alive.
40:00 You can read in the material,
40:02 the different torture instruments
40:05 that were used by the Inquisition there in Peru.
40:09 In fact after looking at this large mural
40:12 on the right hand side, you take a left,
40:14 and you go into the tortured chamber.
40:16 There you have, and you can read this at your leisure.
40:19 There you have the strappado, you have the whipping post,
40:23 you have the rack, the garrote, waterboarding was used,
40:28 also you've heard of waterboarding, right.
40:30 And then they took us beyond the tortured chamber,
40:33 by the way, they have all of the implements,
40:35 samples of all the implements, and how they were used
40:37 to torture people to get them to recant and also
40:41 to tell who sympathized with their ideas.
40:46 Next, you found these little cubicles
40:50 that were hewn in the rock,
40:52 where individuals suspected of heresy were
40:54 enclosed in these little cubicles hewn in the rock.
40:57 I mean they were barely large enough for the individual
41:00 to fit in there, all curled up,
41:03 and they were kept in the dark and in the cold,
41:06 their family knew not where they were for days
41:09 and sometimes for months
41:11 they were kept in there just barely alive.
41:14 That is the history of the Roman Catholic system.
41:17 Let me read you some other statements
41:19 from other Roman Catholic thinkers.
41:22 Cardinal Robert Bellarmine,
41:24 one of the enemies of the Protestant Reformation.
41:27 He was a champion of the Counter Reformation.
41:29 Notice what he wrote,
41:31 by the way he lived from 1540 to 1621.
41:34 He wrote, "The only effective means against heretics
41:38 is to convey them to that place provided for them
41:41 as quickly as possible.
41:43 In this way one is only doing them a favor
41:47 as the longer they are allowed to live,
41:49 the more heresies they will devise,
41:52 and thus the more believers they will seduce,
41:55 aggravating their own damnation."
41:59 Pius IX wrote in an encyclical letter in December 8, 1864.
42:05 And this is what he wrote, "Cursed be they who assert
42:09 liberty of conscience and of worship,
42:12 and such as maintain the church should not employ force.
42:16 The State has not the right to leave every man free
42:20 to embrace whatever religion he may deem true."
42:25 Interesting that a pope would say such things against
42:29 religious liberty saying that state cannot allow people
42:32 to choose the religion that they want to follow.
42:35 Pope Leo XIII added his testimony
42:38 in his encyclical Libertas humana.
42:42 This is what he wrote.
42:44 "From what has been said, it follows that it is quite
42:47 unlawful to demand, to defend, or to grant unconditional
42:52 freedom of thought, of speech, of writing, or of worship,
42:56 as if these were so many rights given by nature to man."
43:02 Here's another statement by Marianus de Luca,
43:05 a Jesuit, and formally a Professor of Canon Law
43:09 at the Gregorian University in Rome.
43:11 That's where priests are educated.
43:14 Notice what he wrote,
43:15 "The Catholic Church has the right
43:17 and duty to kill heretics because it is by fire
43:21 and sword that heresy can be extirpated.
43:24 Mass excommunication is derided by heretics.
43:27 If they are imprisoned or exiled, they corrupt others.
43:31 The only recourse is to put them to death.
43:34 Repentance cannot be allowed to save civil criminals
43:37 for the highest good of the church
43:39 is the duty of the faith,
43:41 and this cannot be preserved unless heretics are what,
43:45 are put to death."
43:46 And this is a theology teacher teaching priests
43:49 in the Pontifical University.
43:52 He further remarked the following,
43:55 "Heretics despise excommunication
43:58 and say that that bolt is powerless,
44:02 if you threaten them with a pecuniary fine,
44:05 they neither fear God nor respect men,
44:07 knowing that they will find fools enough to believe them
44:10 and support them.
44:12 If you imprison them or send them into exile,
44:15 they corrupt those near them with their words
44:18 and those at a distance with their books.
44:20 So the only remedy is to send them soon to their won place."
44:26 And of course the question is what is their own place?
44:30 Well, he explains by quoting Tanner in the next statement.
44:34 "The civil magistrate, by the command and commission
44:38 of the Church, ought to punish the heretic with what,
44:43 with the penalty of death."
44:47 Notice this statement from Alfred Baudrillart,
44:51 he was a French cardinal.
44:53 These are no slouches of the Roman Catholic Church,
44:56 these are popes and cardinals of the church
44:58 and teachers at the Gregorian University
45:01 that are writing these things.
45:02 Notice what he said.
45:04 "The church has, and she loudly proclaims that she has,
45:08 a 'horror of blood.'
45:11 Nevertheless when confronted by heresy
45:14 she does not content herself with persuasion,
45:17 arguments of an intellectual and moral order
45:20 appear to her insufficient,
45:23 and she has recourse to force,
45:25 to corporal punishment, to torture.
45:29 She creates tribunals like those of the Inquisition,
45:33 she calls the laws of the State to her aid,
45:36 if necessary she encourages a crusade,
45:39 or a religious war and all her 'horror of blood'
45:43 practically culminates into urging
45:47 the secular power to shed it,
45:49 which proceeding is almost more odious,
45:51 for it is less frank than shedding it herself."
45:55 In other words, it's much easier
45:56 to get the state to shut it
45:58 and then blame the state and say, we didn't do it.
46:01 He continues writing.
46:03 "Especially did the church act thus in the sixteenth century
46:07 with regard to Protestants.
46:09 Not content to reform morally, to preach by example,
46:13 to convert people by eloquent and holy missionaries,
46:16 she lit in Italy, in the Low Countries,
46:20 and above all in Spain,
46:22 the funeral piles of the Inquisition.
46:25 In France under Francis I and Henry II,
46:28 in England under Mary Tudor, she tortured heretics,
46:33 while both in France and Germany
46:35 during the second half of the sixteenth
46:37 and the first half of the seventeenth century
46:40 if she did not actually begin, at any rate she encouraged
46:44 and actively aided in the religious wars."
46:49 Notice what Alexis M. Lepicier had to say.
46:53 Once again a cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church.
46:56 He wrote, "He who publicly avows a heresy
47:00 and tries to pervert others by word
47:02 or example, speaking absolutely,
47:05 can not only be excommunicated but even justly put to death,
47:10 lest he ruin others by pestilential contagion,
47:13 for a bad man is worse than a wild beast,
47:16 and does more harm, as Aristotle says.
47:19 Hence, as it is not wrong to kill a wild beast which does
47:23 great harm, so it must be right to deprive of his harmful life
47:29 a heretic who withdraws from divine truth and plots against
47:33 the salvation of others."
47:36 Are you following this?
47:37 This is not one or two statements from nobody's,
47:41 this is popes and cardinals.
47:44 And the history shows that the papacy persecuted
47:47 without mercy those who did not agree with her.
47:51 The Catholic Encyclopedia therefore says
47:54 and admits that this is a dark period
47:57 of the history of the Roman Catholic Church.
47:59 "Judged by contemporary standards,
48:01 the Inquisition, especially as it developed
48:04 in Spain toward the close of the Middle Ages,
48:07 can be classified only
48:09 as one of the darker chapters in the history of the Church."
48:15 There have been papal apologies
48:18 at Saint Peter's Basilica on the first Sunday
48:21 of Lent March 12, 2000 Pope John Paul II
48:26 in a carefully choreographed mass,
48:29 leaning against the crucifix with an agonizing voice seemed
48:34 to apologize for the sins
48:36 of the church against Protestants,
48:39 Jews, non-Christians, immigrants, ethnic minorities,
48:43 women, abused children, and the unborn.
48:46 He actually mentions all these groups.
48:48 And he's apologizing for the way in which
48:50 the Roman Catholic Church treated them.
48:52 And now I read
48:54 one of the points that he mentioned,
48:57 it's a long letter that he wrote actually.
49:00 "We forgive and we ask your forgiveness!
49:04 We cannot recognize the betrayals of the Gospel
49:10 committed by some of our brothers,
49:12 especially during the second millennium.
49:15 We ask forgiveness for the divisions
49:17 between Christians, for the use of violence that some have
49:21 resorted to in the service of truth."
49:23 Notice he doesn't say that it was in the service of err,
49:26 he says in the service of truth.
49:28 "And for the acts of dissidence and of hostility sometimes
49:32 taken towards followers of other religions."
49:36 But in this long letter he never admits
49:39 that it was the church that persecuted.
49:41 He says some of our brothers persecuted.
49:44 That lead the editor
49:46 of the New York Times to write this about
49:48 this document that the pope wrote.
49:50 "The document should have put it in bold print
49:54 that 'children of the church'
49:57 includes popes, cardinals and clergy,
50:01 and not just people in the pews.
50:04 The pope had a great idea that some in the Vatican are
50:08 obscuring with a fog machine.'
50:12 'There was also an apology by Pope Francis I
50:15 and this is amazing.
50:17 He actually traveled to Torre Pellice,
50:20 the place where the Waldensians actually lived.
50:23 And on June 22, 2015 just last year,
50:28 he spoke at this oldest evangelical church
50:31 of the Waldensians.
50:33 And now I read what he said to them.
50:36 "On the part of the Catholic Church,
50:39 I ask your forgiveness,
50:41 I ask it for the non-Christian and even inhuman attitudes
50:46 and behavior that we have showed you."
50:49 In other words, he's apologizing
50:51 to the Waldensians
50:52 in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ forgive us.
50:56 And so some people say,
50:57 see the papacy is repented and sorry for what it has done.
51:01 We're gonna study a little bit later on in our series
51:04 that the papacy is gonna act in the future in the same way
51:08 that it acted in the past.
51:10 Bible prophecy tells us that is going to happen.
51:13 So the facade that the papacy is presenting today of being
51:18 a forgiving church, begging for forgiveness and saying,
51:21 we're sorry for what we've done is only way to gain
51:25 the confidence of people
51:26 and tell the papacy can once regain power.
51:31 Now we're gonna study characteristic number six,
51:33 and we're gonna leave number seven for our next lecture,
51:36 because our next lecture
51:37 is going to deal with the time period,
51:39 time, times, and the dividing of time.
51:42 So let's cover point number six.
51:45 Does the papacy claim to have change God's holy law?
51:50 Yes, in two ways.
51:52 One way indirectly, and another way directly.
51:56 If you read the Roman Catholic Bibles,
51:58 you're gonna find the second commandment just like it is in
52:01 Protestant Bibles.
52:02 It says don't make images,
52:04 and don't bow before the images,
52:06 that's in Roman Catholic Bibles.
52:08 But when you go to Roman Catholic catechisms
52:11 that commandment is gone.
52:12 It's not in the catechisms.
52:14 And you say why would it be in the Roman Catholic Bibles
52:17 and not be in the catechisms, very simple.
52:20 If it was in the catechisms
52:21 which are used to teach children,
52:24 so they can receive first communion,
52:27 if they saw that commandment in the catechism, they say,
52:30 now, wait a minute, there is a contradiction here.
52:32 It says don't make images
52:34 and don't bow before the images,
52:35 why then do we have so many images in the church,
52:38 and why do we bow before the images.
52:40 So the Roman Catholic Church excludes the second commandment
52:43 from the catechisms, even though
52:45 it's following the Roman Catholic Bible,
52:47 and most Roman Catholics don't actually read the Bible.
52:51 So many of them are definitely surprised,
52:53 when they discover that the second commandment
52:55 says don't make images and don't bow before them.
52:59 But the biggest change
53:00 that the Roman Catholic system has made
53:03 in God's Law is that it openly says we have changed
53:08 by the authority of Jesus Christ,
53:10 the day of worship from Sabbath to Sunday.
53:14 The Roman Catholic Church claims and we're gonna
53:16 look at this more carefully later on in the future lecture.
53:19 The Roman Catholic Church without apology
53:23 says openly popes, cardinals, theologians,
53:28 and teachers of theology clearly say,
53:32 we changed the day of worship
53:36 from Sabbath to Sunday.
53:39 Allow me to read you a statement
53:41 from Saint Thomas Aquinas.
53:44 Saint Thomas Aquinas is the greatest theologian
53:47 in the history of the Roman Catholic Church.
53:49 Saint Augustine would probably
53:51 be a close rival of Thomas Aquinas.
53:54 But Aquinas, no doubt is the greatest theologian
53:57 in Roman Catholicism.
53:58 Notice what he said about the day of worship.
54:01 "In the New Law the keeping of the Sunday
54:06 supplants that of the Sabbath,
54:10 not in virtue of the precept of the law,
54:13 in other words, it's not found in the Bible,
54:16 but through determination by the church
54:19 and the custom of the Christian people."
54:23 So he's saying Sunday is a day of worship,
54:26 not because the Bible says it's Sunday but because the church
54:29 and the people decided
54:31 that Sunday would be the new day of worship.
54:35 My Bible begs to differ.
54:37 My Bible tells me that the Sabbath
54:39 was created by God
54:40 at the very beginning before sin.
54:43 It's part of God's original plan.
54:46 It's in the fourth commandment of God's holy law.
54:48 Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
54:51 Jesus Christ kept the Sabbath.
54:53 He went to the synagogue as was his custom on the Sabbath day.
54:58 The apostles according to the Book of Acts
55:00 kept the seventh day Sabbath as the day of rest.
55:03 There is no vestige in the Bible
55:05 that the day of worship was ever changed,
55:07 or they were supposed to honor Sunday
55:09 because Jesus resurrected that day,
55:11 or that Sunday is particularly holy
55:13 because of Christ's resurrection.
55:15 And yet the Roman Catholic Church,
55:17 time and again and later on in this series,
55:19 I'm gonna read you a series of statements,
55:21 they say we by the authority of the Jesus Christ conceded
55:25 to the Roman Catholic Church,
55:27 we have changed the day of worship
55:30 from Sabbath to Sunday.
55:31 The Bible says that the little horn would think that it could
55:35 change God's what, it could change God's law.
55:38 So let me ask you, do all of the characteristic fit
55:41 the Roman Catholic Church?
55:43 Absolutely, number one, what was number one,
55:47 do you remember, number one it was going to arise after
55:50 the 10 kingdoms were complete.
55:52 Is that true? Yes.
55:54 It was going to arise in Western Europe,
55:56 more specifically from Rome, is that true?
55:59 It was going to uproot three of the 10 kingdoms,
56:02 the three rebellious kingdoms.
56:03 That's true.
56:05 Does the papacy speak blasphemies by claiming
56:07 to forgive sins,
56:08 and by the pope claiming to be the representative
56:10 of Christ on earth?
56:11 Absolutely.
56:13 Does the papacy have a long history of persecution?
56:17 Yes, it does.
56:18 Does the papacy claim to have changed God's day of worship
56:21 from Sabbath to Sunday?
56:23 Absolutely.
56:24 Now there is one characteristic
56:26 that we did not cover from this lesson.
56:28 We're gonna look at it in our next lecture
56:30 and that is the period that the Roman Catholic
56:34 papacy ruled during the time
56:37 that it did all of these things that we're talking about.
56:41 The Bible says that the papacy would rule for time,
56:45 times and the dividing of time.
56:48 You say, "What in the world could that ever mean."
56:51 Time, times and the dividing of time.
56:54 In Revelation, it's described as 42 months.
56:58 In Revelation 12, it's called 1,260 days,
57:04 three parallel expressions, 1,260 days, 42 months,
57:09 and time, times and the dividing of time.
57:12 And in our next together, I'm going to show you
57:14 that the papacy ruled exactly
57:17 the time that this prophecy says.
57:19 It ruled for 1,260 years from the time it rose to power till
57:26 the time that it received a deadly wound
57:28 according to Revelation 13.
57:30 So the last characteristic also fits the papacy
57:34 like glove in hand.
57:37 So are you clear on what we've studied so far.
57:40 The prophetic chain, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece,
57:44 the Roman Empire, the divided Roman Empire
57:46 and then from the divided Roman Empire
57:48 or in its midst rises he little horn
57:52 with all of these characteristics
57:53 and rules for 1,260 years.


Revised 2016-10-24