Global Mission Snapshots

Immigrant Ministries / S.A.D.

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Gary Krause (Host), Ricky Oliveras, Terri Saelee


Series Code: GMS

Program Code: GMS000002

00:07 I am Dan Weber the video producer
00:09 of the Office of Adventist Mission.
00:11 I am in Chiclayo, Peru and we've come here
00:13 to take a look at the church planting.
00:15 This is a town of over 10,000 people
00:17 but because of the church planting the small groups here
00:20 they are now 150 small churches
00:22 that have sprung up in this area.
00:24 Welcome to Global Mission Snapshots
00:26 where we take you to the frontline of mission.
00:32 Just before He went up to heaven
00:35 Jesus gave us a command.
00:38 He gave us a mission.
00:41 Jesus said "Go, go unto all the world
00:45 telling them of His love."
00:48 This is our mission, this is our Global Mission.
00:58 Hello, I am Gary Krause
00:59 and welcome to the Global Mission Snapshots
01:01 where we visit frontline mission around the world.
01:05 When Global Mission began more than 20 years ago
01:08 it focused the church on the most unreached people groups
01:12 and areas of the world
01:14 and that still our only focus.
01:17 But sometimes we forget that many of these groups
01:19 are right in our own front yard.
01:22 Today we will be talking with Terri Saelee,
01:24 Refugee and Immigrant Ministries coordinator
01:27 for the Adventist church in North America.
01:30 Terri spent several years with refugees in Thailand.
01:33 Today she and her husband are working with refugees
01:36 and immigrant groups right here.
01:39 We'll also be visiting South America
01:41 and we'll meet an inspiring little girl
01:44 sharing her faith with her friends on the Amazon River.
01:47 But first let's visit Southeast Asia
01:50 and the country of Malaysia
01:52 where Global Mission Pioneers are sharing Jesus love
01:55 among the lone houses.
01:58 In 1963 Pacific Press
02:01 published the book Nyla and the White Crocodile.
02:05 The book tells the story of a young girl
02:07 who lived along at the Tatau River in Sarawak Borneo.
02:11 Written by a missionary,
02:12 it tells the story of early attempts
02:14 to spread the gospel among the Dayak tribes
02:17 and the people who overcame superstition
02:20 and fear to live new lives in Jesus.
02:23 Today these same tribes
02:25 still live along the waters of the Tatua River.
02:28 For many their lives haven't change much
02:31 since the first Adventist missionaries
02:33 traveled up to this river more than 75 years ago.
02:37 Many of them still live in fear of spirits.
02:40 We still need to share the message of the gospel
02:42 with these beautiful people.
02:44 Time may have passed,
02:46 but some things haven't changed.
02:50 Sarawak located on the island of Borneo in Southeastern Asia
02:54 is home to more than 2.5 millions people.
02:58 The majority of their population belongs to the Dayak Iban tribe.
03:03 Many of them still live in traditional long houses.
03:06 These communal buildings provide a safe
03:09 and secure environment for the tribe's people.
03:12 They work together in small open spaces in the jungle
03:15 growing produce that they can sell in the local markets.
03:19 They fish the rivers and tap the rubber trees
03:22 that are plentiful in the dense jungles.
03:25 All of their shared activities
03:27 create a strong tightly knit family environment.
03:30 Outsiders are welcome
03:32 as long as they're willing to take part in the work
03:34 and become part of the family.
03:37 Recently the Adventist church
03:39 sent Global Mission Pioneer's to live and work
03:42 among the people of long houses.
03:45 These dedicated young people are devoting a year or more
03:48 of their lives to help spread the gospel
03:50 among the Iban people.
03:52 They become part of the community
03:54 and work to help better the lives of their new family.
03:57 They work with the members of the long house
03:59 and come to know them as friends.
04:02 They're welcomed and allowed to become
04:04 part of the long house family.
04:06 Eventually they are trusted
04:08 and have opportunities to share the gospel.
04:11 They hold Bible studies and introduce Jesus to people
04:14 who are excited to learn
04:16 about the God who loves them
04:18 and wants to change their lives for the better.
04:22 The Dayak people live simple lives.
04:25 They live off at Jungle
04:27 and their culture is based on their environment.
04:30 They are animists and live in fear of the spirit world.
04:34 Their whole world is guided by the omens and signs
04:37 that are common place in the jungle.
04:40 When they become Christians they lead a new life
04:43 free of the fears of their past.
04:46 They live in peace.
04:49 The Global Mission Pioneers
04:51 who live and work in the long houses
04:53 have proven to be very successful.
04:56 It's common to have
04:57 more than 50% of the long houses inhabitants
04:59 decide to join the church after a year's time.
05:03 A single Global Mission Pioneer can often reach out
05:07 to two or three long houses in a year.
05:11 After decision has been made to follow Jesus
05:14 a local pastor will come and hold Evangelistic meetings.
05:18 After the meetings the baptismal services held in a local river.
05:22 Often members of the long house
05:24 will line the edges of the river to watch the baptismal service.
05:29 Thanks to your mission offerings and support of Global Mission
05:33 lives are being changed in Sarawak.
05:36 Jesus calls us to spread the gospel to all the world.
05:40 The Global Mission focuses on the unreached areas of the world
05:43 that are proven to be difficult places to work.
05:47 By using local members
05:49 who are familiar with the local culture and customs
05:52 Global Mission is able to reach out
05:54 to people in these unreached areas.
05:58 Thank you for your support and prayers for Global Mission.
06:02 Please pray for the thousands of pioneers all over the world
06:06 who have dedicated their lives
06:07 to sharing God's love in tough and trying circumstances.
06:12 Thank you for helping to tell the world about Jesus.
06:27 Well, from the long houses of Malaysia
06:30 we now travel to the refugees camps of Thailand.
06:33 And my guest is Terri Saelee.
06:35 Thank you, Terri, for joining us today.
06:37 It's a privileged to be here.
06:38 Now you head up Immigrants and Refugee Ministries
06:41 for the Adventist Church in North America.
06:43 What does that mean?
06:45 Well, first of all it means helping us
06:48 to be aware of who refugees are,
06:50 why they are here
06:52 and then facilitating ministries through them.
06:55 And that involve so much there are so many needs,
06:59 but they are so eager to hear the gospel.
07:01 So if we can find someone
07:03 who can speak their language, who already believes in God,
07:07 the word spreads like wildfire.
07:08 And when they discover a relationship with Jesus
07:13 they can't help to share it and it just spread.
07:16 Yeah, now when did you start
07:19 your interest in these people goods?
07:23 Well, I was not aware of refugees
07:27 until I was a student at Union College
07:30 and on the bulletin board I saw a little notice
07:34 looking for people with cars
07:35 who would be willing to take Cambodian refugees
07:39 to the worship service in their language.
07:43 Dr. Beatrice Neal and Elder Raphael
07:48 were doing out--
07:50 they had been missionaries in Cambodia
07:52 and they were doing a worship service
07:56 for Cambodian refugees there.
07:58 And so well, I have a car and free on Sabbath afternoons
08:01 so I signed up and that was
08:04 my first experience with refugees.
08:07 I went to pick up these families and the children.
08:10 They were so excited they come running out
08:13 barefooted in the snow
08:16 and that was my first contact.
08:18 And when it wasn't--
08:19 actually it was test week of that year.
08:23 I felt impressed to call
08:26 that vice president of the college at that time
08:28 whose now actually president of Union College
08:33 Dr. John Wagner.
08:35 I felt impressed to call him on a totally unrelated topic
08:40 and he said, well, I have you on the phone
08:41 of you have you ever thought of overseas service.
08:44 And I said, well, I had
08:47 because friends wanted me to be a student missionary,
08:49 but I council with people prayed about it
08:52 and felt that I should wait a little while.
08:57 So, but he said, would you be willing to come
09:00 to my office and talk about it.
09:01 And when he told me about refugees
09:03 and they brought people from Vietnam
09:07 I just knew that this was a call from God.
09:11 And I didn't say so then I said I'll pray about it.
09:15 But God showed me through all kinds of little providences
09:19 that this was His will.
09:21 And so you went as a volunteer to where?
09:24 I went to work in the refugee camps in Thailand.
09:29 There are several but I work primarily initially in Ubon.
09:33 I went for six months ended of staying four years.
09:38 It was a life changing experience.
09:40 Okay, now life changing in what way?
09:43 Some how working with people who are less fortunate,
09:46 who have been through so much and yet are so cheerful
09:51 and happy and humble and respectful and appreciative
09:57 it just can't help but changing their life.
09:59 And I remember one experience
10:01 a young man about 17 said, can I share my story with you
10:05 and that was a treat because on another occasion
10:09 I was teaching English and Bible.
10:12 In the English class I taught, you know, I really don't know
10:14 what these people have been thorough really.
10:17 So I'm just gonna dedicate a class to talking about it.
10:19 And so as introduced him and I said so tell me
10:22 why did you leave your home country?
10:25 And they started laughing.
10:28 And I was puzzled and a young man
10:30 who was kind of the spokesman for the group
10:33 spoke up and he said we're laughing so we don't cry.
10:36 And I realized that wasn't a class time topic,
10:41 but it was a treat on occasion
10:45 when individuals willing to share their story.
10:48 And this young man said,
10:50 I was ten and my sister was seven
10:53 when the communist officials for the new government
10:58 came captured my parents
10:59 who had good jobs in the government
11:01 in the capital city of Laos
11:03 and I knew I was the man at the house now
11:08 and I had to take care of my sister.
11:10 And so I thought what can I do
11:11 and he realized well, we have a bathtub
11:15 which most people in our country don't have.
11:17 I can maybe use that to raise fish
11:19 to sell at the market and care for my sister.
11:23 Well, he tried his best
11:24 but he realized that it wasn't enough
11:28 and so they found someone willing
11:30 to take them across the Mekong River.
11:33 They left the car parked in the driveway
11:35 good home and he said, I've never seen my parents again,
11:38 I haven't heard, I don't know if they are dead or alive,
11:41 I don't know if I'll ever see them again,
11:43 but I'm so glad that communism came into my country.
11:48 And my mouth must have dropped open
11:50 because I couldn't imagine losing my parents
11:53 and being glad that for the circumstances
11:57 the caused it and he said,
12:00 because if communism had not come into my country
12:03 I never would have learned about God.
12:09 That taught me has nothing else
12:12 how much it means to these people to learn
12:15 about the heavenly Father,
12:17 to be able to have a relationship with Him.
12:19 And that just gave everything I had been doing more meaning
12:24 and that was one of many little things God used till later
12:29 impress me that that should be my life work.
12:33 Thank you, Terri.
12:34 Now for people who are interested
12:37 to learn more about the ministry
12:39 here in North America maybe how they can be involve
12:41 is there a website that they can go to for more information?
12:44 Yes,
12:46 Fantastic.
12:49 Thank you so much for joining today, Terri.
12:51 It's been a privilege thank you.
12:53 And please do take the time
12:55 to look up the website
12:59 to find out what is happening
13:00 in ministry to refugees and immigrant peoples
13:04 and also to see how you can personally be involve.
13:07 I read some statistics recently
13:10 that said that 88% of Hindus in North America
13:14 say I don't know even one Christian,
13:18 88%, 64% of Buddhists living in North America
13:24 say I don't know even one Christian,
13:27 32% of Muslims say exactly the same thing.
13:32 So we you see these people in our communities,
13:34 sometimes they drive us in taxi cabs,
13:36 they serve us in restaurants,
13:37 we bump into them in the street,
13:40 but this almost like they are invisible
13:41 to Christians in this country and around the world.
13:45 But God calls us to ministry
13:47 to the least of these
13:49 to people who He cares so much about.
13:51 Next stop let's travel just a little bit further
13:54 from Thailand to Cambodia.
14:06 These are the streets of the Phnom Penh, Cambodia,
14:10 a rough place to live
14:12 especially for young immigrant children.
14:15 The Seventh-day Adventist Church in Cambodia
14:17 is striving to make a difference among these desolate children
14:22 when no one else not even their parents seem to care.
14:26 Street children are often sold into the underground sex trade
14:30 to help pay off their parents gambling debts.
14:33 Without intervention they face a grim future.
14:38 The Adventist church is trying to give them hope,
14:41 trying to change their lives.
14:44 There are street children
14:48 even though they had parents at home,
14:50 but they don't stay at home they all the time on the street.
14:54 The majority of these children are from families
14:57 who have emigrated from Vietnam.
14:59 Neither they nor their parents
15:01 have the ability to read or write.
15:03 Pastor Khan and his small staff work hard
15:06 to help provide even the most basic academic skills
15:10 to these street children.
15:11 The Vietnamese community has embraced the school
15:14 and its efforts to educate their children.
15:17 They have even taken to calling yet the Life Changing School.
15:21 The school has shown dramatic growth since it starts.
15:25 Besides traditional academic subjects
15:27 the school teaches children life skills
15:30 that they can use to help them
15:31 gain employment when they grow up.
15:34 The children here are touched
15:35 by the Adventist church understand the precious gift
15:38 that has been given to them.
15:40 The children said up
15:41 we really need the school to be here,
15:43 to keep us here, to help us to learn
15:47 and to learn a job and to protect us.
15:51 When Jesus Christ was here on earth
15:53 He ministered to people by meeting their needs.
15:56 As Christians, we are called to follow His example
16:00 and to better the lives of those around us.
16:04 Thank you for your support of mission.
16:06 Thank you for your prayers
16:08 for those who need to be reached
16:10 with the message of hope in Jesus.
16:18 My Guest is Ricky Oliveras,
16:20 who is the newest member of the Adventist Mission team
16:23 at the world headquarters of the Adventist Church.
16:26 Ricky, you are a video producer
16:29 and you get to see
16:31 some very interesting mission stories around the world.
16:33 Yeah, so far I've had my-- the opportunity
16:36 to visit the South America Division
16:38 which was my first trip with Adventist Mission
16:41 and it was a very interesting trip.
16:43 Yeah, now you went to Peru,
16:46 tell us about the church in Peru?
16:49 The church in Peru is as really growing.
16:51 Right now they have approaching half a million members in Peru.
16:56 So, the church in Peru
16:57 is very vibrant and growing very well.
17:01 Now how are they growing? Why are they growing?
17:04 They are growing because when I was there
17:06 with Dan Weber, the other video producer,
17:09 we saw a lot of church planting
17:11 and a lot of small groups and it was really interesting
17:14 and exciting to see people
17:17 getting involved in their communities
17:18 and reaching out to people
17:21 that really don't know Jesus at all.
17:23 Now you were telling me about a lady
17:26 who is involved in church planting, tell us about that.
17:29 There was a small coastline town called Huanchaco beach
17:34 and this lady is really reaching out
17:37 to the members of her area by visiting them.
17:40 It started because she moved to this area there was--
17:43 there were no Adventists, no, there was no church there.
17:47 And so she was kind of sad about that
17:49 so, she wanted to start something.
17:51 And, so she started in house Bible studies
17:54 with the few of her neighbors which grew
17:57 and which lead to her doing some meetings
18:00 and which really gathered some interest
18:02 and from there she's really grasped
18:06 really a lot of interest
18:08 from the community around her where
18:10 they want to know more about Jesus,
18:11 they want her to visit their house
18:14 and explain to her who Jesus is.
18:17 And it's really exciting to see her reaching
18:20 the community and it's really spreading wide.
18:23 So, there are now groups meeting in homes,
18:25 is that how it's happening or?
18:27 Ah, currently, yeah, she is still
18:28 reaching people in their homes
18:30 and visiting people in their homes.
18:32 And they have a meeting area where which is their church
18:36 and so they're meeting in that area.
18:38 But we were there to film what she was doing
18:41 because hopefully a new church will be planted there
18:44 and built there where they can meet
18:46 and little more comfortably and worship together.
18:50 Now this woman is a trained theologian
18:53 from the seminary, is she?
18:55 No, and that's the most exciting part about is
18:57 because you don't need to be
18:59 a trained theologian from the seminary.
19:01 You can be any, anybody really can reach out their community
19:06 and have an impact on their community,
19:07 that's the really great part about this.
19:11 Now you're telling me also about a man with a hat
19:14 and some sort of story with that
19:16 and I think we have some video there's to watch as well.
19:19 Tell us the story.
19:20 Well, the story is this man, Philippe, he is--
19:25 he was a man that was,
19:28 you know, he worked outside in Lima, Peru.
19:30 And he was walking by this story,
19:33 he really likes hats.
19:35 He was walking by a store
19:36 and so he noticed some hats.
19:38 He went in there, bought a hat
19:40 not knowing what it was
19:41 he just thought, it was really cool
19:43 because it was the most expensive hat they had.
19:46 So he bought the hat, he was wearing it around
19:49 and he was in town one day, he saw a--
19:52 wonderful somebody saw him,
19:53 this man who sells orange juice saw the hat
19:57 and said, "oh, are you an Adventist.
19:59 He said, "what's an Adventist?
20:00 Why are you asking me that?"
20:02 And the man explained, "oh, your hat
20:04 has the Adventist symbol the youth symbol on it.
20:08 And so, he was like, oh, tell me little more about that
20:11 so, the man was witnessed through his purchase
20:15 that he had he had no idea what he had bought.
20:17 And it was pretty cool to see that he learned
20:22 what it was to be an Adventist,
20:23 what Adventism is through his hat
20:26 and through just basically the symbol on his hat.
20:30 And so he ended up having Bible studies--
20:32 So, he ended up visiting a church first of all
20:35 and then his interest grew
20:37 and he started having Bible studies
20:40 and found a church closer to him
20:42 where he could attend and so now he is attending church
20:45 and this man we met him personally
20:48 and he is just really on fire for God
20:51 and he is really cool to see that.
20:52 And obviously still likes to continue wearing the hat.
20:55 Oh, we saw him he had the hat,
20:57 he even have the receipt from the hat
21:00 when he bought that.
21:01 He was excited and he's just happy
21:05 to share his testimony which was really cool.
21:07 He's very willing to share and he was such a nice man.
21:11 Now when you were down there in South America
21:13 you were looking at some projects
21:16 that the Adventist Churches mission offering program
21:18 particularly the 13th Sabbath Offering
21:20 program that help support.
21:22 Can you tell us about some of those projects?
21:24 Yeah, some of the projects include the story of Eva
21:27 which is the-- the lady
21:28 who is doing Bible studies and church planting.
21:30 So, this is to help build a church
21:33 for these new believers?
21:34 Right, exactly, it's about the church the actual building.
21:38 There were some other projects to build,
21:40 there was another project interesting project
21:42 had an academy in Brazil actually to build a church there
21:48 because they've out grown the facilities they have.
21:51 So, that's needed there
21:53 and there were other building projects
21:55 and just ministries that were that--
21:59 are gonna need the funds from the 13th Sabbath Offering.
22:01 Okay, so this offering as where Adventists all around the world
22:05 pull the money together and this goes to help mission
22:11 in every part of the world.
22:12 Exactly, each quarter of the year
22:14 the year is divided into four quarters
22:16 each quarter a different division in the world
22:18 is covered in the church joins together
22:23 to donate to that division of the world.
22:25 So we can help fund the project
22:28 that are needed to help reach God.
22:30 Now for some viewers who want to join this to--
22:33 they're giving mission offerings
22:34 how do they do that?
22:35 They can do it in a local Adventist Church
22:37 but they can also do it online.
22:39 Yeah, they can visit the Adventist mission website
22:42 where they can find different resources
22:44 and links to other ways that they can help others
22:48 donating to the 13th Sabbath Offering,
22:51 donating to different mission,
22:54 you know, mission groups are different things.
22:57 Fantastic.
22:58 Okay, Ricky, thank you so much for joining us today.
23:00 Thank you.
23:01 And viewers at home, please pray for mission around the world.
23:06 You know, we see growth in certain parts,
23:09 we praise God for what's happening
23:10 in Peru, Brazil, other parts.
23:12 Other parts of the world for various reasons,
23:16 the church is not growing that the challenge is there
23:19 of how do we make Jesus relevant
23:23 and attractive and meaningful to people
23:25 who come from totally different cultural backgrounds.
23:28 And thank you for your continuing support for mission,
23:32 it make so much of so many things possible.
23:34 Our next story is from the country of Brazil,
23:37 and we go to the Amazon River
23:39 and we meet a little evangelist, Vitoria,
23:43 who knows what Jesus means in her life
23:45 and wants to share that love with others.
23:51 Hello, my name is Vitoria
23:53 I live in Jericho along the river by meek.
23:57 Vitoria lives a simple life
23:59 in the Amazon region of Northern Brazil.
24:02 She lives with their parents and her brother, Daniel,
24:05 along a narrow river
24:06 that's makes its way to the jungle.
24:09 One day a week, Vitoria leaves her small house
24:12 on the edge of the water and climb into a canoe
24:15 with destination of Bible study with her friend.
24:18 Vitoria paddles along the river to pickup her friend
24:21 at her house then continues on to the next house.
24:26 When the canoe is full of her friends,
24:28 they paddle up the river until they come to a path
24:31 that leads them into the jungle.
24:32 They carefully climb up
24:34 the slippery bank trying not to get muddy.
24:36 Tying up the canoe, the friends walk on the fallen logs
24:40 as they make their way to the jungle.
24:42 They need to be careful
24:44 because one little slip
24:46 and they would be up to their knees in mud.
24:49 At the end of the logs
24:50 they come up to a small hut on stilts.
24:53 This was a home of other friend
24:55 who is hosting their Bible study.
24:57 They are glad to see each other again
25:00 and quickly into the house to begin their lessons.
25:03 Vitoria and her brother, Daniel, lead the group in prayer
25:07 and study the lesson prepared
25:09 by the Adventist church in Brazil.
25:11 Vitoria is quick to answer any questions
25:14 that her friends may have.
25:15 Then she leaves them up
25:17 in a singing song of worship in praise.
25:20 As they close their meeting,
25:21 they bow their heads in prayer
25:23 and thank Jesus for loving them
25:25 and giving them the opportunity to worship Him.
25:28 So they're trying to think of an interesting way
25:30 that you can share the love of Jesus with your friends.
25:34 How can you show other people that you love and worship Jesus
25:38 even if you aren't a 10-year-old girl,
25:41 who lives in the jungles of Brazil?
25:44 It was Jesus himself who said a little child shall lead them.
25:49 And it's obviously still true 2,000 years later.
25:53 Just a little kid
25:54 with a heart to tell other children about the Jesus
25:57 she knows and loves.
25:59 And that's what mission is all about simply sharing
26:02 the good news about the God we know.
26:05 The Bible tells us to train up our children
26:07 in the way that they should go
26:09 but how do we instill in their hearts,
26:12 a passion for mission.
26:14 The office of the Adventist Mission
26:15 prepares a range of resources
26:17 to help share mission with our children.
26:20 Mission Magazines, DVD stories aims specifically for kids
26:25 and they help out children look beyond the church walls
26:28 to see a world in need.
26:31 We've also created a resource called Mission Cards for Kids.
26:35 These simple cards help children remember mission stories.
26:39 And if you're living in North America
26:41 we'd love to send you,
26:42 a free sample set of these cards
26:45 that you can share with the children in your life.
26:48 Simply call the toll free number on your screen,
26:51 1-800-648-5824 or visit our website
26:56 and ask for Mission Cards for Kids or Offer Number 302.
27:02 Please remember to clearly state your name and address
27:05 and be sure to mention Mission Cards for Kids or offer 302.
27:10 So, we'll be sure to send you the sample mission cards.
27:14 Again, if you'd like to receive
27:16 a sample set of Mission Cards for Kids,
27:19 just call the toll free number on your screen,
27:21 1800-648-5824 and ask for Mission Cards for Kids
27:28 or Offer 302 or you can visit our website
27:32 at
27:34 Well, that's it for our program for today.
27:37 Thank you so much for joining us.
27:39 And thank you for your continuing prayers,
27:41 support and personal involvement in Global Mission.
27:46 For Adventist mission, I am Gray Krause
27:47 and I hope you can join us next time right here
27:51 on Global Mission Snapshots.


Revised 2014-12-17