Global Mission Snapshots

Golden Memories

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Gary Krause (Host), Klaus Nybo, Shreeletha Solomon


Series Code: GMS

Program Code: GMS000705B

00:06 Welcome back.
00:07 Next up we travel to Bergen, Norway
00:09 where Rick Kajiura
00:11 is talking to Claus Nybo the president of LifeStyle TV.
00:17 Thank you, Gary.
00:19 I'm here in Norway right now
00:21 and I'm talking with Claus Nybo
00:22 who's the president of LifeStyle TV
00:25 which is based in Sweden
00:26 but you cover all of Scandinavia
00:28 with your broadcast.
00:29 What exactly is LifeStyle TV?
00:32 LifeStyle TV is a satellite and internet broadcasting
00:36 where we cover as you say all of Scandinavia.
00:38 So Denmark, Sweden and Norway and we broadcast 24 hours a day
00:43 and I've done that now for nine years.
00:46 And this is amazing to see really
00:48 the result we get 'cause this is you may know
00:50 this is a very secular area of Europe
00:53 where you have few people attending church.
00:55 People talk about somewhere down towards
00:57 even two percent of the population
00:59 attending church.
01:00 So it's a very secular area to reach
01:02 and create its own challenges
01:04 which is I think why we're choosing
01:06 the word also LifeStyle TV trying to reach
01:09 from a lifestyle approach and a strong health approach
01:12 into a secular area of the world.
01:15 Okay and you must be having people
01:18 respond to what you're broadcasting.
01:20 Can you share some of the stories of
01:22 what impact you're having on people's lives?
01:24 We do get response.
01:25 We've people who have write us in
01:27 and we've a lot of anonymous viewers
01:29 that just simply watch and watch and enjoy it
01:33 and then all of a sudden they'd contact us
01:34 and I mean we have people that will contact
01:36 like almost out of the blue come to the church and say,
01:40 "We want to get baptized.
01:42 We've gotten to learn to know about Jesus
01:45 and we want to accept Him as our personal Savior."
01:48 And those are exciting people.
01:49 I'm thinking this summer we had one
01:52 that was actually in Finland
01:54 and a viewer that had been watching
01:55 for several years on LifeStyle TV
01:58 and then got contact with a local bible worker.
02:03 It was in the Vaasa area and it was really unique
02:06 very quick as in that very area we have the church
02:09 has like a center of hope.
02:11 A restaurant that is working as a mission station
02:15 to reach people to share people
02:18 with people about healthy lifestyle
02:20 and one of their bible workers got contact
02:22 with this viewer of ours that had been watching.
02:25 And see the Christ of baptism as result of this
02:29 wanting to give her full life to Christ
02:31 and to see these connections with a local ministry
02:36 and the work they do and how they can take a contact
02:39 and follow up on a personal level
02:41 and make those connections
02:43 and then sit down with the last questions
02:45 you know on how to explain the Bible
02:47 and lead them to the point where they're ready
02:50 to give their life full to Christ.
02:52 Now, we're here in Bergen
02:53 'cause we're looking at may be a center of hope here.
02:58 But the one that's there.
02:59 Can you tell us what they're doing?
03:01 There's this a newer center there in Vaasa, Finland.
03:03 It's an area of Finland
03:05 that is partly Swedish speaking and partly Finnish speaking.
03:08 And so they have set up a restaurant
03:11 in a shopping center where they're serving
03:13 total vegetarian food six days a week.
03:17 And for about four hours there is a lunch buffet
03:20 and so they've coming in there
03:22 a little over hundred people every day that eat
03:26 then in the often in the evenings
03:28 they would have different kind of seminars
03:30 where they invite people to come in.
03:32 They'll have health lectures or social lectures
03:35 or different things that connect with lifestyle.
03:37 And so they try to give people more than just good food
03:41 but also things that can really help them
03:43 in their life to go home and make changes
03:46 and start improving their lifestyle.
03:48 And so from these things you have people that are asking
03:51 of course, you know, what is the background
03:53 why do you do this?
03:54 Right.
03:56 And then they get into the whole discussion
03:57 about their spiritual background from the church.
04:01 We know that they often use LifeStyle TV
04:03 as a reference point and so working with that
04:06 and can refer their customers to watch TV
04:10 which is a great way,
04:11 because a lot of people have spiritual interest.
04:13 Sure.
04:15 But living in an area where it's more like
04:18 taboo to talk about it you watch at home.
04:21 And so when you sit in comfort of your living room
04:24 in the privacy of your four walls
04:26 then people engage.
04:28 They would watch in internet they watch in satellite
04:30 and then they will look and they will find something
04:34 that start changing their life.
04:35 And then they may come back
04:36 and start asking more spiritual questions
04:38 and that's where these centers are so important
04:41 that can make those connections with people
04:43 because this is all sort of searching
04:46 to define spiritual meaning in their life.
04:48 And so to have people like that is gold worth.
04:52 I guess everybody in their life has questions
04:55 about the greater meanings of the life.
04:57 Now, when you talk about vegetarian restaurants,
04:59 why vegetarian?
05:02 I think especially here in Scandinavia
05:04 it's in the time, you know,
05:05 people are very health conscience.
05:08 They are environmentally conscious
05:09 and so realizing that this is a great choice
05:12 for even the environment
05:14 to go on a vegetarian diet or total vegetarian.
05:17 Those are things people are interested in.
05:19 And especially that one is one that really connects.
05:22 Animal rights are strong so how do you treat animals
05:26 and in that way also going vegetarian
05:28 that resonate to a lot of people over here.
05:30 So there is a strong room
05:31 and especially by young people to move towards that.
05:34 And so I think if restaurant like that
05:36 is very much in and in this case
05:38 the name of the restaurant is Vegana
05:41 and so already the name is strongly indicating
05:44 that here's a restaurant that focuses
05:46 on total vegetarian diet and that's something
05:49 that connects and resonate with specially young people.
05:53 Now, you've eaten at the restaurant I assume
05:56 and when people come in there,
05:58 you know, what are they expecting
06:00 and how do they think the food tastes?
06:03 I mean just sitting and observing.
06:04 I've been there twice and I love to sitting there
06:07 quiet at a table with my food
06:09 and just observing customers come in.
06:11 You see that they're enjoying it.
06:13 They're thrilled with the food.
06:14 They bring their friends, they sit and chat at the tables
06:17 and you can see in their smiles their laughter
06:20 that this is the place they like coming.
06:22 This is like a little sanctuary for them.
06:24 You know a little breathing home where they come.
06:26 And so these are the kind of people
06:28 they worked with
06:29 and it's a wonderful atmosphere.
06:31 The food is great.
06:33 They've had different kind of cooks there
06:35 but the one that is the project leader
06:37 Hulda Carlson is doing a phenomenal job
06:40 and really leading.
06:41 She is a young girl but she had a vision
06:44 and she didn't let people deter her
06:46 because when she first started sharing it
06:48 you know people was like,
06:49 "No, the restaurant is a big work.
06:50 You can't do it."
06:52 But she was like,
06:53 "Well, if God wants me to do it."
06:55 And so by faith and a lot of prayer
06:57 she and her husband Jonathan ventured out
07:00 and got people excited around them step by step
07:03 and then they moved out
07:05 and what God has done is amazing.
07:07 Well, it sounds like a wonderful partnership.
07:09 LifeStyle TV that is reaching out
07:11 at the homes in a broad way and a center of hope
07:14 that is in a local community so people can connect
07:17 and enjoy a healthier lifestyle
07:19 and also get to know some people
07:21 who can help them may be learn about Jesus.
07:25 Exactly and I think that's the synergy
07:27 we want to try and see between our media outlets
07:31 and local churches, centers of hope
07:33 different connections between people.
07:35 If we can learn to work together
07:37 we have so much we can share with people
07:39 about a new lifestyle
07:41 that's gonna help change their lives.
07:42 Claus, thank you so much for talking with us today.
07:45 And now back to you, Gary.
07:48 Well, we continue our 360 degree view of mission
07:51 around the world
07:53 with true form of missionaries to Africa.
07:55 Doctor Arthur Bergman and Dorothy Brennwald
07:58 reminisce about starting a mission hospital
08:01 in Koza, Cameroon.
08:03 A hospital that has brought hope and healing
08:06 to thousands of people through the years.
08:12 In 1950, Seventh-day Adventist church members
08:15 came together to support medical missionary work.
08:19 Through the 13th Sabbath offering,
08:21 members like you, gave to help send doctors and nurses
08:24 to the village of Koza in Cameroon.
08:27 Soon after, a hospital was built to serve the people.
08:32 Meet Dorothy Brennwald
08:33 and her brother-in-law Dr. Arthur Bergman.
08:36 In the early years, they and their spouses
08:39 worked at Koza hospital.
08:42 These were many people in the Mandarin Mountains
08:45 who had absolutely no means of medical help.
08:50 It was very sad.
08:51 We saw things here
08:53 that we never studied at all, in school.
08:58 Before we were there,
09:00 they were crying for three nights
09:03 just almost constantly
09:06 because somebody was always dying.
09:08 And that's one thing the hospital did.
09:12 I think that's one of our frustrations,
09:14 they wouldn't come at first, they were afraid of us.
09:18 And they would wait
09:22 till they get deathly sick before they'd come.
09:25 They were quite overwhelmed with Koza
09:28 because it was so fresh, so new
09:32 and they were amazed.
09:37 Yeah, they're bringing a patient in.
09:42 He came with his car.
09:44 Sometimes they came in trucks.
09:46 Yeah.
09:49 They bring their entire family,
09:51 they bring somebody to cook food for them
09:54 in case they need to stay.
09:56 They'd stay right there with them.
09:58 They would feed them, they would help them,
10:01 they never left them, they usually stayed.
10:05 Koza hospital quickly grew to an eight room dispensary
10:09 with operating room, obstetrical unit and pharmacy.
10:13 As hospital expansion took place
10:16 the reach of invaluable medical service
10:18 also crossed borders.
10:21 Sometimes Fred and I would go on our bicycles
10:24 to an area about a mile away or something.
10:27 We'd hold bush clinics.
10:31 Well, we're gonna get there pretty soon
10:35 not really many good roads.
10:41 Wasn't it once a week? I think so.
10:44 We couldn't take a lot of medication along.
10:47 We took the things we thought we would need most
10:49 and encourage them to come to the hospital
10:52 if they needed more care.
10:55 As Dorothy and Arthur spent their days
10:57 serving the people of Koza,
10:59 they had fun learning a new culture
11:01 and observing the different customs
11:03 of the local people.
11:05 That's how they dressed.
11:08 And the men wore a smile remember?
11:13 They were very gentle people. I like that about them.
11:19 That's the kind of hut that we lived in,
11:21 except we had three, three together.
11:27 And some of the walls were stone
11:29 and others just mud.
11:30 Most of them were mud I think.
11:34 When we went there, we went there for life,
11:38 until Jesus would come.
11:41 Since those early years,
11:42 many other Adventist missionaries
11:44 have taken up the challenge to support Koza
11:47 and other hospitals around the world.
11:49 Through medical mission,
11:51 people have been blessed here and now,
11:54 and for eternity.
11:56 And when we went back in 1985 and that was 25 years after
12:01 we had been there, we went back for four months.
12:06 There were tens of thousands of many more people
12:09 who had been baptized and that just thrilled me.
12:13 Your prayerful support and mission offering
12:16 continue to assist thousands with health,
12:19 truth and hope.
12:33 Well, thank you so much for joining us today
12:35 on Global Mission Snapshots.
12:37 I hope that you've been inspired and challenged
12:40 by what you've seen and heard from mission around the world.
12:43 And thank you so much for your continuing prayers
12:46 and financial support for mission,
12:48 it does make a difference.
12:50 Before we go,
12:51 we'd like to send you a special offer
12:53 as just a small thank you
12:54 for your continuing support of Adventist Mission.
12:57 It's a book called "God's Great Missionaries"
13:00 and in here you'll find
13:01 lots of different stories of mission around the world
13:03 and you'll also read chapters focused on Bible characters
13:08 and how they were involved in mission
13:10 and are an example for us today.
13:13 Well, that's it for today's program.
13:15 I'm Gary Krause for Adventist Mission
13:17 and I hope you can join me next time
13:19 right here on Global Mission Snapshots.


Revised 2015-08-20