Global Mission Snapshots

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Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Gary Krause (Host), Mfakazi Ndebele, Julian Kastrati


Series Code: GMS

Program Code: GMS000702B

00:05 Welcome back to London.
00:06 Next up, we travel to Albania,
00:09 where Rick Kajiura is talking with Pastor Julian Kastrati.
00:14 Thank you, Gary.
00:16 We're here in Tirana, Albania
00:18 and I'm here with Pastor Julian Kastrati
00:21 who's the secretary of the Union.
00:23 Last night we had the opportunity
00:24 to visit with a small group,
00:26 and they're some very interesting people.
00:28 Could you tell me about some of the people
00:29 who were in that small group?
00:31 Here we have a very interesting group of people
00:34 because it's backed--
00:36 we probably didn't have the full group last night
00:38 because it's still the holiday season.
00:40 But part of that group
00:42 is a member of the Albanian parliament.
00:44 We have national celebrities in that group.
00:47 And even children that come regularly,
00:51 so we have a nice interesting mix.
00:53 We have students, we have professionals,
00:57 so it's kind of a very interesting
00:58 and quite influential group.
01:00 So we had a chance to meet two other people
01:02 and one of them was a woman named Julie or Ulie.
01:06 Yes.
01:07 Can you tell us a bit about her background
01:08 because she is one of those national celebrities
01:10 you talked about.
01:11 That's right, Ulie, her name is Ulinda,
01:14 but we call her Ulie.
01:17 She became famous because she took part
01:19 in the Big Brother reality show,
01:22 in the very first one that happened,
01:25 that was broadcast in Albania, I think 6, 7 years ago.
01:30 It's very interesting that from this kind of worldly event
01:35 that we as Adventists don't really attend,
01:40 that was the point of her conversion
01:42 because what was going to be her future best friend,
01:46 very close friend,
01:47 he was the brother of two of our church members.
01:50 At that time he wasn't baptized.
01:52 He actually won the Big Brother reality show,
01:54 she was one of the finalists.
01:56 But he wore this T-shirt,
01:59 I heart Jesus and that impression stayed with her.
02:04 And she enquired about why these people
02:07 are so public in their faith in God.
02:11 I must go to their church.
02:13 So as she got closer through friendship,
02:16 through the circle,
02:18 influences of the family and the two sisters,
02:21 she came to church.
02:22 That's when I met her.
02:24 She also took part in a wedding
02:28 that I performed for our...
02:33 two members that got married,
02:37 a Member of Parliament and another national celebrity.
02:42 And she just kept coming to church,
02:44 after that and she wanted to know more and more about God
02:48 and then we naturally started studies
02:52 but the best idea that ever came
02:54 was having a small group at her home.
02:56 As you saw, she is very lively in her personality
02:59 but she's very hospitable,
03:01 very nice and one of the most active members
03:04 of the church in Albania, as we speak.
03:06 And that small group that has been taking place
03:10 for the past three and a half years,
03:12 almost four years has produced so many baptisms,
03:15 has led so many people to Christ and we meet,
03:18 whether the pastor is there or not,
03:20 and I am there most of the time.
03:22 It has been considered
03:23 the most successful small groups in Albania,
03:25 in the history of the church in Albania.
03:28 And it just takes place every Wednesday--
03:31 every Wednesday at 7o'clock we are there.
03:33 And as you saw, we, everybody brings some food,
03:36 we fellowship together, we do some Bible study,
03:40 we pray for each other.
03:42 Very simple format but so much a blessing from it,
03:47 so much positive energy.
03:48 And you know they talked a little bit about
03:50 how much it feels like being part of a family
03:52 when they're meeting as a small group.
03:55 Go ahead, yeah.
03:56 Now we have been through some very serious circumstances
04:00 with some of the members having you know,
04:02 serious sicknesses,
04:05 health issues, so on and so forth,
04:08 and we all have the confidence to contact each other,
04:12 even through Whatsapp, Messenger, messages,
04:16 praying all the time,
04:17 sometimes fasting for each other
04:19 and that has brought this strong family sense,
04:23 you know, being one strong spiritual family
04:26 in that small group setting.
04:27 Now you mentioned Whatsapp, and last night,
04:31 Ulinda talked about posting on Facebook
04:35 and saying happy Sabbath and people would ask questions.
04:37 We also talked with another person last night,
04:39 Andy, and he found out, from what I understand,
04:42 about the church a little bit online.
04:43 Could you share a bit of his story?
04:45 Very interesting and fascinating story, again,
04:48 and it's not the first time.
04:49 I'm also the web pastor for Albania,
04:51 I'm in charge of Internet ministries.
04:54 And it's been amazing
04:56 how God has brought people to our church,
04:58 not just in Tirana,
04:59 I think other churches as well in Albania
05:01 but mostly in Tirana through the internet.
05:05 Through our Facebook presence,
05:06 through our web presence and in particular,
05:11 as we speak, he's the guy I baptized
05:14 just one month ago, one month and a half ago,
05:18 and he is one of the most active members.
05:22 He basically, online found out about
05:26 which church is closest to the Bible so you know,
05:29 he had been attending before, you know,
05:32 and finding out about other church denominations.
05:35 But as I say in a joking way,
05:37 he got stuck with the Adventists
05:39 and he's glued, I would rather say and--
05:43 So he came to me, he contacted me online.
05:46 In the beginning, I thought he probably
05:47 wasn't so serious but he was very serious
05:50 and he just came to church on that Sabbath
05:51 he said I'm convinced, on the Sabbath,
05:56 I'm convinced on the state of the dead,
05:57 all our distinctive doctrines and I said,
06:01 well, wow, there's not much for me to do
06:03 but I'm gonna give you a job,
06:05 you know, in the sense that I want you
06:07 to be an active lay member for Jesus.
06:09 He's already now one of our Sabbath school superintendents,
06:12 and he's very active with the youth group
06:14 and he has already started the forum online,
06:17 questions and answers to God and from God
06:21 and its already extremely successful.
06:24 That's wonderful.
06:25 I mean, just sitting there with the group last night,
06:28 watching them interact,
06:29 talking with some of them, hearing their stories.
06:31 It's so exciting to see
06:32 what's happening here in Albania.
06:34 You know, this is a country
06:35 that is still very much a challenge.
06:37 It's a relatively young church,
06:41 speaking in terms of the whole history
06:43 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
06:45 So, people out there, if you are watching this,
06:48 please remember to pray for Albania.
06:51 There are many challenges here
06:52 but they're exciting things going on.
06:54 The people here are reaching out
06:55 in many different ways,
06:56 through the internet, through personal contact.
06:59 They want to build a new church here
07:01 in the central part of Tirana.
07:04 Please pray for them.
07:06 Thank you very much and now back to you, Gary.
07:10 I hope you enjoyed the first half
07:12 of Lowell and Neria Jenks story.
07:14 Now comes the best part.
07:18 We were originally brought in here
07:19 to initiate a vocational program.
07:23 The name of this school
07:24 is Eyira Adventist Vocational Academy.
07:27 And other than teaching agriculture to the students,
07:32 nothing was being done.
07:33 And I don't know how many years
07:35 it had been since a more formal type
07:37 of a vocational program was going on,
07:40 but they wanted to come in
07:42 and make the part of the vocation
07:45 in the school's name more of a reality.
08:00 "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.
08:05 He makes me to lie down in the green pastures,
08:08 He leads me beside the still water."
08:11 There are different things,
08:14 I'm learning how to work in an Adventist school.
08:17 And how to share the gospel of Jesus with one another.
08:21 I study the Bible mostly.
08:24 I've get to know how to study
08:26 and I am acquainted to study the Word of God.
08:30 This year, this school
08:32 where we're sitting together with you,
08:34 as happen to be number three in the world of South Sudan.
08:37 We praise God for that.
08:39 It's good to see who's here.
08:41 You see, we don't have much but,
08:43 God is blessing the young people.
08:59 You know, if I had come in here 20 or 30 years ago,
09:02 I would not sense the physical challenges
09:05 as much as I do now.
09:07 You know, I was within a month being 60
09:09 when we came in here
09:10 and now I'm knocking on 65's door.
09:19 A big pin went through,
09:20 fell out of a control arm down there.
09:26 We should have checked it the other day,
09:28 I guess, but we didn't.
09:30 Fortunately we don't do it all the time
09:33 but it isn't the first time I've done something like this.
09:48 There's no question in my mind
09:50 that the Lord led us to come here.
09:57 I have no regrets because I knew
10:01 this is where God wanted us to be.
10:04 And it was not one fleece I put out
10:09 but two, three, four,
10:11 and every time it came out positive
10:14 and so I knew this was where God wanted us to be
10:17 and I have no regrets of coming here.
10:42 Well, thank you so much for joining us today
10:44 on Global Mission Snapshots.
10:46 I hope you've been inspired and challenged
10:49 about what you've seen and heard.
10:51 From big cities such as London to smaller,
10:54 rural areas such as in South Sudan,
10:57 people are touching other people's lives
10:59 with the light of God's love.
11:01 And thank you so much for your continuing prayers,
11:04 and financial support,
11:05 and personal involvement in Mission,
11:08 it is making a difference.
11:09 Before I go, I'd like to send you a small free, offer,
11:13 it's a book in titled "True Believer,"
11:15 it's an exciting story coming from the former Soviet Union
11:19 written by Adventist Mission's Gina Wahlen.
11:22 I know that you'll enjoy this small book.
11:25 For Adventist Mission, I'm Gary Krause
11:27 and I hope that you can join me next time
11:29 here on Global Mission Snapshots.


Revised 2015-06-22