Global Mission Snapshots

God Found Me

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Gary Krause (Host), R. J. Solomon, Myun Ju Lee


Series Code: GMS

Program Code: GMS000701B

00:06 Welcome back to the program.
00:08 Coming to you today from Mumbai, India.
00:11 Next up we're going to travel not to far from here,
00:13 to one of the most populated regions
00:15 of the world, Bangladesh.
00:17 And Pastor Doug Venn is talking to Dr. Lee.
00:21 Thanks Gary, I'm right now here in Bangladesh
00:24 with my good friend Dr. Myun Ju Lee.
00:27 And, Dr. Lee, good to have you on the show today.
00:30 Yeah, Good to be with you.
00:31 Where are we here in Bangladesh?
00:33 Now we are in Gowalbathan Kaliakoir, Gazipur
00:37 where our Bangladesh Adventist Seminary
00:41 and College are located.
00:42 Okay, well, that's quite a mouthful to say that
00:44 you know, the village name and the province name.
00:47 Yes.
00:48 Here in Bangladesh, how many people are there?
00:51 160 million people live in this small country.
00:56 Wow, wow, that's great.
00:58 Now I know that God has called you
01:00 and your family to serve as missionaries.
01:02 But what's that story?
01:04 To make this short story short,
01:07 actually I was converted from Methodist
01:10 when I was 17 years old.
01:12 At that time, I decided to be a worldwide missionary.
01:16 God fulfilled my dream.
01:18 First I went to Argentina as a missionary,
01:21 for six years I served the church membership there.
01:25 Then I was dreaming to go to Africa
01:28 but God called me to be in Bangladesh.
01:31 But I'm very happy to serve the people who are here.
01:34 Very good.
01:35 How long has you and your family have
01:37 you served here in Bangladesh?
01:38 I came here in 2005, almost nine years,
01:45 more nine years already.
01:46 Wow, that's great.
01:47 And in those nine years,
01:48 what have been some of the lessons
01:50 that you have learned?
01:51 Here, I have learned how to love the people.
01:56 Because these people, even though they are very poor,
01:59 they are very lovable people.
02:01 God has given me the chance to love and serve the people.
02:05 I like and I love to serve the people
02:08 who are in Bangladesh.
02:10 That's great, Dr. Lee,
02:11 that you're following Christ's method alone
02:14 to then care for the people and have that impact
02:18 with the love of God to serve.
02:21 Can you tell of one story of how you've seen
02:25 God work in maybe a life of a student or someone?
02:32 For example, when I was serving
02:36 in Bangladesh Seminary and College,
02:40 I was called, I saw many students,
02:44 they came from different backgrounds,
02:46 even from different religions but really, God is so great
02:51 He changed their lives in the college,
02:55 now they are serving as leaders,
02:57 as servants in our denomination.
02:59 Wow, that's great.
03:00 That's great to see how you've been able
03:02 to see through education how lives have been improved.
03:07 As well as in how the country has been able
03:09 to be improved through their service.
03:11 Yes.
03:12 So, what are some of the challenges
03:14 and opportunities that you face here?
03:16 Because you're serving
03:17 as the Union president here in Bangladesh.
03:20 So what are those some of those challenges
03:22 and opportunities that you're facing?
03:24 Last seven years, seven months
03:26 I was serving as college president
03:29 but now I am serving the people as Union president.
03:33 Actually, there is opportunity here
03:36 to reach the people through education system.
03:39 Since this other religion country,
03:42 dominates the country, on reaching the people,
03:46 education is the best way to reach the people,
03:50 when they are young.
03:51 Our children are young, this is an opportunity
03:54 to educate them, to make the people of God.
03:57 Right. yeah.
03:58 But there is a great challenge
04:01 because financially it is very poor in this country,
04:06 so we need to develop
04:08 a lot of things through education system.
04:10 Like, I know you were sharing with me,
04:13 as we've been visiting here, in the country,
04:15 that your goal and vision is to have
04:17 each of the schools around the nation
04:19 to become self-supporting financially
04:22 and to have work study programs.
04:24 Why is that so important?
04:26 Actually we have seven boarding schools
04:30 but financially it's very difficult,
04:33 so we want to teach them
04:36 how to go to self-supporting institutions.
04:39 That's why we need to develop several types of projects.
04:43 When we teach them that types of income generating project,
04:48 our students will be studying in a self-supportive system.
04:54 That is my conviction.
04:55 That's great.
04:57 Can you share for our viewers what are some of the examples
05:01 of having this work study or income generating projects.
05:06 Practically, what are some of the schools
05:08 doing now that's working?
05:10 Thank you.
05:11 Specially, if we would make some pure water drinking system
05:16 it would be good to generate income for the school.
05:19 Also we can give that water for the community service.
05:23 Another way, in Bangladesh, there are 30,000 NGOs.
05:29 Many people travel to the local villages.
05:32 If we would build some guest house in our school,
05:35 it would be also income generating.
05:37 Another is a goat project, that animal.
05:41 It's very good to grow in Bangladesh.
05:44 For example, if we would go to East Bangladesh Mission,
05:49 whole year there is food on the hillside and mountains.
05:52 When we really reach this idea
05:55 I think and believe we can earn a lot of funds
06:00 so that we can support for each school.
06:02 That is my conviction.
06:03 That's great, that God has planted
06:06 this vision to have a water bottle
06:09 and filtration plant at one of the schools
06:13 as well as even to have goat ministry
06:15 where people can raise these animals
06:18 and then either sell the milk or sell the animals
06:22 and that way the school
06:23 and students are able to earn their tuition payments.
06:27 Dr. Lee, it's been great
06:29 but I want to ask Mrs. Lee to come.
06:33 Gary, it's been great to be here with the Lee's
06:35 and here in this beautiful place in Bangladesh.
06:39 So reporting live from this village,
06:41 I can't say the name, it's very long.
06:43 But back to you Gary.
06:46 For many Adventists, their first view
06:48 of world mission came through
06:49 the Mission Spotlight presentations
06:52 that were shown in Sabbath Schools
06:54 all around the world for many, many years.
06:56 Produced by the Heinrich family,
06:59 these presentations just opened up new vistas
07:03 for people to see what was happening
07:05 in mission around the world.
07:06 Well, I'm delighted to tell you that
07:08 Mission Spotlight is back.
07:10 And the Adventist Mission DVD that we produce
07:12 and that's sent to churches all around the world
07:14 is now going to be called Mission Spotlight.
07:17 It will still contain the stories that
07:19 you've come to love.
07:21 Every quarter there will be three major presentations
07:24 that can be shown once a month or if you prefer,
07:27 they'll be a new story that can be shown every week.
07:30 Next up, we're going to see a story
07:32 from the Mission Spotlight DVD.
07:35 A center of influence
07:36 that's making a difference in Korea.
07:49 Centers of Influence are transforming
07:51 how we do ministry in certain parts of the world.
07:55 A center of influence serves the needs
07:58 of the communities in a number of ways.
08:00 This can be an opportunity to minister
08:02 to people in creative, new ways.
08:06 We find centers of influence dotted across the globe.
08:10 In Korea, this concept has been in place for years now.
08:14 They are serving their communities
08:15 in practical ways.
08:17 Kwon John Haeng
08:19 is a Seventh-day Adventist pastor
08:21 who is heavily involved in coordinating
08:23 centers of influence
08:24 throughout the Northern Asia-Pacific region,
08:26 around the world.
08:28 There are 110 centers of influence in Korea
08:31 and today we visit a restaurant
08:35 which is run by the Seoul Central Church.
08:37 The Seoul Central Church is located
08:39 in the very center of the Seoul metropolitan area.
08:42 The church is located in a very busy
08:45 and expensive area,
08:47 but the church only opened once a week.
08:50 The church decided 12 years ago,
08:52 to open their cafeteria to the public
08:54 to provide good vegetarian food.
08:57 In the business area,
08:59 there are not many vegetarian restaurants.
09:02 You know, across the street there is the Jogye,
09:05 that is the headquarters of Korean Buddhism.
09:09 And they are all vegetarian people.
09:11 As we started we didn't have much customers
09:15 but these days we are entertaining
09:17 180 to 200 people every day.
09:22 Most of them-- almost all of them
09:23 are non-Adventist members.
09:26 But they really love our Adventist style healthy food.
09:31 In the beginning, the church invested
09:33 a lot of money to renovate the cafeteria.
09:36 But today, the restaurant makes a good income
09:39 and provides jobs for six Adventist members.
09:43 With the income, they make donations
09:45 to the local government.
09:47 In that area the church has a good reputation.
09:51 The church decided to provide a scholarship
09:54 for needy students.
09:55 So regardlessof their religion or background,
09:58 any middle school student and high school student
10:01 can come to this church and get the full scholarship.
10:05 As a result some of them have majored in theology.
10:10 And one of them is serving
10:11 as the choir conductor of the church.
10:16 And then still they do have more income.
10:18 Therefore they began to help elderly citizens.
10:23 As we visit the church every Sabbath morning,
10:26 the church entertains more than 200 senor citizens
10:29 and the church provides them
10:31 not only spiritual food but physical food also.
10:34 You know, twice a month
10:36 they providing their round trip bus fare also.
10:41 As a result, the church baptizes about
10:43 60 people every year from that ministry.
10:47 As they support the senior citizen ministry.
10:50 This center of influence in the heart of Seoul
10:54 has been a light to the community
10:55 for more than twelve years.
10:58 Please pray as it continues to grow
11:00 and serve the community.
11:05 Well, I hope you've been inspired
11:07 and challenged by today's 360 degree view
11:09 of mission around the world.
11:11 From the teaming metropolis of Mumbai to Mongolia,
11:15 to education in Bangladesh, to centers of influence
11:20 in South Korea people are sharing the light
11:22 of God's love in many different ways,
11:24 many creative ways.
11:26 Please continue to pray for mission around the world.
11:29 Pray for frontline mission workers,
11:31 it can be challenging, it can be discouraging,
11:33 and it's very encouraging for them to know
11:35 that there is a world church praying for them.
11:38 Before we go I'd like to offer you a free gift
11:40 that's just a small thank you
11:42 for your continuing support for mission.
11:44 The book is called "True Believer"
11:46 and if you live in North America
11:47 we'd love to send you a free copy.
11:49 It's an exciting story written by Gina Wahlen
11:52 who writes the mission stories for Adventist Mission.
11:55 It's a story of a young man
11:57 who in his early 20s in communist Russia,
12:00 discovered the love of Jesus Christ.
12:03 Well, that's it for today's program.
12:05 Thanks so much for joining us
12:06 and I hope you can join me next time right here
12:08 on Global Mission Snap Shots.


Revised 2015-06-22