Global Mission Snapshots

Urban Ministries Center / Lagos Nigeria

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Gary Krause (Host), Earley Simon, Gerson Santos


Series Code: GMS

Program Code: GMS000051

00:01 On today's program
00:02 the booming city of Lagos, Nigeria
00:04 with more than 21 million people,
00:07 a man named Friday learns about the Sabbath,
00:09 and the director of the Adventist churches
00:12 Mission to the Cities' initiative
00:14 talks about Mission to The Cities.
00:16 All that and much more coming up next
00:18 on "Global Mission Snapshots."
00:30 Just before He went up to heaven,
00:33 Jesus gave us a command.
00:36 He gave us a mission. Jesus said, go.
00:41 Go unto all the world, telling them of His love.
00:46 This is our mission. This is our "Global Mission."
00:56 Hello, I'm Gary Krause
00:57 and welcome to Global Mission Snapshots.
01:00 The international mission landscape
01:02 is a complex mix of cultures,
01:04 peoples, beliefs, places and stories.
01:08 Stories of people answering God's call
01:10 to carry the good news to every country,
01:13 language and people.
01:15 Today you can visit any major city
01:17 and find people from almost every country of globe.
01:22 On today's program we'll visit Greece
01:24 to find out how a Nigerian immigrant
01:26 discovered the Sabbath.
01:28 We'll also talk with video producer Earley Simon
01:31 about his trip to Lagos,
01:32 Nigeria one of the fastest growing cities in Africa.
01:36 And we'll talk to Dr. Gerson Santos,
01:38 director of the Global Mission Urban Ministry Center
01:41 who also heads up the Adventist churches
01:44 Mission to the Cities' initiative.
01:46 But first up, let's meet a family in Serbia
01:49 who dreamed of having a church in their own hometown.
01:56 When they were growing up,
01:57 cousins Magdolna and Eva heard the grown ups
02:00 talk about their dream
02:02 of having an Adventist church in their town.
02:05 The two grew up in Bajmok, now part of Serbia,
02:08 not far from the Hungarian border.
02:11 Auntie Helen's dream was would
02:14 we ever have a church in Bajmok where they all born.
02:20 Magdolna moved to Australia
02:22 but she never forgot her hometown
02:24 and her family's dream.
02:26 During a recent visit to Bajmok, Magdolna
02:29 and Eva sat and sang together
02:31 in their newly finished church
02:33 and they remember that dream.
02:39 They all dream that one day
02:41 we will not come together in somebody's kitchen
02:46 but we will have a little church to come together.
02:49 Magdolna remembers when her aunt died
02:51 and left her some money.
02:53 She and other relatives asked Eva to not send money
02:56 but to build a church.
02:58 And so the dream started to become a reality.
03:02 Friends and family hitched in.
03:04 Joseph, who was an elder for a long time Subotica
03:09 who Joseph Palcovich, who passed away already.
03:13 He worked tirelessly on this church building.
03:18 He was not well himself but we never paid him,
03:23 he would never take any money for it.
03:26 And other people started helping too.
03:28 Eva's husband was also supportive
03:31 even through he is not a member.
03:34 He had his friends on lunch and he turned to one of them
03:40 who was a factory manager who build furniture,
03:45 "What about you?"
03:46 And he said, "What about me?"
03:49 He said, "These people build the church,
03:52 can't you donate something?"
03:54 He said, "What can I do?"
03:57 And then of course the man turned to Eva and myself
04:01 and we said, "Well, we need lots of things
04:05 but amongst the lot of things
04:07 we need a pulpit." "Oh, what's that?"
04:12 Eva quickly ran to get a broacher
04:14 and showed him a picture of a simple pulpit.
04:17 "Oh, that's a pulpit."
04:19 He said, "Oh, something like that I can make."
04:23 And we asked him how much that would cost?
04:25 He said, "Nothing, that will be my donation."
04:28 A man who had nothing to do with our church
04:31 but a friend of Eva's husband.
04:37 All the pews in the church were also built
04:39 by Eva's husband's friend.
04:41 And though he charged for the materials
04:43 he didn't' charged anything for the labor.
04:46 Magdolna and her family haven't stopped dreaming.
04:49 Now their dream is that the church will grow.
04:52 Joseph always said, "If this church is small
04:57 we will push out that back wall
05:00 and we come towards this back building.
05:03 So we build a bigger church.
05:05 May God help us that church will be made bigger
05:10 that there will be no room in this church.
05:13 Before Jesus come that it will be too full
05:16 that we have to make it bigger.
05:19 This is the little church that is here in Bajmok.
05:23 Please pray for Eva
05:25 and for the small group of believers.
05:27 And please pray for other small groups
05:30 who are dreaming of a church in their town or village.
05:33 And I feel very happy that the dream
05:36 of my ancestors come true.
05:53 It's my pleasure to welcome Pastor Gerson Santos.
05:56 Gerson, thank you for joining us. Thank you.
05:58 You have a passion for urban mission
06:00 and you are the director
06:02 of our newest Global Mission center
06:05 for urban ministry.
06:07 Why is urban mission so important?
06:09 Why is it such a priority?
06:12 I believe the main reason is that
06:14 because we have more people live in the cities
06:16 than any place else in the world.
06:18 I mean, the population,
06:19 the urban population is growing so fast.
06:22 Another reason is that large cities
06:25 present a lot of challenges but also ministry opportunities.
06:28 So I guess these are the main reason.
06:32 Now more than 100 years ago Adventist
06:35 found a leader prophet Ellen White,
06:38 said that the church had neglected the cities.
06:42 Did we fixed that, did we stop neglecting them?
06:44 I don't think so, okay.
06:47 Considering large cities and when you see even though,
06:50 even areas that the church is growing
06:52 when you compare the growth,
06:54 the fast growing rate of the urban areas
06:57 with the church growth we are not following that.
07:00 So they still have a lot to be done.
07:03 And I think if she was alive today
07:06 she would give us even stronger advice
07:09 to focus the series and start new ministries it says.
07:14 You know, our focus has tended to be on rural areas,
07:18 villages, small town
07:20 because it's easier, it's more comfortable,
07:23 that's what we are more familiar with.
07:24 And do we need different methodology for the cities
07:29 or do we do the same thing that we do in rural areas?
07:33 I believe that the principles are same.
07:36 I mean, Sister White just emphasize
07:39 so many times the method that will bring
07:42 to success is following Jesus method.
07:45 I really don't think
07:46 its different working in countryside
07:49 or in an urban area if we follow the principles.
07:52 Of course we have to apply to different settings. Right.
07:55 Can you give me some examples of Adventists
07:57 who are involved in urban mission?
08:00 Well, I could give you so many. Let me take one.
08:03 I, not long ago, a couple of years ago
08:06 I met Gabriel and Miguel.
08:10 These two young men they formed a small group,
08:12 the group grew a little bit more
08:14 but they start with 12-15 young people
08:18 and they decide to make
08:21 a difference in a poor area of Orlando, Florida.
08:27 Orlando is well knows as a you know, theme parks,
08:30 people coming from all over the world to visit the city.
08:33 But there are some areas that are dangerous
08:35 and some how neglected.
08:38 And they focus on this specific area of South Orlando
08:42 that there are so many needs in the community.
08:44 And they-- to give you an example
08:46 there are several hotel buildings
08:49 that they have been converted into condominium apartments.
08:52 And then you'll face a whole family living in a small room.
08:57 And sometimes single parents
08:59 and sometimes even have a grandparents living together
09:02 with a couple of kids.
09:03 So they select some of those buildings
09:05 and with this team of missionaries
09:08 they visit those families
09:11 trying to have some information about how many kids,
09:15 you know, if they are of school age things like that.
09:17 And then they start providing assistance, tutoring,
09:22 after school program, food is they need,
09:26 back to school parties
09:27 they organized couple of times already.
09:29 At the end of the summer they put together a big party
09:32 in that condominium and receive donations
09:35 from people and agencies in the community.
09:38 And brought like hundreds of backpacks
09:41 full of new school material for the kids. Is that right?
09:43 So they have, they catalog all the families,
09:46 number of children, school age
09:48 and they try as much as they can
09:50 to prepare those backpacks
09:51 for the kids to go back to school.
09:53 I mean, this is just one example of how, you know, we can be--
09:57 we can make a difference in a community in need. Yeah.
10:00 Now just when we've talked before you've mentioned
10:03 the importance of small group ministry.
10:06 Can you give me an example of where's that working.
10:08 Oh, there are so many place I could give you an example.
10:11 Let me tell you one--
10:12 there is one specific place that is amazing.
10:14 I mean, James is a businessman.
10:17 He's a CPA, has an accountant firm
10:21 and his wife is a public school principal.
10:26 And they bought into this small group ministry
10:30 long time ago, they are really experts.
10:32 They train--they equip people to do small group ministries.
10:36 And a couple of years ago they developed
10:38 a strong small group ministry in their own local church.
10:42 But after while they recognize
10:45 that it would be more effective to reach out people
10:47 that were already attending the small group--
10:50 visitors attending small groups
10:51 and integrate there in the church
10:52 if they plant their own church. So this is what they did.
10:56 With two small groups of about
10:57 seven or eight church members
11:00 they start implementing small groups
11:02 so the purpose of bringing the guest to a new church plant.
11:06 And this is what they did.
11:07 This church is a little bit over a year now
11:10 and they reach out so many families already.
11:15 They have an attendance that is probably four,
11:18 five times bigger than the membership.
11:20 They're being able to bring new people for the church
11:23 and they are very focused and empowered
11:28 and equip people to become leaders in their own community
11:31 through small groups. This is just one example.
11:35 James and his wife, they are doing an amazing
11:38 work to the small group ministries. Fantastic.
11:41 Now, Gerson, you are the secretary
11:43 for the Greater New York Conference,
11:45 you direct this center
11:47 but you also find time for personal involvement.
11:50 Why is that so important?
11:51 Well, I really, this is my real call.
11:54 I mean, I am doing some work for the church
11:56 because I've been hired to do that.
11:59 But my personal call is first of all being disciple
12:03 and also I--I also believe that God called me
12:07 for a special ministry to helping others to find
12:10 their function in within the church,
12:13 in Jesus' body as part of the family of God.
12:18 And so this is what I really enjoy doing.
12:20 So sometimes my assignment coincides with my call
12:26 and this is when we have real fun in ministry.
12:29 But I would say my real call is to help others
12:32 to know Jesus better and to be equip
12:35 to help others also. Fantastic.
12:37 Gerson, thanks so much for joining us.
12:39 You're very welcome.
12:40 And viewers at home,
12:42 please pray for Mission to the Cities,
12:44 the greater urban areas that Jesus loves so much.
12:47 To find out more information go to,
13:38 Earley Simon is a video producer
13:41 with the office of Adventist Mission
13:42 and also the producer of this program,
13:45 Global Mission Snapshots.
13:47 Earley, thanks for joining us
13:49 for coming from behind the camera to share with us.
13:52 You are a video producer,
13:57 you work on things such as the Adventist Mission DVDs.
13:59 So you are constantly gathering stories.
14:02 How does it affect you to, to actually witness first hand
14:06 various mission activities?
14:08 It's hard to admit but when I join the office
14:11 of Adventist Mission about a year ago
14:12 I didn't know much about mission.
14:14 And through threes trips I've learned so much
14:17 and I am so impress with the work.
14:19 It's defiantly something anybody would want to support
14:21 if they get involve with it,
14:22 if they find out what the church is doing
14:24 in this different regions of the world.
14:26 Good. I am glad to hear that.
14:27 Now you recently went to West Africa
14:30 and to the country of Senegal to the capital Dakar.
14:34 What did you, what did you go to visit there?
14:37 We went there as part of the,
14:38 what we call the 13th Sabbath offering trips.
14:40 We go there to visit some of the projects
14:42 that the church will be sponsoring
14:44 throughout the Pacific water.
14:46 And when we visited there was a school,
14:49 there's a school there that's receiving funding
14:50 from the 13th Sabbath offering.
14:52 And this is not an ordinary school
14:54 it's a very special school.
14:55 It's a center of Dakar,
14:56 it appeals to the wealthy of that area
14:59 and to other people as well.
15:00 But it was impressive to see that
15:02 many of the local businessman and the people there
15:05 that are high in government,
15:07 they bring their kids to this school.
15:09 The area is not a Christian area,
15:11 there are other religions there in this place.
15:14 And but even so a lot of these are the people
15:17 value Adventist education there
15:19 because of the high morals, they way they teach the kids.
15:21 It's a smaller school
15:23 so there's a lot of personal contact with each student.
15:26 And so we went to visit this one project.
15:28 They have a primary school, kindergarten
15:30 and they are beginning a secondary school.
15:32 And with the offering they will expand the school
15:34 so that they can have, teach more classes.
15:37 For those viewers who don't know
15:39 when you talk about 13th Sabbath offering,
15:41 what is this?
15:42 The 13th Sabbath offering is an offering
15:45 that's taking every quarter at the last Sabbath of the month
15:50 and this offer goes to help projects like schools,
15:53 churches, health institutions, radio stations, TV stations
15:58 it's probably had sponsored some in the past.
16:00 In a number of different projects
16:01 they are very well selected, carefully selected by the church
16:04 to receive these special, these are extraordinary funds.
16:08 And so how come people give to that offering?
16:10 It's very easy, if you attend
16:11 the Seventh-day Adventist church
16:13 you can just pick up one of the envelops
16:16 and mark that for the 13th Sabbath
16:18 or you can go online, which is even easier.
16:20 That's' the way I'd prefer to do it.
16:22 You can do it anytime.
16:23 You don't have to wait until the 13th Sabbath.
16:25 And so you get at
16:28 And there is a place to donate, yeah.
16:29 And this is a place for anybody to sponsor
16:32 these missionary projects
16:33 for people to have education, to have health
16:36 but also to learn about Christ.
16:39 So, Earley, in this school in Dakar
16:41 did you get to meet any of the students or staff?
16:44 Oh, I got to meet a lot of very interesting children there.
16:47 And I go to meet a lot of the leaders as well.
16:49 Let me tell you a couple of stories
16:50 because there's actually a good range of stories
16:52 that we gathered there.
16:54 There is one girl that didn't have--
16:57 didn't yet go to the Adventist school,
17:00 she was attending a public school.
17:01 But she was an Adventist and she lived out her faith.
17:04 It was very interesting because she would mingle
17:06 with her classmates and make friends with them.
17:09 And what she did is this one day she came to school,
17:11 they had their break.
17:12 That's their favorite time, they went out,
17:13 they played, they ran around
17:15 and then they had a little a few minutes
17:17 to get their lunch there
17:19 you know, their meal before they went back to classes.
17:21 And as they played and she noticed that
17:23 one of her friend was sitting in the corner.
17:25 She wasn't really engaging everyone that day.
17:28 And after they played,
17:29 she approached him and she said,
17:30 hey, why are you sitting there all by yourself?
17:32 And he said, oh, I forgot my lunch at home
17:35 and I am really sad about that.
17:36 He was a stronger guy so you knew that
17:38 we really wanted to you know, have his meal that day.
17:41 She said, well, I didn't bring much
17:42 but I'll share that with you.
17:44 So she pulled out just a piece of bread out of her lunch bag
17:47 and she shared that with his-- with her friend.
17:50 He was extremely happy about that.
17:52 And that goes to show, you know, the Adventist kids
17:54 they educated well, form emphasis. They are nice.
17:58 they like to give and they live to mingle
18:00 and make friends in that way.
18:01 The second story that I saw there
18:03 that's worth mentioning.
18:05 This student actually found a place in the Adventist school.
18:09 He started attending that school
18:11 after trying many other schools around the area.
18:14 He can't walk, he was paralyzed from the waist down.
18:17 And when he attended different schools
18:19 either they won't accept him or the kids won't make him,
18:22 won't make friends with him.
18:24 In some even the teachers didn't want him in the class
18:27 because they can't take him around,
18:29 it was difficult for them to care for him.
18:33 His parents of course you know,
18:34 they wanted to find him a good place
18:35 and they tried hard going from school to school
18:38 until they finally came to the Adventist school.
18:40 And they treated him very well.
18:42 I actually got there when they are about to have their break
18:45 and they--I saw the kids taking their friend
18:48 in a wheelchair outside.
18:49 They went to play soccer in the court
18:51 and what they did is because he couldn't run around
18:53 they put him in the goal. So he came out in his chair.
18:55 He was playing goalie.
18:56 It's one of those short goals and he was doing really well.
18:59 You could see that he liked the school.
19:01 And I got to talk to him and one of the things
19:03 that he said is he really likes the school.
19:05 He found that as home he wouldn't want to leave that
19:09 which points back to the school growing, you know.
19:12 Having secondary education helps the kids
19:14 where in those later classes
19:16 than now won't have a place to go
19:17 unless the school offers a higher grade. Yeah.
19:21 But, I don't know how much time we have.
19:22 Go ahead. Let me share one different story.
19:25 The first story you know, she was mingling making friends.
19:27 The second story, Adventist kids were meeting
19:30 the needs of the people like the boy in the wheelchair.
19:33 And the third story that I thought
19:34 was very impressive it's about this one man.
19:36 He went to several churches,
19:38 different churches, denominations
19:40 and in all those churches
19:41 people would ask him for his money
19:43 because he was a very wealthy businessman in the area.
19:46 And one day he visited and Adventist church
19:47 and all he was looking for is prayer
19:49 and advice for his life.
19:51 He got that there and at the end he asked,
19:54 "Is there anything I need to give you?"
19:55 They said, "No, just come back, join our service."
19:57 And he was so impressed with that,
19:58 you know, that people weren't after his money.
20:01 He started coming to that church,
20:03 he got baptized now he's Seventh-day Adventist.
20:05 That was one of the very interesting stories.
20:08 You meet people's needs, you can make friends,
20:10 you meet their needs, you win their confidence,
20:12 they become, you know, follower of Christ. Christ method.
20:15 The church is doing that in West Africa. Fantastic.
20:18 Earley, thank you so much
20:19 for sharing with us today. My pleasure.
20:22 Education is just one aspect of Adventist mission work
20:25 around the world, add to that medical work,
20:28 church planting, community services,
20:31 media, the list goes on.
20:32 And if you want to find out more about Adventist mission
20:35 at any time just visit our website
20:37 at
20:39 There you'll find stories, pictures,
20:41 videos, missionary blogs,
20:42 everything you need to know about mission.
20:50 This is Friday Michael
20:52 and here is his story about the Sabbath.
20:55 Friday grew up in a Christian home in Nigeria.
20:59 When he finished school he moved to Greece
21:00 in search of better opportunities.
21:03 As he arrived he joined
21:04 a Sunday worshipping church in the city of Athens.
21:06 However, Friday did not attend services often.
21:10 He was more concern with money making
21:12 and the church seemed like a setback.
21:15 Right away things started to go financially well
21:17 but Friday had no peace.
21:19 He felt something was missing in his life.
21:23 So at the beginning of a New Year
21:24 he made a resolution.
21:26 He pledged to read the Bible more
21:28 and get to know God intimately.
21:31 One day as he was reading the Book of Exodus
21:33 he was surprised with God's commandments
21:35 in regards to the Sabbath.
21:37 So he brought up the issue to his baptismal class teacher.
21:41 Although his class teacher could not show from the Bible
21:44 he was adamant that the God had changed
21:46 the seventh-day Sabbath to Sunday.
21:50 He said that Saturday worship was only for the Jews.
21:54 Friday struggled with this in his head
21:56 when suddenly a strange man in a bus stop approached him
21:59 and asked him, "Are you a Christian?"
22:02 Friday was startled by the direct question
22:04 and told the stranger that he was a confused Christian.
22:08 Then the man said, "You know, people who worship on Sunday
22:12 are confused about God's express requirements."
22:15 The man left as quickly as he came.
22:18 Friday was awestruck with the stranger's comment.
22:21 Now he was determined to find answers.
22:24 So he went to a Sunday church pastor.
22:28 I now brought this issue to him
22:30 and I said, I am having problem considering the Sabbath.
22:33 Which day is the Sabbath
22:35 because from what I am reading
22:36 in the Bible is seventh day,
22:39 I know its Saturday. He now said, yes.
22:43 He said you are correct.
22:46 He said, when I was a young Christian
22:48 I also found this out. So why do we worship on Sunday?
22:53 He said, look at the world, everybody worships on Sunday.
22:59 It doesn't matter which day you worship
23:01 whether Friday, Saturday, Sunday,
23:04 Monday, Tuesday, any day it's okay.
23:09 Friday left the pastor's office
23:10 reluctant to conform to the crowd.
23:13 A verse found in Ezekiel 20:20 kept coming to his mind,
23:17 "And keep my Sabbath holy
23:19 that they may be a sign between you and Me."
23:23 God were showing him light
23:25 and unlike his previous pastor
23:27 Friday wanted to walk in this new light.
23:31 So as he headed home he saw the bookshop
23:33 where he purchased his Bible, so he went in.
23:37 The owner of the bookshop was very friendly.
23:39 He listened to Friday's questions
23:41 and advised him to visit
23:42 a Seventy-day Adventist church nearby.
23:45 The man quickly pulled up a map
23:46 and pointed Friday to a Greek Seventh-day Adventist church.
23:50 That Saturday Friday got ready
23:52 and visited the Greek Adventist church.
23:55 He felt peace in his heart
23:57 and at the end he was told that
23:58 there was an international congregation as well.
24:01 He was thrilled.
24:03 He could now learn the Bible and worship in his own language.
24:07 Friday started attending the international church
24:10 and began taking Bible studies.
24:12 He found many answers from the word of God.
24:15 His religious life has never been stronger.
24:19 Today he reads the Bible more, understands it better
24:22 and he's defiantly more intimate with God.
24:26 This Sabbath, Friday thanks the world
24:28 Seventh-day Adventist church.
24:30 It is your faithful support
24:32 that sponsored an international congregation in Athens.
24:36 Your prayers have encouraged men
24:38 and women to work with the immigrants in this city
24:41 and the results are eternal.
25:03 We like to call that video, Friday's Sabbath.
25:06 What a wonderful story.
25:08 You know, you often hear us
25:09 talking about Global Mission pioneers on this program.
25:13 Pioneers are church planters who work in their own culture
25:16 to plant new groups of believers
25:18 in unentered areas or people groups.
25:21 If you are interested in meeting some Global Mission pioneers
25:23 and learning more about their work,
25:25 we have a special offer.
25:27 It's a DVD full of Global Mission Pioneer stories.
25:32 So if you live in North America,
25:33 please call our toll free number 1-800-648-5824
25:39 or visit our website at
25:42 and just ask for the Global Mission Pioneer DVD
25:46 or offer number 310.
25:49 Don't forget to clearly state your name and address.
25:53 So on behalf of Adventist missionaries,
25:55 pastors, teachers and Global Mission pioneers
25:58 who are serving in mission around the world
26:01 thank you, so much for your continuing prayers
26:04 and financial support.
26:06 Until next time, I am Gary Krause
26:08 for Adventist Mission. God bless.


Revised 2014-12-17