Global Mission Snapshots

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: GMS

Program Code: GMS001104B

00:16 I am delighted to have as our guest
00:18 Pastor Randy Elliot,
00:20 who is the only native Seventh-day Adventist pastor
00:23 ministering to a native community currently,
00:26 here in Canada.
00:27 Thanks for joining us. Yes.
00:28 Randy, tell me, please describe the native community
00:32 where you are ministering.
00:34 Gwa'sala-'Nakwaxda'xw is two communities
00:36 that we put together, two peoples put together.
00:39 And there's been a lot of challenges with that,
00:42 and it is been deemed
00:44 the most harmed community in Canada.
00:45 And so, some of the challenges are pretty unique.
00:49 The most harmed community, disclosed what that mean?
00:52 Well, when they put people together
00:54 they put them on another peoples land,
00:57 and then the people,
00:58 that when they put them together
00:59 they didn't get along to well
01:01 and then they have both two other communities
01:02 that weren't too happy with that.
01:04 So it was not very nice for that people, to be there.
01:09 Now what about your church community,
01:11 describe that.
01:13 My church family? Yeah.
01:15 Well, our church is right on the edge of the reserve,
01:18 just before it crosses over the bridge.
01:20 And so it's a, it's a good place,
01:22 people just drop in on Sabbath and especially on potlucks.
01:26 They drop in there and,
01:29 you know, we have people come in,
01:30 some of them kind of off the street
01:32 and they just come in and fall asleep in there.
01:34 And we find out later that they feel safe in there.
01:37 Oh, that's beautiful.
01:38 So Randy, can you describe someone
01:41 who's life has been touched through Jesus.
01:44 Well, one man that I worked with him,
01:47 I was helping build a drum log for group called Sacred Wolf,
01:54 and the man came over and he described
01:56 that he was hereditary chief as well.
01:58 And so and a carver.
02:01 And so that was my introduction to him.
02:04 And he was, I understood later following native spiritualism,
02:09 not Christianity,
02:10 he wasn't interested in Christianity.
02:13 To make it short, he got cancer
02:15 and round up a Victoria and then came back,
02:19 and they brought him back to pass, to die.
02:24 And so I was asked up to see him,
02:25 and I went up to see him,
02:26 and him and his wife were there, and he said,
02:30 Randy, can you tell me
02:33 what the bible says about death?
02:35 And I had prayer about whether
02:37 I should bring my bible in and then I felt that no,
02:40 I'll leave my bible in the truck.
02:42 So I went in and talk to him and I was like, oh, no!
02:45 Oh, Lord help me.
02:47 So anyway, what came to my mind was,
02:51 in alcoholics anonymous they have some descriptions
02:54 on two different roads,
02:56 the red road and the black road.
02:58 And I said this is the way it is,
03:00 I said death from the bible is like a black road.
03:04 If he don't make a decision for the creator God,
03:07 you'll be automatically on the black road.
03:09 But if you,
03:13 make that decision, you're still on it.
03:15 But if you make a decision for the red road,
03:17 I said the creator offers us eternal life
03:20 and we'll have perfect bodies.
03:22 So I said, the choice is simple, that's it.
03:23 I said I am not forcing you, but I said,
03:25 there is the choices right there, simplely.
03:28 And he goes, I want eternal life.
03:30 So we had the sinner's prayer right there,
03:33 and then I went away and came back
03:39 couple days later, he was still alive.
03:41 He said, Randy, there's one more thing
03:42 that's been on my heart.
03:44 And I said, sorry, you don't have to tell me.
03:46 I said that's the spirit that's letting you know.
03:48 But I said, we'll have prayer.
03:50 So we prayed and then we left.
03:54 And then the next day he passed away.
03:57 And so, he is buried traditional way,
04:01 and they put them in a sealed box in a tree,
04:04 up in Nakwaxda'xw Nations.
04:06 Wow. So, yeah.
04:07 Wonderful.
04:09 So, Randy, what are the unique challenges
04:11 that you face ministering in a native community?
04:15 Helping the people understand that God loves them.
04:19 Right. Yeah.
04:20 And there was a discovery you, yourself made
04:22 just a few years ago, right?
04:23 Yes.
04:25 Because I was raised in Seventh-day Adventist church,
04:28 my mother was Seventh-day Adventist,
04:29 my father was not.
04:31 And he was an alcoholic.
04:34 And so I've seen two sides.
04:38 And so that was my struggle and it wasn't until
04:42 I was probably I guess recently,
04:47 because I continue to look, I was searching,
04:49 what was important to me was truth.
04:52 And that just kept, and I believed that
04:53 when I look back, the spirit was still calling me
04:55 to take a look, you know.
04:58 And I had given up at one point
04:59 and then the spirit called me back
05:01 and in a lodge one day and told the medicine man,
05:05 and the medicine man said I have a message
05:07 for the next person which was me, and he said,
05:09 you must return your spirituality.
05:12 So I came back,
05:15 make assure that there's lots to do it
05:17 but I came back, and it was not easy,
05:19 but God showed me.
05:22 I asked Him to show me how to love Him,
05:27 and he did.
05:28 And how did that changed your life?
05:32 That change, I understood born again.
05:37 I didn't understand that it is so real.
05:40 You can't tell anybody else about born again
05:44 unless they experience it for themselves.
05:47 Everything changes.
05:50 So how do you pass on that,
05:53 that sense of God loves them too,
05:55 to your community?
05:57 In my community,
05:58 although our people have been judged
06:01 over a lot of things over the past.
06:03 So to just accept them the way they are,
06:07 love them, hug them,
06:09 it's a drunker or whatever it is
06:11 and invite them in,
06:13 pray for them and they love to have prayers.
06:15 And this kinds of show them the love of God,
06:19 they way it was kind of given to me
06:20 and let them know that God loves them.
06:22 I keep telling them that God loves them.
06:25 Yeah. Without strings attached.
06:26 That's right, no strings attached.
06:28 Yeah.
06:30 Randy, thanks so much for sharing with us
06:32 and may God continue to bless your ministry
06:35 among your people.
06:36 Yes.
06:38 And viewers at home,
06:39 please pray for the native peoples
06:41 Pray for randy and what he's doing,
06:42 that God will open up new opportunities
06:45 that they will find,
06:47 that there is a God who loves them,
06:49 no strings attached, and came to this earth
06:52 and showed that love,
06:53 then went all the way to cross.
06:55 Next up, we're going to travel
06:56 very different part of the world,
06:57 down to the Amazon, to see a nurse
07:00 who is showing God's love in very practical ways
07:03 to the people along the river.
07:15 I am a volunteer nurse, working with ADRA.
07:18 I serve in a remote clinic in the Amazon region,
07:21 where I see emergency and clinical cases.
07:25 Well, I am from traditional Seventh-day Adventist family,
07:29 I am a fifth generation Adventist.
07:32 I had the privilege to study at a top university in Brazil.
07:35 At the age of 22, as I was about to graduate
07:39 I knew that I wanted to get into a good residency
07:41 and build a strong career in the nursing field.
07:45 But I also think that at some point in my life,
07:48 I would like to work with the lunches
07:50 serving the needy people along the Amazon River,
07:53 or perhaps some where in Africa.
07:55 I always thought that a missionary life
07:57 is very exciting.
07:58 But I would serve as a missionary
08:00 only when I already had a job and was financially secure.
08:03 I do mission during my vacation breaks.
08:06 But God had a different plan for Samantha.
08:10 Although a student, fresh out of college
08:12 without money or clear direction,
08:14 Samantha prayer for God to guide her future.
08:17 The doors began to fly open, I had no money
08:20 and people started coming to me.
08:22 One person paid for my airfare, another bought my travel bags.
08:26 I had no money for purchasing luggage,
08:28 there was a stranger who simply walked up to me
08:30 and gave me $300.
08:32 So things started happening in a way
08:34 that I could not deny.
08:36 This was God's will for me.
08:39 On the daily basis,
08:41 Samantha cares for the people along the Amazon River,
08:44 in this remote region
08:46 there is little access to health care.
08:48 If the ADRA clinic wasn't here,
08:50 the people would need to travel up to eight hours
08:52 for access to medicine and health professional.
08:55 Samantha fills an important role,
08:58 and through her friendly attitude
09:00 she's awarded gratitude and appreciation.
09:07 They feel very thankful
09:08 because we are in a place of hard access to health cares.
09:14 When I give the people something as simple as pill
09:16 for pain relief or to cure the fever,
09:19 I notice great openness
09:21 and sincere gratitude from them.
09:27 I could not have imagine
09:28 that I would be a missionary volunteer in this way.
09:31 But I see that the things I know,
09:33 and that God gave me the privilege
09:35 to learn throughout my life are useful for them.
09:39 Although, I can only show and teach them basic things,
09:43 they receive it with eagerness and excitement
09:45 and I feel very well to see that I can share this knowledge
09:49 for better life and hope.
09:56 I feel that God didn't bring me here
09:58 to save people,
10:00 but rather for my own salvation
10:03 so that my life could be changed.
10:05 Especially for me and my character
10:08 did He transformed through the lives of the people
10:11 I worked with here.
10:14 And that I was not loosing a year of my life,
10:16 but gain experience and closeness to God,
10:19 getting to know Jesus more intimately
10:21 while I am serving the children, the people.
10:25 And as I realize that God gave me this profession
10:28 and choose me particularly to do his work of service.
10:39 Many Seventh-day Adventists around the world
10:41 choose to live out Jesus' teaching in practical ways,
10:45 by serving, healing and caring for humanity.
10:49 Please pray for the many Adventists volunteers
10:51 working around the world,
10:53 and thanks for helping touch lives.
11:14 Well, that's about it today's program,
11:16 and I hope that you have been challenged
11:18 and inspired by what you have been seen and heard
11:21 from cities such as Vancouver to countries such as Brazil.
11:25 People young and old
11:26 are sharing the light of God's love
11:28 in many, many big practical way.
11:30 And I am gonna thank you
11:31 so much for your continuing support
11:33 of mission around the world
11:35 through your prays,
11:36 through your personal involvement,
11:38 and through your financial support.
11:40 And before we go, I would like to you send a free book.
11:43 If you live in North America,
11:45 please make sure to ask for the IT'S TIME book,
11:48 it's part of the presses,
11:49 voices from the front lines of urban mission.
11:53 This is the new mission for you,
11:54 the huge cities of the world.
11:56 And this book is full of practical examples,
11:59 wonderful stories
12:01 of holistic missions in the cities.
12:03 So please make sure to ask
12:04 for the IT'S TIME urban mission book.
12:07 Well, thanks so much for joining us today.
12:09 For Adventists Mission, I am Gary Krause,
12:11 and I hope you can join me
12:13 next time right here on Global Mission Snapshots.


Revised 2016-05-12