Global Mission Snapshots

Cameroon, Pt. 2 & Tornado

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Gray Krause (Host), Myron Iseminger, Bill & Trixy Coldwell


Series Code: GMS

Program Code: GMS000017

00:01 A church reaching out to their community after disaster strikes
00:04 and a medical missionary couple
00:06 in the West African country of Cameroon,
00:08 coming up next on Global Mission Snapshots.
00:14 Just before He went up to heaven,
00:16 Jesus gave us a command.
00:19 He gave us a mission. Jesus said, Go.
00:25 Go unto all the world, telling them of His love.
00:30 This is our mission. This is our "Global Mission."
00:40 Hello, I'm Gary Krause
00:41 and welcome to Global Mission Snapshots.
00:44 On today's program we'll meet Christina
00:46 a returned missionary,
00:48 who shares a touching story of how she reached out
00:51 to a family in their time of loss.
00:54 We'll also be talking with Myron Iseminger,
00:57 undersecretary
00:58 for the Seventh-day Adventist Church
01:00 and a former missionary.
01:02 But first up, let's find out
01:04 how a congregation of Seventh-day Adventist
01:07 reached out to others in the aftermath of a tornado.
01:11 On April 25 to 28, 2011 a strong series of tornadoes
01:17 swept through seven states
01:18 in the south eastern part of the United States.
01:22 More than 330 tornadoes were observed
01:25 and more than 320 people lost their lives.
01:30 Hardest hit was the state of Alabama,
01:33 where more than 280 people died.
01:36 The cities of Tuscaloosa,
01:38 Birmingham and Huntsville were hardest hit.
01:41 For many it was a day they will never forget.
01:44 On April 27,
01:46 that was really a day that changed
01:48 a whole lot of people's perspectives,
01:51 not only physically but also spiritually as well.
01:56 Adventist Community Services along with many local
01:59 Seventh-day Adventist churches immediately sprang into action
02:03 and answered the call for help.
02:05 Local pathfinder groups helped to deliver
02:07 food and water to the affected areas.
02:10 Church members also worked in their local communities
02:13 to help those in need.
02:15 Pratt City on the outskirts of Birmingham, Alabama
02:19 faced some of the worst devastation
02:21 caused by the storms.
02:23 More than 200 homes were destroyed
02:25 in a few short minutes
02:27 forever changing the lives of those who live there
02:30 and those who responded.
02:33 Your heart go out to the people,
02:36 it helps you to grow as a Christian
02:38 and it also allow you to be
02:42 a better witness to the people
02:45 you've been through the couple of days
02:47 and so I was just excited to go out and help
02:51 and be like a missionary to the poor.
02:55 Adventist members were not immune to the damage
02:58 that the storm brought to Birmingham.
03:00 Many lost their homes
03:02 but they still made the best of the situation.
03:06 One of the members at our church was Abel,
03:08 he lost his home but he was able to help
03:11 rescue other people out of their homes
03:13 in light of the tornado that came.
03:18 Because we could begin hearing the cries
03:20 of our neighbors help, help, help.
03:23 So I ran across the street
03:26 and the neighbors directly across from me
03:28 their house had pancaked on top of them
03:31 because they were told to go out to the basement of your home,
03:33 but if you do that typically if something is going to fall
03:37 is gonna fall on top of them.
03:38 And I began to dig through the rubble
03:40 and I got a mother and her son out
03:42 because her husband who was a doctor
03:44 was working at one of the local hospitals.
03:47 Adventist Community Services was able to arrange
03:50 the use of a large warehouse in Birmingham
03:53 to help coordinate the sorting and distribution
03:55 of the relief supplies that were being donated
03:58 to those in need.
04:00 Wayne Blanding serves
04:01 as the coordinator of the warehouse.
04:04 Well, we distribute from here
04:06 everything from food items to personal care items
04:11 to large items like mattresses, water, tarps
04:17 with the whole spectrum it comes through here.
04:21 The tornado changed many people's lives,
04:24 both in good and bad ways.
04:27 But for those who were involved
04:29 in helping their local community,
04:31 they came away with a new sense of pride in their church.
04:35 And I think that's just the general
04:37 question attitude that which we have.
04:39 I think beyond being Adventist
04:41 our call is to be great Christians.
04:43 And in the calling of Christianity,
04:46 and not only in forms of Adventism
04:48 but it makes our Adventist church
04:49 stand out so much more not only
04:51 because of the message that we preach
04:54 but the way that we live.
04:56 We were alive, they were folk who were in danger.
04:59 So it was not even a second thought to try to help
05:01 because again that's what we're
05:03 here for to help one another.
05:04 Your support of the world budget and the mission offerings
05:08 help to support organizations like
05:10 Adventist Community Services as they strive
05:14 to reach out to a world in need.
05:16 Thank you for supporting
05:18 the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
05:28 It's my pleasure to introduce Bill and Trixy,
05:30 who are working as missionaries
05:34 in the country of Cameroon in Africa.
05:37 Thanks very much for joining us.
05:38 You know, the word missionary
05:40 has a bit of a negative feel for lot of people
05:43 because of, you know,
05:44 in past history and even today sometimes
05:47 people are not very sensitive of other people's culture
05:51 and come and hit people over the head with the Bible.
05:53 I'm guessing that's not your approach to ministry.
05:57 I don't believe-- No, it is not, it is not.
06:00 Let me just get a bit of context
06:02 here that Bill and Trixy are working at a hospital,
06:05 a mission hospital in the Cameroon.
06:07 And I guess most of your day is just busy, busy, busy
06:12 seeing patients and making sure
06:14 everything flows correctly.
06:16 Largely, I would say Trixy, has the patient for.
06:20 My day has seeing patients.
06:23 And my day is looking
06:26 at how we were growing making sure
06:30 we're breaking even, what do we need to do
06:33 to make movement towards the future.
06:35 And so for me that's been creating mission statement,
06:38 we are looking at value statements,
06:40 things that will last long after we go
06:44 and that don't even represent us but the institution.
06:48 Wonderful. Yeah.
06:49 So, Trixy, you could have settled
06:52 in the United States of America, worked as a doctor.
06:55 You could have had a very comfortable life
06:57 earning more money than I do.
06:59 But why did you choose to go to Africa
07:02 to work at a mission hospital?
07:05 I have always wanted to go since undergraduate
07:08 and I felt that God gave me a desire,
07:13 He put that in my heart and He kept that desire going
07:17 through medical school
07:19 and even through residency training.
07:22 And, you know, God fulfills you where you are.
07:26 And I might just think that's where He has called me for now
07:29 and I'm happy where He called me.
07:33 Now, Loma Linda University is a tremendous support
07:37 for Adventist Mission around the world.
07:40 How did it help you spiritually and in your goals?
07:46 Loma Linda is a very nurturing environment
07:49 for teaching young doctors how to interact
07:55 with patients and colleagues on multiple levels
07:59 including how to minister to people
08:01 spiritually, physically, mentally.
08:05 It also leaves you with people in your life
08:08 that you will forever be in contact with,
08:10 mentors, friends, colleagues
08:13 that are always there you know,
08:16 there are people I know for the rest of my life.
08:19 And so that's a big support as well.
08:21 Sure.
08:22 The day to day rush of your work,
08:26 there must be times when you get discouraged.
08:29 How did you, I mean, are there times when
08:31 you are lonely or why am I here,
08:34 do you have those moments?
08:35 Yes, we do. Sure.
08:37 Don't know about lonely
08:38 but definitely why am I here?
08:41 What gets you through that?
08:45 I mean, part of it is
08:47 for me it's looking back and going, okay,
08:51 this is where God called me and looking back and seeing
08:55 how He calls us, that's pretty miraculous.
08:57 If you look at all the various steps
08:59 that brought us to Cameroon and that have kept us there.
09:01 It's just amazing.
09:03 So part of it is just looking back
09:05 and being very sure that this is where God's called us.
09:08 And part of it, you know,
09:10 it's just also trying to step back sometimes
09:13 and you know, do your own
09:15 personal searching on your own talk with God.
09:20 And then also from friends, friends and family,
09:24 colleagues, you know,
09:27 there are people sometimes you just have to reach out to
09:30 and it would be like why am I doing this again?
09:33 Can you share a story of someone
09:37 where you feel that you were able to make
09:38 a positive impact on through your ministry there?
09:42 Wow. One?
09:48 Well, I think you probably have more health stories.
09:52 Health stories, yes.
09:53 But you have many people
09:54 you have also impacted.
09:56 A lot of for me because I don't
09:59 do the health sector.
10:03 It's looking at the conversations.
10:07 And sometimes you don't realize
10:09 the impact you have until much later
10:12 and sometimes through someone else
10:15 and so when you have the opportunity
10:19 to explore life with someone.
10:25 One of our volunteer friends,
10:30 independent volunteers, atheist
10:33 and she was having dinner with us and saying,
10:37 I needed you today
10:39 because there were these two people conversing
10:43 and they were basically beating each other up with the Bible
10:45 and I know enough to know that it's about love.
10:50 I need a Jew there to help
10:53 give me the right text you know,
10:55 to help and so then you have over dinner
10:59 basically invitation to Bible study without Bible study.
11:02 Yeah.
11:03 And those happen actually more often
11:05 than I actually have counted.
11:07 I mean, it's frequent,
11:08 where you just have the opportunity
11:10 to explore what the scripture says
11:14 about love and compassion and service.
11:16 Great.
11:18 Thank you so much for joining us today.
11:20 I appreciate your sharing with us.
11:21 Thank you.
11:22 And to viewers at home, please,
11:25 remember people such as Bill and Trixy,
11:28 who are in the frontlines of mission
11:30 face challenges everyday.
11:32 They need your prayers, they need your support.
12:13 My guest is Pastor Myron Iseminger
12:17 who is the undersecretary for the General Conference
12:20 of Seventh-day Adventist.
12:22 This means Myron, that you are very involved
12:24 in the mission program of the church around the world.
12:28 I had a lot of questions to ask you but first up,
12:30 what's this shirt that you are wearing?
12:32 Well, this shirt comes from the Philippines
12:35 and it looks cool and it is a little cooler
12:38 than wearing a jacket but it is their formal wear.
12:41 Yes, so you get to preach in that
12:42 when you are in the Philippines.
12:43 That's right, no ties there.
12:45 Any plans for introducing that to the United States?
12:47 I would love to.
12:49 I wear this often as I have an opportunity.
12:51 I'm sure you do.
12:52 Now you were working for sometime in Southeast Asia.
12:56 You were based in the Philippines but your
12:59 jurisdiction was much of Southeast Asia.
13:02 Now what was your role there?
13:05 My role was more of a supportive role.
13:08 I got the privilege of supporting the missionaries
13:11 who are working across that region of the world.
13:13 That which brings up an interesting point
13:16 that many of our missionaries are involved in
13:18 what we call frontline work
13:19 in terms of their church planting.
13:21 They are starting new groups, groups of believers,
13:23 there are overseeing pioneers etcetera.
13:26 But others like you were in that area were
13:30 playing a support role, how do you keep your,
13:32 the balance between a desk job
13:35 but still being involved in mission?
13:38 Well, one thing I did besides,
13:40 you know, the normal day to day
13:42 getting acquainted with your neighbors
13:44 and the people you interact with
13:46 was that I tried every year
13:47 to conduct at least one series of evangelistic meetings
13:51 somewhere within the region.
13:52 Okay, tell us a bit more about that.
13:55 Well, I had some great experiences.
13:58 One year we started the night after the largest typhoon
14:02 for years that come through Manila
14:05 and so we spent a whole week without electricity.
14:09 So we ran our power basic projector off of the car
14:16 and then inverters there.
14:18 And that was an interesting experience.
14:20 Oh, sure.
14:22 But another year I went down
14:24 to the southernmost island of the Philippines, Mindanao
14:28 and had a series of meetings there
14:31 based on the academy campus.
14:33 And it was a great experience.
14:36 There were of course a lot of young people
14:39 coming to the meetings.
14:40 It was right at the close of the school year,
14:42 so many of them were quite busy with their studies,
14:46 but we also had a lady that brought
14:48 a whole jeepney load of college students
14:52 that were finishing up.
14:54 And there was one in particular that really
14:59 stood out in my mind and experience I had there.
15:02 Tell me about that? Okay.
15:05 We had been going through the series for probably
15:09 about ten nights total and I had scheduled a night off.
15:14 Well, the pastor came to me and said
15:16 the people don't want a night off,
15:18 they want, you know, to hear another sermon.
15:21 And so I prayed about it and said well,
15:24 what topic should I preach about?
15:26 The previous weekend I preached about baptism
15:29 and had a call and many of the young people
15:33 had come forward to be baptized
15:35 and we had a small baptism there,
15:37 but I felt impressed to preach again explaining
15:42 the importance of baptism and we actually
15:44 focused on Paul and Silas
15:47 when they were in jail in Philippi.
15:49 The earthquake came, the jailer was ready
15:53 to kill himself 'cause he was sure
15:55 that his prisoners had escaped
15:58 but when he found that they were all there,
15:59 Paul had a chance, a teachable moment
16:02 and he was converted
16:04 but he wanted to be baptized that night,
16:07 they couldn't wait until the next day.
16:09 And so as I shared that I again called
16:12 and this time one of the students
16:15 that had not come forward before came forward,
16:18 her name was Jenalyn.
16:20 And I found out later that she had been raised
16:24 in an Adventist home but had drifted away.
16:28 She gotten into college
16:30 and just too many things happening.
16:33 Her final exam was the following day
16:36 and she was planning to go back to her home territory
16:40 which was quite sometime place away.
16:43 And but that night the Holy Spirit
16:46 really spoke to her and as a pastor
16:50 visited with her after the call,
16:52 he found out that she wouldn't be there to be baptized later on
16:57 and that story that you know,
17:00 there is water, let's be baptized
17:03 really touched her heart.
17:04 And so she asked can I be baptized tonight.
17:07 We went and checked the baptistery
17:10 because we didn't know if there was water there,
17:12 but there still was water from few days before
17:15 when we had conducted the baptism
17:17 and the choir was still there practicing,
17:20 so they gathered around
17:22 and we were able to baptize her that night.
17:25 She of course knew the beliefs and doctrines
17:30 but really the Holy Spirit spoke to her
17:33 and it's so neat to be a channel
17:36 that the Holy Spirit can work through.
17:38 And just icing on the cake
17:40 when we were filling out the paper work you know,
17:42 she put down her birth date and so forth
17:45 and I looked at the date and I realized
17:48 that that date was her birthday.
17:50 So it was not only her birthday
17:53 but it was her new birth day as well.
17:58 Wonderful.
17:59 This sort of memories that you cherish
18:01 from your time in mission service.
18:04 Myron, the Seventh-day Adventist church
18:06 runs a large mission program.
18:09 How do we care for missionaries?
18:10 For example, how are missionaries
18:12 prepared before they sent overseas?
18:14 One of the programs we have is
18:18 part of the Institute of World Mission.
18:20 And there is a quite extensive training
18:23 that goes to the missionaries before they go.
18:26 They spend at least three weeks
18:28 in a live in program that teaches them
18:31 how to relate to the culture and so forth.
18:34 We also give opportunity for language study
18:39 which varies on the length of time for that.
18:42 Okay, now when they are in the field,
18:45 what sort of support do we provide?
18:48 Well-- We pay for them?
18:50 Right. Yeah. We support them.
18:52 We try to visit them when we have opportunities
18:55 and we do give them opportunity
18:59 to have a vacation every year to go back
19:03 and spend some time with their families
19:04 who are also sacrificing when the missionary
19:07 goes out you know,
19:09 grandparents can't see their grandkids and so forth.
19:12 Now what about them when they finally come home,
19:15 do we do anything to help them
19:17 prepare for coming back home?
19:19 We do also again through the Institute of World Mission
19:22 have a reentry seminar that many of them
19:25 are able to participate in and they have said
19:29 that that's very important as well,
19:31 the reverse culture shock of coming back to your culture.
19:34 Myron, thank you so much for sharing with us today,
19:37 I appreciate it.
19:38 And viewers at home, please remember
19:41 the missionaries around the world in your prayers
19:45 and there are so many opportunities for missionaries,
19:49 but we don't have the funding in place.
19:50 Pray that God will provide means for this to happen.
20:05 She had been pushing at home for 10 hours.
20:10 The family brought the woman to the hospital.
20:13 I talk to the nurses they said that they were trying
20:16 to call for a doctor and they couldn't
20:19 find a doctor that could come.
20:26 Kristina Muehlhauser, has just returned
20:28 with her family to their home in Maine.
20:34 For the past seven years she, her husband and their daughter
20:38 have been working as missionaries
20:40 in the country of Uganda.
20:42 Kristina volunteered
20:43 at the government clinic as a midwife.
20:50 Two hours later a doctor arrived
20:52 and they began cesarean operation.
20:56 They put her completely under anesthesia
20:59 and they delivered a healthy fat baby girl.
21:12 And the next morning when I came back,
21:15 I went to check on her and her mother,
21:19 the grandmother of the baby was there
21:22 and the grandmother of the baby
21:23 couldn't speak English but by signs she told,
21:28 you know, showed me the baby
21:30 and with tears that that baby was dead.
21:36 She was in her room with 20 other women
21:39 that had also given birth with their babies.
21:43 And she just was lying on the bed
21:47 with her eyes closed tight
21:49 not acknowledging anyone else in the world.
21:55 I hurried home and got a little hat
22:00 that I had knitted before.
22:02 It's a white hat with two ropes.
22:04 And brought it back and together
22:07 that grandmother of the baby and I was only Christian
22:13 we put the hat on the baby...
22:17 with tears coming down our faces.
22:21 Our hearts and our hands
22:23 touched as we carried that baby to the mother
22:27 and told her to open her eyes and see her baby one last time.
22:32 She opened her eyes saw her baby
22:35 and then she closed them again
22:37 to shut out the world.
23:02 To My gentle searching eyes
23:08 there have been no disguises
23:13 Nothing that you have done
23:17 that you can hide
23:23 I've seen you in your darkness sin
23:26 and know the pain and guilt within
23:30 But the question on your mind
23:33 am I worth saving anyway
23:37 I see you child for who you are
23:40 Know that sin has left its ugly scars
23:44 But I know who you were meant to be
23:47 And my love will set you free
23:53 So come weary child rest beside Me for awhile
24:01 I know your care the burdens that you bare
24:07 Abide in My love hide in My love
24:14 Don't push Me away ashamed and afraid
24:21 I know who you are And I love you anyway My child
24:38 So bring Me all your wants and needs
24:41 I promise they can't burden Me
24:45 Most desperate one cannot exceed My care for you
24:52 And bring Me all your doubts and fears
24:55 The hurt you haven't faced in years
24:59 The wounded heart you stuffed inside
25:02 The tears you've tried so hard to hide
25:09 So come weary child rest beside Me for awhile
25:17 I know your care the burdens that you bare
25:23 Abide in My love
25:27 hide in My love Don't push Me away
25:34 a shamed and afraid
25:38 I know who you are And I love you anyway My child
25:48 So come to Me just the way you are
25:51 Though your fallen hard and wandered far
25:56 Stop trying to be so brave so strong
26:00 It's okay to cry child tears aren't wrong
26:06 So come weary child rest beside Me for awhile
26:15 I know your care the burdens that you bare
26:21 Abide in My love hide in My love
26:28 Don't push Me away ashamed and afraid
26:35 I know who you are And I love you anyway My child
26:45 Yes I love you always My child
27:13 Well, that's it for today's program.
27:15 But before we go if you enjoy seeing people and places
27:19 from around the world, you'd love
27:21 the new Adventist Mission Calendar.
27:23 This colorful calendar will help keep images of mission
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27:55 I hope you've enjoyed today's program.
27:58 Thank you again
27:59 for your continuing support of Adventist mission
28:02 through your prayers, involvement and finances.
28:05 For Adventist Mission, I'm Gary Krause
28:08 and I hope you can join us next time
28:10 right here on Global Mission Snapshots.


Revised 2014-12-17