Global Mission Snapshots

Missions to the Cities / Secular & Post Modern

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Gary Krause (Host), Ted Wilson, Keleber Goncalves


Series Code: GMS

Program Code: GMS000053

00:01 On today's program sharing Jesus in a secular society.
00:05 Pastor Ted Wilson,
00:06 Seventh-day Adventist World church president
00:09 and a Messy Church in England all that
00:12 and much more coming up next on "Global Mission Snapshots."
00:27 Just before He went up to heaven,
00:29 Jesus gave us a command.
00:32 He gave us a mission. Jesus said, go.
00:38 Go unto all the world, telling them of His love.
00:42 This is our mission. This is our "Global Mission."
00:52 Hello, and welcome to Global Mission Snapshots,
00:55 I'm Gary Krause.
00:56 Today we will be talking with Pastor Ted Wilson
00:59 about a subject that's close to his heart
01:02 "Mission to the Cities."
01:03 We will also talk with Kleber Goncalves,
01:05 senior pastor of a ground breaking
01:08 rapidly growing church
01:10 in the heart of Sao Paulo, Brazil.
01:12 Dr. Goncalves is also director of the Global Mission's Center
01:16 for Secular and Postmodern Studies.
01:19 We will also visit a church in London,
01:21 England using the creative children's
01:23 church program called "Messy Church."
01:26 But, first stop let's travel to South America
01:29 to the country of Peru and meet Eva
01:32 a church planter who started a church
01:34 in her own town in part
01:37 because she just didn't want to travel
01:38 30 minutes by bus every Sabbath.
01:49 Along the coast of Peru, lies the town of Huanchaco.
01:54 Once a small beach town
01:55 with no Seventh-day Adventist community.
01:58 Huanchaco is now home to a growing congregation.
02:12 When Eva Sanchez moved here,
02:14 she longed for a church community.
02:17 Since the closest Seventh-day Adventist church
02:19 was more than a 30 minute bus ride away.
02:22 Eva took it upon herself to be a witness in her own town.
02:27 Eva found a small humble building to have meeting in
02:30 and invited the whole community to attend.
02:34 After seeing the effectiveness of the meetings
02:36 Eva realized the great need
02:38 for a church with in this community.
02:40 [speaking in foreign language]
02:52 With a growing interest from the people in Huanchaco,
02:55 Eva is still reaching out
02:56 to those searching for the light of Jesus.
02:59 Sometimes she walks great distances
03:01 to visit people in their homes
03:03 and develops lasting relationships
03:05 with those she reaches out to.
03:07 Her efforts have had great impact on her community.
03:11 [speaking in foreign language]
03:21 I shared the gospel because I'm thankful to God
03:25 because Jesus touched my heart
03:27 and I really feel the power of Jesus.
03:30 I want to continue to share the gospel.
03:33 Eva has finally found the church community
03:36 she longed for when she moved to Huanchaco.
03:39 As the numbers in this congregation continue to grow
03:43 their church building remains the same size.
03:46 They are hoping to expand their building
03:48 to fit the needs of the congregation.
03:51 The needs for this church
03:52 and many others around the world are great.
03:56 Please pray, for the faithful members in Huanchaco
03:59 that they may continue to grow
04:01 and be a light to their community.
04:03 And thank you, for your support of the mission
04:06 of the Seventh-day Adventist church.
04:18 It's my pleasure to introduce our guest
04:20 Pastor Ted Wilson, who is the president
04:22 of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist.
04:25 Dr. Wilson, thank you for joining us.
04:27 Thank you so much, Gary.
04:28 One of the things that you have been talking a lot about
04:31 in recent years is mission to the cities.
04:34 Why is this so important?
04:36 Now, first of all that's where the people are.
04:39 About three, four years ago the actual balance
04:45 of where people live swung more into the city
04:50 and urban area than in the rural area.
04:52 So now there are more than 50% of the world's populations
04:55 they live in the metropolitan areas.
04:59 Within a few brief years if the Lord doesn't come
05:05 before then, probably about 70%
05:09 will be living in these urban areas.
05:11 So, it's a place that God has called us to go.
05:16 In fact, when you read in scripture
05:20 about Christ's own mission
05:24 and His own activities you read verses such as in,
05:29 in Matthew 9:35, 36
05:35 Jesus went about all the cities and villages. All right?
05:39 Yes, He went to the rural areas as well and of course
05:41 admittedly those cities were not huge at that time.
05:44 But, He went around to the cities and villages,
05:47 teaching, preaching, healing
05:50 and then it says in the next verse 36
05:53 when He saw the multitudes, so these were the--
05:55 this large groups of people
05:57 He was moved with compassion on them.
06:00 They were like you know, sheep that didn't have a shepherd.
06:03 So, we need to use Christ's model
06:07 and Christ's example of reaching the people in these big cities,
06:11 touching them in ways that will help them respond
06:16 to the precious message that Jesus loves them,
06:20 that He is returning to take them home
06:22 and that He has special plans for their lives
06:25 and they needs to be part of telling somebody else.
06:27 So the cities have become a great theme for us now
06:32 and mission to the cities because number one
06:35 that's where the people are, we have been instructed
06:37 that we are to work in the cities
06:40 and that will require unusual methods
06:42 and more finances, personnel
06:46 but that God will bless as we follow in His example
06:49 just as He did to go into those cities and villages.
06:53 Dr. Wilson, early on you served as a--
06:56 as a pastor in New York City.
06:58 How did that shape your outlook?
07:01 Well, I had the privilege of being a pastor
07:03 a little bit out of city on Long Island
07:05 and then working in the city
07:06 for about five years in special evangelistic activity
07:11 and that has indelibly changed the way
07:16 I look at cities and at our ministry
07:20 and the way in which we work for people.
07:24 You cannot live in a big city
07:26 and see those millions of people every day
07:29 and not be affected by the haunting question,
07:33 how many of them really know the Lord?
07:35 How are we gonna reach those people
07:37 with this precious message
07:40 the advent message that Jesus is coming,
07:42 the Three Angels Messages to help them to understand
07:45 that Christ righteousness has been provided for them
07:49 and that Christ is at the centre of everything
07:51 that we want to, to present.
07:55 It has changed my way of thinking
07:57 and obviously even now as I mean this particular role
08:02 I still have a great burden for the cities.
08:05 And happily God has provided so many others
08:11 who are catching that enthusiasm as well
08:15 and they see that we need to go where the people are
08:18 because those people are once for whom Christ died.
08:24 And if we are not showing compassion to them
08:27 and we are just focusing on the places
08:29 that we feel conformable with
08:32 we are not doing Christ's ministry.
08:36 Tell me about the plans that the church is putting
08:39 in place for city ministry around the world.
08:42 Well, first of all we like to call it
08:44 Comprehensive Urban Evangelism.
08:47 And by that it means something far greater than
08:50 just holding a public evangelistic meeting
08:53 which is certainly the combination of many actives
08:57 and in many places, still a very violable way to reach people.
09:01 However that's not the complete focus.
09:04 The Spirit of Prophecy is indicated to us
09:07 many ways in which to reach people in the cities.
09:11 You need to use everything from centers of influence
09:16 something which you are helping to champion,
09:18 which is a wonderful thing.
09:20 It could be a church, it could be a health centre,
09:22 it could be a reading room, it could be a place
09:24 where young people gather to then
09:27 go out and meet with others.
09:29 It could be all kinds of things,
09:31 many of those having to do perhaps with health.
09:35 Because comprehensive health ministry
09:38 which we are also promoting heavily now
09:41 and we are gonna be talking more about it.
09:43 It is a way in which to argument
09:47 the gospel messages called the right arm
09:50 to the gospel messages.
09:51 It's not the message but it's the right arm
09:53 and it's to help draw people into a loving relationship
09:57 with Christ meeting their needs.
09:59 But we are to use everything from door to door
10:02 visitation, to use of publications,
10:05 to having young people work, to having church members
10:09 involved in community outreach,
10:11 community services and Adventist community service
10:15 in general to help people in the areas,
10:19 to use integrated media evangelism
10:23 and of course a very strong health emphasis.
10:27 All of these things put together
10:29 are going to then faster contacts
10:32 and a kind of an integrated way
10:35 in which a comprehensive way, in which to bring people
10:38 into contact with vibrant genuine Seventh-day Adventists
10:43 and the Holy Spirit can use that
10:45 and then people can become part of the advent movement
10:49 because they see Jesus
10:50 in those who are ministering to them
10:53 following Christ methods.
10:55 So there are just all kinds of creative ways to try
10:57 and reach people in the cities
11:00 and you just need to get on your knees, pray
11:03 and ask the Lord to help you develop
11:05 something creative that's gonna touch a neighbor
11:08 or a community
11:10 and when you talk about a community
11:11 it could be just one apartment building in a big city.
11:13 Right, exactly.
11:15 Thank you so much, Pastor Wilson.
11:16 Viewers at home, if you are inspired
11:19 and challenged to do something about urban mission,
11:22 if you would like to be involved,
11:23 if you would like to learn more
11:25 just go to
11:29 There you will see about the range of actives
11:31 the church is involved in
11:32 and how you too can participate.
12:22 One of the biggest mission challenges
12:24 and opportunities facing the church
12:27 is what we call postmodernism.
12:29 And my guest Pastor Kleber Goncalves
12:31 has not only studied this phenomenon
12:34 but he is also ministering to this group of peoples.
12:37 So Kleber, thank you so much for joining us. My pleasure.
12:40 When we travel from Brazil to the Untied States,
12:42 specifically to study, to research
12:45 you are interested in postmodernism why?
12:49 Well I noticed in my ministry back in Brazil that
12:53 we are not being meaningful
12:56 and relevant to those along with us.
12:58 And then I started to study these trends.
13:01 What's going on with people's minds?
13:05 Right now, we face this paradigm shift
13:08 and actually even the definitions go postmodernism
13:11 which is something very difficult to us right now.
13:14 When you look at the literature,
13:16 you see out towards writable post,
13:19 postmodernism. Right, just to confuse.
13:21 Even in post, postmodernism
13:24 and actually the difference itself
13:27 is not something that we should be too concerned.
13:32 We are living this paradigm shift right now
13:35 and it's very hard for you to find something
13:37 when you are going through the process.
13:40 It's easier just look at the past
13:42 and then you can pin point's aspects.
13:44 But right now, we are going through this change.
13:46 People no longer guide by the pillars of the modern
13:50 type of thinking about reason, science, technology,
13:55 as the solution for all of our problems.
13:57 There are room, there is room right now for--
14:02 turn there is some better emotions intuition
14:04 and how do we go about life
14:06 in these different type of context.
14:10 And one of the main issues I noticed
14:13 in something that it's a real wonderful opportunity for us
14:18 is the openness to the spiritual
14:21 and coincidental experiences.
14:24 It is something that we can see all over the place
14:27 but there is another issue that is important for us
14:30 to understand postmodernism has different phases in the world.
14:34 We cannot simply say that to some experience we face
14:37 and South America is the same thing
14:39 that goes here in US or in Europe
14:42 even though the main points or aspects are the same.
14:46 And one of the aspects is that there is a,
14:50 a disrespect for what used to be authority
14:54 figures that are served
14:56 before if the Bible said
14:57 it must be true postmodernism is a question then.
15:01 Of course, when you talk to the postmodern person
15:04 and something that's it's really,
15:06 it's clear every one who goes through the academic process
15:09 they leave the university any university saying that
15:12 truth is something relative about to what or to whom?
15:18 Your truth is different from my truth.
15:19 Exactly, because you built your truth
15:22 according to your feelings,
15:24 according to what you understand or want to like.
15:27 So it's hard to simple force
15:30 an external authority like the Bible upon themselves.
15:34 That's our challenge how can we show Christ
15:37 and the Bible as a alternative type of text
15:43 to someone who simply do not believe in this kind of stuff.
15:46 So it's like there is--
15:47 almost like a buffet of different options
15:49 and people say, I have a little bit of eastern religion
15:51 I have a touch of Christianity
15:52 and I have a little bit of this and construct their own, right.
15:54 One of the characteristics of this era is pluralism.
15:58 You see they are open.
16:00 Well, let's me experience
16:01 and they try to pick a little bit of everything
16:05 and to see it will fits to their life's.
16:07 But, of course as you say this is an opportunity
16:10 for Christian Mission.
16:11 Sure, knowing the past I would say may be three,
16:13 four decades ago, the question people had is,
16:16 is there a God.
16:17 Today, that's no longer a question that has been asked.
16:21 People are asking which God,
16:22 because there are willing to experience
16:24 on little bit of eastern religions
16:26 from any type of spiritual experience.
16:29 So, it's a door that's right open to us right now.
16:33 So the secret is how to make a relevant
16:37 and a meaning approach to them
16:39 because they are looking for us something.
16:42 But I have been working with them for a several years
16:45 and I know that they need to have this strongest experience
16:48 with God for this reason.
16:50 Right, and so you are rubbing shoulders
16:52 with these people in your ministry
16:53 tell me of somebody who, who has been touched
16:57 to come from this sort of a mind set,
16:59 this sort of background has been touched
17:00 through the ministry of Nova Semente?
17:02 Well, we have had so many experiences
17:05 in through one ministry it's amazing Gary,
17:07 it's through our choir.
17:09 They come to church, they see the choir
17:11 and they want to participate.
17:13 And we have taken a decision as church.
17:16 We are willing to get and to receive people
17:19 who are not members in our church
17:21 and singing through the choir
17:23 so they can create friendship in that community
17:28 it's their family and that's being transformed
17:30 to that particular experience.
17:32 We have several people who have accepted Christ
17:35 through the music of ministry.
17:36 So they actually come they sit in the choir,
17:38 they make friends.
17:40 Now from what you are saying,
17:41 it seems to me that it's a very important first step
17:44 to get that sense of belonging.
17:46 Oh, sure and one thing that we have learned.
17:50 In order to reach in their hearts
17:55 we need to use a different approach
17:58 in which they can feel this is my family.
18:01 They come from broken relationships.
18:04 So we are simply open up our doors and so,
18:07 come as you are, let's live together
18:09 and then they understand how important is
18:12 to live this life with God with Christ,
18:14 you know to be changed
18:16 and to experience a new way of living.
18:19 Kleber, thank you so much for sharing with us today.
18:22 And viewers, if you want to find out more about mission
18:26 and ministry to secular and postmodern people
18:28 just visit www.
18:51 I've been working with Messy Church for five years now.
18:55 We started of very small as a small group of moms
18:57 and a few friends and over the last five years
19:01 it has grown to considerable size.
19:06 Estelle is a member of the Stanborough Park
19:08 Seventh-day Adventist Church in England.
19:11 She plays a key role in running a special program here.
19:15 This church has adopted
19:16 a program known as "Messy Church."
19:19 Messy Church was started by the Anglican Church
19:22 and then was adapted to fit the needs
19:24 of this Seventh-day Adventist congregation.
19:27 Messy Church is meant to reach out
19:29 to the community in a fun, interactive way.
19:33 Church members are encouraged to invite neighbors and friends
19:35 who may not normally attend church otherwise.
19:38 The programs are designed for children.
19:41 They do crafts, sing songs,
19:43 and find creative ways to teach the lessons from the Bible.
19:46 Each child is required to bring at least one adult along,
19:50 and the adults seem to have just as much fun as the kids.
20:00 The reactions that some people give--
20:02 some people are overwhelmed with how many we have come.
20:06 We have between 200 and 250
20:08 that attend on a regular basis now each month.
20:11 And so, when they sign up to come throughout the month
20:14 they think that may be
20:15 it's just a group of 20 or 30 children and parents.
20:19 And when they realize that the whole church
20:20 has been taken over, with each room.
20:23 It can be a little overwhelming with the noise
20:25 and lots of children running around.
20:26 But they get excited and the kids get so thrilled
20:29 and excited to meet up with friends
20:31 and to take part in the activities together.
20:34 The activities are focused around Jesus.
20:37 Kids and adults alike
20:39 learn some of the valuable lessons from the Bible.
20:42 Messy Church meets only once a month
20:44 and the people who attend often come back
20:46 each month bringing friends along with them the next time.
20:53 Although it only meets only once a month,
20:54 dozens of church members are always busy planning
20:57 and preparing for the next meeting.
21:00 There are so many different ways the members can get involved.
21:03 I'm involved in a lot of music in the church
21:06 so when I got the opportunity to sing with the praise team
21:09 I said, yeah sure I'd be happy to.
21:11 I love working with kids
21:12 and I love being a part of entertainment.
21:14 So, that's been something
21:16 I've been doing for the past year
21:17 and I've really enjoyed it.
21:19 Here at Messy Church there's even a special meal
21:22 planned for the visitors to end the program.
21:24 They spend hours preparing this meal
21:26 for the crowd of visitors.
21:28 The church members work with open
21:30 and willing hearts.
21:45 To say my favorite part of Messy Church
21:47 is actually the organizing.
21:48 It does take time
21:50 but it's really exciting to put the menus together,
21:52 to try and find exciting ways
21:54 that we can link the theme for the month through the food
21:57 that we provide for those who come to visit.
21:59 Members like Michael find themselves
22:02 getting involved every time
22:04 because they love and believe
22:05 in this fun form of outreach.
22:07 For me personally, even though at the end of the day
22:11 I'm quite exhausted, I quite enjoy it.
22:14 I look forward to the next Messy Church.
22:17 The opportunity to socialize
22:19 and to see the people I've met in the past
22:21 but not only that, to see the smiles on the children,
22:25 to see the smiles on the actual families
22:27 and who come back and say hello to you.
22:30 I think, there seems to be something positive
22:33 that the church is doing via Messy Church.
22:36 Please pray for Messy Church
22:38 that it may continue to impact the people who come
22:41 and the church members who are involved.
22:44 Please pray that people will come
22:45 to know Jesus through this program.
22:47 Thank you, for your support of the mission
22:50 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
23:09 We often talk about
23:10 Global Mission pioneers on this program.
23:13 And over the years I had the privilege
23:14 of meeting many of these special people.
23:17 They are humble church members usually young people
23:20 who work with in their own cultures
23:22 to plant new groups of believers
23:24 in un-entered areas or people groups.
23:27 If you are interested in meeting some global mission pioneers
23:30 and learning more about their work
23:32 we have a very special offer.
23:34 It's a DVD that's 100 % devoted
23:38 to inspiring Global Mission Pioneer stories.
23:41 This is truly a wonderful resource.
23:43 It's a, it's an inspiring tribute
23:45 to these wonderful dedicated church members.
23:49 So if you live in North America just call our toll free number
23:52 that's 1-800-648-5824
23:56 or you can visit our website at anytime
24:00 and ask for the Global Mission pioneer DVD
24:04 or offer number 310.
24:07 Don't forget clearly state your name and address
24:11 and ask for the pioneer DVD.
24:14 So, on behalf Adventist missionaries,
24:16 pastors, teachers,
24:18 Global Mission pioneers serving around the world,
24:21 thank you so much
24:22 for your continuing prayers and support of mission.
24:26 That's it for today's program
24:27 and I'll leave you with this music video.
24:30 Until next time
24:31 I'm Gary Krause for Global Mission, God bless.
24:48 This is my Father's world
24:55 And to my listening ears
25:01 All nature sings, and round me rings
25:09 The music of the spheres
25:26 This is my Father's world
25:32 The birds their carols raise
25:39 The morning light, the lily white
25:47 Declare their maker's praise
25:53 This is my Father's world
26:00 I rest me in the thought
26:07 Of rocks and trees, to skies and seas
26:14 His hand the wonders wrought
26:31 This is my Father's world
26:38 Oh, let me never forget
26:44 That though the wrong seems oft so strong
26:51 God is the ruler yet
26:58 This is my Father's world
27:05 The battle is not done
27:12 Jesus Who died shall be satisfied
27:20 And earth and Heav'n be one
27:26 This is my Father's world
27:33 The battle is not done
27:39 Jesus Who died shall be satisfied
27:47 And earth and Heaven be one


Revised 2014-12-17