Global Mission Snapshots

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: GMS

Program Code: GMS001104A

00:12 A nurse working on the Amazon river,
00:15 a teenager on fire for mission, sidewalk Sabbath School,
00:19 all this and much more coming up next.
00:26 Just before he went up to heaven,
00:28 Jesus gave us gave a command.
00:31 He gave us a mission,
00:34 Jesus said go, go on to all the world,
00:39 telling them of his love,
00:41 this is our mission, this is our global mission.
00:51 Hello, and welcome to the program.
00:53 Coming to today from the breathtakingly
00:56 beautiful city of Vancouver.
00:58 One of the most interesting areas in this city
01:01 is the historic Gastown district.
01:04 And back in the 1970s when they're renovating
01:07 and involved in urban renew, there was a stem vent
01:10 that was causing a lot of problem.
01:13 And so to fix the problem,
01:14 they built this amazing steam powered clock.
01:19 And what was once a problem
01:21 has now become a tourist attraction.
01:23 And as we look at the challenge of mission of the cities,
01:26 we need to also be looking
01:27 at creative ways to fix problems,
01:30 creative ways to meet people's needs.
01:33 And on today's program we'll talking to young pastor
01:36 involved in what he calls Sidewalk Sabbath School,
01:40 taking Sabbath School, to the streets.
01:43 On today's program, we'll also meet a nurse
01:46 working on the Amazon River.
01:47 But first up, lets meet a young man, Matias.
01:51 who is involved in mission in a very practical way.
01:55 Matias suarez is nine years old.
01:58 Form a young age,
01:59 he was challenged by his church family
02:01 to bring people to Christ.
02:04 Although too young for most church activities,
02:06 he decided to engage in mission.
02:09 "What I like the most is to work in the church.
02:12 I have a habit of visiting people.
02:15 I ask them why they are not coming to church?
02:18 Or when a person is not yet baptized,
02:21 I'll visit to invite him to church,
02:24 then, we end our visit with a warm goodbye.
02:27 And I move on to another house.
02:29 In a single day I can visit about three people."
02:33 At the young age of nine,
02:35 Matias has given bible studies to families and individuals,
02:39 and he has brought many to the baptismal waters.
02:42 But he longs for more.
02:44 "I am in charge of the children's department,
02:46 audio, visuals, and personal ministries.
02:49 And when I grow up, I want to be a pastor.
02:53 By greatest desire is that God comes very soon
02:56 before I become a pastor.
02:58 But if He doesn't come soon, I want to study theology
03:02 and lead more people to heaven through pastoral ministry."
03:06 Today Matias is 15 years old
03:09 and he's attending an Adventist high School
03:11 in preparation for pastoral ministry.
03:14 At FAMA, he gets a quality Christian education
03:17 and the opportunity to preach during special events
03:20 and at daily worship meetings to dormitory students.
03:24 When Matias arrived at FAMA,
03:26 he looked for individuals to study the bible with
03:28 so he could continue to follow Jesus' invitation
03:31 to mission through one-on-one bible study.
03:34 Matias' family taught him by example
03:37 that there is no age limit to fulfill the mission
03:40 Jesus gave us.
03:42 "When I was a new born, my parents were baptized
03:45 in the Adventist church.
03:47 Then, they would always take me to church.
03:49 And on Saturday afternoons, it was our custom
03:52 for me and my brothers to follow our parents
03:55 to give bible's study and visit new members.
03:59 From this, the desire grew within
04:01 to start my own bible studies.
04:04 In the books of Ellen White, it's clear
04:06 that the angels of God would like the opportunity
04:09 we have been given.
04:11 Jesus decided to trust us with the gospel work.
04:16 The angels in heaven asked God for the commission
04:19 to preach the gospel to the world.
04:21 But God said, 'This is a work for my children.
04:26 I am giving this to them.'
04:28 And I ask you, what have we done to show God
04:32 that we are worthy of this gift?
04:34 So I am convinced that God called me,
04:37 and the only way I can show Him gratitude
04:40 is by preaching the gospel.
04:42 If God said, go to all the world,
04:46 we need to go into all the world.
04:48 Although, there are a lot of places
04:51 where the gospel is not allowed,
04:53 Jesus affirms us that even if we die for him,
04:57 one day we will live Him.
04:59 And if you are faithful until death,
05:01 He will give you the crown of life.
05:05 Everything Jesus told to instruct
05:07 the disciples on the sign
05:08 of His coming are already happening in our days.
05:11 But sometimes we ask ourselves,
05:14 so what's really missing for Jesus to come?
05:17 The only thing missing is the preaching of the gospel
05:20 throughout the whole world."
05:27 My guest is, Pastor Walter Rogers,
05:29 who is here to talk about an intriguing ministry
05:32 called Sidewalk Sabbath School.
05:34 Thanks, Walter.
05:36 What a wonderful, I love the name,
05:37 tell us about the ministry.
05:39 Well, I'll just give like a three sentences
05:41 of history, right.
05:42 Sure.
05:43 Basically, the Lord called me,
05:45 for last six years to minister in Benton harbor,
05:46 it's a low income community in Michigan.
05:49 And we started bringing children to church
05:52 to learn about Jesus, we got all these buses
05:54 and it let a lot of expenses and a lot of distraction
05:58 for mission, a lot of time and a lot of money.
06:01 Most probably the time stress.
06:04 And then long story short, God called us and said,
06:06 instead of bringing the kids to church,
06:08 'cause we're reaching many more children than adults,
06:10 to then switch and bring church to the children.
06:14 And that changed my life, it was so much easier,
06:17 it was so much cheaper, that most noticeable benefit
06:21 was instead of spending all this time on infrastructure
06:23 of a busing system, we were able to spend that time
06:26 mentoring young leaders from the local community.
06:30 And by the time, I left this last summer,
06:33 we had a team from the inner city
06:37 that were the leaders.
06:38 It wasn't outsiders like me leading the ministry.
06:41 And the young people, they say it's very empowering
06:43 in a low income area.
06:45 And so, yes, super excited, it's very doable.
06:49 Our pastors brothers are doing it all over the world,
06:50 they're doing it in garbage dumps
06:52 in Manila, the Philippines,
06:54 they're doing it in Romania with the gypsy population,
06:56 they are doing it at several places in Africa.
06:59 And it's very practical,
07:01 very doable for a lot less cost and a lot less stress
07:05 than bringing children to church.
07:07 When their parents aren't ready,
07:08 you bring church to the children
07:10 and then through that ministry, you minister the whole family,
07:12 and then eventually you bring the entire family to church.
07:16 I just love that.
07:17 I mean, it's not just practical and doable, it's biblical.
07:20 I mean, because so often we thinking about
07:22 how to attract people to church,
07:24 how do we bring them in a, which is all very good
07:26 but the commission is actually to go, right?
07:29 And so you're taking it to the context of these kids.
07:32 Yes, and it's, it is just as many, many benefit's.
07:36 First of all, you are allowed
07:37 so that parents will come over and listen.
07:38 And remember, it works best in a high population density
07:42 and low incomes 'cause people want something good
07:44 for the kids, any culture.
07:46 And so then they're much more open to the gospels
07:48 as long as you doing something "positive for the children."
07:51 Right.
07:52 But then 'cause you're there
07:53 the parents that won't come to church
07:55 will come out on their porch and listen to you.
07:57 And we don't mess around, we play with the kids,
07:59 but every thing we are doing
08:01 is Christ centered, gospel, biblical.
08:03 We're always teaching truth in a fun relevant way,
08:06 in a simple way the children can understand,
08:08 which of course, if children can understand,
08:09 adults can understand.
08:11 So there're many of those benefit's.
08:13 And again, one of the biggest things
08:14 is you're saving the time and money
08:16 that you can then put in to discipleship.
08:18 Now describe for me,
08:20 a typical Sabbath school in the Sidewalk.
08:23 What sort of things do you do,
08:24 how long does it take, that sort of thing?
08:26 Oh, first of all the method that Lord has let me to use
08:29 is instead of doing like a VBS Vacation Bible School
08:31 really intense of one week,
08:32 we'll go for several weeks and we'll go same programs.
08:36 Let's say we're doing the Ten Commands,
08:37 and command number one have "No other God,
08:39 "we'll do that one program at several sites,
08:42 two to three sites per day.
08:43 So we prepare it, let's say, Monday, Tuesday.
08:46 And then Wednesday we go to the site one, two, three,
08:48 then we do the same program at site four, five, six,
08:51 the next day, same program at site seven, eight, nine,
08:54 et cetera, and then the next week,
08:57 you come back and do program number two,
09:00 at those nine sites sequentially.
09:02 So you're having a more of the long term
09:05 relationship going on with the little bit each week
09:08 but over the long term.
09:10 What the program looks like, when I go to a site, we'll go,
09:14 literally going to highways and byways,
09:16 compelling to come in, my house may be full, a filled.
09:19 And so we actually go low with the little fliers,
09:22 a little piece of paper, can be very small,
09:23 can be a business card,
09:24 and I'll say some fun stuff for kids.
09:26 You talk to kids you say, "Oh, we're going to play games,
09:28 give you some prizes, that's over hear."
09:30 And they'll come for that, they'll come for the bread,
09:32 the loaves, and then Jesus gives them the word of God.
09:35 And then with the parents,
09:36 you always have a word of teach them
09:38 to respect their parents,
09:39 we're going to teach them to stay in school,
09:40 stay off to drugs, right?
09:42 So you have both of those on your little invite,
09:43 but it's a piece of paper that you give.
09:45 So you do that, you build relationship,
09:47 you play on the swing set,
09:48 you kick a soccer ball around them, whatever.
09:50 So it's a more relax, more simple relational
09:53 and an invite.
09:54 Then you can't do the program after that,
09:56 you come back to the program the next day.
09:57 There's various ways to do,
09:59 I have done different styles that way,
10:01 but then there's a visit before the program.
10:03 Then the program is out on the same day or the next day,
10:06 and that's where you like just go and do a quick invite,
10:08 "Hey, everybody, kids program over there."
10:10 So the kids come in.
10:11 As they come in, we're throwing a Frisbee around,
10:13 something simple, play game like Guess That Number,
10:15 I got a number in my head, what do you think what it is?
10:17 I then say, come in.
10:19 Then of course, we have prayer and then we start the program.
10:21 It's about one hour of biblical power.
10:24 And I don't mince my words.
10:25 I trying to do Mark Finley for children.
10:27 We don't entertain them, it's not cotton candy.
10:30 And so, with that we start off with some games
10:33 that reinforce the lesson like, we're doing creation,
10:35 we'll doing Adam making contest out of play-doll
10:38 or an Eve making contest out of wire, right?
10:41 So it's the biblical story, but it's fun.
10:43 It's about 80 percent fun, 20 percent learning.
10:45 We get the wiggles out, trying get the kids moving
10:47 so they can listen later on.
10:50 Then we'll teach them one theme,
10:52 let's say it's creation,
10:53 we'll teach it with seven different ways.
10:54 We'll introduce it with a little visual prop, right?
10:58 Let's say iPhone, or whatever you're saying.
11:01 Someone made this iPhone, right.
11:03 And then we'll go to bible verse,
11:05 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth,
11:07 "then we'll have a game with that,
11:08 like a Wheel of Fortune game types thing.
11:10 And then we'll go into more three object lessons,
11:13 sometimes two, sometimes five,
11:15 but multiple visual concrete object lessons
11:18 that reinforce the creation theme
11:20 that in the beginning God made the heavens and the earth,
11:22 then we'll end with the story.
11:24 My favorite two is we either do pilgrim's progress,
11:27 which I am currently doing here in British Colombia,
11:29 or it's kind of my Mona Lisa of children's ministry,
11:33 is doing to continuing stories through the bible,
11:36 kind of a conflict of the ages.
11:38 And so we'll do Adam and Eve in the creation
11:40 and they will end with Eve was warned
11:43 and she saw the tree, what would she gotta do?
11:45 She got closer and closer to the tree
11:48 of knowledge of good and evil,
11:50 and she remembered what God said,
11:52 then all of a sudden there was talking snake.
11:55 And the snake said, you won't die
11:57 if you eat this fruit.
11:59 Eve start to reach out her hand,
12:01 and we'll continue the story next week.
12:05 That's wonderful.
12:06 For people who want to find out more information on that thing,
12:08 I would like to start one of these up
12:10 in my community.
12:11 Where can I start, how can I start?
12:15 First all there's a lot of training is available,
12:17 you can Google Sidewalk Sunday School,
12:20 there are several videos of that from protestant friends.
12:22 You can contact with me.
12:24 My Email you can reach me
12:25 at sidewalksabbathschool
12:27 Wonderful.
12:29 And I am at older group Seventh-day Adventist church.
12:31 Fantastic.
12:32 Thank you so much, for sharing with us today.
12:34 God bless you. Very welcome.
12:35 And we'll be back, right after this break.


Revised 2016-05-12