Global Mission Snapshots

ACS & Cambodia

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Gary Krause (Host), Joe Watts, Rick Kajiara


Series Code: GMS

Program Code: GMS000030

00:01 Touching hearts and changing lives
00:02 in Cambodia and North America
00:05 coming up next on "Global Mission Snapshots."
00:18 Just before He went up to heaven,
00:21 Jesus gave us a command.
00:24 He gave us a mission.
00:27 Jesus said, go.
00:29 "Go unto all the world telling them of His love."
00:34 This is our mission, this is our "Global Mission."
00:43 Hello and welcome
00:45 to Global Mission Snapshots, I'm Gary Krause.
00:48 On today's program we will be visiting Cambodia
00:51 where we will meet a Global Mission Pioneer and his wife
00:54 who relies on his motorbike
00:56 to carry the gospel to remote villages.
00:59 We will also meet a family who stepped out in faith
01:02 and answered God's call to serve in mission.
01:05 Over the years they have touched countless lives in Cambodia.
01:10 We'll also be talking with Joe Watts,
01:12 the Disaster Response Coordinator
01:14 for Adventist Community Services
01:16 here in North America and we will find out
01:18 how they impacting the lives of people touched by disaster.
01:23 But first up, let's look at one of
01:25 Adventist Mission's classic videos,
01:27 which shows what happened when an Adventist pastor
01:30 in British Columbia, Canada
01:33 handed out $100 notes to members in his shocked congregation.
01:40 My name is David Jamison and I'm the lead pastor
01:43 at the Aldergrove Adventist church
01:45 in Aldergrove, British Columbia, Canada.
01:47 And so, we just want to thank you so very much
01:50 for being a part of the Aldergrove Adventist church
01:53 and for being a part of sharing the Christ
01:56 who cares together with people all around us
01:58 in Aldergrove, Abbotsford, Langley, Surrey, and beyond.
02:02 The philosophy for this ministry basically comes from
02:04 Ministry of Healing, page 143 Christ method alone.
02:09 Jesus method was to mingle with people,
02:13 to minister to their needs, sympathize with them,
02:18 do whatever He could to help then He made them follow me.
02:22 We often pray the Lord's prayer,
02:24 "Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
02:28 Thy kingdom come.
02:30 Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven."
02:33 We decided that we were going to do that.
02:35 We wanted to bring the kingdom of God down to this earth.
02:39 And so we had the opportunity
02:44 of preaching on the parable of the talents.
02:46 And we decided to give away 50 one hundred dollar bills
02:50 to our congregation with a challenge
02:52 that individuals would come forward,
02:54 receive one of these one hundred dollar bills
02:57 and with in 90 days, they would pray over
03:00 this 100 dollar bill multiplied appropriately
03:04 and doing active kindness for someone outside the walls
03:07 of our congregation anywhere locally or in the world.
03:13 And people responded wonderfully
03:16 to that 50 one hundred dollar bills were handed out
03:20 and now the multiplication has taken place
03:24 and those funds have been multiplied over 75,000 dollars
03:29 and 40 projects that have happened locally and brought.
03:33 When Pastor David got up and challenged everybody
03:38 and we had participated in some of the one's last year
03:40 but haven't taken one on ourselves.
03:44 So we decided to take one on ourselves
03:47 and do it in that manner, had one project.
03:51 It's called the minivan for moms
03:53 and this one member just said you know, I wanted to do this
03:56 and he is got some connections and the--
03:59 he is got to know one of the single moms from our old church
04:04 and he says, she needs a new van I'm gonna start that ministry.
04:07 And her old car was just found apart,
04:09 it was gonna need a bunch of work,
04:11 more work I think then the car was even worth.
04:13 So, it was just nice to give her a hand up at the right time.
04:17 I got a phone call and they told me
04:22 that they are considering upgrading me to a van
04:26 because I have really rundown old vehicle and I said yes
04:31 and then I went to church and they gave me the keys.
04:34 Well, of course we invited her to church
04:35 the day that we presented her with the key
04:38 and here the next Sabbath,
04:40 she came to Sabbath school we had invited her
04:43 and she said yeah, I'm gonna be there and I talked to her again.
04:45 She said yeah, I'm gonna be there and I'm like okay,
04:48 she was there at 9:30 in the morning
04:51 and we just talked to her again.
04:53 And she is talking about coming again
04:55 to the Sabbath school because she has a little girl.
04:58 Even she told her grandma and grandma's like,
05:01 oh, they are letting you use it for a while type thing,
05:04 she says, no, no they are giving it to me
05:06 and I suppose there was some unbelief there.
05:11 And she just seems quite happy
05:15 that she is in something that respectable.
05:20 I just felt very blessed and it's just unbelievable
05:24 that people can be as kind
05:26 and reach out to others that need help.
05:29 I feel like I should be giving something back
05:30 so we being coming to church and just praying
05:34 and thanking God and thanking everything
05:37 for what they have done.
05:39 By allowing our membership to develop,
05:41 relationships with their neighbors,
05:43 with business owners who want to support acts of kindness
05:47 then they ask you they want to know
05:49 why do you do what you do
05:51 and then we have a chance to share ourfaith.
05:53 And to share what Jesus Christ has done for us.
05:56 People in our society want to see Christ
05:59 before they are willing to listen
06:01 to someone sharing Christ.
06:04 People don't care how much you know
06:07 until they know how much you care.
06:30 I'm delighted that Pastor Joe Watts has joined us today.
06:34 Joe is an associate director
06:36 for Adventist Community Services in North America.
06:39 Welcome, Joe. Thank you.
06:40 Now, what particular areas do you over see?
06:43 The three of the areas, disaster response,
06:47 youth empowered to serve and also, crisis care,
06:51 Now, these are very focused ministries on the community
06:55 and it seems to me that when we look at Adventist Churches
06:57 and many Christian churches in general
07:00 that we can easily get into the mode of focusing
07:03 on our own needs keeping the church members happy.
07:05 You are talking about an outward focused,
07:08 tell us about the philosophy of ACS.
07:10 Well, the philosophy is to get the salt out of the shaker
07:13 and get it out and make a difference in the community.
07:17 And I always felt like that as when I was pasturing
07:21 that if I could get my people focused outward
07:25 that then they wouldn't be fighting
07:27 and focusing on attacking me as a pastor.
07:30 So it worked, it worked. Good strategy.
07:31 Good strategy. Yeah.
07:33 So Joe, give me an example,
07:35 give me a recent example of how Adventist Community Services
07:39 has been able to help people in the community?
07:41 Well, you know, Hurricane Sandy was a big event
07:44 called the super storm and we had four conferences,
07:48 the Greater New York Conference, the Northeastern,
07:50 the New Jersey and Allegheny East
07:53 along with some of the Tsunami conferences even supported them
07:55 because that's what we do we support each other.
07:58 And in disaster and in time of disaster we don't stand alone
08:02 and they did tremendous things
08:04 and then the tragedy in Newtown happened.
08:07 And of course they called us,
08:09 they had over 60,000 teddy bears that were donated.
08:12 People said, well those are the people,
08:14 those kids need teddy bear
08:15 and so there is a emendation of teddy bear and toys
08:19 and I mean like we have got 3,600 boxes of stuffed toys.
08:26 We have got school supply
08:28 of 500 to 600 boxes of school supplies,
08:33 got teachers in there to organize and by age level.
08:38 And it has really helped the town
08:40 so that they don't have to deal with that tragedy
08:42 on the top of the tremendous tragedy
08:44 that happened in their town.
08:46 Now, Joe, what about somebody who might say,
08:50 we have organizations such as a Salvation Army
08:52 that are doing a terrific job.
08:54 The job of the Seventh-day Adventist church
08:55 is to preach the gospel.
08:57 Why are we wasting our time doing this one,
08:58 there are so many other organizations.
09:00 Well, you know the thing is selfishly we need it.
09:05 You know to be honest we need to have an outward focus.
09:10 Christ was concerned about the compassion of people.
09:13 He was concerned about what compassion
09:15 we would have for others.
09:17 He knows in our human nature and our human makeup
09:19 we need to think outside ourselves.
09:21 And yes, there are good organizations
09:23 and they are doing a good work
09:24 but Adventist community services has a real notch
09:27 and donations management is one of the areas
09:30 or is the area that we are known
09:32 for completely across all the states,
09:35 all United States of North America
09:37 and so we deal in that donations management
09:43 we do others things too.
09:44 So Joe, what is donations management?
09:47 Okay, donations management--
09:49 all organization deal in donations
09:51 but donations management is
09:53 taking the undesignated donated goods,
09:55 things that people send after disaster,
09:58 they empty their closets or just whatever
10:01 and taking those things and making organizing them
10:03 making sense and then getting them back to organizations
10:06 that can use them and get them to the people that need help.
10:10 And that's a tremendous asset in the in all
10:13 both taking care of those donated goods that pile up
10:17 and then getting some good things
10:21 to the people that need it.
10:23 Now, Adventist Community Services, how is it funded?
10:27 Funded it by donation, its basically the only way
10:30 that we have to have funding is by the--
10:33 the North American division members
10:35 who in a outpouring a lot of times
10:38 they are very, very generous
10:39 and we really, really appreciate that.
10:41 Along with some people that are not
10:43 Seventh-day Adventist call our, call AM, call the number
10:47 and give a donation and so it really helps.
10:51 So, you can go to the Adventist Community Services website
10:56 at can you donate there online?
11:00 Yes, you can and it's really kind of fun,
11:02 as moving stuff over into shopping cart
11:05 and it's a great way to great thing.
11:07 All above like a video game.
11:10 Fantastic, now, when you find that in a disaster
11:14 that people are responding
11:19 they know that you are there to help.
11:22 What happens when you don't have enough--
11:24 enough to help, what do you do?
11:26 You don't have enough goods, you don't have enough food?
11:29 Well, yeah, right exactly.
11:33 One of the things that we have-- we have the VOAD,
11:36 which is Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster
11:39 and that is 52 different organizations nationally
11:43 that have worked together.
11:44 Adventist Community Services
11:46 is charter member of that organization
11:49 and we have partnership that we develop
11:51 that help each other and so that really is--
11:54 is kind of what happens as we get another organization
11:57 involved a partner helping and we-- you put out needs
12:00 and say hey, we got-- we need this and have
12:03 so that's that really is what takes place.
12:06 So you team together. We team together.
12:08 Wonderful, now, how many Adventist community sites
12:11 are there in North America?
12:13 There is 1250 community services centers
12:15 although I found a lot of churches are doing
12:18 community service activities but not accounting as a centre.
12:22 Right, and so your goal would be for every church to be involved.
12:26 Every church needs to be doing something
12:28 needs to pick something and be doing in their community.
12:31 Now, are you available or any of your team
12:33 to help churches get started?
12:35 Absolutely, and a lot of times we have events
12:38 where we bring in conference of events,
12:40 that usually we try to bring more than one church together.
12:43 How many work--how many work at the head office in this area?
12:48 Elder Kwon and Wynelle and that's it.
12:52 And then we have each of their ministries
12:54 that we Tutoring and Mentoring, Sandra Brown,
12:57 Crisis Care, Steve Wilson, Marty Feldbush
13:00 and the others each ministry has a director that's a volunteer.
13:05 So you could have the guilty of being top heavy.
13:07 Right, exactly. Thanks for joining us, Joe.
13:09 You bet. We appreciate it.
13:11 Viewers are at home, what an important ministry this is,
13:13 Adventist Community Services.
13:15 To find out how you can be involved, how you can help
13:18 go to
14:09 My guest is Rick Kajiura
14:11 the Communication Director for Adventist Mission
14:13 and he will be taking us to South-East Asia to Cambodia.
14:17 Rick, thanks for joining us.
14:19 It's very good to be here, Gary.
14:21 Now Cambodia, tell us a little bit about the country.
14:25 Cambodia is a country in South-East Asia
14:27 and it was one of those countries that went
14:29 through a very difficult time, during Pope Hart's time.
14:34 You know millions of people were killed there
14:38 and so the country has a real struggle coming back.
14:41 In the most recent visit you see
14:43 that there's been tremendous changes,
14:46 they are much more open to tourism now.
14:48 People are coming in, people's life are improving.
14:52 So Cambodia is a country that's been a very high interest to us
14:57 in Global Mission for many years.
15:00 And we have seen Global Mission Pioneers
15:01 have started many groups not only in rural areas
15:04 but in the capital Phnom Penh.
15:06 In the capital Phnom Penh they had a number of churches
15:08 that have been started and several years ago
15:10 we visited and went out to some of the areas
15:13 around Phnom Penh including some churches that are out in--
15:16 in houseboats types of situations
15:20 and I remember being in the one where all we had was tarp
15:24 you know blue tarp over their heads
15:26 and a tarp on the ground because the field is muddy underneath
15:29 and we sort of you know tiptoed our way through to that tarp
15:33 and then took out our shoes and sat in the tarp.
15:35 But wasn't great for pictures because it makes
15:37 everybody look very blue with the blue tarp over there.
15:40 Yes, sorry about that.
15:42 But we still have a chance.
15:44 Now, we are gonna out to see and reap
15:46 where there is a Adventist missionary family living there,
15:50 tell us about them the family there.
15:53 Yeah, Tim and Wendy Maddocks
15:54 are Australians who are living there
15:57 and they have been living there for a number of years
15:59 and they are working there with the humanitarian agency
16:03 and they decided, God had a different call for them,
16:05 they wanted to do some other things
16:07 so they gave up their jobs and they moved out into an area
16:11 and they managed to find some land out there
16:14 and they brought this land
16:16 and they have started many things over the years.
16:18 They have started a-- an orphanage and a school
16:22 and they got a beautiful church and over the years
16:24 they have made a tremendous contribution
16:27 to what Global Mission does
16:28 because they had a training centre
16:30 for the Global Mission Pioneers there.
16:32 But what I found fascinating was they showed us pictures
16:36 of when they first went out there
16:38 and the little house they lived
16:39 and it was just a little tiny house
16:41 there were no trees, you look at the campus now,
16:44 there are beautiful trees giving shade.
16:46 When they started there was virtually nothing there
16:48 and they turned this little house
16:50 with no electricity under the hot sun
16:53 and that dedication you know, people who are willing
16:57 to go out there and give their
17:00 turn their lives over to God basically and so Lord you know,
17:03 what do you want us to do and we will do it.
17:06 And the interesting one of the interesting things
17:08 about them is that, they are supported by faith
17:13 so they don't receive a wage
17:14 from the Seventh-day Adventist church.
17:16 They help the Adventist church the Adventist church
17:18 is not supporting them financially in any way.
17:21 And that property you said that they bought,
17:25 they bought it many years ago for a few thousand dollars
17:28 today it's valued a several million.
17:30 They donated that to the church. They don't own it.
17:33 Yeah, they as Tim said, when he was talking he said
17:38 you know we started with nothing.
17:40 People have been supporting us over many years
17:43 and we expect when we are done if we don't die here
17:47 and have our grace here in Cambodian soil
17:49 if we leave we will go with just our suitcases.
17:51 Yeah, he said if God calls us to leave here,
17:54 it will have to be with a very loud voice.
17:57 Yeah, you know, they are--
17:59 I think they are Cambodian through and through now.
18:02 You know, both their boys are living with them
18:04 have gone to school outside but have comeback.
18:06 Their hearts are in Cambodia.
18:08 And we visited their home and you know they built
18:11 most recently they built a television studio there.
18:14 They are starting to prepare programs
18:15 for the Cambodian people,
18:16 health programs things like that.
18:19 We went to their home and it's a wooden building
18:22 that's been there for many, many years
18:24 and the termites have gotten into the wood
18:27 and they are still living there and they are saying
18:29 you know this is our home someday we may have
18:32 to build a new one but right now this is our home.
18:36 Also you mentioned that they live on faith,
18:39 you know that's one thing that really impressed me is,
18:41 is they don't ask to supporters for specific things.
18:47 They say God knows what we need, He will supply our needs.
18:52 And that's a kind of faith that we all should have.
18:55 You know, I was talking with him and he expressed surprise
18:59 that how the church operates and we have budgets, et cetera
19:02 and he says we don't have those sort of things we just--
19:04 God provides us with what we need.
19:06 You know, I was talking to some,
19:08 some people who were in the finance area of the church
19:11 and we are talking about that very thing and he said you know,
19:14 if the church leadership would operate that way,
19:19 they would be criticized on the one hand
19:21 for not planning and yet they are criticized
19:24 for lack of faith in the other hand.
19:25 So seems like sometimes they can't win.
19:27 Well, the other thing is that's true because we need
19:30 all types of people with different callings
19:34 and Tim and Wendy have certainly showed
19:37 that their priority is other people of Cambodia.
19:41 Yeah, they really have and I mean just watching
19:44 the children as they come into church and Sabbath school
19:47 and how eagerly they come and sit in the front rows
19:50 and listen it's just in tent and then you know leaving.
19:55 You know, go to their Sabbath schools
19:56 they followed them down the path way
19:59 and the enthusiasm with which they sing in that classroom
20:02 is just it warms your heart.
20:05 Now, tell us about the church, the church building.
20:08 The church building it's--
20:11 there is a beautiful building it got these open windows,
20:14 white top floor and the children just come in
20:18 and sit on the white top floor
20:20 the whole congregation sits on the floors.
20:22 Because it's not a western church building,
20:24 designed specifically for the Cambodian people.
20:27 Right because in the western build
20:28 we have the pews and we may have an organ and a piano.
20:31 And they don't have that they have a lower table upfront
20:34 and they just sit on the floor and you know,
20:37 when you come into that church
20:39 all the shoes are taken off at the front door
20:41 and I always love seeing those shoes
20:44 because you are entering holy ground.
20:46 That's right, they represent people who are inside.
20:48 Yeah. Thanks for joining us, Rick.
20:50 Thank you, it's good to be here.
20:51 And viewers at home, please remember Tim and Wendy
20:55 and their two boys and their ministry there in Cambodia
20:58 a missionary serving all around the world,
21:00 often in very challenging very difficult circumstances.
21:13 My name is Kai Sophal and I work
21:16 as a Global Mission Pioneer in the country of Cambodia.
21:20 Together with my wife, we travel to small villages
21:23 on the outskirts of the capital city of Phnom Penh,
21:26 sharing the truths of the Gospel with everyone we meet.
21:30 Our little bike has lots of kilometers on it
21:32 and we sometimes will visit villages
21:34 that are more than 30 kilometers away.
21:46 The hardest part is when you spend time
21:47 sharing the Gospel with people and they don't choose
21:50 to believe what you have shared with them.
21:53 Our greatest desires for them to believe in Jesus
21:56 and when they don't it can be difficult to take.
22:00 One of the ways to reach out is go speak one to one with people,
22:04 share the gospel with them that way.
22:06 Another way is to use the new beginning DVD program
22:09 to preach the gospel, another is to pass out tracks
22:12 and explain to people what track is talking about.
22:16 The track talks about two roads of life,
22:19 the road to life, the road to death.
22:22 It tells about the life of Jesus,
22:24 the reason why He came, His death and resurrection
22:28 going to heaven and coming back again.
22:32 When I go and visit villages and share the gospel
22:34 I find that people don't reject the message right away
22:38 but it is only a handful that fully accept
22:40 and receive the message into their hearts.
22:43 Most of society feels that religion is for old people,
22:47 they want to work and make money when they are young.
22:49 They don't have time for God.
22:52 But the ones that find God are true to Him
22:54 and their lives are really changed.
22:57 You can see it on their faces when they read the Bible
22:59 and really understand what it says.
23:02 When they pray, they have a peaceful look
23:04 that reflects the love that they have for God.
23:07 This is what brings me joy.
23:10 This is why I became a Global Mission Pioneer.
23:16 Because I wanted to be able to have
23:17 as many people as possible hear the gospel
23:21 so that they too could receive salvation.
23:25 My hope for the membership of the Adventist Church
23:27 in Cambodia is that they will take our message of truth
23:31 and the word of God to those who don't know
23:34 and share with them so that the church can grow
23:37 and the truth can be spread through out Cambodia.
23:49 I love to hear about how Global Mission Pioneers
23:53 are starting new congregations in new areas.
23:56 If you are like me and would like
23:57 to receive a monthly newsletter,
23:59 packed with stories and information
24:01 about Global Mission Pioneers
24:03 and their work all around the world,
24:06 then simply call us or visit our website
24:08 and ask for Frontline edition or if it's easy to remember
24:13 ask for offer number 301.
24:16 Please clearly state your name, your mailing address
24:19 and be sure to mention Frontline edition or offer 301.
24:24 Well, I hope you've been challenged and inspired
24:27 by what you've seen on today's program.
24:29 If you are a Seventh-day Adventist, please remember
24:32 to support the mission offerings in your local church.
24:35 But anybody can give online at anytime by simply visiting
24:38 our website at
24:44 Thanks for joining us on today's program.
24:46 Until then next time, I am Gary Krause,
24:48 wishing you God's richest blessings
24:50 and I hope you can join us next time
24:52 here on "Global Mission Snapshots."
25:13 Oh the sweetness of being
25:17 here with You All of the day,
25:22 Oh I pray Help this wandering heart
25:26 to remain In You
25:30 I am blessed In You
25:34 so content Guide my feet Cause them to keep
25:41 Walking in Your perfect way
25:47 Your perfect way Your loving selfless way
26:01 Let me not negotiate With the old man
26:07 that I now hate Let him be nothing else but dead
26:13 That I might exist as alive Only in Christ
26:19 I am free Only in Christ
26:23 so happy Refining fire, healing my mind
26:30 Mould me into the image of Love
26:36 The image of Love
26:40 Beautiful image of You
26:45 Who is Love
27:07 Here is the life That I longed for
27:11 Here is the place that I adore
27:15 I'm not in prison anymore
27:20 For you've brought me out into Your marvelous light
27:24 Come my friend let me remind you again
27:32 Forget the dark places you've been
27:36 For now you are a child of His
27:42 A child of His
27:46 A recreated child of His


Revised 2014-12-17