Global Mission Snapshots

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: GMS

Program Code: GMS000059B

00:01 My guest is Wes Via who is from Allentown, Pennsylvania
00:06 where he is directing the Simplicity Ministry.
00:09 Wes, thanks so much for joining us.
00:10 Thanks for having me, Gary.
00:11 Simplicity, what is that stand for?
00:13 Well, Simplicity really kind of embodies
00:15 are approach to ministry
00:16 we're urban mission project
00:18 and so, we're working in the cities
00:21 and we really like to keep things very simple.
00:25 Our approache is really-
00:27 we cutout all the trimmings
00:28 and just try to connect to people
00:30 in whatever way we can
00:31 and that's kind of margined mind is us
00:33 just connect to the people as simply as possible.
00:35 Wonderful.
00:36 Now said you're from Allentown
00:37 but that's where you working as a missionary.
00:39 Yes.
00:40 Now you are working alone?
00:41 No, I actually have a team with me.
00:43 They are six young adults that have volunteered.
00:46 One is actually from Mexico,
00:47 the other from here in the States,
00:49 they spend their days
00:50 in the community volunteering with us,
00:53 connecting doing Bible studies,
00:55 planning programs for children and all kinds of things.
00:59 So you're operating out of a church building
01:02 or how are you connecting with the community?
01:04 We're actually working of a little model
01:06 using a center of influence
01:08 and so we've actually rented a space
01:10 in the center of city
01:11 that we use as kind of community center.
01:13 We use that as the way to,
01:15 to kind of make our presence known in kind of connect there.
01:18 We've programs then we help people look for jobs
01:22 and they need food they come by.
01:25 Just anything we can do in the community there.
01:28 So, you are like as social welfare agency?
01:31 No, not at all,
01:32 you know, one of the things we really strive very,
01:35 very hard to do is,
01:37 is make sure that in every interaction we have
01:39 we're looking for that opportunity to share Christ.
01:41 It's really about expressing the love of God
01:44 through action so that we can have an opportunity
01:46 to tell the love God to an open heart.
01:49 It's really using Christ method of ministry
01:52 in its purest form.
01:54 Okay, I'll come back to that
01:55 but why didn't you just come in and preach to the people?
01:59 You know, the honest truth is,
02:01 is now that we've been on the ground
02:02 for about two years,
02:04 what we've learned is, is that they wouldn't have listened.
02:07 That's a minor problem.
02:09 It's very difficult to, to connect in this-
02:12 in this urban setting.
02:13 There are so many cares of life
02:15 and so many things pulling their attention
02:18 that connecting and getting them to come to us
02:21 has been a challenge.
02:22 It's taking a long time for us to develop just the-
02:24 the interaction that we have in our center
02:26 its mostly been about going to people,
02:27 knocking on the doors,
02:28 letting them know we're here to be their friends
02:31 and gaining that trust so that we can share with them
02:35 and in building that relationship up
02:37 and that's so important in working in cities.
02:41 So, Wes, how did you discover
02:44 what the needs of the community were-
02:46 I mean, did you have list of things,
02:47 this is what we're going to do?
02:48 How did you arise,
02:49 how did you arrive at your ministries?
02:52 The foundation work for every ministry
02:54 as it says in the Spirit of Prophecy
02:55 is the door to door work.
02:57 And so we started out simply just going door to door,
03:00 we covered the whole city.
03:01 We didn't know exactly where our center was gonna be,
03:03 so we just knocked on every door.
03:04 And what did they say?
03:06 We told them a little bit about Simplicity
03:07 that we're here we're looking for ways
03:09 so that we can serve the needs of the community
03:10 and ask for their feedback
03:12 and we had some open any questions
03:13 where they could tell us about the safety of the neighborhood,
03:16 some of the challenges they face in their daily life.
03:18 I think we had a list of different programs
03:21 or things that we would-
03:22 we thought we could offer to the community
03:24 and let them tell us what they'd be interested in.
03:26 From that then we went back and we developed the,
03:28 you know, the programs we do often
03:30 which is a some children's programs with after school
03:32 and a Sabbath morning program that we do for children,
03:35 job search assistance, cooking classes.
03:38 We now have the option for people to have in home
03:41 lifestyle coaching and a number of other things.
03:44 So, how do you make those contacts
03:49 that will last longer than I'm handing you some food
03:53 or something along- I mean, how do you build
03:54 those bridges to make a long-term contract?
03:57 Yeah, well there's one so
03:58 I tell you that really illustrate how it works.
04:02 One day we randomly got several boxes of bread
04:05 from the local grocery store.
04:07 We weren't expecting, we didn't know what to do
04:08 so said okay, we will put a table out on the sidewalk
04:10 and let's put a sign up their free bread
04:12 will sitting out there will talk to people as they come by.
04:15 And as we were out there that afternoon a lady came by
04:18 and she just looked distressed
04:20 and so the missionary said,
04:21 you know, what's going on?
04:22 You know, is there anything that I-
04:24 that I can pray with you about?
04:26 And that really made an impact on that lady
04:28 and she said you know what, yeah and so she-
04:30 let her pray for the came she offered to,
04:32 you know invited, her into the center
04:34 she came in they talked for a little bit
04:36 and then started a relationship
04:38 that's been going on for about four months.
04:40 And- and they pray together they visit together,
04:43 this lady now has come and she volunteers,
04:45 she always has a folder
04:46 with Simplicity materials to pass out.
04:49 And- and the thing is she's actually Muslim.
04:53 But that, that offer of prayer
04:55 that concerned has allowed us
04:57 to connect with her in a very deep way.
05:00 She's even accepted some literature
05:03 and his reading our ministry feeling
05:04 'cause she wants to volunteer
05:05 that so said you need to read this book
05:06 if you're gonna volunteer with us.
05:08 And so that personal concern
05:11 looking for the opportunity to minister in spiritual way
05:14 to what someone's going through in that moment
05:17 opens up many doors in their life.
05:20 Just in 30 seconds, how is it changed their lives
05:24 of the young people working with you?
05:26 Well, you know, we came in our missionaries
05:28 were supposed to come for one year and,
05:31 and you know it's a sacrifice for them to be there.
05:34 What we find is most of them don't want to leave.
05:35 In fact, we have some of that stay without,
05:37 without any income
05:38 they just want to stay and be part of it
05:41 and it's revolutionizing their perspective
05:43 on what ministry can be and the impact
05:46 that they can have in someone's life.
05:48 Wes, that's fantastic.
05:49 How can people find out more about Simplicity?
05:51 We have a blog that's up its
05:54 where we're giving resources and stories
05:56 and all kinds of information they can find over there.
05:58 Fantastic, thanks so much for joining us.
06:00 Thank you.
06:01 Our viewers at home,
06:02 please pray for Simplicity Ministries,
06:05 pray for Wes and his team
06:07 and pray for urban mission around the world.
06:10 And just to reminder,
06:11 if you want to learn more about mission
06:13 you can go to
06:17 and you can look up Mission 360 magazine
06:21 or you can even just go to
06:24 Here you'll find missions stories around the world
06:26 including urban mission stories.
06:30 Please remember that God is interested in people,
06:34 He loves people.
06:35 And now we go back to Gerson Santos
06:38 as we continue meeting in the cities.
06:41 In addition to being the capital of Russia,
06:43 Moscow is also a showcase for Russian culture
06:46 known for its museums and theaters.
06:49 One of the most recognizable buildings in the world,
06:51 St. Basil's Basilica dominates the view over Red Square,
06:55 which is itself a UNESCO world heritage site.
06:59 Moscow has a population of more than 16 million people.
07:03 Adventists number less than 3,000
07:06 about 0.02 percent of the population
07:09 worshiping in 15 churches.
07:14 Not far from here we have another city.
07:19 The capital and largest city in Ukraine,
07:22 Kiev was named after its founder.
07:24 A bustling city, Kiev is home to world-class art
07:29 and architecture.
07:30 There are some 3.2 million people living in Kiev
07:35 and just over 4,000 are Adventists.
07:41 The capital of Angola, Luanda was founded
07:44 in the late 1500s by the Portuguese.
07:47 Located on the Atlantic coast of Angola,
07:49 Luanda has been rebuilding after years of civil war.
07:53 Today, Luanda has a population of some 6 million people
07:58 with about 74,000 Adventists and more than 270 churches
08:04 about one and one quarter percent
08:06 of the city's population.
08:11 We have a great challenge in the large city of Luanda,
08:14 which is the capital of Angola.
08:17 Because this is the city that is growing each day
08:21 it's growing in material things as well as a number of people.
08:25 It's a city coming from the ruins of war
08:28 and everything is rapidly expanding
08:31 as everything grows our challenge to reach people
08:34 who don't know God also grows.
08:39 Sydney, Australia is said to be one of the most
08:42 visited cities in the world,
08:44 attracting visitors from around the world.
08:46 One of the deepest harbors in the world,
08:49 it's known for the Sydney Harbor Bridge
08:51 and iconic "sails" of the opera house.
08:54 Sydney has a population of 4.7 million people
08:58 with about 9,000 Adventists worshiping
09:01 in 85 churches and companies.
09:07 Let's jump to the other side of the world.
09:11 Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina,
09:14 is said to be the second largest metropolitan area
09:17 in South America.
09:19 For settled in the 1,500s today greater Buenos Aires
09:23 has a population of some 14.5 million people.
09:27 The Seventh-day Adventist Church
09:29 has been growing here
09:30 with more than 160 churches and more than 22,000 members.
09:36 Yet that's still less than 0.2 percent of the population.
09:43 The main objective is to church plant
09:45 in the place where the people are not receptive.
09:48 I believe that we would not have reached the people here
09:51 if you were not in this manner
09:52 through the center of influence showing sympathy,
09:55 meeting needs and winning confidence.
09:58 The objective for the future is at the center of influence
10:01 will be self-sustained
10:03 and that it will make other churches.
10:07 London is well known for its familiar sights and charm.
10:11 This city is made up of 13.3 million people,
10:15 making it one of the largest cities in Europe.
10:18 The growing challenge of secularism
10:20 makes reaching the people difficult.
10:23 Among the millions of people who walk the streets,
10:26 only about 15,000 Adventists live in this European city.
10:33 Home to some of the world's most populated cities,
10:36 India is familiar with the urban landscape.
10:39 The Mumbai metro region, formerly known as Bombay,
10:43 is the one of largest metropolitan areas in India
10:46 with a population of about 21.2 million people.
10:51 In this area there are about
10:52 Seventh-day Adventist members.
10:56 This only scratches the surface of the total population.
11:00 The challenges of prominent world religions
11:02 are apparent in this region of the world.
11:08 It is amazing to see all those challenging
11:11 urban areas all over the world
11:13 and I ask you to pray for those cities.
11:17 What a beautiful thing will be to see the gospel
11:19 reaching out to all those urban areas.
11:22 Pray for the Lord so He can send workers,
11:25 we can find ways to reach out to those urban areas.
11:30 If you want to learn more about this initiative,
11:33 just go to the website
11:37 and pray for the large cities of the world.
11:47 Thank you, Justin, for sharing the challenges
11:50 and the opportunities
11:51 in some of the largest cities in the world.
11:54 You know, for many years
11:55 Christian mission tended to focus on remote areas
11:59 focusing on islands and villages
12:01 but the world's population is shifted
12:03 from agricultural to industrial and technological to digital
12:08 and the population is also shifted from rural to urban.
12:13 Today's major cities are growing at a rapid rate.
12:16 They represent millions of people
12:18 in thousands neighborhoods and each neighborhood
12:21 has its own unique character and people.
12:24 In some you'll find luxury condos
12:26 in others immigrants struggling to make a living.
12:29 Some have family neighborhoods
12:31 others have more single people.
12:33 Mission to the Cities calls on us
12:35 to find creative ways to touch all these lives
12:39 with the good news of Jesus Christ.
12:42 If you live in a city,
12:43 please find a way to be involved
12:45 in positively impacting someone's life for Jesus.
12:49 Pray that God will show you how you can help.
12:53 If you'd like to learn more about Mission to the Cities
12:55 please visit
12:59 that's
13:02 And if you'd like to learn more about
13:03 Adventist Mission around the world
13:05 visit our website at
13:09 I'm Gary Krause, and thanks for joining us today.
13:11 And I hope you'll join us next time right here
13:14 on Global Mission Snapshots.


Revised 2014-12-17