Global Mission Snapshots

Lives Changed

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Gary Krause (Host), Rick Kajiura (Host), Alisha Paulson, Carissa Clendenon, Drs. Darryl & Tiffany Priester, Josh Remoket, Judelle Johnson, Julianne Price, Makayla Hemple, Maxine Lehsi, Ryan Johnson, Saul Kepler


Series Code: GMS

Program Code: GMS000802A

00:11 Mexico City,
00:12 one of the world's most densely populated urban areas,
00:16 the largest Spanish speaking city in the world
00:20 with some 22 million people
00:22 in the extended metropolitan area.
00:24 The mission field of Mexico City,
00:26 that and much more coming up next.
00:34 Just before He went up to heaven,
00:36 Jesus gave us a command.
00:39 He gave us a mission.
00:42 Jesus said, "Go,
00:44 go unto all the world telling them of His love."
00:49 This is our mission. This is our Global Mission.
00:59 Hello and welcome to Global Mission Snapshots.
01:02 Coming to you today
01:03 from the huge city of Mexico City
01:06 here in Mexico.
01:07 It is a large city.
01:09 It's growing everyday,
01:10 some 22 million people
01:12 in the greater metropolitan area.
01:15 That's larger than some countries.
01:16 In fact when you look at the economy of Mexico City,
01:20 it is five times the economy of the country of Costa Rica.
01:24 The huge influence, the growing power of cities
01:28 as thousands of people flooding everyday is a reminder
01:32 of the mission challenge
01:33 facing the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
01:35 Historically, we have tended to be a rural church,
01:39 but now we realized
01:40 that with more than 50 percent of the world's population
01:42 living in the cities,
01:44 we need to find new and creative holistic ways
01:47 to share the love of the Lord Jesus Christ.
01:50 We'll be talking a lot more about that on today's program,
01:53 but first up,
01:54 let's travel to Pacific Ocean to Micronesia.
01:57 I wanted to be a student missionary
01:59 ever since I knew what a student missionary was.
02:02 And my dad has gone to Palau,
02:04 so I decided to go somewhere that I always wanted to go
02:06 and that's to an island,
02:09 and I wanted some place remote with mountains
02:12 so I picked Kosrae.
02:14 Welcome to Kosrae,
02:16 one of the four Micronesian Islands,
02:19 an exotic place in the Pacific Ocean.
02:22 It's remote, beautiful, full of life and exotic fruits,
02:27 the perfect place for adventure.
02:30 Awesome. Yeah, it's really neat.
02:33 Actually being in a different country like
02:36 experiencing God in a whole new way.
02:40 It's like, it's like I imagined it in some ways
02:43 and yet better in others.
02:45 But why would someone in their college years
02:47 fly across the planet to stay an entire year?
02:51 So I teach the fifth and sixth grade,
02:54 and I teach all the subjects
02:57 and now I'm teaching
02:58 some of the seventh and eighth grade classes,
03:01 language, arts and then they have science with Carissa
03:05 and I do math and social studies
03:08 and health which is my favorite to teach.
03:10 To have the opportunity to like
03:13 do something that you're totally unqualified for
03:17 which it is like scary but it's also super cool
03:21 because you can just like become intern
03:23 and to learn so much.
03:26 You're leaving
03:27 your important scheduled life back home
03:31 to come help people who you don't know
03:34 but like, you know, I'm leaving my comfort zone
03:36 and I'm coming here where I don't know anyone
03:39 but it's crazy like how fast the bonds like grow
03:43 and they're just your family here.
03:46 This is a work of love
03:48 that with otherwise be no school
03:50 if it wasn't for student missionaries sent from
03:52 Adventist churches and universities
03:54 to nearly all of the islands in the Pacific Ocean.
03:58 These dedicated volunteer missionaries
04:00 are changing lives.
04:08 And it isn't all work here.
04:10 They do have opportunities for fun activities.
04:17 Like it's not all work, it's fun to like
04:22 you can go explore,
04:23 you take the kids with you and go explore.
04:26 They took us to the waterfall
04:27 like the first week you were here.
04:29 And it was just fun like getting to know them
04:31 and they were like all going spear fishing
04:33 I was like, wow, that's awesome,
04:38 so we go out with like metal spears
04:40 and like working under rocks
04:41 and shining the flashlights and stepping on coral
04:44 and everything and they're like stab it,
04:46 stab it, stab the fish,
04:48 I'm like, okay, like stab miss, yeah.
04:52 As the volunteer missionaries
04:53 engage the children, nature and themselves,
04:57 they create a special bond
04:58 and memories they would carry for life.
05:02 This year nobody expected
05:04 what was just ahead.
05:07 As the student missionaries learned the condition of Chuuk,
05:10 a neighboring island
05:11 that is several flight hours away.
05:14 They were sad to hear
05:15 that some students could not attend school
05:17 for lack of teachers.
05:19 Kosrae on the other hand was fully staffed,
05:22 so Julianne and Carissa decided to help.
05:26 So, being a student missionary
05:29 wasn't really a huge leap of faith for me.
05:33 It's what's happening right now,
05:36 that is a huge leap of faith.
05:37 In the Bible God says to go,
05:39 and I'm taking that literally and I'm going.
05:43 Although it's really sad that these girls are leaving,
05:45 it's cool how they see a need somewhere else
05:50 and God is going to qualify us
05:52 to be able to take care of
05:54 the gap that needs to be filled here,
05:56 as they are filling the gap somewhere else that needs it.
06:00 It took a leap of faith
06:01 to serve God in a remote island,
06:03 then a huge step in faith to move to a more needy place.
06:07 Carissa and Julianne were warmly welcomed in Chuuk,
06:10 and they will for sure be remembered in the hearts here
06:13 and in the books of heaven.
06:15 I am sure by the time
06:17 I leave my perspective on life will be absolutely torn up
06:23 and a new one will be in place.
06:25 Already it's changing so much
06:28 just for a couple of weeks here,
06:31 and I love it.
06:34 It's like the best thing I've ever done,
06:38 like the best choice I've ever made.
06:40 It's so worth it.
06:41 It's the most rewarding thing you'll probably ever do
06:45 and you'll definitely grow closer to God.
06:48 Each year hundreds of Adventist volunteers
06:51 take opportunities across the globe to serve,
06:54 to love and to teach others about the love of Jesus.
07:00 You can too.
07:02 Visit Adventist
07:06 The effective urban mission is a partnership
07:08 between church leaders, pastors and church members
07:12 and with me I have three people here
07:14 involved in urban mission,
07:16 Pastor Kepler, Manuel and Flavio.
07:20 And Flavio and Manuel are church members
07:23 who have a passion for mission.
07:25 And, Flavio, tell me what is the purpose of
07:27 what you're doing right here in Mexico City?
07:33 You in Mexico City,
07:35 you'll find an interesting project,
07:37 a project that obeys the divine mandate
07:40 of Mark 16:15 that tells us to go
07:43 and preach the gospel to all people.
07:46 The world's Seventh-day Adventist Church
07:48 has caste a vision
07:49 to reach the large cities of our planet,
07:52 so here in Mexico City,
07:54 we launched the project to work with the affluent
07:57 or the wealthy of the city and of this country.
08:01 This is often times a neglected group,
08:04 so we began to offer Bible studies
08:06 through small groups of study.
08:09 There are currently Adventist members meeting
08:11 in a special place with the people and families
08:14 that are interested in learning the Bible.
08:17 In attendance to the small groups
08:19 are diplomats, entrepreneurs,
08:22 business executives and many others.
08:25 We believe God can open a door here.
08:27 There are currently three groups working hard
08:30 to establish a Seventh-day Adventist presence
08:33 in this part of town, in this part of Mexico City.
08:36 Gracias.
08:37 And, Manuel,
08:39 what sort of methods are you using for urban mission?
08:45 Our method is to present the gospel
08:47 in its proper diamond like face.
08:50 But how?
08:52 Well, by presenting the health principles
08:54 of physical, mental and spiritual health.
08:58 For this our goal is to share
09:00 the beautiful truths of the gospel with others.
09:03 And we're working with
09:05 the variety of professionals here in the city.
09:08 Through three small groups of Bible study,
09:10 to be able to establish a new church,
09:14 in order to honor and glorify the name of Jesus.
09:22 Wonderful, gracias.
09:24 And Pastor Kepler,
09:26 you're the pastor of this big church
09:27 here in the centre of Mexico City
09:30 and you have lay people working with you,
09:33 what is actually happening on the ground?
09:36 All right. We need to work together.
09:39 We need to the blessed
09:41 and the presence of the Holy Spirit in our life.
09:44 We need to work with one mission.
09:49 The message is for all the people.
09:50 God believes for all the people in all the world
09:54 that in this city, in this specific area,
09:57 we have not gone.
09:59 We need to go.
10:00 But we need to do with something,
10:02 some methods that we need to learn,
10:06 we need to do, we need to imagine
10:08 and the Lord give us intelligence for doing.
10:11 We need to do friendly with these people
10:13 because they're businessmen whose houses are a closet.
10:18 And we need to
10:20 that these people open their houses.
10:22 How we can do this?
10:24 Only because this people don't need food,
10:26 don't need medical service,
10:28 do not need a some help
10:33 but these people need a real friendly.
10:37 Right, so traditional ways
10:40 that we might reach many other people,
10:42 they're not going to even touch these people
10:44 and so what you're talking about,
10:46 what you're describing to me is Christ method
10:48 where you mingle and you make friends first.
10:50 All right.
10:52 Somebody enters to meet these people
10:54 and I present myself like I am.
10:57 In fact, they told me--
11:00 In the beginning they don't tell me pastor,
11:03 they tell me for my name,
11:04 hey, you're so and after they invite me to his houses
11:09 and I invite him to my house and they eat with me
11:13 and I eat with them with these people.
11:16 And after I told him all right,
11:20 I'm a Christian, you can know the Jesus Christ.
11:24 Wonderful.
11:26 What sort of friendships have you made so far?
11:29 All right.
11:31 At first we're studying the Bible
11:33 with the businessmen.
11:36 He works with the building
11:38 and he is administration of building
11:41 like he is a business man
11:45 and there people are political people
11:49 who we're working with them
11:51 because somebody come by to my church,
11:54 somebody introduce me
11:56 and I talk to him about Jesus Christ,
11:58 first friendly after Jesus Christ
12:00 and many of them--
12:02 one man is a Colonel Elio, he has helped me
12:08 because he preached the Lord word
12:12 and when I come by other people and some artist of the city,
12:16 I come by, I come by you, he is my friend
12:19 and another friend going to preach about Jesus
12:22 and he is the council of the Brazil
12:24 and the people will say,
12:25 oh, it's so important I can go to listen to him
12:28 and the people come.
12:29 In fact 15 days ago somebody told me
12:33 hey, what are you doing here?
12:34 Are you diplomatic?
12:36 I told him, no, I'm not and ask her,
12:39 are you diplomatic too?
12:40 Oh, I'm not,
12:42 I'm business woman and I live here.
12:44 I told him you come to pray with us.
12:47 Really, are you come to pray.
12:49 All right and she will come with us next,
12:53 in next meeting.
12:54 Wonderful.
12:56 Pastor, thank you so much for sharing with us today,
12:58 and thank you too Flavio and Manuel.
13:01 Mission of the cities, urban mission is a challenge.
13:04 It's expensive to work in the cities.
13:06 There are places that we can't even physically reach
13:10 unless we know somebody in department block.
13:12 There are so many different cultures,
13:14 so many different languages,
13:15 so many different socioeconomic levels
13:18 and it's so encouraging here in Mexico City
13:21 to see ministry to people who are on the streets,
13:24 people who don't know
13:25 where their next meal is going, coming from
13:27 and also people who maybe more rich
13:30 and increased with goods
13:31 but still need to know about Jesus Christ
13:33 as their savior.
13:35 Please pray for mission to the cites
13:37 here in Mexico City.
13:39 Don't go away,
13:40 we'll be right back after this break.


Revised 2015-08-27