Global Mission Snapshots

Let Them Come In

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: GMS

Program Code: GMS001001B

00:06 Welcome back.
00:07 My guest is Pastor Mark Finley, a public evangelist
00:10 known to many all around the world
00:12 and also special assistant
00:14 to the General Conference president
00:16 of Seventh-day Adventist.
00:17 Mark, thanks so much for joining us.
00:19 Thank you, Gary.
00:20 And we have a building in progress here.
00:22 Describe what's happening?
00:23 This is the Living Hope
00:25 Seventh-day Adventist Community Church,
00:27 The Life Hope Community Center
00:30 in the Northern Virginia School of Evangelism.
00:32 Now that's kind of a-- that's a mouthful, Gary.
00:34 Yes, it's wonderful.
00:35 But here's what our intention is.
00:36 First the Life Hope Center.
00:38 We want to reach out to our community.
00:39 We're living in a community of about 20,000 people
00:42 that are extremely affluent up-market.
00:45 The Life Hope Center will be a facility
00:49 in which we reach out with wellness seminar,
00:51 stress management seminars,
00:52 natural lifestyle cooking schools,
00:55 depression recovery,
00:57 we will do family life seminars.
00:58 A whole array of community set seminars
01:01 that help people come into the building.
01:03 In addition to that in our Life Hope Center
01:05 we will have a Christian bookstore
01:07 where people can come in and buy books,
01:09 they'll be-- they can buy whole grains and foods.
01:13 There will be a prayer and meditation room.
01:15 People get off the street
01:16 and they just want to sit in quietness.
01:19 There's a reading room.
01:20 So the Life Hope Center is designed,
01:22 specifically designed tailor-made for this community.
01:26 The School of Evangelism
01:27 will be designed for pastors and laypeople
01:31 to come to learn the art of reaching out
01:34 in the cultural context of their communities
01:36 to share Christ, the biblical message
01:38 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
01:40 We will run about six sessions a year,
01:42 one week per session.
01:44 Some sessions will be intense of four days in that sessions
01:48 that's the school of evangelism.
01:49 We will also house a church of about 250 to 300 members.
01:54 There is no church in this immediate community.
01:57 We're working with a smaller church
01:59 about 25 minutes away,
02:00 the Warrenton Seventh-day Adventist Church.
02:02 That small group will join us and we're growing very rapidly.
02:06 And so we're excited about what's happening here,
02:08 designed for the community to make an impact for Christ.
02:12 And that's the key I think that of course you want
02:14 the church members to be comfortable
02:16 but that's not the main purpose of the building
02:18 is for the community.
02:19 How did you get to understand the community?
02:22 How do you know what needs there are here?
02:25 Well, through some providences of God,
02:26 Teenie and I moved into this community.
02:29 Gary, about six years ago I was thinking,
02:31 notice emphasis on thinking about retiring
02:35 and we were gonna retire in Adventist center
02:37 like many people do
02:38 and Teenie and I talked about it,
02:40 my wife and we said "Let's go to a place
02:41 where there are no Seventh-day Adventists."
02:43 About an hour from Washington,
02:45 we are 30 minutes from Dallas Airport.
02:46 So we moved into the community.
02:48 For the first couple of years
02:51 we were members of this community,
02:53 kind of absorbing community life.
02:55 My wife is a persistent woman of prayer
02:57 and she began walking by a piece of property
02:59 not far from this
03:00 that she kept praying and praying
03:02 and she came to me and said "Mark, I believe
03:04 God wants us to plant a church in this community.
03:07 I believe He wants us to develop
03:09 a health evangelistic outreach center."
03:11 And I said look,
03:12 by that time I was 67-years-old I'm 70 now.
03:14 It's three years ago.
03:16 I said "Teenie, that's not possible.
03:17 I mean, look at us.
03:18 I mean I may have still had some wisdom
03:20 but my energy is quite a bit less."
03:21 And, you know, she just kept going
03:23 praying on the community and she prayed enough
03:25 and the Lord convinced me
03:26 and so we then eventually acquired this property
03:28 and began building this dream.
03:31 Wonderful, now what happens when the 250 seats are filled,
03:34 what's the plan then?
03:35 Our plan then is there is a little overflow room
03:38 that we could probably go to 300.
03:39 But our plan is to replant a church.
03:42 We do not see this as a great mega-church.
03:44 We really want to help pastors of churches 50 to 100 members
03:47 to take them to the next level.
03:49 But we want to plant a church in the next community
03:51 over in Warrenton where we're living.
03:53 Now I want to go back and plant there.
03:55 When that church gets filled, we want to plant another one.
03:57 And so if the Lord gives me the age of, you know,
04:01 120 like Noah I've got 50 more years you see.
04:06 Fantastic.
04:07 Now how are you going to start this facility?
04:10 I mean, you're gonna have bookshops,
04:12 you're gonna have seminar.
04:13 I mean, you can't do it all.
04:14 No, we are training staff right now.
04:16 We will have a lot of volunteer staff.
04:19 And so initially we'll have volunteer staff.
04:21 As the program grows,
04:23 we will then begin to hire part-time staff
04:26 and eventually full-time staff.
04:28 We believe in the principle in Mark Chapter 4
04:30 where Jesus said, "First there is a seed,
04:33 then the blade, then the ear, then the full corn in the ear."
04:36 One of the principles of church growth
04:38 that I have found is you start where you are.
04:40 You never-- there are some people
04:42 that dream and dream and dream about what they want to do
04:45 but they don't do very much.
04:47 You start where you are.
04:48 When we started here,
04:50 frankly we had a dream in our hearts and no money
04:52 and God has brought funding to us,
04:54 we still need some.
04:56 But God has brought funding to us.
04:57 So we're gonna start where we are.
04:59 If we can only open
05:00 a few days a week to start, we will.
05:02 We'll train volunteer staff which we're doing now.
05:04 We have a media center here,
05:05 we're training media center staff.
05:07 Here's what I've also discovered.
05:09 When you have a dream in your heart
05:11 and God begins to do something, God brings people to you
05:14 that you never thought you have.
05:16 In this little congregation,
05:18 we have a guy who is top quality in internet.
05:23 So he has helped us start out our internet.
05:24 We have another guy
05:26 who is a professional photographer.
05:27 He's helped us with--
05:29 he will help us with our media center.
05:30 We have people that God has already sent
05:33 and He is sending to us.
05:35 So when you have a dream in your heart
05:38 and you pursue that
05:39 God indeed will supply your needs.
05:42 Wonderful, now this is a center of influence,
05:45 what is your dream?
05:46 I mean, once it's up and running,
05:48 what is your hope?
05:49 My hope I think is two things, Gary.
05:51 One is that this will be truly
05:53 a center of influence for this community.
05:56 The people in this community will say
05:57 if you want help
05:59 with a marriage that's in trouble,
06:01 go to the Life Hope Center.
06:03 If you want hope because you've just lost a wife
06:05 because of grieving
06:06 and you just need somebody in your grieving
06:08 and you just need somebody to listen to,
06:10 you lost your wife because of cancer
06:11 and you are grieving, come to the Life Hope Center.
06:14 If you want to lose weight,
06:15 if you want to get on a vegetarian diet
06:17 we want this to be a place where the community says,
06:20 "These people care and they love."
06:24 And we feel that they will meet the needs that we have,
06:27 that's first.
06:28 Second we have a larger vision for this.
06:31 We would like God to use this as a model
06:34 not to be replicated exactly
06:36 because parts of the world are different.
06:39 But we want people to come and catch a vision
06:42 because we don't believe
06:43 that you, that you replicate an exact model or method
06:48 but what you replicate is the vision.
06:50 And we want to inspire people
06:52 as they come to the General Conference
06:53 and around from around the world
06:55 that, that God can give them a vision for their culture,
06:59 for their area to do something significant for Christ.
07:01 Wonderful.
07:03 Mark, thanks so much
07:04 and may God continue to bless this amazing ministry.
07:06 Thank you, Gary.
07:08 Next up, we travel to South America to Paraguay.
07:14 Hi, my name is Peter.
07:16 My friends call me Pedrito
07:18 and I am from a native family in Paraguay.
07:21 The native or indigenous people here
07:23 occupy a number of distant villages
07:25 in the northern part of the country.
07:27 Life is not easy.
07:29 Many communities still don't have access
07:31 to clean drinking water, electricity or basic education.
07:37 Because of these challenges, my grandpa told my family
07:40 that they should send me to a boarding school
07:43 and that's where my story begins.
07:45 The school is located not too far from my house.
07:49 It is the Seventh-day Adventist Primary
07:52 or Escuela Adventista de Caaguazu.
07:56 By car, it's only an hour away from our humble home.
07:59 At the Adventist Escuela,
08:02 I felt as if I was part of one big family.
08:05 I learned how to read and write, do arithmetic
08:09 and even more importantly
08:10 I learned about a God who deeply loves me.
08:13 I also learned Christian habits
08:16 such as praying before each meal.
08:19 During my first school break,
08:21 I got to go home and I was excited
08:23 to share my new experiences with the family.
08:25 As we sat down to eat dinner,
08:28 I noticed that everyone just started eating.
08:32 I felt somewhat awkward and although I was only seven,
08:36 I decided to pray.
08:37 So I bowed my head and offered a silent prayer
08:40 of thanks for the food.
08:43 Why are you doing that?
08:44 My father yelled from across the table.
08:47 We don't do that.
08:49 If you want to pray, you take your food
08:51 go outside and eat alone.
08:52 So I quietly took my food and went outside of our home.
08:57 I sat on a log and started eating.
09:00 Before long, my grandfather came by and asked.
09:03 Pedrito, why are you eating outside?
09:06 My dad doesn't want me to pray for the food,
09:09 so I was sent out here I answered.
09:12 I could see anger rising in my grandpa's face
09:15 as he rushed inside to confront his son, my dad.
09:20 Why are you doing this to your son?
09:22 You should be happy that he wants to pray.
09:24 He has changed a lot
09:26 and you should be thankful for that.
09:28 I'm going to visit that school tomorrow
09:30 and I will ask them to come to our community
09:32 and teach us the things Pedrito has learned.
09:36 So my grandpa traveled to the Adventist school
09:39 and explained how happy he was with my behavior.
09:42 He asked the school principal
09:44 if he would be willing to send someone to our community
09:47 to teach us more about good behavior.
09:50 The principal agreed
09:51 and the school sent a pastor to our community.
09:55 The pastor spent time with the people
09:57 and he taught us from the Bible for three months.
10:00 Then my grandpa, mom
10:02 and 17 other people from the community
10:04 decided to get baptized.
10:07 And as time passed, more baptisms took place.
10:15 Now more than 40 people are baptized members
10:17 of the new Seventh-day Adventist Church
10:19 in our community.
10:21 On Sabbaths we sing hymns, hear Bible stories
10:23 and praise God after each inspiring sermon.
10:27 Many friends from our community also come
10:29 and we pray for the day
10:31 that everyone will become a part of God's big family.
10:34 You may be asking yourself,
10:36 "How could a church be planted by young unchurched boy?"
10:40 The answer is simple,
10:41 God can use every one
10:43 who decides to do what is right.
10:49 Well, that's about it for today's program.
10:51 I hope that you've been inspired
10:52 by what you've seen and heard.
10:55 Around the world today, men and women, boys and girls
10:58 are sharing the love of Jesus Christ
11:00 in a very practical, in a very contagious ways
11:04 showing the reality that Jesus can make in lives
11:07 and people as vastly separated the South America
11:10 to North America.
11:12 Please continue to pray
11:13 for people involved in mission.
11:15 Pray for missionaries,
11:16 pray for Global Mission pioneers,
11:18 pray for people involved in centers of influence
11:21 in urban areas reaching out to people
11:24 in densely populated areas
11:26 who need to know about Jesus Christ.
11:28 Before we go, I'd like to offer you a free gift
11:31 from Adventist Mission,
11:33 it is an Adventist Mission luggage tag
11:36 and on the back it has the Adventist,
11:38 Adventist Mission website.
11:40 This is something that will travel with you
11:41 wherever you go around the world.
11:45 Well, for Adventist Mission I'm Gary Krause
11:47 and I hope you can join me next time
11:49 right here on Global Mission Snapshots.


Revised 2016-03-03