Global Mission Snapshots

Cross Country Short Turn / Bible Studies Local Churches

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Gary Krause (Host), Kurt Johnson, Wagner Kuhn


Series Code: GMS

Program Code: GMS000032

00:01 A missionary hat preparing for short term mission trips
00:04 and Bible correspondence schools,
00:07 that and much more coming up next
00:09 on "Global Mission Snapshots."
00:23 Just before He went up to heaven,
00:25 Jesus gave us a command.
00:28 He gave us a mission. Jesus said, go.
00:33 Go unto all the world, telling them of His love.
00:38 This is our mission. This is our "Global Mission."
00:48 Hello I'm Gary Kruase.
00:49 Thank you for joining us as we look at a world of mission
00:52 on Global Mission Snapshots.
00:55 On today's program, we will be talking with Wagner Kuhn,
00:58 Associate Professor of World Mission
01:00 Seventh-day Adventist Seminary,
01:03 Andrews University in Berrien Springs, Michigan.
01:06 Now, that's a mouthful.
01:07 We will be talking to Dr. Kuhn about how we can best prepare
01:10 to be an effective witness cross culturally.
01:14 We will also be talking with Pastor Kurt Johnson,
01:17 Discovery Bible School Director about what's happening
01:20 with local churches that partner with the Bible school.
01:24 And we will visit a school in India,
01:25 that struggles to find room for all the students
01:29 that are wanting to attend.
01:30 But first, let's meet a missionary hat.
01:48 Felipe lives in the city of Lima, Peru.
01:52 He has dedicated his life
01:53 to sharing the love of Jesus with others.
01:56 But there was a time when Felipe was searching for his purpose
01:59 and did not know where to look.
02:02 He now knows that God's plans
02:03 can come from the most unexpected places.
02:08 Felipe was working at a university
02:09 where he was constantly searching for a sign
02:11 of what God wanted for his life.
02:14 Every day he walked to work passing by some homes and shops.
02:19 One day on his way to work,
02:20 Felipe was in a store and saw something that caught his eye.
02:24 There was a unique hat and Felipe loved interesting hats.
02:28 He bought the hat and wore it proudly the rest of the day.
02:32 Felipe was unaware of the significances
02:34 of the Adventist logo on the hat.
02:40 In my work, people asked me
02:41 if I knew the meaning of the cap.
02:43 And I said, no.
02:44 They asked me if I was an Adventist.
02:46 And I said, no, I'm not an Adventist.
02:49 Felipe was curious about what being an Adventist meant.
02:52 So he went looking for a Seventh-day Adventist church.
03:02 When I went looking for the church,
03:03 I asked the man selling orange juice
03:05 on the street about the Adventist church.
03:07 He answered me that he is an Adventist.
03:14 This was just the sign Felipe was waiting for.
03:18 After talking, the two men became friends
03:20 and visited the church together the next weekend.
03:23 Felipe felt welcome in the church
03:25 and returned again each week.
03:27 He now knows that God has a plan for his life.
03:33 My life is not only complete, it is more than that.
03:37 When I ask God something,
03:38 He gives me everything that I ask of Him.
03:40 So, now, I help other people to know about the word of God.
03:44 Felipe is thankful that he found the hat that lead him to be
03:48 a part of the Adventist church and to know Jesus.
03:52 He knows that God can use anyone
03:54 or anything including a hat to reach His people.
03:59 Please pray for those still searching
04:01 for a relationship with Jesus.
04:04 And thank you for your support of mission around the world.
04:19 I'm delighted to welcome Dr. Wagner Kuhn,
04:21 from the department of World Mission Adventist Seminary
04:25 in Berrien Springs, Michigan.
04:27 That's a mouthful.
04:28 Welcome, Wagner, glad you can join us.
04:30 Thank you.
04:32 You have a very important role in many respects
04:35 but to shape future pastors in the way--
04:39 and present pastors in the way they are thinking about mission.
04:42 That's quite a responsibility.
04:44 It is indeed you know and I take it very seriously.
04:48 Are you saying that there is an interest in mission
04:52 among pastors that you are training?
04:54 More and more, you know,
04:55 you see pastors coming to the seminary for example, Gary
04:58 with avid desire of trying to understand more,
05:03 you know, cross cultural.
05:05 And because the places where they minister, you know,
05:09 they have members that come from all walks of life.
05:12 You know, from Asian background,
05:14 from Latin American background,
05:16 from you know, different types of cultures
05:19 and it is more and more with this interest in mind
05:23 that we try to provide certain way of helping
05:28 of training pastors and young ministers in our days.
05:32 Very interesting.
05:34 Now, Wagner, I want to talk to you about short term mission.
05:39 It seems today that almost every Adventist church,
05:41 every organization has some sort of
05:43 a short term mission opportunity
05:45 that they are involving church members
05:47 and can you describe this growing phenomenon?
05:50 Well, it is certainly a very huge phenomenon
05:54 that nobody really can catch and define very well
05:58 for example, since statistics are saying right now,
06:01 that between four and five million Americans
06:04 or North Americans are involved in short term missions annually
06:09 and these I'm talking about Christians in general
06:12 that go out to do medical missions,
06:15 you know, orphanage missions,
06:17 vacation Bible schools and all kinds of types of ministries
06:23 you know, evangelistic meetings and so forth.
06:27 Out of that it is estimated that about between 14,000 to 40,000
06:35 and even some 70 or 80,000 are Seventh-day Adventists.
06:39 We don't have very good statistics.
06:43 You know, North American division reported in,
06:45 you know, couple of years ago about 45,000 people
06:48 involved in short term missions in one year.
06:53 That ranges you know, from less than two weeks
06:56 to about you know, close to two years,
07:00 but nowadays short term missions
07:02 are even less than two weeks only.
07:05 Being certain mission trips only for about
07:09 six or seven days including travel days.
07:12 So, that's a challenge.
07:14 So how does that compare short-term mission
07:17 with people who are devoted,
07:18 sort of like make a career of being a missionary,
07:21 who go for long term, how do those numbers compare?
07:24 Oh, for example, Gary, I would say that statistics
07:28 are telling us some who are doing research
07:31 that for every one long term career missionary,
07:36 you have about sixty or more short term missionaries.
07:41 You know, are short termers as they call it.
07:44 So, you know the proportion and everyone that goes
07:48 will spend about 2 or $3,000 you know, average.
07:53 You know, the whole Christian tent makers
07:57 are those who are Christians out of North America
08:00 are spending $2.2 billion a year.
08:04 We don't have precise statistics
08:06 for the Seventh-day Adventist Church
08:07 but those who are studying it are saying that
08:12 at least 2 or $3,000 each person will spend.
08:16 Okay, now, what are the advantages
08:17 of short-term mission?
08:19 What benefits is that bringing to the church?
08:22 Short term mission can bring a lot of benefits.
08:25 One of them is that it can create
08:28 good partnerships for the long run.
08:30 And if those good partnerships for the long run are developed,
08:35 then a lot of benefits come.
08:37 Both for those who go and for the ones who receive.
08:41 I think, Gary, we need to be aware
08:43 that short term mission trips are only good
08:49 when they are good for both parties,
08:50 those who go and those who receive.
08:54 So we need to have that in mind.
08:56 So what council would you give to organizations
08:59 and people involved in short-term mission?
09:02 What are the things they need to keep in mind
09:04 to make it effective?
09:06 Well, first of all I think
09:07 they need to look at and ask the questions.
09:11 Those that I'm going to serve what do they need?
09:17 Am I the one to tell them what they need
09:20 or should I ask them questions of what is their need?
09:24 Because many of us who go on short term missions,
09:27 we have a personal agenda
09:30 and we want to do what we think it's important,
09:32 but we don't often ask the questions.
09:35 Also and this is very, very important.
09:38 Research is being done and very few of the groups
09:42 that go on short term mission get,
09:44 they get good training.
09:46 Usually there is no training involved,
09:48 there is a couple of hours
09:49 of certain explanations of logistics.
09:52 And very little is done in terms of serious training
09:56 and this is very important in order to avoid
09:59 major blunders and serious problems
10:02 you know, with-- especially with teams.
10:05 What sort of damage can be done?
10:08 One is that for example short-term missions
10:10 can create spiritual hyper
10:14 and usually this spiritual hyper is short lived.
10:17 It fades away after a couple of week,
10:20 you know, or a month, people return.
10:22 So this can be kind of a distorted picture,
10:25 you know of what can be done in the long term partnership.
10:30 So again if partnerships are developed
10:32 and you go two or three or four or five times to the same place,
10:37 then you will know the people who are there
10:39 and they will know you.
10:41 There is a bond of trust being created
10:45 and a spiritual development being effected on both sides.
10:51 For somebody who wants to do it right
10:53 and wants to know how to do it better,
10:58 are there sort of resources to help train them?
11:01 For example, I have a book here you know,
11:03 it's called Effective Engagement
11:05 in Short Term Missions, doing it right.
11:08 There are several books, you know,
11:10 for example also Passport to Mission
11:12 which is a book done by the General Conference
11:16 or the Institute of World Mission on how to be prepared
11:20 and being sensitive to minister cross culturally,
11:24 you should go out of your comfort zone
11:27 and then minister for those that you aim at.
11:31 Fantastic, Wagner, thanks for joining us today.
11:34 And viewers at home, you can go to
11:38 to find out more resources
11:40 for how you can make short term mission work best.
12:24 I'm delighted to welcome Pastor Kurt Johnson to our program.
12:28 Pastor Johnson, cares for Bible Correspondence schools
12:31 around the world.
12:33 He also directs the Bible school at the Voice of Prophecy
12:35 in the North American Adventist Media Center.
12:38 Kurt, thanks so much for joining us.
12:40 This is a ministry that blankets the globe,
12:43 but you have an interest in getting as many churches,
12:46 local churches as possible involved, how does that work?
12:49 Well, we call them discover Bible schools.
12:52 And our goal is that to become a branch of the media center
12:55 and they--as we go and we help a local church
12:58 to set up basically a Bible study ministry
13:00 as an outreach to the local community.
13:03 And we help the church members to be able to go out
13:07 and find people to study the Bible with.
13:09 And then we share with them, there're five different ways
13:11 that we teach them to give those Bible studies to those interest.
13:15 And that's personally a one to one
13:16 Bible study small groups in a home,
13:19 correspondence by mail out of the local church.
13:22 They can study online on the internet and use of DVD's.
13:26 So in North America, how many church members
13:29 would you estimate get involved in this?
13:31 Well, we have 2,500 churches in North America
13:34 that have branch Bible schools. Wow.
13:36 And so, as far as the total member,
13:39 it varies per church from a handful
13:42 to you know, a lot more people.
13:44 Now, recently you had a major effort in Alaska,
13:50 tell us about that?
13:51 One of the things we do with our discover schools,
13:54 like what we did in Alaska is we will go into a conference
13:58 and we will set up a discover school,
14:00 a Bible study ministry in every church in that conference.
14:03 And then we mass mail a Bible study in roma card
14:07 which offers free Bible lessons to the person.
14:09 We mail that to every residence in that entire state. Wow.
14:13 And then we help the church members
14:15 to follow those Bible studies up.
14:17 So like in Alaska the population is just under 800,000
14:21 and there is about 300,000 homes
14:24 and so we mailed a card to every home
14:27 and then we also showed the church members
14:29 how to invite their friends and other people
14:32 to study and then the combination,
14:35 all that combinates into a graduation at the end.
14:39 So in Alaska we have about 2,000 active church members.
14:43 And we ended up with around
14:44 2,500 requests for Bible lessons.
14:47 They followed up. That's great.
14:49 Yeah, in one of our photos here shows
14:51 the group of church members in the Fairbanks
14:55 and also in the North Pole area of Alaska.
15:00 They were following up the Bible study request.
15:02 The North Pole area, I hope there are few.
15:05 Did you go up there?
15:06 Yeah, well, the North Pole
15:08 it's a little community that's near Fairbanks.
15:12 But, I went to the--our most northern city in North America.
15:18 It's called Barrow, Alaska.
15:20 It's a village of about 4,500 people
15:23 I was there February of last year.
15:26 Wrong time of the year.
15:27 Yeah, it was like between 30 and 40 below.
15:30 And I always wondered what it would be like to experience
15:33 those temperatures and I got to find out.
15:36 But in Barrow, our church membership
15:38 again varies between 5 to 10 people
15:40 depending on the time of the year,
15:42 different circumstances there.
15:44 In that village there were 28 people
15:46 that requested free Bible lessons. Wow.
15:48 And I was excited just a few weeks ago
15:50 I received an email from Penny,
15:53 who is the coordinator for the Bible school
15:56 and one of the ladies, one of the families
15:58 have just finished their Bible lessons
16:00 and they were ready to give them their diplomas.
16:02 So that was a great excitement about that. Yeah.
16:05 So 28 people in the village signed up for lessons?
16:08 That's correct. Yes.
16:11 You know in another village that you only reach by areoplane
16:15 is called Togiak and it's near Dillingham, near Bristol Bay.
16:21 In the summer time when it's thawed,
16:24 you can go in by boat otherwise you fly in.
16:26 A village of about 800 people and we have a church there at--
16:32 when I was there a year ago,
16:35 the man that was Dan Radoff was--
16:37 is a layman in his 80's he was the lay pastor there
16:41 and he had about 12 to 16 people that would come to the church
16:46 for a small group Bible study on a weekly basis
16:49 and they began to study,
16:51 they went through the discover guides.
16:52 They went through the Daniel in Revelation of course.
16:55 And all of those people graduated
16:58 and four of them made a decision to be baptized.
17:01 Is that right?
17:02 And when we had a graduation in Anchorage,
17:04 they all came in and we gave them their diplomas.
17:07 Heard their stories and then they made their decision
17:09 and were baptized at that meeting.
17:12 Wow, so what sort of impact do you see
17:15 it making on church members who get involved?
17:18 Well, you know, there is no greater joy that comes
17:22 than from inviting someone to make a decision to follow Jesus.
17:25 And so when you share Bible studies with someone
17:29 you know, those promises and those teachings
17:32 that have changed your life.
17:33 You know, really makes a difference
17:35 and so it impacts them dramatically.
17:37 There is an another story of a lady out of Anchorage,
17:40 her name is Jeanette and she had found in her life
17:43 that she had difficulties with drugs and alcohol
17:46 and have a little video clip I would like to show
17:49 of Jeanette sharing what God has done for her in her life.
17:52 Great. Let's watch that now.
18:02 I had addictions and depression.
18:06 I had it for 27 years.
18:12 I walk with the Lord everyday and He is the one who helps me
18:15 to get off the addictions like alcohol and drugs.
18:18 When Reach Alaska picking a project
18:21 for the Alaskan's Seventh-day Adventist churches,
18:24 I asked Jeanette, I said, would you like to study
18:27 the native new day Bible studies,
18:29 and she said, what's that?
18:31 And I told her there were set of Bible studies
18:34 and that they would encourage relationship with Jesus for her
18:39 and she said yeah, I would really like that.
18:41 And so I started sending them to her.
18:44 And she just started really answering them
18:46 getting the answers sheets back to me,
18:48 just back and forth really fast.
18:50 And so, she was all excited about it
18:54 and the Holy Spirit has really
18:56 put those Bible truths in her heart.
18:59 I was lost, I was into the world, I was.
19:05 I'm glad I'm no longer in the world now.
19:08 There is nothing for me out there
19:10 as long as I have the Lord in my heart, I'm happy.
19:13 Our efforts in Alaska culminated
19:15 in a live graduation program from downtown Anchorage,
19:19 where Jeanette and several others were baptized.
19:22 Bible studies are continuing across the state today,
19:25 with many more baptisms and lives changed.
19:28 Amen.
19:38 That's a great story.
19:39 Thanks so much for sharing, Kurt.
19:41 Viewers at home, you can go to
19:44 to find out more about Bible correspondence lessons.
20:21 King Solomon wrote in the Book of Proverbs,
20:23 that we should train a child in the way he should go
20:27 and when he is old, he will not turn from it.
20:37 For more than a hundred years,
20:39 Adventist education in the country of India
20:42 has been following this advice with great success.
20:45 Across the country our Adventist schools are regarded
20:49 as sources of high quality education.
20:52 But they are also known as centers
20:55 that build strong Christian character.
21:04 These are mission schools.
21:06 The majority of students who attend
21:08 are not Christian when they begin their education.
21:14 One of the oldest Adventist schools in India
21:17 is the James Memorial School.
21:20 If you train up the child in the early age,
21:23 when the life is formed in a very concrete faith.
21:26 And we teach Bible here.
21:29 We teach them stories from the Bible.
21:33 So they are attracted and they will get converted.
21:37 Even the boarding also, every year we used to have baptisms.
21:41 Children accepting Jesus.
21:47 This culture of excellence is attracting families
21:51 who want the very best for their children.
22:02 Now the school is having more than 900 enrollments.
22:06 Actually the facilities what we have at present
22:09 is to accommodate only 5 to 600 students.
22:14 At present we're having more than 300.
22:17 And in the coming years we may get more students.
22:20 So we need classrooms.
22:27 We are going to built 10 classrooms with veranda
22:32 and each classroom will have 20x20 measurement
22:36 and staircase and also both the side
22:39 we will have the toilets and urinals for students to use.
22:45 With your financial support
22:46 of the world budget and mission offerings,
22:49 new class rooms can be constructed on school campuses
22:52 across India like the James Memorial School.
23:00 Thank you for your support of the mission
23:02 of the Seventh-day Adventist church.
23:05 To find out more, please visit
23:21 If you enjoy video stories of Global Mission Pioneers,
23:25 missionaries and mission in general,
23:27 then we would like to send you
23:29 a copy of the mission stories for kid's DVD.
23:32 It says it's for kids but it's for everyone.
23:35 So if you live in North America,
23:37 please call our toll free number 1-800-648-5824
23:42 or visit our website and ask
23:44 for the mission stories for kid's DVD
23:48 or you can ask for offer number 304.
23:52 Please remember to clearly state your name and address.
23:56 Well, that's it for today's program.
23:58 I hope you've been inspired yet challenged
24:00 by what you've seen and heard on today's program.
24:04 On behalf of the Adventist Missionaries and church planters
24:07 such as Global Mission Pioneers
24:09 who are serving all around the world
24:12 thank you for your continuing prayers
24:15 and financial support of Frontline Mission.
24:18 And thanks for joining us on Global Mission Snapshots.
24:21 Until next time, I am Gary Krause, God bless.
24:42 (Speaking in foreign language)


Revised 2014-12-17