Global Mission Snapshots

Center Adventist Muslim / School in Parakou

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Gary Krause (Host), Lester Merklin, Nancy Kyte


Series Code: GMS

Program Code: GMS000050

00:01 Adventist Mission in the West African
00:02 country of Benin, a mission plane
00:05 making a difference in the South Pacific
00:07 and the Global Centre for Adventist Muslim Relations,
00:11 all that and much more coming up next on
00:13 "Global Mission Snapshots."
00:26 Just before He went up to heaven,
00:28 Jesus gave us a command. He gave us a mission.
00:34 Jesus said, "Go.
00:36 Go unto all the world, telling them of His love.
00:41 This is our mission. This is our Global Mission."
00:50 Hello, I'm Gary Krause and welcome to
00:52 Global Mission Snapshots.
00:54 On today's program, we'll introduce you
00:57 to people on the front lines of mission,
00:59 finding new and fresh ways to share the old, old story.
01:04 Today we'll be talking with Nancy Kyte
01:06 about the country of Benin in West Africa.
01:09 We'll see how some Korean Adventists
01:11 are literally touching the lives of lepers in China.
01:15 And we'll talk with Lester Merklin,
01:17 director of the Global Centre for Adventist Muslim Relations.
01:22 But first up, let's visit Papua New Guinea
01:25 where we'll see a mission plane in action and learn about
01:28 how Thirteenth Sabbath Offerings are making a difference.
01:33 It's early morning before dawn.
01:36 The Adventist aviation plane is parked in the hangar.
01:39 Daniel, our pilot arrives and gets the aircraft ready
01:42 for its first mission today.
01:44 Fasten your seatbelts as we taxi to the runway.
01:48 This is another day of mission service.
01:53 We are flying northeast over Papua New Guinea
01:56 at an altitude of 10,000 feet.
01:59 It's fairly warm in the plane
02:00 and it's a gorgeous morning out the window.
02:04 Papua New Guinea is one of the most
02:06 culturally diverse places on earth
02:09 with pristine teeming jungles, jagged mountains,
02:13 deep valleys and turbulent rivers.
02:17 It's one of the least developed
02:18 and most traditional countries on this planet
02:21 where people live much as they have
02:23 for thousands of years.
02:25 And we're on our way to a remote place
02:27 in the highlands of New Guinea to visit a small village.
02:34 Look down, there it is.
02:36 We're approaching our first destination.
02:38 The villagers are always happy to see us.
02:41 These two children even made model airplanes
02:44 as a sign of admiration for the aviation service.
02:48 The cargo is quickly unloaded here
02:50 and we are off to our next appointment.
02:55 The Seventh-day Adventist plane
02:57 travels to local towns and villages
02:59 where it is very hard to reach with food,
03:01 supplies and medicines for the clinics.
03:04 By plane we can cover distances in an hour
03:08 where it would have taken weeks in the past.
03:10 And for some villages it's the only way in
03:13 as there are no roads.
03:16 On our next stop we will surprise the people
03:18 with a very unique gift, a lawnmower.
03:21 It may seem a trivial tool but to the local people
03:24 it will provide a way to maintain their surroundings,
03:27 gardens, plantations
03:29 and even a clear runway for the plane.
03:32 They seemed very excited with the new gift.
03:35 And after a simple demonstration
03:37 they are equipped to continue the work.
03:41 On our last leg of our trip we will pickup bags of crops.
03:45 The airplane will transport the merchandise to the city
03:48 and bring back means to provide for this community's survival.
03:57 Your mission offerings supports projects like these everyday
04:00 and it helps thousands of people to get connected
04:03 with the Seventh-day Adventist church
04:05 and experience firsthand the love of God.
04:08 Please pray and continue to support Adventist mission.
04:16 Dr. Lester Merklin is the director
04:18 of the Global Centre for Adventist Muslim Relations
04:21 and he is also our guest on today's program.
04:24 Lester, thank you so much for joining us.
04:27 Just a few minutes ago, I was talking with someone
04:29 who said to me, you know, one of the problems
04:31 in the Adventist Church is that so many people
04:34 have negative feelings about Muslims.
04:36 And I think that this is fair across
04:39 the spectrum of Christian Churches.
04:42 Why do you think that there is
04:43 this feeling of antipathy toward Muslim?
04:49 Oh, obviously there is a long history.
04:53 Ever since way back to the nation of Israel
04:58 in the Old Testament times and on through history
05:01 there has been tensions,
05:05 but that has been really exasperated
05:07 in our own lifetime with wars, with misunderstandings,
05:14 with sides being taken and even though
05:17 the Christian world and the Muslim world will say,
05:21 "Hey, we're re based on peace and not forcing anybody
05:26 to believe like we believe."
05:29 But humans are humans
05:32 and we start marking of our turfs.
05:36 And today it's certain, it's quite strong,
05:41 especially since 9/11 and that's not just
05:44 from an Adventist or a Christian viewpoint.
05:47 The Muslims in North America, especially the ones
05:50 that I've talked to in the Detroit area.
05:54 They are very concerned by what that kind of action
05:59 caused in people's mind about Islam as a whole.
06:04 And of course, not all Islam,
06:07 not all every Muslim is the kind
06:09 that's going to do those kinds of things,
06:12 but that's the image we get,
06:13 that's the media that is presented
06:16 because it makes headlines. Yeah.
06:19 Now obviously we try to build bridges
06:22 of understanding between Christians
06:25 and between Muslim, but there are major differences.
06:27 What are some of the major differences in their beliefs?
06:31 Well, the things that that have kept a Muslim
06:36 from understanding or a Christian
06:38 stands in their faith is especially things like
06:42 our understanding of God being visible in its three
06:49 that the trinity concepts here.
06:51 And we can understand that.
06:53 That's hard to understand how you can really
06:56 believe in one God and yet he seems
06:58 to presented Himself in three persons.
07:02 And so that that would be item number one
07:05 that would cause a Muslim to say
07:08 Christians really can't be monotheist,
07:11 they can't really believe in one God
07:14 even if they claim to.
07:16 So that's, that's a major item.
07:18 And then the concept that Jesus
07:22 who is very highly respected in Islam--
07:25 And seen as a prophet.
07:26 And seen as a prophet, by some of them
07:29 even the highest prophet.
07:31 Even though the Quran says there are no differences
07:33 between prophets still He is a prophet that healed,
07:37 He is a prophet
07:38 that had a special relationship with the God.
07:40 The Quran says he is a prophet who came from God.
07:43 So those things we could say, yes,
07:45 we have similar ways of looking at Jesus,
07:48 but the idea that God would have to work out a plan,
07:52 where God would have a death to cover our sins
07:57 that is very hard for our Muslim neighbors to understand.
08:01 God is God.
08:03 And if we say we're sorry,
08:06 He has the right to be able to say,
08:07 "Okay, I'll forgive you." Right.
08:09 And I can understand that that concern
08:14 when they have not heard the whole reason of
08:17 why we understand Jesus' death.
08:20 As I understand it part of role of the centre
08:23 that you direct is to help us explain more clearly
08:27 and more attractively why we believe the way we do,
08:30 so that Muslims can understand it.
08:32 Sure, I would say our two biggest reasons
08:34 for being a centre is, number one,
08:36 to help Adventist understand who their Muslim neighbor is
08:40 so that they can be the friends
08:41 that a Christian ought to be.
08:43 And secondly, that the Muslim can understand
08:46 who Adventists are and our standard
08:53 being completely submitted to God
08:55 and doing what God wants us to
08:57 and preparing for the judgment just like they understand.
09:00 And therefore we can have that friendship
09:03 even though we see some things very different.
09:07 Yeah, now, if someone's viewing this program
09:10 and they have a Muslim neighbor,
09:13 but they're shy of--
09:17 They're not sure where they should start
09:19 in talking, you know, that because I don't want to give
09:21 offence or anything.
09:22 Because as you said they come
09:23 from a different views in some ways.
09:26 What are some of the things
09:27 we need to keep in mind in relating?
09:29 I mean, obviously we need to be human
09:30 and loving and all that, but--
09:32 That's what I was gonna say.
09:33 First of all, Gary, I think we have to--
09:36 always have to remember that they're human. Of course.
09:40 Many of them are maybe a short time
09:44 in America for instance.
09:46 We all know what it's like when we are in a new area,
09:49 different culture, different things happening,
09:51 you feel lost and to have a real live American in Chicago,
09:56 New York, Detroit, Los Angeles
09:58 saying, hey, I'm your neighbor.
10:01 We'll go long ways to make friends.
10:05 Because they are human and they have the same needs
10:08 that we have.
10:10 When it comes to cultural ways,
10:15 we need to respect obviously.
10:18 Our culture isn't perfect.
10:21 No one's culture is perfect
10:22 and yet every culture has good things.
10:25 I'm glad that I spent six years living in Pakistan.
10:30 I learned some things about community, friendship,
10:35 social hospitality that sometimes
10:38 we don't think of here, so--
10:40 And they also have some very good food.
10:42 Excellent food and we still eat every chance we can get.
10:45 Lester, thank you so much for sharing with us today.
10:48 I really appreciate it.
10:49 And if you want to find out more about these types of things
10:53 that Dr. Merklin has been sharing with us,
10:56 you can go to our website at
11:04 And there you'll find some resources,
11:05 some information that will help you understand
11:08 more the sort of things
11:09 that Dr. Merklin has been sharing with us
11:12 because our Muslim brothers and sisters
11:14 are there to be our friends.
12:01 It's my pleasure to welcome my colleague
12:04 and friend Nancy Kyte
12:06 who is the marketing director for Adventist mission.
12:08 Nancy, thanks for joining us. Thank you for inviting me.
12:11 Now, Nancy, our topic today is the country of Benin. Yes.
12:15 Now in case there's any viewers
12:17 who may not know exactly where that is,
12:19 can you describe its location?
12:21 It is in West Africa.
12:23 You know, kind of where that shape
12:25 that little hump comes out,
12:26 it's right in the middle part of that,
12:29 it borders the ocean.
12:30 Okay, now some-- 20 something years ago,
12:34 I went to Benin and I remember
12:35 it is being the capital of voodoo
12:38 and I went to the town of Whydah
12:41 and they have a temple to Voodoo, etcetera.
12:43 How prevalent is voodoo is till today?
12:46 Oh, it's still very prevalent.
12:48 And I was told that many children are
12:50 dedicated to voodoo just as soon as they're born.
12:53 So it's still part of their life.
12:56 But the Adventist Church is very active in that country,
12:59 planting churches.
13:00 Tell me about a village that you've visited.
13:03 Well, we had a chance to visit
13:04 a village or a city actually called Parakou.
13:07 Okay, so it wasn't just a small village?
13:09 No, it was in the central part of the country
13:11 and we drove, you know, many hours to get there.
13:14 But it was interesting because we wanted to see
13:17 this area because 10 years ago
13:19 there was no Adventist presence there.
13:21 Global Mission Pioneer had gone there,
13:25 worked hard and was able to start
13:27 a very small congregation
13:29 and now there is a thriving church there.
13:32 And the pioneers, he is still there or is a--
13:35 That pioneer has actually
13:37 gone on to work in other areas, so there on I think,
13:40 there are second or third pastor.
13:42 But this pastor that they have now
13:43 was himself a pioneer in another area prior to coming there.
13:48 Wonderful.
13:49 For those viewers who may not be familiar
13:50 with Global Mission Pioneers, these are lay people,
13:54 who don't have extensive theological training,
13:56 but they get a basic training and they go out
13:58 with one goal and that is to start
14:00 a new Seventh-day Adventist congregation
14:03 in a new area and they don't get paid a whole lot,
14:05 they get a living stipend
14:06 which is enough to put food on the table,
14:08 give them some basic resources.
14:11 And for me, at least when I meet a pioneer
14:13 it's always an amazing experience
14:16 because they are sacrificing on what they're doing.
14:18 They sure are and their families sacrifices, too.
14:21 Now, Nancy, they have some plans,
14:23 the church has some plans in that area?
14:25 Oh, yes, they do.
14:27 As the church has grown they've tried to see, you know,
14:30 what they can do to impact the community around them.
14:34 And it's so happens that at their union
14:37 or at the Benin mission,
14:40 they were also wanting to figure out
14:41 how can they spread out their influence.
14:43 How can they help Adventism grow there
14:46 and they were looking for a place to put a school.
14:50 They weren't exactly sure where it should go. Okay.
14:53 Now I'm guessing it's gonna be in the city.
14:55 You guessed right.
14:58 Now we before we go on to that,
14:59 you brought a video clip and I want to see
15:01 this video clip because it's gonna be proof
15:04 that you're actually there. Oh, yes.
15:06 And that I tried to do something new.
15:08 I've never done this before.
15:10 Okay, let's see if we can see this video clip.
15:11 So, yes.
15:15 Describe what we're seeing here.
15:16 Well, these ladies are pounding yams,
15:18 it's a white yam.
15:20 And I came along we had just eaten at a restaurant
15:23 and I wanted to say, you know, I enjoyed the food
15:28 and they were laughing and I heard pounding
15:32 and I heard chopping noises,
15:34 so I just stuck my head into wave hello
15:36 and they invited me to give it a trial.
15:38 And that is hard work, believe me.
15:40 Well, Nancy, I'm very impressed.
15:42 You look like you're natural.
15:44 Well, it's actually quite humiliating
15:46 because I thought I was stronger than that.
15:49 You know, that's hard work to get the meal on the table.
15:51 Yes, it is.
15:52 So they have plans to start this school.
15:54 How they're going to do it?
15:56 Well, this is an interesting thing
15:57 and it just shows how God is always
16:00 behind the scenes and at work.
16:02 Now there is a village there and the chief--
16:06 And his councilmen had been wondering a long time--
16:09 for a long time,
16:10 how can they make thing safe over their children?
16:13 How can they get a school closer
16:16 so that their children wouldn't have to walk on
16:18 the busy highway to school?
16:20 There is no school bus.
16:21 Most of the people in this village don't have cars
16:24 and so there is little choice,
16:26 but for the children to walk on this extremely busy road,
16:29 I mean they have to walk on the very edge
16:32 and share the road with, you know,
16:35 cross country trucks and motorcycles and so on.
16:38 Their parents are all farmers
16:41 and so they're working on their crops all day.
16:44 So there is this worry constantly about them.
16:48 So the chief one day had a thought
16:52 and he ran up by his council members and said,
16:54 "You know, I have property.
16:56 I would be willing to donate some of it,
16:58 if we could get someone to put a school on there.
17:01 But who are we going to find."
17:03 And this is part of course that no one knew
17:05 or at least the chief didn't know
17:07 and that is that the church officials
17:10 were wondering where in Benin they would put
17:12 their first school and of course,
17:14 that was the property that the chief had been
17:18 willing to gift to them.
17:19 Beautiful property.
17:21 And they have already started work on it in faith.
17:24 Some of the foundations have been built.
17:28 The chief has a real desire that this church have
17:31 or the school have electricity because he says,
17:34 "We wanted to be a light in the darkness."
17:36 Oh, isn't that nice?
17:37 Now he is thinking of it as being a literal right
17:40 and they want to have classes for children during the day
17:43 and at night then they want to have classes for adults
17:46 for literacy programs.
17:48 Right, and of course, for the church
17:50 it's gonna be a light as well.
17:52 It's going to be a light also for the church
17:54 and part of the Thirteenth Sabbath Offering
17:57 in first quarter of 2014 is going to help
18:01 support and fund this school.
18:03 Wonderful.
18:04 Now Adventists education is all through the world,
18:09 but this is the first school that would be built in Benin.
18:12 The first school that that anyone has any recollection of
18:15 and I didn't find any record
18:17 that there had been an Adventists school there.
18:19 Yeah, and this is in an area
18:21 where Christianity is not the dominant religion.
18:23 That's true.
18:24 And it is not the dominant religion and yet they know
18:27 that this will be an Adventists Christian school,
18:30 they know that there will be Adventists teachers
18:32 and they are eager to welcome them.
18:34 Fantastic.
18:35 Nancy, thanks for sharing with us. Thank you.
18:39 What a tremendous opportunity to provide education
18:42 for the people in the city in Benin.
18:45 Please, pray for this initiative.
18:47 And if you want to find out more about this project
18:49 as it continues on, there will be reports
18:52 on our website and you can find that at,
18:55 easy to remember,
19:29 (Speaking in foreign language)
19:33 In the country of China, the situation of the lepers
19:36 has become a great tragedy.
19:41 There are 600 colonies and more than 250,000 lepers.
20:05 (Speaking in foreign language)
20:09 The first time I saw the lepers and I looked upon their faces,
20:14 I felt a great pain inside my heart,
20:17 but I felt called to serve them
20:19 because they are the sons and daughters of God.
20:40 These people were abandoned by society
20:43 and they feel that they don't belong.
20:46 Our goal is to help them feel special
20:48 that they are loved, but we also want them to know
20:52 that Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice for them
20:55 that they are redeemed and there is a kingdom for them.
21:12 I went to China in 2006
21:15 and saw the situation with the lepers
21:18 and found out that not one Adventist
21:21 was working to help them.
21:23 I wanted to do something to help.
21:52 We are involved with 18 projects
21:55 and we have more than 70 volunteers.
22:01 We live among the people into colony,
22:03 we eat with them, we serve them.
22:09 (Speaking in foreign language)
22:11 Jesus Christ served the people.
22:14 He provided for their needs.
22:16 That is what we are trying to do here.
22:19 We want to help these people and to provide for their needs,
22:23 just like, Jesus did.
22:27 So far, 327 lepers have been baptized.
22:35 My goal is to train these new converts
22:37 to serve and help other lepers.
23:08 The first time we touched the wounds of the lepers,
23:11 it helps them to feel that someone cares about them.
23:15 Through this, we are showing the love of Jesus to them.
23:18 We are earning their trust.
23:47 If you've enjoyed these images of mission,
23:49 I'm sure you want a copy of the new Adventist mission calendar.
23:53 This beautiful calendar will keep the people
23:55 in places of mission in front of you everyday of the year.
23:59 So if you live in North America,
24:01 please accept this free gift as a small thanks
24:04 for your prayers and support.
24:06 Just call toll free 1-800-648-5824
24:11 or visit our website
24:12 and ask for the Adventist mission calendar or offer 305,
24:18 that's
24:19 and ask for the calendar or offer 305.
24:24 Well, I hope you've enjoyed today's program.
24:26 Thank you again for your continuing support
24:28 of Adventist mission through your prayers,
24:31 personal involvement and finances.
24:34 As we close, I hope you find
24:36 inspiration from mission in this video.
24:39 For Adventist mission, I'm Gary Krause
24:41 and I hope you can join us next time on
24:44 "Global Mission Snapshots."
25:20 I want to be always with my God
25:28 And shine His light to those who cannot see
25:37 In every moment
25:41 And every place
25:45 Almighty God
25:49 I long for your embrace
25:54 I want to be always with my God
26:03 And share His love to those
26:07 Who need the most
26:11 In every moment
26:15 And every place
26:20 Almighty God
26:23 I long for your embrace
26:30 Always with my God
26:38 We'll need His lovely hand
26:45 In every moment
26:49 And every place
26:54 Almighty God
26:57 I long for your embrace
27:05 Always with my God
27:14 We'll need His lovely hand
27:22 In every moment
27:26 And every place
27:31 Almighty God
27:35 I long for your embrace
27:46 Almighty God
27:50 I long for your embrace


Revised 2014-12-17