Global Mission Snapshots

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: GMS

Program Code: GMS000064A

00:01 Ted Wilson, General Conference
00:02 of Seventh-day Adventist president,
00:04 a Global Mission Pioneer in Thailand,
00:07 a church planter in the United Sates,
00:09 and a writer who has traveled the globe
00:12 gathering the best mission stories all that
00:14 and more coming up next on Global Mission Snapshots.
00:30 Just before He went up to heaven Jesus gave us a command.
00:36 He gave us a mission.
00:38 Jesus said "Go, go unto all the world,
00:43 telling them of His love."
00:46 This is our Mission. This is our Global Mission.
00:56 Hello, and welcome to Global Mission Snapshots
00:58 where we take you around the world
01:00 to visit frontline mission.
01:03 Every Saturday or Sabbath, Seventh-day Adventist
01:07 around the world focus on mission
01:09 and they give mission offerings.
01:11 And every three months the Church focuses on special
01:15 initiatives called 13th Sabbath Offering Projects.
01:19 But they're really just a small fraction of the breadth
01:22 of the Adventist mission work taking place around the world.
01:26 There are so many exciting things happening
01:28 and if it won't such people
01:29 giving their mission offerings faithfully each week,
01:33 we wouldn't be able to see the wonderful things
01:35 happening in education, in hospitals, clinics, media,
01:39 church planting and so much more.
01:42 And so today we want to share with you
01:44 an exciting story about urban mission.
01:47 The mission challenge of the cities
01:49 is growing fast every day.
01:51 Today the vast majority of people live in cities.
01:55 And we as Christians have traditionally attended
01:57 the focus more on rural areas in villages, on islands.
02:02 But now as we focus on the cities
02:05 we need to find more and fresh and creative ways
02:09 with which we can touch people's lives for Jesus
02:12 through a comprehensive approach to evangelism.
02:16 So let's visit a pastor in North America
02:18 and see how he is touching lives by following Christ method
02:23 by mingling, by showing sympathy,
02:26 ministering to needs, by winning confidence
02:29 and then bidding people to follow Jesus.
02:33 I was asked to come in the city of Cleveland
02:35 and plant a church and I was told
02:39 that you need to live in the community
02:40 if you are gonna plant a church.
02:42 Many pastors don't even live in communities
02:43 where their churches are.
02:45 So I live less than a mile from this place.
02:47 I live in the community, I shop and walk the streets
02:51 and get engaged in this community.
02:53 People know me.
02:55 And what we do here won't work everywhere, I know that.
02:58 You can't take and replicate this in New York City
03:01 or in Atlanta, Georgia.
03:03 Most of the people that I minister to here
03:06 would not fit in a traditional, rural,
03:09 small town Adventist church.
03:12 These people are low education, low income,
03:16 been on social services all their lives
03:19 and you are not gonna turn them into a middle class,
03:22 educated Seventh-day Adventist.
03:24 The people that I'm ministering to don't get it
03:27 and they won't get it just because I come in
03:29 and give a health seminar or an evangelist campaign.
03:33 They need me to walk along side of them.
03:35 But I think that what we're doing here,
03:37 at least in Cleveland
03:39 and in the area that I'm familiar with,
03:41 is reproducible and it is effective.
03:45 Now as far as baptisms and all of that,
03:48 this is a long term ministry.
03:49 Have we gotten baptisms? Absolutely.
03:52 I've gotten over the last four years of doing this,
03:54 about a dozen baptisms, that where people have come to me
03:57 and said I want to be a part of this.
03:59 I need to take them through.
04:01 Eric is a great example of a person
04:04 who came in off the streets.
04:05 A person who was an alcoholic, a destitute, who was homeless
04:09 and he was impacted by our compassion,
04:13 not by our theological acumen.
04:17 And today he is just an amazing
04:20 example of what can happen if you spend some time
04:23 and you care about these people.
04:25 I remember when I asked Kevin to baptize me.
04:30 Then with, I mean, I don't know first time
04:34 I shook Kevin's hand it was- there was something more,
04:38 there was something about this place
04:39 that kept wanting me to come back.
04:44 And I'm glad that I did.
04:48 Like they said it, you know,
04:49 I didn't give- I don't take any credit
04:51 for my sobriety its all God.
04:54 If it wasn't for me letting God in and doing for me
04:59 what I can't do for myself I wouldn't be sober today.
05:02 I was in church one day during the week,
05:05 working on some things and I noticed,
05:06 it was in the winter,
05:08 there were some people out front at the bus stop.
05:11 And I asked them if they wanted
05:13 to come in for a hot drink and a pastry
05:14 because I had some leftover pastries,
05:17 and that's how the breakfast ministry started about
05:21 two and a half years ago.
05:22 Was just simply inviting some cold people at the bus stop
05:25 to come in for some hot drink.
05:27 From that we ended up with our breakfast ministry
05:30 which is now four days a week.
05:32 We want to make it five.
05:34 We get from 10 to- today we had 35 people show up.
05:38 Coming in we serve them a hot breakfast.
05:40 We try to serve a healthy breakfast.
05:43 Saturdays we still serve a community meal.
05:46 On average we have about a thousand community members
05:49 who walk through the door of our church every month.
05:53 Do people have a dependency on us
05:55 because of our services?
05:56 Yes, to some extent. But they know us by name.
06:02 When people come in today for the food pantry
06:07 and I'm walking around, people are calling me reverend,
06:10 or father or pastor, or whatever.
06:13 They know who I am and they know what we are.
06:16 They know the name Seventh-day Adventist.
06:18 They are not turned off by it. They are not offended by it.
06:21 They frequently take our literature.
06:23 We give away cases of literature a month
06:27 because at our foyer we have this literature rack
06:30 of all kinds of Seventh-day Adventist literature.
06:32 We give away all kinds of signs of the times magazines.
06:36 People know us.
06:38 They connect the logo and the name
06:40 and they're reading our materials.
06:44 People are taking it because they want it,
06:45 not because we send it to their door
06:47 and they throw it away.
06:48 They're coming in and reading our material.
06:50 And the reason they're doing that
06:51 is because they've got a relationship.
06:53 They put a face and flesh and bones
06:56 to a name Seventh-day Adventists.
06:59 We have great reputation. We will be moving downstairs.
07:02 I have a flyer up here in case any of you are interested.
07:06 We're starting Bible studies
07:08 on Wednesday mornings after breakfast.
07:10 It's open to everybody.
07:12 So we like to invite you to grab a flyer.
07:15 You are not gonna break into those communities,
07:17 do a big event and then just drive out.
07:22 And if you've got a lot of people driving in,
07:24 coming to that church, you will never make
07:26 the connections in the communities
07:27 that we have done by being here,
07:30 this ministry of presence.
07:31 And that's the mentality
07:33 or the message of ministry of healing.
07:37 You know Jesus' method alone is that you have to walk along
07:41 and some of them for quite a while, side these people
07:44 to build trust, confidence,
07:45 so that they can listen to what you have to share.
07:53 It's my pleasure to introduce our guest
07:55 Pastor Ted Wilson president of the General Conference
07:58 of Seventh-day Adventist.
08:00 Pastor Wilson, thank you, for joining us.
08:01 Great to be here.
08:03 Medical evangelism,
08:05 why is this an important aspect of Adventist mission?
08:09 Well, comprehensive health ministry
08:13 is something that Jesus participated
08:17 in a very dynamic way,
08:18 when He was dealing with people.
08:20 The Lord was able to touch people
08:23 in many different aspects of life.
08:26 In fact, it was a full or whole approach to the person
08:30 physically, mentally, socially and spiritually.
08:35 That's why Seventh-day Adventist are so interested
08:37 in all those areas and are interested
08:39 in helping people to grow educationally
08:42 trying to help them in physical wellbeing
08:46 and to be well adjusted people socially
08:49 and certainly Spiritually connected with the Lord.
08:53 So we want to use those approaches as Jesus did.
08:57 And in the Scripture you know a little tiny book of 3 John,
09:02 there is only one chapter in that book.
09:05 In the second verse it's says
09:06 "Beloved, I wish above all things
09:08 that thou mayest prosper and be in health,
09:13 just or even as thy soul prospereth."
09:16 So there is a real connection between
09:19 being physically healthy and spiritually healthy.
09:23 And I think as we view the world today
09:27 there are so many challenges
09:28 that people are facing and much of it
09:31 as you observe people has to do with way they live,
09:35 the stress they're under, the fast pace of life,
09:40 the food that they eat, what they drink.
09:44 All of that has to do with how they will react
09:49 in a productive manner for their life
09:53 and how they relate to others and how physically
09:57 they are able to actually exist as human beings.
10:01 Because our mind is part of our body
10:04 and there is a very sympathetic connection.
10:07 If your body is not in the best condition possible
10:12 then your mind is also going to in someway
10:15 be affected by that inhibition
10:19 that the body is producing.
10:21 So that's why Seventh-day Adventists
10:23 are so interested in good health
10:25 because we want to have a clear mind,
10:28 we want to have healthy bodies
10:30 so that we can live life
10:31 and we can live it to the fullest.
10:33 You know, the Lord came to give us life
10:35 and give it more abundantly.
10:38 So in terms of trying to help people
10:40 especially in big cities
10:42 and areas where there is a lot of pressure on their lives
10:46 in order to try and help them
10:48 we want to use comprehensive health ministry
10:51 as part of comprehensive urban evangelism,
10:54 an evangelism anywhere
10:56 whether it's in a rural area or in the city.
10:59 Health is a huge component,
11:01 that helps people to be able to function better
11:05 and to live better and we're told
11:08 that the health message, comprehensive health ministry
11:13 is really the right arm to the gospel.
11:15 It's not the gospel because the gospel
11:18 is salvation in Christ through His grace
11:21 and His shed blood for us and what He is doing for us
11:25 in the most Holy place in advocating for us
11:28 as our attorney so to speak.
11:31 But the health message is a way in which to reach people
11:35 and help them to think clear and in a more positive way
11:40 to be able to live life and to live it more abundantly.
11:43 So that's why we're giving
11:44 such a tremendous emphasis to that.
11:47 And people all over the world
11:48 are very interested in better health.
11:52 In fact, in some places you have people moving faster
11:56 and further I had then many Seventh-day Adventist
12:00 who know this precious understanding of good health.
12:04 Other people are moving way ahead
12:07 and but they're not quite sure why they're doing it.
12:10 And certainly good health is something which can provide us
12:14 with clear minds in order to be in contact with Jesus.
12:19 Elder Wilson, what plans does the church have
12:23 to put this in the practice.
12:24 I know, we already have hospitals
12:25 and clinics and health ministries
12:27 but how are we gonna do it in a comprehensive way?
12:29 What plans are in place?
12:30 Well, there are lots of interesting plant
12:33 that are being developed to try to reach people
12:38 and provide programs that will enhance their living,
12:45 stress reduction programs, programs that will help them
12:50 to stay away from tobacco and other addictions.
12:55 Cooking classes that will help them to eat better,
12:59 family oriented activities that will help them
13:04 to be placed in a better frame of mind,
13:07 know how to relate to each other better.
13:09 All kinds of different programs but one of the ways
13:13 in which we're hoping to pull those programs together
13:18 is to make every local Seventh-day Adventist Church
13:22 a health center for the community.
13:25 A place where people can say
13:26 oh, you want to know about how to live better?
13:30 Well, go talk to those people
13:31 down their and on such and such street,
13:33 they know exactly what they're talking about
13:35 and they can really help you.
13:37 Now those Seventh-day Adventist have a lot of good information
13:41 and they're very friendly people,
13:42 they're good people.
13:44 So we're hoping to be able to provide
13:47 a lot of practical information
13:50 that church members can use.
13:52 Yes, we want pastors and health professionals
13:55 working together in a blended ministry
13:58 as we're told in the Spirit of Prophecy.
14:00 That's very important but the ultimate importance
14:04 is to have every church member involved
14:07 in some kind of practical health outreach to people
14:11 because everyone can share with their neighbor,
14:16 how much better they feel
14:17 if they walk to two or three miles a day.
14:20 If they drink you know five, six,
14:22 seven glasses of water a day or eight glasses.
14:26 You don't have to prescribe any thing,
14:27 you don't have to be health professional to that.
14:30 Its simple health intervention
14:33 just in a friendly, neighborly way.
14:37 You know there is, we're told that
14:38 there is more religion in a loaf of bread than you might think.
14:44 It's not only the act of making good whole some bread,
14:47 it's the act of giving it to someone.
14:50 And then that bond is established
14:52 with the friend or a neighbor
14:55 and you know that bread just, that whole wheat bread
14:59 may actually lead someone to understand
15:03 that they need the real bread of life.
15:06 So it's all mixed in together because it's Christ method.
15:09 Fantastic.
15:11 Elder Wilson, thanks so much for sharing with us today.
15:13 Great privilege.


Revised 2014-12-17