Global Mission Snapshots

Completed River Church / Importance of Mission

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Gary Krause (Host), Nancy Kyte, Ted Wilson


Series Code: GMS

Program Code: GMS000055

00:01 On today's program,
00:02 the President of the General Conference
00:03 of Seventh-day Adventists,
00:06 a River Church in Benin and the 150th anniversary
00:10 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
00:12 All that and more coming up next on "Global Mission Snapshots."
00:27 Just before He went up to heaven,
00:30 Jesus gave us a command.
00:33 He gave us a mission. Jesus said, "Go.
00:38 Go unto all the world, telling them of His love.
00:43 This is our mission. This is our Global Mission."
00:52 Hello, I'm Gary Krause.
00:54 And welcome to Global Mission Snapshots.
00:57 Once again, we'll talk to the President
00:58 of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist,
01:01 Pastor Ted Wilson.
01:03 The idea for Global Mission
01:04 started back in the late 1980's
01:07 when Pastor Ted Wilson's father pastor Neal C. Wilson
01:11 was president of the General Conference.
01:14 Pastor Neal C. Wilson played a major role
01:16 in focusing attention and resources
01:19 on un-reached people of the world.
01:21 Today his son will talk to us
01:23 about the continuing importance of Global Mission.
01:27 We'll also visit Battle Creek, Michigan
01:30 to look back at the 150 years
01:32 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
01:35 What have we learned and where are we headed?
01:38 And we'll talk to Nancy Kyte about a River Church in Benin,
01:42 but first let's visit that church.
02:10 Imagine, if this was the only way
02:12 for you to get to church each Sabbath,
02:15 as you skim along only inches above the water,
02:18 you pray that the boat won't hit a big wave.
02:21 For Seventh-day Adventists in the country of Benin,
02:24 this is a typical commute to church.
02:27 In this small country in Western Africa,
02:29 small villages are often connected
02:31 by only rivers and lakes.
02:34 Here, local people earned a living by fishing
02:37 and selling goods to others in their community.
02:40 For the Adventist Church, these rural communities
02:43 are not a stumbling block to spreading the gospel.
02:46 Instead, a Global Mission pioneer has taken
02:49 it as a personal challenge to reach
02:52 as many people as possible in this aquatic wilderness.
02:56 [speaking in foreign language]
02:57 My greatest joy is to preach to the people
03:00 so that when Christ comes,
03:02 we may be together in heaven. This is Francis.
03:06 He's been a Global Mission pioneer
03:07 in this area for 12 years.
03:09 In that time, he's raised up three church groups
03:12 with a total membership of more than 150 people.
03:16 Despite the challenges of this environment,
03:18 the church here has grown.
03:20 With the leading of the Holy Spirit,
03:22 Francis has been able to spread
03:24 the message of Jesus' love
03:26 and redemption to a population
03:28 that has traditionally rejected Christianity.
03:31 Benin is the birth place of Voodoo,
03:34 and the majority of people here are spirit worshipers.
03:38 Yet in the middle of these small villages,
03:41 Francis has been able to reach out
03:43 to people looking for a new way of life.
03:47 My greatest challenge is to tell the people here of the gospel
03:50 and then to help provide them with a place to worship God.
03:55 A portion of the 13th Sabbath Offerings
03:57 this quarter will help build
03:59 a new church in one of these small villages.
04:02 Not only will church members here be physically blessed
04:05 with a new building,
04:07 but they will draw strength knowing
04:09 that Adventist believers around the world
04:12 have joined together to help share
04:13 a message of hope in their village.
04:17 Thank you for doing your part
04:19 to answer Jesus' call to tell the world.
04:25 To learn more about mission,
04:27 please visit
04:35 Nancy Kyte is the Marketing Director for Adventist Mission.
04:39 And I'm delighted to welcome you
04:41 to the program, Nancy. Thank you.
04:43 Not so long ago you traveled to West Africa,
04:45 to the country of Benin, and I guess many people know
04:50 if this country being the home of Voodoo.
04:52 Yes, that is correct.
04:54 And today that is still a prevailing view
04:57 in the country,
04:58 is that the great-- It still is.
05:00 In fact, a lot of the people that I talked to told me
05:02 that they had been dedicated to Voodoo as babies.
05:07 So kind of like where were dedicate children to God,
05:10 these children were dedicated to Voodoo
05:11 and they carried out with them.
05:14 But we have a Seventh-day Adventist presence
05:16 in their country with school, a school I guess and--
05:20 Well, not a school yet.
05:21 Okay, we will come back to that another time. All right.
05:23 Okay. But we have churches.
05:25 We do have churches.
05:27 And you visited a unique church which is a River Church.
05:30 Tell me about that experience.
05:32 Well, I first saw a video clip of this several years ago
05:35 and I was so impressed with it.
05:36 Because all of these homes are along the river
05:40 and they have two rainy seasons each year.
05:42 So every time it rains, the entire area floods
05:45 and people will have to boat to their neighbors
05:47 or they'll swim over across what used to be a road.
05:51 So all of these homes, shops, whatever
05:56 and churches are right along the river.
05:58 And we had a chance to see the one
06:00 that I had seen several years ago.
06:02 Now that church was falling was apart
06:04 and today it's not even habitable.
06:07 Is that right? Because of the weather?
06:10 The weather eats at it.
06:11 And it was a very simple church just built on stilts.
06:15 A Global Mission pioneer had gone to that area
06:17 and started a new congregation.
06:19 They worshipped there,
06:20 but as the elements tore away at the structure,
06:26 it was no longer able to be in use at all.
06:28 It's standing, but that's it.
06:30 We can't climb up the ladder to get into it at all.
06:33 So how did you get there?
06:35 We went on a boat. Okay.
06:37 It was larger than a canoe, but--
06:42 And I'm not the best one for balance, Gary,
06:44 so I was very nervous about this boat.
06:46 I would like to see.
06:49 I was trying to be confident, but I managed,
06:52 I was able to get in the boat and get out of the boat
06:55 and our first stop at this where the new church is now
06:58 that has replaced the old one that was falling apart.
07:01 The church members were there.
07:03 The head elder was there, had a hand
07:05 and helping me get out of the boat safely
07:08 and it's all marshy area.
07:10 So we had to go across a little footbridge,
07:13 with little slats and everything.
07:15 And of course, they are used to it.
07:18 His wife had twins carrying a baby in front of her
07:21 and also on her back
07:22 and she was just doting around, giving me instructions.
07:25 Step here, step there, but we got to the church
07:28 and it's going to last a very, very long time.
07:32 Now, how was this church built? I mean, how is it funded?
07:35 The church was built through
07:37 part of the 13th Sabbath Mission Offerings. Okay.
07:41 And for those viewers who may not be familiar
07:44 with 13th Sabbath Mission Offerings,
07:45 what are they?
07:46 That is a special offering that funds special projects
07:50 beyond what's already being supported by the church.
07:53 Okay, so viewers at home,
07:55 if you don't attend the Seventh-day Adventist Church
07:57 and you don't have the opportunity to contribute
07:59 to 13th Sabbath Offerings,
08:01 you can go to
08:04 and there you'll see where you can give to support
08:06 these mission projects.
08:07 And 13th Sabbath Offering projects through history
08:11 have gone to very special types of things.
08:14 Planes, mission birds, etcetera.
08:17 Yes, that is correct.
08:18 Now the Global Mission pioneers that you met, describe them.
08:22 They're out going, they're energetic,
08:24 they like people
08:26 and they are also well liked by those
08:28 who come and contact with them.
08:30 So they seem to have a knack of learning people's names,
08:35 getting acquainted with them on a personal level
08:37 and becoming their friend.
08:38 Right, and Global Mission pioneers,
08:40 these are not trained pastors.
08:42 They are lay people who on a very small living
08:46 start putting just working among their
08:47 own people to plant a church. Yes.
08:49 Did you meet any of the church members?
08:52 The church members were terrific.
08:55 They-- In every place, in fact,
08:57 they visited two small churches
08:59 beyond that also on the river.
09:01 In every place, the available church members
09:03 because it was during a week, would gather
09:05 and then they would sing a welcome...
09:07 Oh, that's nice.
09:08 To our group, they would play instruments,
09:12 they sang well.
09:14 Just a very generous spirit, very welcoming.
09:17 And, you know, you always feel at home
09:19 when you see the church logo. Yeah.
09:21 And our church logo was maybe faded and crumbling,
09:24 but it was there.
09:26 So I felt a very strong connection
09:29 and I knew that it was a place that I belonged also.
09:32 Did the pioneers talk it all about
09:34 what sort of methods they used to start the congregation?
09:37 Well, some of them just started by becoming friends
09:41 and making themselves useful, helping with repairs,
09:44 helping in the fields, helping with transportation.
09:47 They would take a boat
09:49 and pick up people and drop them off.
09:52 Simple things like that
09:53 where they could get acquainted with people.
09:55 And in some cases, they just offered to do
09:58 some sort of class is that might be
09:59 a literacy classes for adults.
10:02 Okay, so they mingle and then they make friends
10:05 and lead people to Jesus.
10:06 Fantastic. Yes, very good.
10:08 Thank you, Nancy, for sharing with us. Thank you.
10:10 And viewers at home,
10:12 Global Mission pioneers are working around the world,
10:14 hundreds and hundreds of pioneers
10:16 working in often many challenging areas.
10:19 So please pray for Global Mission pioneers.
10:22 And to find out more about Global Mission pioneers,
10:25 to see their pictures, read the stories watch videos,
10:28 just go to our website
10:29 and you'll find that at
10:32 That's
11:20 It's my pleasure to introduce
11:22 our guest today Pastor Ted Wilson,
11:24 who is the President of the General Conference
11:26 of Seventh-day Adventist. Welcome, Elder Wilson.
11:29 Thank you, Gary. It's great to be here.
11:31 We're talking about Mission. And easy question for you.
11:35 Why is mission so important
11:37 to the Seventh-day Adventist Church?
11:40 Well, really Mission is an outgrowth
11:42 of a relationship with Jesus Christ,
11:45 and once you have that relationship
11:47 and it's a growing vibrant relationship.
11:50 You cannot constrain yourself
11:53 from telling somebody else about that relationship.
11:55 So Mission is not just a program,
11:58 it's not just some interesting idea
12:02 that some creative departmental director
12:04 came up with to kind of get people involved.
12:07 It is part and parcel of your relationship with the Lord.
12:11 Now by extension, the Seventh-day Adventist Church
12:14 as a unit sees its mission
12:20 as the Seventh-day Adventist Church
12:22 as a fulfillment of the wonderful opportunity
12:27 to proclaim the Three Angels' Messages
12:29 of Revelation 14:6-12.
12:34 And it also comes out of an understanding
12:36 that God has called an end-time people
12:39 to proclaim this unique message
12:41 and we find that in Revelation 12:17
12:44 about the people who keep the Commandments of God
12:47 and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
12:50 So Mission just grows
12:52 out of our relationship with the Lord
12:55 and you just can't help yourself
12:57 from telling somebody about it. Right.
13:00 Now you chair a lot of committees,
13:02 you participate in many meetings,
13:05 we run so many institutions and organizations and entities.
13:09 How do you keep mission central?
13:11 I mean, it must be easy to be distracted with,
13:13 but just keeping things going, right? Absolutely.
13:17 You can get into an administrative bureaucratic rut
13:21 and you just travel down the same road you always have,
13:24 trying to take care of problems
13:26 and making sure that you know
13:28 at least people aren't shaken up too much.
13:33 And yet, it must always be a priority
13:37 what is this institution, what is this committee,
13:41 what is this action gonna do to further
13:44 the mission that the Lord has entrusted into our hands?
13:49 And that really is the most important thing
13:52 that any of us can be part of.
13:55 And really, it's one of those things
13:57 you just have to keep reminding yourself.
13:59 You have to keep going back to the word of God.
14:02 You've got to ask the Lord
14:03 help me to keep the mission in focus.
14:06 And if it isn't in focus,
14:08 you better take some time out and get it there
14:11 because mission is what really the church is all about.
14:15 Because if it's not contributing
14:17 to the mission, it's a distraction. Exactly.
14:20 And it doesn't contribute to the final goal
14:25 of why the church exists
14:27 and the Lord has formed the church
14:30 so that it can be an organized way,
14:32 everyone working together to accomplish
14:35 the great proclamation that Jesus is coming soon
14:37 and that is made a wave skate for us.
14:40 And it's all centered in Christ.
14:43 And that we need to warn people
14:45 about what's coming ahead,
14:47 but the warning is really a happy warning.
14:50 That God has put into place everything we need,
14:54 the statuary service itself tells us all about
14:58 how Jesus has made an opportunity for us to be
15:02 eternally with Him.
15:04 And that's really the wonderful message that we have
15:07 and that's why that has to be the spiritual focus
15:11 of any institution, any committee,
15:13 any initiative that we do.
15:15 What encourages you--
15:17 When you travel in different parts of the world?
15:19 What encourages you about
15:20 the mission of the Adventist Church?
15:21 Do you see anything that you say,
15:23 wow, that's wonderful. I see a lot of things.
15:26 And believe me, I traveled a lot there,
15:28 too much probably, but as you do,
15:30 you travel a lot, too.
15:32 But I think what is most exciting
15:36 is to see church members
15:39 who have caught the vision of who we are as a people.
15:44 Why God has called the Seventh-day Adventist Church?
15:47 And it then is--
15:50 It's translated into compassionate
15:54 and loving action to help people.
15:57 Jesus spent more time healing
16:00 and teaching than He did preaching.
16:02 In other words, there must be something about
16:04 what we do that actually speaks louder
16:08 than what we actually profess although it has to match.
16:12 But in reality, one of the things that are
16:15 so exciting is to see how people are grasping
16:21 the understanding that we're living
16:22 in the last days of Earth's history.
16:24 That truly Jesus is coming soon.
16:26 Prophetic interpretation has come to the point
16:30 where we have no more time prophecy.
16:32 And we know that the Lord's coming is very soon.
16:36 So that gives us an urgency.
16:38 And when I see especially young people,
16:41 getting so excited about their activities
16:45 and what they are able to do within the church setting
16:49 that I think is one of the most rewarding things,
16:52 where young people are just so in thrilled
16:56 with being able to do something in a practical way
17:00 to help people and to take the word of God and share it.
17:04 So really, it gets down to some very simple basic things
17:07 and that is sharing the love of Christ
17:10 with people through compassion,
17:12 through action and through word.
17:15 Now talking about young people,
17:16 you recently started a new initiative
17:19 called "One Year in Mission." What's that all about?
17:22 It's a very exciting program that is developing now
17:26 where we have chosen each division of the world,
17:29 I should say is, chosen one person,
17:31 one young person and really there are young adults.
17:35 They're in their early '20s, mid '20s,
17:38 young people who are very bright and creative.
17:42 And it's with the idea of having a large group
17:47 of young people being able to give one year
17:51 in service to their local conference or local field,
17:55 maybe to a larger area
17:57 and in some cases even outside of their division,
18:00 but most of it within their own area.
18:03 Giving Bible studies, doing community work,
18:05 helping people,
18:07 following in the footsteps of Jesus
18:09 and working in the big cities.
18:11 In fact, this pioneer group, this pilot group
18:15 coming from the 13 divisions and one attached union.
18:20 They're now-- They've been working in New York City.
18:23 Helping in a very dynamic way on the ground
18:26 right there on the frontlines meeting people's needs
18:30 and sharing the gospel with people.
18:32 It's just so exciting.
18:34 We have the opportunity of meeting them the other day
18:36 and talking with them, praying with them,
18:39 of interacting with them.
18:40 In fact, we took about an hour out of the schedule
18:44 of a special committee with all of General Conference
18:47 and division officers just to be with those young people.
18:51 And it was not only trilling for them,
18:53 it was trilling for us. Right.
18:55 It's just-- It's contagious to see young people
18:58 so excited about doing mission work for the Lord.
19:01 And we're hoping that all over the world
19:04 this "One Year in Mission" will catch hold
19:08 and the thousands of young people will be sponsored
19:11 by their local churches
19:13 or by their conference
19:15 to be in fold in sharing God's world. Fantastic.
19:19 Elder Wilson, thanks so much for sharing with us today.
19:22 Great privilege.
19:36 We're here in Battle Creek, Michigan at the very place
19:40 where God inspired His church
19:44 to begin this tremendous mighty movement,
19:49 an advent message all across the world.
19:52 Using Revelation 14 and the Three Angles' Messages
19:55 right here in Battle Creek,
19:57 the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist
19:59 was organized in 1863, that's 150 years ago.
20:11 We're here in Historic Adventist Village
20:13 in Battle Creek, Michigan.
20:16 This is a three-block campus.
20:18 The village is located on the three-block campus.
20:20 And what we have here are historic buildings,
20:23 some original onsite, some better been moved in
20:27 and we also have some replicas
20:29 because we're trying to preserve
20:30 the story of God's leading in the history
20:33 of the Seventh-day Adventists Church.
20:35 It is very important for us to know
20:37 where we came from and why we're here
20:39 and what our mission is.
20:41 If we don't know our roots
20:43 then we really don't know where we're going
20:44 and why we're doing anything now.
20:46 So the attempt here is to retell
20:49 that story of the pioneer men
20:51 and woman who started our church.
20:59 We have been looking back,
21:00 understanding how God has let in the past,
21:02 but I want to tell you the most important thing is
21:05 that we don't forget how God has let us
21:08 because He is going to lead us in the future.
21:11 Each one of us has been called to be
21:14 tremendous valiant workers for God,
21:17 but Jesus is coming soon, don't ever forget
21:20 you are a vital part of the great mission
21:23 that God is entrusted into the hands
21:24 of Seventh-day Adventists.
21:26 Let this 150th anniversary
21:29 of the establishment of the General Conference
21:31 be a strong commitment for you and for me.
21:36 To look forward the Christ soon coming
21:38 and to take as many people along with us by God's grace.
21:46 As we draw to close of this 150th year,
21:49 this anniversary of church organization,
21:52 we must look to the future
21:54 and look to what our mission will be,
21:56 how will we shape it, what will we focus on?
21:59 We remember the pioneers
22:00 and we remember their commitment, their sacrifice.
22:04 And the fact that they didn't see outreach
22:06 is just an event or just a program.
22:09 They saw it as a lifestyle.
22:11 And as we move forward in mission,
22:13 we must see our outreach is not just something
22:16 that we do occasionally,
22:17 but it something that every church member
22:20 can be involved in.
22:21 Not just being involved in church activities,
22:24 but being involved in connecting
22:25 with the community in a holistic way.
22:28 Following the example of Jesus
22:30 who actually rubbed shoulders with people,
22:32 connected with people, touched people,
22:35 but to know people and minister to their needs
22:37 in a holistic way, we are called to do the same.
22:41 And the Seventh-day Adventists Church began
22:43 as a church planting movement focused on
22:46 starting new groups of believers
22:48 and a Seventh-day Adventists Mission progresses,
22:51 it must keep its focus on starting new groups
22:54 in new areas among new people groups
22:57 in new and creative ways.
22:59 This Gospel of the Kingdom
23:01 will be preached in all the world
23:03 and it'll be done so by men and women
23:06 who keep their eyes fixed on Jesus
23:08 and try to follow His example of holistic ministry.
23:23 So much has happened in 150 years.
23:26 Today the Adventists message has circled the globe,
23:28 but it hasn't yet reached everywhere.
23:32 Thank you so much for your support
23:33 of Adventist Mission through your tides,
23:36 your mission offerings
23:37 and your donations to Global Mission.
23:39 And we thank you for your prayers
23:41 on behalf of missionaries,
23:43 on behalf of Global Mission pioneers
23:45 and the people that you meet right here on this program.
23:48 As a small token of appreciation,
23:50 we'd like to send you a small gift.
23:52 It's an Adventists Mission Carabiner clip
23:55 that will help to stay connected to your keys
23:58 or any number of small items.
24:00 And we hope it will also keep you connected
24:02 to Adventists Mission that every time you see or use it,
24:06 you'll be reminded to pray
24:08 for the many mission challenges around the world.
24:11 So, if you live in North America
24:13 and would like to receive this small gift from us
24:16 and information about Global Mission,
24:18 simply call our toll free number 1-800-648-5824.
24:24 Or you can visit our website at,
24:29 and just ask for the Adventists Mission Carabineers
24:32 or offer number 310.
24:36 Well, that's it for today's program.
24:37 I'll leave you with a music video,
24:39 "Heaven is calling".
24:41 For Global Mission, I'm Gary Krause.
24:43 And thank you for joining us today.
24:44 And I hope you can join me next time
24:47 right here on "Global Mission Snapshots."
25:07 Holy Messiah
25:13 Lost in this moment
25:20 Touching Your garment
25:23 Holding on to You
25:33 Heaven is calling We can hear
25:39 The angels rejoicing We can feel
25:46 Our hearts overflowing
25:49 Heaven is calling
25:59 Rest on the Sabbath
26:06 Thinking of Heaven
26:12 Seeking Your Spirit
26:16 Moving on with You
26:26 Heaven is calling
26:29 We can hear The angels rejoicing
26:36 We can feel Our hearts overflowing
26:42 Heaven is calling
26:52 With hearts overflowing
26:59 Hearts overflowing
27:05 Heaven is calling
27:09 We can hear The angels rejoicing
27:15 We can feel Our hearts overflowing
27:22 Heaven is calling Heaven is calling
27:28 We can hear The angels rejoicing
27:35 We can feel Our hearts overflowing
27:41 Heaven is calling
27:48 Heaven is calling
27:55 Heaven is calling.


Revised 2014-12-17