Series Code: GMS
Program Code: GMS000064B
00:01 Welcome back, my guest is Charlotte Ishkanian
00:03 who for many years was editor of the Mission Quarterly's. 00:08 Editing and writing stories for children for adults 00:12 collecting thousands I guess during that time Charlotte, 00:15 and I'm interested today to talk about some of the Global Mission 00:19 Pioneers stories that you've encountered 00:21 because you've met many pioneers. 00:23 I have. 00:25 Did you ever estimate 00:26 how many countries of the world you've visited? 00:29 I haven't counted but it's close to a 140. 00:32 Okay, so that's a last of mission projects 00:34 you've visited. 00:35 Yes, it is. 00:36 Now when you visit pioneers and you see them in action, 00:41 how do they affect you? 00:42 What is your response to them? 00:43 You know the one thing I notice the most, 00:45 is the most pioneers are converts themselves. 00:49 They have discovered the beauty of following Jesus 00:52 and they are on fire for God. 00:55 And usually under very challenging circumstances. 00:57 Oh, yes. Yeah. 00:58 Now Charlotte, I always asks you for a story 01:01 so tell me a story of about a pioneer? 01:03 Okay, I would like to introduce you to Natho 01:06 who lives on the border between Bhutan and India. 01:09 He is Bhutanese. 01:11 Now Bhutan for those of you who don't know 01:13 lies between Northern India and Tibet or China. 01:17 It's a mountainous country 01:20 but it also has some very one warm valley's in it. 01:23 It's a beautiful place. 01:25 Well, Natho and his clan of people, 01:27 his tribe lived in those mountains, 01:30 in those foothills, they were farmers 01:32 and they were eventually chased from their land 01:35 because they were cutting down trees 01:38 to farm on government lands. 01:40 That was their means of livelihood 01:42 and so they fled into Northern India 01:45 where they setup a small village 01:48 up in the hills to live as they had lived for years. 01:52 They had no modern conveniences just simple homes 01:55 that they made with their hands. 01:57 And one day most everyone 02:00 in the little village became ill. 02:02 And Natho's family got sicker and sicker. 02:06 And Natho went to the local priest of another religion 02:09 and that priest said you must sacrifice an ox 02:13 and some other animals to the idol. 02:16 Natho didn't have the money for this 02:18 and so he gave up and decided 02:20 I guess we're was just going to have to die. 02:23 That night he had a dream and in his dream 02:26 he saw a man dressed in white pointing to a pathway. 02:31 And the man said "if you follow that path, 02:34 you will find health and peace and happiness." 02:38 Now when Natho awoke he I didn't know 02:40 who that man was but he sensed it was God. 02:44 Later he met some Christians 02:47 who told him "God is calling you." 02:49 And they introduced into Jesus. 02:52 Now the nearest Church that where he lived 02:53 was several hours away. 02:56 And so when he could he and his wife 02:58 went to that Church. 03:00 They loved God and they learn to worship in a certain way. 03:03 But Natho felt that something was missing. 03:08 So one day he went down the mountain to the village 03:11 where he needed to go for supply's occasionally. 03:14 He met a man who gave him a tract a pamphlet. 03:17 He stuffed it in his pocket 03:19 and decided I will read this on my way home. 03:22 And on his way home he took it out and he began reading 03:26 and it was all new to him, 03:28 it was about something called the Sabbath. 03:31 And he though I've never heard of the Sabbath before 03:34 and the pamphlet explained 03:36 that the Sabbath was not Sunday. 03:39 So when Natho went home, he looked up in his little Bible 03:43 every text he could find and that was not easy for him 03:46 because he didn't know his Bible. 03:48 But he looked up every text and found 03:50 that this little pamphlet had truth 03:52 that he'd never heard before. 03:55 So he prayed that God would show him greater truth. 03:59 The next time he went down the mountain side 04:02 to that village, he found the man 04:04 who'd given him the pamphlet 04:06 and asked him to come teach him. 04:08 What is this about God? 04:10 And so the man came and thought Natho 04:12 and his family and they were baptized. 04:15 But they didn't keep a secret what they were learning 04:18 they taught everyone in that village. 04:21 And in time every member 04:23 of that village, nine bigfamilies 04:25 became Seventh-day Adventist Christians. 04:28 And then they had a new problem, 04:30 they have big families and here were 49 school aged children 04:35 without any way of going to school. 04:38 And so his friend from the village came 04:41 into that little town and told Natho 04:43 and his family we can probably help you 04:46 there is an Adventist School about a 130 miles away 04:51 that might be able to take your children. 04:54 Today all 49 of those children from that Bhutanese village 04:59 on the border with India 05:01 are studying in an Adventist school. 05:04 And Natho has this to say and I'm going to quote. 05:07 "There aren't many Adventist Christians 05:09 among the Bhutanese people 05:11 I'm glad my children are going to an Adventist school. 05:16 There, they're learning to be missionaries. 05:19 They will be the people to take the gospel to Bhutan. 05:23 Now today Natho is a Global Mission Pioneer. 05:27 He and his family and some of the other villagers 05:30 have led 20 more families 250 peoples to Jesus Christ 05:35 and saving grace because of what he believes 05:39 and what he has learned from the dream 05:41 and the pamphlet. 05:43 Wow, now Charlotte, you met him in person? 05:46 I did. Describe him? 05:48 Well, he is probably around 40-45 years old 05:52 very, very simple man. 05:55 I don't know how many years of education he has. 05:57 Not seminary trained. 05:59 Not seminary trained but a gentle person, 06:02 gentle by the influence of Jesus on his life. 06:06 Now, do these pioneers get paid a wage? 06:11 If you can call it a wage, it's a very small stipend. 06:15 He still farms with his fellow villagers, he still farms. 06:20 He helps to leave the church in that area, 06:22 just the small membership that they have 06:26 but he gets enough to help him by the supplies he needs 06:30 to lead others to Jesus. 06:32 Charlotte, thank you, so much for joining us today. 06:34 My pleasure. 06:36 Let's go back to Southern Asia to see more missions in action. 06:42 About two hours outside of Thailand's capital city 06:45 Bangkok lies the town of Sriracha. 06:48 The Seventh-day Adventist Church is growing here. 06:52 This is a Global Mission Pioneer a church planter 06:56 dedicated to sharing God's love with the people in this area. 07:05 This Global Mission Pioneer and another Thai pastor 07:08 visit people in their homes to teach them about Jesus. 07:12 This small group is just a handful 07:14 of those interested in studying God's Word. 07:17 Many who attend these small groups are not Christians. 07:21 They ask questions because in their hearts 07:23 they see the truth of the Bible and want to know more. 07:26 When some Buddhists they are interested 07:29 and they like to and learn more about Christianity actually 07:32 we feel so very happy even they're not so much 07:37 but just only one, two people only but we feel like 07:41 they're interested and we thank God. 07:45 Not long ago, this church and community center 07:48 were built in Sriracha. 07:51 The Global Mission Pioneer and church members reach out 07:53 to the community in various ways. 07:56 They run language classes, 07:58 play soccer and hold Bible studies. 08:00 And people have responded positively. 08:03 We would like to provide this place for the community here 08:08 around the people here but they are nonbeliever 08:12 and then we like to say other congregation 08:14 by having school, having soccer, 08:19 soccer ball field and also at sometime 08:21 we have a center to service the community. 08:24 Seventh-day Adventist Church members around the world 08:27 help fund this church and community center. 08:30 These buildings have a great impact on reaching the needs 08:33 of the people in Sriracha. 08:49 Just a few hours from Sriracha in the city of Ayutthaya 08:53 another recent project funded by your mission offerings 08:57 actively works to reach the community. 08:59 Ayutthaya is the city known for its ancient temples 09:03 and vast history. 09:04 Here centuries ago, the Burmese armies 09:07 destroyed this city leaving behind remains of destruction. 09:11 Now the church here is growing. 09:14 The project here is a church building. 09:16 The church here is creating a foundation of members. 09:19 On this Sabbath the pastor leads and worships 09:22 and the members take part in the service. 09:25 It is a special Sabbath because on this day 09:28 they were participates in communion service. 09:35 Members humbly wash one and others feet 09:37 and pray together. 09:43 As they reenter the church their thoughts are with God. 09:47 The members ask God for forgiveness and courage 09:50 to serve him each and everyday. 09:53 They eat the bread and drink the juice 09:55 that represents the body and the blood of Jesus. 09:58 This congregation has a passion to serve God 10:01 and share Him with others. 10:03 This congregation would not have a place to worship, 10:07 if it was not for your faithful support of mission offerings. 10:11 People all over Thailand are eager to learn about Jesus. 10:14 With the help of Adventist pastors 10:16 and Global Mission Pioneers, they will come to know Him. 10:21 Please pray for these small projects 10:23 located throughout Thailand and thank you, 10:26 for your support of the mission 10:28 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church 10:30 through your 13th Sabbath Offerings. 10:40 It's a wonderful thing to see 10:41 Global Mission Pioneers in action. 10:44 We some times say that pioneers are Adventist missions 10:47 best kept secret and they shouldn't be. 10:50 Global Mission Pioneers are local people 10:53 who commit use of their life to plant new groups 10:56 of believers in unentered areas. 10:59 They receive a small living stipend 11:01 and then they go and they live among the community 11:04 so they can reach out to people and share Jesus. 11:09 As we focus on the cities, 11:10 our dream is to send more Global Mission Pioneers 11:14 in the city neighborhoods to establish 11:17 centers of influence and to share God's love. 11:20 If you like to learn more or to support 11:22 Adventist Mission work around the world, 11:24 visit 11:26 There you'll find so much information, 11:28 pictures, videos stories. 11:31 Thank you, so much for joining us today. 11:33 I'm Gary Krause and I hope you can join me next time 11:37 right here on Global Mission Snapshots. |
Revised 2014-12-17