Global Mission Snapshots

India and Botswana

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Gary Krause (Host), Laurie Falvo, Ricky Oliveras


Series Code: GMS

Program Code: GMS000058B

00:01 Welcome back.
00:02 My guest is Ricky Oliveras, so is a video producer
00:04 with the Office of Adventist Mission.
00:06 And thank you so much for joining us, Ricky.
00:09 A long way, all the way from- Yeah.
00:12 You just got back this morning from the country of Haiti.
00:15 That's right.
00:16 And you're looking surprisingly refreshed
00:18 I have to tell you that way.
00:20 Yeah, I feel pretty good actually.
00:21 Now not so long ago you went to the country
00:22 of India for the first time.
00:24 Tell me what your impressions were?
00:26 Well, it was completely new experience for me.
00:29 The cities were packed with people.
00:31 I had to kind of wiggle my way through the crowds.
00:34 There were new flavors, there are bright colors
00:36 and it was just sensory overload.
00:40 Yeah.
00:41 I'm sure was and how you like Indian food?
00:43 I like Indian food here, so-
00:45 I love it too. So it's an easy transition.
00:48 Ricky we have a lot of Global Mission projects
00:52 happening in India what did you visit?
00:54 I visited- there's are so many Global Mission Pioneers
00:58 in India first of all.
00:59 I made a stop in one city by Calcutta
01:03 and we met about 20 to 30
01:05 Global Mission Pioneers just waiting for us there.
01:07 And I went out with one, one day
01:10 and a they just showed me basically a day in the life.
01:13 I followed them around for the day
01:15 and they showed me what they do,
01:16 meeting with people holding Bible studies,
01:20 just knocking on doors and starting a small group.
01:25 And I met another Global Mission Pioneer
01:28 who and his wife near New Delhi
01:30 and it was really cool because they had
01:32 a transformation story basically.
01:35 His name was Pothiram and he used to be a drunkard.
01:39 He used to drink heavily, he used to mistreat his family,
01:42 he used to do all kinds of terrible things
01:45 and so of course this made his family,
01:48 his wife really sad.
01:50 They didn't know what to do
01:51 so one day his wife was sitting in front of their house
01:54 and she was just crying.
01:56 She said what am I gonna do now I don't know.
01:59 Where's my life going?
02:00 I have a husband that's no good to me
02:02 and so a woman was walking by
02:05 and she noticed and she stopped at
02:08 and to comfort her and to talk to her.
02:10 And so she talked to her and invited her to her home.
02:14 She brought Pothiram's wife home with her
02:17 and she introduced her to the husband
02:19 and husband asked can we pray with you?
02:22 And so the wife said sure.
02:25 You know, she's never really prayed,
02:26 this was a Christian family that asked to pray with her.
02:28 She never really prayed to Jesus before.
02:31 So they asked, can we read something to you?
02:33 So they pulled out the Bible read from the Bible
02:36 and Pothiram's wife loved it so much
02:39 and she felt so good after reading
02:41 and praying with them she returned week after week.
02:44 And after, you know, three or four weeks
02:47 the family gave her a Bible of her own
02:50 and she was so excited about that.
02:52 But the only problem was she couldn't read.
02:55 She was a literate so she had this Bible
02:58 which she was very happy to have
03:00 but she couldn't do anything with it
03:01 except for flip through the pages.
03:04 So one day her husband Pothiram came home stumbling
03:08 and he had been drinking.
03:10 And she asked, can you read this to me
03:12 because he could read.
03:13 She said he didn't want to read it to her.
03:16 He said, no that's not for me, I don't want to.
03:19 After some pleading with him he finally agreed.
03:22 Okay, fine I'll read one small portion.
03:25 So he started reading
03:27 and he read any he couldn't stop.
03:30 The Bible- he described to me this is him telling me,
03:33 he said the Bible was clearing like the words
03:36 were so clear even though he had been drinking.
03:39 The more he read, you know,
03:40 his thoughts were clearing just from reading the Bible.
03:43 Is that right? Yeah and it was really cool.
03:46 So night after night they spent time together
03:49 reading from the Bible and he decided,
03:53 you know, maybe this is something I wanted to pursue
03:56 and maybe I can start drinking less.
03:59 So he drank less, he read more
04:02 and Pothiram wife invited him to the Bible study
04:05 that she had been attending.
04:07 He attended the Bible study even with some hesitation,
04:10 you know, he still wasn't 100 percent convinced.
04:13 But so he attended week after week to the Bible study
04:16 and he was- after a few weeks he was convinced,
04:19 you know, this word is true.
04:22 I want to follow the Bible, I want to follow Jesus.
04:25 And he gave up drinking completely any he turned in-
04:29 you know, he was a different man.
04:30 He was not- he didn't mistreat his family,
04:33 he wasn't drinking and they decided together
04:37 as a family to be baptized into Seventh-day Adventist Church.
04:41 And to go one step further
04:43 he wanted to totally leave that his past like behind him.
04:47 So he said to the- to the pastor
04:50 that they've been meeting with
04:52 what can I do, you know,
04:54 to totally dedicate my life to God?
04:56 And so the pastor told them
04:58 about how he can share with others,
05:00 you know, what he has learned.
05:02 And so he eventually became a Global Mission Pioneer
05:05 and that's where he is now on
05:07 and that's when I met him it was at that stage of his life
05:11 and you can just see the transformation
05:13 from where he started and he- he's passionate.
05:17 He just loves sharing about Jesus.
05:19 He loves going out meeting with people
05:22 and he can hardly- him and his wife they both,
05:25 you know, they go together and-
05:26 That's nice.
05:28 Yeah, and they can't contain
05:31 on themselves from sharing about Jesus with anybody.
05:33 Yeah, wonderful.
05:35 Now when you met- meet with these Pioneers
05:38 do you visit some of their homes?
05:39 Yes. Describe their homes.
05:42 Their homes- first of all their homes
05:45 and their lives are just humble
05:49 is the word that comes to mind
05:51 because, you know,
05:52 they don't live lavish lifestyles,
05:54 they don't have a lot.
05:55 And they- they have what they need
05:59 and even then they share, they are willing to share
06:02 not only the word of God
06:04 but they're willing to share
06:05 you know the physical things that they have.
06:08 There in their communities, you know,
06:10 sharing the spiritual message but also sharing
06:14 and tending to people's physical needs
06:16 despite how little they have themselves.
06:18 Yeah, so they're putting into practice Christ method.
06:21 They are mingling with the people, they become-
06:23 because that they don't really stand out
06:24 because they basically living
06:25 at the same socio-economic level as the people at.
06:27 Absolutely, yeah.
06:29 That- that's what's really interesting about it
06:31 is because they're not coming in from,
06:33 you know, an outside perspective.
06:37 They are from these communities.
06:38 They know the language,
06:39 they know the customs and culture
06:41 and so it's really cool that,
06:44 you know, they are there to share
06:46 in a way that people understand.
06:48 Fantastic.
06:49 Ricky, thanks so much for sharing with us today.
06:51 Thank you.
06:52 And viewers at home,
06:53 please remember Global Mission Pioneers,
06:55 in India, various parts of the world.
06:58 It can be a very challenging work
07:01 starting a new Christian congregation
07:03 and it can sometimes be lonely
07:05 it can sometimes be discouraging as
07:07 to know that a World Church
07:10 is praying for them is very encouraging.
07:12 Well, let's continue our visit
07:14 to the southern Asian region of the world.
07:19 This region of the world is home
07:20 to some fascinating places.
07:22 In earlier days,
07:23 when the British colonized India,
07:25 they would sail across the ocean to reach Southern Asia.
07:28 They would arrive in Mumbai, formerly known as Bombay.
07:32 The first structure visitors arriving by boat
07:35 would see is the Gateway of India.
07:37 This structure stands 85 feet tall
07:39 on the edge of the Arabian Sea.
07:42 It is a monument built to honor British royalty.
07:45 Visitors travel here to see the impressive monument
07:47 and explore the other sights along the coast.
07:53 Many visitors to India
07:54 will also make a stop to see the Taj Mahal.
07:57 This world heritage site
07:59 attracts millions of tourists each year.
08:02 If you can make it through the crowds,
08:04 you can walk right into the buildings
08:05 and learn the history behind these structures.
08:08 The Taj is made out of white marble.
08:11 It was built by a Mughal emperor in memory of this third wife.
08:15 This tall structure is an impressive site to see.
08:19 Despite all the amazing things to see in India,
08:22 it is still a difficult place
08:23 for the Adventist church to reach.
08:25 There is a great need for Jesus in this part of the world.
08:29 So many people have never opened a Bible
08:31 or even heard the name of Jesus before.
08:34 One way the Seventh-day Adventist Church is spreading
08:36 the gospel to the people of Southern Asia
08:38 is through Global Mission.
08:40 Global Mission is focused on starting
08:42 new Adventist congregations
08:44 in some of the most challenging places on earth.
08:47 Global Mission pioneers are on the front lines of this work.
08:51 They plant churches among groups
08:53 who have never heard the gospel.
08:57 There are many people who have come to know Jesus directly
08:59 because of the work of our Global Mission Pioneers.
09:05 Pothiram is one of many Global Mission Pioneers
09:08 working throughout India.
09:09 Pothiram was not always working for God.
09:12 He used to drink heavily.
09:13 He would do terrible things and did not care for his family.
09:17 One day, a neighbor saw Pothiram's wife, Jeshoda,
09:20 crying in front of their house.
09:22 She invited Jeshoda to her home
09:24 where she could go and pray with the family.
09:27 Jeshoda went week after week to pray
09:29 and study with the Christian family.
09:32 The family eventually gave her a Bible of her own.
09:34 She was so happy,
09:36 but there was only one problem,
09:38 she couldn't read.
09:40 The only solution was to bring the Bible home
09:42 and have her husband read to her.
09:44 At first Pothiram resisted, but he eventually agreed.
09:48 The more he read from the Bible,
09:50 the better he felt.
09:51 His heart was being changed.
09:55 Jeshoda invited her husband to join her next Bible study.
09:59 The more he studied, the more he felt
10:01 convicted to change his life.
10:03 He gave up alcohol and made his family a priority.
10:07 Although he still faced temptations,
10:09 Pothiram was convicted that God's way is the right way.
10:12 He and his family were baptized.
10:15 He wanted to do more to serve God
10:17 so he became a Global Mission Pioneer.
10:20 Now, Pothiram and Jeshoda go into the community
10:22 together to share the gospel message.
10:25 They can't imagine doing anything else with their lives.
10:29 They love spreading this message with everyone they encounter.
10:32 Their life is filled with joy and they have a happy marriage.
10:36 The family reads their Bible and prays together
10:39 because this is what is most important to them.
10:46 We can support Global Mission Pioneers
10:48 through our prayers and other resources.
10:51 As you can see, people in the Southern Asia region
10:53 of the world is busy spreading the gospel in many ways.
10:57 They face some of the hardest mission challenges
10:59 in the world today,
11:01 but it doesn't stop them from doing the work
11:03 that God has called each one of us to do.
11:06 Please pray for the work in Southern Asia.
11:09 Pray that they can teach
11:10 millions of people about the gospel
11:12 so we can see Jesus return soon.
11:22 Global Mission Pioneers are doing a wonderful work
11:25 sharing hope in Jesus in India, in Botswana
11:29 and so many other countries around the world
11:31 and always humbled and inspired
11:33 by the dedication at least tireless workers for God.
11:37 Please join us in praying for the people of India,
11:40 the people Botswana and all the Pioneers
11:43 starting new congregations in these countries.
11:46 And also please pray for Adventist schools
11:49 that are helping provide many children
11:51 with new opportunities through Christian education.
11:55 Before we go we would like to share this music video
11:58 as Christians we have a message of hope,
11:59 a message that God loves us no matter what.
12:03 And that's the message we share
12:04 that God loves you He loves me just as I am.
12:09 Until next time I'm Gary Krause for Global Mission Snapshots.
12:15 Just as I am,
12:21 without one plea
12:27 But that thy blood
12:33 was shed for me
12:39 And that thou bidst
12:44 me come to thee
12:50 O Lamb of God,
12:56 I come, I come
13:09 I'm not that strong,
13:15 my hands are unclean
13:20 My heart sometimes fills
13:26 with sins unseen
13:32 And yet He bids,
13:36 oh, he pleads,
13:40 but I can't understand
13:46 Why He loves me,
13:55 here I come
14:03 [Singing in foreign language]


Revised 2014-12-17