Global Mission Snapshots

Reaching Far and Wide

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Gary Krause (Host), G.T. Ng, Myron Iseminger, Ted Wilson


Series Code: GMS

Program Code: GMS000101B

00:01 Welcome back to "Global Mission Snapshots"
00:02 as we continue our tour
00:04 of the General Conference building,
00:06 the headquarters of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
00:08 here in Silver Spring, Maryland.
00:10 The Hope Channel wing is the newest extension
00:12 of the General Conference building.
00:14 Here is the studio where they record popular shows
00:17 such as Let's Pray, Cross Connection,
00:19 and Hope Sabbath School.
00:21 Another studio in the building
00:22 is the Communication Department Studio.
00:25 Each week Adventist News Network is recorded right here.
00:29 The building also includes the offices of
00:31 hundreds of General Conference employees,
00:33 who work hard to ensure religious liberty, education,
00:36 healthcare, and much more
00:38 for millions of Seventh-day Adventists
00:40 and millions in the community worldwide.
00:43 Next up, let's visit Secretariat
00:45 which among many other things
00:46 sends missionaries all around the world, Rick.
00:50 Thanks Gary.
00:51 We're outside the office
00:53 of the secretary of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
00:55 Let's just go inside and see if he's there.
01:00 Hi Doctor Ng and Myron.
01:03 How are you doing? Good. Good to see you.
01:04 Good to see you too.
01:06 I'll introduce you real briefly to our viewers today,
01:10 this is Doctor G.T. Ng, the secretary
01:13 of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
01:16 and this is Myron Iseminger
01:17 who's the undersecretary of the World Church as well.
01:22 And I'm wondering, Doctor Ng, would you tell us
01:25 what is Secretariat?
01:28 What is Secretariat for our viewers?
01:31 Well, that's a term that very few people understand.
01:35 But Secretariat primarily is an organization
01:38 that oversees the missionary activities of the Church
01:42 throughout the world.
01:43 We facilitate, we motivate,
01:46 we do some funding of the mission enterprise
01:50 around the world.
01:51 And this painting here depicts in a nutshell
01:55 the current emphasis of the church
01:57 and that is city evangelism,
01:59 urban mission in major capitals around the world.
02:04 And three angels,
02:06 being multicultural is a depiction of the diversity
02:12 that we see in this church.
02:14 Thank you, Doctor Ng,
02:16 but there is another side of Secretariat, right?
02:18 And Myron, maybe you'll tell us a little bit about
02:20 the other side of Secretariat.
02:23 Well, mission is certainly the most exciting part,
02:26 but somebody has to take care of the policies
02:30 and the minutes and agendas
02:32 and so forth to keep the church running.
02:35 And so that's traditionally also been
02:38 the function of Secretariat,
02:40 membership records and those sorts of things as well.
02:44 Let's go see some of the areas.
02:45 You know there's so much
02:47 involved in mission for the church
02:49 but one of the biggest areas is here
02:52 in the International Personnel Resources and Services,
02:57 otherwise known as IPRS.
02:58 But that's too much,
03:00 but maybe Myron and Dr. Ng,
03:04 would you tell us a little bit about
03:06 what International Personal Resources and Services does?
03:09 Sure, well the name is quite descriptive
03:11 but when we talk about resources and services,
03:14 we're talking about things, treasury functions,
03:18 payroll, and so forth as well as
03:21 all of logistics to get them out into the field.
03:24 Getting who out?
03:25 These are the missionaries. Okay.
03:28 The international personnel.
03:30 And who do they work for largely?
03:33 Obviously they're based in local regions and institutions,
03:39 but they maintain a connection with this office
03:44 because of their cross-cultural work
03:47 and being away from home.
03:49 In this kind of regard, Doctor Ng,
03:52 about how many cross-cultural workers
03:54 these international personnel do we have around the world?
03:57 Roughly 400--
04:00 Families. Families. Yeah.
04:01 But with wives, spouses working we have close to 900.
04:06 Wonderful, okay, that gives us a good overview.
04:08 Let's sort of go into Adventist Mission.
04:11 You know, in my world
04:13 this is probably the most exciting area,
04:15 this is Adventist Mission.
04:16 That's right.
04:18 I like time here of course there's a lot going on here.
04:23 Maybe you can share with us a little bit about
04:25 what is happening and what kind of things,
04:28 activities and stuff that Adventist Mission is doing?
04:30 Well, Adventist Mission has done a great job
04:33 in advertising or showcasing
04:37 what the church has been doing around the world.
04:40 In terms of magazine, they have the Mission 360 magazine.
04:44 In terms of the mission spotlight DVD,
04:47 so in that regard they've done a great job.
04:51 Wonderful and we, of course,
04:54 in Adventist Mission are sort of the custodians
04:57 for some of the offerings, mission offerings certainly,
05:01 and we're grateful for the fact that the world church
05:07 has an organization that looks after that.
05:09 In fact the Sabbath School Offering
05:11 is the backbone of the funding
05:16 which we finance missionaries around the world.
05:20 Without Sabbath School Mission Offering,
05:23 we are getting nowhere
05:24 but because of the generosity of our people
05:27 contributing on a regular basis
05:29 Sabbath School Mission Offering,
05:30 we can afford to send missionaries around the world.
05:34 And here we are in the Institute of World Mission.
05:38 Tell us, Pastor Iseminger,
05:40 about the Institute and what it does?
05:43 Well, this is one of the best kept secrets
05:45 of the whole mission family area,
05:48 but I think they're best known for their mission institutes
05:52 where they spent three weeks with the missionaries
05:55 that are going out and training them in cross-cultural issues
06:01 and really giving them the preparation
06:05 that they need to step into the other cultures,
06:07 but they do many other things as well
06:10 relating to helping with the divisions
06:13 and local training.
06:15 Institute is a valuable jewel
06:17 in the whole mission structures of the church
06:21 and what we refer to around here as the mission family.
06:24 Let's go on and make sure
06:26 we don't miss the associate secretaries.
06:28 Yes. And Adventist Volunteers.
06:32 I can see, Dr. Ng,
06:34 that there is far too much for one person here.
06:37 You must have some associates that help you in this work?
06:40 Yes, we do have associate secretaries
06:42 whose responsibility is to recruit and interview
06:49 and screen missionaries for cross-cultural situations.
06:54 Okay.
06:55 Unfortunately none of them are around today,
06:57 but they are out there in the field
07:00 doing what they're supposed to do.
07:01 Great and one of those associate secretaries
07:05 is actually responsible for Adventist Volunteers
07:09 and maybe, Elder Iseminger,
07:11 you could you could tell us a little about
07:14 what Adventist Volunteer Services does?
07:16 Sure, we have more volunteers
07:19 than any of the other areas of mission.
07:21 And that's how I got started,
07:24 so I have a real passion for that as well.
07:27 Volunteers spend anytime you know
07:30 from just a few months to up to a year or two
07:33 and they go out to various tasks.
07:36 Many of them are young people
07:38 but they go clear up to retirees and others.
07:41 And any of our viewers could go to the website and sign up.
07:46 Thank you for your time today, Dr. Ng and Pastor Iseminger.
07:52 It's been really nice to see what the mission family does.
07:56 Is there anything more you want to share with me?
07:58 Well, the church is about mission.
08:01 The reason for the church to exist
08:04 is because there is a job to do
08:07 and this is part and parcel of the Great Commission
08:10 that Jesus has given to us.
08:13 What you see here in this office
08:14 is but a skeleton crew
08:17 here at the General Conference office
08:19 overseeing the work of mission around the world.
08:22 The majority of our workers are on the ground,
08:26 different parts of the world, different areas of the world
08:29 where cross-cultural ministry is taking place.
08:32 Thank you so much for your time
08:34 and for showing us around the mission family
08:36 here at the General Conference,
08:39 but you know you really don't have to work
08:41 at the General Conference to be a missionary.
08:44 You can be a missionary right there in your home,
08:46 in your work, in your own family,
08:48 maybe in your community,
08:50 or on the other side of the world.
08:53 Whatever you do, we are called
08:55 to be Christ's representatives in our world.
08:58 Back to you, Gary.
09:00 And so last, but not least,
09:02 we come to the Ellen G. White Estate
09:04 where we find the painting of Christ
09:06 of the Narrow Way by Elfred Lee.
09:09 This beautiful mural illustrates
09:11 Ellen White's first vision
09:13 and shows a narrow path in which believers
09:15 in the Three Angels' Messages of Revelation 14
09:18 are traveling toward the Holy City.
09:21 Well, our tour is nearly over but our program isn't,
09:24 so next up, let's travel to some
09:26 beautiful islands in the South Pacific.
09:30 Guam Micronesia Mission is the newest territory
09:33 in the North American Division.
09:35 In a region mostly covered by water,
09:38 Guam Micronesia Mission has a footprint as large as
09:41 mainland United States from east to west.
09:45 Vast, beautiful, and full of history
09:48 are these islands in the Pacific Ocean.
09:51 The pictures you see here are simply breathtaking.
09:55 As you look in the distance, you can see the sky
09:58 kissing the endless sea in the horizon.
10:01 Here in the calm Pacific Ocean,
10:03 you will find the United States territories of Guam,
10:06 the Federated States of Micronesia,
10:08 Marshall Islands,
10:09 Northern Mariana Islands, and Palau.
10:14 Guam Micronesia Mission is home to roughly
10:17 5,000 Seventh-day Adventists
10:19 who are facing the challenge of reaching
10:21 more than 400,000 people in the different islands.
10:25 To accomplish this mission,
10:26 the Adventist church has established schools,
10:29 churches, clinics, and other institutions
10:32 but there is still so much to do.
10:35 North Americans definitely
10:36 have a needy mission field right in their backyard.
10:43 Let's look at Guam,
10:44 the most developed island in Micronesia.
10:47 Primarily a hub for tourists coming from Japan,
10:50 Guam is an unincorporated territory of the United States.
10:54 Here Adventists are making a significant effort
10:57 to connect with the people
10:58 in a positive and long-lasting manner.
11:02 Healthcare is a key method to engage people,
11:05 help them, and build relationships.
11:08 The Seventh-day Adventist Guam clinic
11:10 has been working since 1955
11:12 to assist Guamanians with physical health,
11:15 mental and spiritual education as well.
11:18 Meet Shishin Myagi. He's one of the doctors here.
11:22 The Guam clinic has a special place in his heart.
11:26 I came here as a medical student
11:28 and I also came here as a resident
11:31 and we just fell in love with this place.
11:33 People are great and there's such a need of doctors here.
11:38 He works here daily, seeing patients
11:41 with all types of needs.
11:42 He is happy to do this work.
11:45 Doctor Myagi believes
11:46 in showing people the love of Christ
11:48 through the quality of care he provides.
11:51 This philosophy of conduct comes from observing others
11:54 who inspired him from a young age.
11:57 At the hospital my father was working at,
11:59 there were so many missionaries there
12:01 and they had a huge impact on me.
12:06 I spent a lot of time with them
12:07 and I always wanted to be a missionary when I grew up.
12:13 In addition to the work at the clinic,
12:16 Doctor Myagi spends some of his evenings
12:18 educating people in the community.
12:20 Through a program called New Start,
12:22 he and his fellow doctors have the opportunity
12:25 to teach the importance of a healthy lifestyle.
12:28 Through nutrition, exercise, hydration, rest, trust in God,
12:33 and other natural resources
12:35 people are regaining control of their weight,
12:37 health, and stability.
12:39 This is a unique opportunity
12:41 to tell people about managing their bodies
12:44 through the gifts the creator has left them.
12:47 First, people have their basic needs
12:50 and we have to reach where they're at
12:54 and providing the medical care is one of the best way
12:57 to witness to the people.
13:00 I find it very, very fulfilling doing the work,
13:03 I found medical work here.
13:05 We have so many opportunities
13:06 to serve the people in this community here.
13:09 Not only in this community but also the surrounding islands.
13:13 The work to connect with people in Guam
13:16 and other Micronesian islands
13:18 continues to penetrate more and more areas
13:21 but there are still so many places to reach.
13:24 Some of the islands that we have,
13:27 you can't enter into the island unless
13:28 you get permission from the king or the high chief.
13:32 And most of the time we get permission
13:34 through the health work,
13:35 otherwise we couldn't get on the islands.
13:38 So, there are many islands,
13:42 that have not been reached right here in Micronesia.
13:46 The healthcare work is an entry point to bless lives,
13:49 earn people's confidence
13:51 and propose a new way of living physically and spiritually.
13:55 Please pray for the severe
13:57 shortage of doctors in the whole island.
13:59 Pray also that the clinic can address this problem
14:02 through their expansion plans
14:03 to more than double the clinic's capacity.
14:06 They need doctors and resources
14:09 to continue serving
14:10 and witnessing to the people of Guam.
14:14 Well, I hope you've enjoyed today's Mission Snapshots
14:17 from around the world.
14:18 From exotic islands in the South Pacific
14:21 to expensive neighborhoods on California's coast,
14:24 men and women are sharing the love of Jesus Christ.
14:28 Please pray for the people and places
14:30 that you see on this program.
14:32 Frontline mission work can be very challenging
14:35 and please pray for Global Mission pioneers
14:38 who are planting new congregations
14:40 in challenging areas of the world.
14:42 Well, for Global Mission Snapshots,
14:44 I'm n Gary Krause.
14:45 And I hope you can join me
14:46 next time on "Global Mission Snapshots."


Revised 2015-03-05