Participants: Pr. Kenneth Cox
Series Code: GMTB
Program Code: GMTB000046
00:19 Good evening and welcome to Give Me The Bible.
00:22 We are so excited 00:23 to have all of you joining... 00:24 whether you're joining us by 00:26 television or radio or the Internet. 00:29 And we're thankful for our live audience. 00:31 You know, this is the 10th month that Kenneth Cox 00:35 has been coming to 3ABN to produce his series 00:39 Give Me The Bible. And it has been wonderful, hasn't it? 00:42 Haven't you all enjoyed this? 00:44 Each series month by month has had five parts to it. 00:49 And he's gone from everything from salvation 00:52 and atonement and the Holy Spirit to prophecy. 00:56 We've had wonderful in-depth Bible studies. 00:59 And we're so glad that you could join us tonight. 01:02 Coming from Thompsonville, Illinois, 01:04 this is a Kenneth Cox production, and this series is 01:09 called The Elijah Message. 01:12 And we're very thankful that pastor and evangelist 01:15 Kenneth Cox is here. 01:16 You know, one thing that I love about him 01:18 is not only is he a great Bible student but he's a 01:21 student of history. 01:23 And he has a way of tying it all in together, doesn't he? 01:26 And then he always gives us that practical application 01:31 so that we can have a more personal relationship 01:34 with the Lord Jesus Christ. 01:35 So we're very thankful. Tonight he's going to be talking 01:38 about the coming of Elijah. 01:41 You know, the last verse in the Old Testament 01:43 the Lord says: "Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet 01:48 before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. " 01:53 So who was Elijah? 01:56 Who did He mean? Who's coming back? 01:58 And what is the mission of Elijah? 02:00 We're going to learn all about that tonight. 02:01 But before we do, it's my pleasure to introduce to you 02:05 a charming trio - 02:08 sisters - who are very talented. 02:11 You've seen them quite a bit on 3ABN. 02:13 And it's the Micheff sisters. 02:15 And we have Brenda, Cinda, and Linda. 02:18 And these young ladies can do just about anything 02:21 including singing. And they're going to sing 02:23 I Just Feel Like Something Good Is About To Happen. 02:26 Thank you. 02:40 I just feel like something good 02:43 is about to happen, 02:46 I just feel like something good 02:49 is on its way; 02:52 He has promised that He'd open all of Heaven, 02:58 And brother, it could happen any day. 03:04 When God's people humble themselves 03:06 and call on Jesus, 03:10 And they look to Heaven expecting as they pray... 03:16 I just feel like something good 03:18 is about to happen, 03:22 And brother, this could be that very day! 03:28 I have learned in all that happens 03:31 just to praise Him, 03:34 For I know He's working all things 03:37 for my good; 03:39 Ev'ry tear I shed is worth all the investment, 03:45 For I know He'll see me through, 03:48 He said He would. 03:51 He has promised eye nor ear 03:54 can hardly fathom, 03:57 All the things He has in store 04:00 for those who pray. 04:03 I just feel like something good 04:06 is about to happen, 04:09 And brother, this could be that very day! 04:15 Yes I've noticed all the bad news in the paper, 04:21 And it seems like things are bleaker every day; 04:27 But for this child of God 04:29 it makes no diff'rence, 04:33 For it's bound to get much better either way. 04:39 I've never been more thrilled about tomorrow, 04:45 Sunshine's always bursting through the skies of gray. 04:50 I just feel like something good 04:53 is about to happen, 04:57 And brother, this could be 05:00 Sister, this could be 05:03 that very day. 05:13 Amen! 05:15 Thank you. Thank you to the Micheff sisters. 05:18 Enjoy it? Yeah, thank you very much. 05:22 Well, welcome back to those of you that are 05:25 watching by television or those of you that 05:27 are listening over the radio 05:29 and to all of you that are here this evening. 05:31 We welcome you back to a series 05:34 entitled The Elijah Message. 05:37 And we hope this will help you 05:39 in a very definite way because it has a very, very special 05:44 message particularly for today... 05:47 the time in which you and I are living. 05:49 So we hope that you'll be able to be with us 05:52 each night as we go through this series. 05:55 Now our next presentation is entitled Abraham's Altar. 06:03 And we'll take a look at that because it has something to do 06:07 with the Elijah message 06:09 and it will help you understand what it's all about. 06:12 So you want to be sure and be with us as we talk about 06:15 Abraham's Altar. 06:17 And then the next presentation will be entitled 06:20 Bless This House. 06:22 Bless This House. 06:24 And so we hope you'll continue to follow us as we 06:28 study God's Word together. 06:30 And then Elijah was taken to where? 06:35 To heaven... fiery chariot. 06:38 And so our next presentation on that is entitled 06:41 Heaven Is My Home. 06:43 Heaven Is My Home. 06:45 And then the last presentation in the series 06:48 is entitled The Great and Dreadful Day of the Lord. 06:51 And so we hope you'll be with us as we go through 06:54 those subjects. That they'll help you understand what's 06:58 involved in The Elijah Message. 07:00 The Elijah Message has a particular message 07:05 and it's supposed to affect two things. 07:07 And that's what you need to look for tonight 07:09 is those two things that it affects. 07:12 And I think you'll find that it will help us understand 07:16 where we are and what's happening today 07:19 and how that you and I need to be prepared 07:22 for the coming of the Lord. 07:24 'Cause that says that He's coming back 07:26 before the great and dreadful day of the Lord. 07:28 And so we need to be prepared for the coming of Christ. 07:32 So we're glad that you're here. 07:34 Appreciate your being here very much. 07:37 And I know that you're enjoying having the Micheff sisters 07:41 with us this time. 07:43 And they're going to sing for us a song entitled 07:46 He Was There All The Time. 08:07 Time after time I went searching 08:12 for peace in some void... 08:17 I was trying to blame all my ills 08:22 on this world I was in; 08:28 Surface relationships used me 08:33 till I was done in... 08:38 And all the while Someone was begging 08:43 to free me from sin! 08:48 He was there 08:50 all the time, 08:54 He was there 08:57 all the time; 09:01 Waiting patiently 09:05 in line, 09:08 He was there all the time! 09:26 Never again will I look for 09:31 a fake rainbow's end... 09:36 Now that I found the answer 09:40 my life is just starting to rhyme; 09:47 Sharing each new day with Him 09:51 is a cup of fresh life... 09:57 But O what I missed! 10:00 He'd been waiting right there 10:03 all the time! 10:07 He was there 10:10 all the time, 10:14 He was there 10:16 all the time; 10:20 Waiting patiently 10:25 in line, 10:27 He was there 10:30 all the time! 10:34 Waiting patiently 10:38 in line, 10:41 He was there - He was there - 10:45 He was there - He was there - 10:48 He was there - He was there... 10:52 all the 10:56 time! 11:01 Amen! 11:16 Our Father in Heaven, tonight 11:19 we come to You asking that as we 11:25 sense and understand 11:30 the hour in which we are living, 11:32 that all the things around us are shouting 11:37 that Jesus is coming back. 11:40 We pray that we might be in a position to understand. 11:46 That our hearts might be open. 11:49 That the Holy Spirit may be able to guide and impress us. 11:52 Help us to understand the message that's to be given 11:57 just before You come back. 11:59 May we be receptive. 12:03 May we be willing to walk as Your Spirit leads. 12:07 Give us understanding tonight, we pray. 12:10 In Christ's name, Amen. 12:17 Well tonight I'm going to ask you 12:20 to go to the last book in the Old Testament. 12:26 Not only the last book of the Old Testament - 12:29 which is the book of Malachi - but to the last chapter 12:33 of the book of Malachi 12:36 and then to the last two verses of that chapter. 12:40 And so we're at the very, very end of the Old Testament. 12:46 And there it says these words: 12:59 So He's promised that He's going to send back Elijah 13:03 before the great and dreadful day of the Lord. 13:16 Well... when is Elijah coming back? 13:20 And when he comes back, what is his message? 13:25 What does he have to proclaim? 13:28 And are we to look for Elijah? 13:31 The Jewish people are still looking for him. 13:34 At Yom Kippur, when they celebrate Yom Kippur 13:38 they have one of the children go... 13:41 And they set a place, folks. They set a plate 13:45 and silverware and everything at the table for Elijah. 13:48 And they have a child go to the door and look for him. 13:51 Are we looking for this? 13:53 What does it mean when it says He'll send Elijah back? 13:57 Well let's see what the scripture tells us about it. 13:59 So we'll take a look here at Matthew... 14:02 Matthew 17 verse 10. And it says: 14:12 So here Christ's disciples have come to Him and they've said 14:16 "You know, why is this that the scribes are going about 14:19 saying that Elijah has to come first? " 14:21 And Jesus responded or answered: 14:30 So Jesus said: "What the scribes are saying is true. 14:34 Elijah is coming back and is going to restore all things. " 14:39 So... what does it say here? 14:41 Well you find that the Pharisees sent out a delegation 14:45 to talk to John. And I want you to look. 14:48 Now Jesus just said that John was Elijah. 14:52 So let's see what it says here. 15:00 This is what Jesus is saying. 15:14 Very, very important last part of that. 15:17 He said: "This is Elijah 15:20 if you're willing to receive it. " 15:22 But when they went and talked to John and they asked John, 15:25 this is what John had to say about it: 15:29 And they asked him "Who are you? " OK? 15:36 Said: "What then? Are you Elijah? " 15:39 And he said, "I am... " Whoa! 15:43 Christ said: "This is Elijah 15:45 if you're willing to receive it" and John turns around and 15:48 says: "No! I'm not Elijah. " 16:04 They said: "Tell us then, who are you? " 16:07 Now folks, if these men 16:12 had ears to hear... 16:15 Christ said: "If you've got ears, hear... " 16:19 If they had ears to hear, they would have understood 16:22 what was said next clearly. 16:25 Because listen to John's words: 16:37 If they had been listening... if they had heard 16:41 as they should have, they would have understood 16:44 that John was saying: "The same message that Elijah 16:49 preached I am to preach. " 16:52 They would have understood that 16:54 but they didn't have ears that hear. 16:56 And you and I have to be very careful 16:59 that we hear what the scripture has to say. 17:03 Because it tells us clearly in scripture this was what 17:06 would take place because as Zechariah, John's father, 17:12 was there in the temple the angel said these words to him: 17:23 He said: "No, " - John said - "I'm not Elijah in flesh and 17:27 blood, but the message that I'm supposed preach 17:30 in the spirit and the power of Elijah... " 17:33 This was what he was to do. 17:43 He said: "This is what I'm to preach 17:46 in preparation for the coming of the Lord. " 17:50 Now he emphasized something and he said this to them: 18:12 Now back in Malachi it said clearly 18:16 that his job was to turn the hearts of the fathers to the 18:20 children and the children to their fathers. 18:25 So two things I told you you were to watch for 18:27 and that was that he was going to turn the hearts 18:30 of the fathers to the children 18:33 and he's going to turn the children's hearts 18:35 to the fathers. Those were the things that he was to watch for. 18:39 And so this series that we're going to be talking about 18:43 the next few nights is on the home. 18:46 Because that's what the Elijah message is about 18:49 is turning the hearts of the fathers to the children 18:52 and the children to their fathers. 18:54 So that's what we're going to be dealing with is the home. 18:57 And what the scripture has to say about the Elijah message 19:01 and what needs to happen in the home. 19:04 That's what we're talking about. 19:06 Desperately needed, folks. Today, 19:08 if ever in the history of mankind, we need 19:12 to understand what needs to happen in the home. 19:16 Interesting because if you drop back - 19:18 please notice where this text is found - 19:20 If you drop back one verse... 19:24 We read Malachi 4: 5-6. 19:27 If you drop back to the 4th verse, 19:30 it gives you an indication. And it says here: 19:43 So He said when you come to that, "Behold, I'll 19:45 send you Elijah the prophet. " 19:47 So it has something to do with the law of God. 19:53 Elijah message had something to do with the law of God. 19:58 And it's interesting as you go through and study 20:01 the Word of God and particularly through the Old Testament, 20:05 how many times it ties the law of God 20:10 to the children. 20:13 How often it takes and ties the law of God 20:18 to the children. 20:20 Watch: 20:40 He said: "Giving this to take the law 20:43 and make it known to the children. " 20:47 Well, we have a real problem. 20:51 We have a real problem in this nation 20:55 because we have forsaken the law of God. 20:59 And because we have forsaken the law of God 21:03 the divorce rate has gone up fantastic. 21:08 If you take a look at this graph 21:10 you will see clearly there that the United States 21:14 is in the yellow. 21:16 The United States has the highest divorce rate 21:20 in the world. 21:24 The highest divorce rate in the world. 21:27 And the reason they have it 21:30 is because we have forsaken the law of God. 21:35 If we would come back and follow the law of God, 21:40 what a difference it would make. 21:43 Watch some interesting things about this. 21:47 This is the divorce rate. And what you have there 21:51 is you have the years on the bottom 21:55 and on the side there you have number of divorces 22:00 per 1,000 married women. 22:04 Take a look, folks. Look carefully at it. 22:07 You come up here to about 1970 22:12 and the divorce rate was about 10,000. 22:18 Look what happened: look how that line goes straight up 22:23 till it went more than doubled. 22:27 And since that time it has it has stayed up there. 22:30 Strange that in a 10-year period of time 22:36 it went clear up. And the reason for that is... 22:41 is we forgot something. 22:44 We forgot the law of God. 22:47 We forgot what it said. 22:49 The people turned away to find something else. 22:52 Several movements happened right at that time 22:56 that affected this, 22:57 and dear friend the divorce rate went way clear to the top. 23:02 And it stayed there 23:04 till today this is what is happening. 23:08 There in the top you have in the 23:12 orange you have the marriages 23:15 and on the bottom you have the divorces. 23:18 And you can see how that line gets closer and closer 23:22 together all the time 23:24 until right at the present time 50% 23:29 of the marriages that take place in this country 23:32 end up in divorce. 23:35 50% end up in divorce. 23:40 And I'm just trying to tell you that we as a nation 23:45 have forgotten the law of God. 23:48 The people have forgotten the law of God, 23:50 and I'll come back and talk more about that. 23:52 We've forgotten it, and as a result 23:55 it's wrecking our homes. 23:59 And if you divorce... if you divorce, 24:04 your chances of marrying again and having a successful 24:10 marriage drop. They do not go up. 24:15 Don't let anybody tell you that. 24:17 Look at this. 24:40 So this is what is happening today, 24:44 and all across this country we have couples that have 24:48 divorced and remarried, divorced and remarried, 24:51 divorced and remarried. 24:52 And the reason they are doing that 24:54 is they don't have any foundation for their marriage. 24:58 Like the couple that came to see me, wanted to be married. 25:02 And I said: "Well, what are you building your marriage on? " 25:05 They said: "What do you mean? " 25:07 Didn't have any idea... no foundation whatsoever 25:12 to base... It was not based on Christian belief. 25:15 It was not based on scripture. 25:17 It wasn't... didn't have any basis for it. 25:19 And then we wonder why... why do we have the problems 25:24 that we have. Why are we faced 25:27 with the things that we're faced with today? 25:29 Dear friends, we face some very serious problems. 25:34 Watch this, because remember... we're talking about 25:37 turning the hearts of the fathers to the children 25:41 and the children to their fathers. 25:45 The Wilson Quarterly said: 25:59 The decline of fatherhood. 26:04 And what I'm trying to say tonight is to any father 26:09 out there who believes in Jesus Christ, 26:15 that accepts the Word of God 26:19 and is desiring to follow it, 26:22 then I'm asking tonight: step up to the plate. 26:26 It's time. It's time that men step up to the plate 26:32 and be what they're supposed to be. 26:35 And it makes a great, great difference because that 26:39 is what we're faced with in our society. 26:47 And so tonight I want to talk about 26:50 the responsibility of fathers. 26:52 What God expects of fathers and what we are supposed to do 26:58 as men and what God has called us to do. 27:02 And it has very much to do with the law of God. 27:06 First, as a father, you and I 27:09 must teach our children by example. 27:12 You can't tell your children 27:16 "don't do as I do. " You can't do that. 27:20 You've got to tell your children to following what you do 27:25 as an example. 27:26 They need to see in you what they should be. 27:46 Children must see as an example 27:50 husbands and wives that love each other. 27:56 You can't be at odds with each other and constantly 28:00 fighting and doing this kind of thing 28:03 and the children see the example that they need to see. 28:06 That... it won't work. 28:08 They need to see an example of love in the home. 28:13 That is absolutely required. It's fitting. 28:16 This is what God wants us to be. 28:19 And by the way, men... 28:21 a lot of times in this book it says 28:25 "husbands, love your wives. " 28:27 Says that a number of times. 28:31 Only once in all this book - only once - 28:36 does it say "wives, love your husbands. " 28:40 And the reason for that is that women are naturally that way. 28:46 God made them to love, and that's the way they are. 28:51 Men are not that way. 28:53 Men were made for war. 28:55 We have a hard time loving, 28:58 and we need to be reminded to love. 29:01 That's what God expects us to do. 29:03 So.. be an example. Step up. 29:10 Need to love your wife. 29:12 Children need to see an example of love in the home. 29:28 Fathers, be careful not to provoke your children. 29:33 Listen to another one: 29:43 How do you provoke your children? 29:49 How do you discourage them? 29:51 Well I'll tell you how you do that. 29:54 You do it by making too many rules. 30:00 That's how you provoke your children. 30:02 I know of homes that have been run 30:05 totally and completely on the letter of the law, 30:09 and they've done the children in that home untold harm. 30:13 Probably things that can never be erased because 30:17 they didn't know anything but the letter of the law. 30:20 You and I should have rules. 30:23 It's absolutely necessary to have them in the home. 30:26 But they should be few... not a lot of them. 30:31 The few that you have you need to enforce. 30:33 But don't provoke your children. Don't discourage them 30:38 by having so many rules you don't... you know, they 30:41 don't know what to do. All it does is discourage them. 30:44 I... I have 7 grandchildren. 30:47 I don't know if I've told you this, but if you... 30:49 if I have, bear with me. 30:51 I have seven grandchildren. 30:53 Since I don't get to see them as often as I would like to 30:59 I have a custom. 31:00 And my custom is when that child gets 12 years of age 31:04 I take the child with me for a week. 31:08 And the two of us go on a vacation. 31:11 Just that 12-year-old and myself... 31:14 we go on a vacation. 31:15 And I do that when they're twelve years of age because 31:19 girls at that time are not interested in boys 31:22 and boys are not very much interested in girls. 31:24 I don't have to put up with that kind of junk, see? 31:26 And so I take them at that time 31:29 and we go. And the next to the oldest of my grandchildren 31:33 is a girl by the name of Erika. 31:37 And Erika is quite athletic. 31:40 And we went to Disney World. 31:44 And I take them there and I tell them: 31:47 "OK, let me tell you. There's two rules. 31:50 One: If it's wrong, we're not going to do it. 31:55 That's just that. 31:57 Two: If it's going to hurt you, we're not going to do it. 32:01 Outside of that, it's your vacation. 32:04 We go to wherever you want to go; 32:06 we'll do whatever you want to do. 32:08 It's your vacation. " 32:09 And so we go there and we have a great, great time... 32:12 the grandchild and I. 32:15 And she got up one morning and she said: 32:17 "Papa.. " that's what she calls me... 32:19 She said: "Papa, we're going to go to the waterpark today. " 32:23 Hmmm. Papa had never been to a waterpark. 32:29 And so she said... I said: "Well what 32:31 do we need to do, Erika? " And she said: 32:33 "Oh, all you need to do is take your swimming suit. " 32:35 She said: "When we get there you can get a towel there. 32:38 They'll give us lockers to put our clothes in. 32:40 All you need is to take your swimming suit. " 32:42 So I said: "Fine. " 32:43 Grabbed my swimming suit, and we went off to the waterpark. 32:46 Got there. Got changed 32:50 and started going to the different pools 32:52 that they had in the waterpark. 32:53 And she just went from one to the other, 32:55 and we tried them all. After we had done that for about 32:59 two or three hours, I began to notice something. 33:03 I began to notice that when you get older 33:06 the amount of padding you have on the bottom of your feet 33:10 is not as thick any more. 33:12 It's thinner, see? 33:13 And walking on that concrete, my feet really began to hurt me 33:18 bad, see? Well, by that time she had found 33:21 a slide that she really liked. 33:25 But when we went there the crowd was so big 33:29 you had to stand in line for 45 minutes to ride it, you know. 33:33 And so we rode it a couple times. 33:36 But she's very capable, 33:39 and she found out you could go around back 33:41 and you could walk the steps up and do that in 15 minutes. 33:46 Well, after we had walked those steps up that thing 33:50 about 3 or 4 times, 33:52 you know, I wasn't in very good shape. 33:54 I mean, my feet were really in bad shape... 33:57 and besides several things else weren't in very good shape... 34:01 and I could hardly walk. 34:03 Well I decided there was another rule. 34:06 And that was: if it's going to hurt Papa 34:08 we're not going to do it either. See? 34:10 But don't make a lot of rules, folks. 34:14 That discourages your children; it provokes them. 34:18 We need to teach them, 34:20 but we need to teach them by example. 34:22 That's what God wants us to do. 34:24 All right. 34:30 OK? Follow me. 34:33 You do not teach your children by the letter of the law. 34:38 You teach your children principles. 34:42 This was what got Jesus into trouble, folks, 34:46 because the Pharisees were always going around 34:51 quoting the letter of the law. 34:54 If the woman is caught in adultery, 34:58 then she is to be stoned. 35:02 Letter of the law. 35:04 Principle: "He that is without sin 35:08 cast the first stone. " 35:11 You see, you and I need to teach those children 35:15 principles so that they build their relationship with the Lord 35:20 on principles... not upon the letter of the law. 35:23 Because if they build it on the letter of the law 35:26 then never can their relationship with God be right. 35:30 And secondly, their relationship with anybody else 35:34 can't be right. 35:36 You have to build it on principles. 35:40 This is what God wants us to do. 35:42 This is what it says: 35:48 That's what the 10 Commandments are. 35:50 They're principles that God gives us, 35:53 and we're to learn to live by those principles. 35:58 This is the way God wants us to live. 36:23 You see... Men, God has called you to be 36:29 the priest of the house. 36:31 And it becomes your responsibility 36:35 to see that those children understand the law of God. 36:40 But you need to teach it by example 36:45 and you need to teach it by principles. 36:48 This is how it needs to be given to the children. 37:05 That means in everyday life 37:09 you're to teach that child what God's law is. 37:15 And as we understand it and we teach it to the children 37:19 oh what a difference... What a difference there would be 37:22 in society today, folks, 37:24 if the young people understood the law. 37:28 I was horrified... 37:30 horrified absolutely today 37:34 when it came on the news and talked about 37:38 how these other four boys had taken this one boy 37:42 and set him on fire. 37:44 You know, just horrified 37:48 that something like that can take place. 37:50 Should have never happened. 37:52 If we would have just known... if they had just known 37:56 what the law of God was and it was a principle in their life 38:00 what a difference our society would be. 38:06 It's speaking here of Abraham, which we're talking about 38:08 in the next presentation. Abraham's Altar, OK? 38:32 Said: "I know Abraham. 38:34 He's going to take and he's going to teach his children 38:38 the way of the Lord. " 38:41 That was Abraham, folks. 38:43 And it made a great, great difference in his life. 38:47 I'm sorry 38:50 that today too many people are more interested 38:56 in making money than they are 39:00 in training their children. 39:02 More interested in what kind of house they live in 39:06 or what kind of car they drive 39:09 rather than caring for their children. 39:16 You see, let me tell you something: 39:18 children don't care how much money you make. 39:22 That doesn't many anything to them. 39:26 They don't care what kind of car you drive. 39:29 Or they don't care what kind of house you live in. 39:33 That... that is not something 39:35 that children are concerned about. 39:38 They're concerned about these three things: 39:42 One: that you love them. 39:44 They're concerned about that... that you love them. 39:48 Two: that you spend time with them. 39:50 And three: that you give them attention. 39:53 If you'll love your child 39:57 and if you'll spend time with them and give them attention, 40:00 dear friend that child will be as happy as it can be. 40:03 That's what needs to be. 40:06 We need to do that to teach our children. 40:09 Lead them and direct them as God would have them to be. 40:13 This, fathers, is what your job is. 40:18 This is what God has called you to do when it says 40:20 "to turn the hearts of the children to their fathers. " 40:25 If you will love them, spend time with them, 40:28 give them your attention, I'll guarantee you 40:31 their hearts will be turned to you. 40:34 No question about it. 40:45 He said: "I'll contend with him who contends with you 40:48 but I will save your children. " 40:59 That God gives to you and to me 41:03 as a promise if we will take the time, 41:08 teach our children by example, 41:12 teach them the principles of God's law. 41:15 Their lives will be blessed through all their life 41:21 if we'll give them those things that they need. 41:27 Said: "Not only am I going to turn the hearts of the fathers 41:31 to their children, I'm going to turn the children's hearts 41:34 to the fathers. " 41:35 So I want to talk a little bit about the children 41:38 and what needs to be done there 41:42 and what we need to hold up before them 41:44 so that they understand what they're supposed to do. 41:56 Listen to this, folks. This is... 41:59 this to me is jarring 42:01 when I realize what our children are being born into. 42:14 One child out of every three in this country are 42:18 born to unmarried parents. 42:21 This book is absolutely clear. 42:27 I'm not saying tonight 42:31 that divorce is something that 42:37 is absolutely forbidden. I'm not saying that. 42:42 I'm saying you're putting yourself in a very, very hard 42:45 position if you do divorce. 42:47 I am saying that the scripture says God hates divorce. 42:51 OK? That's what He says. 42:55 So you and I ought to go to great lengths to make sure that 42:59 it doesn't happen because these children are being born 43:03 into homes of unmarried parents. 43:05 And I want to say something else here. 43:09 The Bible talks about marriage and it makes it clear 43:14 that marriage is between a man and a woman. 43:18 That's what the scripture says it is: 43:21 between a man and a woman. 43:23 And I do not care... 43:27 same-sex marriages, two women living in a home 43:31 and trying to raise a child 43:33 can't do what the father's supposed to do. 43:37 It won't work. 43:38 And secondly it doesn't work two men trying to raise a child. 43:41 Won't work. Let's get it clear. 43:46 When we bring children into the world 43:48 they need a father and they need a mother... 43:51 and they need them to fulfill that role. 43:54 Watch. You say: "Well, doesn't make any difference. 43:58 We can do that... " Listen to this: 44:12 40% in divorced homes have not seen their father 44:18 in over a year. 44:19 Now... no way that that child can develop as it should 44:25 without that role of the father there. 44:29 He is the head of the house; he's the priest. 44:32 That child needs to see that by example. 44:36 They need to understand what he has to say. 44:39 You say: "Well, you know, does it really do anything? " 44:43 Listen to this, folks. 44:57 Three out of every four 45:00 children's suicides 45:04 are in single-parent homes. 45:08 Terrible. 45:10 Terrible. 45:11 And you say it doesn't affect the children? 45:14 Better believe it affects the children. 45:17 Terrible. 45:19 So you and I need to come back, open our hearts 45:25 and let the scripture tell us and lead us 45:29 in how we are to be. 45:41 Without a question, one of the greatest joys 45:45 that can come to a parent's heart 45:48 is to know that their children walk in the truth of God's Word. 45:54 So children, God offers to you... 45:59 He offers to you a good life. 46:03 He offers to you a wonderful life 46:06 if you'll walk according to the truth of God's Word. 46:12 Fill your heart with the principles of God's law. 46:16 Let it become a guiding direction in your life, 46:20 and as it does it will give to you the blessing of God. 46:26 And He will lead and guide your steps. 46:29 Timothy... Timothy was an excellent example of this. 46:35 It says: 46:41 Paul was writing about Timothy 46:43 and he said: "Timothy, when I recall the genuine 46:47 faith that was in you. " 46:49 His mother and his grandmother, 46:51 his father there... all followed the Lord. 46:54 They taught Timothy, and as he learned 46:57 what God's Word said he followed it. 47:00 Genuine faith there. 47:02 It made a great difference in his life. 47:06 Paul is still writing... 47:11 Young people, don't let someone despise your youth. 47:14 God loves you. 47:16 God cares for you. 47:19 And by the way, let me just tell you... 47:21 any young person out there... 47:23 you are totally and completely special. 47:29 You're unique. There's not another person like you 47:34 anywhere in the universe. 47:36 Not another person like you anywhere. 47:39 There never will be. 47:41 Understand that. 47:42 There will never be another individual like you 47:46 throughout eternity. 47:47 You are totally and completely unique, 47:51 and therefore great is your privilege. 47:56 Great is your future. 48:00 Turn your heart, your life over to God. 48:15 Young person, walk as God 48:21 leads you in His Word. 48:23 Parents, give them the right example. 48:29 Help them to learn the principles of God's Word. 48:32 If you do that, it will make a big difference. 48:45 Children, obey your parents. 48:50 Obey them... I don't care if you can't see the reason. 48:57 If you can't see the reason, obey them. 49:03 Obey them for this is "pleasing to the Lord. " 49:07 He will honor you for doing it 49:10 if you will obey your parents and follow. 49:13 Please notice: 49:14 "Obey your parents in the Lord. " 49:19 See. Learn the principles of God's law. 49:23 It will give you the guidance that you need 49:26 as you go through life. 49:27 Learn those; commit them to your life. 49:29 What a difference it will make. 49:42 Honor your parents. 49:44 Follow them. God says: "If you do that, I'll bless you. " 49:50 And so to husbands, wives: 49:56 take your children, spend time with them, 50:00 love them. 50:02 Give them the attention that they need. 50:04 If you do, this is what will happen: 50:19 OK? 50:34 OK? 50:48 God said if you follow... fear the Lord... 50:51 If you walk in His ways, 50:54 then your wife will be a fruitful vine in your home 51:00 and your children like olive plants all around your table. 51:11 So God promises to you and to me 51:15 a blessing if we will just walk with the Lord... 51:19 follow Him. So men, I plead with you: 51:24 step up. Let's be responsible. 51:29 Let's do what God has called us to do. 51:32 And God hasn't left you to do it by yourself. 51:36 All He asks you and I to do is commit our lives to Him 51:40 and He will accomplish that. 51:59 We're approaching the coming of the Lord 52:03 and we want to take our families with us. 52:07 We want to see our wife and we want to see our children... 52:10 we want to see them there. 52:13 And let me tell you, it starts right here, folks. 52:16 It starts... and I want you to listen as Marjorie Rice sings 52:22 Love At Home. 52:31 There is beauty 52:35 all around, 52:39 when there's love 52:42 at home; 52:47 There is joy 52:50 in every sound, 52:55 when there's love at home. 53:04 Peace and plenty 53:08 here abide, 53:12 Smiling fair 53:16 on every side; 53:21 Time doth softly, 53:26 sweetly glide, 53:32 When there's love at home. 53:40 Love at home, 53:47 love at 53:52 home; 53:57 Time doth softly, 54:01 sweetly glide, 54:08 When there's love 54:14 at home. 54:23 Let us pray. 54:25 Father, as we have looked tonight 54:30 at this message 54:33 that men are to look at, 54:37 understand, and to follow 54:41 as we approach the coming of Jesus Christ, 54:44 may our hearts be open to Your Word. 54:49 May we stand up; be what we should be. 54:53 May our children be brought up in the nurture 54:59 and the admonition of the Lord 55:01 we pray. In Christ's name, Amen. 55:05 Tomorrow: Abraham's Altar. 55:09 God bless you. Thank you for being here. 55:11 Have a good evening. 55:15 Although they're small and seemingly insignificant, 55:18 soybean pods fill the farm fields of the United States. 55:22 What a treasure they are for the farmer at harvest time. 55:27 Nearly all soybeans in this country 55:30 are processed for their oil which is then refined for 55:33 cooking or sold for biodiesel production 55:36 as well as for many other industrial uses. 55:39 Because of the high demand for soybeans, 55:42 a farmer must be able to harvest large quantities 55:46 in the most efficient and cost-effective manner. 55:49 One of the best ways to do this 55:51 is to use a combine harvester. 55:54 These massive machines give the farmer 55:57 the ability to quickly harvest and haul 56:00 the beans at an incredible rate. 56:02 Have you ever considered what one farmer can do today 56:05 with the help of modern tools? 56:08 The farmer of the past could hardly imagine it. 56:11 Within hours, one man and a machine can harvest 56:15 and deliver untold bushels of soybeans to the market. 56:18 His goal is to obtain the largest yield possible 56:22 at harvest time. 56:23 Like the farmer today, we must do the same. 56:27 In Luke 10 and verse 2 56:29 Jesus said: "The harvest truly is great 56:32 but the laborers are few. " 56:34 And in John 4:35 He looked over the wheat fields 56:38 and said to His disciples: 56:40 "Lift up your eyes and look at the fields 56:43 for they are already white for harvest. " 56:45 In both passages, Jesus referred to men and women 56:49 of this world as He proclaimed that the harvest is here 56:53 and the work must be done. 56:55 When I was a boy, 56:57 the corn harvest was all done by hand. 57:00 We literally had a horse-drawn wagon, 57:03 and we would walk along beside it and pull the corn 57:05 off the stalk and throw it onto the wagon. 57:09 But folks, the time is short, 57:11 so the Lord has provided the most marvelous technology 57:15 to enable us to harvest more souls through television, 57:19 radio, and other media. 57:21 Today we can take the message 57:23 to the multitudes around the world at the speed of light. 57:26 Such ability was far beyond the imagination 57:30 of the evangelists of the past. 57:34 The harvest is here, but we can't do it without you. 57:39 Won't you help us? 57:40 Please consider what you can do 57:42 for those who still don't know about Jesus. 57:44 As the Holy Spirit impresses, 57:46 please send your tax-deductible gifts to: 58:00 Thank you for helping us spread the light of God's Word 58:03 through television and radio. 58:05 Your gifts help bring the blessed hope of salvation 58:07 to millions around the world. |
Revised 2014-12-17