Global Mission Snapshots

Waterproof Faith

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: GMS

Program Code: GMS000904A

00:09 Hundreds of centers of influence have been
00:11 established in cities all around the world,
00:15 including here in Mexico City.
00:17 Centers of influence,
00:18 urban Mission and much more coming up next.
00:26 Just before He went up to heaven,
00:28 Jesus gave us a command.
00:31 He gave us a mission.
00:34 Jesus said, "Go."
00:37 "Go unto all the world."
00:39 Telling them of His love.
00:41 This is our mission.
00:44 This is our Global Mission.
00:52 Hello and welcome to Global Mission Snapshots,
00:54 coming to you today from Mexico City in Mexico.
00:58 Behind me you'll see the site of the first
01:01 Seventh-day Adventist Church here in this city.
01:04 Of course, this is not the original building
01:06 but there's a lot of Adventist history
01:08 right here in this area.
01:10 In fact, Adventist work began in the city
01:12 with a center of influence in 1899.
01:16 Pastor George Cavernous,
01:18 who had been the principal of the Battle Creek School,
01:21 came to me to this country as a missionary
01:23 a few years earlier.
01:25 And then with two assistants came to Mexico City
01:28 and started the work with a center of influence.
01:31 It was an English language school.
01:34 And at this school, they mingled with people,
01:37 they became friends they showed sympathy,
01:40 they ministered to needs.
01:41 They won confidence
01:43 and soon people were following Jesus
01:45 and joining the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
01:47 On today's program will be focusing
01:49 on centers of the influence,
01:51 we'll see more on today's program
01:52 but first up, let's travel
01:54 to a totally different part of the world.
02:03 Twenty five years ago, the world church established
02:06 the office of Global Mission, with a specific mandate,
02:10 plant new Seventh-day Adventist churches
02:12 in the most challenging, unreached areas of the world.
02:19 The church has tripled in size since Global Mission began.
02:23 Thousands of new churches have been planted in new areas.
02:27 People from hundreds of different cultural
02:29 and religious backgrounds
02:30 have found hope and joy in Jesus Christ.
02:33 And yet, the rapidly growing urban areas
02:36 in all countries of the world
02:37 continue to present a huge and unique challenge.
02:42 About two hundred years ago, just three percent
02:44 of the world population was living in the cities.
02:46 Now we have more than half of the people in the world
02:49 live in urban areas.
02:51 In a couple of decades, we're going to have
02:53 three quarters of the whole population
02:55 in the world leaving those major cities.
02:58 When Global Mission began, there were ten cities
03:01 with more than ten million people, mega cities.
03:04 Today, that number has nearly tripled and continues to grow.
03:09 As Jesus crested that hill
03:12 and looked at the City of Jerusalem,
03:16 the Bible says, "He wept."
03:20 I want to implore each of you to weep
03:24 for the people of the cities of this world.
03:27 And do more than weep.
03:29 Ask the Holy Spirit to give you the power to join
03:32 in comprehensive urban evangelism,
03:35 to reach these precious souls of these many cities.
03:40 More than 100 years ago, Ellen White wrote,
03:43 "We must do more than we've done
03:45 to reach the people of our cities.
03:48 Over and over again the light has been given me
03:50 that we should establish in all our cities small plants
03:55 which shall be centers of influence.
03:58 Jesus loves the cities.
04:00 And the reason He does
04:02 is because that's where people live.
04:05 And Jesus loves people.
04:07 In Matthew 9:35, the Bible says,
04:09 "And Jesus went about all the cities and villages,
04:12 preaching in their synagogues,
04:14 teaching and healing the diseases of the people."
04:18 Jesus had a comprehensive plan of physical, mental,
04:21 spiritual and emotional wholeness for the cities.
04:24 Today, hundreds of urban centers of influence,
04:27 including Adventist Mission's Life Hope centers
04:30 are putting Christ method of ministry into action
04:33 around the world.
04:34 Many of these focus on health and wellness,
04:37 offering health screenings, health food,
04:39 cooking and exercise a massage therapy.
04:45 In Jakarta, Indonesia, large apartment buildings
04:48 often have a shopping center on the ground floor.
04:51 Here among the small clothes stores and food shops,
04:54 Adventists are opening centers of influence
04:57 in the form of health kiosks.
04:59 Through this shopping mall ministry,
05:01 visitors can get an electronic health scan,
05:04 have a report emailed to them and get recommendations
05:07 on how to live a healthier life.
05:12 Vegetarian restaurants offer the community opportunities
05:15 for healthier living
05:17 and provide a platform for holistic ministry.
05:20 Vigana in Vaasa, Finland,
05:22 provides a helpful and tasty food buffet.
05:25 But also runs Health Expos,
05:26 Stop smoking clinics and the Bible classes.
05:30 Other centers of influence
05:32 provide the community with homework
05:33 and after school help for children,
05:35 language and skills training classes and counseling.
05:41 In Denmark's capital, Copenhagen,
05:44 Adventists have found a creative way to put
05:46 Christ method of ministry into practice.
05:53 Happy Hand is a second hand shop
05:55 on a busy thoroughfare in the heart of the city.
05:58 But Happy Hand offers
05:59 more than redistributing quality used items.
06:02 It's a center of influence,
06:04 providing a springboard for Adventist to mingle,
06:07 show sympathy, minister to needs,
06:09 win confidence and bid people to follow Jesus.
06:14 I think, I feel that here it's more open.
06:17 It's very public that this is a Christian shop.
06:20 We have Bible verses in the walls
06:21 and it's very clear that this is a place
06:25 where we are Christians and it's very open.
06:28 So it's easier to getting
06:29 to those conversations with people.
06:31 And we also have a poster
06:33 that says that if you want to talk to a pastor,
06:35 you can you can just ask.
06:37 So yes, people do come in here
06:39 and just want somebody to talk to,
06:43 maybe pray for them.
06:45 We have a contact with the people here
06:49 that we get we don't get in church.
06:52 People can come in from the street
06:54 and they can sit down
06:55 and have a cup of our own tea or-- and just be able
06:59 to talk to somebody about anything.
07:02 And we actually reach people here
07:06 and we can do something for them.
07:08 Just for having a second hand shop
07:09 wouldn't be enough for me to participate
07:11 'cause there are lots of those.
07:13 But having this extra aspect really makes it worth it.
07:17 Bea just called me one evening and said,
07:19 "I need volunteers.
07:21 Can you please come and help?"
07:22 And I'm busy.
07:25 We have four kids and my husband is very busy
07:27 so I said, "I don't have the time.
07:30 But I think it's a very important project.
07:32 And I think-- and I can see the vision of it."
07:35 So yes, I'll come and help for three months.
07:38 And that is about two years ago.
07:44 Urban centers of influence provide a platform
07:46 to connect to community needs,
07:48 follow Jesus's example of ministry
07:51 and plant new groups of believers.
07:54 "We are not to wait for souls to come to us.
07:57 We must seek them out where they are.
08:00 When the word has been preached in the pulpit,
08:03 the work has but just begun.
08:05 There are multitudes who will never be reached by the gospel
08:09 unless it is carried to them."
08:15 My guest is Pastor Raul Moscoso,
08:18 who supervises centers of influence
08:21 here in Mexico City.
08:23 Thank you for joining us, Amigo.
08:25 And in this area here we have a community,
08:28 a very diverse community.
08:30 Describe the area in which we are standing.
08:36 Well, we're standing here
08:37 in the historic center of Mexico.
08:39 In this place, you'll find
08:41 the most impoverished people of this nation.
08:44 They're basically four types of people living here.
08:47 And through our center of influence,
08:49 we're able to touch each one of those groups.
08:52 Group number one is composed of street children.
08:55 Then there's the homeless
08:56 like the people right behind us.
08:58 There are also prostitutes,
09:00 they live and work nearby and delinquent kids.
09:03 Now what is the center of influence doing
09:06 to influence the community, to help the community?
09:14 The center of influence is here to help the people.
09:17 We're located in the heart of this place.
09:19 And we provide the people with food,
09:22 with clothing and items that they may need
09:25 during the cold days of winter or hot summer days as well.
09:31 Now we just made a number of young men to hear
09:35 what-- can you share a story of somebody
09:39 whose life has been touched through the center?
09:42 Well, we have worked with a number of people.
09:46 We simply help the prostitute to come out of the streets.
09:49 Her husband was the one
09:51 who forced her into prostitution.
09:53 And when they came into the center,
09:55 we began building a relationship
09:57 and helping them.
09:59 They made a beautiful decision to change their lives
10:02 and today, this lady has a daughter.
10:04 They attend the center of influence
10:06 and are helping other ladies in a similar condition,
10:09 to come out of this work
10:10 and stop what's causing society,
10:13 and themselves a lot of harm.
10:15 Wonderful. Thank you, Pastor.
10:16 We're going to come back
10:17 to the center later this evening
10:19 and we're going to see the center in action.
10:21 Okay.
10:24 Well, it's Tuesday evening here
10:25 in the center of influence in Mexico City.
10:28 And it's alive and bustling
10:30 and Pastor, describe what we're seeing here.
10:35 This is the first center of influence in Mexico City.
10:39 We work with the people who live in the streets.
10:42 Each Tuesday and Sabbaths, we invite them in to feed them.
10:47 For many other people here, this is their only meal today.
10:52 This is our mission service
10:54 towards people who are less fortunate.
10:57 Wonderful.
10:58 Now, can you share an experience
11:01 of how someone's life
11:02 has been touched through this center?
11:08 Yes.
11:09 We have good experiences to share.
11:12 We have been privileged to help change people's lives.
11:16 And even to be baptized some friends right here.
11:19 They have accepted Jesus and left their addictions.
11:23 Since many of them are either drug or alcohol addicts.
11:27 The people you see here have lost their homes
11:30 or have been forced out of them.
11:32 So we begin a thorough work with them.
11:35 First, by meeting their physical needs.
11:37 We provide them food and clothing.
11:40 Then we help them with tools,
11:43 so that they can change habits and transform their lives.
11:46 You will notice that some here tonight
11:49 have already accepted Jesus and are reshaping their ways.
11:53 They chose a new direction,
11:55 and are living a new phase for their own good,
11:58 but also for the benefit of society,
12:00 and because they want to live in the kingdom of God.
12:04 So, Pastor, can we meet one of these people, please?
12:07 Yes, of course.
12:08 I would like to introduce you to a friend.
12:11 He decided to change his life.
12:13 Let's ask him.
12:15 My dear friend, what changes have happened in your life
12:18 here at this center
12:19 and how do you feel
12:21 about the activities we do for you?
12:28 I feel appreciative.
12:30 And I feel the support of God in this center.
12:33 In reality, when someone lives in the street,
12:36 one feels very alone and unsheltered.
12:39 Society many times does not understand our condition.
12:43 But we learn to trust God and to rely on him
12:46 with the help of the pastors of the center,
12:49 who encourage us to follow the Lord at all times.
12:53 In your opinion,
12:54 does this center help your friends
12:56 and all of the people around us?
12:57 Yes.
12:59 I believe this really helps,
13:00 especially, in supporting us to reach our goals.
13:03 Although, hard to believe,
13:05 we also have dreams and goals in life.
13:07 Many times these goals seem hard.
13:10 But it's not impossible.
13:12 I know that with God, in time we can get there.
13:16 It's hard but with God, we keep moving.
13:20 Very well.
13:21 Pastor Gary, you have seen with your own eyes
13:23 that the people here,
13:25 in their own way, they love the Lord.
13:28 We also love them.
13:30 And we want to celebrate the first Center of influence
13:33 here in Mexico City,
13:35 that is here to support them and to help them
13:38 out of the difficult times they are living in.
13:42 Wonderful. Gracias.
13:43 Centers of influence,
13:45 putting Christ method into practice,
13:48 mingling, showing sympathy, ministering to the needs,
13:51 winning confidence and leading people to Jesus.
13:53 Don't go away
13:54 we'll be right back after this break.


Revised 2015-11-30