Series Code: GMS
Program Code: GMS000100B
00:01 Welcome back and I'm delighted to be talking
00:04 to Pastor Julian, here in Tirana, Albania. 00:09 Summers day, sun is coming down 00:11 and Pastor Julian, you were one of the founding members 00:14 of the Adventist church here in this country. 00:16 In fact, you were one of the first ordained 00:19 Seventh-day Adventist pastors. 00:22 We're standing in front of this building, describe it 00:24 and tell me the significance of it to you. 00:27 Okay, this building is very, very significant. 00:31 It's personal but it also much more than that. 00:34 This building here, we call it the pyramids. 00:36 Yes. 00:37 But it was build originally 00:38 in the late '80s as a memory for the legacy 00:42 of our communist dictator, Enver Hoxha. 00:46 He is infamous all around the world 00:48 and notorious because he is the author 00:51 of banning religion completely, from this-- 00:54 Albania becoming the first atheist country in the world. 00:57 And it's very ironic and iconic, 01:00 I would say that in this very first, 01:02 very building, in this very building 01:06 that we have had the evangelistic meetings, 01:09 the very first ones, were run by, 01:10 pastor David Currie, from Australia 01:13 and this is the meeting were Meropi Gjika, 01:18 probably you know the famous story, 01:20 I think all around the world her story is well known, 01:23 and I also got baptized in this very building, inside. 01:26 Okay, now this story, this was a lady 01:28 who had remained faithful through the years of communism, 01:32 well, just tell us briefly the story. 01:34 Her story was where it became famous 01:35 in the GC session in 1995, 01:38 but I think it's time may be for the, 01:39 even for the younger generation of Adventists 01:42 to know her story because it's a beautiful story. 01:46 Here is a lady, she was a member of the Daniel Lewis 01:50 small group back in the '30s, 01:52 and when he became a martyr, you know, in the '50s, 01:55 he was tortured by the communist regime. 01:57 She kept seeing him in prison. 01:59 She loved the Lord, 02:00 but, you know, Daniel was a pharmacist, 02:02 he was not an ordained minister. 02:03 Right. 02:04 So she couldn't get baptized 02:07 and she waited 45, 47 years to be exact, 02:12 for the day until she could get baptized here 02:16 she was baptized by David Currie. 02:18 Not just that, she waited for 45 years, 02:21 she collected her tithe regularly, every month 02:25 and she handed it 02:27 into the general conference officials 02:29 back in 1992, a very touching story. 02:32 So she just kept storing it away through those years. 02:34 She kept storing it away. 02:35 With that money at that time in Albania, 02:37 she could have bought a beautiful villa 02:40 anywhere they liked, 02:42 but she was so faithful to the Lord. 02:44 And she said you know I have these three dreams, 02:46 I want to return the tithe to the church, 02:49 to the Seventh-day Adventist church, 02:51 to my church, I want to get baptized, 02:54 and I want to see a church built in Tirana. 02:55 Wonderful, now you were attending the meetings, 02:59 you started doing Bible studies, 03:01 but it was her baptism 03:02 that really influenced you, what happened? 03:04 Absolutely, I was from the very beginning, 03:07 I was fascinated by the Amazing Discoveries series. 03:12 It was just beautiful, 03:13 I was-- I accepted all the doctrines 03:16 but you know, there was something, 03:17 when you are a first generation Adventist, 03:18 when you hear those names seventh day Adventist, 03:21 it seems a little bit lets say bizarre or a bit strange. 03:25 Right. You know. 03:27 So I had some misgivings, 03:29 you know, like I should I get baptized. 03:31 So I was very close 03:32 but I had not made the final decision. 03:34 But I was there on the 18th of April, 1992 03:37 and I was right there in this building inside 03:40 and when David introduced her in front of all of us 03:45 and I was just there, I was 2 meters away from her, 03:49 from the baptistery, and when I saw her 03:53 praising the Lord with her face, 03:55 you know, up to the heavens and just like that 03:58 and saying, praise be and glory to the King, 04:01 I waited 45 years for this day, 04:03 I was like, wow, this lady, there must be, 04:07 if she waited that long, 04:09 there must be something very special about this church, 04:12 this must be the true church of God, 04:14 I'll better join this church sooner or later, 04:16 then I was baptized in next, the following Sabbath. 04:19 Amazing. 04:20 Beautiful story and I was, we were all crying. 04:23 It was probably the first time I was really crying 04:25 like a little baby, I was a teenager at that time. 04:28 Very touching story. 04:29 Yeah. 04:30 And that's what made me, 04:33 well who I am now and we're all shaped 04:35 and we all learn from her example. 04:37 Wonderful, wonderful story. 04:38 Now, Julian, you grew up as a kid 04:41 in an environment where atheism was a religion, 04:43 what was that like? 04:45 It was very strange. 04:47 You know, very interesting 04:48 because in school we learned about evolution 04:51 and there is no God and all these are fairy tales, 04:53 and stupid stories, and then so on and so forth. 04:57 You know, my mom, very interestingly, 04:59 very secretly, even though 05:00 she was a math and physics teacher, 05:02 she would tell me secretly, look there is a God, 05:05 don't listen to the communists. 05:06 Now she was, profoundly was persecuted 05:09 by the communist regime, but it was a very strange, 05:13 it was, it felt like there was something lacking, 05:16 you know, in your life. 05:17 Growing, it's like you are empty. 05:19 There is no, you're just, 05:21 you feel like we are all like animals-- 05:23 You know, apes and survival of the fittest 05:26 that kind of thing, 05:28 and then, you know, it was difficult 05:32 and you see the consequences, and the long transition, 05:35 the corruption, the organized crime that 05:37 they have plagued this country for decades. 05:39 There is a direct consequence 05:41 of that lack of the fear of God. 05:44 You know, for all those 30, 40 years 05:46 when Albania was staunchly atheistic. 05:49 So when you see the popularity 05:52 of the new atheists at the moment, 05:54 how do you react with your background? 05:57 You know, it's, for me it's just so sad 06:00 to see this new, this new atheism, 06:03 the movement and so on and so forth, 06:05 it has brought nothing but you know, destruction, 06:10 tears, pain, disillusionment, corruption. 06:14 It's brought the worst I think that 06:16 the human nature can bring about, 06:18 and it's just something that, 06:21 it's very sad and we never want to see, 06:23 no Albanian wants to go back to those years. 06:27 When there was no God present in the society, 06:29 where you see churches 06:30 being burnt and being destroyed. 06:34 When you imprison people because they read the Bible 06:38 and that's just something awful 06:40 and there's so much loss in humanity 06:43 from that kind of horrible ideology. 06:45 Right. 06:46 Julian, you're the secretary of the Albanian mission. 06:49 You're one of only two ordained 06:52 Seventh-day Adventists pastors working in this country. 06:55 What is your hope and dream for this country? 07:00 My dream is very similar, 07:02 it resembles Maropi Gjika's dream. 07:05 To have a beautiful, blossoming church here, 07:07 to extend the kingdom of God in this country, 07:09 which so badly, I think more than 07:11 any other place in Europe, needs God 07:15 because it's been so dried up. 07:18 It's been so, it's been really so thirsty for the word of God, 07:25 and I want to see the church grow, 07:27 we have the youngest church in Europe, 07:30 probably in the world, in terms of our membership. 07:35 We are very encouraged to see a growing lay, 07:38 active lay members, membership movement, 07:41 and we are so thrilled to continue to work here, 07:45 to have church in every major town 07:48 and then to extend all around the country, 07:50 and where we can take the third, the three, 07:53 I mean we can take the Three Angels message. 07:55 Fantastic, thank you so much. 07:58 And please continue to remember church leaders, pastors, 08:01 lay people, here in Albania in your prayers, 08:04 and you know they have many challenges 08:07 and they need a world church that is praying for them, 08:09 next stop lets go to the country of Belize. 08:17 On this Sabbath in northern Belize, 08:19 police have setup a checkpoint 08:21 in front of the Adventist church. 08:23 Their church sits right along the busiest road in town. 08:28 A group of church members have planned 08:30 something special to reach out to their community, 08:33 and the traffic stop plays an important role. 08:37 It's not a big city, 08:38 but this is where the most cars and pedestrians pass by. 08:43 Since this the traffic hotspot of the area, 08:45 sometimes the police have checkpoints. 08:48 They will check for seat belts, registration, 08:50 and any thing else regarding the driver's safety. 08:52 But this is not an ordinary traffic checkpoint. 08:55 The church members use this as an opportunity 08:58 to share about Jesus. 09:00 As the police stop the cars, the church members pass out 09:04 Christian magazines and books. 09:06 Young and old take part in this activity. 09:09 Drivers are pleasantly surprised 09:12 as they stop and receive an unexpected gift. 09:16 The drivers also have an opportunity to pullover 09:18 and enjoy a free concert 09:20 put on by the churches path-finder club. 09:23 Many enjoy this unique event and the cars are piling up. 09:28 The Adventist group working along side the path finders 09:30 is called Manos Del Rey or Hands of the King. 09:35 Manos Del Rey was started as an outreach group in Belize. 09:38 They build churches, hold community events 09:41 and do whatever it takes to share about Jesus. 09:45 The members in this group range in age groups. 09:48 Ronaldo, Jeremy, and Redalpho are cousins. 09:51 They love being part of Manos Del Rey. 09:54 During the week they love to swim, play soccer, 09:58 and be a part of other events like these. 10:01 These boys have fun passing out magazines to drivers. 10:07 It doesn't matter if it's a small car or a huge truck. 10:11 Ronaldo, is eager to make sure 10:13 people have the opportunity to hear about Jesus. 10:17 Even though some people refuse 10:18 to take the magazines, Ronaldo is not discouraged. 10:22 He continues to work with enthusiasm. 10:25 He even makes sure the police officers 10:28 have magazines to take home with them. 10:31 This is just one of many events the group plans. 10:34 It involves everyone in the important task 10:37 of reaching the heats of the Belizean people. 10:39 As a result of events like these, 10:42 many people have come to know Jesus 10:44 and are attending the local church. 10:47 Once they hear the message, 10:49 a lay church member will visit their home 10:51 and study the bible with them. 10:53 The churches here get so full 10:54 that new churches are needed throughout Belize. 10:57 That's where Manos Del Rey comes back into the picture. 11:00 They help them build a new church. 11:03 They work tirelessly 11:04 to fill the demand off building requests. 11:07 Surely after one building is finished, 11:09 construction begins on the next. 11:12 Church members throughout Belize are constantly looking 11:14 for opportunities to share Gods love. 11:18 Please pray for the members in Belize. 11:21 Pray that they will continue to reach their community 11:23 and teach them about Jesus, 11:25 and hank you for supporting mission. 11:30 Well, I hope you've enjoyed today's 11:32 Snapshots of Mission around the world. 11:35 From small villages such in countries 11:37 such as Belize through the teeming cities 11:40 such as Johannesburg in South Africa, 11:42 the light of Gods love is touching 11:44 the lives of many men and woman, boys and girls. 11:47 But huge challenges remain and so please continue to pray 11:51 for mission around the world. 11:52 Pray for frontline mission workers, 11:54 for church planters, for Global Mission pioneers, 11:57 for missionaries in their challenging work. 12:01 We would like to give you a free gift, 12:02 to thank you for your supportive mission. 12:05 The 2015 Global Mission calendar 12:08 is full of snapshots of mission around the world. 12:11 It's a daily reminder to pray for mission. 12:14 Than you for joining us on today's program 12:16 and I hope you can join us next time right here 12:19 on Global Mission Snapshots. |
Revised 2015-04-02