Global Mission Snapshots

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: GMS

Program Code: GMS000062B

00:01 I'm glad to welcome our guest Wes Via
00:03 who is working in Allentown at city in Pennsylvania
00:07 here in the United States.
00:08 Wes, thanks so much for joining us.
00:10 Thanks for having me, Gary.
00:11 You're the director of Simplicity
00:12 which is a holistic urban ministry.
00:16 How did you begin involved in this initiative?
00:20 Well, the conference looked at the layout of its population
00:24 and the state of Pennsylvania realized that
00:26 86% of the people live in the cities.
00:28 And so that kind of spurred them to say okay,
00:30 maybe we should start looking about
00:32 how to we have a very intentional approach
00:34 to get into these urban areas
00:36 where most of the people live that are inner region
00:39 so that we can do something to reach those people.
00:41 Fantastic and so you have started
00:43 an urban center of influence right in the heart of the city
00:46 connecting with peoples needs.
00:48 Tell me a story of someone
00:49 whose life has been touched through this ministry.
00:52 Well, one of the big things that we do in the cities
00:54 and this is everywhere you hear about it,
00:56 its children's ministries.
00:57 And so, we have a number of things
00:59 that we do and we started out
01:00 with some small groups for teens and middle school age kids.
01:04 That led to a small group for younger kids
01:07 because their siblings were coming
01:08 and they wanted to come.
01:09 And we have a children's breakfast on Sabbath mornings.
01:12 We teach them principles of health and Bible stories.
01:17 Out of that, out of that network
01:19 there was a young boy named Donavan
01:21 that started coming to the breakfast.
01:22 And the first day that he came,
01:24 he wasn't really into, they're singing the songs
01:25 and he just standing there like I'm not gonna participate.
01:30 But he kept coming and he kept coming.
01:31 Every time we started to see a change in him
01:33 and finally around the end of 2013
01:36 he connected into one of the small groups
01:38 that we were having for his age group.
01:40 And the first day that he was there
01:42 and they were talking about the gospel
01:44 and the missionary that was leading the group
01:45 was telling the kids about
01:48 how Jesus wants to give us eternal life.
01:50 And that he wants to forgive us
01:51 for the bad things that we have done.
01:53 And as soon as they wanted to accept Jesus
01:55 and have forgiveness and He did it that time.
01:58 And sometimes you think
01:59 kids are just kind of go with the flow
02:01 but he got down and he said so you mean to tell me that,
02:04 I get to live forever now because of Jesus?
02:06 And she said, "yeah, that's right."
02:08 And the change in this young man he is nine years old,
02:12 absolutely amazing.
02:13 Another lady that comes and volunteers
02:14 at our center used to live above him
02:16 and she says when she saw him
02:18 she didn't even recognize him.
02:19 He was so mean and he was such a kind of honorary kid
02:23 and she even didn't let her kids play with him.
02:25 Because she said "I didn't even think it was him.
02:26 I thought he had of a twin brother
02:27 that was just nicer just looking at him."
02:30 And he is just on fire for Jesus
02:32 and the other day he was leaving a program
02:34 we had a cooking class for kids after schools
02:36 with healthy snacks.
02:38 And he was getting in the car one of the missionaries
02:40 and he'd brought his sister to the group.
02:42 And so they were driving on the road
02:44 and someone cut him off, something his sister cursed.
02:46 And he looked at her he said "you shouldn't talk like that.
02:49 We're in the presence of God." Wow.
02:51 And so just to see the impact on, on a young person
02:55 that showing concern and care for them
02:58 and just being interested in them can have.
03:00 We have a story time.
03:03 Once a week kids can come in and we read them stories.
03:05 We had three girls that were coming
03:08 two of them were sisters I believe
03:09 and they asked if they could have a Bible
03:10 after about three weeks.
03:11 Just can we have a Bible to take home
03:13 we really want to read the Bible.
03:14 And they came back the next week
03:16 and they had already read like the first 30 pages.
03:18 Well, what's even more amazing is that
03:20 they started writing out summaries
03:22 of what they were reading and then giving it to their mom.
03:25 So their mom could read their summaries
03:27 of what they were reading in the Bible.
03:28 Wow. Absolutely, amazing.
03:30 And so you were telling me recently
03:32 that you're reaching kids
03:35 who come from like three generations of families
03:38 that have never attend a church?
03:39 Yes.
03:40 Yeah the interesting thing about our approach
03:42 which is very simple showing concern and being interested
03:45 in what's going on in the lives of people
03:47 has had the unintended effect.
03:49 We didn't set out to do it
03:50 but with, with few exceptions the people that we interact,
03:54 with the people that are engaged with us
03:55 to take Bible studies or come to our center
03:57 for the various services are all un-churched people.
04:00 And so these kids their parents
04:03 are not much older than them in some cases.
04:06 These kids are hearing the stories for the first time
04:08 because their parents didn't know the stories.
04:10 Because they weren't taught by their parents.
04:12 And so there is this systemic issue in North America
04:15 where there is generations been raised up
04:18 that have absolutely no knowledge of God
04:20 and no knowledge of the Bible
04:21 and so when they hear these stories for the time
04:23 its like fresh water you know to parched lips.
04:27 And that's where, where I really feel
04:29 that when come to this we have to be aware of that.
04:31 That we're coming to an audience
04:33 that doesn't have a baseline knowledge
04:36 that where we can just launch into Bible studies all the time.
04:38 There is some, yeah they we get there
04:40 and they see that we might offer Bible studies
04:42 and they want them and they're hungry.
04:43 Some people ask us to teach them how to pray.
04:46 There is a, an desire for spirituality
04:48 but there is a lot of people
04:49 where we have to start very foundationally
04:51 and show like Christ this caring concern for them
04:54 where they will, will be wanting to hear
04:56 what we have to share with them about Jesus.
04:59 Wes, you'd mentioned prayer and you had instances where,
05:03 where some of the young people working with you
05:04 have offered to pray for people
05:06 and its touched their life's, tell me about that.
05:08 Yeah, we have one lady we met her
05:11 and she came to the door
05:13 and was really going through a rough time.
05:16 Some legal issues of children
05:17 and forcedly removed form her house
05:19 because of some false allegations
05:21 and they talk with her and as they were talking
05:24 whether she opened thought them what was going on
05:26 and they offered to pray for her.
05:28 And when they did that this lady,
05:30 this lady she said I only said that they could pray for me
05:32 because they didn't want to be rude.
05:33 They seem like nice people but she was not a Christian
05:35 she didn't believed in this stuff.
05:38 In her words it's the Holy Spirit came on her
05:40 and she said and just peace and just power just came over
05:44 as they were praying with this assurance
05:46 that everything was gonna work out all right.
05:48 And the very the next day she went to court
05:50 they got the kids back.
05:52 And the, the actually the case was just dismissed
05:54 this last week.
05:55 And it's totally revolutionized her life
05:57 she is sold out to Jesus.
05:59 She says "I can't believe on one of those Jesus frictional
06:02 and everyone I taught
06:03 I want to tell them about Jesus."
06:04 That's wonderful. Yeah.
06:05 So Wes, if some of our viewers I think
06:09 well, this is a something that I believe in
06:11 and they would like to support financially
06:13 how can they do that.
06:15 Right now we are ministry in Pennsylvania Conference
06:17 and so they could reach me
06:18 through our website
06:21 And then they could make a tax deductible donation
06:24 through the conference.
06:25 And of course, you welcome prayer as well.
06:28 Yes, Always. Yeah.
06:29 Fantastic, thanks for joining us today.
06:31 Thanks, Gary.
06:32 Viewers at home, remember
06:35 and please pray for Wes and his team
06:37 as they ministry in the mission field
06:40 of an urban center right here in North America.
06:43 And please pray for mission all around the world.
06:46 And if you want to find out more about
06:48 Mission to the Cities in general,
06:50 please go to a
06:54 If you'd like to receive this free mission calendar
06:57 don't forget go to
06:59 or simply call our toll free number 1-800-648-5824.
07:05 Now let's visit an Adventist School in India.
07:11 Meet Dapjur he attends Flaiz Adventist College in India.
07:16 One of the campuses favorite activities is volleyball.
07:22 Everyone gets in on the fun even the college president.
07:28 Dapjur is studying theology
07:29 with hopes to become an Adventist pastor someday
07:32 but Dapjur was not always an Adventist.
07:35 Before he was an Adventist,
07:37 Dapjur would walk from his home
07:39 to a nearby village to visit an Adventist friend.
07:43 They would discuss religion
07:44 and Dapjur would always try to find fault
07:46 with Adventist message.
07:48 One day they discussed the Sabbath
07:50 and Dapjur found that he didn't have all the answers.
07:54 He decided to study the subject on his own
07:56 and spend some time in prayer.
07:58 After studying he was convinced
08:00 that the Adventist believes were true.
08:08 He couldn't keep it to himself
08:09 so he decided to tell everyone in his village the good news
08:12 that he learned from the Bible.
08:14 Dapjur walked from door to door
08:16 telling people about the Sabbath.
08:18 Some seem interested
08:20 but not everyone is open to his new believes.
08:23 The village leaders told him if he wanted to be an Adventist
08:27 then he could not be part of their village.
08:29 This is where Dapjur grew up where his family lived.
08:32 This was his home.
08:34 He was sad but eventually Dapjur made the decision
08:37 that was most important to him.
08:39 He was forced to leave his village.
08:42 He went to the train station to find a place to go
08:45 while at the train station he met someone his age
08:48 and started talking to him.
08:50 Dapjur came to find out that he was an Adventist.
08:53 Dapjur could hardly believe it,
08:55 his new friend told him that he was going
08:57 to Flaiz Adventist College to study theology.
09:00 Dapjur prayed and felt God was calling him to go too.
09:03 The two of them rode trains and buses together
09:06 for the week long journey to Flaiz.
09:09 Now Dapjur loves his theology classes,
09:11 he has learned so much about the Bible at Flaiz.
09:14 He has made new friends who support each other
09:16 and study the Bible together.
09:19 Many of these students travel far from home
09:21 to receive a quality Adventist education.
09:24 Although Dapjur's decision to leave home was not easy,
09:27 he knows that God will reward his faithfulness.
09:31 Please pray for Dapjur and other students at Flaiz.
09:34 Pray that they will continue to find the strength
09:36 to be faithful servants of God.
09:39 Thank you, for supporting mission.
09:48 I hope you enjoy watching Adventist Mission stories,
09:51 as much as we enjoy sharing them with you.
09:53 And I hope you've been challenged about
09:55 what you have seen and heard on today's program.
09:58 If you would like to learn more about Adventist Mission
10:01 or to support mission work around the world
10:03 visit
10:06 There you will find mission stories,
10:08 missionary videos, missionary blogs,
10:11 pictures and much, much more.
10:14 And please pray for Cheryl Doss
10:16 and her team of Institute of World Mission
10:19 as those they've trying serving God and mission around.
10:23 And please pray
10:24 for the Seventh-day in Pennsylvania
10:27 and center in urban areas all around the world.
10:30 Pray that they're multiplied.
10:32 Pray that they'll touch many, many lives
10:35 with the healing hand of Jesus Christ.
10:38 As we close this program
10:39 we leave you with this song called "Honor the Lord."
10:43 Thank you for joining us here on Global Mission Snapshots
10:46 until next time I'm Gary Krause, God bless.
11:41 Trust in the Lord with all your heart
11:47 Lean not on your own understanding
11:52 In all your ways acknowledge Him
11:58 He shall direct your paths
12:03 Do not be wise in your own eyes
12:09 Fear the Lord and depart from evil
12:15 It will be health to your flesh
12:20 And it will be strength to your bones
12:28 Honor the Lord
12:33 With all you have to offer
12:40 Even the small
12:44 Is enough to bring honor
13:15 Trust in the Lord with all your heart
13:20 And lean not on your own understanding
13:24 In all your ways acknowledge Him
13:29 And He shall direct your paths
13:34 Do not be wise in your own eyes
13:38 Fear the Lord and depart from evil
13:43 It will be health to your flesh
13:47 And it will be strength to your bones
13:55 Honor the Lord
13:59 With all you have to offer
14:05 Even the small
14:10 Is enough to bring honor
14:16 Honor the Lord
14:21 With your humble service
14:27 Honor the Lord
14:32 This is your purpose


Revised 2014-12-17