Global Mission Snapshots

Arizona - India - Adventist Archives - Myanmar

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Gary Krause (Host), Benjamin Baker, Sudhakar Kempaiah, Doug Venn


Series Code: GMS

Program Code: GMS000066B

00:01 Welcome back to "Global Mission Snapshots."
00:02 My guest is Dr. Benjamin Baker,
00:05 and Dr. Baker works at the office of
00:07 Archives, Statistics and Research
00:10 at the Seventh-day Adventist World Headquarters
00:12 here in Silver Spring, Maryland.
00:14 Dr. Baker, thanks so much for joining us.
00:16 Thank you for having me.
00:17 You know, you do a lot of research,
00:19 you are historian but what I love
00:21 is the mission stories that you uncover from the past.
00:24 And you have a terrific story
00:26 to share with our viewers today.
00:28 So why don't you go ahead and share them.
00:30 Thank you, Gary.
00:31 I'm highlighting two woman
00:32 of extraordinary faith and courage.
00:34 Born in 1866, in California, Georgia Ann Burrus
00:38 became a Seventh-day Adventist
00:40 against the will of her parents at age 16.
00:43 She attended today's Pacific Union College
00:46 and shortly after graduating
00:48 volunteered for mission service in India.
00:51 At 29 years old she sailed to the Asian subcontinent
00:55 in January of 1895 and when she set foot
00:58 on the bustling dock in Calcutta,
01:01 became Adventism's first full-time missionary in India.
01:05 Little did she know that she would soon meet
01:07 another single woman who was to be the first of her kind?
01:11 Georgia's first task was to learn Bengali.
01:15 As she grasped the basics of the language
01:17 and immersed herself in the culture,
01:19 she decides to open a school for Hindu girls
01:23 which she did the next year in 1896.
01:26 Upon their request Georgia also began
01:28 visiting her student's families at their homes
01:32 to teach them English from the Bible.
01:34 One day she visited the home of a family called Biswas.
01:39 In those days the houses in India
01:41 were more like compounds,
01:43 extended families living together,
01:45 with the men and women in separate quarters.
01:48 In the zenana or women's quarter,
01:51 Georgia met a beautiful bright-eyed girl
01:54 of 11 named Nanibala.
01:57 Burrus learned that the young girl
01:59 was already a widow,
02:00 her husband having died years earlier.
02:03 An immediate bond developed between the two.
02:07 The missionary continued to visit the Biswas zenana,
02:10 teaching the women English from the Bible once a week.
02:14 At first imperceptible, as the visits continued
02:18 Burrus could see that the Word of God
02:20 was taking root in Nanibala's heart.
02:23 When the other women had lost interest
02:25 in her Bible teachings only Nanibala was left.
02:29 Nanibala expressed to Georgia
02:30 that she wanted to become a Christian
02:33 but was scared of her family's reaction
02:36 which she knew would be hostile.
02:38 Sure enough when her father found out
02:41 that Nanibala wanted to convert to Christianity,
02:43 he forbade his daughter from studying with Georgia
02:46 but Georgia and Nanibala continued in secret.
02:51 When her father found out he beat her so severely,
02:55 that night she ran away to Georgia's Mission House.
03:00 To make a long story short Nanibala returned home
03:04 when her father promised the missionaries
03:07 to be tolerant and allow his daughter
03:09 to practice her new faith.
03:12 But when Nanibala returned home
03:14 her father grabbed her and locked her
03:16 in a room in the house, swearing he'd murder her
03:21 if she tried to escape and murder anyone
03:23 who attempted to free her.
03:26 Nanibala at first sobbing to herself,
03:29 soon dried her tears and pleaded with God
03:32 not just for escape but for the opportunity
03:35 to serve her new-found Savior.
03:38 It was on Sabbath, a day whose sanctity
03:41 she had just recently learned of that her prayers were answered.
03:45 In those days homes in India were built on all four sides
03:49 of an open court forming a complete enclosure.
03:54 All throughout the week workmen had been
03:56 making repairs on the Biswas' house.
04:00 At quitting time on Friday evening
04:02 they had left a ladder
04:03 lying in the open court of the enclosure.
04:07 On Saturday when she arose from her prayers
04:09 Nanibala looked out from her window
04:11 and spotted the ladder.
04:13 She immediately knew that God had answered her prayer.
04:17 At midnight when everyone was sleeping
04:20 Nanibala made her get away.
04:23 With the assistance of sympathetic aunt
04:25 she escaped her room and hoisted the heavy ladder
04:29 against the side of the house,
04:31 nimbly climbing it she poured herself onto the roof,
04:36 scurried across it, then leapt down to the street below.
04:41 By a couple of other miracles the courageous Nanibala
04:45 ended up in front of Georgia Burris that night.
04:49 She had to fight family, upbringing culture,
04:53 cast and religion for Jesus.
04:58 In the coming weeks numberless efforts were made
05:02 by the Biswas family to wrench their little girl
05:05 away from the Adventist mission.
05:08 Her mother and grandmother came
05:10 and with tears begged her to return.
05:14 A rich woman from another Christian denomination
05:17 hired by the Biswas tried to enticed Nanibala
05:21 with deceit and cunning words and promises
05:24 of unimaginable comforts to come back to her home.
05:27 Her father even station men at the mission gates
05:30 to grab his daughter when she walked by, but all to no avail.
05:37 The 11-year-old widow was baptized in 1895,
05:42 the first Hindu to convert to Seventh-day Adventism
05:48 You know it's just incomprehensible,
05:50 an 11-year-old widow, different world.
05:55 Different world, different time.
05:57 What courage for someone so young
06:02 and you know what I was interested in
06:04 as you were telling that story,
06:05 how do you discover this story,
06:07 I know this is a hundred years ago?
06:09 I mean you know the story but how do you do it?
06:11 I work in the Archives. Okay.
06:12 And I'm constantly you know, looking in the old boxes
06:17 and reading the old magazines and the periodicals
06:20 and I come across these stories and they inspire me so much.
06:25 That I say they'll probably inspire others
06:27 if I write them and tell them and so that's what happens.
06:31 Well, thanks so much for sharing with us today,
06:33 Dr. Baker, I appreciate it very much.
06:36 The office of Archives, Statistics and Research
06:38 where Dr. Baker works, you can actually
06:42 go to their website at
06:45 That's
06:47 And And
06:51 Is it the same website just a different?
06:53 Statistics is a different website
06:55 but they're all in the same.
06:56 Together, okay. Thank you very much.
06:58 Next up, we'll travel from India to the country of Myanmar.
07:03 The country of Myanmar is located
07:06 between the countries of China, India, Bangladesh,
07:09 Thailand and Laos.
07:11 Its coastline lies on the Bay of Bengal
07:14 and the Andaman Sea.
07:16 Home to more than 59 million people,
07:19 it is one of the poorer nations in this division
07:22 and it's seen political and economic strife
07:24 since its creation in 1948.
07:28 The capital city Yangon is a bustling mixture of cars,
07:32 motorbikes and pedestrians.
07:34 The majority of the people who live in Myanmar
07:37 are Buddhists and Yangon is home to the giant pagoda temple.
07:47 Every day people come here to pray
07:49 and offer up incense to Buddha.
07:52 The golden temple is an impressive landmark
07:55 on the Yangon's skyline.
07:58 On the outskirts of town is the Yangon Adventist seminary.
08:02 Currently the school is housed in a series of small buildings
08:06 and the classrooms are tightly packed
08:08 and full of children eager to learn.
08:11 They study math, language arts including English,
08:15 science and of course, they learn about Jesus.
08:19 They also love to play.
08:25 The Yangon Adventist seminary
08:27 has outgrown its current physical plans.
08:30 The school has more than 450 students
08:33 and there's a long waiting list of families
08:36 eager to have their children attend the school.
08:43 People send their children here for three reasons.
08:46 The first is that they like the Christian values
08:48 that we teach because they feel
08:50 that this will help their children
08:51 grow up to be better citizens.
08:54 The second is that we teach English,
08:56 something that the government schools do not offer.
08:59 We also have relationships with other schools
09:01 outside Myanmar, where the children
09:03 can continue their studies after graduating from here.
09:07 The majority of the students here come from
09:09 non-Adventist homes, so the school plays a major role
09:13 in reaching into the community.
09:15 Every morning, the children meet for worship
09:18 where they sing songs that tell of Jesus' love.
09:38 This school serves as a wonderful example
09:40 of how education can be a ridge to communities
09:43 that are sometimes hard to reach.
09:46 Please pray for the people in Myanmar
09:48 and pray for the Yangon Adventist School
09:51 as it continues its role of teaching
09:53 young people through Christian education.
09:58 Well, I hope you have enjoyed our snapshots
10:00 of mission from around the world today.
10:03 From the deserts of Arizona to floods in Bangkok,
10:06 from densely populated India to the unique sites of Myanmar,
10:10 people in all these places
10:12 are learning about the love of Christ.
10:15 If you've enjoyed hearing mission stories today,
10:18 you'll enjoy mission 360 Magazine.
10:21 This magazine is full of stories
10:24 and pictures of mission around the world.
10:26 And we love to send you a free copy
10:27 if you live in North America.
10:29 Just call the toll free number on your screen
10:32 or visit our website at anytime.
10:34 You'll read stories of how God's blessing
10:37 in guiding the lives of dedicated
10:39 men and women around the world.
10:42 And please pray for the people in places
10:44 you've seen here on this program.
10:46 And pray for the Global Mission Pioneers
10:48 working in so many countries around the world
10:51 in challenging situations.
10:54 And thank you for your continuing prayerful
10:56 and financial support of mission
10:59 that helps make so much of this possible.
11:02 Thank you so much for joining us,
11:04 I am Gary Krause.
11:05 And I hope you can join me next time
11:07 right here on "Global Mission Snapshots."


Revised 2014-12-17