Global Mission Snapshots

Urban Ministries / Centers of Influence

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Gary Krause (Host), Keleber Goncalves, Ted Wilson


Series Code: GMS

Program Code: GMS000049

00:01 Young people involved in one year
00:02 in mission in New York City
00:04 and the president of the General Conference
00:06 of Seventh-day Adventist,
00:08 that and much more coming up next on
00:10 "Global Mission Snapshots."
00:22 Just before He went up to heaven,
00:25 Jesus gave us a command.
00:28 He gave us a mission. Jesus said, "Go.
00:33 Go unto all the world, telling them of His love."
00:38 This is our mission. This is our Global Mission.
00:47 Hello, I'm Gary Krause and welcome to
00:49 "Global Mission Snapshots."
00:51 Thanks for joining us as we look at front line mission
00:54 around the world.
00:55 Today we'll be talking to Pastor Ted Wilson
00:58 about centers of influence and how they help
01:01 advance mission in the major cities of the world.
01:05 We'll also talk with Kleber Goncalves,
01:07 senior pastor of a rapidly growing church
01:10 in the heart of Sao Paulo, the largest city in Brazil
01:13 and one of the largest cities in the world.
01:16 Dr. Goncalves also heads up with Global Mission Center
01:19 for Secular and Postmodern Studies.
01:22 But first up, let's find out more about young people
01:25 from around the world who spent one year
01:28 ministering in New York City.
01:36 It is hard because it was to everybody is more open.
01:39 They are friendly, you can talk to someone
01:41 in the bus, in the subway.
01:43 And then you can try to make connection and say something.
01:47 It's my first time when I live with someone,
01:50 who I don't know really.
01:52 Sometimes it's difficult
01:53 because you need like your own space.
01:55 I try to be humble, I try to be patient
01:59 to understand them more.
02:01 You are having to navigate through all kinds of individuals
02:05 coming with the different culture beliefs
02:07 and cultural ideas and it's made me
02:11 a little bit more patient.
02:13 It's different back home because
02:15 you can see the needs of people
02:17 because you're familiar with them
02:18 and you know the circumstances back home.
02:21 And yeah, it's hard to read people,
02:22 it's hard to understand them.
02:25 People are very busy and maybe
02:27 we haven't had a chance to connect with the people
02:30 that we really need to connect to.
02:33 I understand that God can't depend on feelings
02:36 but I like to feel my God when I look at the sky,
02:40 when I see nature but here it's more difficult
02:43 because big buildings and so peace of--
02:47 a little peace of sky and so I can't see stars here
02:51 because big street and all the lights.
02:55 Need to get it with all these people,
02:57 it is not always easy. It involves challenges.
03:01 And it teaches you patience.
03:04 When God, He brought me here,
03:06 in the beginning I was struggling
03:08 if I really could go here because I didn't feel
03:11 capable of doing this project.
03:14 It has been challenging to come
03:16 and just leave it in God's hands.
03:18 But God, He's trying to show me really that.
03:21 In my weakness He is strong
03:22 and to trust Him with all the things
03:25 that will happen here that He will work.
03:32 First I came here and I thought like
03:35 I will not grow spiritually as I was growing
03:38 between in my work in Lebanon.
03:40 But when we started the real work,
03:43 how we go to disaster area, how we help the homeless.
03:47 I see like myself like God taking me down,
03:49 down to communicate with these less level of people
03:52 in order like to show me all the kind of people.
03:55 In general, the call to ministry is
03:57 even more within me.
04:00 So there's so much that we can do,
04:02 so many ways that we can reach our world.
04:06 And it's just a reminder and also you know,
04:09 to go forth and to do even more you know,
04:12 I just keeping a broad way even here in America.
04:15 I've seen God answer prayers.
04:17 I've seen God provide me
04:19 comfort especially being away from home
04:21 and away from my daughter.
04:23 We have different personalities
04:25 and different cultural backgrounds
04:26 but I am just amazed
04:28 that because of the one same faith,
04:31 we can work like this together.
04:33 One of my favorite verses that's from Isaiah 6:8,
04:37 where God says, you know, "Whom shall I send?
04:39 And who will go?" And he answers,
04:41 "Here am I. Lord, send me."
04:43 And I feel that, that's my call.
04:45 My prayer is, God I want to be
04:47 a Christian who makes You happy.
04:49 Wherever You lead me, I'll follow.
04:51 I just want to fully dedicate everyday
04:55 and I want to do something for You.
04:57 (Speaking in foreign language)
05:14 God help me a lot to like to brick myself
05:17 and to know whose really Jesus is
05:19 who washed the feet of His disciples
05:21 and who ate with them and who sat with the sinners.
05:24 This just means, helped me a lot to be more humble.
05:27 (Speaking in foreign language)
05:40 Everyday had been a blessing, everyday, everyday.
05:42 The more I see the challenge the more
05:45 I realize that I am unworthy and I need God and only Him,
05:50 that is sufficient.
06:05 It's my pleasure to welcome my friend
06:07 and colleague Pastor Kleber Goncalves
06:10 who is a pastor in the heart of Sao Paulo, in Brazil.
06:15 Welcome, Kleber. Thank you so much, Gary.
06:17 Now, tell me about Sao Paulo.
06:19 I've flown over Sao Paulo
06:22 and it seems like it takes forever to get over the city.
06:25 It's a huge sprawling city.
06:26 What sort of size are we looking at?
06:28 Well, its amazing Gary, Sao Paulo has grown best
06:31 in two or three decades.
06:33 Right now we are approaching
06:34 two million people in metropolitan area of Sao Paulo.
06:37 Right in the very heart but the whole area
06:40 is not more than 2 million.
06:41 Yeah, close to, close to 20 million people.
06:43 Oh, sorry, I thought you said 2 million people, 20 million.
06:45 I was gonna say, it shrunk itself in.
06:48 So and your church that you planted is where?
06:53 It's right in Downtown.
06:55 We are one block away from Avenida Paulista Avenue,
06:59 the heart of the financial center.
07:02 Oh, not alone-- not only from Sao Paulo
07:04 but for the whole South America.
07:07 So it's a huge challenge for us.
07:08 Just try to mingle with that type of people
07:11 who live around us, the community around us.
07:13 Yeah, now the Adventist church of course,
07:16 I am guessing has hundreds of churches
07:17 in Sao Paulo but they tend to be more
07:21 on the outskirts or certainly not reaching
07:24 the sort of demographic where you are.
07:25 Just for you to have an idea,
07:27 Sao Paulo has right now close to 600 churches
07:30 in these among these 20 million people.
07:33 Six hundred Adventist churches? Yeah.
07:35 Wow. That's in three conferences.
07:38 But the challenge for us is how to plant
07:40 churches in Downtown.
07:42 In the past 47 years we have not been able to start
07:46 church plants in that area.
07:48 So one of our Semente was one of the projects
07:50 focusing specifically in that geographic area.
07:54 So that's the name of your church,
07:55 Nova Semente which I happen to known
07:58 it means New Seed. I like it. Okay.
08:01 So we started almost nine years ago
08:04 with the church plants trying to change a little bit the way
08:08 we look at the urban challenge.
08:10 One of the challenges for us is how to build bridges
08:14 with that type of profile of people
08:17 because they have different ancestors
08:19 and different way of looking at life.
08:21 Now you say that for 47 years
08:24 there have been no church plant there,
08:25 but you got hundreds in the city.
08:29 Why is it so hard to plant a church in that area?
08:33 Well, I think one of the challenges for us is,
08:36 we are looking for quick ways of doing things.
08:40 And a project like this takes time,
08:42 its effort, takes people
08:46 who are really willing to change the way
08:47 they do church, in the way
08:49 they experience church in order to reach people.
08:52 So I think this hurry sometimes we have to do things,
08:56 you know, very fast way does not help us
08:59 that much in that regard.
09:01 Describe the people in the community around
09:03 where the church is.
09:04 Well, right now we are--
09:06 actually it's a very heterogeneous,
09:09 that's urban life.
09:11 You cannot simply say well,
09:12 this is the type of people have in there.
09:14 We can find any type of person in there.
09:16 But usually in the blocks around us
09:19 we see people who are between 35 to 55 years old,
09:26 people who have kids.
09:29 Usually they are happy with their jobs,
09:32 they are happy with their lives.
09:34 They don't feel they need a church.
09:36 That's pretty much what we have around us.
09:39 So that's quite a challenge.
09:40 So you started nine years ago
09:43 and what did you do differently to
09:46 what you would have done
09:47 if you'd been a pastor at in some rural area?
09:50 Well, at the beginning I was concerned
09:54 to view a new vision for church members
09:58 and the way they can really get involved in ministry.
10:02 Because pretty much what we face is people,
10:04 I mean, church members they come to church,
10:06 they are there just to see well,
10:07 what this church has to serve me.
10:10 To serve me. Yeah. That's the case.
10:13 We need to change this attitude.
10:15 So at the very beginning I was concerned
10:17 with this type of vision, you see.
10:19 How can we serve this church?
10:21 How can we serve this community?
10:23 So we built the church around this through discipleship
10:27 and through the concept of mission.
10:29 What is mission all about?
10:30 Are we here to be served
10:33 or are we here to fulfill God's mission to reach out,
10:37 to make disciples, wherever we are.
10:39 So that's pretty much one of the differences
10:42 in the context we are right now. Yeah.
10:45 Now you actually in the introduction,
10:48 I say that you are a person
10:51 who preaches what you practice.
10:53 You not just practice but you preach.
10:55 You preach what you practice
10:56 because you researched post-modernism
11:00 for your Ph.D. thesis,
11:01 you looked at ministry to post-modern
11:04 and you saw that the urb--
11:05 I mean, I've looked at your thesis
11:06 and the urban areas are actually the place
11:09 where post-modernism flourishes.
11:11 It's the home of post-modernism.
11:13 So you've planted a church
11:15 to reach these people nine years ago.
11:17 How-- what's happened?
11:19 Well, it's been a wonderful experience.
11:21 Nine years ago we started the church with 16 people,
11:25 8 families and the Lord has blessed us
11:28 beyond our wildest dreams.
11:31 And right now Gary,
11:32 we are having an average of close to 1,200 people
11:35 attending the church, four services on Sabbath.
11:37 We just started last weekend our fourth service.
11:41 Two in afternoon and two in the morning
11:43 in order to reach the members we are having because we--
11:47 as I have mentioned to you
11:48 too many Adventist people live in Sao Paulo.
11:50 So they want to know this church,
11:52 they come to visit and it's a concern to us.
11:55 They are always welcome
11:56 but they-- we want to make sure
11:58 they understand why we are there.
12:00 So those who are trying to simply come
12:02 and fill the seats, they need to understand
12:05 we have a purpose as church.
12:07 At the same time we are receiving hundreds of visitors.
12:10 Right now we have close to 200 people
12:13 willing to study the Bible.
12:14 Fantastic, Kleber.
12:15 Thank you so much for sharing with us today.
12:17 My pleasure.
12:18 And viewers at home, please pray for Pastor Kleber
12:22 and his team in Sao Paulo.
12:24 And if you want to find out more about the church
12:27 that is growing rapidly, you can go to
12:32 That's
12:38 And Dr. Goncalves is also the director
12:40 of the Global Mission Center
12:43 for Secular and Postmodern Studies.
12:44 And to find out more about that,
12:46 you can go to,
12:53, right?
12:56 Sorry,
12:58 Please look for opportunities
13:00 where you too can be a minister in your community.
13:51 It's my pleasure to introduce our guest Pastor Ted Wilson
13:54 who is president of the General Conference
13:56 of Seventh-day Adventist.
13:58 Pastor Wilson, thank you for joining us.
13:59 Thank you, Gary.
14:01 I am interested to hear more about
14:02 what the Seventh-day Adventist church
14:04 is doing in mission to the cities and why.
14:07 Why is there such a central emphasis of your leadership?
14:11 Well, let me just began
14:13 by painting a picture in our minds.
14:17 Jesus on His triumphal entry to Jerusalem,
14:21 people just proclaiming Him the son of David, Hosanna,
14:27 Hosanna, palm branches weaving,
14:29 people throwing their garments in front of Him.
14:33 He's riding on a humble donkey
14:36 and yet they are treating Him as a king, and He is a king.
14:41 And yet things would change dramatically
14:43 within just a few hours.
14:45 But He comes to the brow
14:47 of the hill overlooking Jerusalem
14:50 and all of this excitement,
14:51 you think He would be happy and joyous and He stops.
14:55 And everybody stops and they kind of look
14:58 and here Jesus is just staring at the city.
15:03 And then in Luke 19:41 it says,
15:09 "He beheld the city and wept over it."
15:13 And as you see that scene in your eye,
15:17 your mind's eye you see Jesus standing there
15:20 while He's sitting on the donkey
15:21 and He starts to cry.
15:24 And, you know, people, I am sure were just wondering
15:27 what's going on.
15:29 He was crying for the people of Jerusalem.
15:32 He knew what was going to happen.
15:35 He was crying for those people
15:36 in that urban area because as He looked at
15:39 and He saw the glistening top of the temple
15:42 and the beauty, people would normally be
15:45 very proud and excited and happy
15:47 and yet He was crying because the city is
15:50 not just buildings and gleaming cement
15:53 and steel and glass.
15:56 The city represents people
15:59 and He was crying for the people.
16:00 And I suppose I'd want to ask
16:02 the question of each of us, are we weeping with Jesus
16:06 for the people of the cities?
16:09 And as we look at how to try to reach people
16:13 in the cities, we have to remember
16:16 to use His methods.
16:17 And those methods were to rub shoulders
16:19 with them, to find out
16:21 where they were hurting, to meet their needs.
16:26 Jesus was always compassionate in the way
16:31 that He went about trying to
16:33 alleviate the results of sin and difficulty.
16:38 And that's really what Seventh-day Adventists
16:40 are called to do.
16:42 When we go into the cities,
16:43 we are supposed to use all kinds of methods
16:45 that will help people on a very basic level
16:49 and then draw them closer to someone
16:52 who can truly give them a much broader picture
16:55 of who they are and why they are there
16:58 and give them a hope for the future.
17:00 Because of course that's what Christ soon
17:02 coming provides for each of us
17:04 as Seventh-day Adventist Christians.
17:07 One of the ways in which we are finding to be
17:11 the most successful is to use the approach
17:15 of what is termed as centers of influence.
17:18 Centers of influence helped to touch
17:21 the lives of people in a variety of ways.
17:24 Center of influence could be something
17:26 where you have a very strong health outreach.
17:30 You have cooking classes that will show a wonderful way
17:34 in which to live a vegetarian life
17:36 not because you can earn your way to heaven
17:38 but because it's a healthier way to live,
17:41 you'll live longer and your mind will be brighter
17:44 as you are able to share with others
17:45 about Christ and His love.
17:48 It maybe an area, maybe it's a health clinic,
17:53 maybe it is a community outreach in helping families.
17:58 Maybe it's a creative way of helping to tutor children
18:03 who need assistance in school.
18:06 Maybe it is a daycare center.
18:09 I've visited one of those recently in the Middle-East.
18:12 It thrilled my heart to hear
18:14 this little four year old children
18:16 singing songs about Jesus and praying.
18:21 It was an amazing thing,
18:24 repeating memory verses, I guess.
18:26 It was just marvelous to hear them,
18:28 verses from the Bible.
18:31 You know, centers of influence can be anything
18:35 that provides you with a touch to the community
18:40 and to people, helping them where they are hurt.
18:43 Now there's a beautiful text in scripture
18:45 which tells us what Jesus' mission was.
18:50 In fact, it comes from the Book of Isaiah.
18:53 Jesus went into the synagogue
18:57 and He stood up to read in Nazareth
19:01 and He actually chose a passage
19:04 from the Book of Isaiah that spoke about himself,
19:07 it's a marvelous passage.
19:10 And in verse 18 of Luke 4, He says,
19:13 "The spirit of the Lord is upon me
19:15 because he's anointed me
19:16 to preach the gospel to the poor,"
19:18 lot of poor people in the cities.
19:20 "To heal the broken hearted,"
19:23 there are enormous amounts
19:25 of broken hearted people in cities.
19:27 "And to preach deliverance to the captives,
19:30 recovery of sight to the blind,
19:32 to set at liberty them that are bruised."
19:34 Lots of people are captive
19:35 to all kids of the devil snares in the cities.
19:40 A lot of bruised people, people who need healing,
19:43 not just physically but emotionally and spiritually.
19:47 So that's why Seventh-day Adventist
19:50 need to follow Christ's example
19:52 as He read about His own ministry
19:54 in dealing with people
19:56 whether its in centers of influence,
19:57 whether it is at work in a busy metropolitan area,
20:01 whether it's in the home, in an apartment building
20:04 wherever people live.
20:06 Follow those methods of helping to bring bruised, captive,
20:11 broken hearted people to the foot of the cross
20:14 and you do that through compassionate love
20:16 and care following Jesus' methods.
20:20 Fantastic.
20:21 I wish we had 70 minutes instead of 7 minutes.
20:24 Thank you, Pastor Wilson.
20:26 And viewers at home, Mission to the Cities
20:28 to find out more you can go to
20:31 or you can go to
20:34 and there you'll find stories, resources, plans,
20:38 how you can be involved, what you can pray for.
20:41 Please pray for Mission to the Cities.
20:43 Pray for these people that Elder Wilson
20:45 has reminded us that God loves so much.
21:01 On a cold Sabbath morning in Macedonia,
21:04 a small Adventist group gathers for worship.
21:07 A wood burning fire keeps them warm.
21:10 They are meeting in this house
21:11 because there is no Adventist church
21:13 building in the city.
21:16 This is the city of Ohrid.
21:18 This city is known in the summer
21:20 for being a tourist destination.
21:22 The lake serves as a center point for activities.
21:25 Boating, fishing and lounging around
21:28 are just some of the regular activities
21:30 that happen here.
21:31 European tourists
21:34 visit the city each year.
21:35 But on this cold day local residents are
21:38 the only ones in sight.
21:41 Although the air is cold, this group warms up the room
21:44 as they continue their church service.
21:46 Each week they meet
21:47 faithfully discussing the Sabbath school lesson
21:50 and then waiting eagerly for the sermon to follow.
21:53 Each member plays a special role on Sabbath morning.
21:56 Leading out in lessons,
21:59 preaching and even adding fresh logs to the fire
22:02 are important roles in this home church.
22:05 After the service, the group shares a meal together.
22:09 The owner of this home cooks a traditional
22:11 Macedonia meal for the group.
22:17 As they say a prayer they reflect on the message
22:20 that was given earlier.
22:23 The food warms their bodies as they share stories
22:26 and conversation with each other.
22:28 Some of the members discuss their plans to invite
22:30 neighbors to worship with them in the following weeks.
22:34 The church members pray for a chance to worship
22:37 in a new church building,
22:39 a building that can be used to invite their neighbors.
22:42 They have purchased this old building
22:44 with hopes to renovate and create a community center.
22:49 We want to build this center not just for a church
22:52 but also for mission projects.
22:54 We can share books, have meetings and reach the people.
22:58 It is located in a very attractive place
23:00 in the downtown area.
23:02 Here visitors can come and feel welcome.
23:05 It's an ideal spot for tourist
23:08 or community members walking by.
23:10 It is a special feeling to know
23:12 that we are a part of a big organization,
23:14 the Seventh-day Adventist church.
23:16 It's a big family and we are happy to be
23:18 a part of that family.
23:20 Please pray for the church in Macedonia
23:22 that they may reach their neighbors
23:24 and have a permanent place to worship.
23:29 As we look at countries such as Macedonia,
23:31 as we see the see the growing urban
23:33 and secular world and as we face
23:35 the need of engaging our young people in mission,
23:39 we see tremendous opportunities and challenges.
23:42 And I want to thank you so much
23:43 for your support of Adventist mission
23:45 for your tithes, your mission offerings
23:48 and your donations to Global Mission.
23:50 And thank you, for your prayers
23:52 for missionaries, for Global Mission pioneers
23:55 and all the people that you meet on this program.
23:58 As a small token of appreciation
24:00 we'd like to send you a small gift.
24:02 It's an Adventist mission carabineer clip
24:05 that will help you stay connected
24:06 to your keys or any number of small items.
24:09 And we hope that it will also help
24:11 you to keep connected to Adventist mission.
24:13 So that every time you see it,
24:14 you will be reminded to pray
24:16 for the many mission challenges around the world.
24:19 So if you live in North America
24:20 and would like to receive this small gift of appreciation
24:24 and information about Global Mission,
24:26 just call our toll free number at 1-800-648-5824
24:32 or you can visit our website at anytime
24:35 at
24:38 And just ask for the Adventist Mission carabineer
24:41 or offer number 310.
24:44 Well, that's it for today's program
24:46 and we'll close with this music video.
24:49 For Global Mission, I am Gary Krause
24:50 and I hope you can join me next time
24:52 right here on "Global Mission Snapshots."
25:13 Oh the sweetness of being here with You
25:20 All of the day, Oh I pray
25:25 Help this wandering heart to remain
25:29 In You I am blessed
25:33 In You so content
25:37 Guide my feet Cause them to keep
25:42 Walking in Your perfect way
25:47 Your perfect way
25:51 Your loving selfless way
26:02 Let me not negotiate With the old man that I now hate
26:10 Let him be nothing else but dead
26:14 That I might exist as alive
26:17 Only in Christ I am free
26:22 Only in Christ so happy
26:26 Refining fire, healing my mind
26:30 Mould me into the image of love
26:37 The image of love
26:40 Beautiful image of You
26:45 Who is love
27:07 Here is the life
27:10 That I longed for Here is the place that I adore
27:16 I'm not in prison anymore
27:20 For you've brought me out into Your marvelous light
27:25 Come my friend let me remind you again
27:32 Forget the dark places you've been
27:37 For now you are a child of His
27:43 A child of His
27:47 A recreated child of His


Revised 2014-12-17