Global Mission Snapshots

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: GMS

Program Code: GMS000060A

00:01 Seventh-day Adventist schools
00:02 preparing children for the future.
00:04 Pastor Ted Wilson, president of the General Conference
00:07 of Seventh-day Adventists and Charlotte Ishkanian,
00:10 veteran editor of the Adventist Churches
00:13 mission quarterly magazines all that
00:15 and much more coming up next on Global Mission Snapshots.
00:31 Just before He went up to heaven
00:33 Jesus gave us a command.
00:36 He gave us a mission.
00:39 Jesus said "Go, go unto all the world,
00:44 telling them of His love."
00:46 This is our mission. This is our Global Mission.
00:56 Hello, I'm Gary Krause
00:57 and welcome to Global Mission Snapshots,
00:59 a program where we look at what's happening
01:01 with Adventist mission all around the globe.
01:04 Today we'll be talking with Pastor Ted Wilson,
01:07 president of the General Conference
01:08 of Seventh-day Adventist
01:10 about something many people first learned
01:13 about as a young child, mission offerings.
01:16 Mission offerings aren't just for children
01:18 and they're not a thing of the past either.
01:20 They still play a vital role in mission
01:23 and they're important for adults and children alike.
01:27 We'll also be talking with Charlotte Ishkanian
01:29 who has probably visited more 13th Sabbath Offering projects
01:34 than any other person.
01:35 Projects in places such as Southern Asia
01:38 which we will visit right now.
01:40 Since, 1912 Seventh-day Adventist Church members
01:43 have supported a special mission offering
01:45 called the 13th Sabbath Offering.
01:47 Although, its only part of the offerings
01:49 that support mission work worldwide.
01:51 Your support of this offering
01:53 has helped touch countless lives through schools, clinics,
01:57 churches, literature and other mission projects.
02:09 On this Sabbath in Kollegal, India,
02:11 shoes laying the doorway
02:12 of the Seventh-day Adventist church.
02:14 Members joyfully gathered together
02:16 for the Sabbath school lesson and sermon.
02:19 They listen intently as the pastor preaches
02:21 the messages on his heart.
02:23 This congregation ranges from all ages
02:26 but everyone feels welcomed here.
02:29 Along sides the church sits
02:30 the Seventh-day Adventist school.
02:32 Many of the children from the congregation
02:34 attend school here.
02:36 They love to learn about Jesus.
02:40 Today this group is learning their lesson outside.
02:43 The sun may be hot or the rain may pour down
02:46 but these children do whatever it takes
02:48 to get a quality education.
02:51 The other classrooms are full.
02:52 So for now they meet under a metal covering.
03:00 Many of the students at this school
03:02 are not from Adventist homes.
03:04 The parents of this community like sending their children
03:07 to Adventist schools because they know their children
03:09 will get a good education.
03:16 The students learn stories from the Bible.
03:18 In a country where Christianity makes up
03:20 less than three percent of the population
03:23 these stories are brand new to most children.
03:26 Imagine, hearing these exciting stories for the first time.
03:30 It opens a door to hope in a better life.
03:33 This quarter a portion of your 13th Sabbath Offering
03:36 will help build new classrooms
03:38 at the Seventh-day Adventist school in Kollegal.
03:41 Each year more students enroll
03:43 and the needs of the school are growing.
03:45 Please pray for the students at Kollegal.
03:48 Pray that they have sufficient space to learn and grow.
03:53 It's my pleasure to introduce
03:54 our guest Pastor Ted Wilson,
03:56 who is the president of the General Conference
03:58 of Seventh-day Adventist.
04:00 Pastor Wilson, thank you for joining us.
04:02 It's great to be here.
04:03 As Adventist we are called to give 10% of our income
04:09 to God's work and we are also invited
04:11 to give our offerings to mission various causes
04:14 and we have the weekly mission offerings that are collected.
04:18 Why is this process important?
04:20 Well, first of all let's start with the individual.
04:23 Now with you or with me.
04:25 We are both members
04:26 of the Seventh-day Adventist church
04:28 that means we can participate in a spiritual exercise.
04:33 So regardless of the actual income
04:36 that is derived from what is given
04:39 or returned to the church.
04:41 It is an, an exercise of loyalty
04:46 and a direct personal connection between you and your God.
04:51 And the Lord has simply asked us
04:53 and its one of the fairest areas of requirements
04:59 that you could ever dream of.
05:00 The Lord just says return to Me 10% as a faith factor.
05:06 I've blessed you, I've given you what you need,
05:09 just return to Me one-tenth,
05:11 10% as a sign of your complete loyalty to Me
05:16 and also of your trust in Me.
05:19 And it's absolutely amazing in our,
05:22 in our experience my wife's and my experience at home
05:26 I believe that returning nine-tenths
05:30 and of course it more than that
05:31 because we will talk about offerings in a moment.
05:34 But even returning nine-tenths
05:37 provides you and this doesn't seem possible
05:39 but it provides you with more than the ten-tenths
05:43 that you've started with
05:44 because God just adds His blessings.
05:46 He keeps you healthy
05:48 or He provides you with an opportunity
05:50 that you never thought of or whatever.
05:53 So it's that spiritual connection.
05:55 That's first of all, so vitally important.
05:58 Now in returning 10% and then as the Bible says
06:01 to give freewill offerings
06:03 according to how you've been blessed in your relationship
06:06 with the Lord you might want to give 5%,
06:09 you might want to give 10%, personally my wife
06:13 and I are returning 10% in offerings
06:17 or in donations for charitable activity.
06:21 So that's 20%.
06:23 But in reality that eight-tenths that is left
06:28 I find to be ample for what I actually need.
06:33 And of course, there is a difference between
06:34 what we need and what we want.
06:36 But God has promised in the Book of Malachi
06:40 open the windows of heaven and pour out these blessings.
06:43 In reality, we could go on talking
06:46 about stewardship in general
06:48 but in reality how it relates to mission.
06:52 The tithe is provided for the sustaining
06:56 of the gospel proclamation for ministers of the gospel,
07:00 for the activity of the church and then mission offerings
07:04 are provided for a augmenting of that entire work
07:10 for the mission expansion of the church.
07:14 A lot of people are giving lot of donations
07:17 to various organizations that are good organizations
07:20 and mission oriented organizations
07:23 and that's good in many respects.
07:26 But we would implore our church members
07:29 to remember that when they see mission offering
07:32 or world budget that they are then able
07:35 to give to the expansion
07:37 of the mission program of the church,
07:40 mission outreach, various initiatives
07:44 that are very creative in nature
07:47 and reaching into unentered areas.
07:49 So when you're giving even though you may not know
07:52 every detail about it you can be a very assured
07:57 that God's money because it becomes God's money
08:01 after you return it, return it back to Him.
08:04 Really God owns everything. That's right.
08:05 But He is just entrusting some of it to us.
08:08 But then you return some of that
08:09 and really it is used for wonderful mission outreach.
08:15 And I think it's exciting.
08:16 In fact, recently I have increased personally,
08:20 I haven't broadcast this much but now I guess I've. Good.
08:23 I've increased the amount that I'm giving
08:26 for the world budget because I want
08:29 to help the expansion of God's work.
08:32 And the Seventh-day Adventist Church
08:34 is not shrinking by God's grace
08:36 and through His blessing it is expanding
08:39 because this is His movement, His church
08:42 and it's so exciting to be part of it.
08:44 So that's why returning your tithe
08:46 because we don't give our tithe we return it its God's anyway
08:50 and then giving freewill offerings especially,
08:53 you know, notably to world mission
08:56 will really increase the expansion of God's work
08:59 in especially unentered areas
09:01 as well as more developed areas of the church.
09:05 I think it's just an enormous privilege
09:08 to be part of trusting God with the funds
09:12 that He gives us in helping expand
09:15 His great advent movement here on this earth.
09:19 He doesn't need the money but He needs our loyalty
09:22 and He needs our commitment and when we do that
09:25 we are spiritually participating with Him
09:28 in the outreach of this great final message.
09:32 And those of us who have been blessed
09:33 the luminaries of the world where we perhaps have
09:35 our high income some of their brothers and sisters
09:38 its helps support a worldwide work.
09:40 Its does absolutely.
09:42 And however we are seeing a very interesting phenomenas.
09:45 We are seeing that people around the world
09:49 because now let's just take North America
09:53 it represents only about 6% of the church membership
09:58 around the world and historically it is provided
10:01 great support, financial support
10:04 and personal support and continues
10:06 to do so for which we are very grateful.
10:09 But we're finding that with God's great blessing
10:12 in many places around the world
10:14 the mission offerings are increasing
10:20 beyond anyone's imagination.
10:23 And I believe it's the blessing of God
10:25 and the understanding that, that you can participate locally
10:30 and also on a worldwide basis.
10:32 Now there is one thing I just want
10:33 to share before we end.
10:36 When you give to mission activity
10:40 outside of your own immediate area there is what
10:45 the Spirit of Prophecy terms more or less a reflex action.
10:50 What happens is when you think of people
10:52 beyond your circle outside of your own immediate area
10:56 and you give the local church doesn't suffer
11:01 because your active giving energizes you
11:07 to give even more locally.
11:09 And so in almost every situation where people are presented
11:12 with an opportunity to help someone
11:14 far beyond where they are
11:17 the local income increases as well.
11:20 And that's just a reflex action that is a blessing from God.
11:24 Thank you so much Pastor Wilson, for sharing with us.
11:27 Viewers at home if you would like
11:28 to contribute to the mission work
11:30 of the Seventh-day Adventist church
11:33 in North America on your tithe envelopes
11:35 you can just fill out for world budget
11:37 or wherever you are you can go online
11:39 to and right there
11:42 you can give your mission offerings
11:44 the one deserved technology.
11:46 May God richly bless each one of you.


Revised 2014-12-17