Global Mission Snapshots

Missionaries Need Missionaries

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: GMS

Program Code: GMS000906B

00:05 Welcome back to Tampa, Florida.
00:07 Next stop we travel to Bangkok, Thailand
00:10 where Rick McEdward learns the fascinating way
00:13 in which Chinese characters
00:15 depict scenes from the Bible
00:18 providing connection points
00:19 between scripture and the Chinese people.
00:23 Thanks, Gary.
00:24 Here with us today is Dr. Samuel Wang
00:27 good friend of mine an experienced missionary.
00:30 And, Dr Wang, I hope you don't mind
00:33 if I ask you a few questions.
00:34 Sure go ahead. All right.
00:36 Tell us first of all what is it that
00:39 you're doing with your work
00:40 and your sharing of the gospel today?
00:42 I am now working as a Chinese evangelist
00:45 for this region in SSD and, and especially in SAUM.
00:52 So the SSD is Southern Asia-Pacific Division
00:55 and SAUM is the South East Asia Union
00:59 and these are areas have large populations of Chinese people.
01:05 Outside of China and Taiwan
01:06 the largest the Chinese population
01:08 is in Thailand
01:10 and then you have next
01:11 you have the Chinese in Malaysia
01:13 and Chinese in Singapore
01:15 as well as in Indonesia.
01:17 So there is large groups.
01:18 When you speak to the Chinese people
01:20 and you're doing some evangelistic outreach
01:23 what kind of approach you use with them?
01:25 I normally would go from the Chinese culture,
01:29 from the cultural gateway to go from there to the Bible
01:33 because Chinese are normally quite
01:36 proud of their own culture, history and traditions
01:39 and there we find a lot of similarities
01:44 that we can still use to pave a way to the Bible truth.
01:48 So you have found some connections
01:51 that are evident between say Chinese language
01:56 and culture history and Bible truths.
01:58 Yes.
02:00 You know, today with the Bible we have is a written version
02:04 we have it like 3,500 years
02:06 but a human history is much longer than that.
02:09 So for the first 2,500 years
02:12 the Revelation of God was not written
02:15 but we have Noah, we have a Enoch, Adam
02:18 they all receive Revelation from God
02:21 that I believe must have been pastored down
02:25 through oral by word of mouth.
02:28 So these oral traditions
02:30 you found that there are some very specific connections.
02:34 Can you give us a simple one,
02:36 I don't know maybe there's something about Noah,
02:37 or Enoch or something that
02:39 that could be simple for us to see that connection.
02:42 Probably the easiest one
02:44 we can see is in the Chinese characters
02:46 the inventors of these characters
02:48 may have known the stories in the Bible.
02:51 For instance the word for the boat
02:55 you find a boat with eight persons in it.
02:59 And another word let's say
03:01 about restrain or control yourself
03:04 it is a tree in the middle
03:06 and then there is some mouth there
03:07 and it seems to indicate
03:09 that the only thing you need to restrain yourself
03:12 is not use your mouth to touch anything from that tree.
03:15 So we're referring back to the Garden of Eden
03:18 and the choice between taking--
03:20 the mouth taking and not taking,
03:22 Another-- now the word is there is two mouths and two hands
03:25 picking from that tree
03:27 and that's the word for it to die.
03:28 And-- oh, wow, interesting and of course,
03:31 the boat with the eight would have maybe
03:34 potentially refer to Noah
03:36 and the eight people on the Ark.
03:37 That could be a way that the early inventors
03:40 of the Chinese people
03:42 wanted to keep the stories to know
03:45 and the character writings, they pass it down.
03:47 Very interesting.
03:49 So when you share these kind of things are people surprised?
03:54 They are-- I think the feelings are mixed.
03:57 They are-- at first they are surprised
03:58 and then they feel very privileged
04:00 and it is so much information.
04:02 Not only in their writings and they can also see like,
04:06 you know, other traditions.
04:07 Even the Confucius teachings,
04:09 you can find almost all the major teachings
04:12 like love God and love people
04:15 and he prophesied about a holy man
04:19 who is going to come to rule the world
04:22 with the principle of love.
04:24 And those are very similar to the Bible teachings.
04:26 So in some ways there is an affirmation
04:28 of cultural heritage
04:30 at the same time teaching biblical truth.
04:32 So in order not to make the Chinese feel like
04:35 Christianity is a foreign religion
04:37 we have find the pieces and from here in there
04:40 in the Chinese culture tradition
04:43 so it will be a natural way to lead them
04:46 to the complete Word of God.
04:49 I want to just ask a personal question.
04:51 I know your personal story.
04:54 Well, we have just a very short time.
04:57 How did God bring you from where you were
05:01 up into the place now where you're
05:04 kind of a world known evangelist among Chinese people
05:08 Well, I don't think I'm well known
05:10 but I was born in a very humble farm
05:13 and grown up in a communist China.
05:17 The ten pointer for me was, you know,
05:20 to the Tiananmen Square student movement,
05:23 national students all of them have a part in this movement
05:27 but I didn't find the answer
05:29 then I shift to a spiritual movement
05:32 which is known as a Hare Krishna movement.
05:34 Which is sort of a branch of Hinduism.
05:36 Is a branch of Hinduism,
05:37 they are very much contextualized
05:39 to the western version of it.
05:42 Okay.
05:43 And I have become attracted to this movement
05:46 and actually was doing quite well
05:50 in that movement
05:52 but when I started to try to preach to others
05:56 I run into Adventists
05:58 and I run into Spirit of Prophecy
06:01 and the book of Great Controversy
06:04 just convert me.
06:06 Change your life. Changed my life, yeah.
06:08 Since you became devoted Adventist Christian
06:13 you've been developing all kinds of resources.
06:16 For last two years you've added a couple more
06:19 resources to help explain faith to others.
06:23 Tell us about the back to the beginnings
06:26 books that you've shared with.
06:28 That back to the beginnings is a new contextualize
06:31 the Chinese resource for reaching the Chinese
06:35 and that is a project that started with Center
06:37 for East Asian Religions
06:39 used to be the Buddhist studies center
06:42 and I had a privilege to work
06:45 with the center for the past four years.
06:47 And this book is as a new way to reach the Chinese
06:52 not only used the Bible
06:54 but start from the Chinese culture
06:56 and to pave ways and to build bridges
07:00 to lead the Chinese to the Bible truth.
07:03 Wonderful.
07:05 Well, thank you so much for joining us today.
07:07 And I just want to say,
07:08 you know, there's many ways of sharing our faith
07:10 and what Dr. Wang has shared with us
07:12 today is just one of them.
07:15 I encourage you to make friends with your neighbors
07:17 and share your faith.
07:19 Back to you, Gary.
07:21 I invite you now to pause for a few month
07:24 and as you watch this video as you see the images,
07:27 as you listen to the words of this song.
07:30 Please remember in prayer those who are serving
07:33 on the front lines of Mission.
07:36 The song is called
07:37 "Missionaries Need Missionaries Too."
07:50 Somewhere under sun in the heart of a foreign land
07:57 The family where the passion is living their mission trend
08:04 Bringing God to, to a hungry thirsty child
08:10 Knowing what our lives are always on the line
08:17 Missionaries need missionaries too
08:23 They need the prayers of loved ones
08:26 They need love from me and you
08:30 And when they just like Christ make the ultimate sacrifice
08:37 Someday in heaven they will thank you
08:41 Because you are a missionary too
08:50 Somewhere in jungle skies Is a plane that saving lives
08:57 Brining cures to ease the pain
09:00 Brining sight to darken lives
09:04 Carrying all their work Through the storms
09:07 And through the night
09:10 Never ending labors Touring souls of light
09:17 Missionaries Need missionaries too
09:23 They need the prayers Of loved ones
09:26 They need love from me and you
09:30 And when they just like Christ Make the ultimate sacrifice
09:37 Someday in heaven They will thank you
09:41 Because you are a missionary Too
09:47 In the streets or a village Their work may go unseen
09:53 For the sake of Christ They sacrifice their own needs
10:00 Remind them that you love them And give them what you can
10:06 Because your mission field Is very near
10:09 Help them carry out God's plan
10:15 Missionaries Need missionaries too
10:22 They need the prayers Of loved ones
10:24 They need love from me and you
10:29 And when they just like Christ Make the ultimate sacrifice
10:34 Missionaries Need missionaries too
10:40 They need the prayers Of loved ones
10:42 They need love From me and you
10:47 And when they just like Christ Make the ultimate sacrifice
10:55 Someday in heaven They will thank you
10:59 The things your praise Brought them too
11:02 And mission is accomplished Lord, thank you
11:06 You are a missionary too
11:14 You are a missionary too
11:21 You are a missionary too
11:48 Well, that's about it for today's program
11:51 and I hope that you've been inspired
11:52 and challenged for what you've seen
11:55 on Global Mission Snapshots.
11:57 Around the world today from here in Tampa, Florida,
12:00 to China, to the streets of London, England
12:04 the light of God's love is being shared
12:06 by men and women, boys and girls
12:08 who have made a commitment
12:09 to follow the example of Jesus Christ.
12:12 And I want to thank you for your continuing prayers
12:15 and your financial support for Global Mission
12:18 planting new groups of believers
12:20 around the world.
12:22 And before we go I would like to offer you
12:23 a small free gift
12:25 as a thank you for your continuing
12:27 participation in mission.
12:29 I hope that you will continue to pray
12:30 for the frontline mission workers
12:32 and for the un-entered areas
12:34 and un-reached people groups of the world.
12:37 For Global Mission Snapshots
12:39 I'm Gary Krause
12:40 and I hope that you can join me next time
12:42 right here on this program.


Revised 2015-11-09