Global Mission Snapshots

Tent Makers & Mission to Cities

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Gary Krause (Host), Wagner Kuhn, Rick McEdward


Series Code: GMS

Program Code: GMS000028

00:01 Russia and Japan, small groups, big cities
00:04 and the Apostle Paul's real profession
00:07 coming up next on Global Mission Snapshots.
00:21 Just before He went up to heaven Jesus gave us a command.
00:26 He gave us a mission.
00:29 Jesus said "Go, go unto all the world,
00:34 telling them of His love."
00:37 This is our mission.
00:38 This is our Global Mission.
00:46 Hello, I am Gary Krause
00:47 and welcome to Global Mission Snapshots
00:50 where we take you around the world
00:52 to experience mission in action.
00:55 On today's program, we'll meet to two little girls
00:57 who learning to trust God as they live with their parents
01:00 who are sharing God's love with people in Tokyo, Japan.
01:04 It's one of the world's most populated cities
01:07 and its home to some 13 million people.
01:10 Only two percent of Japan's population
01:12 consider themselves to be Christians.
01:15 We'll also be talking with Dr. Rick McEdward,
01:17 is the Director of the Global Mission Study Centers.
01:20 And he will talk about the Adventist churches plan
01:23 to bring mission to the great cities of the world.
01:27 Dr. Wagner Kuhn, associated professor of World Mission
01:31 at the Seventh-day Adventist Seminary
01:33 who will also join us to tell us
01:34 what the Apostle Paul's profession has
01:37 to do with mission today.
01:39 But first up, let's see how woman in Russia
01:42 is using her home to minister to a small group of people.
01:51 I have a friend, her name is Olesya
01:54 and she invited me to this group.
02:00 Some time ago my house was damaged in a fire,
02:03 and the church helped me rebuild part of it,
02:05 and I decided that I would like to have
02:07 this house dedicated to God and to serve Him.
02:10 So for the past year I have been inviting
02:12 a small group to come and meet in my house.
02:16 Olesya lives in the town of Krasnoyarsk,
02:20 deep in the heart of Siberia.
02:23 Life here can be cold,
02:25 and for the small number of Seventh-day Adventist
02:28 that make their homes here,
02:29 reaching out to others has not been easy.
02:32 But then a new approach was taken,
02:35 one that has proven to be successful.
02:41 At our church we were discussing ways
02:44 that we can share our love for God
02:45 and our friendship with others.
02:47 One of my friends suggested that we have a small group meeting.
02:51 Because of our group, now Ruslan and Margeurita
02:53 are the fruits of our meetings
02:55 and I am so happy that they have joined us.
02:59 Ruslan is the newest member of the group to join the church,
03:03 and he started attending the group for a specific reason.
03:10 I came to this group because they were studying the Bible.
03:13 Now God is my life and my friend.
03:16 Getting a small group established isn't an easy task,
03:20 so the group was thankful
03:22 for some help in the beginning.
03:27 When we started our group, our pastor, Vladimar,
03:30 joined us and it helped to get us going.
03:32 It was very helpful.
03:37 This group is successful because they are united:
03:40 and are like a family.
03:42 They help each other and I am sure
03:43 that if something were to happen to one of them,
03:46 the others would support them
03:48 and help each other grow spiritually.
03:51 The members of this group have been changed
03:53 through their new friendships,
03:55 as well as the continual study of the Holy Scriptures.
04:02 God has changed me a lot
04:03 because before I never used
04:05 to listen to other people's opinions.
04:07 I was selfish and everything was my way.
04:10 But when I went to church and got to know God,
04:13 I can now listen to people and consider their opinions.
04:18 Small group evangelism has proven to be successful
04:22 all over the world.
04:23 For many it is the best way to truly grow the church
04:28 and build strong congregations.
04:34 I am sure that this model of outreach
04:36 is one of the best ways to reach people
04:38 and grow as a church.
04:40 People become like a family
04:42 and their relationships help to unify the church.
04:46 The church members who started the small group
04:49 are happy that they have found a way
04:51 to reach out to those people in their community
04:53 who are searching for the truth.
04:56 For Ruslan and Margeurita,
04:58 their lives have been touched by people
05:01 who were willing to let them into their church family.
05:07 I am so happy that they have found the truth.
05:10 They both used to be different people
05:12 but now their lives have purpose.
05:14 I used to be the same way when I found my life changed.
05:20 Your mission offerings will provide a new church building
05:24 for the Seventh-day Adventist members in Krasnoyarsk.
05:28 Currently, they have to rent public buildings
05:31 so that their members can meet each Sabbath.
05:33 This new church will provide a stable place of worship
05:38 where they can invite their friends
05:39 and families to worship.
05:42 Please keep the members in Krasnoyarsk in your prayers
05:45 as you give your Mission Offerings this Sabbath.
05:54 It's my pleasure to welcome DR. Wagner Kuhn,
05:56 to our program.
05:58 Dr. Kuhn is at the Adventist Seminary
06:01 in Berrien Springs Michigan
06:02 in the department of World Mission.
06:05 Welcome, Wagner. Thank you.
06:07 What is that in-- involve you?
06:08 You work in the department of World Mission.
06:10 You teach, you research, what--tell us what you do?
06:13 Yes, most of it is-- involves teaching
06:17 but and also reaching as well and providing training
06:20 as church asks us to do.
06:22 Mostly you know going out and interacting with people
06:27 especially for example in a way
06:30 that you involve yourself into mission of God
06:33 and you share with those who are involved out there.
06:38 You know, not necessarily missionaries
06:40 or career missionaries but for example to make us.
06:44 Okay, which is the topic about conversation today
06:48 but before we get to that
06:49 you're from Brazil. Correct.
06:51 You worked in Central Asia,
06:53 you now working in North America.
06:54 Why is mission so important to you?
06:57 I think it is something of the heart, you know.
06:59 It's something that comes by being raised by parents
07:03 who instill new stories of missionaries
07:06 who told you many things about what God has done for you.
07:10 How good God is and what He asks you to do as well.
07:14 So you know this issues of is being a missionary
07:18 came from my parents I believe first in foremost.
07:21 Now you are not the only member of your family
07:23 who has served as a missionary.
07:24 Tells us a little bit about your wider family.
07:27 Well, my older brother Ron,
07:29 you know, he has worked in several countries from Africa,
07:33 South America, Asia, you know, North America
07:37 and he has serve most of his life for with ADRA.
07:40 Another brother of mine has served in Asia, in Mongolia,
07:46 back in South America and now he is again back in Mongolia.
07:50 So I have also served in Central Asia in Nakhchivan,
07:55 you know, the land of Noah. And I served Azerbaijan.
07:58 and I served in North America as well
08:01 with Institute of World Mission
08:03 now with the seminary the Missions Department.
08:05 So it is somehow a business of what God has done. Yeah.
08:11 In us, you know when I praise God
08:13 for that it is certainly a privilege.
08:15 That's wonderful.
08:16 Now we're talking about tent making
08:19 and this goes back to the Apostle Paul.
08:22 What it was the connection there?
08:23 You know, it seems that the Apostle Paul
08:26 comes to Corinth,
08:28 you know, in Acts 8--Acts 18
08:31 and he partners up with Aquila and Priscilla
08:34 and for a close to two years.
08:36 He is a tentmaker, you know, building tents
08:39 actually with the his own hands.
08:41 And as he's done that in that trade
08:44 he shares the gospel.
08:47 Okay, so when we now move it to the 21 Century,
08:52 what is tentmaker it today?
08:54 Well, I think it is doctor, an architect,
08:57 an engineer, a nurse, a truck driver
09:01 anyone who finds access in his own profession,
09:06 you know, access to these in the restricted access country
09:09 and mostly, you know, we're talking about tentmakers
09:13 in certain places
09:15 where you cannot normally go as a missionary
09:17 or as pastor but you go through your profession
09:21 and developing that profession with that skills
09:24 you intentionally aim at witnessing for Jesus
09:28 and making disciples and possibly planting churches
09:32 or growing church.
09:33 Now as part of your work
09:36 you often travel to some of these areas to encourage,
09:39 to help train these tentmakers who are out there.
09:42 Tells us a little bit about what you do?
09:44 For example, we go to certain places
09:46 and we find ourselves involved into meeting church members
09:52 those who are for example Seventh-day Adventist
09:55 already leaving in those countries
09:58 and you know professionals of all kinds of skills,
10:02 you know, as I mentioned doctors,
10:04 nurses, you have engineers, you have librarians,
10:07 and you have housemaids, truck drivers, businesses.
10:12 And as we meet them we try to come together
10:16 on regular meetings you know two, or three hours a day
10:19 to share to encourage
10:21 and to provide certain specific trainings
10:24 of how to witness cross culturally
10:26 and how to be very sensitive and appropriate,
10:29 you know, effective in the context
10:31 where they are living and witnessing
10:33 or working that's may of fact.
10:36 Excellent, I know that you can't names
10:39 but can you tell us a story
10:41 about the tentmaker and what they're doing?
10:43 Well, recently I met a tentmaker,
10:46 you know, he is a pilot
10:49 and he is a trainer of helicopter pilots.
10:54 So he's there in a certain country in the Middle East
10:58 training and suddenly his boss asks him,
11:02 you need to come and work on Sabbath.
11:05 And he says no, I cannot because I keep the Sabbath.
11:08 I am a Seventh-day Adventist.
11:10 And the boss, you know, an Arabic man demands him
11:14 that he comes on Sabbath to work.
11:16 And he says, no, I cannot,
11:18 you know, I keep the Sabbath as day of rest.
11:22 And sudden, you know, he finds himself
11:24 thinking that he's going to lose his job.
11:27 Finally, you know, after the boss demanding him
11:29 so much about coming and working on Sabbath.
11:32 He says no, you can fire me because I will obey God.
11:36 And so Ed I will call him
11:39 decides not to work on Sabbath.
11:43 And finally the boss comes and calls him and says,
11:47 come with me let's go to my home.
11:50 I need you to talk to you.
11:52 And he faces Ed and says, I never met a person like that
11:57 like that who will be willing to lose his job
12:01 but not to disobey God.
12:05 I need you to work for me.
12:06 And he makes such a friendship
12:09 that the boss this Arab man
12:13 calls him to his home now to witness,
12:17 to pray with him and to talk about
12:20 you know, his believes.
12:21 So this is I call tentmaker who is really willing
12:25 to witness of his belief.
12:27 Fantastic.
12:29 Well, so when you travel you are there to encourage,
12:33 you are that to help them adop to their circumstances better.
12:37 Yeah, wonderful.
12:39 Wagner, thank you for join us today. Welcome.
12:41 Viewers at home, tent making can be a very challenging thing
12:46 for those who are involved in foreign circumstances
12:50 in coaches that may not be overlay open
12:54 to the sharing of the gospel.
12:55 Please pray for them it's very encouraging for them
12:58 to know that there is a world church
12:59 but they are people who care and praying for them.
13:02 If you like more information
13:03 about tent making go to
13:54 My guest is Pastor Rick McEdward,
13:56 who is the director of the Global Mission Study Centers
14:00 and the most recent addition to the Global Mission Study Centers
14:03 is new center aimed at urban mission.
14:06 Rick, welcome to the program.
14:08 Thanks, Gary.
14:09 Why these emphasis on urban mission.
14:11 We seem to be hearing about it
14:13 from the General Conference president
14:15 we read about it in church publications,
14:17 Global Missions talking about.
14:18 Why this emphasis?
14:20 As pretty simple it's where people live.
14:22 As of 2007 more than 50 percent of the world's population
14:28 lives in urban areas
14:29 and we see that all of the largest cities
14:33 of the world are increasing in size.
14:36 But haven't we been ministering in cities
14:39 for the last 100 or so years?
14:41 Well, you know I think we started that way.
14:43 Certainly William Millar and others of the famous
14:48 early Adventist evangelist certainly started that way
14:51 but we have been most successful in the islands
14:54 and in the villages and lot of our mission outreach
14:58 has really been in these kind of rural areas
15:01 and we have neglected the cities partly due to the complexity
15:06 but partly because we are not sure
15:08 we should really be there.
15:10 So when we're looking at mission to the cities
15:13 what sort of approach should we thinking about?
15:16 Well, you know, I think mission to the cities
15:20 really brings us back to what the Lord did.
15:24 Jesus touched people, we think about the story of the leopard.
15:28 What did He do for the leopard,
15:30 He touched him, He heeled him.
15:32 We think about Jesus by the Pool of Bethesda
15:34 with compassion raising the man up
15:36 who had been waiting for so long.
15:38 We think about Him raising the dead girl
15:41 and the mother-in-law of Peter.
15:44 All of these stories and many others show
15:48 that Jesus was interested
15:49 in much more than just preaching.
15:52 He was actually interested in meeting the physical needs
15:55 which open the door to the spiritual lives.
15:59 Can you give some examples of how urban mission
16:02 is going forward in some parts of the world?
16:05 I am sure,
16:06 I think they are some real exciting ones.
16:08 I think of city of Bangkok, Thailand
16:11 where in 2006 there was five churches
16:16 and now out of as result of partnership
16:19 between local pastors, church members,
16:22 local leaders and some missionaries.
16:25 As out of this partnership there is a 19 or 20
16:28 new congregations that have started
16:31 in the past few years.
16:33 Well, how did that happen?
16:34 It happened as result of meeting practical needs
16:38 with English language, with education,
16:40 with consoling, with health programs
16:44 and all of these programs coming together
16:46 to meet those real needs of people and open it up.
16:49 I know another story
16:50 actually of one pastor in Perth, Australia.
16:53 Over the last eight years has planted five churches.
16:58 And how did he do it?
16:59 He identifies who needs help.
17:02 He goes in system with the pluming.
17:04 He goes in system with their immigrant--immigration papers.
17:08 He helps them with a variety of needs transporting them,
17:11 doing different things,
17:13 and one by one he helps win their hearts
17:16 over to the place where he says
17:18 you know come and follow Jesus.
17:20 Wonderful.
17:21 Now, Rick, from the office of Adventist Mission
17:23 we have an exciting initiative code
17:26 Life Hope Centers which is that name
17:30 for what Ellen White called centers of influence.
17:32 Tell us about this initiative.
17:34 Well, Life Hope Center would really be a place
17:39 where people who may have a barrier
17:42 to come inside of a church with cross on it
17:45 or what people might him that some of these things
17:48 where a person of a another religion
17:50 or a secular person might be able to come in
17:54 and connect with other Christians
17:57 with Adventist who are there to built relationships,
18:00 who are there to do community service,
18:03 who may be-- could be around a cafe
18:06 or a vegetarian restaurant or reading room.
18:10 There is a lot of different ways
18:12 where we can associate with people
18:15 that don't have the stipple problem with them
18:21 or people make come in from the community.
18:23 So it's connecting church members to the community.
18:28 Well, you know, all of is need to be involved
18:30 in gospel commission.
18:31 Ultimately we have had a very successful evangelistic program
18:36 that relies on professionals.
18:38 And what a marvelous invitation God gives us to say
18:42 we want you to come every person,
18:44 every follower of Christ
18:46 and connect with others and be a witness.
18:48 But we haven't always provided
18:51 the right opportunities as a church.
18:53 And this provides an account of a teacher,
18:55 a auto mechanic, a cook,
18:58 a place for connecting with those in the community
19:03 that shows that even though I am disciple
19:05 but not an evangelist.
19:07 I still have the opportunity to share my faith that requires.
19:11 Can you give us an example to where this is happening already?
19:15 Yeah, I will tell you excellent story
19:17 in a largest city.
19:18 One of the world's largest stories--city sorry
19:21 and where a group started a health food store
19:27 with a teaching room upstairs.
19:29 This health food store has a very nice health foods
19:32 and different things and as the community
19:34 has responded to it they've been invited
19:37 to go through health training programs.
19:40 And worship services have been connected with that.
19:44 So here this community center that is multi-tiered.
19:49 A worship, yes, life training,
19:53 life skills and health training and some place
19:56 where people can come and go
19:57 and lot of church members are serving in those locations.
20:00 And so this is a place that is so funded? How is it?
20:04 Actually its supporting itself through selling health foods
20:08 but the marvelous part about it
20:09 is that they have seen a hundreds
20:13 through these ministries of people
20:16 connect with other church members,
20:18 connect with Jesus,
20:20 give their lives to Christ and join the church.
20:23 Rick, thanks so much for joining us.
20:25 And these Life Hopes Centers,
20:27 urban centers of influence have tremendous potential.
20:30 Ellen White had a vision for seeing small centers
20:34 in urban areas all around the world,
20:37 may be its something that could be started in your area.
20:40 It starts with the needs assessment of the community.
20:43 What are the needs of the people?
20:45 How can we help them?
20:46 How we as church to connect with them?
20:49 And then put cross method into practice
20:51 where we mingle with the people,
20:52 where we show His sympathy,
20:54 where we minister to their needs,
20:56 we win confidence and then we can bid them
20:59 to come and know Jesus Christ.
21:11 Hi, my name is Yana.
21:13 I live in Japan with my father and mother
21:15 and my little sister Chana.
21:18 We came from Taiwan to help tell the people
21:21 in big city of Tokyo about Jesus.
21:26 One day my father called Yana, Chana,
21:29 I forgot the cell phone in the car.
21:31 Can you go get the cell phone for me?
21:34 Chana and I went to the elevator
21:37 and I pressed the button to go down.
21:39 Suddenly the lights went out and the elevator stop moving.
21:43 It was very dark inside the elevator.
21:45 And we were scared.
21:47 We tried to open the door with our hands
21:49 but it wouldn't move.
21:52 "Let's pray," I said to Chana.
21:54 "God will help us open the door."
21:56 And so we closed our eyes
21:58 even though it was very dark in the elevator and prayed.
22:01 Dear Jesus, father asked us to give the cell phone
22:04 and now we're stuck in the elevator.
22:06 Please help us get out of the elevator, Jesus.
22:10 After we said amen we turned to the door
22:13 and as almost no fuss at all the door opened
22:16 and we were able to get out safely.
22:19 We got the cell phone and ran all the way home.
22:24 We told father and mother what had happened
22:26 and then we all praised the God together.
22:29 Father told us that the doors
22:31 we made to be impossible to open with our own hands.
22:35 God must have sent an angel to helps us open the door.
22:39 I am glad God heard us even in the dark elevator.
22:45 Then give your help to children around the world
22:47 saying about Jesus.
22:54 Do you have children or grandchildren
22:56 who might be interested in mission?
22:59 Would you like to help them learn more about other children
23:01 in countries all around the world?
23:04 At Adventist Mission we want our children
23:06 engaged with the international mission of the church.
23:10 So we've created mission cards
23:11 for kids featuring pictures of the children featured
23:15 in the quarterly Children's Mission Magazine
23:17 which is distributed to Adventist churches
23:19 around the world.
23:21 So if you live in North America
23:22 and would like a free sample set of these cards
23:26 just call us or visit our website
23:28 and ask for mission cards for kids
23:31 or ask for offer number 302.
23:34 Please remember to clearly state your name,
23:36 your mailing address and be sure to mention
23:38 mission cards for kids or offer 302.
23:43 Well, thanks for joining us today,
23:44 I hope you've been inspired and challenged
23:46 by what you have seen and heard
23:48 for Adventist Mission I'm Gary Krause
23:50 and I hope you can join us next time
23:52 right here on Global Mission Snapshots.
24:06 You love me so much more than I could ever know
24:12 Your love is deeper than this world will ever show
24:17 And all of life's beauty shines around this moment now
24:22 The sky and the cliffs they seem to change my life somehow
24:28 And I will, will never be the same
24:34 Never be the same
24:38 I will never be, never be the same
24:44 Never be the same ever again
24:53 Here I am waiting Lord, my life is just for you
24:59 Please unfold all the plans that you would have me do
25:04 In all the worlds just a breath and nothing here to stay
25:09 And all of the love we feel will save us anyway
25:14 And I will never be, never be same
25:21 Never be the same
25:25 I will never be, never be the same
25:31 Never be the same ever again
26:07 I will never be, never be the same
26:13 Never be the same
26:17 I will never be, never be the same
26:23 Never be the same ever again
26:31 Ever again
26:37 ever again
26:42 ever again
27:48 Never be the same


Revised 2014-12-17