Global Mission Snapshots

Best Bible Studies Stories & Urban Ministries

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Gary Krause (Host), Kurt Johnson, Gerson Santos


Series Code: GMS

Program Code: GMS000041

00:01 A Chinese restaurant in Japan's larger city,
00:03 an elementary school in Kenya, Discover Bible schools
00:07 and the challenges of urban mission,
00:09 all that and more coming up next
00:12 on Global Mission Snapshots.
00:24 Just before He went up to heaven,
00:27 Jesus gave us a command.
00:30 He gave us a mission. Jesus said, go.
00:35 "Go unto all the world telling them of His love."
00:40 This is our mission, this is our Global Mission.
00:49 Hello I'm Gary Krause.
00:51 Welcome to Global Mission Snapshots.
00:54 In the late 1930s a pastor in Williamsport, Pennsylvania
00:58 kneeled away to follow up with people
01:00 who'd show an interest in studying the Bible
01:03 after hearing his radio broadcast.
01:06 So he adapted a set of Bible study lessons
01:08 and started a 23 lesson Bible correspondence course.
01:13 Soon other Adventist radio ministries
01:16 were offering Bible correspondence courses.
01:19 Today the Discover Bible Schools are still sending out
01:22 thousands of lessons and providing lessons online.
01:26 Today we'll be talking with Pastor Kurt Johnson
01:29 who heads up, the Discover Bible Schools.
01:32 We'll also be talking with Gerson Santos,
01:35 Director of the Global Mission Center for Urban Ministries.
01:39 And we'll visit a Chinese restaurant in Tokyo, Japan.
01:43 But first up Baraton International School
01:46 in the country of Kenya.
01:55 Here on the campus of Baraton University
01:58 in the country of Kenya is the B.I.S. school.
02:02 This school serves the children
02:03 of university students and the community.
02:07 Shadrach is six years old. He is a student at B.I.S.
02:11 He loves to play with his friends
02:13 and participate in school activities.
02:20 Every day Shadrach walks a great distance to school.
02:25 He's committed to learning because he has dreams
02:27 of being a pilot and a doctor someday.
02:31 You can see that there are few mistakes, isn't it?
02:34 Yes. And the first one is--
02:36 This is Abigail, she is 13 years old
02:38 and also attends B.I.S.
02:41 Her parents are students at the Adventist University.
02:44 Abigail loves to learn here.
02:47 Both Shadrach and Abigail study hard in their school.
02:51 Each day both students walk home for lunch.
02:54 There isn't enough space to prepare food
02:56 for all the students.
02:58 So only a few students at the school
02:59 are able to stay for lunch the rest walk home,
03:03 sometimes more than two kilometers each way.
03:06 The road is long and its poor condition
03:09 makes it a difficult walk for the children.
03:17 After lunch students return to their classrooms.
03:20 The classrooms are in poor shape
03:22 and when it rains sometimes water comes inside.
03:26 These conditions make it hard to learn.
03:30 As you can see the students here are eager to learn
03:34 but their facilities are not up to standard.
03:38 They need a place where they can learn comfortably
03:41 without having to worry about the weather
03:42 and the journey home for lunch.
03:45 A portion of your 13th Sabbath offerings
03:47 will help build new classrooms
03:49 and a cafeteria for the students here.
03:52 Students like Shadrach and Abigail
03:54 will be able to stay happily at the school for the day.
03:58 Part of the offering also goes toward building
04:00 married student housing for the University students.
04:03 So children like Abigail
04:05 can live closer to the school she loves.
04:08 Please pray for the projects in Kenya
04:11 and pray for the students at B.I.S.
04:14 Thank you, for your support of the mission
04:17 of the Seventh-day Adventist church.
04:23 My guest is Pastor Kurt Johnson
04:25 who cares for Bible correspondence schools
04:27 of the Seventh-day Adventist church around the world.
04:30 Thanks, Kurt for joining us.
04:32 You have so many wonderful stories
04:34 about how Bible school lessons
04:37 are touching lives around the world
04:38 and for this time that we have together
04:41 I just want to hear good stories.
04:43 I love telling good stories.
04:45 The first story I want to share with you Gary,
04:47 is about a man named Howard.
04:49 And it comes out of Kentucky.
04:51 Howard and his wife were going behind grocery stores
04:55 looking in dumpsters, trying to find
04:58 cans and bottles for recycling.
05:00 And one day behind a grocery store in Lexington, Kentucky,
05:04 Howard was looking through the trash
05:06 and he found a lesson Discover Bible School guide.
05:09 And he picked out lesson up, look at it said to his wife,
05:13 "This looks interesting.
05:14 Think I'll take it home and study it.
05:16 But we need a Bible."
05:18 And two days later, guess what?
05:21 They found a Bible in the trash can if you can imagine.
05:24 God helped them find a Bible lesson and a Bible.
05:27 They went home begin studying the lessons.
05:29 A local Discover Bible School in their local church
05:32 had their address on the back of the answer sheet.
05:34 Howard filled it out, sent the answer sheet
05:36 back to the local church and began receiving the lessons.
05:40 After about lesson number nine,
05:43 the church members contacted Howard,
05:45 began to visit with him, answered questions.
05:48 And Howard went to church and today he's a baptized member
05:52 of the Seventh-day Adventist church.
05:54 And when I hear that story or I should say tell the story
05:58 and when I heard it from Howard.
06:01 It said to me, you know that the people
06:03 that threw those lessons away
06:04 and the Bible probably in their mind were saying
06:06 I don't need the religion, I don't need God.
06:08 But in that case they became an evangelist
06:10 because they brought unsupportively they brought
06:13 Howard into a relationship with Jesus Christ.
06:16 Powerful story, I love it. Yeah.
06:18 Now you said there was a lesson number nine
06:20 that church members contacted him,
06:21 is that a way you recommend it as their particular stage.
06:25 Well, yeah, we--we share with them and about that time
06:28 and day or two go visit,
06:29 take them the steps to Christ, get acquainted.
06:32 And see if they can transition
06:33 from their correspondence lesson into a personal study.
06:36 Good, another story.
06:38 I'm gonna share with you my favorite story.
06:40 Lot of stories come and this one is amazing to me.
06:45 Mike Strickland who was
06:46 a Bible School director in England
06:48 who was since passed away shared this story with me.
06:52 Well, we have to go back a long time ago.
06:54 In fact to back to around 1955 the story starts.
06:59 The church members were walking down the street
07:01 it appears putting a Bible study request cards,
07:04 free Bible lessons cards on the doors of all the homes.
07:08 And what it looks like happen was this one family got a card
07:12 probably laid it on the top of their piano.
07:15 As they are sitting there playing their piano,
07:17 there is a vibration that comes out of the soundboard.
07:20 So they pick the card up off the top of the piano
07:23 and began to fold it up to make a wedge out of it.
07:25 And they fold it many, many times
07:27 until they got it just really, really small.
07:29 Took the screw out from the back of the piano
07:32 where the vibration was coming.
07:33 Shove the card in there and ran that screw
07:35 right through the center of that card
07:37 that they made into a wedge.
07:39 It sat in that piano as a wedge for over 25 years.
07:43 And then the owner of the piano sold it.
07:46 The lady that bought it said
07:47 that she played the piano for about three years.
07:50 And after she--three years she called the piano tuner.
07:53 He comes to the house takes back off the piano
07:56 finds this card, unfolds it.
07:59 So now it's almost, you know, 30 years old almost.
08:02 It's got all these holes perforated through it
08:04 because of the screw lays on top of the piano.
08:06 And he finishes his work,
08:08 repairs the soundboard goes home.
08:11 The lady finds the card,
08:13 she picks it up and reads it, free Bible studies.
08:15 And it mentions the areas that they were taught,
08:18 you know that the questions would to be answered.
08:20 Her hearts convicted by the Holy Spirit.
08:22 She sits downs and she writes a note.
08:25 And says, "I don't know if this Bible lessons
08:27 are still available or not but I found this card
08:30 in the back of the piano.
08:32 And she-- if the lessons are available
08:34 I'd like to receive them."
08:35 She mails it and the address is 30 years old
08:38 but our Bible school is you know,
08:40 still existed at that same location.
08:43 And she began receiving the lessons
08:45 and eventually she was visited.
08:47 And the lady and her daughter
08:48 are Seventh-day Adventist church members today.
08:51 Because of a card that was in a piano for 30 years.
08:54 It's amazing story.
08:56 Well, that's a thing this longevity I mean that--
08:58 as long the card doesn't get destroyed
09:00 it still is a witness. Amen.
09:03 And I share with church members, you know,
09:06 we never know what God's gonna do
09:08 with a piece of literature with a card.
09:10 And so hand those cards out, give them to people,
09:14 put them in a pocket on the airplane.
09:16 Put them in a library book if you check out a book,
09:19 if you when you give a tip at a restaurant,
09:23 lay a card there.
09:24 You never know how that card will touch a life
09:27 and person will respond and study the Bible lessons.
09:31 So a church member who wants to get involved
09:33 in this ministry what can they do?
09:35 Well, if they contact us at the Adventist media center
09:39 in Simi Valley, California, the voice prophecy.
09:43 If they contact us there and say they like to have
09:45 a Discover Bible School then they can share with them
09:48 how they can receive cards and set up their Bible school.
09:51 And to see what the lessons
09:54 you just go to, right?
09:56 Yeah. Yes.
09:58 The is our website
10:01 where people can study the lessons online.
10:04 And you can online you can either study
10:06 with an instructor or there are also self training.
10:09 And it's setup to every church member in North America
10:12 they would like to get bible lessons online
10:15 through the internet, they can become an instructor
10:17 and we can help them do that also. Good.
10:20 Give another story in 30 seconds.
10:21 In 30 seconds?
10:23 Well, another trash can story.
10:26 Fred was visiting his daughter in
10:28 you know, apartment complex.
10:30 And as he was leaving he picked the sack of garbage
10:33 sitting by her door and said. "I'll throw this away."
10:35 And so he goes outside flips up the ban of the canister
10:40 and local church has mass mailed on you know,
10:43 Bible study enrollment cards offering free Bible lessons.
10:46 And some of the people had thrown them away
10:48 and they were lying in there on top of the rest of the trash.
10:50 He picked one up
10:52 said this looks interesting, mailed it in.
10:54 He began to study the bible lessons
10:56 and today Fred also had made his decision
10:58 and he accepted Jesus into his life and he's baptized.
11:01 You know, I start tell people Gary,
11:04 that if God can use trashcans, if God can use piano
11:08 I'm sure that God can use you and me.
11:11 Excellent, thank you so much Kurt, for joining us.
11:14 If you'd like to be involved in this ministry
11:16 please contact the address,
11:18 phone number that's on the screen now.
11:20 And pray that many more people
11:22 will be touched for this ministry.
12:11 It's my pleasure to welcome my guest Dr. Gerson Santos.
12:16 Dr. Santos is an administrator, a church leader
12:19 in a greater New York region of the United States.
12:22 And he is also the Director of the Global Mission Center
12:26 for Urban Ministry.
12:28 Thank you so much for joining us, Gerson.
12:30 Well, thank you for having me here.
12:32 You know, urban mission is such a daunting topic
12:36 because we see in growing cities
12:39 most people now living in cities.
12:41 So this is just getting bigger and when we look
12:44 at our mission to share the good news about Jesus,
12:47 you wonder where do you even start.
12:49 New York, tell me about New York.
12:51 Well, New York is an amazing place.
12:54 It's one of the largest city's in the world.
12:57 It's very cosmopolitan and you have people
12:59 from all over the world.
13:01 The people say there are about 800 different ethnicities
13:04 or languages spoken in the city.
13:08 About 60% of population are immigrants.
13:11 So and it's also has--
13:14 it's very important in terms of communication,
13:16 it's the center of communication,
13:18 news center of the finance in the world.
13:20 So everything that happens in New York
13:22 affects the whole world.
13:24 So we-- it's an amazing city.
13:26 This is definitely I can tell you.
13:29 We receive every year over 15 million of tourists
13:32 are visiting the city.
13:34 And of course has so many challenges.
13:37 We've difference in terms of income,
13:40 you have--you can find the most poor,
13:42 the most rich and you'd find all kinds of challenges
13:46 as urban-- larger to urban area.
13:50 This year has been designated as the special year
13:53 by church leaders to focus on mission in New York.
13:57 What is happening with that?
13:58 Well, that's a good question. Thank you.
14:01 When we heard about this
14:03 initiative of mission to the cities,
14:05 reaching out the large urban,
14:08 you know, areas in the world.
14:09 And the General Conference, the church decided
14:13 to focus on New York as the starting point.
14:16 That was a privilege for us to be, to be part of this.
14:19 And of course you have people they think oh,
14:22 evangelism reaching out, this is about public meetings.
14:25 But it's more-- much more than that.
14:27 I mean, preaching the gospel
14:28 in a public setting is just part of it.
14:31 We develop strategy focusing in,
14:35 starting with spiritual revival.
14:38 Training and equipping, reaching out the community.
14:42 Reaping meetings of course are part of the project.
14:45 And follow what programs for discipleship.
14:48 This is-- I should say,
14:52 comprehensive approach for evangelism,
14:54 evangelism as the cycle and developing different areas
14:57 not just the preaching but also making disciples
15:01 which is our main mandate.
15:05 Gerson, I hold in my hand here this new mission magazine.
15:09 Mission 360, I say new because
15:13 it just came off the press last week.
15:15 But mainly this is going to be a digital magazine
15:17 where you can download it on a Kindle,
15:19 your iPads, your iPhone, whatever.
15:22 And you got a to access this.
15:27 But I'm drawing attention to this because in here
15:30 we have an article on centers of influence.
15:33 Urban centers of influence
15:34 where we can connect with the community.
15:37 Now do you have any centers planned for New York City?
15:41 Yeah. We have a few of them.
15:45 I can share one of them its right in the heart of the city
15:48 and we are planning to remodel and update a building
15:53 that has been used for as our book center, a book store.
15:58 And we are trying to update the building having
16:01 developing kind of light mayo, juice bar at the lobby.
16:07 And we are also starting small group meetings.
16:10 We are planning to have series of seminars during lunch time
16:14 because we are talking right in the heart of Manhattan.
16:17 And we have a lot of people that work in the area.
16:21 They might live outside the city but during lunch time
16:24 they need to take a break anyway.
16:26 So this a good opportunity for us.
16:28 There is another important area I would mention is in Brooklyn.
16:33 Brooklyn has been very affective after the big storm,
16:36 Sandy in the end of last year.
16:39 And when the church mobilize its resources to reach out
16:45 the community and support a community
16:47 that open a lot of doors for us.
16:49 We have community service center there.
16:52 We have a couple of churches in the area.
16:54 And those buildings, I mean they become
16:57 centers of influence in that community.
17:00 When we come back later on, later on when we come
17:03 and invite them for bible studies
17:07 or talk to them about spiritual things
17:09 as we answered their questions I mean,
17:11 those has created a tremendous environment
17:14 and people are just begging us,
17:17 can you give us a little bit more.
17:19 We are eager to learn from the word of God.
17:22 Well, that's exciting.
17:23 I mean the one that you're talking about first
17:25 right there next to Bryant Park,
17:28 opposite to New York City Public Library.
17:30 That's correct. That's the place.
17:32 What is it like three blocks from Times Square?
17:33 I mean it's just a--
17:34 Yeah, just a few blocks from Times Square.
17:36 And so what we're talking about here is a platform
17:39 to put Christ method into practice
17:41 where we can mingle, show sympathy,
17:43 minister to needs, bring confidence
17:45 and bring people to follow Jesus.
17:49 One of the challenges of the city is its so expensive, right?
17:53 Yeah. You're right.
17:54 This is a--this is probably the main challenge
17:57 we face anything to try to do in the city is high cost.
18:02 And you need to follow, I mean there is no way
18:04 you need to follow all the permits
18:07 and get all the unions involved.
18:09 Especially you know, New York is very union,
18:12 it's strong there.
18:14 And so we're investing quite a much of money
18:18 to try and do update a building.
18:19 One of our main challenges is the elevator.
18:23 This will cost over $100,000 just to update elevator.
18:28 We had some joints from an architect that will cost
18:31 close to $100,000 also to do it and apply for all the permits.
18:35 So before you even get started,
18:37 I mean you already spent
18:39 a couple of hundred thousands dollars.
18:41 So it's unbelievable.
18:43 People may think oh, we just got down to you know,
18:46 just brought a new banner in front of the--
18:49 of the store but it's, it's not like that,
18:52 it's a little bit more complicated than that.
18:54 But we see a tremendous opportunity also as I said,
18:57 you have right there, you have millions of people
19:00 working or walking distances.
19:01 You receive millions of people every year visiting those sites
19:05 and Bryant Park and public library
19:07 is one of the most visited places in New York City.
19:10 So it's also, it's a challenge but in the other hand
19:13 it's a tremendous opportunity. I mean, we can't miss it.
19:15 We have to take advantage of that
19:17 and offer things that people be you know,
19:19 in need place to recharge their phones,
19:22 you know, free wi-fi, healthy,
19:26 you know, juice or sandwich.
19:28 And spend some time with friends and do some exercise.
19:33 So we need to offer things
19:34 that people will be you know, excited about.
19:37 And as you make those connections
19:38 in small groups can start to be establish.
19:41 I think, it's so exciting, Gerson.
19:42 Thanks so much for sharing with us.
19:45 Viewers at home, please pray for New York City
19:48 and the big cities of the world.
19:49 I'm just so excited about centers of influence.
19:52 We're calling them life hopes and this places
19:54 where we can connect with urban people in the way
19:57 that is meaningful following Jesus' example.
20:00 To find out more go to
20:04 and pray for urban mission.
20:14 When Pastor Yu Chuan Fu and his wife Pan
20:16 go to their neighborhood Chinese restaurant
20:19 they get more than a good meal.
20:20 They find friends and a place where they can talk about Jesus.
20:25 Pastor Yu and his family arrived in Japan in 2006
20:29 as part of Global Mission's Pioneer Mission Movement.
20:32 Originally from Taiwan, they were sent to Tokyo
20:35 as missionaries to share Jesus' love
20:37 with people in Japan's largest city.
20:40 When they arrived they found a growing Chinese population.
20:44 Some 120,000 Chinese people
20:47 mingled with the crowds on the streets of Tokyo.
20:50 That's nearly 1/3rd of Japan's Chinese population.
20:54 When Pastor Yu and his family visited the Chinese restaurant
20:57 near their home, they started talking with the owners.
21:00 Mr. and Mrs. Han had moved to Japan
21:03 from the People's Republic of China.
21:05 Back in China less than 3%
21:07 of the 1.3 billion people are Christians.
21:12 After their second visit to the restaurant,
21:14 Pastor and Mrs. Yu invited their new friends
21:16 to visit their church.
21:18 Soon Pastor Yu started studying the Bible with Mr. and Mrs. Han
21:22 often meeting with them in their restaurant.
21:25 Then in December of last year Mrs. Han had to go away,
21:29 she was gone for three months.
21:32 While she was gone Mrs. Yu noticed Mr. Han
21:35 struggling to run the restaurant by himself.
21:38 So she started going to the restaurant
21:40 to lend a helping hand.
21:42 She helped to prepare food,
21:44 waited on tables and washed plenty of dishes.
21:47 Over time they used friendship
21:49 and the Bible studies have touched Mrs. Han's heart.
21:53 Today she is attending the Chinese church
21:56 with Pastor and Mrs. Yu.
21:58 She's still studying the Bible and wants to be baptized.
22:01 Mr. Han stays behind to keep the restaurant open
22:04 but he is still studying the Bible.
22:06 Recently Mr. and Mrs. Han
22:08 dedicated their young son Tanfan to Jesus.
22:12 Please pray for Pastor and Mrs. Yu
22:15 as they work to share Jesus' love
22:16 with people in Japan's largest city.
22:19 And please pray for the Han family
22:21 and those like them who for the first time
22:23 are learning about a God who loves them.
22:26 Thank you, for supporting Global Mission
22:28 in the mission offerings that make mission possible.
22:37 Today we have a very special offer
22:39 on Global Mission Snapshots.
22:42 We know that many of our viewers love mission
22:44 and the different peoples, coaches
22:46 and places around the world.
22:48 And so if you live in North America and also enjoy eating
22:51 we would like to send you a free copy of a new cookbook
22:55 called "A Taste of Travel."
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23:04 So if you live in North America
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23:17 This book is completely free although if you also include
23:20 a donation we would be very happy to receive it.
23:23 But hurry because supplies are limited.
23:26 Don't forget to clearly state your name and address
23:29 and we'll send you a copy while supplies last.
23:33 Well, I hope you enjoyed our program today.
23:35 And I hope it's inspired you to pray for the people
23:38 in place that you've seen.
23:40 Thank you, so much for your continuing prayers
23:42 and your financial support for Global Mission.
23:45 I'll leave you with this music video and until next time,
23:48 I'm Gary Krause. God bless.
24:07 Let your heart be broken
24:11 for a world in need
24:16 Feed the mouths that hunger,
24:21 soothe the wounds that bleed
24:25 Give the cup of water
24:30 and the loaf of bread
24:35 Be the hands of Jesus,
24:39 serving in His stead
24:47 Here on earth applying
24:52 principles of love
24:56 Visible expressions,
25:01 God still rules above
25:06 Living illustration of the Living Word
25:14 To the minds of all
25:18 who've Never seen or heard
25:27 Blest to be a blessing
25:32 privileged to care
25:36 Challenged by the need
25:40 apparent everywhere
25:46 Where mankind is wanting,
25:50 fill the vacant place
25:55 Be the means through which
25:58 the Lord reveals His grace
26:47 Let your heart be tender
26:51 and your vision clear
26:56 See mankind as God sees,
27:00 serve Him far and near
27:05 Let your heart be broken
27:10 by a brother's pain
27:14 Share your rich resources,
27:18 give and give again
27:26 Add to your believing
27:31 deeds that prove it true
27:36 Knowing Christ as Savior,
27:40 make Him Master, too
27:45 Follow in His footsteps,
27:49 go where He has trod
27:54 In the world's great trouble risk yourself for God.


Revised 2014-12-17