Global Mission Snapshots

Center for South Asian Religions / Adventists Relate to Jewish

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Gary Krause (Host), Clifmond Shameerudeen, Richard Elofer


Series Code: GMS

Program Code: GMS000044

00:01 On today's program, a church plant in Bulgaria,
00:03 global mission centers,
00:05 and how a little boy broke down barriers
00:08 with the help of some goats.
00:10 That and much more coming up, next
00:12 on Global Mission Snapshots.
00:26 Just before He went up to heaven,
00:28 Jesus gave us a command. He gave us a mission.
00:34 Jesus said, go,
00:36 go unto all the world telling them of His love.
00:41 This is our mission. This is our "Global Mission."
00:50 Hello, I'm Gary Krause
00:52 and welcome to Global Mission Snapshots.
00:54 Today we will be talking with two guests
00:56 who are at the frontlines of global mission.
00:59 For many years Richard Elofer has been heading up
01:01 the World Jewish Adventist Friendship Center.
01:05 Today, we will be talking with Dr. Elofer
01:07 about how Adventists can better relate
01:10 to their Jewish friends and neighbors?
01:12 We'll also be talking with Clifmond Shameerudeen,
01:15 from the Centre for South Asian Religions.
01:18 And we'll also meet a young boy in Portugal
01:20 who made a friend and shared Jesus.
01:23 Thanks, to some goats.
01:25 But first up let's visit Bulgaria to meet two women
01:29 who started with a group of six people,
01:31 meeting in a garage and ended up
01:33 with a church plant of more than 100 believers.
01:44 Kalinka Filipova, lives in southwestern Bulgaria.
01:48 She is a gypsy.
01:50 Her town Blagoevgrad
01:52 has a large population of Romani people.
01:55 Several years ago Kalinka met a woman on her way home.
01:59 They started talking about God's existence.
02:01 The two strangers connected instantly
02:04 and started exploring the Bible together.
02:07 As they studied they made a pact
02:09 to follow Jesus command and make disciples.
02:12 They prayed together and opened their garage
02:15 for Romani people to learn the way to salvation.
02:21 Initially we were five or six people,
02:24 and then the group grew to 106 people.
02:27 The garage could not hold us inside,
02:30 so we would put blankets
02:31 and carpet outside so that people could sit.
02:34 As the numbers increased,
02:36 some of the new believers were baptized
02:38 and have become proactive leaders.
02:40 So the Seventh-day Adventist Church
02:41 rented and renovated
02:43 a first-floor apartment in the Romani community
02:46 that would serve as a sanctuary
02:47 for worship and church activities.
02:50 The Romani congregation continued to grow
02:53 and now that number would crowd any house church.
02:56 But the visitors far outnumbered the members
02:59 and seats are at a premium for every service.
03:05 The greatest challenge for the church
03:07 is that there are many people we can reach.
03:09 It has plans and methods to do it
03:12 but our greatest concern
03:13 is that our guests have no place to sit when they come
03:16 because our sanctuary is too small.
03:19 Today some 160 members
03:22 and friends come seeking God's blessing
03:24 and offering their worship on Sabbaths
03:27 and nearly every day throughout the week.
03:30 Today every possible wall has been removed
03:33 to make room for worshippers.
03:35 Chairs stand in tight rows
03:37 with barely room for feet between them.
03:40 When the sanctuary fills,
03:42 more chairs are added to the narrow hallway
03:44 and when weather permits the children meet outside
03:47 so more adults can hear the sermon
03:49 by closed circuit TV in the children's room.
03:52 Still some must stand outside,
03:55 catching snippets of the worship service
03:57 through an open door or window.
04:03 Many of the children don't come to church
04:05 simply because there's no room for them.
04:11 We would like to have a separate children's room
04:13 because adults interrupt our activities.
04:16 At times they come
04:17 and find their room full of adults,
04:19 so they must return home.
04:21 The adults don't like the situation either
04:23 for they realize that children are important to God's family.
04:27 The Romani congregation is eager to share
04:30 its faith with fellow Romani.
04:32 They want to find a larger place to worship
04:34 but because they don't earn much as seamstresses,
04:37 street sweepers and construction workers
04:40 and because many have no jobs at all
04:42 due to the sagging economy they struggle to pay the rent
04:46 on the building they now occupy.
04:48 When visitors come members stay away
04:51 so the guests can have a seat, there is no turning people away.
04:55 The Romani can't get enough of God's Word.
04:57 Whenever there's a meeting, people come.
05:00 What an opportunity to evangelize.
05:03 Thank you, for helping advance God's work
05:06 in a fruitful region of His vineyard.
05:12 I'm delighted to welcome our guest
05:14 who is a colleague and a good friend of mine,
05:17 Clifmond Shameerudeen,
05:19 who works with the Global Mission Centre
05:22 for South Asian Religions.
05:23 Clifmond, glad you could join us. Me too.
05:26 You always have wonderful stories
05:29 because you are involved in frontline mission.
05:33 Now the work that you do is not really easy,
05:36 you are working on a long hours and you are based in Trinidad.
05:41 Working among people
05:43 who come form a usually Hindu background correct?
05:46 That's correct. Now Clif, let's back up.
05:49 How did you, you know, What's your testimony,
05:52 your experience, you grew up as a Seventh-day Adventist?
05:55 Yes, I grow up in the Seventh-day Adventist home.
05:59 My mother, you know, is mix.
06:04 Her dad was a Pentecostal
06:05 and she was a-- and my grandmother was a Hindu.
06:10 So, my mom grew up in a very mix environment,
06:13 mostly Hindu has the strongest influence
06:15 in my mother side.
06:17 My father was a former Muslim
06:20 and so, you know, he gave up Islam
06:22 when he met my mom
06:23 who became a Adventist few years before they met.
06:26 So you have a very rich background.
06:28 Yes and so here-- here I grew in a community
06:31 where there are very few Christians.
06:33 In fact we are probably the only Christian
06:34 that as far as I remember.
06:36 And all my parents are either Muslim,
06:39 I mean my relatives are either Muslim or Hindu.
06:43 And so we as a boy growing up
06:46 you are expected to attend these functions
06:48 because that's--that's such an important aspect
06:51 of culture in the family.
06:52 You know, when you are invited to a place,
06:56 you know, to a relative you are expected to be there.
06:58 And so and since, very few of my relatives were Christians
07:02 we were exposed to--
07:04 you know, I was exposed to this type of environment
07:07 at a very young age.
07:10 And then you went to Andrews University
07:14 for further study. Yes.
07:15 What did you focus on?
07:17 Well, you see I'm like Jonah, you know, the runaway person.
07:22 Ever since I have been a young person
07:24 active in church and ministry and evangelism
07:27 and reaching out to different people
07:28 but I felt call to be a pastor.
07:32 Personally because they were so many baggage
07:33 that I had to deal with and one of it is that
07:37 the church never focus on the biggest need
07:40 which is to reach people of Hindu background
07:43 and so I didn't want anything to do with the church
07:45 in terms of ministry being a pastor.
07:48 And so, you know, I did everything else.
07:51 You know, I started to call a business
07:54 and that didn't work out
07:55 and finally I settled with computer science.
07:57 And so I was a web developer, after graduating from Andrews
08:01 and for number of years
08:02 but I wanted to be involved in ministry.
08:04 So I found an Adventist company
08:06 and worked for about seven years doing websites
08:09 and programming for churches
08:12 and conferences and unions and so on.
08:16 Well, God had-- God has its way,
08:19 you know, He has His way with me and finally He--
08:21 He got you out of the field?
08:22 He got me out and told me that,
08:25 I want You to be back in ministry
08:26 because this is My church.
08:28 And no matter how broken it is
08:30 this is where I want you to be.
08:32 And so finally I said Lord you,
08:34 You have--You have Your way and I'll follow that.
08:38 And so I quit my career in 2008 and told my wife,
08:43 we were just married about three months
08:45 and you know, Emmy is from Oregon
08:50 and when I first met her she had no idea
08:51 where Guyana was, where I was born.
08:55 And so God just put us together.
08:57 Two worlds come together
08:59 and after three months she looked at me
09:02 and said you must be crazy. You gonna be a what, a pastor.
09:07 I said well, this is what God is calling me to do.
09:09 I don't know where this is gonna take me
09:11 but I'm willing to follow.
09:12 Why didn't you tell me before we got married?
09:16 Well, yeah she wished that I did.
09:20 But, you know, God has really
09:22 put us together for a specific reason.
09:25 And after a seminary at Andrews University
09:28 I was willing to go where God wants me
09:30 and that's when the-- when they came back to me that,
09:34 you know, the place that I came from
09:36 and the people there that needs the gospel
09:38 and I said this is where I need to return to. Wonderful.
09:41 And she--she you know, being a faithful Christian
09:45 she was willing to follow God's lead
09:46 and there hasn't been an easy road by any means.
09:50 But, how then our son Peter has made the,
09:52 the world of difference,
09:53 you know, he is to go this missionary
09:55 wherever we go in Trinidad
09:56 and the Caribbean he melts the hearts of people.
09:59 Breaks down barriers. Breaks down barriers.
10:01 How old is he now?
10:02 He is three and half and he is done a--
10:05 he has more friends than we do.
10:08 Well, you know, the church plant let's talk about the fact
10:10 that the best way to get to know
10:11 people in the communities are that to have a child
10:14 or have a--walk a dog, dog of an evening.
10:17 We just start talking to people, right? That's right.
10:20 So, Clifmond what is your,
10:23 what is your goal in your ministry?
10:25 You know, my goal is,
10:28 is to do what Christ has asked us to do
10:30 and that is to share the good news
10:32 to each person that we meet.
10:34 And-- and I believe that this--
10:36 this message that we have will be--
10:38 will be reached to all the people in the world.
10:42 But it has to be done by the laypersons.
10:45 And so I make it my utmost mission
10:49 to train and equip the layperson, the people
10:52 who gets up in the morning
10:53 and say God help me to get through this day
10:55 so I can share the good news.
10:56 These are the people that makes a difference
10:58 and I have been empowering them
11:00 I said listen, you ask for the resource you will get it.
11:04 You ask for the time, you will get it
11:06 because this is what you need to share the good news
11:08 and I think this is what I have been trying to do.
11:12 And it has made a difference.
11:13 It has made a difference already.
11:15 Well, Clifmond, thank you so much
11:17 for the work that you are doing.
11:18 I know that God is blessing in
11:20 and He has great plans for the future.
11:23 Viewers at home, wonderful story
11:26 of Clifmond following God's leading
11:29 and I invite you to please pray for our Global Mission Centers.
11:34 Pray for Clifmond, pray for other centers
11:36 because its challenging work,
11:38 sometimes it can be very lonely discouraging work
11:41 and it's--and it's wonderful for them to know that
11:43 there is a world church that is praying for them.
11:46 And if you like to find out
11:47 more information about Global Mission Centers
11:50 simply go to,
11:55 and there you will find much more information contact details
11:58 because they are there to serve the church to more effectively.
12:02 Build bridges to our brothers and sisters
12:04 who come from vastly different faith,
12:06 traditions than most of us.
12:55 It's my privilege and pleasure to introduce our guest
12:58 who is my colleague and friend Dr. Richard Elofer.
13:01 And Dr. Elofer heads up
13:03 the World Jewish Adventist Friendship Center,
13:06 which is one of the Global Mission Centers.
13:09 Richard, thank you so much for joining us. Yeah.
13:12 You are currently based in France. Yes.
13:15 Now, when I first met you,
13:19 you were speaking very good English
13:21 which you still do now
13:22 but that was not your native language. No.
13:25 But you have learned English pretty quickly,
13:27 how did that happen?
13:29 Oh, it was by I would say by force
13:33 because I had to. Right.
13:36 Yeah, I went six month at Noble College,
13:41 just to have the first basic things
13:45 and then I had to speak
13:47 and to learn by myself after that.
13:50 Wow, so you are preaching pretty soon after that.
13:53 Yeah, I had to, yes. Fantastic.
13:56 Richard, the ministry that we have with Jewish people,
14:03 where are we conducting this ministry
14:04 what parts of the world?
14:06 Well, we have this ministry in fact everywhere,
14:10 where Jews are living.
14:11 That means in Israel, in North America, in Canada,
14:16 in different country of South America
14:20 like Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay.
14:24 And we are looking to start new ministries
14:28 in Mexico and Puerto Rico.
14:31 And then we, we are looking
14:33 also to start a new ministry in South Africa.
14:37 We have some people interested by this ministry
14:41 in Pretoria and Johannesburg.
14:44 And also we have of course this ministry in France,
14:49 in Netherlands, in Germany, very soon in Italy.
14:53 And we have also this ministry in Ukraine,
14:56 in Russia, in East European countries, in Poland too
15:01 and right now we have started a new ministry in New Zealand
15:07 and I hope very soon in Australia. Excellent.
15:11 Now you just came back from the South Pacific,
15:13 what did you find there?
15:16 I found a very motivated leaders
15:22 of our Seventh-day Adventist Church's there
15:24 because I was in Brisbane, I was in Sydney
15:29 and in Sydney I met also president
15:33 of the mission conference and Union.
15:36 They were meeting in the South Pacific division office
15:40 and they gave a them a presentation for one hour
15:44 and they were very, very interested
15:46 and afterward they came to me saying that--
15:49 some of them came to me say they are interested to see me
15:54 starting the ministry in Melbourne
15:57 in Sydney in the South New Zealand Conference
16:03 and also in Polynesia, French Polynesia, Tahiti
16:09 and New Caledonia. Wow.
16:11 All these territories are very interested
16:14 by this ministry. Good.
16:16 Richard, can you please describe for us
16:20 some of the congregations
16:22 that have been established in some parts of the world.
16:25 Okay, we call this congregation Jewish-Adventist Congregation
16:31 because in fact in this congregations
16:34 we would like make the Jews to be comfortable
16:39 in worshiping God
16:42 and that's why we use Hebrews songs
16:46 and Hebrew prayers
16:49 and we use also some artifacts like Tallit.
16:53 You know this shawl of prayer
16:56 and the Kipa that means this small hat
16:58 that Jews have to pray
17:00 and of course in each country
17:03 the sermon in their local language,
17:06 English, Spanish, France, etc.
17:10 But Jews like to seeing them to pray in Hebrews
17:13 because that reminds them
17:15 what they did in the synagogue before. Yeah.
17:19 Now, can you describe some of the--
17:21 I mean different sizes and different places.
17:25 I know in South America
17:27 there are some quite large groups.
17:28 Oh, yeah, we have large groups
17:30 and just that the two weeks ago at the end of August
17:35 they had division meeting
17:40 With all the leaders from Brazil,
17:43 Argentina, Chile, Uruguay.
17:46 This meeting was lead by Dr. Dr Reinaldo Seiquera
17:50 who is a leader for the South America division
17:54 and that went very, very well
17:57 because we have this meeting
17:58 now regularly almost every year
18:02 and as people can't right.
18:05 And in North America we have a very nice ministry too
18:11 because we have about 25 congregations
18:15 in North America led by Ralph Ringer
18:20 who is a coordinator for North America Division
18:25 and we have every year in August
18:29 just before ASI Convention.
18:33 And you are talking language that people may not understand
18:35 ASI is like a lay Adventist organization.
18:38 Yeah. Yeah.
18:40 We have an advisory, North America advisory
18:45 and then we have the news on many things--
18:50 many news about what happen in this ministry.
18:53 So you have basically a network of people
18:55 who are leading different congregations
18:57 and you come together to plan,
18:59 to learn from each other and see what can be improved.
19:02 Yeah, we had in May the World Advisory
19:06 and this World Advisory was held in Kiev in Ukraine
19:12 and we have about 50 people coming from all over the world
19:17 to attend this meeting and to give views
19:20 and to share what happening is in many countries. Fantastic.
19:27 I think for many of our viewers
19:28 this will come as news to them
19:30 of what the flourishing ministry there is,
19:32 but thank you Richard, for sharing.
19:34 Viewers at home, a wonderful ministry,
19:36 not an easy ministry
19:37 but one that we are called to do build bridges
19:41 because you know too often there has been a distance
19:44 between the Christian church
19:46 and our Jewish brothers and sisters
19:48 to whom we owe so much.
20:05 Christof and his family moved from a crowded city
20:08 in Germany to a remote community in Portugal.
20:11 They wanted to be closer to God and to one another.
20:15 Their new home looks out on to a beautiful mountain range.
20:18 Here Christof and his brother's
20:20 have the biggest play ground they could wish for.
20:24 When Christof's family arrived,
20:25 they had a tough time making friends
20:27 in their new community.
20:29 They didn't know the language
20:30 and it was awkward relating to people
20:32 from the completely different culture.
20:34 So, Christof and his mom decided
20:36 to simply help people in their village,
20:38 after all there are no barriers for lending a helping hand.
20:43 One day, Christof met a goat herder
20:45 and he asked the man
20:46 if he could help take care of his goats.
20:49 The man pleasantly agreed and he began to teach Christof
20:52 how to care for these playful animals.
20:55 After a bit of time spent together,
20:57 Christof learned that his new friend Antonio
20:59 Did not know how to read or write.
21:02 So Christof offered to read stories
21:04 to his new friend on his next visit.
21:06 Christof was eager to share the beautiful messages
21:09 he had learned in the Bible.
21:11 So he brought his favorite book with him.
21:13 As he read Antonio listened attentively.
21:16 He was happy to have someone read to him
21:19 and these were special messages from the word of God.
21:23 On one occasion, Antonio told Christof
21:25 that he believes there is a God in heaven.
21:28 Antonio also shared that years ago
21:31 his grandma believed in a Sabbath
21:33 as God's day for rest and worship.
21:36 Christof is really happy to find a friend
21:38 he could share the Bible with.
21:40 Today, Christof has his own goats.
21:42 He cares for them everyday with his brothers.
21:45 The goats are lot of fun.
21:47 Christof and his family
21:48 thank God for the wonderful blessing
21:51 He gives each one of us.
21:53 Why don't you try listening to God's voice
21:55 and sharing his amazing stories with others.
21:58 You never know what exciting gift
22:00 God will bring to your life.
22:10 If you enjoy these images of mission
22:12 you will be happy to know
22:13 that the new Adventist mission calendar,
22:16 this beautiful calendar will keep
22:18 the people in places of mission
22:19 in front of you everyday.
22:21 If you live in North America
22:23 please accept this free gift as a small thanks
22:26 for your prayers and support.
22:28 Just call toll free 1800-648-5824
22:33 or visit our website
22:34 and ask for the Adventist mission calendar
22:37 or offer 305.
22:40 Be sure to mention the calendar or offer 305.
22:45 Well I hope you have enjoyed today's program.
22:47 Thank you, again for your continuing support
22:50 of Adventist mission through your prayers,
22:52 personal involvement and finances.
22:55 As we close I hope You'll find inspiration
22:57 for mission in this music video.
23:00 For Adventist mission I'm Gary Krause
23:02 and I hope you can join us next time,
23:04 right here on Global Mission Snapshots.
23:59 Trust in the Lord with all your heart
24:05 Lean not on your own understanding
24:10 In all your ways acknowledge Him
24:16 And He shall direct your paths
24:22 Do not be wise in your own eyes
24:27 Fear the Lord and depart from evil
24:33 It will be health to your flesh
24:38 And it will be strength
24:40 to your bones
24:46 Honor the Lord Honor the Lord
24:51 With all you have to offer
24:58 Even the small Even the small
25:03 Is enough to bring honor
25:34 Trust in the Lord with all your heart
25:38 And lean not on your own understanding
25:43 In all your ways acknowledge Him
25:47 And He shall direct your paths
25:52 Do not be wise in your own eyes
25:56 Fear the Lord and depart from evil
26:01 It will be health to your flesh
26:05 And it will be strength to your bones
26:13 Honor the Lord Honor the Lord
26:17 With all you have to offer
26:24 Even the small Even the small
26:28 Is enough to bring honor
26:35 Honor the Lord Honor the Lord
26:39 With your humble service
26:45 Honor the Lord Honor the Lord
26:50 This is your purpose


Revised 2014-12-17