Global Mission Snapshots

Passing the Torch

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: GMS

Program Code: GMS000805A

00:11 Imagine the line of residents here in the city of Cairo,
00:15 stretching back down this road space one meter apart
00:19 you would travel for some 30 miles
00:21 before you would meet one advertised.
00:24 Egypt and much more coming up next.
00:31 Just before He went up to heaven,
00:33 Jesus gave us a command.
00:36 He gave us a mission.
00:39 Jesus said, "Go,
00:41 "go unto all the world, telling them of His love."
00:46 This is our mission.
00:48 This is our Global Mission.
00:57 Hello, and welcome to Global Mission Snapshots
01:00 coming to you today
01:01 from the ancient country land of Egypt.
01:04 Adventist work began in the Middle East
01:06 right here in this country
01:08 when some Adventist in Italy sent literature to Alexandra.
01:13 Well, today so many years later
01:16 the church throughout the Middle East
01:18 is a minority of minorities.
01:21 In fact, I was doing some calculating
01:23 and if you to imagine
01:25 a line of people stretching from here in Cairo
01:28 directly all the way up to Beirut, Lebanon
01:31 nearly 600 kilometers
01:33 and each person was spaced one meter away from the next
01:37 you could walk that entire line of people
01:39 all the way to Beirut
01:41 and you would meet only three or four Adventist.
01:44 When we see figures such as this
01:47 we ask the question,
01:48 who is sufficient for this things?
01:50 And the answer is certainly not us, only Him.
01:53 We will be coming back to Egypt
01:55 but first up
01:56 let's travel to a totally different part of the world.
02:05 On April 9, 2014
02:08 tragedy struck Papua, Indonesia.
02:12 What was a routine take-off
02:14 turned into a day of deep sadness.
02:17 It took less than 30 seconds
02:19 to devastate Adventist Aviation
02:21 and the hearts of those who loved Captain Bob Roberts
02:24 and he will be missed by many.
02:27 Since Bob Roberts' death
02:29 his son Gary picked up the torch to continue
02:31 his father's work
02:33 as a mission pilot in Indonesia.
02:36 It's difficult and its rewarding at the same time
02:40 to come and serve for your father
02:41 who has dedicated a large portion of his life.
02:46 We had to see definite direction from God
02:50 that this is what He wanted us
02:51 because we're still working in Africa
02:55 and leading several projects there
02:56 that we didn't feel right about just walking away from
02:59 so it did take some time in prayer
03:02 and asking for God to really open the doors for us
03:05 to show us that this was His well.
03:08 Gary's brother Eric was also working
03:10 as a mission pilot in Indonesia
03:12 and was instrumental in keeping the Adventist Aviation program
03:16 going after his father's death.
03:18 When he learned that Gary was coming to work
03:20 Eric happily welcomed him
03:21 to the Indonesian aviation family.
03:24 He'd flown little bit with dad here in the years past
03:27 and so he had some idea of the area already.
03:30 He knew what he was getting into
03:33 and it made--
03:36 I don't want to say my job easier
03:38 but it definitely has made it easier
03:41 to have Gary here.
03:49 The objectives of Adventist Aviation
03:51 here to reach the areas
03:53 that we can't reach through other modes of travel.
03:56 We don't have many roads here,
03:58 we can't travel up many other rivers
04:01 and so aviation here really exist
04:04 to share the gospel in areas
04:07 that are inaccessible except by airplane.
04:15 And this is truly a mission family.
04:17 Gary and team come together
04:19 each morning to reflect on God's goodness
04:21 and to pray that He will give them
04:23 the ability to continue the work.
04:29 I can't remember exactly
04:31 how many churches dad has been directly responsible
04:35 for building in Papua but there are several
04:39 and a lot of them were built hauling loads on Sunday
04:43 when everybody else was off.
04:46 And really trying to keep a business running
04:51 as well as keep the mission cited things running.
04:54 It's an honor for Gary
04:58 because we still dreaming a pilot like Bob, hard worker
05:04 and have dedication for the church.
05:06 And Bob was an amazing man. He is not only hard worker
05:13 but when he went to the bush area,
05:17 the jungle area, he helped everybody.
05:20 But think you for God
05:22 that Gary chosen for join us in Indonesia
05:26 and replace his daddy.
05:29 I know Gary is also hard worker.
05:36 I guess you could tell stories to till the day has gone
05:39 about the many different challenges
05:41 but it also creates the way
05:44 for God to work in amazing ways.
05:46 And I can say that the benefits of working in this job
05:52 far outweigh the challenge.
06:01 The village of Tenebil is just one example
06:03 have an area that was blessed by Bob's contributions.
06:06 He visited this village to plant a church
06:09 which was eventually finished
06:10 by the efforts of the aviation team.
06:13 Now a Global Mission pioneer works here these highlands
06:16 to spread the love of Jesus and lead people to Christ.
06:19 As the gospel message continues to spread
06:22 throughout the earth
06:23 please pray for projects like these.
06:25 Pray that others will take up the work
06:27 to complete God's mission.
06:30 So often I meet people who say well,
06:32 you know, that's great that you're missionary
06:34 but I haven't been called to be a missionary.
06:38 Well, actually everybody has been
06:40 called be a missionary.
06:42 We've been given that mandate to go into all the world
06:45 and that's your neighbors across the street,
06:47 that's the people who live next door
06:48 and that's the people who live in the very remote villages.
06:51 So you wonder how on earth
06:53 are they gonna hear about Jesus?
06:55 And it's gonna be through influence
06:56 of an operation like this
06:58 where you go in and you meet their needs,
07:00 you supply them with what they need
07:03 and share the gospel with them.
07:05 And so there are tremendous rewards for anybody
07:08 who's willing to trust God and to let Him be in control
07:12 and do what He's asked us to do.
07:26 So it's just coming on sunset here in Giza in Egypt
07:30 on the outskirts of Cairo
07:32 and the iconic pyramids of course behind me.
07:35 And with me is Rick Kajiura
07:37 and Rick is the communications director
07:39 for Adventist Mission.
07:42 Rick, we're gonna talk about a few things
07:43 one of which is the start of the work
07:46 here in Egypt which was.
07:50 Well, you're reading
07:52 and so why don't you share some of that with me.
07:54 I was looking at back in 1877 a group of Adventist in Italy
08:00 actually sent literature across Egypt up to Alexandria.
08:04 So that's the first contact
08:06 that we know of from Adventists,
08:10 not only Egypt but to the entire Middle East.
08:13 Egypt was the first country
08:15 that Adventist came to in the entire Middle East
08:17 which really says something about Egypt.
08:19 Now you have been here before, tell me a little bit
08:22 about the culture here and the people.
08:25 Well, you know, I came as a tourist
08:27 in about a year ago but I think
08:29 that when we look at the coaches of people
08:32 here in the Middle East it seems like
08:35 they have more than emphasis on relationships
08:38 that we sometimes tend to, at least in the modern west
08:42 where it's not sufficient to just go into a shop
08:45 and say I want to buy something.
08:47 They will introduce themselves,
08:49 shake their hands, your name, where you from.
08:52 They will sit down and talk and get to know each other.
08:54 That's right and sit down.
08:56 They invite you to have a cup of tea with them
08:59 etc etera and it's almost like
09:01 you have to build a relationship
09:03 before you even have a business transaction.
09:08 Which is kind of a nice thing I think.
09:10 I mean, for those of us
09:11 who are always rushing around
09:14 we may thing oh,that's too much
09:15 but there is something very attractive about it.
09:18 Oh, yeah, I think in our rush world
09:21 we don't take the time to really get to know
09:22 people and, you know,
09:24 I'm thinking right now people we've been talking
09:27 what they are saying, you know,
09:28 people aren't coming to Egypt, they don't understand us,
09:31 they have this misperception of us.
09:34 And you tell that they are hurting in little ways,
09:38 you know, people don't give us a chance.
09:41 They believe everything they see on TV
09:44 and there are problems.
09:46 By and large the people here are very friendly.
09:49 Well, the thing is that it's very easy
09:51 to get stereotypes and so you see in the news
09:53 that there was this bombing here
09:55 or bombing there and suddenly you then say well,
09:58 all the country must be like this
10:00 and all the people must be like this.
10:02 But it was interesting talking to our better one guide earlier
10:05 when he just said,
10:06 I hope you don't say bad things about Egypt.
10:09 That was very important to him.
10:11 It was very important to him.
10:14 You know, one of the things that
10:16 that as working for mission,
10:19 you know, that we need to remember some of those
10:20 same principles of getting to know people,
10:23 you know, and that's Christ method.
10:25 Yeah, the very step of saying before we go too much further
10:30 I'm gonna find out about you and this is me,
10:32 that's for very nice platform for any relationship.
10:36 Gary, Christ is in this region.
10:38 I mean, it's no wonder but that's a method,
10:41 but it's a method that works with people anywhere
10:43 because people are people.
10:45 That's right.
10:46 And you build that relationship of trust then it's much easier
10:50 and in particular in this region of the world
10:53 because its as Adventist we havea lot in common
10:55 in terms diet and things like that but,
10:58 you know, and Not using alcohol.
11:01 That really can open doors in the Middle East.
11:04 Yeah, well, the--
11:06 unfortunately in many countries
11:07 around here if you would have to say
11:09 that you're a Christian their immediate assumption
11:12 is what they had seen from Hollywood movies.
11:15 So they will think that you are sexually promiscuous,
11:19 they think that you drink alcohol,
11:21 they think that you curse and swear,
11:23 I mean, the whole, whole list of things
11:24 that they judge Christianity
11:26 by because what they've seen and certain behaviors
11:29 that they have observed of Christians.
11:32 So it's a it's something
11:35 that we need to be very conscious of.
11:36 So there are misperceptions from both sides.
11:38 Right.
11:40 So at some point we need to bridge
11:41 those misunderstandings and find the common ground
11:45 and I think that, you know,
11:48 we can make a difference in the world.
11:50 Yeah, and that's just wonderful to see that Adventist
11:53 in this region of the world are looking for ways
11:55 that they can make a holistic contribution to society.
11:59 So they're looking at--
12:00 they are looking at what are the needs of people
12:02 and there are tremendous needs here.
12:04 I mean there are needs of education,
12:07 there are needs of people
12:08 who are living in poverty
12:11 and we as--
12:12 and health needs, tremendous health needs.
12:14 And so we as Adventist do have something
12:17 that we can contribute to society in a positive way.
12:19 And just recently I was in another country
12:21 and we're talking with somebody
12:23 as he said getting to know him sitting down
12:26 and talking with him and he offered us tea
12:29 and as we talked one of the things
12:32 he said is I am struggling with smoking.
12:34 I've tried and tried to quit over and over again,
12:36 and this Adventist have done a tremendous amount
12:38 on helping people to stop smoking.
12:40 So there are wonderful opportunities.
12:42 Yeah. It's interesting Rick,
12:44 to see the different cultural expectations
12:48 we have the way we operate
12:50 and we get to see a few of these things
12:52 just like I was in India recently
12:54 and I could accidentally
12:57 pick up food with the wrong hand
12:59 and if I pick it up with the wrong hand
13:01 then most Indians will say,
13:02 that is so filthy, dirty the way that you're doing it.
13:05 Because somewhere like Thailand and if you put your--
13:08 you actually accidentally poke your foot at somebody,
13:12 point your foot at someone
13:13 that is a very rude thing to do.
13:15 So being conscious of some of those things
13:18 is very helpful.
13:20 And it's not that, you know,
13:22 it's just a matter of simply understanding
13:24 and respect for the culture
13:27 and not doing things that easily offended
13:29 and immediately offend
13:31 and that takes time, you know, to fly in and fly out
13:34 and expect to make a huge difference
13:37 versus living among the people,
13:40 you know, mingling with them,
13:42 getting to know them, winning their confidence.
13:44 Yes. I think too often we've seen mission
13:48 as some think that you go in and do
13:50 then come out was Jesus Himself demonstrated to us
13:56 through the incarnation that well,
13:59 He is a nice image for the desert,
14:00 He came and pitched His tent among us
14:03 and dwell with us
14:04 and as I say He put on human skin,
14:07 He got His hands dirty
14:09 and often that's something we're not prepared to do.
14:14 And when people get to know you
14:15 and they see the way you live the questions come naturally,
14:19 why do you do this? Why don't you do this?
14:22 You know what you believe?
14:24 And that's when the opportunity opens up
14:26 and it's not for us
14:27 it's a very natural progression of getting to know someone.
14:31 Exactly.
14:32 Thank you Rick, for joining me
14:34 and we'll be right back straight after this break.


Revised 2015-08-27