Global Mission Snapshots

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: GMS

Program Code: GMS001101B

00:05 Welcome back to New York City,
00:06 and next up we travel to a warmer part of the world,
00:09 Johannesburg, South Africa.
00:12 I'm talking with Global Mission pioneers,
00:14 Elder and Mrs. Sibanda
00:16 at the Berea International Seventh-day Adventist Church
00:19 in Pretoria, South Africa.
00:21 Mrs. Sibanda, how long have you
00:23 and your husband been Global Mission pioneers?
00:27 We have been doing global Pioneer Mission work
00:30 for 11 years now.
00:31 Wow, that's a long time, yes. Yes.
00:35 Elder Sibanda, I understand
00:37 that about a year after being Global Mission pioneers,
00:41 you experienced something very unfortunate.
00:44 Tell me a little bit about that.
00:46 Yes, the devil works in some subversive manner.
00:52 I got arrested
00:55 and I was sent to prison
01:02 on a remand.
01:05 And for five months,
01:08 I was packed in there.
01:12 There was no case because they did not have...
01:17 Actually they did not have any docket...
01:22 There was no charge made.
01:24 There was no charge which they had prepared.
01:28 Every time I would go to court, they would tell me,
01:32 the case has been remanded to next week.
01:34 The case has been remanded to next week.
01:37 And, meanwhile, there was no charge sheet.
01:42 And as I was in the prison, in many cases,
01:49 the prison authorities would actually send other people
01:54 who have come to prison with worse problems,
01:58 like murder, etc.
02:00 for me to counsel them whilst I was incarcerated.
02:05 Okay.
02:07 Yes, you see, as I was in prison,
02:09 there were quite a number of things
02:11 that were happening.
02:13 People that were worshipping on Sunday
02:15 sometimes they would call me to come
02:17 and preach to some of those prisoners,
02:22 you know, the inmates, because I was still
02:26 in the 'awaiting trial' section,
02:30 and when I was released,
02:36 because there was no charge,
02:40 I went back to prison the following Sabbath,
02:43 together with my wife, and from then on,
02:50 we started prison ministry in a much tenser manner.
02:56 Pretoria Central Prison
02:59 became the first prison in South Africa
03:03 to be installed of Hope Channel
03:08 through our ministry.
03:11 And we've already installed
03:13 about four of those units at one prison
03:19 but we are still negotiating to install more.
03:23 Tell me, what was that like for both of you?
03:26 You know, you had been in prison
03:28 for five or six months
03:31 and you, on the outside, worried and praying,
03:34 and to go back, to turn around and go back,
03:37 why did you do that?
03:39 Did you feel the Lord calling you
03:40 to be involved in this particular ministry?
03:43 Did he lay it on your heart? Did you want to do it?
03:46 You know, this incident that happened,
03:48 that my husband was incarcerated there,
03:51 it opened our eyes and our minds
03:53 that God wants to use us there.
03:56 So we felt the Lord wants to use us
04:00 because there was so much that we could see
04:04 that we can do help the guys there,
04:06 where some of them did not have a relationship with Christ,
04:10 they did not know Christ.
04:12 So we were encouraged that God wants to use us there.
04:17 Now, as a result of your ministry,
04:19 do you know of people who have come to know Christ?
04:21 Yes, there are quite a number that have come to know Christ.
04:24 Some of them, we have adopted them as our children.
04:30 And, in fact,
04:32 our ministry is not only concentrated to the inmates,
04:37 it is now spread over even to the officers themselves,
04:42 because the officers,
04:44 quite a number of these officers,
04:47 either they are stressed
04:50 and they need a lot of counseling.
04:53 Sometimes, you know, we would go there
04:55 and do the counseling instead of going to the prisoners.
04:58 We actually go to the officers themselves.
05:01 Elder Sibanda, I understand that you are the leader
05:04 of the Global Mission pioneer work in Pretoria,
05:08 and you mentioned that your wife goes to the prison
05:10 a couple days a week.
05:12 What else do you do?
05:13 What else is involved in your Global Mission ministry
05:15 at this point?
05:16 Well, in the Global Mission ministry,
05:18 there is quite a lot that is happening currently.
05:21 Pretoria, being a metropolitan area,
05:24 there's a lot of need for the work to be done,
05:31 so, sometimes, we do share.
05:34 When she is at the prison, I am on the front.
05:39 I've got three colleagues that I'm working with
05:43 within the city.
05:45 And we go out, knock doors,
05:48 not only that but we're also involved in,
05:55 arranging and conducting evangelistic meetings
05:59 within the city.
06:01 Well, there are quite a number of other congregations
06:04 that we have managed to pioneer.
06:08 One such congregation is a congregation
06:11 up in Johannesburg where it was a Pentecostal congregation
06:18 and we managed to share some truth with them
06:22 by God's grace,
06:24 the whole church plus the pastor
06:27 became Adventist
06:28 and the pastor himself, currently,
06:31 is training at St Lucia.
06:33 He's left with only a year to complete,
06:37 to come back into the ministry,
06:39 which actually was as a result of the Global Mission pioneer.
06:45 What is it that keeps you motivated,
06:47 keeps you in the ministry?
06:50 Well, I remember the words
06:53 of one of our division officers
06:59 who happened to be a young man
07:01 when I was already a trained pastor,
07:06 he said to me, "Listen,
07:08 when the finger of God is pointed at you,
07:12 it doesn't matter where you go, it doesn't matter what you do,
07:16 you will come back to do what he has asked you to do."
07:20 And Global Mission work, it's something that is inborn.
07:25 Something that is part of our lifestyle.
07:30 And it is very difficult to part with it.
07:33 And we enjoy doing it because we cannot just stop doing it
07:39 until he tells us to stop.
07:41 Hmm, very good.
07:43 Elder and Mrs. Sibanda, thank you for your time
07:46 and for your sharing a little bit of your life
07:48 as Global Mission pioneers here in Pretoria.
07:51 Well, you're welcome, you're welcome.
07:53 Historically, the Seventh-Day Adventist church
07:55 has been strongest in rural areas and on islands.
08:00 And we have neglected the great urban areas.
08:03 Not so long ago, I visited some of the cities
08:06 and I'd like to show you a video now that shows
08:08 some of the challenge that we are facing.
08:38 When many of us think of the mission field,
08:40 we still think in terms of small rural villages.
08:44 Now, villages are still important,
08:46 but increasingly, these are our mission fields,
08:49 the growing cities of the world
08:52 where millions and millions of people
08:53 are congregating.
08:54 They're not going anywhere soon,
08:56 except they're getting bigger and bigger, and bigger.
08:58 As the people are walking these streets,
09:00 living in these apartments, working in these offices,
09:03 it's the people living in makeshift housing,
09:07 in hovels and slums.
09:09 It's the rich, it's the poor
09:11 who need to know Jesus Christ.
09:13 The growing urban areas of the world
09:15 are our greatest mission challenge,
09:18 but they're also our greatest mission opportunity.
09:35 Imagine that you were standing here with me
09:38 in the capital city of Myanmar, Yangon.
09:42 Right here in the heart of the city,
09:44 and then imagine that there was a circle around us
09:47 with a radius of 3,000 miles, 5,000 kilometers.
09:51 Now that's a relatively small space,
09:54 but in that area,
09:55 60 percent of the world's population lives.
09:58 And this is an area
09:59 where the poorest people of the world live
10:02 and representatives from the world's major religions
10:05 but the fewest Christians.
10:24 Adventist work began in the Middle East
10:26 right here in the ancient land of Egypt.
10:30 Back in the 1870s some people sent some literature.
10:34 Now, more than 100 years later, 140 years later,
10:38 the Adventist Church throughout the Middle East
10:40 is a minority of minorities.
10:43 In fact, if you could imagine a line of people
10:45 stretching here from Cairo, Egypt
10:47 directly all the way to Beirut, Lebanon,
10:50 nearly 600 kilometers,
10:52 and if each person were spaced just one meter apart,
10:56 you could walk that entire line
10:58 and you would meet only three or four Adventists.
11:02 In the face of numbers such as that,
11:04 we ask the question,
11:06 who is sufficient for these things?
11:08 And the answer is, not us, only Him.
11:23 When the apostle Paul visited here in Athens
11:25 some 2,000 years ago, he discovered a mission field.
11:29 It was a city full of idols,
11:32 and when he met with the philosophers
11:34 up on Mars Hill near the Acropolis,
11:36 he connected the good news of Jesus Christ
11:40 to the culture in which they were living.
11:42 He made that important connection.
11:44 He talked about the altar to the unknown God
11:47 and showed them
11:48 how that was pointing to the one true God.
11:51 Today we also face tremendous mission fields.
11:54 We think of the Middle East.
11:56 We think of the rising number of cities
11:59 with populations way more than a million people.
12:02 We think of the 10/40 window.
12:04 We think of the growth in secularism
12:06 and post-modernism.
12:07 And we even think of the challenge
12:09 of passing on the mission spirit
12:11 to our children.
12:13 And as we face these challenges,
12:14 we know that we have the power of the Holy Spirit,
12:17 and we also know the importance
12:18 of following the example of Jesus himself
12:21 and the Apostle Paul in finding ways
12:24 to make the good news meaningful, attractive,
12:28 and understandable to people in various cultures,
12:32 in various contexts.
12:35 When Global Mission began in 1990,
12:37 there were some 6 million
12:38 Seventh-day Adventist Church members.
12:40 Today, there are more than 18 million
12:43 and thousands of churches have been planted
12:46 in remote Amazon villages such as this one.
12:49 In large cities such as New York,
12:51 and around the world today we see that church planting
12:55 is at the fastest rate ever.
12:57 But huge challenges still remain.
13:00 We look at the vast megalopolises around the world,
13:03 more than 50 percent of the world's population
13:06 live in cities, and that's rapidly growing.
13:09 And we think of the 10/40 window
13:11 where most people have still not even heard
13:13 the name of Jesus
13:15 and we think of the secular and post-modern West
13:17 which seems to be growing, and growing in unbelief.
13:21 When we look at the challenge,
13:23 we say, "Who is sufficient for these things?"
13:26 The only thing that we can do is to recommit ourselves
13:29 to a fresh vision of mission
13:31 and to the power of the Holy Spirit.
13:48 Well, I hope that you've enjoyed today's program,
13:50 and, more than that, I hope that you've been challenged
13:53 and inspired by what you've seen and heard.
13:56 Around the world today,
13:57 we see so many mission challenges
13:59 from small remote areas
14:01 through the teeming megalopolises around the world
14:04 where everyday the populations are just growing
14:07 and growing and growing.
14:09 I want to thank you for your continuing support for mission,
14:13 for your personal involvement,
14:14 for your prayers and for your financial contributions,
14:18 your mission offerings, your tithe,
14:19 your gifts to Global Mission.
14:21 It does make a tremendous difference.
14:24 Before we go, I'd like to offer you a wonderful gift.
14:28 This is a tremendous book.
14:29 It's called It's Time, a brand new book
14:33 full of frontline urban mission stories.
14:37 This isn't a book of theory or theology,
14:39 it's a book of practical illustrations,
14:42 practical examples of holistic urban mission.
14:46 Well, for Adventist Mission, I'm Gary Krause,
14:48 and I hope that you can join me next time
14:50 right here on Global Mission Snapshots.


Revised 2016-08-29