Global Mission Snapshots

Global Mission Relevant & Global Mission Countries

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Gary Krause (Host), Mike Ryan, Nancy Kyte


Series Code: GMS

Program Code: GMS000022

00:01 A small Adventist Church in China,
00:02 Mission in the South Pacific Islands
00:05 and Elder Mike Ryan, the father of the Global Mission
00:08 all coming up next right here on Global Mission Snapshots.
00:23 Just before He went up to heaven,
00:26 Jesus gave us a command.
00:29 He gave us a mission.
00:31 Jesus said, "Go.
00:34 Go unto all the world, telling them of His love.
00:39 This is our mission. This is our "Global Mission."
00:48 Hello, I'm Gary Krause
00:49 and welcome to Global Mission Snapshots.
00:52 Today, we'll be learning more about the challenges
00:54 and needs of mission in Papua New Guinea
00:57 and we'll be talking with Nancy Kyte
00:58 about Global Mission pioneers.
01:01 We'll also be talking with
01:02 Mike Ryan, a general vice president
01:05 at Seventh-day Adventist World Headquarters
01:07 and the first director of Global Mission.
01:10 But first up, lets' go to China
01:12 and meet a woman who helped a new group of Adventists,
01:15 have a church where they could worship.
01:21 Here in the heart of China, here in the heart of this city,
01:24 is a small Seventh-day Adventist church.
01:27 Just 10 years ago, there was no Adventist church.
01:31 There were no Seventh-day Adventists.
01:33 That's when Mrs. Fan came to the city as a church planter
01:37 to start a new group of believers.
01:40 Mrs. Fan tells how she was looking for a place to stay
01:42 when she first came to the city.
01:44 Someone sent her to Popo Daus.
01:47 Popo or Grandma Daus had a room that Mrs. Fan could rent.
01:52 Before long Mrs. Fan had a small group
01:55 studying the Bible and Popo Daus was one of them.
01:58 As they studied she gave her heart to Jesus
02:00 and joined the fledgling church.
02:03 She left them build a small church on her family's property.
02:06 But her husband wasn't ready to sign over the land.
02:10 Mrs. Fan tells how one day she was walking down the street
02:13 when she saw that there had been accident.
02:16 When she got closer she saw Popo Daus
02:18 lying on the street in a pool of blood.
02:21 They rushed her to the hospital where the doctors said
02:23 she wasn't going to make it through the night.
02:26 So the church members held an
02:27 all night prayer vigil for Popo Daus.
02:30 They cared about Popo Daus, but they also knew that
02:32 if anything happened to her they might lose their church.
02:36 Popo Daus got well and when she did she and her husband
02:39 signed over the land to the church.
02:42 Today Popo Daus is 79 and still worshipping
02:45 in the church she help build.
02:48 And sister Fan, she went on to plant
02:50 the other churches in other areas.
02:53 If you would like to learn more about how you can help,
02:56 plant new churches in un-entered areas.
02:59 Visit
03:13 When global mission was established by the worlds
03:16 Seventh-day Adventist church in 1990
03:19 there was six million Adventists--
03:21 baptized Adventists, believers around the world.
03:24 Today, that's around 17 million.
03:25 So we can praise God for tremendous growth.
03:28 But we still have challenges that are facing us
03:31 and I'm delighted to welcome
03:33 Elder Mike Ryan to our program.
03:35 Thanks for joining us, Mike. It's a privilege to be here.
03:37 Mike, you were the first director of Global Mission.
03:40 You were there when it first started.
03:42 You were part of the planning.
03:44 When you walked into the General Conference office
03:46 for the first time what sort of a team
03:49 did you have in place to start Global Mission?
03:52 Well, there actually Charles Taylor was there
03:56 and he had done a lot of the original research.
04:00 And Yvonne Dysinger and there were some people
04:03 who were there but in terms of a program
04:08 they really didn't have any program.
04:10 You had funding of course?
04:12 Well, it wasn't a lot of funding either.
04:15 And that was kind of just where we started.
04:19 So we had to be began to, you know,
04:20 envision how it was gonna come together.
04:22 So it's not like you were called in
04:24 to be director of an existing department.
04:26 You were to start a new initiative.
04:29 Yeah, except that it did have very clear guidelines.
04:32 And because when you're starting something like that
04:36 there's lot of people who come in and they say
04:38 we have to do this, you have to do this,
04:39 and it should be that.
04:41 And also you're kind of stepping around
04:44 and there's lot of turf out there.
04:45 But the committee who had established it,
04:50 before I was ever asked to be director,
04:52 they were very clear that Global Mission
04:56 was to establish Seventh-day Adventist congregations
05:01 and churches in place that were un-entered.
05:03 And then they named three-- four major priorities.
05:08 And one at that time
05:10 was the territory of the Soviet Union.
05:13 And of course now it's the former territory
05:15 of the Soviet Union.
05:16 But China, India and the Middle-East,
05:20 and then as each of those territories
05:24 contained big cities those were the priority.
05:28 And it also identified that--
05:30 we won't just going to talk in terms of geography,
05:32 but also in terms of people groups. Yes.
05:35 So now Mike, 23 years later, has Global Mission being doing
05:39 what it's supposed to be doing?
05:41 You could be candid.
05:42 Yeah. Well, it did the first 13.
05:46 It actually, you know,
05:48 I remember at the General Conference session
05:51 in Indianapolis in 1990 that they stood
05:55 and they announced that for the first time
05:59 in the history of our church
06:00 that we were establishing one new congregation everyday.
06:05 So that was you know, seven a week, you know, do the math.
06:08 And it was kind of thrilling.
06:10 I mean to think that everyday they went by you
06:12 had one new church somewhere in the world.
06:14 And well, Global Mission certainly has not been
06:21 the entity that has finished the work
06:23 because we're still here and I'm sure there are things
06:26 that could have been done better
06:30 and had gone forward, but actually today we established
06:35 maybe about 11 new congregations
06:38 everyday somewhere in the world.
06:42 And so it really has created an awareness
06:46 among our people
06:49 as to the need for church planting
06:51 in these un-entered areas.
06:52 And I think if you really did a comparison
06:55 between the 10x40 window.
06:56 Now that's the real estate between Spain and Morocco
07:01 all the way around to Japan.
07:03 And within that rectangle
07:05 what 65 to 70 percent of the world's population lives
07:10 and in 1990 only about 9 percent
07:13 of Seventh-day Adventists lived there.
07:15 Well, I think if you look at that in the last 22 years
07:19 that probably the growth inside that window
07:21 has been nearly 300 percent,
07:24 whereas if you look outside the window
07:26 that growth probably has been about 130 percent.
07:30 And so I think we've done what they wanted us to do.
07:34 It's just that our wish would have been
07:36 that we could have, you know, multiplied it 10 times. Exactly.
07:39 I think maybe the Lord's probably given us
07:40 about all we can choose sometimes. Yeah.
07:43 Mike, on this program
07:45 we talk a lot about Global Mission Pioneers.
07:48 Before 1993 they didn't exist. How did that get started?
07:52 Well, it actually was an idea that came out of Indonesia.
07:58 They had little workers that went out
08:00 and I happened to be a missionary
08:01 out in that division.
08:02 I saw wow, that really works great.
08:05 Just to take a local people send them after training.
08:08 And so I thought well, let's try this in some places.
08:11 So we just went out
08:12 and negotiated with several divisions
08:16 and they said, yeah, we'll try it.
08:19 And I mean, the thing just exploded
08:21 and went to every division
08:22 because it's a very effective thing to have
08:25 local lay people trained and witnessing.
08:29 Mike, thanks so much for joining us today.
08:32 And viewers at home, Elder Ryan has outlined
08:35 some of the history of Global Mission
08:37 and we praise God for the tremendous
08:39 growth around the world.
08:41 And I think when the history books are written
08:44 they will tell the story of how Global Mission
08:47 helped change the focus of the Church
08:50 to focus on reaching un-entered people groups,
08:53 un-entered territories.
08:54 We think of the thousands of Global Mission pioneers
08:57 working around the world today
08:58 planting new Seventh-day Adventist congregations.
09:01 And I want to thank you again
09:03 for your financial support for pioneers.
09:05 I want to thank you for your prayers
09:07 because church planting can be a very lonely
09:10 and a discouraging job.
09:12 That's very encouraging when pioneers know
09:14 that they have a world church supporting them.
09:16 Please continue to pray
09:18 for Global Mission around the world.
09:58 Some 50 years ago,
09:59 Adventists missionaries spent 40 days
10:01 traversing the rough jungles
10:03 of Papua New Guinea to reach out to people
10:05 who had never before heard the name of Jesus.
10:08 They healed the sick, fed the poor
10:10 and provided spiritual healing to God's children.
10:13 Today this same trip can be done in 15 minutes.
10:16 Thanks to our mission plane
10:18 that was paid for with your mission offerings.
10:20 The mode of transportation may have changed,
10:23 but the message of hope in Jesus is still the same.
10:35 In fulfilling our mandate to start new congregations
10:39 in new geographical areas and among new people groups,
10:43 we work in some areas
10:44 that we can't talk about publicly.
10:46 Today my guest is Nancy Kyte,
10:48 who was the Marketing Director for Adventist Mission,
10:51 works in our office at the Adventist World Headquarters
10:54 in Washington.
10:55 Welcome, Nancy. Thanks, Gary.
10:56 Recently you visited one of these countries
10:58 where we have Global Mission pioneers working.
11:02 But we don't want to name that country
11:04 because we don't want to endanger them
11:07 or some of the people they are working with.
11:09 First of all tell us about
11:10 what a Global Mission pioneer is?
11:12 A Global Mission pioneer works in his or her own culture.
11:17 So there is no having to learn a new language,
11:20 no having to learn new customs,
11:22 they can just fit right in to the new territory
11:25 that they have been assigned.
11:26 And around the world we have thousands of these pioneers.
11:30 They live on a very modest living stipend
11:33 and they follow Jesus example of living
11:35 among the people and working with them.
11:38 So Nancy, you met some of these pioneers
11:39 in this country. I met some of them.
11:41 I met eight or nine of them,
11:43 and I have to say that they were extremely interesting
11:48 and inspiring people to chat with.
11:51 And one thing I did right off the bat,
11:53 I wanted to make sure that they felt
11:54 comfortable in talking with me.
11:56 So I said I'm not going to ask you your real name
11:59 or ask you what province or town you were from.
12:01 So, you know, lets just chat as friends.
12:04 And they were able to open up
12:05 and share little bit about their work.
12:07 Good, tell me a story.
12:09 I heard about a man and his son
12:12 who worked together in a family business.
12:14 They had for decades been chopping down tress
12:18 and turn it into furniture.
12:21 So the son was helping his father one day
12:23 and there was an accident.
12:24 A tree fell over and pinned his father's legs to the ground.
12:28 And the boy was just frantic
12:30 to help get his father's leg freed
12:32 and he remembers digging at the dirt,
12:36 you know, just cloying at the dirt,
12:37 trying to get his leg freed and get him disentangled.
12:41 And was able to do so,
12:43 but his father had a severe injury,
12:45 wasn't life threatening but it was very severe.
12:48 And it really impacted the family financially.
12:51 So the boy determined
12:52 that somehow he would get an education
12:55 so that his father would not have to work so hard.
12:58 They had a very large family.
13:01 And true to his word, the boy as he got a little older
13:04 he kept that education dream in his mind
13:07 and when it came time for him to go to high school
13:09 he got on a bicycle,
13:12 rode his bicycle 100 kilometers
13:14 to a next town that of any size
13:17 and there he was able to find a room to stay
13:20 and while he could attend high school.
13:23 And this room that he rented from this family
13:25 was just kind of on the back porch.
13:27 And he noticed that this family,
13:29 would bow their heads and fold their hands
13:31 before each meal and he kind of wondered about that.
13:34 But you know, it was a very polite distance
13:36 that they had between each other.
13:40 He did well at school
13:41 because he was trained again to keep that dream alive.
13:44 He was going to succeed,
13:45 so his family could have a little more comfortable life.
13:50 Well, eventually there was a school break
13:51 and he decided that he would go back to visit his family
13:54 and so he got on his bicycle again
13:56 and of course, it would take a long time
13:58 to peddle 100 kilometers.
14:00 It was very late at night
14:02 and all of the sudden he became extremely afraid.
14:08 And there is a problem there,
14:09 that they are used to with evil spirits
14:13 and demons and he was extremely afraid of ghosts.
14:16 So here he was dark night, dark road,
14:19 peddling home and he remembered the family
14:22 that he saw folding their hands
14:24 and closing their eyes and thought
14:26 you know, maybe now was the time
14:28 for me to try to pray on my own.
14:31 And in his own way he spoke out,
14:33 he cried out to God and said, God help me please save me,
14:36 protect me and help me get home to see my father.
14:40 And immediately his fear left him
14:42 and he was able to peddle all the way home
14:44 and see his father.
14:46 Well, through a series of providences
14:48 he was able to complete his education.
14:50 He went to the university
14:53 and now he is a Global Mission pioneer and pastor
14:55 and he is serving people in his community
14:58 and he knows that this is exactly
15:00 where God wanted him to be.
15:03 Fantastic.
15:04 It's hard for us in the West to imagine how much people's
15:08 lives are dominated by pleasing the good spirits
15:12 implicating the bad spirits. Exactly.
15:14 There was another lady
15:16 there who was possessed by an evil spirit.
15:20 We just don't really hear that too much
15:22 in our part of the world, but there it's very common.
15:24 And she was extremely frightened.
15:27 Her family and her neighbors were frightened.
15:29 They took her to the hospital. Nothing could be done.
15:32 You know, lab results and blood pressure
15:34 all came out fine.
15:36 But there was this other problem.
15:38 And finally people were brought in to help her.
15:42 They called the pastor.
15:43 You know, usually the Christian is the last resort
15:45 in the situation like that.
15:47 But they had exhausted everything else.
15:48 So they brought the pioneer in,
15:51 asked him to please pray and they did so.
15:55 And he was able to work with this family,
15:57 they were able to destroy the spirit house
15:59 and the idols that were in her house
16:01 and she is fine today.
16:03 And her family is seeing that we serve a God of power.
16:08 Nancy, thank you so much for sharing with us today.
16:11 My pleasure.
16:12 Around the world today, hundreds of stories like this
16:16 are happening everyday as men and women,
16:18 boys and girls are finding peace through Jesus Christ.
16:22 And Global Mission pioneers are one of the messages
16:25 that God is using to touch lives in a very powerful way.
16:29 Thank you for your continuing prayerful support for pioneers.
16:34 It is making a difference.
16:35 It is helping to plant new congregations among
16:39 new people groups around the world.
16:50 The South Pacific region comprises 18 countries
16:54 including Australia, New Zealand,
16:56 Papua New Guinea and the Islands of the Pacific
16:59 south of the equator.
17:01 This region of the world is home to almost 37 million people.
17:05 And there are currently
17:08 Seventh-day Adventists in the south Pacific region.
17:10 That is approximately one Adventist for every 87 people.
17:17 Majority of Adventists live in the islands,
17:20 while Australia and New Zealand have a ratio of one Adventist
17:22 for about every 400 people.
17:25 Your 13th Sabbath offering this quarter
17:27 will go to three unique projects that will heal,
17:30 teach and reach remote parts of the earth.
17:52 Welcome to Mamusi,
17:54 one of the most remote villages in Papua New Guinea.
17:57 People here live as they have for hundreds of years.
18:01 And we are only able to visit this area by plane.
18:05 There are no roads here through the dense jungle
18:07 on tall mountains of Papua.
18:09 We fly here today to fulfill an important promise.
18:14 You have given me something very precious from your valley
18:18 and I want to promise you today I'm going to give you
18:21 something precious in return.
18:23 When we get the talking Bible I'll come to your village
18:28 and I'll give you and your people,
18:31 a talking Bible so that they can hear
18:34 the word of God in pidgin English
18:36 in their mother tongue for the first time.
18:41 Pastor Gary Kent hosted an Evangelistic meeting
18:43 in Mount Hagen where he was able to preach to approximately
18:46 15,000 people on some nights.
18:49 Many people in Papua learned about Jesus more,
18:52 able to share their new faith with their local communities.
18:56 Among that crowd who attended the event were 160 villagers
19:00 from Mamusi who had traveled over four days
19:03 to listen to the messages.
19:05 When the meetings ended the travelers from Mamusi
19:07 were so amazed with what they had heard.
19:10 The wonderful God of the Bible intrigued and inspired them.
19:14 So before heading home they went to greet the speaker.
19:17 The Chief of Mamusi thanked the pastor
19:20 and gave him a gift of appreciation,
19:22 feathers from a bird of Paradise.
19:25 Now months later the God-pods are brought to the Mamusi.
19:30 Most of them cannot read or speak
19:31 and even if they stumble upon the scared word of God
19:34 they would not be able to understand it.
19:37 You see, they speak pidgin English.
19:40 The God-pods are talking Bible's that the Mamusi's
19:43 and other villagers of Papua New Guinea
19:45 will be able to use to learn the important messages
19:48 that God has left to us to conduct our lives hear on earth
19:52 and to prepare for the day of Jesus soon return.
19:56 The Mamusi's can now listen in their own languages.
19:59 They can share with their friends
20:01 and their God-pods will never run out of battery.
20:04 The talking Bibles are powered by the sun.
20:08 How appropriate, isn't it?
20:09 If our lives are powered by the living Son of God,
20:12 our batteries will never run out as well.
20:14 For He promises us eternal life.
20:18 May God revive His people in Papua New Guinea
20:20 and many places of the world through His living,
20:22 breathing, talking word.
20:30 People in the remote villages of the South Pacific
20:32 are in constant need of medical attention.
20:35 From a simple flu to broken bones,
20:37 pregnancy and malaria some of the villagers
20:40 there can actually go an entire lifetime
20:42 without ever seeing a doctor.
20:44 And some of them die from commonly treated illnesses.
20:48 In Mangino, the Seventh-day Adventist church
20:50 set up a medical clinic to provide care and treatment
20:53 to the local village.
20:54 It is the only clinic within miles.
20:57 Some other people in the neighboring towns
20:59 will travel great distances on foot
21:01 to get basic medical attention of the Mangino clinic.
21:05 Brian Lilley walked here with his parents
21:07 from another village.
21:08 They came in search of treatment for his mother
21:10 who is not feeling well.
21:12 After trekking for hours through the jungle to get there
21:15 this family is very appreciative of the work being done
21:18 and hopes for a clinic in their village some day.
21:21 We have privilege to have SDA mission to come up here
21:27 and set this hospital so that all the people to get around
21:32 the bush places like here.
21:35 And we just coming to take the medicine
21:39 here for what treatment is.
21:42 The work here is plentiful.
21:44 And the Mangino clinic struggles to tend
21:46 to the high demand of those seeking medical attention.
21:49 The Mangino clinic is just one example of the clinics
21:53 throughout the South Pacific region
21:55 and the need for more health posts is great.
21:59 These medical clinics are in effective way
22:01 to treat physical as well as spiritually needs.
22:04 It's an essential service for the communities
22:06 and a sure way to win souls for Jesus.
22:16 Can you imagine not having heard the story
22:19 of Daniel and the den of lions?
22:21 The Ark of Noah and all the marching animals
22:25 or say the supernatural plagues brought on the Egyptians?
22:29 There are so many fascinating lines and events in the Bible.
22:33 They are there for training up a child
22:34 in the way that he should go.
22:36 And the Bible tells us that even in later years
22:39 he will not depart from the ways
22:40 of these precious character lessons.
22:43 In the South Pacific,
22:44 children simply do not have enough Bibles.
22:47 Only one out of ten little ones have access
22:50 to the most fascinating book, the Bible.
22:54 They want it for themselves to learn and to share.
22:58 Imagine the impact that one equipped child
23:00 can make on their family, community, school or church.
23:05 When you pick up your Bible this week,
23:08 remember what a special gift you have been given
23:11 and remember to contribute
23:12 to this quarter's 13th Sabbath offering
23:15 so a child will not grow up without the privilege
23:17 every little one to have.
23:19 This 13th Sabbath offering will go towards these projects.
23:24 We pray you will be a missionary where you are
23:26 and support the mission work
23:28 of the Seventh-day Adventist church.
23:30 To learn more about these and other projects
23:33 visit
23:43 Nancy Kyte, one of the guests on today's program recently
23:47 wrote a cookbook and it's entitled "A Taste of Travel."
23:51 It's a beautiful illustrated book and it features soups
23:54 and stews from more than 130 countries.
23:58 Today we have a special offer on Global Mission Snapshots.
24:02 We suspect that our viewers love mission
24:04 and the different people, cultures
24:06 and places around the world.
24:08 And so if you live in North America,
24:10 we'd like to send you a free copy of this cookbook.
24:14 Simply call our toll free number 1-800-648-5824
24:20 or visit our website and just ask for a copy
24:23 of "A Taste of Travel" or you can just say this soup cookbook.
24:28 This book is completely free while supplies last.
24:32 So if you include a small donation
24:34 we'd be very happy to receive it, but it's completely free.
24:38 Don't forget to clearly state your name and address
24:41 and we'll send you a copy while supplies last.
24:44 Well, thank you so much for joining us today
24:46 and a special thank you to those who call us on the phone
24:50 or go online to financially support Global Mission.
24:53 You're helping make a difference
24:55 in helping reach the un-reached with hope.
24:57 So until next time, I'm Gary Krause
24:59 for Global Mission Snapshots.
25:01 And I hope you'll be blessed by this music video
25:03 to finish our program.
25:26 What kind of love is this? What kind of love is this?
25:37 The God won't fall us from the cling
25:43 Nowhere we lack sheep, we go straight
25:50 That we will spend His holy name
25:57 That we will lay Him where else we can
26:05 What kind of love is this? What kind of love is this?
26:18 The God for us would caught the sea
26:25 And save us from the enemy
26:32 That He the God of desert sand would be
26:39 The God of the promise land
26:47 What kind of love is this? What kind of love is this?
26:59 The God will take our flesh and sin
27:06 He may like us so we could be like him
27:13 That he a priest would draw the naive
27:19 And offer Himself for his own sacrifice
27:27 What kind of love is this? What kind of love is this?
27:41 The God will do all that He can
27:47 And yearn for us to understand
27:55 What kind of love is this? What kind of love is this?


Revised 2014-12-17