Global Mission Snapshots

Golden Memories

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Gary Krause (Host), Klaus Nybo, Shreeletha Solomon


Series Code: GMS

Program Code: GMS000705A

00:07 The chaos, the challenge,
00:10 the excitement of India, 1.3 billion people and rising.
00:16 That and much more coming up next right here,
00:19 on Global Missions Snapshots.
00:24 Just before He went up to heaven
00:27 Jesus gave us a command.
00:30 He gave us a mission.
00:33 Jesus said, "Go,
00:35 go unto all the world telling them of His love."
00:40 This is our mission.
00:42 This is our Global Mission.
00:55 Hello and welcome to Global Mission Snapshots.
00:57 I'm Gary Krause.
00:58 I'm in the heart of Mumbai in India.
01:01 This huge city of some 21 million people
01:03 and right behind me is the house of Mahatma Gandhi.
01:08 Mahatma Gandhi lived here from 1917 to 1934
01:13 and it's from this very house
01:14 that he launched the Satyagraha movement,
01:17 the movement that eventually led
01:20 to the independence of India in 1947.
01:23 They didn't do it through guns,
01:25 they didn't do it through violence or force,
01:27 they did it through non-violence.
01:29 A principle, it spells by Gandhi.
01:31 Gandhi of course never became a Christian
01:33 but he was the person who admired Jesus Christ.
01:37 And in fact, he often referred to the Sermon on the Mount
01:40 as an inspiration for his life.
01:43 Tragically for a man of peace,
01:45 he was assassinated
01:47 and in 1948 the country mourned the loss
01:52 of this tremendous leader.
01:53 Today, we'll be seeing more of India,
01:55 we'll be traveling around the world.
01:57 But first up we'll travel to the island of Guam.
02:00 My name is Lydia Fletcher Sholing.
02:04 That's L-Y-D-I-A,
02:08 middle name Fletcher, F-L-E-T-C-H-E-R.
02:13 Let's start at the beginning.
02:15 My story begins about ten years ago
02:18 with a song called "Can You Reach My Friend."
02:21 Can you hear me, okay?
02:29 My sister-in-law invited me
02:31 to listen to the new radio station on island
02:34 and we stayed up all night waiting for this song to play.
02:37 It's half the day
02:38 thanks for joining us here on JOY FM this morning.
02:41 It's good to have you. You are along with us today.
02:44 We got some good news from Gods word
02:47 coming up in a few minutes.
02:48 So stay with us.
02:50 As Lydia listened to the radio her song came on.
02:53 Then the next program began and the next.
02:57 She remained glued to her radio.
03:00 In the following weeks
03:01 Lydia repeatedly tuned to JOY FM, Adventist station
03:05 where she heard
03:07 filled her heart with encouragement and hope.
03:10 Through JOY FM Lydia began receiving Bible study guides.
03:14 The new truth she was learning
03:16 made an impact in her life and the life of her family.
03:20 Soon she was baptized in the Adventist church
03:23 along with her husband and two of her children.
03:26 Then something amazing happened.
03:29 Behind me you see a board with names on it.
03:32 Our study started just one-on-one with myself
03:36 and Charlene the one in red.
03:40 She was my daughter's classmate
03:44 and was really searching for truth.
03:45 So I said, "Hey, so why don't we just get together and study.
03:50 May be we can answer some of the questions that you have."
03:53 Well, the one on one group grew to six.
03:57 Six attendees and the six of us studied Steps to Christ.
04:02 For 13 beautiful weeks
04:03 we went through chapter by chapter
04:07 and God moved in our lives
04:08 and there was a closeness to Christ
04:10 that we had never shared or never knew before.
04:14 As Lydia's group realized the power of transformation
04:16 that came from studying about Jesus
04:19 they were impressed to begin another study
04:21 with even more women and they started making plans.
04:25 I though I knew what study I wanted to give.
04:27 In fact, I was sure of it.
04:29 I had counseled God, I had advised Him,
04:33 I had told Him exactly what direction we needed to go.
04:37 But the Holy Spirit kept nudging Lydia's heart
04:40 towards a different study.
04:42 Lydia resisted the suggestion and put a doubt of mind.
04:45 It wasn't until 30 minutes before the meeting
04:48 that she finally threw her hands up in the air and said...
04:52 Okay, Lord, if I do this for You,
04:55 You better fill every seat in this room.
04:59 So she went downstairs to the Adventist bookstore
05:02 and purchased the study she was impressed to do.
05:05 Fifteen minutes after start time,
05:07 there were only three women in the room.
05:10 Lydia thought that God was teaching her a lesson
05:12 to be more reverent in her request to Him.
05:15 Its then that something happened.
05:18 Five minutes later, the door downstairs opens
05:22 and you can hear a rush of women filling the hallway
05:25 talking and chatting to each other
05:27 walking up the stairs.
05:29 And after we gave our hugs, we greeted each other
05:32 we all sat down.
05:33 So I was excited to see
05:35 if God had really filled the room with and every chair.
05:39 Lydia learned her lesson.
05:41 In His time she just needed to commit to His will
05:46 and every chair in the room was filled.
05:49 Since then, 34 women have studied the bible with Lydia.
05:53 Sometimes squeezing in tight to hear God's word.
05:56 And on my last study, before I left,
06:00 I asked each one of them
06:01 to come up and write a name on the board
06:03 for a women that they'd like to pray for.
06:06 And that's what we have behind me now.
06:09 As Lydia and women look ahead
06:10 to ministering and teaching in the island of Guam,
06:13 please pray for the women around the world
06:16 who are hungering to hear and learn about Jesus.
06:21 I'm in the center of Bombay
06:24 right behind the Seventh-day Adventist English Church here
06:28 and my guest is Mrs. Shree.
06:29 Thank you so much for joining us.
06:30 Thank you. My pleasure.
06:32 Now, you're a church member here in Bombay.
06:34 For how long have you lived here?
06:36 I lived in Bombay for the last 25 years.
06:40 But I'm attending this church for almost 22 years.
06:45 Wow, so you've seen
06:47 a lot of changes here over the years
06:49 as the communities grown around it.
06:52 Yes, the church is bordering with the slums
06:56 and the slum has increased over the years.
06:59 Yeah.
07:01 Now, you were telling me before that
07:04 you have not always been a Seventh-day Adventist.
07:06 In fact, you came from a non-Christian background.
07:09 How did you become a-- become an Adventist?
07:12 I come from renowned Christian background.
07:15 I came to Bombay
07:17 actually to do my PhD, my research.
07:20 And there I met with some Christian friends
07:26 and we used to have lots of discussion.
07:28 Basically I come-- I was a Marxist.
07:33 So the leftist ideology was leading me
07:36 and after coming to Mumbai
07:41 and having discussions
07:43 I was influenced by the principles of Bible.
07:48 Yes.
07:49 So I came here and I had Bible study
07:52 with Pastor Mamen for three years or so
07:57 after that I have taken my baptism.
07:59 Okay.
08:01 Well, then what difference did it make to your life
08:03 becoming an Adventist?
08:07 Becoming an Adventist I found there is more peace
08:12 and it is a personal relationship with God
08:16 that makes the difference.
08:22 Yeah, I'm sure.
08:23 Now, we've stepped out from behind the church
08:26 and we're like in a different world here.
08:29 Now, you are mentioning that this is a poor area?
08:31 Yes, the poor people stays here.
08:33 They are migrants normally.
08:35 Okay.
08:36 So-- so these are people
08:38 who have come in from rural areas.
08:42 They have come here
08:43 because I think there'll be more opportunities more work?
08:45 Yeah, this is a place
08:47 where they can come and have their livelihood.
08:49 Yeah.
08:50 Now, we have the church here looking out over this community
08:56 and this is really a different world
09:02 to what you have in every Sabbath morning
09:04 when you're worshipping.
09:06 Yes.
09:08 How can you even begin
09:10 to connect with this sort of community?
09:13 You were telling me that you were involved in,
09:16 in various thoughts of health ministry.
09:19 Can you tell-- describe the sort of things
09:20 that you've been doing?
09:22 Here the people
09:25 in the slums also will have the health problems.
09:29 So the health min--
09:30 we cannot go and preach them actually.
09:32 But we can bring the health programs to them
09:35 and that way we will be able to interact.
09:39 That way we will be able to get into friendship
09:44 and then we will be able to interact with them.
09:46 Okay.
09:48 So, so what type of health outreach can you do?
09:55 Teaching, teaching them about--
10:01 teaching them about the good health habits
10:03 that we can actually talk to them about
10:10 preventing the substance abuse and alcohol abuse
10:13 and also about the need for
10:16 keeping the environments clean and--
10:18 Hygiene. Hygiene.
10:21 Now, I understand that Mumbai
10:22 is like the capital of diabetes in India.
10:25 Lot of problem with diabetes?
10:27 Yes, actually Mumbai
10:29 is also passing thorough the transition
10:34 and the middle class is becoming more richer
10:38 and the middle class feels that they have to
10:43 or they feel it is status symbol to follow the rich
10:48 and they like to eat the west.
10:51 So what happens is that they are into the fast foods
10:54 and they have really changed the eating habits.
11:00 So more and more children are eating the fast food
11:03 and cool drinks.
11:05 Right.
11:06 And essentially that lifestyle also has changed
11:10 where people used to go out and play.
11:13 Now, what they do is
11:14 once they come back from the school
11:15 they will be either busy with the phone
11:18 or also may be with the internet
11:21 and the other things
11:24 where they are physically not involved.
11:27 Actually not involved.
11:28 So this way they are having less exercise
11:33 and more of rich food
11:36 and also more of unhealthy food.
11:37 Yes.
11:39 So that is going to create a real trouble
11:42 and as it is truly seen
11:44 we can see the difference in the children.
11:46 Yes.
11:47 Because we find more and more children
11:49 who are obese in the schools I think.
11:52 And as part of our international
11:54 youth development study also
11:55 last year we have added the--
11:58 non-communicable diseases section.
12:00 So we have weighed their--
12:04 we have taken their measurements
12:06 weight and the height
12:07 and also we have asked them about any sicknesses
12:10 which they have.
12:13 But we are still in the process of analysis.
12:16 But even without an analysis
12:19 it's almost clear from a simple--
12:23 layperson's point of view that the things are changing.
12:26 Yeah.
12:28 You see these little precious kids
12:29 and you wonder what their future is, don't you?
12:32 You wonder what sort of--
12:34 what life is gonna deal out to them.
12:36 What sort of opportunities they are gonna get
12:38 and what a tremendous challenge it is for the church
12:41 to not just stay within the four walls of the church
12:44 but find way is connect to the community.
12:46 Yes, the church can do a wonderful work.
12:48 Especially we feel that education can take them
12:52 or upgrade their life or uplift them
12:55 and that way I think the church has a very big role to play
12:59 and also bringing them the health aspects
13:03 or the health knowledge.
13:05 Yes.
13:06 It can integrate both the physical health
13:10 and also that they can
13:13 in the process they will be able to get
13:15 to know about the Savior.
13:17 So we will be able to reach them.
13:20 Wonderful.
13:22 Thank you so much for sharing a little bit this today
13:24 on this very busy street
13:26 and we'll be right back straight after this break.


Revised 2015-08-20