Global Mission Snapshots

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: GMS

Program Code: GMS001101A

00:16 The Grace Foundation, taking care of the needy
00:19 and marginalized in New Zealand,
00:21 a Center of Influence in the heart of New York City,
00:24 and Mission Challenge around the world
00:26 coming up next.
00:51 Hello, and welcome to the program
00:53 coming to you today from New York City.
00:56 Directly behind me on the corner here
00:59 is a building known as The Windemere.
01:01 And in 1901,
01:04 Pastor Stephen Haskell and his wife Hetty
01:08 moved into this apartment building.
01:10 This was quite the building back then in 1901.
01:13 In fact, it was very popular
01:15 for the new class of single young women
01:17 who were starting to work out in businesses.
01:21 And the Haskells arrived here and they were quite taken
01:24 by the fact that there was an elevator,
01:26 they were quite taken by the fact
01:27 that there was a very multicultural area
01:30 and it's fascinating that in that year
01:33 when it was the first crash on Wall Street,
01:35 when in the summer people were suiciding
01:38 because of the terrible heat wave, at that time,
01:42 the Haskells came as missionaries
01:44 into the heart of New York City.
01:46 Well, on today's program
01:48 we have a lot of mission stories,
01:50 but first up, let's travel to New Zealand
01:52 and see what's happening with the Grace Foundation.
02:05 As more people flock to the cities,
02:07 the need for Jesus in the urban areas grows.
02:11 Big cities encourage busy lifestyles
02:14 with little or no time to even think about religion.
02:17 But in many people's hearts
02:19 there is a need for something more,
02:22 a need for Jesus.
02:24 Many are just waiting for someone
02:26 to reach out to them,
02:28 to care for them and to share the message of hope with them.
02:33 The city of Auckland, New Zealand,
02:34 is one of the largest cities in the South Pacific.
02:37 A group of Adventists in Auckland
02:40 wanted to reach out to those in need of God's love.
02:43 Church members started Grace Foundation
02:46 and took on the challenge of unconditionally loving
02:49 the people of Auckland
02:50 despite their past or current situation.
02:59 It's a big experience itself, you know,
03:02 to me these beautiful people
03:04 that just love anyone, you know,
03:06 doesn't really matter
03:07 what crime you have done in your life,
03:09 you know, because, I guess, you know,
03:12 that's the way of Jesus.
03:14 He loves everyone and anyone.
03:17 And everyone can be forgiven.
03:22 Tomoty's life hasn't been easy.
03:25 Grace Foundation strives to show
03:27 the love of Jesus to people like Tomoty.
03:30 It's the kind of people that God sends into our care
03:35 from homeless, mental health,
03:38 and also mainly from corrections.
03:41 Grace Foundation offers a range of holistic services
03:44 to marginalized members of the community.
03:46 An important aspect of their ministry
03:48 is developing one on one relationships with people
03:52 who want to turn their lives around
03:54 or just need an opportunity to succeed.
03:57 Just the people, you know,
03:59 the staff members are really loving
04:03 and they love everyone,
04:06 you know, it doesn't matter what you have done
04:07 in your life.
04:09 As the love of Christ is shown to these people,
04:12 they see and understand
04:14 that God truly accepts and forgives.
04:17 This weekend, people are attending
04:20 a relationship retreat.
04:21 Couples learn from the Bible
04:23 what it means to love selflessly
04:26 and put God first.
04:27 They attend seminars, small group discussions,
04:31 and learn practical skills
04:32 about how to participate in a healthy relationship.
04:39 It's Saturday evening and a bus pulls up to church
04:41 with another group of people.
04:43 This Grace Foundation operated bus
04:46 picks up members in marginalized communities
04:48 to bring them to church.
04:50 The vibrant worship ignites peoples' passion
04:53 to grow closer to God.
04:55 As the pastor calls for people to come up
04:58 and leave their burdens before God,
05:00 people's hearts are touched
05:02 and they come to the front to pray.
05:05 Many of these people have felt judged
05:07 in society's eyes, but here they feel at home.
05:12 Jesus has changed my life.
05:14 You know, before I gained the Holy Spirit,
05:16 I always thought that I was guilty,
05:22 but once I gained the Holy Spirit,
05:25 I felt the true power of innocence
05:29 from our Lord Jesus
05:33 and the Holy Spirit has all the directions.
05:37 Please pray as church members in New Zealand
05:40 continue to be a light in this dark world.
05:43 Pray that Grace Foundation can touch the lives
05:46 of the marginalized people of Auckland.
05:48 Thank you for your support of missions.
06:04 My guest is Pastor Bledi Leno
06:06 who is the director of Multicultural Ministries
06:10 here for the Greater New York Conference
06:12 of Seventh-day Adventists.
06:13 Pastor Bledi, thanks for joining us.
06:15 Thank you for having me, Gary.
06:17 Now we're in a church-owned building here
06:19 in the center of Manhattan, describe the neighborhood.
06:22 What's outside here?
06:24 Well, this is midtown Manhattan.
06:27 We're right across from some landmarks
06:30 of New York City.
06:32 We're right across the public library
06:34 and Bryant Park,
06:35 only two blocks from Times Square,
06:39 and right at the corner of 5th Avenue and 40th Street.
06:42 So, right in the center and in the heart of it all.
06:45 This place is just amazingly busy.
06:48 You come here on a summer's day
06:50 and the park is packed full of activity, right?
06:54 Yes, you have things such as musicals
06:57 and theater in the park, movies in the park,
07:01 yoga and exercise in the park throughout the summer,
07:05 year round, really.
07:06 Right, so now we have thousands of people
07:10 passing past here every day.
07:12 What is happening here at the moment?
07:15 We have a great opportunity
07:17 to connect with so many people here.
07:19 In this building,
07:21 that the church has owned for a few decades now,
07:23 we have a bookstore
07:25 that has been active for all those years,
07:28 and as of recently we've implemented
07:30 and started some activities as a Life Op Center,
07:35 as a Center of Influence.
07:36 So some of the things that we do here
07:39 is lunch seminars and happy hour talks.
07:42 We like to explore those two windows within the day
07:46 that are the two windows where people of our community
07:49 are available to maybe sit down and listen to a seminar,
07:53 to a talk or a workshop,
07:55 while they savor some healthy, vegetarian food.
07:59 And we've been able to provide that for our community here.
08:02 Wonderful, and you had one of those events today.
08:06 Describe what happened at lunchtime today?
08:08 We did.
08:10 We had about 20 people here who took their lunch break
08:16 and decided to spend it here with us.
08:18 We had a nice seminar given by a counselor and a therapist,
08:22 a family and marriage therapist,
08:24 so he was talking about relationships
08:26 and how to identify challenges within relationships.
08:31 It was beautiful.
08:33 People came in here, some of them, most of them,
08:37 only have maybe 20, 30 minutes as a lunch break,
08:40 so they were able to come and savor some of our food,
08:44 that we were featuring here and while they were listening
08:47 and being interactive in this workshop.
08:49 So it was a great opportunity.
08:52 As we go around,
08:54 we see that the majority of these people are attendees,
08:59 people who are part of our community.
09:02 They work here, most of them commute
09:04 as everybody in this surroundings,
09:06 they commute to the city to work,
09:09 and it's a great opportunity to be able to expose
09:13 most of them to Christian values
09:15 when it comes to relationships
09:16 and talking about Valentines and love and romance.
09:21 So you're connecting with things
09:24 that are needs in the community
09:27 and you've actually done a study,
09:29 a demographic study of this community,
09:31 so you understand the people who live here and work here.
09:34 Yes, that is actually vital to do
09:37 in order to connect with the community.
09:39 First of all, we need to understand the community.
09:42 And not just being around here, which is very important to do,
09:46 rubbing shoulders with them,
09:48 but also from a demographic study point of view.
09:51 So, yes, we've conducted a number of those studies
09:54 in order to be able to understand
09:55 the community better,
09:57 so that we can serve the community better.
09:59 We're surrounded by business people,
10:02 people who work in these high-rise commercial buildings
10:07 who work for investment banks and big buck companies,
10:13 and they require quality programs
10:17 and we try our best to provide that in order to connect
10:22 with them as best we can.
10:24 And to provide a bit more context,
10:26 I understand right next to us here,
10:28 a new apartment building is going up,
10:31 and how much would it cost me to buy a one bedroom apartment?
10:35 Well, our neighbors here are selling
10:37 the one bedroom apartments for $2.5 million.
10:41 $2.5 million?
10:43 Okay, I'll think that one through carefully.
10:45 Just briefly, can you tell me somebody
10:48 whose life has been touched already through this center?
10:51 Yes, we've been here working since 2013
10:54 with these types of events.
10:56 We have a number of them.
10:58 And we like to channel some of the people
11:00 who come through these events to the other things
11:02 that we're featuring here.
11:04 We have counseling.
11:05 We have spirituality groups
11:08 that meet here and study the Bible together.
11:12 We have after-school programs
11:15 and different kinds of workshops
11:17 and seminars that we provide.
11:19 One of them is Julie.
11:21 Julie started attending here a couple of our events
11:25 and she felt that she needed to get engaged more
11:29 and she asked whether any of the other programs
11:32 would be fitting for her.
11:33 So I introduced her to Eric,
11:35 one of our leaders of the groups, study groups,
11:39 that we have here throughout the week,
11:41 and Julie connected with Eric
11:43 and they've been studying together
11:45 the Bible in this group.
11:47 We have about 15 to 18 young adults
11:51 who work around here, are professionals,
11:54 and in their busy weeks and busy day to day,
11:58 they can't find necessarily the time to connect
12:01 with a spiritual group or with someone
12:04 who can help them in their spiritual journey.
12:07 We were happy to provide that for Julie,
12:10 so we still see her every Wednesday,
12:13 every Thursday when they come here for their studies
12:15 and she's a very active person
12:18 and she's actually brought many of her friends
12:21 over to be with them.
12:23 Fantastic, fantastic.
12:24 Bledi, thanks so much for sharing with us.
12:26 Thank you for being here. Thank you.
12:28 And viewers at home,
12:29 please remember to pray for Centers of Influence
12:33 in urban areas all around the world.
12:35 They're multiplying, they're growing
12:37 and they're proving to be a platform
12:39 to put Christ's method into practice.
12:41 We'll be right back after this break.


Revised 2016-08-29