Global Mission Snapshots

Russia - Ukraine - 'One Year in Mission

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Gary Krause (Host), Earley Simon, Gina Wahlen


Series Code: GMS

Program Code: GMS000065A

00:01 If you took all the pages
00:02 that this publishing house has printed
00:04 and you put them end to end
00:06 they would pave all the way to Saturn and back again.
00:11 That's around 2.5 billion kilometers.
00:13 That's a lot of paper
00:15 and I guess a lot of former trees.
00:17 Well, we will visit that publishing house today
00:19 and much more on Global Mission Snapshots.
00:34 Just before He went up to heaven,
00:37 Jesus gave us a command.
00:40 He gave us a mission.
00:43 Jesus said "Go,
00:45 go unto all the world telling them of His love."
00:50 This is our mission. This is our Global Mission.
01:00 Hello, I'm Gary Krause
01:01 and welcome to Global Mission Snapshots.
01:03 Today we travel to Russia to meet a young man
01:06 who believes that's vitally important
01:08 to live a drug free life.
01:10 His example is striking contrast to may other students his age
01:15 and he is actually getting the respect of friends
01:17 have started going church with him
01:19 and they are learning about the Bible.
01:21 We'll also visit a Life Hope Center,
01:24 an urban center of influence
01:25 right in the heart of Kiev, the capital of Ukraine.
01:29 And we will meet a one year
01:30 in mission volunteer to New York City
01:33 who's now back home training other volunteers
01:36 to reach people in the cities.
01:38 All this much more, so buckle your seat belts
01:41 our first stop is Russia.
01:51 The Seventh-day Adventist message
01:53 entered the Euro-Asia region
01:54 very early in a miraculous way.
01:57 In the early days, new converts to America
02:00 sent tracks back to their relatives and friends in Russia.
02:03 This made a precious impact upon key figures at that time.
02:07 The church grew slowly from 1880 to 1990.
02:11 It was only 110 years later,
02:13 after Perestroika or the restructuring
02:16 that the religious persecution ceased
02:18 and the church was able to officially organize.
02:21 In Russia, the church continues to use literature
02:23 as a means of spreading the good news.
02:26 The Source of Life Publishing House prints many books,
02:29 magazines and other pieces of literature.
02:32 Their mission is to empower members for better service
02:35 and to bring many more
02:36 to a deeper understanding of the Bible.
02:40 We are distributing books around the world
02:43 to where there are Russian communities.
02:45 We sell books to Europe, Israel, the United States,
02:48 South America and other parts of the world.
02:51 We are producing about 40 new books each year.
02:54 We produce mostly in Russian
02:56 and five other different languages.
02:58 As far as quantities is concerned
03:00 there are some interesting statistics.
03:03 If you count the pages we have produced since the beginning
03:06 it would pave the way to Saturn, back and forth.
03:09 billion kilometers.
03:13 We have big perceptive for the future.
03:16 Although the machinery here is more than 20 years old
03:18 and the workers aren't enough
03:20 for the demand the staff aims high.
03:23 The goal to evangelize the world is always in mind.
03:27 We exist to support church mission.
03:30 All that we produce is aim to support the church
03:32 to succeed on the mission field.
03:35 Right next door to the publishing house is Zaoksky.
03:38 Zaoksky Adventist Seminary has emerged
03:40 from years of strict communist rule.
03:43 After numerous petitions to the Soviet authorities
03:46 the Seventh-day Adventist church was give permission
03:48 to open a three year course for training ministers.
03:51 In 1998, Zaoksky opened
03:54 as the first protestant seminary in Russian history.
03:58 The students who first came to the seminary
04:01 were overjoyed to begin study.
04:03 In the beginning there was just theology
04:06 but soon new programs were added and the school grew.
04:11 Today, Zaoksky enrolls more then 600 students.
04:15 In addition to religion, business, language,
04:18 music and agriculture programs are offered.
04:21 Zaoksky also offers classes
04:23 from kindergarten to high school.
04:26 Anton is a theology student here,
04:28 after leaving the church for many years
04:31 he was re-baptized and dedicated his life to teaching Bible.
04:35 There is a special atmosphere here,
04:38 the teachers will support the students
04:40 and we live here as one family.
04:46 Haena's parents came here as missionaries from Korea.
04:49 They are working in the area
04:51 as Haena studies the Russian and English languages.
04:54 I like it very much because the nature is beautiful,
04:58 people are kind and this is our church school
05:00 with a wholesome Christian education.
05:03 The university recently completed 20 years of service
05:06 and they continue to make an impact in this region.
05:10 Zaoksky is located about 80 miles
05:12 south of Russia's capital.
05:14 Moscow is the largest city in the Euro-Asia region
05:18 with the population of more than 11 million people
05:20 and the world famous buildings like
05:22 the Kremlin, Saint Basil's Cathedral,
05:24 the State Historical Museum and Lenin's Mausoleum.
05:28 The city is full of sites and life.
05:30 From crowed streets and parks to tall buildings
05:33 and luxurious lifestyles
05:34 there is a lot to encounter here.
05:39 Next we travel to the former Soviet Union
05:41 and more specifically to Ukraine
05:44 and to tell us about that area of the world is Gina Walker.
05:47 Gina, thanks for joining us. Glad to be here.
05:49 Gina, here we have a couple of magazines,
05:53 Children's Mission, Youth and Adult Mission.
05:55 With in the Adventist Church
05:57 we know these as the mission quarterlies.
05:59 That's right.
06:00 And you edit these magazines
06:02 and you get stories from all around the world.
06:06 What does it make you feel like
06:08 when you listen to someone
06:11 who is telling you how their life
06:12 has been changed by Jesus Christ?
06:15 It is a wonderful privilege, Gary.
06:17 I love going around the world and talking with people,
06:21 whose lives have been changed by Jesus.
06:24 And recently I was in the former Soviet Union countries,
06:27 I was in Russian and Ukraine
06:29 and I met some amazing people there.
06:32 Now for you this was almost like going home
06:34 because you served there form some years.
06:35 That's right.
06:36 We were there our family form 1992 to 1998
06:41 teaching at the seminary in Zoaksky, Russian
06:44 which is about 75 miles south of Moscow.
06:47 Okay, so going to Ukraine, tell me a story from there.
06:51 Ukraine, well, I met a young man named Vladimir
06:56 and he told me the most amazing story.
06:59 Vladimir, he grew up alone with his mom,
07:02 his dad was out of the picture
07:04 when he was only three years old
07:06 and they had very little resources.
07:09 They lived in a very small apartment,
07:12 didn't have enough money for food or electricity.
07:16 His mother became very depressed and in fact decided
07:20 she wanted to commit suicide.
07:23 She made plans, she would send Vladimir off to an orphanage
07:27 and then she would take her life.
07:29 The day came, she looked at Vladimir
07:33 and she couldn't do it.
07:34 She just hugged him and hugged him,
07:38 cried and decided
07:40 she was gonna try to make it through.
07:43 So for the next few years they eked out in existence,
07:48 she worked at a cafe, things were going okay.
07:53 Vladimir turned 12 years old
07:56 and again she went into a deep depression decided
08:00 this is it I just cannot continue any longer,
08:03 I was gonna commit suicide.
08:06 And a friend came up, and invited to her to a concert
08:09 that was being held
08:10 at a Seventh-day Adventist Church.
08:13 And she liked music and she thought, well,
08:15 it wouldn't hurt to go.
08:16 So she decided to go with her friend.
08:19 This concert changed her life.
08:22 A beautiful concert on the life of Christ
08:26 with narration in between the songs.
08:29 After that concert, she came home
08:32 and she told Vladimir, you know I learned today
08:36 that there is a God who loves us
08:39 and who cares about us
08:41 and I want to know more about this God.
08:44 Vladimir was excited
08:46 he could see a real change in his mother.
08:49 Her face just lit up and she said,
08:53 what I think we need do is, get a Bible
08:56 but I don't know where.
08:58 And can you imaging not knowing where to get a Bible,
09:02 it's so easy for us, you know, I have had a Bible
09:04 since I was child I'm sure you probably did too.
09:07 But here these people are where can they get a Bible.
09:11 Well, few weeks went by
09:13 and Vladimir's mom came home one day,
09:16 I found where we can get a Bible.
09:19 Vladimir was excited just one problem it wasn't cheap
09:23 it would cost two weeks of her wages
09:27 and that meant no money for food.
09:32 You know, what are they gonna do?
09:34 So she approaches Vladimir,
09:36 here is a situation what do you think?
09:41 You think we can go without food for two weeks
09:43 in order to get this Bible?
09:46 And Vladimir said, yes.
09:48 Now here is a 12 year old boy
09:50 willing to go without food for two weeks
09:53 so he and his mom can have Bible.
09:57 You know, and so--
09:59 Its Sobering, isn't it?
10:00 It is. It is.
10:02 So, they bought the Bible.
10:05 They were hungry for food
10:08 but their hunger for the word for Jesus was satisfied
10:13 and everyday they read that Bible
10:17 their lives were completely changed,
10:19 they learned more about God,
10:22 they started studies
10:23 with the Seventh-day Adventist pastor
10:25 and they were later baptized.
10:28 Fantastic, you know, when you look at places
10:32 that were communist countries former communist countries,
10:36 that hunger for the Word of God
10:38 today it seems that materialism
10:42 has crept in a little bit more and it's more challenging now.
10:46 That's right, back then the countries
10:48 were just coming out of communism
10:51 things were wide open.
10:53 Today its -- its different
10:55 there is a lot more materialism not so much hunger for the word
11:01 but there are still people seeking
11:03 and we are finding ways to reach those people.
11:07 Now when you were at Zaoksky,
11:10 you were teaching young people
11:12 who now have become leaders I guess in that region?
11:15 That's right, we were privileged
11:17 to teach people from all over the Soviet Union
11:20 and those people now have gone back,
11:23 they are leaders throughout the Euro-Asia division.
11:27 Some are teaching there at Zaoksky
11:29 and there time to time we get to see them again
11:32 and it is really like going home
11:35 when we go back to Russia, Ukraine
11:39 it's great, it a privilege.
11:41 Now did you have kids when you were serving there?
11:44 Yes, our elder son Daniel is nine moths old,
11:47 when we went over there and so he grew up there
11:50 and he went first grade there in Zaoksky
11:53 and then our last year there we had our second child Heller
11:57 so she spent her first year there.
11:59 Well, Gina, thank you so much for sharing with us
12:02 and these magazines our viewers at home,
12:05 if you don't attend an Adventist church
12:07 and you don't hear these stories every week
12:09 you can actually find them on out website.
12:11 How do they find that, Gina?
12:13 Just simply go to our website,
12:17 go under resources and they can find
12:19 both of these magazines the adult and youth children's
12:23 just right there under resources
12:25 as well is DVD's of many of these same stories.
12:29 Fantastic.
12:30 So
12:32 for many stories, pictures, videos
12:34 about mission around the world.
12:36 Don't go away we'll be back right after a short break.


Revised 2014-12-17