Global Mission Snapshots

Light Bearers & Botswana

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Gary Krause (Host), Ty Gibson, Nancy Kyte


Series Code: GMS

Program Code: GMS000018

00:07 We are here in Botswana,
00:09 country that so well known for its incredible wildlife.
00:12 But that wildlife can also be an incredible
00:14 burden and danger to our Global Mission pioneer.
00:17 We are here in the village of Satau,
00:19 welcome to "Global Mission Snapshots."
00:28 Just before He went up to heaven,
00:30 Jesus gave us a command.
00:33 He gave us a mission.
00:36 Jesus said, Go.
00:38 Go unto all the world, telling them of His love.
00:43 This is our mission. This is our "Global Mission."
00:52 Hello and welcome to Global Mission Snapshots,
00:55 I'm Gary Krause.
00:57 Over the years printing and Christian literatures
01:00 have helped carry the good news to new areas of the world.
01:04 In the age of satellite television and the internet,
01:07 printed materials are still helping
01:10 carry the gospel of Jesus Christ.
01:12 Today we will be talking with Ty Gibson,
01:15 from Light Bearers Ministry about their mission and outreach
01:19 which involves printing literature
01:21 and a whole lot more.
01:22 We will also talk with Nancy Kyte
01:24 about Global Mission in Botswana
01:27 and we will visit Malawi Adventist University
01:30 to find out how one students life
01:32 was changed forever by Adventist education.
01:35 But first, let's learn more about Light Bearers Ministry.
01:52 There are people who are struggling in life.
01:55 People are living under poverty.
01:59 They cannot find food.
02:00 And this poverty is leading
02:01 most of the young people to commit crimes.
02:06 Poverty comes to suffering,
02:08 lack of peace, crime, drugs, HIV aids.
02:14 But it's unfortunate
02:16 we don't have enough resources to help them.
02:18 Because of the poverty area,
02:19 we cannot manage to buy the literature.
02:22 There are people that nearly want this literature
02:25 and we haven't got much to give them.
02:31 They want more and more and more.
02:32 We have more orders than we can possibly keep up
02:36 with the needs never diminish.
02:38 We can literally run two shifts
02:40 and still not meet all the requests
02:42 that we have from around the world.
02:48 They are many people who are seer unreached
02:51 of whom Jesus died for.
03:08 Light Bearers Ministry began with an overwhelming conviction
03:13 that we needed to impact people all over the world.
03:20 When we go back to the beginning of this ministry
03:22 we realize that God began all of this focus
03:25 with two young men who just want to preach and teach.
03:28 We began giving Bible studies together
03:29 doing small groups studies by invitation in homes.
03:33 And that developed into calls to go
03:36 and preach and share in different churches.
03:41 People began to request, tracks
03:44 and study guides of what we are preaching teaching.
03:47 We began creating a little publications
03:49 on our new-- new Macintosh computers.
03:52 We bought a copy machine,
03:53 just a photocopy machine and a stapler
03:56 and we began making little booklets.
03:59 At the same time, we were receiving requests
04:01 from Africa for literature.
04:03 It was then that this idea came
04:06 that we were to become publishers.
04:09 We didn't know anything about publishing.
04:11 And so we stepped up by faith,
04:12 everything we do was by faith.
04:13 We bought our first press, got some paper,
04:16 got some ink, got the chemical.
04:17 We said, wow is there a manual with this thing.
04:22 Ty and I were just working on that thing
04:24 to trying to figure it all out.
04:25 We just tried to get ink to stick to paper.
04:29 And we printed. It wasn't real readable.
04:30 It wasn't beautiful. We have all night long.
04:33 But we knew we can make it work
04:35 and we knew for sure that
04:36 we need to hire somebody else to run the press.
04:40 Within a matter of three months,
04:43 people began requesting more and more of this literature
04:47 and saying hey, you know people really need
04:50 this information everywhere.
04:53 And that just continue to develop
04:54 until another person and another person heard about it
04:56 and they said let's build the publishing house
04:58 and let's get you some new equipment.
05:02 We got additional press, better press, faster press,
05:04 folding equipment, bindery equipment.
05:06 We began targeting area around the world
05:09 with gospel literature.
05:12 We believe that God was helping us
05:15 understand and put the principle
05:17 and that is freely you receive freely give.
05:20 We had orders from Tanzania, Zambia,
05:22 Nicaragua, Peru, Mexico, Honduras, Romania, Bulgaria.
05:26 And so we are sending tracks over there
05:28 and people are receiving the gospel for the first time
05:31 and they are writing us back.
05:33 All over the world people were realizing
05:37 that something incredible
05:39 had just been raised into existence.
05:43 Light Bearers Ministry is primarily all about publishing.
05:46 So let's just take a tour
05:47 of our 15,000 square foot publishing facility.
05:50 We are able to produce multiplied
05:52 millions of publication in 32 different languages
05:55 that go all over the world.
05:58 The great thing about this press is that
06:00 it is completely computerized.
06:03 The press is able to print on both sides of the paper
06:06 in one path to the press
06:08 role after role after role all day long.
06:13 Once the material is printed folded boxed and palletized.
06:17 It goes into this large storage unit.
06:19 It's like a big drawer system.
06:25 This is where it gets really exciting
06:27 because once the material is completely prepared
06:30 we load this stuff up into semi loads
06:33 that hold between two and three million publications
06:38 and that material goes out to Seattle
06:40 where it's loaded on your barge
06:42 and then taken somewhere in the world.
06:51 That stuff lands and these people are overwhelmed
06:54 they have reading material in their own mother tongue.
06:59 That's when people's heart really began to get touched
07:03 as they encounter the gospel of Christ and God's
07:05 incredible love for them, many of them
07:07 for the first time in their lives.
07:09 Paper is powerful, paper is something
07:11 that we see, utilize in a way that goes beyond anything
07:16 it is in the world today.
07:17 It has a power that no other medium in the world has
07:20 because it has an on going life.
07:25 One person in the home reads that piece of literature
07:27 and then they can give it to someone else
07:29 and they can read it and share it
07:30 and then they can give it somebody else.
07:32 And next time you've got two people instead of one.
07:35 It's actually passed on
07:37 even from one family member to another to read.
07:39 And next time you got three instead of two.
07:41 Unlike radio and television that comes and then it's gone,
07:45 that track is a permanent possession of that individual.
07:49 And so you see one piece of literature after another.
07:52 Nickle or less, go to these individuals
07:54 and being used over and over again
07:56 reaching one heart after another after another.
08:03 It's my pleasure to welcome Ty Gibson,
08:05 co-director of Light Bearers to our program.
08:07 Ty, thanks for joining us. Thanks, Gary.
08:09 Now, what got you involved in ministry?
08:13 You know, I have been doing ministry
08:15 actually with Light Bearers since I was 19
08:19 so I have done it for my entire adult life.
08:21 Fell like 20 years now.
08:22 Yeah or more, let's not say more.
08:25 Yes, what happened Gary is
08:27 I was raised in a secular home
08:29 and came to the Lord when I was 18.
08:33 My wife Sue and I were baptized as teenagers
08:35 when we were 18 years old and then James Rafferty
08:39 who some may know as my partner in ministry
08:43 he also became a Seventh-day Adventist Christian.
08:46 I think about a year after we were baptized
08:48 he and I became friends
08:50 and we just started doing Bible studies
08:52 sharing with people in the local area
08:54 doing Bible studies, small group Bible studies in homes.
08:57 People started recording those Bible studies
08:59 and then after recording them, sharing them
09:01 and we got more invitations coming
09:03 we thought that's strange.
09:04 You know, religion in general was strange to us
09:06 but the idea of taking appointments
09:09 was not something we had thought off.
09:11 Next thing you know we were doing seminars every weekend
09:15 and then we have been doing it ever since.
09:17 So we just preach the gospel where ever we are called.
09:20 That's fantastic because I mean
09:21 we believe in the priesthood of all believers.
09:24 And so you as two young men said
09:26 we are called to be ministers.
09:28 Now, Light Bearers I mean you are
09:31 involved in running books
09:32 and television ministry, public evangelism.
09:35 You print thousands of pages of free literature
09:40 going all around the world.
09:41 You have with videos,
09:43 I mean this is a very comprehensive ministry.
09:46 It is, we are basically were communicators
09:49 we're in the spiritual business
09:52 of conveying the truths of God's character
09:55 and love to the world.
09:56 And so we use whatever communication means
09:59 at our disposable while the ministry began
10:02 as teaching and preaching ministries.
10:03 Shortly after our conversion to Christ.
10:08 We immediately saw the power of printed materials.
10:11 So we began making our sermons into little outlines
10:15 and people wanted more and more of them
10:17 until we found ourselves in need of a press.
10:19 So we bought our first press
10:21 and next thing, you know, we are getting requests
10:23 for this material by the thousands
10:25 so we bought a bigger press and then a bigger one
10:28 and we were very very shortly after starting the ministry
10:32 we were filling entire containers
10:34 like the semi containers
10:36 you see traveling on the highway
10:38 on behind 18 wheelers.
10:39 We fill containers Gary,
10:41 with about three million publications per container
10:44 in multiple different languages
10:46 and then we send that container by truck to the ocean
10:49 and then by barge to wherever the country as of choice
10:53 and we send out multiple containers like that a year.
10:56 We send out probably about
10:57 40 to 50 million pieces of literature free of charge
11:01 to the mission field every year.
11:03 And so that's the publishing aspect of what we do.
11:06 The video work of course is
11:09 and then other video projects that we do,
11:12 is just the most recent one.
11:14 Again it's to us it's just a tool,
11:16 it's a communication medium.
11:18 People are out there who read, so we publish.
11:20 People are out there who watch so we produce video.
11:23 People are out there who listen, so we produce audio.
11:26 We are just trying by every means possible
11:29 to communicate the gospel
11:31 as fast and as far as possible.
11:33 So, how are you supported?
11:35 Light Bearers is a non-profit cooperation,
11:37 so we are supported by people
11:39 who see value in the work that we are doing
11:41 and it's--it's just a ministry that's supported by friends.
11:45 People who-- who say yeah,
11:47 we want to get behind that and make it successful
11:49 and make that happen so they can reach more people.
11:52 And so it's a supported ministry in that sense.
11:57 So, to find out more information
11:59 they can go to your website which is--
12:01 would be where it's that.
12:05 Can I mention one other aspect of the ministry?
12:07 Go ahead. This is really important, Gary.
12:09 Okay. I'm listening.
12:10 Because in addition to the publishing,
12:11 in addition to the video work,
12:12 in addition to teaching and preaching in evangelism
12:16 about a year ago, year and half ago now
12:18 there is something exciting that happened.
12:21 A ministry called ARISE
12:23 which was headed up by David Asscherick
12:25 has now become a part of Light Bearers
12:27 and we do a discipleship program
12:29 where we train and teach 45 to 50 young people each year.
12:34 They come and live with us actually.
12:36 So people may want to check that out as well.
12:38 Fantastic, in 30 seconds tell me of somebody
12:41 whose life has been change through Light Bearers?
12:44 When we are in Zambia not long ago,
12:46 we met this young lady
12:47 who was going to a doctor's appointment
12:50 because she had a growth
12:51 and she thought she had cancer and was going to die.
12:53 She was just in her 20's
12:55 and somebody had left
12:57 some of our literature on public transportation.
13:00 She looked down, she was scared to death
13:02 she was gonna lose her life.
13:03 She was just really upset
13:04 and she saw this piece of literature there, Gary.
13:06 When I met her she was telling me excitedly,
13:09 she looked down the title of the piece
13:11 of literature captured her attention.
13:13 She started reading two days later
13:16 after she had her doctor's appointment
13:17 somebody who shares the entire set of Bible lessons
13:20 from which that was one walks into her place of business
13:23 and says we are signing people up
13:24 for Bible studies in the area
13:25 would you like to sign up.
13:26 He showed her those studies and she said that's the very--
13:30 I have one of those.
13:31 She signed up she was baptized just a few months later
13:35 after going through the Bible study course
13:36 and she is a precious sister.
13:38 We had the chance to meet her
13:39 and to hear her story first hand.
13:41 Fantastic, Ty, thanks so much for joining us.
13:43 Yeah, thank you.
13:44 Viewers at home, I wish we had more time
13:46 to listen to stories from Ty
13:47 of how God is blessing their ministry
13:50 leading men and women boys and girls know Jesus Christ
13:53 and to reveal that God who loves them so much.
13:56 Remember you can go to
13:59 and don't forget to go to
14:01 to see some of the cutting edge videos
14:03 that are aimed to reach nonbelievers.
14:06 Please pray for Ty and the other partners
14:10 in Light Bearers Ministry.
14:33 A major area of emphasis
14:34 for the Seventh-day Adventist church
14:36 in the Southern Africa Indian Ocean division is education.
14:40 In 2006, the 13th Sabbath offering went to help
14:44 build education centers in Mozambique in Malawi.
14:47 At Lake View College in Malawi
14:49 a new dormitory is finishing final stages of construction.
14:52 Your offerings have helped to provide much needed housing
14:55 for Adventist young people in this rapidly growing country.
14:59 Malawi has more than 290,000 members
15:02 and educating its young people
15:03 is vital to its continued growth.
15:06 One student who's life has been changed is Justin Luwemba.
15:10 Justin was born in Malawi
15:11 but moved to the Untied States when he was young.
15:14 He quickly started getting into trouble.
15:16 I was into drugs, alcohol,
15:19 I mean I was a basket ball player
15:21 so it comes with lot of these distractions as well.
15:27 So coming here that changed significantly
15:29 because environment is that of such
15:31 where there is a spiritual atmosphere.
15:35 Justine quickly found that this new atmosphere
15:38 was making a profound change on his life.
15:41 His new spiritual environment
15:42 was moving his life in a new direction.
15:45 Today Justin is a fourth year business major
15:48 and he feels that the school's
15:49 holistic approach to education
15:51 is a huge benefit to the church in Malawi.
15:54 We have youth who are going out there in their disciplines
15:59 but with Christ as well.
16:01 So that and we are told in the end time is the youth
16:05 that are the ones who gonna be spreading the gospel
16:08 and hastening that the soon coming of Jesus Christ.
16:11 Your faithful support of a 13th Sabbath offering
16:14 goes to help change the lives of people all over the world.
16:18 One way is by helping to train and educate young people
16:21 who can then affect the lives of the people
16:24 they come in contact with everyday.
16:27 The young people of Malawi
16:28 will be able to serve their part of the world
16:31 because of the sacrifices that the world church has made.
16:48 Next up, we travel from Malawi
16:50 to another African country, Botswana.
16:53 And my guest is Nancy Kyte
16:55 who is the marketing director for Adventist Mission.
16:58 Nancy, you have an intrigue at the opening
17:00 where you mentioned the wild animals
17:03 and the threat to pioneers.
17:04 Tell us about that.
17:05 Well, most of us don't think about the fact
17:07 that animals have right of way in certain areas.
17:10 And this is defiantly the fact
17:12 in northern Botswana where we were visiting.
17:16 The main highway goes right through a natural reserve park
17:19 and hundreds of thousands of elephants
17:20 just walk back and forth as they are migrating.
17:23 So, it's a kind of life that we can't even imagine.
17:27 So, the elephants are dangerous?
17:29 They actually are dangerous, they are not.
17:32 If they step on you.
17:33 Actually they create a lot of damage to property.
17:36 You know, people have to support themselves
17:38 but with their gardens.
17:40 An elephant will come through
17:41 during the day or night slash its way through
17:44 but it's not just the elephants
17:46 there are lot of other wild animals too
17:48 that make it dangerous.
17:49 So you know we at our desk might think
17:51 ah, may be it would be helpful
17:53 if I send money to buy a bicycle for this pioneer.
17:57 But in certain areas a person on a bicycle
18:00 can't get away from a wild animal fast enough.
18:03 So we need to send an armed vehicle and so.
18:05 And so this is one of the issues
18:06 that our pioneer Pastor Chabale faces.
18:09 He has to take public transport
18:12 or else he has got to walk very quickly
18:14 and very observantly to get to his next place.
18:17 I would be walking very quickly too.
18:19 So we see Global Mission pioneers
18:22 facing different challenges in different parts of the world
18:25 but yeah, I guess that's a fact of life.
18:27 I never would have thought of it,
18:28 if hadn't met him and talked to him myself.
18:30 Now, you visited two places in Botswana.
18:32 The first place was?
18:34 It was in the village of Satau where Pastor Chabale settled
18:37 and he goes in every morning
18:39 and has worship with the local clinic,
18:42 prays with the staff and with the patients that are there.
18:46 He's established a relationship with the village chief.
18:49 So he is doing all the proper traditional accepted things
18:53 that are protocol in that area.
18:56 And so he is becoming one of the community very quickly.
19:00 Now has he established a new group of believers there?
19:03 He has, he has a small group.
19:06 They meet at a school near by
19:08 but they don't have a structure of their own yet.
19:11 Now, so his first steps in church planting
19:15 were to go and make friends
19:17 with the or the protocol with the leaders.
19:20 Exactly, sometimes it's called the head man.
19:23 Okay, now the second place that you visited was?
19:27 That was in the village of Salajwe
19:28 and that was in the Sothern part of Botswana.
19:31 And it was interesting to see that church
19:33 because on this particular Sabbath the new pastor was
19:38 the third Global Mission pioneer into that area.
19:41 So a few years back the first pioneer went
19:44 and started getting acquainted with the neighbors.
19:47 And again as protocol,
19:48 God acquainted with the head man
19:50 established a relationship there.
19:52 And as people became more interested in studying with him
19:56 their group began to grow.
19:58 A second pioneer came along
20:00 and then funds from the 13th Sabbath mission offering helped
20:04 to build the church that is there now.
20:06 And a lovely church, its bright, its white.
20:11 The parking lot is just all dirt
20:13 but somebody comes along on Friday
20:14 and rakes a nice design into it.
20:17 And it's all ready for Sabbath the next day.
20:19 You said parking lot, for some reason
20:21 I was imagining that people would be walking to church
20:24 but then this is like an urban.
20:26 Well actually we thought that there would be a lot of cars
20:29 but there were only two cars one bicycle
20:32 and everyone else had walked.
20:33 So I think they are probably planning for the future.
20:37 Now, Botswana historically has been
20:39 quite a bright spot in Africa for its democracy.
20:44 How did you find the people there?
20:46 I found the people to be extremely friendly.
20:48 Very welcoming, very open, very interested
20:53 and in most occasions language wasn't a problem.
20:57 But when we didn't speak Tswana
21:00 or if a person didn't speak English
21:02 we could communicate quite easily.
21:04 You know, you make a fuss over their children
21:07 and they are very proud or if it seems right
21:11 then you hold one of their children and pick them up,
21:13 it's just very, very friendly.
21:14 I felt very safe there.
21:17 So what are the major mission challenges
21:19 that they face in Botswana?
21:21 I think probably the major mission challenges
21:25 would be secularism even there.
21:28 They said-- when we talk to them
21:31 they said most people weren't all that interested in church.
21:33 They were interested in getting ahead
21:35 especially if they had been raised in a poor village.
21:39 They wanted to do well and they are able to support
21:41 their parents and relatives in style.
21:44 So they say that their biggest challenge
21:47 is the young people wanting to go out earn more money
21:49 they are very interested in comfort
21:52 and some sorts of symbols that show
21:57 that they have achieved something.
21:58 Right, now the Global Mission Pioneers that you met
22:02 they are living a sacrificial life.
22:05 Can you describe how they are living?
22:06 Yes, the first pioneer that we met lived in just one room,
22:12 it was in a fourplex.
22:13 One room, no electricity
22:15 he has to cook his meal on a little open fire.
22:20 There isn't even a bathroom in his facility
22:22 but there is a shared one.
22:23 So its likes a communal bathroom outside in another enclosure
22:28 but that's the way everyone else is living
22:30 and that's how he does his living as well.
22:33 Well, you know we see Global Mission pioneer
22:35 just receiving a small living stipend
22:37 but they are doing it for the love of God.
22:39 Nancy, thanks so much for joining us.
22:41 I appreciate that. My pleasure.
22:42 Viewers at home, please remember
22:44 Global Mission Pioneers in your prayers.
22:46 Global Mission Pioneers face many challenges
22:49 but they are doing it because God has touched their lives
22:52 and they want to touch other lives for Him.
23:02 To My gentle searching eyes
23:08 There have been no disguises
23:13 Nothing that you have done
23:18 That you can hide
23:23 I've seen you in your darkness sin
23:26 And know the pain and guilt within
23:30 Know the question on your mind
23:33 Am I worth saving anyway
23:37 I see you child for who you are
23:40 Know that sin has left its ugly scars
23:44 But I know who you were meant to be
23:47 And my love will set you free
23:52 So come weary child
23:56 Rest beside Me for awhile
24:00 I know your care
24:03 The burdens that you bare
24:06 Abide in My love
24:10 Hide in My love
24:13 Don't push Me away
24:17 Ashamed and afraid
24:21 I know who you are
24:24 And I love you anyway My child
24:37 So bring Me all your wants and needs
24:41 I promise they can't burden Me
24:45 Most desperate one cannot exceed
24:48 My care for you
24:51 And bring Me all your doubts and fears
24:55 The hurt you haven't faced in years
24:59 The wounded heart you stuffed inside
25:02 The tears you've tride so hard to hide
25:09 So come weary child
25:12 Rest beside Me for awhile
25:17 I know your care
25:19 The burdens that you bare
25:23 Abide in My love
25:27 Hide in My love
25:30 Don't push Me away
25:33 Ashamed and afraid
25:37 I know who you are
25:40 And I love you anyway My child
25:47 So come to Me just the way you are
25:51 Though your fallen hard and wandered far
25:56 Stop trying to be so brave so strong
25:59 It's okay to cry child tears aren't wrong
26:06 So come weary child
26:09 Rest beside Me for awhile
26:14 I know your care
26:17 The burdens that you bare
26:20 Abide in My love
26:24 Hide in My love
26:27 Don't push Me away
26:31 Ashamed and afraid
26:35 I know who you are
26:37 And I love you anyway My child
26:44 Yes I love you always My child
27:13 Well, if you've enjoyed those images of mission
27:16 you will love the new Adventist Mission calendar.
27:19 This beautiful calendar will keep the faces
27:22 and places of mission in front of you everyday.
27:25 So if you live in North America,
27:27 please accept this free gift as our thanks
27:30 for your continuing prayers and support.
27:32 Just call toll free 1-800-648-5824
27:37 or you can visit our website
27:39 and just ask for the Adventist Mission calendar or offer 305.
27:44 And don't forget to mention
27:45 the calendar or offer 305.
27:49 I hope you've enjoyed today's program.
27:51 Thank you again for your continuing
27:53 support of Adventist Mission, through your prayers,
27:57 personal involvement and your finances.
28:00 For Adventist Mission, I'm Gary Krause
28:02 and I hope you can join me next time
28:04 right here on "Global Mission Snapshots."


Revised 2014-12-17