Global Mission Snapshots

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: GMS

Program Code: GMS000070B

00:01 Welcome back to Global Mission Snapshots.
00:03 Next up we're traveling to the former Soviet Union
00:06 and more specifically to the country of Ukraine
00:10 and to tell us about this is Gina Wahlen.
00:12 Gina, thanks so much for joining us.
00:15 You're the editor of these publications
00:17 the Mission Magazines
00:20 and in Sabbath schools around the world
00:22 in Adventist Sabbath schools these stories
00:25 are told every Sabbath so, a focus is kept on Mission.
00:29 Gina that's a big responsibility
00:31 to know that you start and they read around the world.
00:34 Well you know it's really a privilege, Gary.
00:36 Yeah.
00:37 I love going around the world seeing mission in action
00:41 seeing God move in people's lives
00:44 and that's what these stories are really all about.
00:46 And why is mission so important to you?
00:49 Well, you know I have a heart for mission
00:52 and for many reasons I love Jesus as we all do
00:55 and we want to serve Him
00:57 and one of the places I have been
00:59 is Russia and Ukraine
01:01 the former Soviet Union countries.
01:04 My family and I serve there for six years.
01:08 Now you're at a Adventist seminary?
01:10 Right, 75 miles south of Moscow is called Zaokski.
01:14 And we had students there from all around
01:17 the former Soviet Union and those were the early years
01:21 just after communism fell and our students came
01:24 from all across the former USSR.
01:28 We trained them and now those students
01:31 are now leaders in that area.
01:33 Now that was quite a story of how that seminaries
01:36 Zaokski actually got started
01:38 that was kind of a miracle story wasn't it?
01:40 Really it was.
01:42 In fact there's a book about it called
01:44 God's Soviet Miracle written by Mikhail Kulakov, Jr.
01:48 And he was very instrumental in starting that seminary.
01:52 It is the first Protestants seminary
01:55 in the whole history of Russia.
01:57 Wow. Yes.
01:59 What an amazing thing. Yes.
02:01 Okay, we're going next door to Ukraine,
02:03 tell me a story from there?
02:05 Okay, well, in Ukraine in the far west,
02:10 there's an old city called Lviv.
02:12 Now Lviv has gone back and forth
02:15 because it's right on the border,
02:17 for many years it was part of Poland
02:20 and then Ukraine and so it's one of these
02:23 border countries where it's gone back and forth.
02:25 Currently, it's in Ukraine.
02:27 A beautiful place beautiful old buildings
02:30 and they also have
02:32 a very important university there.
02:34 And that this story is about Paulo and Andre.
02:38 They were best friends growing up.
02:41 And so they went through elementary high school together
02:44 and it came time to apply for university.
02:48 And they both wanted to go to this university in Lviv.
02:52 They travel there together, they took the exam
02:55 and after the exam they were walking around campus
02:59 and as they were walking they noticed this big poster
03:02 with a large military jet on it advertising an air show.
03:07 A military air show celebrating the 40th anniversary
03:11 of this particular area of the Ukrainian Air Force.
03:15 And they said let's go, let's go, looks great.
03:18 They were excited about it, they were looking
03:20 on the poster for the details,
03:23 and all of the sudden Paulo became very quiet.
03:26 Andre's thinking, what's the problem here.
03:29 You know I thought we were gonna go.
03:31 And Paulo says "well, you know what,
03:34 I'm not gonna get to this air show
03:36 I'm gonna go to church.
03:38 And you want to come with me."
03:40 Andres looking at his friend but what's,
03:43 what's the deal here you want to go to church
03:45 you don't want to go to the air show
03:46 I thought you liked airplanes.
03:48 And Andres says well, actually I mean,
03:51 Paulo who says it's on Saturday and that's Sabbath
03:57 and I'm gonna go to church.
03:59 Why don't you come with me?
04:01 And Andres could see, you know he's really serious
04:06 maybe I should check it out why would he choose
04:09 to go to church over this air show so I'm gonna go.
04:13 So the two friends went together
04:15 and had a wonderful time.
04:16 The people were friendly, they had a meal afterwards,
04:19 they spent the afternoon there and it was a really great day.
04:24 Now that evening they heard
04:29 about what happened at the air show.
04:32 During the air show at about 1 o'clock
04:35 in the afternoon right the height of it,
04:38 when they would have been there for sure
04:40 there was a horrific accident.
04:43 In fact, the worse accident in air show history.
04:46 Is that right?
04:47 Yes, a military jet
04:49 that's coming out of the maneuver
04:51 in as it was coming down
04:54 somehow the pilot lost control
04:57 and he crashed right into the crowd of spectators.
05:01 Oh, no.
05:02 Hundreds of people were killed many more were injured
05:06 and Paulo and Andre they would have been killed
05:10 because they would have been standing
05:12 right where that plane crashed.
05:16 A good day to be at church.
05:18 Yeah yes, yes a very good day to be at church.
05:22 Wow, so that would have been a formative influence
05:25 in their lives.
05:26 Absolutely, absolutely and you know
05:29 we hear about people who learn about the Sabbath.
05:33 And we know that sometimes it costs them something
05:36 it might cost them the job that they had,
05:40 they might lose something.
05:42 They might lose friendships but in this case
05:46 instead of loosing something
05:49 they actually gained something, their lives.
05:53 And I think it's a good thing to remember
05:55 that when we follow God's way, we will always gain
05:59 we will gain life.
06:01 So what happened to these two young men?
06:03 Well, they ended up going to the Adventist seminary
06:07 in Bucha which is near Kiev and they're studying
06:10 to become Adventist pastors today.
06:13 Wow, and they have a tremendous story to tell.
06:16 They sure do, they sure do.
06:18 And this story is contained in the Mission Magazine.
06:22 That's right.
06:23 And for anybody who maybe watching
06:26 and maybe doesn't go to an Adventist church
06:28 can they access these stories?
06:30 They certainly can just go to our website
06:34 Go to resources and you'll see both those magazines
06:37 as well as DVD's
06:39 that tell many of these stories to them.
06:41 Fantastic.
06:42 Gina, thank you, thank you for joining us today.
06:44 You're welcome.
06:45 And if you'd like to find out more about mission as Gina said
06:48 go to
06:50 You will find stories, pictures,
06:53 videos missionary blogs.
06:55 All sorts of information about mission
06:57 and how you can be involved.
06:59 Next up we travel from Ukraine
07:01 to the country of India.
07:16 They get admission for colleges based on the result
07:19 and therefore it is very crucial.
07:22 Very determinant for their future life.
07:29 One cannot think of not attempting that examination
07:33 if they want to pursue their study further.
07:41 Dr. John is principal of Kottarakara Adventist School.
07:48 Like many Seventh-day Adventist Schools in India,
07:50 Kottarakara is a mission school,
07:53 with about half of the students coming from Adventist families.
07:57 The school has been accredited
07:59 through the Indian government as a higher secondary school.
08:02 This accreditation
08:04 comes with government administered testing
08:06 during the students tenth year of study.
08:10 Recently this crucial test was given on Saturday.
08:17 Dr. John made an appointment
08:18 with the Minister of Education for his district,
08:21 and asked that an accommodation be made for his school,
08:24 so that his students could stay true to their faith,
08:26 and not take the exam during Sabbath hours.
08:30 He said "I'm also Christian,
08:32 I would write an exam on Sabbath,
08:33 I would do anything on Saturday."
08:35 I said, let's not debate on that matter,
08:37 because your faith is different,
08:39 my faith is different.
08:41 I wouldn't do that, and my students won't do that.
08:45 And therefore, please, make it possible
08:49 for my children to write the exam--
08:50 make some alternate arrangements.
08:52 The Minister of Education did not make an accommodation,
08:57 and told Dr. John to take his issue to the court.
09:09 Court passed an order in favor of us
09:12 to protect the religious faith.
09:15 The court ordered that exam may be conducted
09:17 in the same day in the night,
09:19 after 6 o'clock in the night.
09:22 This court order caused a flood of media
09:25 to descend on the school campus.
09:27 Newspaper, and from the TV channel,
09:29 everywhere people flooded in
09:31 and they asked me, 'what is this?'
09:34 The whole public, the entire public
09:36 came to know about Sabbath.
09:38 What is Sabbath and why they keep Sabbath?
09:41 Now when I go to the government office
09:43 I say I'm from the Seventh-day Adventist school,
09:46 I'm the principal of Seventh-day Adventist.
09:47 "Oh, your the exam on Sabbath--
09:49 Sabbath keepers."
09:50 Immediately they know,
09:52 and then when I start explaining
09:53 "no need to explain Sabbath, we have read it in the paper."
09:55 But this is only a short-term victory.
09:58 The court order will eventually expire.
10:02 The long term solution for Dr. John
10:05 and the students at Kottarakara
10:07 is for the school to be accredited
10:09 by a different organization.
10:11 Many other Seventh-day Adventist schools in India
10:14 are affiliated with the Indian Council
10:17 of Secondary Education.
10:18 This accrediting body takes special care
10:21 to administer tests to Adventist schools
10:23 on Sunday.
10:26 Currently Kottarakara facilities
10:28 will not pass inspection
10:30 to become a member of the council.
10:32 Member schools
10:33 must have adequate classroom space for each student,
10:36 and this school has far outgrown its current buildings.
10:41 Because of your financial support
10:44 of the world budget and mission offerings
10:46 a new classroom block will be constructed
10:49 on the Kottarakara campus.
10:51 The new building will bring 20 new classrooms,
10:54 and allow the school to be ready
10:55 for the council's inspection.
11:05 Thank you for your support of the mission
11:06 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
11:10 To find out more please visit
11:21 Well, I hope you enjoyed today's snapshots of mission
11:24 from all around the world
11:25 from the dense jungles of West Papua
11:28 to the dungeons of Armenia
11:30 from the vast territories of Eurasia
11:33 to the huge population of India
11:35 people are finding hope and joy
11:37 in the good news of Jesus Christ.
11:40 If you have enjoyed the stories on today's program
11:43 I know that you'll enjoy the Mission 360 DVD.
11:47 Full of action-packed mission stories
11:49 it's our gift to you.
11:51 So if you live in North America
11:52 just visit our website at
11:55 or call the toll-free number on your screen right now.
11:58 And ask for the Mission 360 DVD
12:02 and we'll be happy to send it to you for free.
12:05 As we close our program
12:07 let's take time to reflect
12:08 on what God's calling you to do,
12:11 what He's calling me to do
12:13 and let's watch the video "I Know You Are."
12:17 Thanks so much for joining us on today's program.
12:20 For Global Mission I'm Gary Krause.
12:22 And I hope you can join me next time
12:24 right here on Global Mission Snapshots.


Revised 2014-12-17